March 5, 2013 Interview with Sonia Ricotti

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1 March 5, 2013 Interview with Sonia Ricotti Unsinkable Awakening: The Three-Step Proven Formula to Bounce Back Instantly (and Higher than Ever) When Life Knocks You Down! Copyright 2013 You Wealth Revolution. All rights reserved.

2 PAGE 2 Hello and welcome, everyone! This is Darius Barazandeh. You're turning in to the You Wealth Revolution Instant Awakenings. And we just sent love to the whole planet about three minutes ago. How cool is that! And for everybody that was here early and who did that, I would love for you to go to Facebook and share on our blog what you experienced and--let's do this: I would love for you to be a reporter today and say what you're learning on Facebook and you can do that at If you do that, I'm actually going to do something special today that we haven't done in a long time, actually the whole season. I will pick the person from the blog that absolutely sums up this call or shares some really cool insight about this call, or somebody that just tickles my heart and I will actually give you a copy of some very powerful transformation work that I do called "Eleutheria." It's going to be one person on that blog. So go to and share what you're learning. You're going to get some of my alchemy work and it's very deep and very powerful, so maybe don't share unless you really want a big transformation. It's only going to be one person and I'll announce that tomorrow. So, here's what we're going to. I want to go deep with our next guest. Sonia Ricotti is someone who is going to help you to create what I call an unsinkable awakening. What that means is, the switch inside of you turns on and you can't go back to that other place. How many of you are thinking to yourself, "You know, things go pretty well. I feel the call. I feel good. Or someone gives me a new tool, but then something happens and it's like I slip down the path." What we are determined to do is give you a proven methodology to literally transcend higher and higher than ever before, no matter what turns into your field of energy. So, if something knocks you down figuratively, or comes in and it's not what you expected, how do you ascend to that new level? How do you do that? What is the process? You're going to get that today. I want to introduce our guest, Sonia, and what she's about. She's a number one best-selling author of Unsinkable: How to Bounce back Quickly When Life Knocks You Down. She is also an expert in the law of attraction. She wrote a book called Law of Attraction, Plain and Simple, which is also a number one best-selling book. She's a best-selling author of both of those books and she's regularly featured on national media, on TV, on the radio and in magazines. She's also the CEO and president of Lead Out Loud, Inc., a leading edge transformational company helping people just like you and me all over the world achieve balance and success in all areas of their life. She's a top-rated professional speaker and teacher and author and she's shared her work with some of the most incredible people in the world of transformation. She's also inspired millions of people around the world using some of the break-through strategies you're going to get right here. What I would suggest you do--i was speaking with Sonia earlier. She's going to lead you through some processes. Take out a piece of paper. Take out a pen. Be present. Maybe close the door around where you are and just really key in on what is going to happen. Because people who have used these exact tools have overcome adversity. They've created financial abundance, extraordinary success and led a life that many of them thought was impossible. We also are going to talk about some of the big things that she's doing and giving back. You're going to learn

3 PAGE 3 through this energy ascension work that we're doing, when you go to a higher level of energy, when you literally become unsinkable, you want to give back and that's exactly what she does. So, does it sound exciting to master your life and then be able to go to developing countries like Nigeria, Guatemala, and El Salvador and Thailand and give back and create huge transformations in other people? Imagine what it would be like to see a beautiful child in a village that you helped give running water to because today you decided that the energy that comes into your life is not going to lower your own! My friends, do you get this? The energy that comes into your life, good or bad, is going to ascend you to the next level. That's some of what we're going to be sharing and understanding, so let's give a huge amount of love to Sonia Ricotti and get ready for a huge transformation. Let's send that love now on the count of three. One, two, three. Sonia, welcome to the You Wealth Revolution Instant Awakenings. Well, thank you so much for having me. I have to say, that was by far the best introduction I've had in my life. Thank you! Thank you! It's exciting. What's exciting to me and what I really want to get across to people is that each person that comes here has a story and a story may be very similar to their own. They have a gift to give. If you can get it if everyone here can really grasp this their life can become that of magic. It's not always going to be perfect, but it can be very magical. And you wrote this book, Unsinkable, a number one bestselling book and it's been a huge success. What inspired you to write this book? Was there a time when you were, in fact, sinkable rather than unsinkable? Well, I was sunk at one point in my life, yes. And just like most transformational teachers out there, they've hit rock bottom at some point and I'm not any different. It's quite interesting because, for anyone listening right now, if you're going through any difficult time in your life--for some of you it might be something really huge and for some of you it might be something small, like one area of your life is not exactly where you want it to be, maybe finances for instance or relationship-wise--i just want you to really pay attention to what we're going to be talking about, because what we're about to talk about is something that is truly going to help you, not only now but in the future--any time anything gets thrown at you, it'll just bounce right off of you and you'll continue moving forward. So, I just wanted to mention that. I, just like everyone else out there teaching, as everyone else that is a transformational teacher, have been knocked down. In my case, this is what happened. I think it's important for me to share a little bit about what happened so you know where I'm coming from and you can see where I come from and where I am today. So, what first happened was, like many people, I had financial issues. That's nothing new, but the truth of this is, I lost my home to foreclosure. I was living with my ex. We were living there. It was his home. We had to walk away from that home. I was six figures in debt. Not five, but six figures in debt. Not only that, I also had a blood

4 PAGE 4 clot. So I had lost my health as well. It was a very serious blood clot where it was located underneath my left arm and it was so close to my heart and lungs, I had to go into emergency treatment at the hospital in order to make sure that the blood clot didn't dislodge and go to my heart and lungs which could possibly be fatal. With everything that was going on, my ex, I realized, was actually an alcoholic. He wasn't drinking when we were first together, but when all of these financial difficulties came into play he fell off the wagon. I had to deal with an alcoholic partner at the extreme level. Anyone who's had an alcoholic partner or someone in their family who's an alcoholic, or has drinking problems; you know what I'm talking about. I won't go into detail, we don't have enough time to go through all that, but it was really, really tough. On top of that, the relationship ended up breaking up as well. He has two children which were my step-kids, and I ended up losing them as well because the moved away a couple hours away. So, when all these things were happening--in life sometimes things happen. One year it's one thing, and then two years later it's something else. You lose your job, then two years later something else happens and you're having relationship problems. For me, everything happened at the same time. This all happened at once: six-figure debt, lost my home, relationship broken, dealing with everything around an alcoholic partner, and health issues. Everything was happening at the same time. I really did hit rock bottom. What's amazing is that when you do hit rock bottom, you always remember that moment and I just want to take a minute to share that moment, only because I know some of you are there right now. I want to be able to show you how I was able to get out of it so fast. What happened was, I was lying on my bed. I remember this like it was yesterday. It's really fascinating, because all these things that happened to me, I don't remember. I literally have it on a piece of paper that I have to read to remind myself of all the bad things that happened! And that's a good thing for anyone who s going through tough times. Don't worry! If you master these three steps, it's not going to have any power over you whatsoever in the future. So that's the good thing. But what I do remember as if it was yesterday was when I did hit rock bottom. That moment, for me, was when I was lying on my bed and I was crying and crying and crying. I remember saying to myself, "why is this happening? What am I going to do? How do I get out of this situation? Please, please make the pain go away. This is so painful. Please, please make the pain go away." And in that moment, I remember thinking to myself, "wow. It would be great just to end it all right now." It was just for a moment. I didn't start planning it or anything like that, but in that moment, I remember thinking, "Well, no. That's not a good idea because if that happens you're going to be bringing this pain to your friends and family members who love you so much." And that's the last thing I would want. I remember thinking I had no options here. So, in that moment, I just allowed myself to experience it. I allowed myself to feel what I was feeling. I didn't say, "No, this is wrong. No. You should be strong. You know better than this. Don't worry. Everything will be okay." All that kind of stuff. I didn't do that in that moment. That's one thing I want to mention. When something bad happens, it's okay to feel

5 PAGE 5 bad. Something bad is happening. When I say that, yes, it's okay to feel bad so you can release it. If it's two years later and you're still feeling bad, you're doing it wrong. Okay? So, it's okay to allow yourself to experience what is going on and really get in touch with your feelings. And you know what? You can even say to yourself, "Something bad is happening right now. This really sucks. You know what? I'm going to give myself permission to play the victim at this moment." And that's what I did. I just cried and cried and let it out. And that is just therapeutic in itself, just allowing you the permission to feel sorry for yourself in that moment and release it rather than trying to hide it or hold it in. Because when you hold it in deep inside and pretending that everything is okay, or distracting yourself from actually feeling what s going on, you're holding it inside. And that means you're carrying this pain with you on a subconscious level, dragging it around like a ball and chain and that means you're generating negative energy at a subconscious level, which you never want to do, because it's hard to release that. Sonia, real quick, I want to highlight that because a lot of people in this space where they feel like, "I have to stay positive. I have to not be present to that energy. I have to keep the energy up. I have to be peppy." They tend to suppress, repress, depress and compress that energy down. A lot of people are writing in right now that are dealing with similar challenges. One of the things that you are saying to do is actually be present and experience that. Right. It's painful. I'm warning you now. It is painful and it's not fun, but I can assure you that once you do and you release it--force yourself to cry if you have to cry--let it out. I can assure you that once you release it, it's like releasing it to the universe and saying, "okay, goodbye. Be gone." It's gone and what happened with me is I allowed myself to cry. I remember, once I was all cried out, with big red eyes, swollen, I got myself up. I walked over to the window. I remember this like it was yesterday. I was looking out the window and I remember--in my teachings, I always look for the silver lining in any situation. There's always a silver lining, but the truth is this: sometimes you have to look really deep to find it, and sometimes it takes a while to figure out what that silver lining is. That is what was happening to me in that moment. So, if anyone on the call right now can't figure out the silver lining, what ends up happening--this is what I did, because that's where I was--i stood in front of that window and I created this declaration. It was an intention that I said in that moment. I looked out the window and I didn't even do it consciously. It just came out of my mouth like a message that was brought to me. I looked out the window and I said, "I don't know why this is all happening. I have no idea. But one thing I do know for sure, something great, huge, big, way bigger than me, is going to come out of this. Because I am not going through this stuff for nothing." That's all I said. I released that to the universe, and basically in that moment, that's what I did. I'm going to repeat that, because I think this is important. "I don't know why this is happening. But one thing I know for sure, something great, amazing, huge, bigger than me, is going to come out of it, because I'm not going through all of this stuff for nothing." I love that.

6 PAGE 6 That was an intention, a declaration that I set in motion out into the universe in that moment and I didn't say to myself, "I'm going to set this intention and I'm going to send it out to the universe." I just said it and I released it and I walked away from that window. About a week and a half later, I remember exactly where I was again. I was climbing up those stairs, in that home we hadn't lost yet, but we ended up losing. The word came to me: unsinkable. And I knew exactly what it meant. I don't know where it came from, but I had such clarity in my mind that I was able to receive that whisper. Immediately I knew: "it's the name of my next book. I need to bounce back superfast, and once you bounce back superfast, you're going to go out there and you're going to teach the world how to do it. That is my mission in life. Now get cracking." And I did. I want you to hear what people are saying to that. One person said, "I have all these challenges. Money challenges right now. Relationship challenges. How do I find the silver lining in that? How do I find the good things when it seems everything is so dark and dreary?" Right. Well, what I say to that is that right now, you can't see it because you're so deep, thick in the middle of it. There are going to be silver linings there. Huge. There are great things waiting for you around that corner. The big question is, how quickly are you going to get around that corner. My recommendation is, do that intention or declaration like I did. If you cannot find the silver lining in this moment, then just ride it out and just state it. Something great, amazing, huge, is going to come out of it. Just allow it to come to you. It may come tomorrow, it may come in a week, and it may come in two months. I don't know when it's going to come to you. For me, it took a week and a half for it to come to me and the clarity was there. Yes. It's like you're opening this space for the universe to actually bring you a different perspective and it becomes almost like, "Okay, Here's my tragedy. Now where's my gift? Where is the gift that is going to come on the other side of this." Is that the first step of the three steps? No. No, it's not. Oh, Okay! We haven't started yet! It's not, actually. But I just wanted to make sure that I mention this so everybody can start at least with that and understand that I've been there. I've hit rock bottom. You know what? Life is life, and things happen. And that doesn't mean that five years--in fact, a year later--no, two years later, my dad was in the ICU and he almost died. I had to use these three steps to get me through them. Because I mastered these three steps when I first hit rock bottom, getting through that was really easy. It still was a tough, tough time, but I knew immediately what to do and it bounced right off me and I was in charge, taking action and what I needed to do. At the same time, releasing the stuff I had no control over. And, but the way, my dad is okay now. So, these tools--it doesn't matter whether it's big or small--these three steps, I'm telling you, if you master them, you will live a happy life, no matter what the circumstance are. You will manifest the life of your dreams and that's in step three,

7 which I will be explaining shortly. And you will bounce back fast. Faster and higher than ever. What are these three steps? Everyone is probably going, "okay, what is it already!" PAGE 7 Yes, they are. The first step is this: master your conscious mind. Your conscious mind. Master your conscious mind. What that means is, understanding that whatever situation you're in right now, a feeling comes along with that. That feeling, chances are, doesn't feel very good. So, what I want to help you do is shift that feeling because, often, what happens--just like that gentleman was just saying, that he has relationship problems and it's just really hard to figure out the silver lining here--chances are, he's saying, "I feel sad, angry, resentful," whatever his emotions are around this. If I asked him, "Why do you feel this way?" He will say, "Because I'm having issues with my relationship." Whatever that is. What I would say in response to that is, "No. That's not the reason why." See, when something happens to you outside of you, whatever it is: you're about to lose your home, your relationship just broke up, you lost your job, whatever it is, you had that event, and then you have how you feel about that event. A lot of people believe, "I feel this way because this is happening." But that's not true, because something happens in between there. What happens is, you have a thought about what's happening in your life. You have a thought about what's happening outside of you-- whether it's losing your job, financial, relationship--you have a thought about it. That thought is making you feel the way you do. That thought is making you feel the way you do. If you're feeling horrible, that means you're telling yourself a really bad story about what's happening. It's a story. You might say, "It's not a story! It's the truth." Okay, so a lot of the facts in there are truth that is true it is no question. But the thoughts and the story you are telling yourself about what's happening is making you feel the way you do. For instance, if my husband leaves me and my thought in my head is, "I can't believe he's leaving me. I dedicated 10 years of my life to him. How am I ever going to find love? Again, what am I going to do financially? How dare he cheat on me? He said he loved me, but obviously he never did. I was deceived." Whatever! All of these horrible things that certainly can't make you feel good. So that's the story I would tell myself. What you need to do is become aware of what are your thoughts in that moment. Those thoughts are making you feel the way you do. So that's why it's important to really focus on your conscious mind and realize, "You know what? I'm not feeling good right now. Why is that? What am I telling myself? What are the thoughts I'm having right now that are making me feel this way?" Then you can choose to decide to shift what you are thinking in that moment and that's when the silver lining comes in really, really handy. Or that declaration comes in really handy. All that stuff I said about my husband: "You know what? I'm not feeling good. You know what? I don't know why this is happening, and I know something really great is waiting for me around the corner. And I know that my soul mate, my true soul mate that will treat me like gold, is around that corner. So hang in there.

8 PAGE 8 You know what I'd like to do for everybody here is, what is a situation in your life that is kind of like you're sinkable? A sinkable moment, or something that is sinking you right now. Write that in. I'd love to get some different perspectives from Sonia and from all of you on what that could mean for each of you on the call, with this first step actually being applied. We may jump back to that. Sonia, what's next, or where do we take it from here? Before we go to the next step, I want to give you some examples in case you're wondering, just to bring it home. Again, it's okay to feel bad when something bad happens. Like you mentioned before, with The Secret coming out and the Law of Attraction and everyone is afraid to feel any negative feeling because, "Oh, my God. I'm generating negative energy and negative things are going to come to me." The bad thing about The Secret coming out although I love it and I'm friends with everyone from The Secret is, no people are actually aware of it, which is good in one way, but bad another. As soon as they start feeling something negative, they start panicking and get stressed out because they're feeling something negative, and that's just more negative energy. At the same time, I want you to be able to recognize that when something bad happens, it's okay to feel bad. Give yourself have time to mourn, to cry, to let it out. And then get back up and move forward. Release it and move forward. Now, whenever you're feeling negative, like you feel sad, angry, frustrated, all those negative yucky feelings, it's equivalent to staring at a closed door. It's equivalent to staring at a closed door. Not only is it closed, but also it's locked and you're not going anywhere. So, let s say it's six months later and you're still feeling this way, it's time to step away from that closed door, because that's an energy mistake that most people do. It's focused so much on the negative and what's going on and they tell that story over and over and over again to themselves. Again it's equivalent to staring at a closed door. What's important is to step away from that closed door. Because once you step away from that closed door, you'll notice all the open doors around you. These doors are doors of opportunity that have probably always been there, but you're just too busy staring at that closed door complaining about your situation. Who did what to you and life isn't fair, what am I going to do, and all that kind of stuff. It's time to stop that and step away from that closed door and shift the way you're thinking in that moment and start focusing on the things you do want in life instead of focusing on the negative things that you don't want that are happening in your life. Focus on what you do want. Envision how your greatest life would look like. That's what's waiting for you around the corner as soon as you master these three steps. Okay. I believe that very strongly. It's very much in line with what I believe. Can I share one person for an example? Linda says, "I feel unemployable but I really want to contribute to the world." That's her big sinking thing. Feeling like she's not employable and I'm thinking maybe she's not employable! She should be doing something else with her time than looking for a "job." What do you think? What would be something she could do to shift that? Well, this is what's exciting, is that anything and everything is available to you if you

9 PAGE 9 allow it to come into your life. So, right now, in your mind, you're saying to yourself, "I am unemployable. Nobody wants to employ me." You're staring at a closed door. Now you need to change your language, because that's all negative language, by the way. At the same time, it would be really great to sit down with a pen and paper, a blank piece of paper and envision what your perfect job/career would look like. Just think in your mind, or put at the top of the page, "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?" What would you do if you knew you could not fail? And then just start writing what that could possibly be. Maybe what's really happening is that the universe is tapping you on the shoulder. What was her name? Let me look really quick. It was Donna. Oh, no. It was actually Linda. We've had another fifty come in here, so it s kind of exploding. So, Linda, imagine that the universe is tapping you on the shoulder and is saying to you, "I know you're trying to get this job, but there's another path for you that is so much better, will make you happier and will make you more money." Open your eyes, gain clarity, and step away from that closed door because there are tons of open doors all around you. Really take the time to recognize, Linda, you are employable, but maybe not for the jobs you're looking for right now. Open your eyes, your heart, your head--everything! Really take the time to meditate and take the time to be silent. Before you start your meditation, ask yourself, "Please send me" -- Say this statement: "Please send me the answer I'm looking for." Then just meditate and sit down and do that exercise. "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?" You'd be amazed at what comes up from that. Maybe it's time for a career change. Maybe it's time for you to life your greatest life and stop living a mediocre life. Stop following the crowd, because let's face it: most people are unhappy or dissatisfied with their life. Yeah. I can just feel the energy of that and I know Linda's feeling that, because when you move into that, there's more possibilities for you. That is a tremendous way to view any situation. We just had a bunch more come in, so what I want to do is, where do we go from here? I know Linda can do that, and other people can do that, no matter what it is, be it a relationship challenge, a money challenge, even a health challenge. You can begin to look at some other perspective that you're sure to gain from that. Many times, that is exactly the lesson that the universe is trying to get you to learn and when you get that, the challenge disappears. It's like there's a challenge and you're supposed to learn something. You just keep bumping up against the same wall and the challenge never really goes away. Yes. Powerful. Now, the second step, which is a little more difficult. We know how to master your conscious mind. It's not going to happen overnight. This is obviously--take notes and at the end of this you'll know exactly what you need to do. Let's put it that way. The second step is to reprogram your subconscious mind. The reprograming of your subconscious mind is a little more difficult than reprogramming your conscious mind because your conscious mind, you just become aware of your thoughts, what you're thinking, how you're feeling, and become aware of all of that and then shift it. The subconscious mind is a little more difficult because you have to dig a little deeper

10 PAGE 10 because you don't even know they're there. This is just a reality. It's a reality for you that you don't even realize that you have these issues. The issues I'm talking about are limiting beliefs and negative beliefs. Any time you have an area of your life that is not working right now, which can be relationships, it could be financial, career, family issues, health, it could be a lot of different things. The truth is this: There are limiting beliefs behind that area of your life. And we all have limiting beliefs. Believe me, to this day, I am experiencing and realizing and unveiling limiting beliefs. I'm always like the light bulb going off. "Oh my God! I just figured out another limiting belief!" It's exciting, because once it comes up, I'm able to shift it. But when you aren't conscious, you don't become aware or even try to figure out your limiting and negative beliefs are. You're just living through life thinking this is normal and wondering why you're six figures in debt. I'm going to help you with that right now. What that means is, you need to get those limiting beliefs and negative beliefs that are sabotaging your life right now. Sabotaging you from actually achieving what you want in that area of your life. I just want to mention, by the way, the whole manifestation process--i think I heard this on Oprah a while ago--you don't manifest what you want. You manifest what you believe. This is really, really important. You don't manifest what you want. You manifest what you believe. That's why it's important to really get clear about what your limiting and negative beliefs are at that subconscious level. You need to bring them up, release them and convert them into empowering, positive beliefs because those are just stories that you've been telling yourself and it's from experiences that you've had from a child and what you were told as a child and what you told yourself and from experiences you've had. It s time to unleash the past and let go and be able to start with a fresh, blank slate and things will manifest super-fast into your life as soon as you're able to do this. A lot of you are probably going, "I have no idea what she's talking about." I'm going to explain what that looks like. I was talking about money, so I know a lot of people are going through some financial trouble right now. What I would like everyone to do is get a pen and paper out and I'm going to describe a scenario to you. I'll tell you what to do. First of all, close your eyes. I want you to imagine yourself walking down the street in your neighborhood and you're stopped at a red light. You're watching the cars going by, enjoying the beautiful day. Then this car stops at the red light, right next to you. It's a red Ferrari. There's this guy that's sitting behind the wheel, music playing and it seems it's like the longest light of your life. You see the red Ferrari and you see this guy behind the wheel. I'm sure this has happened to you at some time in your life. What are the thoughts that come up for you in that moment? I'd like you to write that down. What comes up for you in that moment? What are you thinking as you're experiencing this red Ferrari with this guy with the music playing right in front of you? I'm not sure where we're going to go from here, but Sharon is out with us on the question box at and said, "I'd love to see what people are saying." Can I share what I had come in?

11 PAGE 11 Absolutely. I was going to say that I'd love to hear what people are saying. For me, it was like, "Oh, that's a cool car." And it depends on how loud the music is, but I was kind of picturing this really--it's almost like the music is really loud and kind of obnoxious--but what's funny is, that would be associated with the person with the Ferrari. Is there something there that I'm feeling about that car and all that? It s interesting, for me. I'm not a huge car person, so I don't really ever want a Ferrari. I still drive an old truck. Still, it's pretty interesting. So, what were you thinking in your mind in that moment. You said, "cool car." What else? I saw some guy with a loud radio and I thought that's really loud. What were you thinking about that person? I think my thing was more about the radio being really loud. But I don't think I had anything positive or negative about the person himself. That's good. That's very good. Chances are, financially, you do not have an issue in that area of your life, if you didn't have stuff that came up for you. Right now, for anyone listening--it can be a million things. So it would be nice to hear what people were thinking. Yeah. Let's see. A bunch of people are writing in. What came up for you guys? Share it with us? Let's see. Rose said, "That's nice for him. I can imagine myself in wealth like him." Another person said, "I'd have to smile that he was having so much fun." Denise said, actually, "Red Ferrari. Totally uneasy and uncomfortable. Kind of a sickening feeling." Another person said, "That must be nice." Denise just felt it was kind of sickening. What do you think? And someone else said, "Wow. Must be nice." We don't know. So a few things here. First of all, we don't know the tone because when people write in, we don't know, but let's say it was a negative tone, like, "Well, geez, must be nice." There is a limiting belief around money right there. That sickening feeling; there are definitely limiting beliefs around that as well. For instance, for me it was many years ago, this is what I would think in my mind when I would see somebody with their red Ferrari, I'd be thinking, "Oh, yeah. Check out this car. Mr. Rich Man! Thinks he's so great! Look at him! He's playing his loud music. Look at me! I'm rich!" And that is what was coming up for me. Very negative stuff around rich people. For me, I grew up very poor and my parents were immigrants from Italy. I'm first generation Canadian. My parents gave me everything they possibly could give me. I never felt like we were really poor, but we were always short of money and always talked about the importance of saving money and how we don't have much money. That did have an effect on me. So for me, in my mind, I always believe that rich people were other people and I was poor and we were different. There was this big gate in front of us and you're on one side and I'm on the other. I always felt like an outsider. That came up for me The fact that I was thinking "Oh, my goodness. Look at him. He thinks he's so great."

12 PAGE 12 It's like rich people think they're better than other people. That was the limiting belief. Rich people like to show off. All these negative thoughts about rich people had an effect on me and my finances because, in one way, in my conscious mind, I was saying, "I want to make a million dollars." And then in the subconscious mind, it's saying, "Yeah, but rich people think they're better than everyone else. Rich people are rude. Rich people are not happy." All these negative things. Because the subconscious mind is way more powerful than the conscious mind, what happens is, sabotage is happening and the subconscious mind takes over and says, "Your wish is my command." What's happening is, "I want a million dollars." Yeah, but you don't want to be one of those rich people that are rude and think they're better than everyone else, right? I don't want that. It's like, "Okay! So you're not going to get your million dollars!" And then I m scratching my head going "I don't understand why this isn't working." So this is what I m going to share. I'm going to share some examples of limiting beliefs around money. Some of this might resonate with you if you're going through some financial difficulties. For instance: making money is hard. Now, when I say making money is hard, what comes up for you? What comes up for you? Making money is hard. Is it, "Yeah. It is hard. It's true. That's not a limiting belief." Or is it "No, that's not true. It can be easy." What comes up for you? Making money is hard. Oh, I'll never be a millionaire. I don't have enough education to be successful. Or, I think it was Linda who said, "I'm unemployable." that's a perfect limiting belief. I'm too young or too old to be successful. If I make a lot of money, I'll be less spiritual. That's a really big one for people on the awakened path, which is another limiting belief. To make a lot of money, I have to work hard. If I make a lot of money, I'll have to work more hours and I'll never see my family. Your wish is my command, because you don't want to make a lot of money because you want to be with your family. So spend time with your family, but you'll be broke. That's what you're telling the universe. But in reality, it's just a limiting belief. "If I make a lot of money, I'll have to take on much more responsibility and I'll be so stressed out." That was something I believed for a lot of years. "Rich people are unhappy. Rich people are just jerks and they think they're better than everyone else." All these thoughts that come up for you, often we walk through life thinking those thoughts. We don't realize we're thinking these thoughts. We think that's reality and it's not. At such a deep subconscious level, we don't even realize it until we become aware of it and we're able to dig really deep to be able to bring it out and really see what it is that you're telling yourself. I want to share something in my life where I had a limiting belief that I couldn't figure out. I knew there was a limiting belief because I know this work. I just couldn t figure out what that limiting belief was and I just set that intention to uncover what that is so I'm able to shift it. For me, it was this: I never had any issues making six figures. Ever. I also had no issue or had any problems losing six figures! But I never had any issues making six figures, but I had issues making seven figures.

13 PAGE 13 No matter how hard I tried, no matter how hard I worked, no matter what I did, it just never seemed to happen. It was always back to six figures. One day, I was stopped at a red light and I was stopped there and I remember I was on the way to the dog park with my dog in the car and I just remember sitting there saying, "You know, I really wish I could make the seven figures. I've been trying and trying. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. What is it that I m doing wrong?" I sat there and eventually this thought came to my mind and it was this: "Yeah, but remember, in order to make seven figures, you have to have a lot of staff. Remember, when you used to work in the corporate world and you had 300 people underneath you, and how stressed out and miserable you were. You don't want to make seven figures." Right. Right. And the light bulb went on. "Oh my god! That's a limiting belief! I believe I have to have a lot of staff in order to make seven figures or it just won't happen!" I just laughed at myself, because I was like, "That's so ridiculous! There are people making seven figures who don't have a lot of staff." But I had this limiting belief that in order for me to make seven figures, I'm going to be miserable and stressed out. So that's all I invite to everyone listening right now in any area of your life. Start becoming aware of the conversation you're having with yourself at a very, very deep level. There are several exercises and things you can do. I actually have a system that I created, which I'll talk to you about later that actually helps you uncover what those limiting beliefs are, but you can also do them on your own as well and really become aware and become conscious. Really become conscious about what think you're reality is. Nothing is real. Nothing is real. You choose what to make anything mean in your life. You choose that. I love that last line. Nothing is real. You choose what is real. That is such a truth that whatever we perceive, we create a reality around it from our thoughts and we've got a ton a people writing in about the Ferrari guy which is kind of fun. One person, Dottie, said she felt frustration. Another person said--paula said, "I feel like I want to be rescued because I can't rescue myself." Another person wrote in, "He needs a chicken, because one feather isn't enough. I'll take the care and we can both be tickled." I don't know, but that sounds pretty fun. Another person: "I'm sure he got it from his rich parents." I love that. That's an interesting one. Another one said, "Privileged bastard." Another person saw him as successful, relaxed and assertive. That's cool. Let's see. Paula said, "Someone that would never be interested in me." Interesting. I love that. Oh, my goodness. Isn't that interesting. That is a limiting belief around relationships. Absolutely. It runs the gamut. It's a really powerful exercise. So, how would someone know, and I want to know about the next piece of this, too, because it's about vibration, but real quick: how would someone know when a limiting belief is removed, or that they've

14 PAGE 14 let it go or transformed their subconscious mind enough. Would they go back and do that test again or a different test and see what comes up? Yeah. Exactly. Like I mentioned earlier. The first step, reprogram your conscious mind--is a lot easier than the second step because it's at a subconscious level. So this is something that you re going to be doing with yourself regularly and catching yourself doing that. I catch myself all the time. What's going to happen is, the first step is to even recognize that you even have limiting beliefs. And just because we're having this conversation, you will have a shift in your life, because now you are going to become aware. You're going to start thinking and recognizing, "what a second." Normally, that Ferrari would come and you would have this thought and to you, that was your reality and never, for a second would you say to yourself, "Wow! I just thought that this guy was a jerk because his parents must be rich and that's why he's driving this car." Or, you would never be actually thinking about what you're thinking. But now we're having this conversation, so it's time to start thinking about what you're thinking and what you're feeling at a really deep level and taking the time to do these exercises and to take the time for every area of your life. Really dig deep to see what are your true thoughts and beliefs around that area in your life. Take a blank piece of paper and write it all out. Like that lady said, "Oh, I could never have anyone like that in my life." Or something like that. That is a limiting belief that she could never have a man that has money in her life and she's destined to only have poor guys in her life. And that isn't true. That isn't true. But will it happen? Absolutely, you will have poor guys in your life because that's what you believe. We manifest what we believe, not what we want. So what do you do? You need to recognize that you have a limiting belief, and now she does. And then change it and change it into an empowering statement. Anytime you realize you have a thought, you just laugh to yourself and say, "There's that limiting belief again!" And then state--say it verbally out loud--your new empowering belief: "I can and I will find my perfect soul mate who will treat me like a queen, put me on a pedestal who is tall, dark, handsome and is financially successful," If that is what is important to you. There are so many things that you do that go beyond that. I'm looking at the deeper work in your technologies and vibrations and sound frequencies and all sorts of things that I know we're going to talk about that make it easy to do it. I've created a whole system around this to make it really easy, but we'll get to that. But I want people to really understand and get how important this work is if you want to truly manifest your greatest life. You really need to master your conscious mind and your subconscious mind. Then there's the third step, which is the one that I Iove the most, because that's fun. That is, elevate your vibration to above 500 level. Some of you heard of this before and some of you are like, "what is she talking about?" So, I'm going to explain what this means and it's going to be so clear to you, because I know that a lot of you have heard of the law of attraction and the whole thing how everything is made out of energy, including what you're wearing, your desk, your computer, your thoughts.

15 PAGE 15 They have found that like energy attracts like energy. If you have positive thoughts or you feel good, you'll attract great things into your life. If you have negative thoughts and you feel horrible, you'll attract more negative stuff into your life. Most of you know about that Well, this is going to take this to another level to really understand and appreciate what it really means. There's a book, and I don't know if you've ever read it. It's called Power vs. Force by Dr. David Hawkins. I have. It's a great book. He created this scale called the Calibrated Scale of Consciousness. It was a scale of 1 to 1,000. What he was doing was testing the consciousness of people and the world in general. What he was doing was he was doing muscle testing to do it. What was amazing is that he found that people who were in a state of fear, anger, shame--all those negative feelings--they all tested at a very low conscious level and were vibrating at a very low level. Whereas people who were in a state of love, peace, joy, gratitude--they all vibrated at a very high level. In fact, their levels of consciousness were well over the 500 level. I'm going to repeat that: A state of love, peace, joy, gratitude. Those are four phenomenally high vibration states. So, they are all above 500. You've heard of the law of attraction, and when I was reading this in the book, it was so clear to me. What we need to do, instead of having positive thoughts and all that kind of stuff that seems a little bit too "easy" this makes more sense. Get yourself to a state of love, peace, joy, and gratitude and you will attract great things in your life because you're vibrating at the above 500 level. That is really important. Some of you, right now, are thinking, "Yeah, but how do I do that? If I'm going through a tough time, it's really hard to be in that state. How do I get to a state of love, peace, joy and gratitude?" Well, first of all, there are a few things you can do right off the bat. Again, there are some great technologies that will help you get to that level very easily, which I will talk about in a second. But, what you can do right off the bat is, you really need to choose your friends carefully. That's the first thing. We have a lot of people that are negative in our lives, that are toxic in our lives, that tend to complain, gossip about other people, that are never happy, that are not living their greatest lives, and they are dissatisfied and they have a tendency to share it with you. Well, first of all, if you're going through a tough time, the last thing you need is to be around a person that is like that. Because, first of all, they're generating energy at a very low level. What's going to happen, if you're in a delicate state, you will suck up that negative energy and it will bring you down. First of all, get rid of the people--at this moment, stay away as much as you can from any negative people. Hang around people that elevate you. Hang around people that when you leave them--say you have dinner with them--you leave them feeling like an 8 out of 10 or a 10 out of 10. You have somebody you have dinner with and you leave and you have this black cloud over your head. You were miserable before but now you're really depressed. Get rid of that person, for now, anyway. Preferably forever, to be honest,

16 PAGE 16 but anyway! The bottom line is, create a circle of light. Those are people that elevate you. Those are the people you need to be around in order to help elevate your vibration. That's one thing. The other thing is, often when we're going through a difficult time, people have done things to us and sometimes there is some resentment there: anger, sadness, whatever. It is hard to forgive that person. What I say is you need to forgive that person. You may not be ready to forgive them yet, but it's important to forgive that person for yourself. It has nothing to do with them. When you don't forgive, it's like drinking rat poison and expecting the rat to die. What you're doing is you're only hurting yourself. By not forgiving, all of the negative feelings are keeping you at a very low vibrational level. And if you're at a very low vibration level, it'll be hard for you to attract great things in your life and it'll take you much longer to get around that corner to your greatest life. You need to work on forgiving the people in your life. So that's another way. The other thing I love to talk about all the time is coming from a place of love all the time. It's not easy to do. Always coming from a place of love. That means that, when you find yourself really upset or angry or ready to get yourself into some confrontation, stop, think and say these words. I say them three times. "Always come from a place of love. Always come from a place of love. Always come from a place of love." Then react. Or say this: "if I were coming from a place of love right now, how would I behave?" Because, chances are, it wasn't how you were going to behave. Right! I can assure you, by coming from that place--it's not always easy, I get that--but when you do, you are elevating not only your vibration but you're shifting the situation immediately. Let's say you're really angry with someone and they come from a place of love, how could you possibly continue the argument? It just stopped right then and there. The energy has shifted completely. That's just a few examples of how to elevate your vibration to that above-500 level. And of course, being grateful. That goes without saying. Sometimes it's hard to be grateful when things are not going well in your life. But let me tell you, you have a lot to be grateful in your life. If you can't think of anything that you are grateful for, then you're staring at a closed door. We go back to the first one, there. Exactly. Just the fact that you might have change in your pocket, which is more money than the majority of the planet; just the fact that you have a roof over your head; just the fact that you have moving legs and arms; just the fact that you have people in your life that love you. I could go on and on and on and on. I've been on a lot of humanitarian missions on the planet, around the world, I should say. I've seen it. I've seen kids who, all they have is their underwear. No shoes. They don't know where their next meal is coming from. I stood in front of a cemetery once and the guy who was giving me the tour--this was

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