The Abundant Mystic. Christie Marie Sheldon Transcript. [0:00:00]

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1 The Abundant Mystic Christie Marie Sheldon Transcript [0:00:00] Hello and welcome to the Abundant Mystic, everyone. I'm Edward Mills, and I'm truly honored and grateful to have you here with us for this uplifting, empowering and transformational event. I'm so excited that in just a moment I'll be introducing our guide for today, Christie Marie Sheldon. But before we do that, let's take just a moment to come together into this powerful field of abundance intention that we are setting, this field of intention that you stepped into. As soon as you registered you actually stepped into this, and it's going to be growing and expanding throughout this whole series. So let's take just a moment to pause and breathe so that we can let go of distractions, concerns and doubts so that we can all be fully present here with the inspiring, the powerful information processes that Christie is going to be sharing with us in just a moment. So go ahead and take a deep breath in. As you let it out, really let your body relax. Let your body release any tension and relax so that you can receive the information, the inspiration, the energy that's going to be available here today. Great. One more deep breath in and out, letting yourself relax and becoming fully present, letting go of distractions, just giving yourself permission to be fully present and to be open to all the unlimited possibilities that are available to you in this field of intentions that we are creating. As you sit in that field, in that moment, in that space, let yourself open to your personal intention. What is your intention for this call? What do you want to get from this? What do you want to experience? What aha, what insight are you looking for? As you feel it, know that even as you are embracing that personal intention, it is being added to the collective field of intention. You are a powerful intender and when you joined this event, you did step into this potent field of uplifting abundance energy, and now you are adding your intention to it. The field will continue to grow as we connect with each of our

2 2 guides and mentors, and throughout this whole process, this whole journey, this three- month journey that we're going on, this field will continue to grow and expand. So let that in. Feel that. Take it in. Take in some of this beautiful abundance energy that's already starting to grow. Excellent. Now, as a reminder, if you are on the web and you want to follow along and add your comments, questions, insights and aha moments to the page, we love hearing from you. It's a fantastic way to deepen your learning and to help others to deepen into their learning. Go to You'll be able to follow along there with us. Finally, before we bring Christie on, just a great reminder that if you are ready to take the next step and jump up in your investment in yourself, go ahead. When you are done with this call - - listen to this call first but when we're done, go ahead and jump on over and get one of the upgrade packages. You'll get access to all 28 of these incredible speaker sessions, these guides, these mentors. You'll be able to listen over and over again to their insights, their wisdom, their processes, and benefit from the amazing energy and vibration, the uplifting vibrations that they are bringing to us on these calls. So again, go over to the upgrade page. It's All right, let's go ahead and get Christie on here. I'm very, very excited to be speaking with Christie again. Let me do her official bio, and then we'll jump on in. Christie Sheldon is an intuitive life coach and transformational author. Using her cutting- edge techniques, Christie creates amazing life transformations with people desiring to delete their life- depleting, self- limiting patterns that don't seem to budge no matter how many self- improvement programs they've tried. Join us today as Christie uses her intuition live on the air to tap into what is stopping you from getting what you want. Be willing to shift yourself to abundance, joy and celebration. [0:04:54] Christie will share life- changing information on how to turn on your spiritual gifts, make your inner light brighter and start living the abundance of your dreams. Christie, welcome to the Abundant Mystic. It is such a pleasure to have you on here. Thank you so much for having me. I can't want to connect to all these bright beings who want more abundance and more laughter hopefully and some more fun in life.

3 3 Yeah, definitely more laughter and bright beings indeed. I have a feeling we're all going to be quite a bit brighter after this call. So, let's jump right in. I'd like to start actually with a question for everyone that just kind of gets us on the same page or gets us on different pages potentially, and that is checking in on what your definition of true abundance. How do you define true abundance? Well, for me true abundance is really an out- picturing of a state of being. I always like to use it, I call it my scale of consciousness. There is a vibration of everything. So when we are happy there is a vibration we put out; when we're fearful, there is vibration we put out; when we have mixed emotion, you know, I love money, I hate money. A lot of people have it all kind of tangled up. True abundance occurs when we are living from a higher vibration where we see money as one example of abundance, but I think we are abundant in many ways; in abundance of friends, in abundance of friends, in abundance of fun, in abundance of everything. We see money and we see it for what it really is which is a tool created from, hopefully, joy versus fear or hard work or any of the kind of the lower frequencies. It is created from this higher frequency and so it fills our life. The receiving of it fills our life and the getting it fills our life and the giving it out fills our life. That's really the state of being of abundance. It is just really a joyful thing at the end of the day. Beautiful. I love that. Let's kind of take step back because many of the people in the call might know you as the love or above lady. So how does wealth consciousness, how does abundance fit in to that? How did you shift or add on to the love or above this abundance work that you are doing? So what happened is I actually used to go to on the radio back in the day and I would give intuitive readings. After my first radio show I said I really have to change what I am doing because what was occurring is people would call me live on the air and they'd ask me questions. One of the common questions, of course, is where do you see my life going? The challenge was I was seeing their life continue on the exact same path that they were already in trouble with. So I'm like okay, if I'm going this for a living, my only goal is how can I shift people? How can I get them to change these patterns so that these poor people don't keep creating the same devastating results? So what happened is I had to really start working with people and figuring out how could I shift them. When somebody comes to me, I see them kind of like a Christmas tree in that they can talk about anything. They could talk about money, they could talk about their maids, they could talk about their kids. It didn't matter what they talked about. What started to appear in my vision was

4 4 these parts of them that felt completely open, so if somebody is abundant, their energy would be completely open. They wouldn't have any of these dark kind of energies that are tied to emotions, right, that are kind of impacting their field. So what I found is once we started releasing all these negative lower vibrational emotions: fear, guilt, grief, shame, victim, any of those kind of things, what would happen is when they later on were trying to manifest something, the previous barriers weren't there anymore, and therefore they got what they wanted. So what's going on when somebody is trying to manifest something over and over again and gets the same result or the lack of the result is because they have some pattern that they imprinted in their field that's usually tied to a belief or a thought about something and that's what attracting the negative. Now the challenge is, because I worked on well over 10,000 people, it is probably 15,000 by now, and I did that one on one because to me it is totally fun. I completely get to see what happens when a person shifts which is really joyful to me and I got to see that there is a common denominator, like there are these patterns about abundance and wealth that most people have. The other part of that was is most people don't know how to find them because what I noticed is when we peel back the onion layer over and over and over again, but usually it tracks to the age of zero to seven where they imprinted some belief of "I can't have money," so they always have to spend it or give it away, right? Or they watch their parents fight about money. All of those things that they soaked into their field, so to speak, because they're growing up and they're learning how to be a person and people usually duplicate your parents, because if I do what they're doing, then they'll love me and feed me and clothe me and give me what I need. Exactly. So what's happening is that if you've tried all these other techniques and nothing is shifting, that really just means that you have a pattern that happened somewhere that you don't know is still there. That's what's blocking your thing. Once we lift that pattern, then you go to make money or you go to save money, and the washing machine won't break anymore. What happens is the first time people do a vision board and they'll say, "I did this vision board and I know what I want to pull into my life. And the next thing you know, everything in my life went completely haywire." What that phenomenon is is you finally said to your soul, "Hey, I'm really ready to shift it." So then your soul says, "Okay, you weren't paying attention to what your blocks are, so I'm going to illustrate them for you as a love gesture." It's not trying to torture you. It's trying to show you, here's where to start looking. Here are the clues."

5 5 So that's what's going on when I'm looking at somebody's field. I'm taking these clues, like this dark energy that I see in their field; and I trace it back to what age it is, what the belief was, what the emotion was. The cool thing is that people ask me, "Can anyone do this?" And later on in our time together, I'll lead them through a little meditation so that they can start finding some of these things for themselves. Excellent. Now, it's so true what you say about those blocks coming up. It's like that one step forward, two steps backward effect that as a coach I have experienced it with my clients as well where they start to step into their abundance or they start to step into their joy, and then something kicks in and it knocks them a couple of steps backward. It's almost like you said, that love gesture comes in to say, "Oh, well, wait! You want abundance. You haven't looked at this yet." So what are some techniques that you use when you're working with people or when people are working on their own using your program? What are some of the techniques and tools that they can use to sort of short- circuit that one step forward, two steps back? We want to address the blocks before they kick in and break the washing machine or cause us to bounce a check. How do we take that step forward and address the blocks consciously so that they don't have to come around and kick us in the butt? Well, there are two parts to that question. The main part is that you have to bring in a higher frequency of energy, which most people would commonly relate that to joy or love or gratefulness. You have to bring in a higher frequency that basically cancelled out whatever the other belief or pattern is. So that's one. And two, that kind of goes along with this is the higher your vibration - - love, joy, gratefulness - - what happens is you actually become very aware or very intuitive or very psychic. So the reason your soul has to break the washing machine, let's just say, is because you're not paying attention. You're not meditating or getting these inner nudges, or you think that the inner nudges are just common sense and then you don't follow them. That's actually a common block, by the way, is people go, "Yeah! You know, I've been thinking that for three weeks." And I'm thinking, "Well, then how come you didn't go do it?" because people don't trust themselves at some level. So then what happens is your soul will illustrate it very dramatically, sometimes only after you haven't gotten the nudge for quite a while. So the real trick is I help people learn how to bring in a higher frequency of energy using very practical ways to do it, basically dismantle - - I say, transmute.

6 6 So transmute is basically vaporizes versus transform. The energy of transformation, funny enough, that energy feels like arduous and hard work. I like to help people bring in a higher energy that transmutes it and just vaporizes it so it doesn't even really have to be in your field anymore. Because, basically, we have our body and our soul kind of overlights our whole body. Our soul is in our body and outside of our body. [0:14:53] So when I look at somebody who's very abundant, generally speaking, their field of energy reaches 20 to 50 feet all the way around them. But if somebody is actually in a lower state of being because, you know, life was hard or they got hit or shocked or traumatized or any of those things and they've given up hope, when I look at their field of energy it will only be three feet all the way around there, very contracted. I can look at somebody in two seconds and know pretty much what they are up to based on how far a reach that their soul to have all the way around them. Now, let me jump in here for a second, Christie, because I have studied human energy systems and read a lot of books about it. I'm sure a lot of people in the calls have as well. It seems pretty common the belief or the teaching that your aura, that field that surrounds you, that healthy aura is about three feet. So are you saying that this is different than the aura or that you are suggesting that your personal field, your auric field when you are abundant is actually 20 to 30 feet out in all directions around you? What I found is, because I experiment with everything, so I don't just randomly say something, okay, for everybody listening. If I'm willing to walk into a room and fill the space with my energy versus walking into a room with my energy only three feet around me, there are two totally different experiences. Experience number one with my energy expanded, usually what happens is people will be attracted to me because I'm obviously sending out a really positive energy. And if I walked in trying to be invisible, which I do sometimes, because sometimes I actually like being invisible, right? But if I walk in with my energy field, my aura, auric field about three feet out all the way around me, nobody really actually pays attention to me. So there's obviously different layers to the spiritual body. I owe the credit to like the Russian dolls, you know that kind of fits inside each other. Yes, sure. So let me ask you this and this may be something you go into in your program, but for some people who are really sensitive to what other people are feeling when they have really large auric field and they go into a room, they are all of a sudden going to be feeling everything that everyone in that room is

7 7 feeling. So when you walk into the room and your aura is all big and welcoming and inviting and has the beautiful intention, how do you delineate and distinguish so that you are not taking on other people's energy and you are not getting overwhelmed by what other people are feeling and experiencing? Thank you so much for asking that question because I forget what people might be assuming. But the most important thing I have realized is this; in the beginning when I wasn't as clean, you are right, I would soak people in. But then when I was kind of guided I started asking questions about it and I'm saying, "Okay, so I know that this not my energy. Why did I attract the feeling from that person?" And then I heard, because you have some frequency or pattern that attracted it. So then what I would do is, let's just say, I could feel somebody's grief from across the room, I would clear the grief in me that mirrored or matched it or attracted it. So now my experience, because I have cleaned myself out for years, now my experience is I don't even actually really feel it unless I choose to feel it. You know what I'm saying? If I put my intention on the person and ask a few questions, I can know what's up with them. But if I'm generally just walking into the room, I don't feel that because I've cleaned myself up so I don't have the button that resonates that makes it act up within me. And I would imagine there's also, I don't know, you've had to do this work, but for a lot of people who are "healers" there's just that natural tendency to want to heal everyone who comes into their field. You have must have either not had that natural inclination or had to work on it so that you are not scanning the room and seeing who needs to be healed and how you can help them. Yeah, that's a really good question. For everybody who is on this call as a healer, there's a program, believe it or not, on the planet that we have made these pacts and oaths and vows to heal everyone of everything and then we go left. I did have that program. I remember I was just feeling so blissed- out and I walked into this health food store in my local town. I walked down the vitamin isle and all of a sudden I felt a dark energy come into my body and I'm like, "Okay, what was that?" And I heard that guy right there has cancer and you just soaked in his energy. And then I said, "Okay, so what part me kind of drew that in?" And I heard, well you have a belief that you have to heal everyone of everything. And they said, just undo that belief so that you can choose in every moment whether you want to help that person or not. [0:20:05]

8 8 So then it became more of a freewill choice versus an autopilot system. So all of the healers on this phone call, you can make that choice to fix that belief. Fixing that honestly for me changed my life. I mean I could sleep at night. But it was really about just shifting that program and that pattern within me. That is so huge for so many people. I mean, obviously, not everyone has that "I've got to heal everyone" belief. But a lot of light workers, a lot of mystics, the modern day mystics who are in this call do have that just to greater or lesser extent. So just curious - - we'll get to your program later - - but is there a tool that you give people in that program that helps to shift beliefs like that? Yeah. So I teach people this very specific way and we'll do that a little later on. I'll show you guys kind of a mini version later in this phone call where it teaches to bring in the higher frequency. Then I'm going to teach you how to sense where the patterns are. You know how I said how we light up like a Christmas tree? You'll be able to sense where that pattern is in your field. And it's funny. Sometimes you'll feel it in your body, and sometimes you'll feel it a little off to the right. That's how you can start recognizing that you're not just in your body; you're also outside your body. Like if somebody had a belief that's on this phone call "I have to heal everyone of everything," we can feel where you hold that in your field and then bring in the higher frequency and delete it. So yeah, that's basically what I'm helping people do is really bring in a higher light, a higher force, which is actually the truth of who you are. It's kind of funny. It's kind of a little bit of a why that I'm calling it a higher force because it s actually just who you are in your cleaned out state. We're going to bring that in and then just start shifting all the negative or the dark or the lower vibrations. Beautiful. I'm definitely looking forward to that. But before we get there, I still have more questions. Let's start with wealth consciousness block. You're big on abundance blocks. What are some of the common blocks to abundance that you find are sabotaging people as they're looking to create true abundance in their life? Well, since we're talking about the spiritual path right now, one of the big doozies of a block for spiritual people is that "If I have a lot of money, I'm not a good person." There are multiple layers to that one belief, by the way. So you could have the belief that "Oh, if I have more than everyone else, then I'm greedy. You can have the belief "Well, if I had more than everyone else, then people might not like me." But see how that one belief could come from multiple little decisions and thoughts about it? So when people are doing my programs - -

9 9 we'll cover maybe one belief - - but we'll hit all the angles of it because I want that totally out of your field. Another common belief comes with trusting that the universe will support you. So when you're growing up, mom and dad are basically like God to you in a way, right? So if you had things happen in your life that mom and dad didn't feel supportive to you or maybe they had a bad life and things were taken away from them or maybe you were adopted or maybe they got divorced, kids will take that personally because kids still remember that they're kind of infinite beings and "Hey, I know I can fix people, so how come I couldn't fix my parents and keep them together?" So what will happen is there's a trust issue. That's really the main block. They don't trust that the universe can bring them what they need. So then they're doing all their affirmations and their mantras and throwing the energy out to bring it in. But underlying that, they have this subconscious void of energy "I don't really believe it will happen even though I m saying these words." For them when they re saying it, they can feel like it hasn't clicked in or something. You know what I mean? Like something is off. They might not know what the offness is. That's why I did my programs because we're focusing on wealth, but the real truth is wealth is easy to measure. You know what I'm saying? You either have it or you don't have it, right? Like as far as money in the bank. So when people are practicing their manifestation on money, then what happens is all other parts of their life kind of open up. So I ve had people who did my wealth program like this one lady. When she came, she had hurt her back. She was in debt because had doctor's bills. She was walking with a cane. She was over 50. She sent me her medical records and she say, "Christie, you won't know what this means, but this one chart means I have diabetes and I'm probably going to lose a kidney. And this other chart means I did your Abundance course and I'm no longer going to lose a kidney. I now walk without a cane. My numbers are normal. I lost weight. I have a boyfriend. I'm moving out of my negative situation." [0:25:21] She did this within 90 days. She was working on abundance but because she was clearing her belief and trust in manifesting, all these other cool things happened. The diabetes was really just because she was holding that contracted energy so tightly within her body, like from her field that it was making her body not really work in the way that it was supposed to. So once she let go of all those fields of energy that are impacting her body, her body had enough space to basically heal. It sounds like sounds like a - -

10 10 And this - - Go ahead. This is someone who you were working with one- on- one, or she did your program on her own? Yes, she did the program on her own. Wow! So can everyone do this, Christie? I mean, obviously, you have a talent; you have a skill to be able to do this. Have you found that anyone can learn how to find and clear their hidden abundance blocks and do it on their own? Yeah. So obviously, everyone has different blocks. We're all wired differently. You wire yourself how you wire yourself. You know what I'm saying? So it's not good or bad, or right or wrong. Most people usually have success, I'd say, within 60 days of really, really honestly doing the work, not just listening to it and not really doing it. If in 60 days of really just focusing and saying, "I'm going to really, really, really do this" versus try to do this, "I'm going to really do this," and if you have changes within 60 days, that's really profound. But I get hardly any refunds so that's also a really good clue that people really use it. That it actually works. Yeah. I even have people who send me extra cash. They go, "You made me so much money. I'm going to send you more money." I've had that happen. That's always a good sign. Yeah. Have you come up with any idea as to why some people money and abundance is easy and it seems to just come naturally and other people it's just a struggle? Well, generally speaking, when people come to me one- on- one, where I really just go focus is 0-7 years old because I know if I can clear the main imprints that they imprinted around that age, it'll clear all the other things on top of it. For everybody that's listening on this call, I want you to think for a moment, what was your mom and dad's idea of money? Here's the funny little block. If you grew up and the dad worked and the mom stayed at home, you might even have a belief that women don't get paid as much. Or a man might have a belief, "Oh, I've got to just work hard and work hard and work hard, and that's how I show love for my family."

11 11 So we get these imprints that might seem "normal," or some of them might not be normal - - the parents got divorced, or dad lost his job when you were three. I've even had crazy stories like I had this one lady who came to me. She had something that wasn't healing in her body, but what happened is when she was in utero with her mom, the dad died. So she imprinted all this hard luck story. Even though she's a positive person, no matter what she did, she couldn't get out of this whole thing about, "I'm a woman. I'm always kind of last. Men leave me." All these things that mom had experienced while she was in the womb manifested in her life. So it wasn't really her "fault." You know what I mean? The energy imprinted within her. Kids will pick up like a sponge what's going on around them. Well, it's great that you bring up that example. I was actually going to ask you that question about whether you ever go back pre- birth. I know a lot of the work that I've done around abundance has to do with I was adopted, and the belief I picked up from my biological mother in the womb have had a profound impact on my beliefs about not just money and abundance but all kinds of things. So I've had to do a lot of clearing around that time. So is that something that you work with? And is it something that people who get the program, can they actually work on that in utero time? because there are a lot of powerful beliefs that happen during that time. Yeah, yeah, especially if you're adopted. Obviously, the mom's got a lot of stress going on. No, I get a lot of clients that's where we have to go, because I'm open to going wherever it needs to go. I don't care if it's past life, in utero. You know what I'm saying? Whatever the root of it is, just show me. [0:30:02] What happens is once you start bringing in this higher awareness, this higher vibration and you set the intention, you'll notice places where you need to go. So you might do one of my clearing statements that - - let's just say we're working on the belief about "I don't have enough money" or something, your soul can guide you to have the awareness "Oh, my gosh! That was my mom, and that happened when I was in her womb. That was the first time." So yes, of course, these tools will cover that. It doesn't directly say, "Hey, let's go to the first moment you had in utero," but I'm guiding you along pathways of the common beliefs that most people have. Then your soul just takes care of it and brings it to your awareness because your soul knows you're scouting for it, and so your soul's going to start opening up those files for you so that you can have some awareness of where the block really is.

12 12 Beautiful. A lot of people, when they're clearing it, still get pictures or thoughts or stories, or hear their mom talking or their dad talking. Something like that will happen and then I'll know exactly where it was connected to. This is so great. Thank you for your willingness to go wherever. We're kind of just going off- trail here a little bit which is great. Before we get to the exercise, the process, I really want to do the clearing session, obviously. But one thing that sometimes comes up with people is a fear that when they do these kinds of clearings, that emotional content is going to come up. I wonder how you work with people and how your tools and your processes and your clearing techniques work when they're dealing with something that has a high level of emotional content. You know, I think it's my intention. So here's what's happened. As more people do this work, it kind of creates this whole field. You know what I mean? It's like the program itself is like a being in a way, and it has this field that's gotten stronger the more people have done the clearings. My personal experience and the feedback that I get from people, it could be a very emotional topic, but they process it through really quickly; and I think it's because they set the intent that it transmutes and instantly goes away, because - - As opposed to transforming. Yeah, because my whole thing is I don't think everything has to be hard work. I think that's just a point of view. I can't say that everyone who has ever done it didn't have some emotional whatever happen. But mostly, funny enough, the comments that I hear are people say, "I fell asleep," or "I started yawning," because what happens is when they start hitting this deeper unconsciousness, it starts causing those reactions. So I actually hear that more than I hear, "I cried for four days." Yeah, yeah. And does the clearing still work if someone falls asleep when they're listening to one of your clearings? Does it work if they fall asleep? Yeah. What I found is - - because I've checked in on the people that have comments about that, and my experience when I'm looking at their field, what's happening is they have a strong will and their mind wants to take over so their soul knocks them out. So the clearings work and bypass their mental shenanigans.

13 13 So I say to people, "If there's one session that you listen to and you fall asleep..." I've had people say, "I fell asleep when I tried to listen to it four times," and I say, "Well, listen to it again," because whatever turns on the energy will turn off the energy. You stay there. Don't deviate from that CD. Just keep listening to it. And then the next time you listen to it, you'll be able to stay awake. So that means you had some deeper stuff on that. Do they need to get through that to where they can stay awake for that particular CD, that particular process, before they can move on to the next one? Or can they - - Yeah, yeah. They do? Yeah. That's my suggesting because again whatever turns on the energy will turn it off, so that means you're in the perfect place. Don't deviate. Just listen to it again and again and again until somewhere it shifts. But honestly, the most I've ever heard anybody have to listen to one is like four or five times. All right. Well, let's go ahead and jump in. I love your clearings and your processes so let's take some time and have you guide us through one of your clearing processes. Okay. All right, so everybody, just close your eyes. Obviously, if you're driving, pull over or do it later. So close your eyes and I'm just going to connect you to the field that - - we all know where this field of energy is. Your natural tendency is to take your energy up about 300 feet above your head where you see, sense, or know the light. So basically, just think of light, think of the higher frequency, think of universal love, peace, God, whatever your word is. And allow this light to basically start flowing into your being. [0:35:10] So see this light either like a liquid rain shower coming in to the top of your crown or like a beam of light starting to fill you, and allow this light to come into the top of your crown; opening up your connection to the higher frequency. And allow this love, this light, this gratitude, the fire vibration, this pure consciousness to start flowing into your third eye area, opening up your ability to not only see the truth but know the truth. And allow this light to come into the ears so that you can hear the truth or hear where your blocks are or hear whatever you need to know to go to the next step in your abundance, and allow this light to come in to your throat area. Your

14 14 throat is like a bridge between your heart and your head and we want those opened up. So allow the light to just kind of wash away anything that you are kind of irritated about or frustrated with or wanted to communicate and didn't communicate; and then allow the light to come into your heart area, opening up your love for yourself. So just see it washing away anywhere you might have been judgmental of yourself or hard on yourself or frustrated with yourself. And then allow this light to come in to the solar plexus area. And allow just kind of nervous energy or where you felt a little traumatized or sucker punched, or kind of judged or put down. Allow the light to just wash that away. And then allow the light to just wash away in the center of your stomach any kind of place where you feel impotent or powerless or not good enough or where you don't trust things. Allow the light to come into your root area, washing away anywhere you don't feel like, you can just go for it or move forward or take a big step or jump off the ledge. And then allow the light to come all the way down your legs. Now, the thing is there is this light in the center of the planet that feels like mother's love, like Mother Earth, mother's love. You know, if you are ever in the ocean and the salt water, the salt water kind of holds you and you float in it. So this is the energy that's in the center of the planet where it's just really supportive and loving and kind and wants to help you and benevolent. So allow this light that's coming through you to just connect all the way into the center of the planet. Again, you might see light or sense a light or feel a light. It will just feel pretty peaceful. Some people just take a deep breath and that's how they sense that they're connected. Okay, I can feel you guys connect to that. Okay. So imagine there's an elevator and this light is going to start filling you. So you're connected as above and so below. And allow this light to come back up into your feet and your legs and your hips, giving you support. Some people would call this being grounded, giving you support. And then allow this light to come up into your stomach area and your heart. And from your heart, just kind of see it, number one, go up your head and up your crown but also radiate like a big sunshine all the way around you. So right now you have light coming from above and below right into your heart, radiating out 360 degrees all the way around you. And then what I'm going to ask you to do is start filling in your field three feet out. You might even sense where some parts feel a little heavy or dense, and just kind of send some extra light there, and then radiated out ten feet, and then radiated out 20 feet, and then radiated out 30 feet.

15 15 Now, not everyone has all their feelings turned up all the way, okay? So just be with what you can experience, but some of you might be able to feel that the more you radiate light the further out, the better you feel. So just kind of notice that when you radiate this light out, 30, 40, 50 feet, do you feel really a little bit lighter, more expanded? Okay, cool. All right. So now, I'm going to guide you guys through some questions. The thing with being psychic is when I ask the question, the first answer that pops in your mind before you can think - - okay, thinking takes about three seconds and it's a little denser - - I'm going to ask a question. The first awareness that pops in is the truth, okay? So question number one: At what age is the first age, the very first rooted age in which you started shutting down how much abundance you could receive? So what is the first age that you started shutting down the amount of abundance you could receive? [0:40:26] Whatever that age that pops in your head, just trust it. And then I'm going to ask you, did you pick up this vibration or this belief about that from your mom, from your dad, from yourself, or from somebody else? Mom, dad, from yourself, or from somebody else? Okay. Now, we're going to clear that and I do a little clearing statement. So you just imagine - - now, okay, I'll ask one question too. Where does that feel most dense or heavy, this pattern? Does it feel in you, in front of you, behind you, right or left? Where does it feel most intense? Because that's where you're holding it in your field. We're going to send a lot of light to that pattern so you re just going to imagine a lot of light just kind of funnels through right into that pattern and we're just going to do a clearing statement which states that we're going to clear and transmute it across all time, dimensions, space and reality. So we're going to clear and transmute it across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Because you're a dimensional being, you have realities, you have these stories, and you have these stories stuck back in time, so we're going to clear across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Now, some of you might start feeling a little lighter. Some of you might have pictures pop in your head. However you experience it is totally fine. Now, I'm going to ask another question. At what age is the first age that you decided to shut off your abundance, like "Abundance doesn't feel good to me. I don t want to receive it"? What is the first age that you started shutting off your abundance; "I don't want to receive it"? So did you pick up that energy from your mom, from your dad, from yourself, or from somebody else? Where does it feel most dense - - inside you, in front of

16 16 you, behind you, right or left, or above or below even? So wherever that is will you clear and transmute it across all time, dimension, space, and reality? Will you clear and transmute it across all time, dimension, space and reality? At what age is the first age that you decided that if you receive more money than the people around me that it was somehow negative or not good? So at what age did you decide that "If I receive more money than the people around me, it's not good"? Did you pick up that belief from your mom, from your dad, from yourself, or from somebody else? So and where does that feel the most dense - - in front of you, behind you, in you, right, left, up or down? Everything that is, will you clear and transmute it across all time, dimension, reality? Okay, one more time. Send a lot of light to it and clear and transmute it across all time, dimension, space and reality. So since we have a lot of spiritual people on the phone call, at what age did you decide that it was spiritually better for you, like it was really good to not receive a lot of money? Did you pick up that belief from your mom, from your dad, from yourself, or from somebody else? And where is that most dense - - in front of you, behind you, inside you, up, down, right or left? If you don t know, it'll still clear if you just do the clearing statement. So just clear and transmute it across all time, dimension, space and reality. Clear and transmute it across all time, dimension, space, and reality. [0:44:51] What is the first age that you decided that money was somehow bad or evil, or used for bad purposes or evil purposes? Somehow you attached bad or evilness to money. Did you pick up that belief from yourself, mom, dad, or someone else? And where is the densest part of that pattern - - inside of you, in front of you, behind you, right, left, up or down? Everything that is, clear and transmute it across all time, dimension, space, and reality. I m going to give you another belief. At what age was the first age that you decided that working hard was the only way to get money? So you had to work hard and then you got money. Did you pick up that belief from mom, dad, yourself, or somebody else? Is that the most dense part of that pattern in front of you, behind you, inside of you, right, left, up or down? I m going to ask one more question. At what age did you first decide that debt was good like being indebted and having debt was good? So was that from mom, dad, yourself, or someone else? Is the pattern inside you, in front of you, behind you, right, left, up or down? So send a lot of light to it. And clear and transmute

17 17 across all time, dimension, space, reality. Clear and transmute anywhere this was stuck in your field or anywhere you believe that it was true across all time, dimension, space, reality. Funny enough there was a kind of a lot of energy on that one for you guys. Know that you can come back and listen to this at anytime or ask various versions of this question. But when you re ready, just open your eyes knowing that all is well and that you re just going to continuously be filled up with light. So just let that flow keep happening. You guys did good. Wow, Christie, that was great. It's a rapid fire clearing there. Now, what I m curious about is I always like to ask people, do people have this assumption like they think, "Okay, the trauma in my life happened at this age." But if you still have the problem, it s probably wrapped up in other ages. So I m going to just throw it back to you. Did any of those ages kind of surprise you or were they familiar to you or did something else? Well, some were surprising and some had multiple ages. So it was hard to lock into one because there were multiple experiences that seem to be at the root of the beliefs. So I was more just going with the feeling in or around my body and being aware of the ages but not necessarily needing to be attached to having it be a particular age. Okay. Perfect. Yeah, because the real truth is I m kind of guiding you guys to the first one but on top of that it is usually layers of ages. Yeah. Yes. If I can get everybody on the phone call to label at least enough lightly, it brings it into focus. Yeah. So that s perfect. Okay. Good. What about for people who are listening who may not have had one of those beliefs? Did the clearing actually do work on some part of that anyway, or maybe they are being tied into a collective connection to that belief? Well, generally speaking, when I m doing it just by tuning, it feels like everyone had some version of it. If I say the belief and you re - - there is kind of a frequency about it like, let s just say, I said something and it had to do about not having enough money, right? Like let s just say that was the belief and then if some part of you has a lack energy, your soul will kind of like open a file cabinet because your soul wants you to clear what s there. You know what I mean? Yeah.

18 18 So it s not really the words. When I m saying the words, I m actually asking a frequency of lack to kind of open up within you. So it might not even really be about money, right? But if it has an energy of lack attached to it or that feeling or that general idea, your soul will open up that file and start clearing it. Yeah, absolutely. [0:49:59] Because it s more an energy versus like being so specific with the word was what I found. That s what I was getting at because for some people they might not have resonated with the piece about believing that it s good to be in debt. That might not be a specific wording that they would resonate with, but they may have had some feeling or energetic or vibrational tie into that. So even if the words weren t quite right, the intention that you were putting up there I m imagining opened people up to clearing even if it wasn t quite the exact words. Yeah. Because a normal person would say, "Well, I don t believe that is good." They would probably say that is bad. But I phrased it that way because if you ve aligned or agreed or allowed into your life that, at some level you think it s good. Otherwise, you wouldn t have bought it and brought it into yourself. Even if it s like, let s just say, it s your mom s version like she thinks I have to have debt right because there is no other way to pay the bills, right? You re three years old and you feel your mom s frequency of "I have to have debt because it s the only way." Because you love your mother, you agree at some energetic level that it s good to bring in her energy. Therefore, it s good to bring in her belief. But the clearing statement will clear that because somehow you ve agreed that it s good. I always say to people, if they have a disease, I say the word safe, right and good about it. What s safe, right and good about this disease that makes you pull this into your world? And people will go, "Are you kidding me? There is nothing freaking good about this." But somewhere some part of the pattern maybe when you re a kid you thought that your sister was getting attention because she was sick. I actually had a client who had that happened. Wow. So we might think that there is nothing good about our negative thing, but I m telling you underneath all that somewhere I promise you, if you look...

19 19 There s a payoff. Yes, there s something beneficial about it. Yeah. Yeah. Well, for some people with abundance, they might be taken care of if they are in lack. If they are always struggling and they know that someone is going to come to their rescue, that might be a reason to stay struggling. Of course, yes. Or they make God happy, any myriad of things. Well, Christie, that was awesome. I definitely feel a lot lighter after that. It s always wonderful and the energy on the line just feels much brighter. And so thank you for taking us through that. I know we re getting close to the top of the hour, and I want to make sure we talk about your program so the people can take advantage of it. But I m hoping you have time to come back and do a few more questions after we talk about your program. Is that going to work? Sure, of course. Awesome. Okay. So let s talk about your abundance program. If you go to, that will take you to her special offer for this. Obviously, just from what we ve gone through, the one tool, you ve got a whole host of tools. You ve got 11 tools that are going to take people through the process of really dismantling and transmuting their abundance blocks. Can you quickly take us through what these tools are so that people know what they re going to be getting? Yeah. So I go in a specific order because again this is just from my experience in working on so many people. I have a general gist of what all the underlying beliefs are of things. It might appear that you believe that money is evil, but underneath it there is probably a bunch of other things going on, right? So I try to dismantle everything in a certain order. Tool number one, we start clearing the way so you will start allowing a new model of wealth and abundance. And in order to do that we have to start dismantling some of the lies and false information and the historical things that you believe about money. So tool number one is we start getting a whole new level of truth to start shifting, start coming in because some people don t even realize that they are just settling and they think that this is all that they can really even have, and it s based on past stories and things like this that they told themselves. So we start really shifting what kind of stories are you believing and what do you really actually want.

20 20 Tool number two, I walk you guys through it so that we can get you aware of your intuition and your inner gifts and who you really are. So it brings in a heightened sense of awareness so that you are conscious about what you re really choosing. A lot of people will have these auto- pilot programs running their life. I once asked inside myself, I said, how many people on the planet are living freewill choice versus reaction and pattern over 50% of their life? And the answer I got back was less than 10%. [0:55:11] Oh, my gosh. Really? Wow! And they don t even know it. They don t put it together until I bring it up. It s kind of fast maybe. And so tool number three, now I want to get you guys to have a stronger resilience. I call it the backbone. Yeah, I love that. I love that name. Because we want you to have your foundation of what your wealth is and start really bringing in your truth and start really dismantling all the lies and false information that you have about wealth. Tool number four, I call it the golden keys. And so with this tool now I m showing you guys how to open the door and invite in the energy of abundance. So now that you have a real clue about what you want to choose, now how do we bring that information and that light and that abundance to you? Tool number five, I love this tool. It s called the numbering system. And with this tool, you start manifesting the process of changing the amount of money that you currently embody. See, everyone has a limit. If everybody on this phone call just thinks for a minute and they take last five years income. So if you made $100,000, you multiply it by five and then you divide by five. And so $100,000 is your limit. Some people say, "Well, that s good. $100,000 is great," and it totally is. If that s what you want to resonate with, that s completely an okay number. There is really no judgment. But maybe now that you ve done tool number one and tool number two, you think, "Oh, my gosh! I actually really want a different kind of lifestyle." Maybe you want your own business versus going to work for somebody else. And so we start dismantling your limits about how much you are allowed to really have and we go through why did you choose that number? So is it almost an intention setting for the amount of wealth you want to be in your life?

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