5. Describe the cycle that Cole finally understands - the circle Edwin had tried to explain to him. 6. Cole comes to the conclusion that he wants to

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1 Chapter 1 Cole Matthews knelt defiantly in the bow of the aluminum skiff as he faced forward into a cold September wind. 1. o Define the term defiant: o What is an aluminum skiff? 2. Where is Cole being taken? 3. There were two other people in the boat: o Garvey, who was o Edwin who is 4. What did Cole do to Edwin to try to make him angry? 5. Who were the only people Cole could trust? 6. Who was Peter Driscal? What happened to him? 7. Cole hated his parents. His mom acted like a scared Barbie doll. Always but never. And his dad was a bullheaded with a temper. 8. Nathaniel Blackwood is the hired by Cole s parents. 9. Why do you think Garvey kept visiting Cole? 10. What is Circle Justice? Chapter 2 1. What provisions did Edwin and Garvey make for Cole? 2. Cole pretended to go along with all of the requirements of the circle Justice. What were his real intentions? 3. What is Devil s Club? 4. What four things did Edwin tell Cole to learn? 5. What did Garvey give to Cole to take care of? What do the Tlingits call this? 6. How did Cole receive instructions from Edwin? Why? 7. What happened to Cole s knuckles in his jail cell? What did he say happened? 8. What did Cole do when Garvey and Edwin drove away in their boat? 9. Why do you think Cole is so rebellious and defiant? 10. What did Edwin tell Cole about his treatment of the animals? 11. Write about a time when you felt defiant or rebellious. What did you do? (journal) Chapter 3 Answer each of the following questions with complete sentences. 1. Why does Cole feel like nobody cares for him? 2. What does he tell Garvey that he hates about his life? 3. Why did Garvey keep pressing Cole to be more specific? 4. What secret about his dad did Cole reveal to Garvey? 5. When Cole s mother knew what his dad was doing, what did she do? 6. Explain what Garvey did with the contents of the brown paper bag. 7. Why do you think he did this? What was the purpose? 8. Describe the emotions Cole experiences in this chapter. 9. What does he do to escape the island? 10. Write about a time when rage completely overcame you and you were out of control. (At least one paragraph - intro, supporting sentences, final statement) Chapter 4 1. As this chapter opens, Cole is swimming away from the island he has been banished to. What is his greatest danger at this point? 2. Who was involved in the Circle of Justice? 3. Why did this worry Cole? 4. Why did Cole s father and his lawyer look out of place? 5. What did Cole do to Peter Driscal at this meeting and why did he stop? 6. The Keeper described Circle Justice - she said that justice often fails because it punishes rather than what? What is the purpose of Circle Justice? 7. What was the significance of the feather? 8. Tell how Cole s mom, his dad, Cole, the lawyer and Peter Driscal all responded when it was their turn to hold the feather:a. Cindy MatthewsB. William MatthewsC. Nathaniel BlackwoodD. ColeE. Peter 9. Write about a time when lots of people were discussing you in front of you and describe how you felt about it when others were making remarks and decisions that could impact your life.

2 Chapter 5 1. Where did Cole end up swimming to? 2. What had happened to him to cause this? 3. What happened to Cole s legs? 4. When Cole became delirious, what did he try to find? 5. When Cole awakens from his first night on the island, what does he see? 6. Why did the bear make him so angry? 7. When Cole heard what his father said at Circle Justice he exploded, why? 8. Write about a time when you were totally exhausted, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Chapter 6 1. As the chapter opens, Cole and his father are having a very heated exchange of harsh words. Why were they out of line and what did the Keeper do about it? 2. Cole begged his mom to say something when she held the feather. What did he want her to say? Did she do it? Why or why not? 3. Peter s lawyer said that any solution found by this Circle must do two things, what were they? a. b. 4. Why did the guard cuff Cole? 5. We know Cole has an anger problem. How does his dad deal with his own anger? 6. Tell about the one time Cole s mom tried to intervene when Cole was being beaten. 7. What solution does Garvey come up with at the Circle Meeting to satisfy the Driscal s lawyer and allow Cole not to be sentenced yet? 8. What does Garvey mean when he says If you go to jail, I won t bet a nickel on your future. 9. Define: banishment 10. Describe in one complete paragraph why you believe Cole behaves as he does and has become a violent juvenile offender. Chapter 7 1. Why does Cole feel the need for a weapon? What does he make? 2. Cole feeds green wood into the fire to create a lot of smoke. Of what benefit is the smoke to him? 3. What does he do to alleviate his hunger? 4. Cole woke up in the middle of the night because the stillness awakened him. What was about to happen? 5. How did Cole deal with his hunger? 6. What did he do when he saw the Spirit Bear at the mouth of the bay? 7. Why do you think he did this? What was he thinking? 8. Did this frighten the bear? Why or why not? Chapter 8 1. What does the Spirit Bear do when Cole charges him? 2. Describe the episode Cole has with the white bear. 3. What are the damages Cole endures? 4. When Cole realizes where he is, what are the sea gulls doing? 5. Describe for me how Edwin (elder of Tlingit) told Cole to live with the other creatures on the island. 6. Is he doing this? 7. How are Edwin s words proving to be true? 8. Cole experiences intense pain and swallows a lot of his blood. These two issues cause him more distress - what happens? 9. This entire chapter takes place with Cole in only one position. What is that position and what do you think he is learning? 10. What emotion did he find even more unbearable than the pain? Chapter 9 1. Cole is lying at the mouth of the bay as the chapter opens. What is the one end he believes he will come to? 2. Cole is obviously injured badly as he lies there on the edge of the bay. What other conditions make this even worse for him? 3. Cole s bitterness and anger actually helped him keep from losing consciousness during this time. He was watching baby birds. What did he think he would do if he were the mother bird? Why did he feel that way? 4. Cole loses consciousness again and wakes up after dark. What does he see in the darkness of the storm? 5. What were the prickling sensations he felt through his body? 6. The storm rages on and on until finally lightening strikes right beside him. What does it hit and what happens? 7. What do you think Cole is learning from the attack and the storm? 8. The author says that Cole had to focus on the moon to help him remain on this side What does he mean by that? 9. Cole tried to remember what Garvey and Edwin had said about circles as he watched the moon. What had they told him? 10. What does Cole do at the end of the chapter that tells the reader he is beginning to learn and grow? Chapter Cole is slipping in and out of consciousness as a new pain was building in his body. What happened to Cole that caused him painful shame? 2. Why could Cole no longer be angry? 3. When Cole finally found the baby birds, what had happened to them? 4. Why was he envious of them?

3 5. Describe the cycle that Cole finally understands - the circle Edwin had tried to explain to him. 6. Cole comes to the conclusion that he wants to live - why do you think he chooses life over death? 7. How was Cole like the baby birds? 8. What does Cole eat and then choked on? What other delicacies did he find to eat? Food is energy and energy is life and Cole wanted to live. 9. Why couldn t he feel his right arm? 10. When have you felt as hopeless as Cole did? Did you have to do anything that was completely alien to you to overcome this? Chapter Before Cole ate the mouse to give himself energy, he said he pitied the little mouse. How is this different from his attitude earlier in the story? 2. Cole felt satisfaction after he ate, explain why. 3. How did Cole get water? 4. Describe Cole s emotions when the Spirit Bear returned. 5. Why did he spit at the bear? Chapter Why did Cole cry when the Spirit Bear left him alone 7. The Spirit Bear returns and this time Cole s response is different. How? 8. Why did Cole reach out and touch the bear? 9. What does the bear do that Cole didn t expect? 10. What does Cole discover about the world just as he was growing delirious? 11. Pretend you are Garvey, the probation officer, how would you feel finding Cole in the condition he was in? 12. Describe how you think Edwin responded when he first saw Cole. 13. What does Garvey believe happened to Cole? 14. How does he react when he realizes that a bear has attacked Cole? 15. What does Cole mean when he tells Garvey he is okay? Chapter Who is Rosey? 17. Describe the difference in the way Cole treats Garvey and Edwin now and how he treated them in the first chapters. 18. Cole tells Garvey that the bear attack was his fault, what does he mean? 19. Edwin, Garvey and the nurse discuss Cole s condition and Edwin says that he ll be all right if he ever finds a reason to live. What did he mean by that? 20. Describe Cole s dream (nightmare). 21. Who does he call out for? 22. Garvey admits that he is helping Cole for himself. Explain. 23. Rosey gives Cole good advice. What is it? 24. Cole tells Edwin that he is done being mad. What does Edwin tell him anger is? 25. Why does Cole throw away his only proof that the Spirit Bear was real? 26. Write about a time that you were strongly impacted by an outside force. What happened? Why do you remember it? How did it change you? Chapter Describe Cole s physical condition at the beginning of this chapter. 2. What did Garvey persuade the guard to do as they were transporting Cole from the hospital to the detention center? 3. What did Cole s dad do for him during his hospitalization? His mom? 4. Why did Garvey warn Cole that the healing of his physical wounds was the easy part? 5. What has happened to the at oow at this point? 6. What has happened to Cole s mom? Why is she doing so much better? 7. What information does his mom reveal to him about his dad? 8. What was Garvey s surprise for Cole at the Circle Justice meeting? 9. List the members of the circle who were missing this time. 10. If you were a part of the circle at this point - what would you have recommended be done with Cole? Chapter What did most members of the Circle believe should happen to Cole? 2. What information did Peter Driscal s lawyer reveal about his recovery? 3. Describe Edwin s demonstration for the circle? 4. What lesson did Edwin want the Circle members to gain from his demonstration? 5. Tell about Peter Driscal s lawyer s reaction when Cole insisted he had seen the Spirit Bear? 6. What new information regarding the white bears did Edwin reveal? 7. What conditions for returning to the island did Edwin suggest to the members of Circle Justice? 8. Why did Cole say that on the Island he realized he was dying and I had never really even lived yet? (Pg 132) 9. Why was Cole s father so angry and abusive? 10. What did Circle Justice decide to do with Cole? Touching Spirit Bear - Chapter 16Cole struggles physically with tasks that should be simple, why? 1. What news does Garvey break to Cole once they are back on the island? 2. What does Edwin do to the skiff that demonstrates a lack of trust for Cole? 3. What does Cole learn about trust? 4. Why is "the whole world a hotdog?" 5. What are the words to the friendship song Garvey and Edwin were humming? 6. Describe how Garvey's meal was different from Cole's'. 7. What did Edwin tell Cole to celebrate when Cole complained about nothing to celebrate about?

4 Touching Spirit Bear - Chapter What kept Cole awake all night his first night back on the island? 2. What new experience did Edwin introduce Cole to at dawn? Why? 3. Describe Edwin's demonstration for Cole with the stick. What lesson did he want Cole to learn? 4. What do happiness and anger have in common? They are both a. 5. Cole told Edwin that his demonstration with the stick made more sense than all the weird things the counselors and psychologists told him. Why did Edwin say that this was true? Touching Spirit Bear - Chapter When Garvey, Edwin and Cole were watching the whales, what did Edwin decide to do that evening? 2. Why wouldn't Garvey or Edwin help Cole build his new cabin? 3. What were some of Cole's responsibilities on the island to prepare for his banishment? 4. Who paid for all of the new supplies and cabin materials? How? 5. Why did Edwin insist that Cole do the whale dance? 6. What does each person do after his dance? 7. Why didn't Edwin have Cole dance an anger dance to release his anger,yet? 8. Cole wanted to skip a day of going to the water. When did Edwin say he could do that? 9. Describe what Edwin had Cole do to meet his ancestors and why he did it. 10. Once the rock is set down it becomes your. Rolling it down the hill what was Cole to imagine? Touching Spirit Bear - Chapter Cole sighted an animal along the shoreline after he returned to camp, what was it? 2. To honor the animal and learn from it Garvey announced that they would do what that evening? 3. What will be Cole's last chore before leaving the island? 4. What happens when Cole announces that he is hitting the sack for the night? 5. Garvey announced that he was finished on the island because there was not enough room for him and his. 6. When Cole apologized to Garvey and Edwin, what did they tell him? 7. Garvey and Edwin left Cole early and went to their tent. What did Cole do after they left? 8. What did he learn? 9. What did Cole do the next morning? 10. What did he see at the end of the chapter as he was preparing to go back to camp? 11. What do you think Cole learned in this chapter? Touching Spirit Bear - Chapter What does Cole tell Edwin and Garvey he has learned when he returns to camp following his morning soak? 2. On page 169, Cole was glowing with satisfaction, why do you think he was so satisfied? 3. Describe the evening meal he prepared for Edwin and Garvey. Why did he do this? 4. What dance does Cole choose to do? 5. Why do you think he chose to do this particular dance? 6. Describe what Cole learned in this chapter. Touching Spirit Bear - Chapter Describe a day in Cole's life on the island. 2. How did Cole get a log large enough for a totem? 3. What were his first thoughts about the log? 4. How did it make him feel when he was thinking about escape? 5. What did he do about it? 6. What reason does Edwin give Cole that he isn't seeing the Spirit Bear? 7. What are totems? 8. Why can't Cole dance the dance of anger yet? 9. In this chapter Cole learns not to lie to himself. Write a paragraph about a time when you lied to yourself, and you knew it. Cole chopped his potential canoe up to keep from acting on his lie - what did you do to protect yourself from your lie? Touching Spirit Bear - Chapter Cole works hard on his totem in this chapter. What does he carve first and why does he choose that particular animal? 2. Why does he carve the wolf next? 3. What does he learn from the beaver? 4. What about Edwin's behavior troubles Cole when Edwin drops off supplies? 5. Why do you think Cole's rage keeps reappearing? What unwelcome emotions do you have that are difficult to overcome? Why? Touching Spirit Bear - Chapter Cole finally discovers the secret to becoming invisible, what is it? 2. Describe Cole's experience of becoming invisible. Did he get what he wanted from this experience? 3. How did he celebrate his ability to become invisible? 4. Which dance was Cole finally able to perform? Describe what happened during his dance. 5. When Cole cried out "I'm Sorry!" which people do you believe he was apologizing to? 6. He also came to a final point where he began to cry and cried loudly "I forgive you!" Who did he forgive? Why? 7. What did Cole learn in this chapter? Touching Spirit Bear - Chapter Cole learned something very critical about anger - what is it? 2. What do you think he should carve to show that he learned to forgive? 3. What is it that Cole had to discover before he could heal his wounded heart and broken spirit? 4. What does Edwin reveal to Cole as the reason for Garvey and him to be helping Cole as much as they are? 5. Describe how Cole celebrated Christmas.

5 6. What word does Edwin bring Cole about Peter in February? 7. Why does Edwin believe Peter tried to take his own life? 8. Why is saying he was sorry not enough to help Peter? 9. What solution does Cole come up with to help Peter? 10. What would you chose to do to help him if you were in Cole's position? Touching Spirit Bear - Chapter How does Edwin respond to Cole's idea to bring Peter to the island? 2. Why does Edwin tell Cole that he and Garvey are proud of him? 3. How long is Cole willing to stay on the island in order to help Peter? 4. What surprise does Edwin and Garvey bring Cole? 5. Describe how Edwin holds Cole accountable for everything. 6. What does Cole tell everyone about the island? 7. When does he tell them was the turning point when he began to think about something besides himself? 8. Edwin forces Cole to tell the group why he hasn't carved the bottom of the totem yet. What does he tell them? 9. How does Peter respond? 10. How would you feel at this point if you were Cole? What would you do? Touching Spirit Bear - Chapter Describe how Cole treated his guests the first night they were on the island. 2. Where does Edwin have Cole sleep? Why? 3. What are Cole's thoughts as he soaks in the pond the next day? 4. What is Peter's attitude about staying on the island with Cole? 5. Describe the incident between Mr. Driscal and Cole. 6. What information does Garvey bring Cole about his father? How does Cole react? 7. How does Garvey want him to pay him back for his kindness? 8. When Cole is frustrated that Peter doesn't seem to appreciate that he is going to this extra for him, what does Garvey remind him of? 9. Peter is confused about how to respond to Cole - he does some strange things. He is nasty and nice. What threatening things does he do? 10. What kindness does Peter extend to Cole? Touching Spirit Bear - Chapter Describe Peter's behavior toward Cole. 2. What was the last straw for Cole? 3. How does Cole respond? What kindness does he show Peter? 4. Why did they dance the mouse dance? What did they learn? 5. What did Garvey tell Cole when Cole said that Peter would never forgive him? 6. How does Cole explain to Peter why he threw away proof that he had been mauled by a white bear? 7. What does Peter do to Cole's totem while he and Garvey are out looking for whales? 8. How does Cole respond? Touching Spirit Bear - Chapter What does Peter propose for their morning soak? 2. Describe his treatment of Cole. 3. Why do you think he did this? 4. How did Cole respond? 5. Describe what happens. 6. What did the boys carve together at the bottom of Cole's totem? Why? 7. How would you describe life, as you know it? 8. What do you believe is the most important lesson to be learned from "Touching Spirit Bear?

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