NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Creative Studies: Art and Design (600/6905/3) Example portfolio. NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Creative Studies: Art and

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1 Example portfolio NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Creative Studies: Art and Design (600/6905/3)

2 Contents Introduction... Page 03 Unit 02 Explore and use art and design materials and techniques to... Page 04 Overall unit grade Unit Page 45 2 Web: Tel:

3 Introduction The material within this portfolio relates to: Unit 02 Explore and use art and design materials and techniques to develop visual language This portfolio is designed to demonstrate the types of evidence that could be produced for Unit 02 - Explore and use art and design materials and techniques to develop visual language for the NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Creative Studies: Art and Design. It s designed to provide guidance on how a portfolio could look, rather than being prescriptive. Evidence may be submitted in a variety of forms. In this example there are written accounts and visual evidence, but the evidence could also be presented in an audio format. Where the candidate has provided visual evidence (for example screen grabs, copies of research), this has been clearly annotated in places to give context as to why it s been included. Each piece of evidence has been presented with the Assessment criterion number detailed at the top of the page. This portfolio contains both actual evidence from a candidate and also manufactured evidence produced by NCFE. External Moderator guidance has been provided for each piece of evidence relating to an assessment criterion. The guidance comments on how the evidence achieves the Assessment criterion and what could be improved to achieve a higher grade. The suggestions and assessment methods are not exhaustive and Teachers are encouraged to explore other methods which will support the candidate to produce the best evidence for the unit. For further advice on the suitability of a particular assessment method, you can refer to the relevant Qualification Specification or contact your NCFE External Moderator. It s strongly recommended that each unit is presented and assessed individually to allow accurate judgements about the candidate s competence. This will also make it easier to award a grade for the unit. The work must then be internally moderated and made available for the External Moderator. It s accepted that evidence may be presented for more than one unit. Where this is the case, the evidence must be clearly mapped when presented to the External Moderator to enable them make an accurate judgement about the candidate s competence and grade. We would encourage the use of our Evidence and Grading Tracker document which is available on our website ( however any method which clearly records the evidence against the assesment criteria can be used. 3 Web: Tel:

4 Section 1 overview Candidate evidence and External Moderator commentary Unit 02 - Explore and use art and design materials and techniques to develop visual language (Y/504/0815) 4 Web: Tel:

5 Assessment criterion 1.1 Demonstrate the properties of a range of art and design materials I went to the park and found some leave so I drew them because there very nice. I shaded them in I tried out different doodles to learn ways of using my pencil. I used lines and did some light and dark 5 Web: Tel:

6 Unit 02 Explore and use art and design materials and techniques to Assessment criterion 1.1 Demonstrate the properties of a range of art and design materials Assessment criterion 1.2 Use appropriate visual language in exploring materials and techniques Assessment criterion 1.3 Select appropriate processes and methods to develop ideas and designs I have a fish tank in my classroom with parrot fish it made me have the idea to do fish in the sea. I found a skeleton of a dog that they had from animals care. I found it hard doing all the details 6 Web: Tel:

7 Unit 02 Explore and use art and design materials and techniques to Assessment criterion 1.1 Demonstrate the properties of a range of art and design materials I love Egyptian art and I wanted to draw some of them from the internet. I love the patterns. I used charcoal and a bit of chalk to add some detail. I think they were very good artists. 7 Web: Tel:

8 Assessment criterion 1.1 Demonstrate the properties of a range of art and design materials I did a pastel drawing similar to pasto picaso of myself pastels are hard to work with and they are messy I like the bright colours but I don t like using pastels. I did a collage of leaves with pastels and charcoal. I am really careful when I use pastels because the dust can get into my lungs so I use a wet cloth when I clean up my table 8 Web: Tel:

9 Assessment criterion 1.1 Demonstrate the properties of a range of art and design materials 9 Web: Tel:

10 Assessment criterion 1.1 Demonstrate the properties of a range of art and design materials This is my hand collage I wanted it to look like a material and I painted the background and used tipex to do some patterns on the hands. I like this a lot and it turned out how I hoped it would I cut the hands out of the coloured card These two landscapes I did are Japanese and I used soft colours to make them look light and pretty. I think the colours are beautiful. 10 Web: Tel:

11 Unit 02 Explore and use art and design materials and techniques to Assessment criterion 1.1 Demonstrate the properties of a range of art and design materials External Moderator commentary: The candidate has applied a range of wet/dry 2D materials whilst learning and developing techniques to realise an assignment or theme. The candidate demonstrates the use of dry/2d Pencil, pencil crayon, pastel, charcoal, wet/2d paint and watercolour. The evidence for this assessment criterion should be clearly demonstrated through practical work. However, a range of other methods of assessment and forms of evidence could be considered to supplement candidate work. To achieve Merit grade for this criterion, the candidate should demonstrate a skilful handling of art and design materials and techniques in their work. The candidate may produce evidence of more detailed annotation or notes identifying properties and characteristics of materials resulting from experimentation. To achieve a Distinction grade for this criterion, the candidate will demonstrate a good mastery of appropriate materials and techniques, and the ability to undertake relevant and wide-ranging research. A detailed and comprehensive record of a group discussion in which a clearly identifiable candidate demonstrates the properties of a range of art and design materials could be included as additional evidence. A professional discussion or written evidence could be included in which the candidate demonstrates clarity of understanding and analysis of different properties, materials and techniques. The practical work should be developed to demonstrate the identification, selection, and application of suitable processes undertaken to develop their ideas and designs through the use of sketches and annotated notes. Grade awarded for this Assessment criterion - Pass 11 Web: Tel:

12 Assessment criterion 1.2 Use appropriate visual language in exploring materials and techniques 12 Web: Tel:

13 Assessment criterion 1.2 Use appropriate visual language in exploring materials and techniques Ancient Egyptians used only six colours in their paintings: red, green, blue, yellow, black, and white. Symbolism played a major role in the choice of color. Red stood for power and life; green for growth and fertility; blue for heaven, water and creation; yellow for the eternal and indestructible; black for death; and white for purity and sacred things 13 Web: Tel:

14 Assessment criterion 1.2 Use appropriate visual language in exploring materials and techniques Some of his famous painting are Artiside Bruant at the Ambassadeurs which I have painted and The Dance at Moulin Rouge 14 Web: Tel:

15 Assessment criterion 1.2 Use appropriate visual language in exploring materials and techniques I found a picture of my favourite cartoon spongebob I drew some of the characters and I decided to do my own scene using paint, pencil and pastels I like most of it but if I did it again I would be neater with the lines and painting 15 Web: Tel:

16 Assessment criterion 1.2 Use appropriate visual language in exploring materials and techniques An additional piece of evidence for this assessment criterion can be found on page Web: Tel:

17 Assessment criterion 1.2 Use appropriate visual language in exploring materials and techniques External Moderator commentary: The practical work demonstrates appropriate use of visual language through a range of art and design materials and techniques. The candidate demonstrates the use of dry/2d pencil, pastel, charcoal. The candidate also uses watercolour paint. The candidate has undertaken some basic research into style techniques and materials. The art work shows that they have selected appropriate materials and techniques for a particular purpose. The evidence for this assessment criterion should be clearly demonstrated through practical art work. However, a range of other methods of assessment and forms of evidence could be used. To achieve a Merit grade for this criterion, the candidate should demonstrate their critical understanding of visual language following exploring and experimenting with materials and techniques. They may also use detailed notes or annotation. To achieve a Distinction grade for this criterion, the candidate would should demonstrate a fluent understanding of visual language and how it is expressed through its formal elements. The candidate should have evidence of undertaking independent exploration of the properties of a broad range of materials and techniques. A professional discussion or written evidence could be included in which the candidate demonstrates fluency in their understanding of visual language, informed by a broad range of materials and technquies. Grade awarded for this Assessment criterion - Pass 17 Web: Tel:

18 Assessment criterion 1.3 Select appropriate processes and methods to develop ideas and designs I did my own style of a tile by William Demorgan. He was famous for his designs and I love the flowers he did. The colours are so pretty I found this picture of a bird in a Japanese style I painted it in delicate colours. I think it looks pretty. 18 Web: Tel:

19 Assessment criterion 1.3 Select appropriate processes and methods to develop ideas and designs An additional piece of evidence can be found on page Web: Tel:

20 develop visual language (Y/504/0815) Assessment criterion 1.3 Select appropriate processes and methods to develop ideas and designs Me and XXX both decided to do a graffiti bored each because we like banksy. I did my graffiti board with names of my friends and spongebob. I used charcoal, tipex, pastels and paint to make it look real 20 Web: Tel:

21 Assessment criterion 1.3 Select appropriate processes and methods to develop ideas and designs External Moderator commentary: The candidate has demonstrated the selection of appropriate processes and methods to develop their ideas and designs. They have also undertaken some investigation as appropriate to particular disciplines. Candidate demonstrates the use of dry/2d media, pastel, charcoal. The candidate also uses watercolour paint. The art work is annotated and provides some basic explanation for the selection of the processes and methods used in developing their design ideas. The evidence for this assessment criterion should be clearly demonstrated through practical work. However, a range of other methods of assessment and forms of evidence could be used. To achieve a Merit grade for this criterion, the candidate should demonstrate that they have developed an indepth understanding of processes and methods which they used to develop their ideas and designs. In addition they should show a critical understanding of why appropriate selections were made when developing their ideas and design work. Annotations or written records would help to explain selections. To achieve a Distinction grade for this criterion, candidates should use and compare a broad range of processes and methods to explore and develop ideas. Visual and written notes will demonstrate perceptive and convincing selections. Grade awarded for this Assessment criterion - Pass 21 Web: Tel:

22 Assessment criterion 2.1 Select appropriate materials for a particular purpose External Moderator commentary: I love Egyptian art and I wanted to draw some of them from the internet. I love the patterns. I used charcoal and a bit of chalk to add some detail. I think they were very good artists 22 Web: Tel:

23 Assessment criterion 2.1 Select appropriate materials for a particular purpose External Moderator commentary: Ancient Egyptians used only six colors in their paintings: red, green, blue, yellow, black and white. Symbolism played a major role in the choice of color. 23 Web: Tel:

24 Assessment criterion 2.1 Select appropriate materials for a particular purpose External Moderator commentary: The candidate has demonstrated an appropriate selection of materials to produce their own interpretation of Egyptian art work using dry/2d media of charcoal and chalk. The annotated work provides some basic explanation for the selection of appropriate materials. The evidence for this assessment criterion should be clearly demonstrated through art work. However, a range of other methods of assessment and forms of evidence could be used. To achieve a Merit grade for this criterion, the candidate should demonstrate the level of competence previously described in the pass grade. In addition they should show a critical understanding of why appropriate selections were made when developing their ideas and design work. Annotations or written records would help to explain selections. To achieve a Distinction grade for this criterion, the candidate should demonstrate creativity and independent choices from a broad range of materials to be used in their work. They should demonstrate how their selection of materials has informed the direction and purpose of their work. Grade awarded for this Assessment criterion - Pass 24 Web: Tel:

25 Assessment criterion 2.2 Select appropriate techniques, processes and methods for a particular purpose I found a picture of my favourite cartoon spongebob I drew some of the characters and I decided to do my own scene using paint, pencil and pastels I like most of it but if I did it again I would be neater with the lines and painting 25 Web: Tel:

26 develop visual language (Y/504/0815) Assessment criterion 2.2 Select appropriate techniques, processes and methods for a particular purpose Vincent van gogh was born in the Netherlands in 1853 and he was a famous post impressionist artist he did paintings and drawings and his most famous ones are starry night sunflowers and bedroom in arles he died at the age of 37 because he shot himself he wasn t very well. When he was alive he wasn t famous, I tried out some painting in his styles, I used acrylic paint and I swirled it with the end of a pencil. I did a backing for his self portrait with pencil crayons 26 Web: Tel:

27 Assessment criterion 2.2 Select appropriate techniques, processes and methods for a particular purpose This is my hand collage I wanted it to look like a material and I painted the background and used tipex to do some patterns on the hands. I like this a lot and it turned out how I hoped it would I cut the hands out of the coloured card These two landscapes I did are Japanese and I used soft colours to make them look light and pretty. I think the colours are beautiful. 27 Web: Tel:

28 Unit 02 Explore and use art and design materials and techniques to Assessment criterion 2.2 Select appropriate techniques, processes and methods for a particular purpose External Moderator commentary: The candidate evidence demonstrates an appropriate selection of techniques, processes and methods to produce their art and design work. They have produced different types of art work using dry/2d media of charcoal and pastel, and wet/2d acrylic and watercolour paint. The annotated work provides some explanation for the selection of possible techniques, processes and methods in developing their art and design work. The evidence for this assessmnet criterion should be clearly demonstrated through practical work. However, a range of other methods of assessment and forms of evidence could be used. To achieve a Merit grade for this criterion, the candidate should show a critical understanding of why appropriate selections were made when developing their art and design work. Annotations or written records would help to explain selections. To achieve a Distinction grade for this criterion, the candidate should demonstrate creativity and independent choices from a broad range of techniques, processes and methods to inform the purpose and direction of their design work. They should demonstrate an indepth understanding of techniques, processes and methods intended for use within their art and design work. Grade awarded for this Assessment criterion - Pass 28 Web: Tel:

29 Assessment criterion 2.3 Apply a range of techniques, processes and methods using selected media Andy Warhol was an artist who drew pictures for magazines he became an important artist in pop art which was popular in the 1960s he did a series of pictures of heads including Marilyn Monroe of myself and changed the image using the computer I love to dance and I dance with my little sister I drew a ballet dancer from the art book 29 Web: Tel:

30 Unit 02 Explore and use art and design materials and techniques to Assessment criterion 2.3 Apply a range of techniques, processes and methods using selected media 30 Web: Tel:

31 develop visual language (Y/504/0815) Assessment criterion 2.3 Apply a range of techniques, processes and methods using selected media On this page I used acrylic paint pictures of leaves and charcoal I think this side reminds me of nature like water and green plants and shadows. I painted the background with water colours and chalk 31 Web: Tel:

32 Assessment criterion 2.3 Apply a range of techniques, processes and methods using selected media External Moderator commentary: The candidate has demonstrated the application of appropriate techniques, processes and methods in producing their work. They demonstrate use of dry/2d media of pastel and charcoal, and wet/2d acrylic and watercolour paints. The annotated work provides some basic explanation for the application of selected media in the art and design work. The evidence for this assessment criterion should be clearly demonstrated through practical work. However, a range of other methods of assessment and forms of evidence could be used. To achieve a Merit grade for this criterion, the candidate should demonstrate a critical understanding of the range of techniques, processes and methods when developing their art and design work. Annotations or written records would help to explain. To achieve a Distinction grade for this criterion, the candidate should demonstrate clarity and purpose in the application of art and design technquies. They will have developed an indepth understanding of a broad range of techniques, processes and methods they have used. They will be able to demonstrate the ability to critcally judge this work. Candidates may wish to annotate their work. Practical work may not be complex but will demonstrate creativity and a good mastery of techniques, methods and processes. Grade awarded for this Assessment criterion - Pass 32 Web: Tel:

33 develop visual language (Y/504/0815) Assessment criterion 2.4 Demonstrate selected techniques, processes and methods XXX went to Bramford with her creative learning group for a walk and she took her sketch book with her. XXX used pastels awhen she got back to school to finish her drawing. I like the bold use of colour. 33 Web: Tel:

34 Assessment criterion 2.4 Demonstrate selected techniques, processes and methods I did my own style of a tile by William Demorgan. He was famous for his designs and I love the flowers he did. The colours are so pretty XXX, these paintings are very carefully done. When you take your time you produce excellent work! I found this picture of a bird in a Japanese style I painted it in delicate colours. I think it looks pretty. 34 Web: Tel:

35 Assessment criterion 2.4 Demonstrate selected techniques, processes and methods I did a pastel drawing to pasto picaso of myself. Pastels are hard to work with and they are messy I like the bright colours but I don t like using pastels. I did a collage of leaves with pastels and charcoal. I am really careful when I use pastels because the dust can get into my lungs so I use a wet cloth when I clean up my table 35 Web: Tel:

36 Unit 02 Explore and use art and design materials and techniques to Assessment criterion 2.4 Demonstrate selected techniques, processes and methods External Moderator commentary: The candidate has demonstrated their understanding of various techniques, processes and methods in producing their art and design work. They demonstrate the use of dry/2d media of pastel and charcoal, and wet/2d acrylic and watercolour paints in their work. The techniques, processes and methods selected are appropriate for the media selected by the candidate. The evidence for this assessment criterion should be clearly demonstrated through practical work. However, a range of other methods of assessment and forms of evidence could be used. To achieve a Merit grade for this criterion, the candidate should demonstrate a critical understanding of a range of techniques, processes and methods used in their art and design work. Annotations or written records would help to explain selections. To achieve a Distinction grade for this criterion, the candidate should demonstrate that their art and design work has been executed with creativity and a good mastery of techniques, methods and processes. They will have developed an indepth understanding of a broad range of techniques, processes and methods they have used. They will be able to demonstrate the ability to critcally judge this work. Candidates may wish to annotate their work. Grade awarded for this Assessment criterion - Pass 36 Web: Tel:

37 Assessment criterion 3.1 Apply health and safety procedures when handling materials and using different techniques and processes 37 Web: Tel:

38 Assessment criterion 3.1 Apply health and safety procedures when handling materials and using different techniques and processes 38 Web: Tel:

39 Assessment criterion 3.1 Apply health and safety procedures when handling materials and using different techniques and processes 39 Web: Tel:

40 Assessment criterion 3.1 Apply health and safety procedures when handling materials and using different techniques and processes 40 Web: Tel:

41 Assessment criterion 3.1 Apply health and safety procedures when handling materials and using different techniques and processes 41 Web: Tel:

42 Unit 02 Explore and use art and design materials and techniques to Assessment criterion 3.1 Apply health and safety procedures when handling materials and using different techniques and processes 42 Web: Tel:

43 Unit 02 Explore and use art and design materials and techniques to Assessment criterion 3.1 Apply health and safety procedures when handling materials and using different techniques and processes 43 Web: Tel:

44 Assessment criterion 3.1 Apply health and safety procedures when handling materials and using different techniques and processes The candidate has completed a basic risk assessment which clearly identifies risks and how these will be minimised within the working environment and during any activities undertaken. The template has been produced with some guidance from a supervisor and the written notes completed by the candidate. In addition, the candidate has provided evidence in the form of a written account of working safely within a workshop environment whilst undertaking various art and design activities. Further evidence is provided in the form of a witness statement identifying the candidate working safely over time. Alternativley, this assessment criterion could also be evidenced through annotations, question and answer sheets or recorded discussions. Candidates could create posters which inform others of the hazards and the approriate control measures. There is no Merit or Distinction grade available for this assessment criterion. Grade awarded for this Assessment criterion - Pass 44 Web: Tel:

45 Overall unit grade Unit 02 - Explore and use art and design materials and techniques to develop visual language (Y/504/0815) 45 Web: Tel:

46 develop visual language (Y/504/0815) Overall unit grade: Pass A breakdown of the grades awarded for each Assessment criterion within Unit 02 is shown below in this example of our completed Evidence and Grading Tracker, which is available on our website. Candidates should ensure their work A Pass grade can be awarded for the unit as a whole. is mapped to the relevant Assessment criterion and this can be The candidate is entitled to one opportunity to resubmit work for the unit to obtain a higher grade. referenced here Assessment criterion 1.1 Demonstrate the properties of a range of art and design materials 1.2 Use appropriate visual language in exploring materials and techniques 1.3 Select appropriate processes and methods to develop ideas and designs Not Yet Achieved Pass Merit Distinction Evidence (inc portfolio page number and type) X Pencil drawings, painting, charcoal drawing, collages pages 5-10 X Pastel drawing, charcoal drawing, paintings page 6, pages X Paintings, graffiti board page 6, pages 18, 20 Teachers should complete the grading section 46 Web: Tel:

47 develop visual language (Y/504/0815) Assessment criterion 2.1 Select appropriate materials for a particular purpose 2.2 Select appropriate techniques, processes and methods for a particular purpose 2.3 Apply a range of techniques, processes and methods using selected media 2.4 Demonstrate selected techniques, processes and methods Not Yet Achieved Pass Merit Distinction Evidence (inc portfolio page number and type) X Charcoal drawings pages 22 and 23 X Collage, paintings pages X Drawings, photographs, painting plus annotations pages X Pastel sketch/drawings, paintings pages Apply health and safety procedures when handling materials and using different techniques and processes X No Merit grade for this A.C No Distinction grade for this A.C Written text, risk assessment, witness statement pages Web: Tel:

48 develop visual language (Y/504/0815) I confirm this is all my own work. Candidate signature:. Candidates must sign their work to confirm authenticity Teacher/Assessor comments: (please continue overleaf if necessary) Teachers should provide comments and feedback to candidates in this section of the Evidence and Grading Tracker I confirm I have graded this work against the grading descriptors for the qualification. Overall unit grade:. Date submitted on the Portal:. Teacher/Assessor Name:. Signature:. Date:. This section should be completed by the Teacher. Please refer to the 48 Web: Tel:

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