Mindset Mastery Design Your Dream Life and Business

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1 Mindset Magic The 5 Essential Keys To Instantly Shift Your Mindset, Build Your Confidence, Get Unstuck And Design The Life And Business Of Your Dreams!

2 Hi there Superstar! First of all I want to thank you for requesting this Mindset Magic ebook and taking the next step towards shifting your mindset, getting unstuck and designing the life and business of your dreams. Often times we can have the best systems and strategies in place but still don t move forward in our business and we end up feeling utterly stuck, overwhelmed, frustrated and in some cases even ready to throw in the towel and give up. Believe me I know the feeling, I used to struggle with this exact problem, I had all these amazing systems in place, followed what all these great gurus were teaching, offered Webinars, set up different lead magnets, hosted a Virtual Summit, invested in Facebook advertising, did direct outreaches, had published a book and became bestseller, went on numerous podcasts to be interviewed, even had my own podcast for a short time, I offered an online course, did a launch, and the list goes on and on and on.. You would think heck with all the things I was doing I should have had clients on masses right? Well let me tell you I did not. I was so frustrated because with all the things I had done, with all the work I had put in my business, and all I had was a few clients here and there but most often I was worried where the next client is going to come from, how I am supposed to pay my bills next month and all of these other worries, self-doubts, fears and mental blocks so many other entrepreneurs have. This is when I took a deep dive into personal development, law of attraction, angel card readings, EFT and bombarded myself with anything I could get my hands on because I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up, I just had no idea how to make it actually happen. I even worked with coaches on strategies and systems and marketing but nothing of what I was doing was really working all that great and it was not until I realized that it was my internal system that was not set up right. I had all these fears and doubts and a bunch of other mindset mambo jumbo, or as I like to call them inner Gremlins that kept me stuck. Now since you downloaded this ebook I am guessing you are either in the same situation I was in or resonated with you and you might be struggling with some of your own inner gremlins and you might be at a point where you want to clean house and get rid of your inner gremlins and design the life and business of your dreams. Right? Great! Kay Sanders Coaching kay@kaysanders.com 2

3 What you will discover in this little ebook is the 5 essential keys to instantly shift your mindset, build your confidence, get unstuck and design the life and business of your dreams! I call them The 5 D s To Creating Your Dream Life Full Of Possibilities. When you learn about these 5 D s you will be one step closer to getting rid of your inner gremlins and create the life and business you so desperately want to create. One thing I had to learn and had to adapt to was the fact that the universe is truly abundant, anything you want is already there for the taking all you have to do is step into your power and claim what is rightfully yours. Let s have a look at the 5 D s to creating your dream life and business full of potentials! It all starts with Discovering the Possibilities! This is your starting point, think about where you are right now, what is your current situation and then look at where do you rather want to be. What magic would you like to create in your life? What are the possibilities you have right now that you can tap into, what possibilities would you like to have? Also think about what would you do if you could not fail? Often times we stay stuck because we are so afraid of failing and all the disappointments that come with failing. But in reality, failing is just another word for feedback. Anytime you fail at something you are getting feedback that you can learn from so you know what not to do or how to change things around so you do it better the next time. I get it, failing is not a good feeling and often times we take it to heart, we take it personal we might think we are losers because we failed so many times and that s why we decide not to go down that road again because failure is painful. But really think about what would you like to create, what magic would you like to create in your life if you would know that whatever it is you are doing you would not fail, you would be able to create anything you want in exactly the way you want to create it, without any problems, challenges or mistakes. Envision having it in just that way, can you feel the warmth in your chest, are you getting excited about your vision? Good! Hold on to that! This is the first step in manifesting what you desire. Kay Sanders Coaching kay@kaysanders.com 3

4 The second step is Detecting and Uncreating your Inner Gremlins! This piece might be a little painful but very necessary to letting go of your inner gremlins so don t skip this step. (Please be advised, if you are suffering from depression or any other mental disorder please consult with your physician first and seek help if needed as this exercise might bring up really bad emotions and I would not want anything to happen to you) In this step you would think about anything you can think of that is holding you back, any events that happened in the past that are still upsetting you, it may even be something that happened to you when you were a small child or a baby. Think of any upsetting moments in your life that when you think about it today it still holds a negative charge. Also think about how you feel about money, what is your money story and your relationship with money, do you have a good and healthy relationship with money or is it more like a really bad marriage? I usually don t like to dwell in the past because you can t really change what happened in the past and I like to rather focus on the future and what can I do today to create a better future for myself and my son but for this step, I highly suggest to dig deep into your past, uncover anything that you can think of that is still affecting you. Sometimes even the smallest things can have a negative impact on you creating your dream life and business today. The more you can uncover the better! My suggestion to you is, take some time to yourself, lock yourself in your room or go somewhere where you won t be disturbed and do some soul searching, take as much time as you need, even take a box of tissues because it can happen that you shed some or a lot of tears but that is a good thing. If something makes you cry, write it down! Think of any people who upset you, any relationships that went south, any people who were really mean to you, list everything! So this is step two, digging deep into your past, and also your present and detecting and uncovering any and all of your inner gremlins. Step three is all about Destroying And Uncreating Your Inner Gremlins! This is one of my favorite steps because once you got rid of your inner gremlins you will feel like a whole new person, like a heavy weight was lifted of your shoulders. One thing I do want to mention, this is not a quick fix, especially if you have dealt with your inner gremlins for a long time, they want to come back because you are their home, their mommy or daddy, so be advised that it might take some time to get rid of all of your inner gremlins and some might try to sneak their way back into your life. 4 Kay Sanders Coaching kay@kaysanders.com

5 But the fun part is that you can destroy and uncreate them anytime they come back My most favorite technique for getting rid of my inner gremlins is EFT Emotional Freedom Technique where I release all negative charge around a specific topic and tap in positive affirmation to replace the negative ones. Another great way of releasing negative energy around different events and even around people is to release it into the universe and forgive them, forgive yourself and let it go. I like to say this phrase, I forgive you, I love you, I am sorry, and thank you. Even though I don t necessarily forgive the person, I forgive myself for holding on to this negative emotion, I am sorry for have held on for all this time, I love myself and the other person and thank you for the experience I gained. Once you release the negative energy and feeling around a particular event or person, you might notice right away how lighter and more relaxed you feel. You also want to think about what story do you keep telling yourself and to others, are you stuck in a negative story full of lack and negative emotions or are you telling empowering stories about how great your life is, how successful you are, how great things are going? Pay attention to what you tell yourself and others and if you notice you are falling into making excuses, playing small because of something you think might happen, ask yourself is this really true of is this just a story you are telling to keep yourself save and within your comfort zone? Ok, so step three is all about destroying and uncreating your inner gremlins. Do this as often and as much as you need to in order to get rid of your gremlins, Also renounce all ties you have with them, tell them to get out, they are not paying rent, you are evicting them! Out! Out! Out! Step four is all about Deciding on Your New and Better Life and Business! Now you get to dream big! Think about your goals, your financial goals, your business goals and also your personal goals. What do you want to accomplish in 12 months, then pick your top three goals and turn them into 90 day blitz goals, and focus on manifesting these goals? Make an intention for yourself and for the magic you want to create in your life, write down in as much detail as you can what your dream life would look like, your ideal day, your perfect business, write it in as much detail as possible and remember to think of what you want to create if you could not fail. Kay Sanders Coaching kay@kaysanders.com 5

6 Also think about your new money story, in step two you defined your current money story, now define your new and better money story, how do you want to feel about money, what relationship do you want to have with money, what would you be doing with all the money you want to have? Step four is all about dreaming big, because you get to create your own future, your dream life, and your destiny. Whatever it is you want to create, you can create but it all starts with knowing what exactly you want to create. The universe doesn t know what you want, it doesn t understand what you mean with I want a successful business or I want to have a better life or I want more money. If you are asking for more money the universe will deliver, it might give you $5 which is more money than you have right now. So be specific, be as specific and as detailed about what you want to create! Step five, which is the final step in creating your dream life and business full of possibilities, is Designing Your Dream Life and Business! Now that you have discovered your possibilities, uncovered and gotten rid of your inner gremlins and decided on your new and better live, the next step is to making it become your new reality. Knowing what you want to create is one piece of the puzzle but to make it a whole picture you need to implement daily practices to make sure you can design this life and business you dream of. There are many amazing techniques that you can use and implement and you may have heard of some or all of them and you may have, or still use them. But just as a refresher, here are the strategies I find most beneficial in helping you manifest the things you desire in your life. The ultimate outcome of all these strategies is to help you raise your vibration, increase your awareness, stay within a positive energy and open the gates to manifesting anything you desire. So here is goes. You can use mind movies on a daily basis and turn your vision board into a exciting mind movie with affirmations. You can visualize your goals and how you will feel once you have achieved them. You can meditate, use affirmations, journal, work with a coach or mentor, and my most favorite of all is using EFT to continuously tap out the bad and in the good. Kay Sanders Coaching kay@kaysanders.com 6

7 Step five is really all about keep raising your vibration, and staying within the good and positive vibration in order to attract the things you desire. Anytime you notice you are falling into the negative and icky vibration do something to snap yourself out of it, dance, listen to music, watch something funny, do something you enjoy. The key is to raise your vibration again! The most important piece to remember in regards to designing your dream life and business full of possibilities is that you can! You must believe that anything you want to create in your life is available to you. If you want more clients, you must believe that the clients are there for you, waiting for you to claim them, to allow them to come into your life. There are billions of people in the world and so many cannot wait to work with you and pay you for your services but you must belief that it is possible. You must belief that there is an infinite pool of people who not only need what you are offering, but who are waiting for you to step into your power and claim what is rightfully yours. Once you believe that the clients are there, that everything you want to create is available to you, you will start to manifest all the things you desire. Think of it like this, when you want to go on Amazon to buy a specific book, you expect it to be there and it is. You wouldn t question if the book wants you to buy it or if it will be difficult for you to find the book, right? So why not expect your clients to be there, why not expect the money you want to be there, without any questions? Believe with a conviction that all that you want in life is already there, that you can have anything you want because the universe will help you manifest what you want if you clearly ask for what you want, if you believe that it will come, and if you are open to receive it. If you say, I really don t know if I can have what I want then the universe thinks you are not sure about what you want and won t deliver because it won t give you something you don t want unless you ask for what you don t want. I am sure you have heard of the saying Ask and you shall receive? Well, the universe is listening, its listening to your wants and don t wants, if you have wishy washy wants, you get wishy washy results. Be clear with what you want to manifest in your life, believe it s possible and be open to receive! Once you are clear about what you want, focus on taking inspired actions towards reaching your goals, and manifesting what you desire. Trust in yourself, your intuition and don t act out of fear or worries, because acting from a place of fear or worries will only push what you want to manifest away even further and will close the doors on abundance coming into your life. Kay Sanders Coaching kay@kaysanders.com 7

8 Sometimes doing less outer work brings more results than being pushy and trying to force things to come about. The more inner work you can do, the more vibrant you will become and the more of a magnet to what you desire you will become; a magnet to financial abundance, a magnet to more clients, a magnet to wealth, a magnet to the freedom you so desire. Go within and see what inner work is required in order to release limiting beliefs, old thought patterns that are holding on to you at this time of your life. Focus on the now, be open to releasing all the old and negative thoughts that you are holding on to. Even though you may envision the things you desire to create in your life, ask yourself, are you truly ready for this life? Because it is already there, you can grab it right now and turn it into reality but deep down ask yourself are you truly ready to make this life your new reality? Are you ready to step into these footsteps and claim what is rightfully yours? You may think it is hard to create this life you desire, the successful business you desire, that it takes a lot of hard work and a lot of time to create but in reality all it takes is for you to decide that you are ready, to decide to make this dream life of yours your new reality, to step into your purpose, to trust and belief with conviction that this is your true life, your new reality that you cannot fail because anything you desire is already available to you, it is there waiting for you. So ask yourself, go within, and be honest with yourself, why have you not claimed this life you dream of yet? It already exists in your mind, now it is time to turn your dream into reality! Happy manifesting!!! Kay Sanders Coaching kay@kaysanders.com 8

9 A big Thank you! Once again I would like to thank you for downloading this little ebook and I hope you found value in these few pages. If you would like additional help in uncovering and uncreating and destroying your inner gremlins I would like to invite you to sign up for one of my Creating Magic In Your Business EFT Sessions where I will help you release your emotional blocks, limiting beliefs and fears that might be holding you back. To schedule your Creating Magic In Your Business EFT Sessions visit complete the short questionnaire and schedule your session. I truly belief that anything and everything is possible for use to create in life and to live the life of our dreams full of possibilities, joy and amazing success! I am looking forward to helping you create the life and business of your dreams! Intuitive Business Coach and Creator of Possibilities Discover How to Instantly Shift Your Mindset, Build Your Confidence, Get Unstuck and Design The Life and Business of Your Dreams Ready for more? Get the MINDSET MASTERY course for Creating the Life and Business of Your Dreams. Click Here to Access the Complete Course Use coupon myd50 during checkout to receive a 50% discount. Kay Sanders Coaching kay@kaysanders.com 9

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