) Introduction SPRING (Spatial( PP lan nn in g g ff oo r r RR ee gg io nn s s in GG rr oo ww in g g EE cc oo nn oo mm ie s s ) ii s s aa n n ii nn tt

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Download ") Introduction SPRING (Spatial( PP lan nn in g g ff oo r r RR ee gg io nn s s in GG rr oo ww in g g EE cc oo nn oo mm ie s s ) ii s s aa n n ii nn tt"


1 GG SPRING (Spatial( Planning ff oo r r RR ee gio ns in GG rr oo ww ing EE cc oo no mm ie s s ) Dr. Sam Afrane Dep art ment oo f PP ll anni ng KK NN UU ST,, KK uu mas ii hh ana

2 ) Introduction SPRING (Spatial( PP lan nn in g g ff oo r r RR ee gg io nn s s in GG rr oo ww in g g EE cc oo nn oo mm ie s s ) ii s s aa n n ii nn tt ee rr nn aa tt ii oo nn aa l l tt rr aa ii nn ii nn g g pp rr oo gg rr aa mm mm ee ii n n dd ee vv ee ll oo pp mm ee nn t t pp ll aa nn nn ii nn g g aa nn dd mm aa nn aa gg ee mm ee nn t t jj oo ii nn tt ll y y oo rr gg aa nn ii zz ee d d bb y y tt hh ee KK NU ST,, KK uu mm aa ss i i aa nn d d tt hh e e UU nn ii vv ee rr ss ii tt y y oo ff DD oo rr tt mm uu nn d d,, Ge rr mm aa nn y y

3 O MM otiv aa tion/ RR aa tiona ll e e :: DD ee vv ee ll oo pp mm ee nn t t CC oo nn cc ee rr nn s s ii n n tt hh e e dd ee vv ee ll oo pp ii nn g g ww oo rr ll d d tt hh aa t t nn ee cc ee ss ss ii tt aa tt ee d d tt hh e e Pr oo gg rr aa mm mm e e :: O vv ee r r cc ee nn tt rr aa ll ii zz aa tt ii oo n n aa nn d d cc oo nn tt rr oo l l oo f f dd ee vv ee ll oo pp mm ee nn t t aa cc tt ii vv ii tt ii ee s s aa nn d d tt hh e e ee xx cc ll uu ss ii oo n n oo f f ll oo cc aa l l cc oo mm mm uu nn ii tt ii ee s s ff rr oo m m tt hh e e pp ll aa nn nn ii nn g g pp rr oo cc ee ss s s.. LL aa cc k k oo f f bb aa ll aa nn cc e e bb ee tt ww ee ee n n bb aa ss ii c c nn ee ee dd s s oo f f ll oo cc aa l l cc oo mm mm uu nn ii tt ii ee s s aa nn d d bb rr oo aa d d nn aa tt ii oo nn aa l l dd ee vv ee ll oo pp mm ee nn t t gg oo aa ll s s aa nn d d pp rr ii oo rr ii tt ii ee s s..

4 ww Outmoded developments pla nni ng cc onc epts bb aa sed on ma xx ii mi zz aa ti on of gg rr oss na ti ona l pr oduc t ww ii th li ttle or no rr eg aa rr d ff or th e eq ui ta bb le di str ii bb uti on of gg rr ow th aa nd cc hh aa ng e ii n th e qq ua li ty of li ff e th e people, hh ii cc h h ii s th e aa cc tua l mea ni ng of development. Outmoded ii nsti tuti ona l ff rr aa mew or k k aa nd aa dmi ni str aa ti ve str uc tur es ff or ff or mula ti on aa nd ii mplementa ti on of development poli cc ii es.

5 GG oa l l :: TT o ensur e a a cc onti nuous supply of aa deq ua te aa nd hh ii gg hh ly qq ua li ff ii ed development pla nner s ff or AA ff rr ii cc a a aa nd oth er gg rr ow ii ng ec onomi es to ena bb le th em cc ontr ii bb ute to na ti ona l development th rr oug h h dea li ng ef ff ec ti vely ww ii th pr ob lems aa t th e loc aa l level. Take-o o ff f f :: TT hh e PP rr og rr aa mme sta rr ted ii n

6 ww Structure of the Programme: The first year in Dortmund focuses s on theories, concep ts, methods, techniq ues and gg eneral pp rocedures of ll ocal dev el op ment pp ll anning.. The second year in KK umasi focuses on pp ractice oriented fiel d studies, ll ectures, seminars and op erational pp rocedures ithin a sp ecific cul tural and pp ol itical framew ork.. AA t the end of the tw o years, successful students are aw arded the MM aster of SS cience deg ree in Dev el op ment PP ll anning and MM anag ement. OO vv er the ll ast tw o decades, jj oint transcrip ts hav e bb een issued and sig ned bb y the authorities at KK NN UU SS T and the UU niv ersity of Dortmund.

7 : Programme Phases: 11.. FF ii rr ss t t,, a a 44 -y y ee aa r r pilot phase : // // cc oo nn ss oo ll ii dd aa tt ii oo n n pp hh aa ss ee s s,, ( tt o o )) ww ee rr e e aa ii mm ee d d aa t t a a ss uu ss tt aa ii nn aa bb ll e e pp rr oo gg rr aa mm mm e e aa ff tt ee r r ii t t hh aa s s bb ee ee n n pp rr oo pp ee rr ll y y ii nn ss tt ii tt uu tt ii oo nn aa ll ii zz ee d d bb ee tt ww ee ee n n tt hh e e tt ww o o uu nn ii vv ee rr ss ii tt ii ee s s TT hh e e ff ii nn aa l l cc oo nn ss oo ll ii dd aa tt ii oo n n pp hh aa ss e e ( tt o o )) aa ii mm ee d d aa t t tt hh e e ll oo nn gg -t t ee rr m m ss uu ss tt aa ii nn aa bb ii ll ii tt y y oo f f tt hh e e pp rr oo gg rr aa mm mm e e aa nn d d ss oo uu gg hh t t ::

8 TT o ii nsti tuti ona li zz e ii nvolvement of aa lumni ii n ma rr kk eti ng of SS PP RR II NN G G TT o develop a a ma rr kk eti ng str aa teg y y TT o emb aa rr k k on aa gg gg rr essi ve ma rr kk eti ng of SS PP RR II NN G G ii n th e rr eg ii on aa nd ii n EE ur ope TT o pur sue aa ddi ti ona l sour cc es of ii nc ome e. g g.. gg rr oup cc onsulta nc y y,, sponsor ed rr esea rr cc h h,, sh or t-tert ter m tr aa ii ni ng ii n aa nd out of KK NN UU SS T T,, aa nd dona ti ons of eq ui pment aa nd ff aa cc ii li ti es, bb ook s aa nd li bb rr aa rr y y ff unds. TT o enla rr gg e th e donor

9 ww 44.. TT hh e e ff if th phase ww hic h span nn ed ff rr om OO cc tob er to SS eptem bb er TT hh e e ff ii ff tt h h pp hh aa ss e e ff oo cc uu ss ee d d pp rr ii nn cc ii pp aa ll ll y y oo n n rr ee ss uu ll tt s s tt hh aa t t ww ii ll l l ee nn ss uu rr e e tt hh e e ff ii nn aa nn cc ii aa l l ss uu ss tt aa ii nn aa bb ii ll ii tt y y oo f f tt hh e e pp rr oo gg rr aa mm mm e e aa t t KK NU ST.. AA n n EE vv aa ll uu aa tt ii oo n n oo f f tt hh e e cc oo nn ss oo ll ii dd aa tt ii oo n n pp hh aa ss ee s s bb rr oo uu gg hh t t oo uu t t tt hh e e ff oo ll ll oo ww ii nn g g ff ii nn dd ii nn gg s s :: SPRING gg rr aa dd uu aa tt ee s s aa rr e e dd oo ii nn g g ee ll l l ii n n tt hh e e ff ii ee ll dd KK NU ST hh aa d d aa ll l l tt hh aa t t ii s s rr ee qq uu ii rr ee d d tt o o bb e e aa n n ee qq uu aa l l pp aa rr tt nn ee r r ww ii tt h h UU nn ii vv ee rr ss ii tt y y oo f f DD oo rr tt mm uu nn dd LL oo nn gg -t t ee rr m m ss cc hh oo ll aa rr ss hh ii pp s s ff oo r r Gh aa nn aa ii aa n n ss tt uu dd ee nn tt s s ff oo r r tt hh e e ff ii rr ss t t yy ee aa r r ii n n DD oo rr tt mm uu nn d d hh aa vv e e nn oo t t yy ii ee ll dd ee d d aa nn y y pp oo ss ii tt ii vv e e rr ee ss uu ll tt s s..

10 GG GG RR ee com mm ee nda tions :: EE stab ll ish a ful l l tw o year (( 11 st and 22 nd year) pp rog ramme at the KK NN UU SS T, KK umasi, mainl y for the hanaian students (( from )) to bb e org aniz ed as pp art of the jj oint SS PP RR II NN G G pp rog ramme bb etw een KK NN UU SS T and UU niv ersity of Dortmund. The first year course for non- hanaians is to bb e run pp aral ll el to Dortmund s bb ased common course modul es in order to ensure uniform content and qq ual ity. The second year pp rog ramme ww il l l bb e run at the KK NN UU SS T, KK umasi for bb oth gg roup s of students ww ho hav e successful ll y pp assed the first year courses in KK umasi or Dortmund.

11 DD LL at est AA greemen t t : A memorandum of ii nt ent ww as ss ii gg ned bb y y tt hh e UU ni vv ers ii tt y y of ort mund and tt hh e KK NN UU SS T T on tt hh e ss t t OO cc tt ob er ww ii tt h h tt hh e fol ll ow ii ng kk ey pp oi nt s s ::

12 TT hh e e ee xx cc hh aa nn gg e e oo f f ss tt aa ff f f,, jj oo ii nn t t ss ee ll ee cc tt ii oo n n oo f f cc aa nn dd ii dd aa tt ee s s tt o o tt hh e e pp rr oo gg rr aa mm mm e e,, jj oo ii nn t t aa pp pp rr oo vv aa l l oo f f tt hh ee ss e e tt oo pp ii cc s s,, pp aa rr tt ii cc ii pp aa tt ii oo n n oo f f pp aa rr tt nn ee rr s s ii n n aa ll l l ee xx aa mm ii nn aa tt ii oo nn s s ii nn cc ll uu dd ii nn g g tt hh ee ss ee s s aa nn d d dd ee vv ee ll oo pp mm ee nn t t ww oo rr kk ss hh oo pp s s,, ee vv aa ll uu aa tt ii oo n n oo f f ll ee cc tt uu rr ee rr s s bb y y ss tt uu dd ee nn tt s s ;; aa nn d d jj oo ii nn t t rr ee ss ee aa rr cc h h aa nn d d pp uu bb ll ii cc aa tt ii oo n n.. TT hh e e DD AA AA D D aa gg rr ee ee d d ww ii tt h h tt hh e e DD ee pp aa rr tt mm ee nn t t oo f f Pl aa nn nn ii nn g g tt o o ee aa rr mm aa rr k k uu p p tt o o 55 ii nn -c c oo uu nn tt rr y y ss cc hh oo ll aa rr ss hh ii pp s s oo f f 22 yy ee aa r r dd uu rr aa tt ii oo n n aa t t KK NU ST (f oo r r Gh aa nn aa ii aa nn s s oo nn ll y y )) ee aa cc h h yy ee aa r r ff oo r r tt hh e e DD ee pp aa rr tt mm ee nn t t s s SPRING/ KK NU ST pp rr oo gg rr aa mm mm e e aa cc tt ii vv ii tt ii ee s s..

13 AA ch ie vv ee mm ee nts :: 11.. FF rr oo m m tt hh e e hh uu mm bb ll e e bb ee gg ii nn nn ii nn gg s s ii n n ,, tt hh e e pp rr oo gg rr aa mm mm e e hh aa s s gg rr oo ww n n ii nn tt o o pp aa rr tt nn ee rr ss hh ii pp s s ii n n AA ss ii a a aa nn d d LL aa tt ii n n AA mm ee rr ii cc a a.. TT hh e e cc uu rr rr ee nn t t pp aa rr tt nn ee rr s s oo f f tt hh e e pp rr oo gg rr aa mm mm e e aa rr e e aa s s ff oo ll ll oo ww s s :: tt hh e e FF aa cc uu ll tt y y oo f f Sp aa tt ii aa l l Pl aa nn nn ii nn g g,, UU nn ii vv ee rr ss ii tt ää tt DD oo rr tt mm uu nn d d,, Ge rr mm aa nn y y ;; tt hh e e DD ee pp aa rr tt mm ee nn t t oo f f Pl aa nn nn ii nn g g,, KK ww aa mm e e Nk rr uu mm aa h h UU nn ii vv ee rr ss ii tt y y oo f f Sc ii ee nn cc e e aa nn d d TT ee cc hh nn oo ll oo gg y y (D oo P KK NU ST )) ii n n KK uu mm aa ss i i,, Gh aa nn a a ;;

14 QQ th e SS cc hh ool of UU rr bb aa n aa nd RR eg ii ona l PP la nni ng (( SS UU RR P P )),, UU ni ver si ty of th e PP hh ii li ppi nes, uez on CC ii ty,, TT hh e PP hh ii li ppi nes; th e UU ni ver si ty CC olleg e of LL aa nds aa nd AA rr cc hh ii tec tur aa l SS tudi es (( UU CC LL AA S S )),, UU ni ver si ty of DD aa r r es SS aa la aa m, TT aa nz aa ni a a ;; th e FF aa cc ulty of EE cc onomi c c aa nd EE nvi rr onmenta l SS cc ii enc es, UU ni ver si da d AA ustr aa l, VV aa ldi vi a a,, CC hh ii le aa nd th e CC entr e of EE nvi rr onmenta l SS cc ii enc es EE UU LL A A,, UU ni ver si da d de CC onc epc ii óó n, CC hh ii le.

15 DD PP ll aa nn s s aa rr e e aa dd vv aa nn cc ee d d tt o o ee ss tt aa bb ll ii ss h h aa nn oo tt hh ee r r pp aa rr tt nn ee rr ss hh ii p p ii n n CC hh ii nn aa 22.. AA bb out gg rr aa dua tes ff rr om over cc ountr ii es. EE mploy ed ii n lea di ng posi ti ons ii n tea cc hh ii ng aa nd rr esea rr cc h h,, RR eg ii ona l evelopment aa nd UU rr bb aa n PP la nni ng aa s ww ell aa s ii n na ti ona l mi ni str ii es aa nd ii n th e development sec tor..

16 D CC hal ll en ges UU nder sta ndi ng th e pr oc edur es ii nvolved ii n ma na gg ii ng a a suc cc essf ul pa rr tner sh ii p D ii ff ff er ent soc ii o-co c ultur aa l cc ontex ts aa nd ww or k k eth ii cc s HH ow to susta ii n th e pr og rr aa mme th rr oug h h sc hh ola rr sh ii ps (( ww hh ii cc h h aa lso mea ns rr educ ii ng th e ii nta kk e of GG hh aa na ii aa ns) HH ow to hh aa ve aa cc cc ess to th e ff ii na nc ii aa l bb enef ii ts of th e pr og rr aa mme

17 H PP art ners hh ii p p hh as bb een more NN ort hh - ss out h h,, tt o tt hh e det ri ment of SS out hh - SS out h h CC oop erat ii on. SS PP RR II NN G G ss aut onomy ww ii tt hh ii n tt hh e CC ol ll eg e ss tt ruc tt ure? H av ii ng eq ual ss ay ii n cc ruc ii al mat tt ers reg ardi ng tt hh e admi ni ss tt rat ii on of tt hh e pp roj ec tt

18 DD LL aa te ss t AA gg re ee mm ee nt: A memorandum of ii nt ent ww as ss ii gg ned bb y y tt hh e UU ni vv ers ii tt y y of ort mund and tt hh e KK NN UU SS T T on tt hh e ss t t OO cc tt ob er ww ii tt h h tt hh e fol ll ow ii ng kk ey pp oi nt s s ::

19 LL ee ss ss ons LL ee aa rnt Pa rr tt nn ee rr ss hh ii pp s s oo f f tt hh ii s s nn aa tt uu rr e e aa rr e e cc oo ss t t ee ff ff ee cc tt ii vv e e,, FF ii nn aa nn cc ii aa l l aa uu tt oo nn oo mm y y ee nn aa bb ll ee s s ss uu cc h h pp rr oo gg rr aa mm mm ee s s tt o o tt aa kk e e oo ff f f ss uu cc cc ee ss ss ff uu ll ll y y Pr ii mm e e mm oo vv ee rr s s aa rr e e nn ee ee dd ee d d aa t t bb oo tt h h ss ii dd ee s s tt o o ee nn aa bb ll e e tt hh e e pp aa rr tt nn ee rr ss hh ii p p ss tt aa rr t t aa nn d d bb e e oo pp ee rr aa tt ee d d oo n n a a ss uu ss tt aa ii nn aa bb ll e e bb aa ss ii s s.. EE ff ff ee cc tt ii vv e e cc oo mm mm uu nn ii cc aa tt ii oo n n aa nn d d gg oo oo dd ww ii ll l l aa mm oo nn g g pp aa rr tt nn ee rr s s aa rr e e kk ee y y tt o o tt hh e e ss uu cc cc ee ss s s oo f f ss uu cc h h pp rr oo gg rr aa mm mm ee ss

20 SS ug gg ee ss tions ff or ff uture pp rog ra mm mm ee s s // WW aa y y ff orw aa rd Pa rr tt nn ee rr ss hh ii p p ss hh oo uu ll d d tt hh rr ii vv e e oo n n cc oo nn ff ii dd ee nn cc e e ii n n ee aa cc h h oo tt hh ee r r,, BB oo tt h h pp aa rr tt nn ee rr s s ss hh oo uu ll d d ee xx pp ll oo rr e e tt o o tt hh e e ff uu ll l l tt hh e e pp rr oo vv ii ss ii oo nn s s ii n n aa gg rr ee ee mm ee nn tt s s ss ii gg nn ee d d,, aa s s ww ee ll l l aa s s aa dd hh ee rr e e tt o o tt hh ee m m.. So mm e e ll ee vv ee l l oo f f ff ii nn aa nn cc ii aa l l aa uu tt oo nn oo mm y y ii s s rr ee qq uu ii rr ee d d ff oo r r tt aa kk ee -o o ff f f oo f f ss uu cc h h pp rr oo gg rr aa mm mm ee s s ww ii tt hh ii n n pp aa rr tt nn ee r r uu nn ii vv ee rr ss ii tt ii ee s s.. Pr oo gg rr aa mm mm ee s s ss hh oo uu ll d d aa s s mm uu cc h h aa s s pp oo ss ss ii bb ll e e rr ee ss pp oo nn d d tt o o tt hh e e dd ee vv ee ll oo pp mm ee nn t t nn ee ee dd s s oo f f tt hh e e pp aa rr tt nn ee r r cc oo uu nn tt rr ii ee s s..

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SAMPLE KYRIE. Dm (Em) Dm (Bm) (Bm) (G) (Em) (Bm) (D) Chri ste. ri e e. son. ri e e lé. Gm7 F (G) Gm7. (Bm) (Em7) (D) (Em7) (D) son. Chri ste. KYRIE Capo 3: () m () m () m () m () m () () B e e (7) m7 lé () m () m lé son. Ky r e e () son. Chr ste SMPLE Text: raduale Romanum, 1974. Musc: Chant Mass; raduale Romanum, 1974; gutar acc. 1995, OCP.

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