Upper Primary 小学高年级 Books for children aged 10-12

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1 Upper Primary 小学高年级 Books for children aged 岁阅读 2016 FALL 秋季 Obido Reading Club 欧贝豆读书俱乐部 New Releases 最新发行 The Trials of Apollo : The Hidden Oracle Item 编号 :76 Author 作者 : Rick Riordan pages 页码 : 376 Lexile: 680L AR: 3.9 硬板 英文 中级 159.9RMB 140RMB How do you punish an immortal? By making him human. After angering his father Zeus, the god Apollo is cast down from Olympus. 如何惩治不死之人? 那就把他变成人类 阿波罗因为惹怒了自己的父亲天神宙斯, 他被驱逐出了奥林匹斯山 The Land of Stories: An Author's Odyssey Item 编号 :71 Author 作者 : Chris Colfer pages 页码 : 480 Lexile: 760L AR: 4.6 硬板 英文 中级 159.9RMB 140RMB In the highly anticipated continuation of the Land of Stories series, Conner learns that the only place to fight the Masked Man's literary army is inside his own short stories! 故事之地系列第五本 : 纽约时报畅销作品 ; 双胞胎兄妹艾利克斯和康纳终于发现打败邪恶势力的办法, 他们能顺利回家吗? Bullying is a Pain in the Brain Item 编号 :10 Author 作者 : Trevor Romain Age 年龄 : 8-13 Lexile: 780L AR: 4.7 No one wants to be picked on, pushed 71.6RMB 60RMB around, threatened, or teased. With practical suggestions and humor, you will learn to stop bullying in its tracks. 没人喜欢被为难, 摆布, 恐吓或者调戏 本书提供的一些实际可行的建议和幽默化解, 让你阻止一切欺凌行为在你的身边发生 Award Winners 获奖作品 The Witch of Blackbird Pond Item 编号 :78 Author 作者 : Elizabeth George Speare pages 页码 : 272 Age 年龄 : Lexile: 850L AR: 5.5 Torn between her quest for belonging and her desire to be true to herself, Kit struggles to survive in a hostile place. 她在归属和追求之间挣扎, 并且努力在这个充满敌意的地方生存下来, 就当她濒临绝望, 即将要放弃的时候, 吉特遇到了志趣相投的朋友 Book Scavenger Item 编号 :8 Author 作者 : Jennifer Chambliss Bertman pages 页码 : 368 Age 年龄 : 9-14 Lexile: 810L AR: 5 Racing against time, Emily and James rush from clue to clue, desperate to figure out the secret at the heart of Griswold's new game before those who attacked Griswold come after them too. 艾米丽和詹姆斯正在和时间赛跑, 他们急于找出格里斯瓦德新游戏中心的线索和秘密, 不然他们即将面临生命危险! Beastly Bones Item 编号 :7 Author 作者 : William Ritter 0 Lexile: 850L AR: 5.5 In 1892, New England, things are never quite what they seem, especially when Abigail Rook and her eccentric employer, R. F. Jackaby, are called upon to investigate the supernatural 年的英格兰, 事情并不像大家看到的表面的样子, 尤其这时候艾比盖尔和她偏心的老板, 正在着手在调查超自然的生物 79.6RMB 70RMB Every purchase Every you Order make Supports earns FREE Your Child's BOOKS Class! for your child's class 您每一次购物行动将为孩子的班级挣得免费书籍每一份订单将为您孩子的班级献一份力量 1

2 Weirdo Halloween Item 编号 :81 Author 作者 : R.L. Stine pages 页码 : 214 Lexile: 380L AR: 2.1 Take a little Horror home with you! 64RMB An extra-long, extra-scary Halloween Special Edition: a HorrorLand first! 双胞胎在万圣节前夜发现一群坏蛋穿着万圣节的服装, 欺负别人, 当他们终于解救出一个小孩子的时候, 他们发现原来那里有外星人! The Ghost of Shadow Vale Item 编号 :70 Author 作者 : Jonathon Stroud pages 页码 : 72 A spine-tingling retelling of an Icelandic legend. Glam killed the 89.9RMB 65RMB monster of Shadow Vale - but he died in the battle. Now Glam's ghost has come back. 在冰岛传说中, 格兰杀死了影子谷的怪物, 并且因此牺牲了 但是现在格兰的鬼魂回来了 Living with Vampires Item 编号 :47 Author 作者 : Jeremy Strong Everyone's parents can be a bit embarrassing, but Kevin's are worse than most - they're vampires! 89.9RMB 65RMB 每个人都曾因为自己的父母而感到难为情, 凯文的父母却是最糟糕的, 他们都是吸血鬼! Have a Clawesome Howloween: A Creepy-Cool Activity Book Item 编号 :40 Author 作者 : Brian Farrey pages 页码 : 256 Skelebrate Howloween with this fun 64RMB activity book full of fangtastic homemade costume ideas and makeup tips to dress like your favor Monster High character! 万圣节装扮灵感启发, 关于自制万圣节服装, 化妆技巧 2 Scary School Item 编号 :58 Author 作者 : Pollygeist Danescary Lexile: 960L AR: 6.7 Derek the Ghost is an eleven-yearold ghost who haunts the classrooms and hallways of Scary School writing down all the spine-tingling, often hilarious, things that go on there. 戴瑞克是一个 11 岁的鬼魂, 他总是出没于可怕学校的教室和走廊里, 并且在那写下很多搞笑恐怖的故事 The Dreamsnatcher Item 编号 :69 Author 作者 : Robert D. San Souci pages 页码 : 192 Twelve-year-old Molly Pecksniff wakes one night in the middle of the forest, lured there by a recurring nightmare. The Dreamsnatcher is waiting. He has already taken her dreams and now he wants her life. 12 岁的莫莉一天晚上醒来, 发现自己在森林的深处, 被反复的噩梦所困扰 夺梦者已经抢走了她的梦, 现在正在等着她的性命 More Books for Children Online! 更多儿童读物请点击我们的网站 Short & Shivery Item 编号 :60 Author 作者 : Derek the Ghost pages 页码 : 272 Lexile: 990L AR: 6.9 Chills and thrills to make your flesh crawl with fear! Turn the lights down low and grab your favourite reading chair. But first, you d better check behind you. 令你毛骨悚然的恐怖和刺激, 很适合在昏暗的环境下阅读, 不过你要先看看背后有没有人!

3 Fantasy 奇幻之境 Star Darlings: Clover's Parent Fix Item 编号 :64 Author 作者 : Shana Muldoon Zappa pages 页码 : 176 Clover's Wishworld mission involve a girl who is an only child whose parents completely baby her. 迪士尼娃娃系列 : 克露芙总是那个循规蹈矩的小女孩, 做一切事情都小心翼翼, 她必须要跳出条条框框, 随心而为 Star Darlings: Adora Finds a Friend Item 编号 :62 Author 作者 : Shana Muldoon Zappa pages 页码 : 146 On this mission, Adora is set to help a super sensitive and shy Wisher who must try to make a new best friend because the one she has had since early childhood has moved away. 迪士尼娃娃系列 : 阿朵拉的任务就是帮助一位非常害羞敏感的许愿者, 帮助她重新交到新的朋友 Star Darlings: Astra's Mixed- Up Mission Item 编号 :63 Author 作者 : Shana Muldoon Zappa pages 页码 : 140 Life on Starland is anything but normal these days. The Star Darlings continue to experience mysterious phenomena while trying to maintain their cover. 迪士尼娃娃系列 : 明星运动员阿斯特拉被选为新的愿望实现者 自信的她很快得知了许愿者的真实愿望 阿斯特拉能把自己的利益放在一边, 在有限的时间内帮助艾玛吗? The Secret of Dreadwillow Carse Item 编号 :75 Author 作者 : Abi Elphinstone pages 页码 : 288 Age 年龄 : 9-11 Lexile: 670L AR: 3.8 In the center of the verdant Monarchy lies 135.6RMB 120RMB Dreadwillow Carse, a desolate bog the people of the land do their best to ignore. 在君主国的中心, 有着一块可怕的沼泽地, 人们都尽量避得远远的, 那里似乎蕴藏着不可告人的秘密 Maddy West and the Tongue Taker Item 编号 :48 Author 作者 : Brian Falkner pages 页码 : 256 Age 年龄 : 9-13 Maddy West can speak every 103.6RMB language in the world. When she is asked to help translate some ancient scrolls, her wild adventure begins. 麦蒂会说世界上所有的语言, 她被邀请踏上了精彩绝伦的旅行, 为了要翻译一些十分古老的书卷 Star Darlings: Piper's Perfect Dream Item 编号 :65 Author 作者 : Shana Muldoon Zappa pages 页码 : 156 Mysterious things continue to happen on Starland every day as the girls wait to see who will go on the next Wish Mission. 迪士尼娃娃系列 : 明星家园一直有神秘的事情在发生, 所有的女孩们都在等待, 谁会接受下一个许愿任务? Star Darlings: Tessa's Lost and Found Item 编号 :66 Author 作者 : Shana Muldoon Zappa pages 页码 : 141 As more and more disturbing things happen on Starland, the Star Darlings try to unravel clues to what's going on. 迪士尼娃娃系列 : 在明星家园发生了越来越多让人困扰的事情, 大家都想寻找线索, 找出事情的起因 Modern Classics 现代经典 Johnny Tremain Item 编号 :45 Author 作者 : Esther Hoskins Forbes 0 Lexile: 840L AR: 5.4 Johnny Tremain,winner of the 1944 Newbery Medal, is one of the finest historical novels ever written. As compelling today as it was seventy years ago, to read this riveting novel is to live through the defining events leading up to the American Revolutionary War. 自由战士约翰尼 特瑞美的故事, 描写美国独立战争背景故事的代表作之一 Every Order Supports Your Child's Class! 每一份订单将为您孩子的班级献一份力量 3

4 Gail Carson Levine Gail Carson Levine grew up in New York City and has been writing all her life. Her first book for children, Ella Enchanted, was a 1998 Newbery Honour Book. Levine grew up in New York City. She credits her parents for her creative streak. Her father, whose childhood in an orphanage provided inspiration for her story Dave at Night, owned a commercial art studio, and her mother was a teacher who wrote plays for her students to perform. Gail, her husband, David, and their Airedale, Baxter, live in a two-hundred-year-old farmhouse in the Hudson River Valley. Levine also runs writing workshops for children in her community. Ever Item 编号 :24 pages 页码 : 272 Lexile: 550L AR: 3 When Kezi s mother s life is The Two Princesses of Bamarre Item 编号 :77 pages 页码 : 272 Lexile: 570L AR: 3.1 threatened, Kezi s father bargains with Admat, god of oaths, to spare her, but he is unprepared for the consequences: he must sacrifice Kezi, instead. Kezi finds hope in Olus, the Akkan god of the wind, who loves her and determines to save her. 柯子母亲的生命受到了威胁, 她的父亲与誓言之神做出了交易, 请求放过柯子的母亲, 但后果随之而来, 柯子必须被牺牲! To save her sister, meek Princess Addie must find the courage to set out on a dangerous quest filled with dragons, unknown magic, and death itself. 为了拯救自己的妹妹, 温柔的公主艾迪必须鼓起勇气, 踏上旅程, 面对可怕的龙, 未知的魔法, 甚至是死亡 A Tale of Two Castles Item 编号 :3 pages 页码 : 352 Elodie journeys to the town of Two Castles to become an actress but the master of the troupe turns her away. The only one who will take Elodie in is Meenore, a dragon who happens to be a brilliant detective. 伊洛蒂来到了两座城堡的镇上, 想要成为一名女演员 但是剧团主任回绝了她 只有一条叫米诺的龙愿意收留她, 米诺同时还是一位了不起的侦探 Ella Enchanted Item 编号 :22 pages 页码 : 240 Lexile: 670L AR: 3.8 At her birth, Ella of Frell was given a foolish fairy's gift the "gift" of obedience. Ella must obey any order given to her, whether it's hopping on one foot for a day or chopping off her own head! 埃拉出生在一个色彩斑斓的奇幻世界中, 这里的孩子在出生时都能得到美丽仙女的特殊 礼物 埃拉得到的则是露欣达仙女那伴随终身的咒语 : 顺从, 这种所谓的顺从是指要必须无条件地服从任何人的任何要求, 哪怕是极其苛刻与无理的要求都要马上照办 Writing Magic Item 编号 :84 pages 页码 : 176 Lexile: 780L AR: 4.7 Newbery Honor author Gail Carson Levine shares her tricks of the trade. She shows how you can get terrific ideas for stories, invent great beginnings and endings, write sparkling dialogue, develop memorable characters and much, much more. 纽伯瑞文学奖的作者盖尔卡森和大家分享写作的诀窍, 比如作品的开头和结尾的塑造相当关键, 对话的雕琢, 以及人物角色的构造等等 Fairest Item 编号 :26 pages 页码 : 352 Lexile: 590L AR: 3.2 In a world in which elegance, beauty, and singing ability are revered, Aza is bulky, awkward, and homely. Her saving grace is that she can sing and has a gift of voice manipulation that she calls illusing. 在一个崇尚优雅 美丽, 动听的歌声的世界里, 笨拙朴素的阿扎显得格格不入 她唯一的优点就是她的歌声可以操纵画笔画出美妙的景象 Dave at Night Item 编号 :16 pages 页码 : 304 Lexile: 490L AR: 2.6 When his father dies, Dave knows nothing will ever be the same. And then it happens. Dave lands in an orphanage the cold and strict Hebrew Home for Boys in Harlem far from the life he knew on the Lower East Side. 当父亲去世后, 戴维知道自己的生活再也回不去了 他来到了一所冰冷严厉的男孩收容所, 等待他的又是怎样的生活? Forgive Me, I Meant to Do It: False Apology Poems 135.9RMB Item 编号 :28 120RMB pages 页码 : 80 Lexile: NP A wickedly funny collection of false apology poems, imagining how tricksters really feel about the mischief they make. This is the perfect book for anyone who s ever apologized... and not really meant it. 我们有时候不得不道歉, 可是却又不是真心的 你会在这本书里找到很多共鸣哦! 4 More Books for Children Online! 更多儿童读物请点击我们的网站

5 侏罗纪世界 Item 编号 :92 Author 作者 : Caroline Rowlands pages 页码 : 26 Age 年龄 : 7+ Every fan will want to own this official tie-in to Jurassic Chinese 中文精选 68RMB 8.1 折 19%off World, which takes viewers closer than ever to the terrifying, genetically engineered dinosaurs. Plus, a free interactive app brings the action alive... right at home! 你一定听过或看过电影 侏罗纪世界, 并深深为之震撼, 跟随本书搭乘水晶游园车畅游陀螺谷, 欣赏绝对震撼的沧龙喂食秀, 见识让恐龙复活的最尖端生物科技! 体验不可思议的恐龙世界! 揭秘电影背后的生物科学 恐龙知识 龙卷风跑出来了 Item 编号 :87 Author 作者 : Anita Ganeri pages 页码 : 26 Age 年龄 : 7+ With the wonder of Augmented Reality, you can experience the wildest weather at home without disturbing a chair! Place your tablet or smartphone near the visual trigger on the page and hold it up to see a tornado blow in or a volcano erupt. 本书介绍了地球上常见的自然灾难 : 地震 海啸 龙卷风 火山等十种自然灾难现象 你想体验一下身处龙卷风或是地震中是什么样的感受吗, 担心不安全吗? 完全没有必要, 有了 AR 技术, 本书让你切身体会到沙尘暴 海啸 地震 龙卷风等极端的自然状况, 满足你对它们的好奇心 世界奥秘大百科 Item 编号 :93 Author 作者 : 卓越教育 pages 页码 : 151 Age 年龄 : 7-10 How do you build a garden in the sky? Why do some plants 68RMB 8.1 折 19%off 24.8RMB 20RMB 8.1 折 19%off live forever? What exactly is the truth about aliens? Discover the secrets of the World's mysteries. 木星能取代太阳吗? 花园是怎样建在空中的? 植物为什么会长生不老? 外星人的真相究竟是什么? 我们的世界很大很大, 奥秘很多很多, 只有一颗充满求知欲的心灵才能发现那些秘密 太阳跑出来了 Item 编号 :89 Author 作者 : Carlton Books pages 页码 : 26 Age 年龄 : 7+ With a desktop, tablet, or smartphone as your spaceship, isolar System brings space exploration 68RMB 8.1 折 19%off to three-dimensional life and gives budding astronauts and astronomers a glimpse into the future. 本书讲述了太阳系各大行星以及人类探索宇宙的科学知识, 让小朋友了解基础天文知识及航天科技, 你可以近距离与八大行星互动观察 搭乘登月电梯抵达月球表面 在你房间的地板上驾驶火星车! 开始前所未有的非凡体验吧! Graphic Novels 中文漫画 Winx Club 魔法俏佳人 1 艾菲亚的考验 Item 编号 :94 Author 作者 : 意大利彩虹公司 pages 页码 : 96 Age 年龄 : 7-10 Meet the Winx Club, a 18RMB 15RMB group of beautiful fairies who fight evil using their unique magical powers! As they battle scary monsters and trouble-making witches, the girls become stronger fairies and closer friends. 地球女孩蕾儿邂逅魔法公主丝黛娜之后发生的一些列匪夷所思的奇幻经历 漫画中的主人公是几位来自不同星球的神奇仙子, 她们时尚 自信 开朗 热情 每个女孩具备的不同本领和特质承载着不同类型优秀女孩的特点 地球 Item 编号 :85 Author 作者 : 迈克尔 阿勒比 pages 页码 : 256 Age 年龄 : The Earth is known as the only 138RMB 120RMB 8.7 折 13% off blue planet with life in the solar system, and it is home to all of us human beings. This book tells you everything that you need to know about our home planet! 地球, 这个已知太阳系中唯一存在生命体的蓝色星球, 是我们身边所有生物的家园 Winx Club 魔法俏佳人 2 神奇仙子组合 Item 编号 :95 Author 作者 : 意大利彩虹公司 pages 页码 : 96 Age 年龄 : 7-10 To hone her fairy powers, 18RMB 15RMB Bloom enrolls at Alfea, a school for fairies in the world of Magix. But when wayward witches known as The Trix threaten to ruin a party at Alfea, it s up to Bloom to save the day with some quick thinking! 1. 防护领地冒险之旅 : 红山泉的圣英雄们奉命执行一项特殊任务, 目的地是危险的防护领地 飞船的轰鸣声响彻天空, 原地待命的男生们等待着圣英雄的消息 2. 命运的转机 : 轻松的假期, 清晨洒满阳光的小屋, 妈妈的宠溺 这些都留在了地球花园市的记忆里 Every Order Supports Your Child's Class! 每一份订单将为您孩子的班级献一份力量 5

6 Geek Girl Item 编号 :29 Author 作者 : Holly Smale pages 页码 : 356 Lexile: 710L AR: 4.1 Harriet Manners is a geek. So when she is spotted by a top model agent, she grabs the chance to reinvent herself. Even if it means stealing her best friend's dream, incurring the wrath of her arch enemy, Alexa, and repeatedly humiliating herself. Even if it means lying to the people she loves. 哈莉特是个怪女孩, 当她被模特星探发掘的时候, 她下定决心要改头换面 就算这意味着偷走最好的朋友的梦想, 惹怒她的死对头艾丽莎, 还有不断对心爱的人撒谎 Geek Girl 3: Picture Perfect Item 编号 :31 Author 作者 : Holly Smale pages 页码 : 416 Lexile: HL740L AR: 4.4 Harriet has a simple plan for the Real-life Fiction 现实小说 104.9RMB 75RMB 104.9RMB 75RMB summer: Get exam results, go back to school, phone Nick regularly, and avoid Alexa. But then her parents throw the bombshell at her and Harriet has to give up everything she loves... the Manners are moving to New York! 整个夏天哈莉特只有一个计划 : 拿到测验结果, 回到学校, 常常打电话给尼克, 不要和艾丽莎见面 但是噩耗来了, 妈妈告诉她全家人马上要搬去纽约了! The Last Great Adventure of the &J Society Item 编号 :72 Author 作者 : Janet Johnson pages 页码 : 256 Lexile: 530L AR: RMB Best friends Annie and Jason are like peanut butter and jelly. But Jason's family has to sell their home. Together, Annie and Jason come up with a bunch of hare-brained schemes to try to save it. 安妮和杰森就像密不可分的花生酱和果冻, 但是杰森一家马上要搬家了, 两个好朋友想了一系列的办法来阻止糟糕的事情 Graphic Novels 漫画小说 Geek Girl 2: Model Misfit Item 编号 :30 Author 作者 : Holly Smale pages 页码 : 400 Lexile: 780L AR: 4.8 Harriet Manners knows a lot of facts. But 104.9RMB 75RMB Harriet doesn t know where she s going to fit in once the new baby arrives. And with her summer plans ruined, modelling in Japan seems the perfect chance to get away. 哈莉特面对着新来的模特的压力, 还有失恋, 整个夏天的计划都被打乱了 幸好她得到了新的工作机会, 去日本做模特! Geek Girl 4: All That Glitters Item 编号 :32 Author 作者 : Holly Smale pages 页码 : 400 Lexile: 770L AR: 4.6 Harriet Manners knows many things. But 104.9RMB 75RMB she knows nothing about making new friends at Sixth Form. And she knows even less about being a glittering supermodel success. Which she now is apparently. 哈莉特懂得很多事情, 唯一不知道的就是如何交朋友 更加不知道作为一名成功的模特, 如何和其他人相处 Geek Girl Set of 4 Item 编号 : 折 33% off 419.4RMB 280RMB 6.7 折 33% off Set of 4 The Case of the Trail Trap Item 编号 : RMB Author 作者 : Liam O'Donnell pages 页码 : 96 85RMB Age 年龄 : 折 29%off Whispering Meadows has plenty of secrets. Meet the duo that uncovers them. Amateur detective, Max Finder, and his aspiring journalist sidekick, Alison Santos, are on the case. 低语的草原里隐藏着许多秘密, 业余侦探麦克斯和他相当记者的助手艾莉森一起着手调查 Nancy Drew Diaries Item 编号 :50 Author 作者 : Stefan Petrucha pages 页码 : 176 Age 年龄 : Two Nancy Drew mysteries - Doggone Town, and Sleight of Dan. 79.9RMB 70RMB 包含两个故事 : 南希和耐得正在调查神秘的人口失踪事件, 过程中找到了一只新的宠物 ; 南希还找到了失踪的魔术师的助手, 但是她正面对一条饥饿的巨蟒 Pig Goat Banana Cricket Item 编号 :55 Author 作者 : Eric Esquivel Lunatic Magazine is having a special contest - the top prize is a lifetime pass to the Arcave! All anyone has to do to win is take a photo of the legendary Orgle Borgle - a monster that has never been photographed before. 疯子杂志正在举行一场特殊的比赛, 小猪 山羊 香蕉 蟋蟀这四个好朋友激动极了, 他们迫不及待的要去寻找传说中的怪兽, 并且拍到照片, 赢得比赛! More Books for Children Online! 6 更多儿童读物请点击我们的网站

7 Action and Adventure 动作与冒险 Chuckle Bob's Great Escape Item 编号 :13 Author 作者 : Jeremy Strong When Chuckle Bob spies 89.9RMB 65RMB the door of the pet shop has been left open, he makes a run for it - he wants to see grass and trees again! Can he survive in the wild? 小狗波比观察到宠物店的门没关上, 它赶紧逃了出去, 它只想看看绿色的草地和大树, 但是它能在野外生存下来吗? Hostage Item 编号 :43 Author 作者 : Malorie Blackman pages 页码 : 72 Snatched off the street, Angela is alone and 65RMB terrified. She knows she's been kidnapped but will her dad pay the ransom? Or can she be brave enough to escape? 安吉拉在大街上被抢了, 现在她一个人害怕极了, 她知道自己是被绑架了, 父亲会赎回她吗? 或者她自己能够顺利逃跑吗? You Choose 生死选择 Alice Through the Looking Glass: A Matter of Time Item 编号 :4 Author 作者 : Carla Jablonski and Olga Mosqueda pages 页码 : 229 Based on events from the film Alice Through the Looking Glass, this unique illustrated novel allows readers to follow Alice, the Mad Hatter, the Red Queen and the White Queen as the characters journey through time. As the readers travel along, they will be faced with choices that may turn the world-or at least the book itself-upside down. 女船长爱丽丝受到召唤重返仙境, 为了拯救朋友疯帽匠而偷走 超时光魔球, 并因此展开了一段关于爱与寻找的冒险故事 Can You Survive A Global Blackout Item 编号 :11 Author 作者 : Matt Doeden No computers. No lights. No phones. No running water. The world plunged into 103.9RMB 55.6RMB 9.0 折 10%off darkness and chaos. Could you survive a global blackout? 没有了电脑, 灯光, 手机, 水, 世界陷入了黑暗和混乱, 如何在这里生存下去? Ruby Redford: Pick Your Poison 104.9RMB Item 编号 :57 75RMB Author 作者 : Lauren Child Ruby Redford: undercover agent, code-cracker and thirteen-year-old genius you can count on her when you re between a rock and a hard place. 卧底探员, 代码饼干 十三岁天才 这就是你可以指望的, 当你进退两难的时候 Anton and Cecil: Cats on Track Item 编号 :6 Author 作者 : Lisa Martin pages 页码 : 256 A message has travelled 135.6RMB 120RMB via the mouse network to cat brothers, Anton and Cecil: their rodent friend, Hieronymus, has been captured. Though he d rather stay close to home, Anton must get to the friend who saved his life. 老鼠那边传话给猫咪兄弟安东和塞西尔, 它们的朋友歇洛尼姆斯被俘虏了 虽然安东只想待在家里, 但是这位朋友曾经救过自己的命, 现在是必须回报它的时候了! Bulletcatcher Item 编号 :9 Author 作者 : Chris Bradford pages 页码 : 104 They say you can't outrun a bullet - what if you could 89.9RMB 65RMB stop one? When Troy is caught up in a terrorist attack that takes the lives of his parents, he discovers an amazing power - bullets can't harm him. 大家都说你跑不过子弹, 那如果你能让它停下来呢? 特洛伊卷入了一场恐怖袭击, 甚至他的父母都遇难了, 他却发现自己获得了神秘的力量 : 子弹不能伤害到他! Can You Survive A Virus Outbreak Item 编号 :12 Author 作者 : Matt Doeden The Center for Disease Control has issued a warning about an outbreak of a new Mystery 神秘之境 The Black Crow Conspiracy Item 编号 :67 Author 作者 : Christopher Edge pages 页码 : 264 Lexile: NC1070L AR: 8.5 It seems there has been a robbery at the 79.9RMB 70RMB Tower of London and the crown jewels are missing. With her actor/alter ego under arrest for treason, her magazine shut down, and her livelihood threatened, 15-year-old Penelope investigates and uncovers a deadly conspiracy that threatens London, the royal family, and the British monarchy itself. 伦敦塔发生了一件盗窃案, 皇冠珠宝不见了! 15 岁佩内洛普调查并揭露一个阴谋, 威胁到伦敦的安全, 以及皇室家族和英国王室本身 Curiosity House: The Shrunken Head Item 编号 :15 Author 作者 : Lauren Oliver pages 页码 : 384 Lexile: 760L AR: 4.6 This book is about, among other things: 55.6RMB 9.0 折 10%off deadly virus 'Blood Fever'. Any person you pass on the street could be a carrier. 疾控中心发布了新的致命病毒警告, 大街上的任何人都可能是携带者! the strongest boy in the world, a talking cockatoo, a faulty mind reader, a beautiful bearded lady and a nervous magician, an old museum, and a shrunken head. 本书满足你的全部好奇心, 世上最强壮的男孩, 会说话的鹦鹉, 读心者, 长着胡子的美女等等都在这儿 Every Order Supports Your Child's Class! 每一份订单将为您孩子的班级献一份力量 7

8 55.6RMB 9.0 折 10%off You Choose: Interactive History 生死选择 : 历史事件 The Salem Witch Trials Item 编号 :74 Author 作者 : Matt Doeden The colony of Massachusetts in 1692 was a harsh place. Some accused their fellow colonists of causing the troubles through the practice of witchcraft. The hysteria spread until no one was safe 年, 马萨诸塞殖民地是一个十分残酷的地方 一些人指责他们的殖民者通过巫术制造麻烦 流言四起的时代, 没有人是安全的 55.6RMB 9.0 折 10%off Orphan Trains Item 编号 :53 Author 作者 : Elizabeth Raum In the early 1900s, adults hoped to find parents for homeless city children by sending them west on trains. Most of these children had no idea whether they would find kind adoptive families or be forced to work like slaves. 20 世纪初, 人们把无家可归的孩子送上去往西边的火车, 让他们寻找自己的父母 大多数的孩子都不清楚自己是否会找到新的家庭, 或是变成终生的奴隶 55.6RMB 9.0 折 10%off World War II Item 编号 :83 Author 作者 : Elizabeth Raum Everything in this book happened to real people. And YOU CHOOSE what side you're on and what you do next. The choices you make could lead you to survival or to death. 关于二战历史的真人真事, 你可以选择故事发生的路径, 当然结局会完全不同 55.6RMB 9.0 折 10%off The Race to the Moon Item 编号 :73 Author 作者 : Allison Lassieur It s the 1950s and 1960s, and the United States and Soviet Union are in a race to be the first to reach the moon. 二十世纪五六十年代间, 美国和前苏联正在竞争, 看谁能够先把宇航员送上月球 The World War II Experience Item 编号 :79 Author 作者 : Allison Lassieur 8 Jump into a life from long ago! YOU CHOOSE who to be, 119.6RMB 100RMB where to go, and what to do. Will you succeed? Will you fail? Will you even survive? It's up to you! 坐上时光机穿越到过去吧! 你可以选择自己的身份, 目的地以及要做什么 你会成功还是失败, 能够在过去生存下来吗? 这些都是由你自己决定的 103.9RMB Paws of Courage: True Tales of Heroic Dogs that Protect and Serve Item 编号 :54 Author 作者 : Ronald L. Aiello pages 页码 : 160 Age 年龄 : Modern wars recruit more than just human soldiers. Our canine companions also serve in the line of duty and under fire, whether helping police protect home turf or accompanying soldiers on missions abroad. 现代战争需要的不仅仅是人类士兵 我们的同伴猎犬同样会执行任务, 进行消防服务, 协助警方保护我们的家园, 或陪同国外执行任务的士兵勘察 True Stories 真实故事 119.6RMB 100RMB Dick Turpin: Legends and Lies Item 编号 :17 Author 作者 : Terry Deary Five strangers meet in the crowds to watch Dick Turpin hang. Each has a fascinating story to tell about the famous highwayman...but which are true and which are lies? 5 个互相不认识的人都随着人群一起观看了大盗迪克被绞死的场面, 每个人都讲了一个精彩的大盗故事, 但是哪些是真的, 哪些只是吹牛呢? 89.9RMB 65RMB 10 Ships That Rocked the World Item 编号 :1 Author 作者 : Gillian Richardson pages 页码 : 176 Age 年龄 : 9-11 Come aboard for daring stories that shaped history in surprising ways. Ships have sailed through human history for thousands of years. Sometimes their dramatic voyages have even changed the course of the world. 船已经在人类历史上出现了几千年, 本书包括了 10 艘轰动全球的船, 它们充满戏剧性的航行故事也让人十分向往 119.6RMB 100RMB Helen Thayer's Arctic Adventure Item 编号 :41 Author 作者 : Sally Issacs Age 年龄 : 9-11 Lexile: 580L AR: 3.2 Take a trip with Helen and Charlie--to the North Pole. The adventures of Helen Thayer and her dog, Charlie, as they walk from Canada to the magnetic North Pole are exciting, perilous, and heartwarming. 海伦和自己的小狗查理一起, 从加拿大徒步出发, 踏上了去往北极的旅程, 整个过程刺激惊险, 但也不缺乏温馨 Fast Facts: Awesome Knights Item 编号 :27 Author 作者 : Editors of Kingfisher Age 年龄 : 7-11 Travel back in time to an age of battles and bloodshed, crusades and chivalry, battles and sieges. 穿越到过去, 回到十字军和骑士精神的时代 感受中世纪贵族的高尚品格 8 More Books for Children Online! 更多儿童读物请点击我们的网站

9 Geography 趣味地理 Fun Facts 百科全书 125 Wacky Roadside Attractions Item 编号 2 This Book Might Blow Your Mind Item 编号 80 Going on a road trip? See the silly side of travel as you explore the wackiest landmarks from around the world. 公路旅行最激动人心啦 看一看书里 125 个 特殊怪异的景点 分布在世界每个角落 Do you have an endless thirst for knowledge? If so, check out this incredible book! 你对知识有无限的渴望吗 这本书 会给你绝妙的精神食粮 Author 作者 : National Geographic Kids 103.9RMB Author 作者 : Connie Colwell Miller pages 页码 : RMB Revolting Records Item 编号 56 Everything Money Item 编号 25 Author 作者 : Kathy Furgang Lexile: 9880L AR: 7 All you need to know about money can be found in the pages of this colourful, energetic and accessible book. 书里面能找到各种各样的钱哦 还有你想知 道的关于钱的一切 103.6RMB Author 作者 : Anne Rooney What's the worst smell in the world? The ugliest animal? The most revolting parasite? You'll find the answers to all these questions and more in this book of most revolting things. 世界上最难闻的味道是什么 最丑 的动物是什么 最恶心的寄生虫什 么样 本书记录了那些世上最恶心 的东西 104.9RMB 75RMB Encyclopedia of Immaturity Item 编号 23 Author 作者 : Klutz pages 页码 : 412 Age 年龄 : 8+ Lexile: 830L AR: 5.2 With 300+ entries, this compendium is the first book to teach an essential part of living right: never growing up. It's hopelessly goofy and shamelessly wonderful. 本书从另个角度告诉你生活的真谛 那就是永远不要长大 无可救药的 愚蠢和厚脸皮这些都不能失去 硬板 英文 中级 159.6RMB 140RMB National Geographic Kids Almanac 2017 Item 编号 52 Author 作者 : National Geographic Kids pages 页码 : 352 Lexile: IG1060L AR: 8.2 This New York Times bestseller is packed with incredible photos, tons of fun facts, crafts, activities, and fascinating features about animals, science, nature, technology, and more. 国家地理杂志年度集合 包含精美图片 手工 主题活动 关于动物 科学 自然 科技等等 全彩 英文 中级 120RMB 100RMB 8.3 折 17%off Every Order Supports Your Child's Class! 每一份订单将为您孩子的班级献一份力量 Why? Over 1,111 Answers to Everything Item 编号 82 Author 作者 : Crispin Boyer pages 页码 : 224 The concept is simple. Got a question? Well now you have an answer! 1,111 of them, in fact. 你 有 没 有 解 决 的 问 题 吗 这 里 有 1111 个问题的答案 想必一定是你 需要的 159.9RMB 140RMB 9

10 Hobbies and Crafts 手工制作 Donna Wilson's Creative Creatures Item 编号 :19 Author 作者 : Wilson, Donna pages 页码 : 48 Age 年龄 : 8-14 Readers will learn how to 127.9RMB 110RMB easily create pop-up greeting cards, a phone cover, dress-up clothes, a stuffed felt mobile, along with many more practical and adorable crafts. 制作立体活动的贺卡并不困难, 手机套, 衣服都不在话下, 书里收录了很多现代的手工作品, 步骤简单易学 Glitter Face Painting Item 编号 :38 Author 作者 : Klutz pages 页码 : 54 Age 年龄 : 6+ Brush up on your face 215.9RMB 180RMB 8.3 折 17%off painting skills and create shimmering masterpieces in minutes. This kit comes with six shimmery paint colours, more than 45 gems, and cosmetic-grade glitter. 适用于脸上色彩的装扮, 还有亮晶晶的闪粉, 化装舞会 表演节目 万圣节装扮都不在话下! Glow in the Dark Ghouls Paper Action Figures Item 编号 :39 Author 作者 : Arkady Roytman 79.9RMB 70RMB A host of glow-in-the-dark ghouls, ghosts, creepy creatures, and undead souls await to keep you up at night. 书里有很多夜光食尸鬼, 鬼魂, 令人毛骨悚然的生物等等, 他们不死的灵魂等待着你, 让你夜不能寐 160RMB 140RMB Smash Bot Battle Item 编号 :61 Author 作者 : Klutz pages 页码 : 48 Age 年龄 : 8+ Build 8 action-packed, 3D papercraft robots that zoom on pullback motors. Then create an entire city and prepare yourself for ultimate mayhem. 可以做出 8 个令人激动的立体纸膜机器人, 有了它们, 你便能建造出自己的城市, 为即将来临的战争做好准备! Origami 折纸艺术 Mythological Creatures and the Chinese Zodiac Origami Item 编号 :49 Author 作者 : John Montroll pages 页码 : 120 Paperfolders, rejoice! This exciting new 119.6RMB 100RMB collection of unusual models features an array of legendary beasts, and a dozen animals from the Chinese zodiac each created from a single sheet of paper. 神话人物 神兽以及中国十二生肖折纸 Easy Origami Animals Item 编号 : RMB Author 作者 : John Montroll pages 页码 : 48 35RMB Created by an origami master, these 23 models offer a menagerie of easy-to-fold animals. 包含了 23 种折纸动物项目, 步骤简单易操作 Sew Mini Treats Item 编号 : RMB Author 作者 : Klutz pages 页码 : 折 15%off Make your own felt food with fabulous faces. It's an instant recipe for fun! 手工食谱, 快速做出不在乎卖相, 只在乎内心的食物! Easy Origami Item 编号 :20 104RMB Author 作者 : Mary Meinking Age 年龄 : 8-14 Origami is more popular than ever. These stepby-step guides offer origami projects with a range of difficulty levels for all you crafty kids. 新式的折纸艺术变得越来越受欢迎, 本书收录了简单有意思的折纸项目, 适合各等级热爱折纸的孩子 10 More Books for Children Online! 更多儿童读物请点击我们的网站

11 Cooking 烹饪大师 Art 艺术大师 Junior Chef Cookbook Item 编号 :46 Author 作者 : Williams - Sonoma Test Kitchen pages 页码 : 56 This is the perfect cookbook for both those who are new to the kitchen and aspiring chefs alike. 初级入门食谱, 适合初学者以及厨师预备班 119.6RMB 100RMB American Girl Baking Item 编号 :5 Author 作者 : Williams-Sonoma pages 页码 : 96 Packed with 40+ delicious, easy-to-follow recipes fit for any occasion, or just because you wanted to bake something! 超过 40 种的美味食谱, 简单易操作的步骤, 适合各种场合 Get Into Art Animals Item 编号 :34 Author 作者 : Brooks, Susie Age 年龄 : 7-14 This book explores a fascinating array of animal 71.9RMB 60RMB 8.3 折 17%off artworks from popular artists. By introducing these artistic greats, their important works depicting animals, their style, genres, and techniques, readers will be inspired to create masterpieces of their own. 收录了世界著名的艺术家们笔下的动物画作, 包括不同的艺术形式, 比如剪贴画, 铅笔画等等 159.6RMB 140RMB Narnia Colouring Book Item 编号 :51 Author 作者 : C. S. Lewis pages 页码 : 96 This beautifully designed colouring book contains iconic, original artwork from all seven stories in The Chronicles of Narnia. 这本设计精美的绘画书收录了所有七个纳尼亚故事中所有极具代表性, 原始性的艺术品 149.9RMB 70RMB 4.7 折 53%off Colour Quest Item 编号 :14 Author 作者 : Joanna Webster Age 年龄 : 13+ A colour-by-number book unlike anything you've ever seen before. Use colouring pens or pencils to colour numbered shapes and uncover stunning and intricate artwork hidden on the page. 通过不同的色彩提示, 以及数字和图形的辅助, 涂色后就能显示出背后隐藏的绝妙的艺术作品! 149.9RMB 60RMB 4.0 折 60%off Get Into Art People Item 编号 :35 Author 作者 : Brooks, Susie Age 年龄 : 7-14 This book inspires readers to create masterpieces of 71.9RMB 60RMB 8.3 折 17%off their own by reading about fine art and artists famous for their portraits. Paired with each masterpiece are instructions for an art activity in the style of each artist, such as bubble wrap dot printing, textile montage, collage projects, and much more. 介绍了著名艺术家的不同风格, 并且他们会教你临摹, 赋予自己的创作灵感, 创作出美妙的作品 Get Into Art Places Item 编号 :36 Author 作者 : Brooks, Susie Age 年龄 : 7-14 This book features famous pieces of art that 71.9RMB 60RMB 8.3 折 17%off depict scenes like serene landscapes, snowy mountains, busy streets and waterways. Each work is paired with a related art project perfect for young artist's hands. 收录了世界著名的风景画, 比如雪山, 街头, 水运等等 配套的相应艺术项目制作, 而是需要你动手完成 Girl Plus Pen Item 编号 :37 Author 作者 : Stephanie Corfee pages 页码 : 144 Be inspired to use your doodling skills on 103.6RMB everything from paper and pebbles to scarves and snapshots. All you need to start is your creativity... plus a pen. 本书鼓励你在纸上以及身边的事物上练习涂鸦 只需要带上你的想象力和一支笔 Every Order Supports Your Child's Class! 每一份订单将为您孩子的班级献一份力量 11

12 Student s Name: 学生姓名 : Parent s Name: 家长姓名 : Upper Primary 小学高年级 Books for children aged 岁阅读 Ordering Made Easy 让订购更方便 1 Make your 2 Return this form to the Obido 3 All books will be shipped Selections box in the Library to your child s classroom 选择产品 将表格和现金放入钱箱内 图书统一送往班级 Class: 班级 : 邮箱 : Who are Obido? Obido is an expat-owned,educational supply company that delivers high-quality educational toys, art supplies and imported books to schools and families across China. It is our goal to ensure that all children living in China have easy access to educational products that aid in their development and make learning fun. 公司简介欧贝豆是一家由外籍学者创立的教育咨询服务有限公司 公司向中国的各大学校及千家万户提供优质的益智玩具 美术用品和进口图书等教育资源 我们专注为生活在中国的孩子带去安全的教育资源 从而让孩子学中有乐, 乐中有学 12 Item No 编号 Product Name 产品名字 Price Qty 价格数量 1 10 Ships That...the World Wacky... Attractions 90 3 A Tale of Two Castles 50 4 Alice Through...Glass 90 5 American Girl Baking Anton and Cecil...Track Beastly Bones 70 8 Book Scavenger 55 9 Bulletcatcher Bullying is a Pain in the Brain Can You Survive...Blackout Can You Survive...Outbreak Chuckle Bob's Great Escape Colour Quest Curiosity House Dave at Night Dick Turpin Donna Wilson's...Creatures Easy Origami Easy Origami Animals Ella Enchanted Encyclopedia... Immaturity Ever Everything Money Fairest Fast Facts: Awesome Knights Forgive Me, I Meant to Do It Geek Girl Geek Girl 2: Model Misfit Geek Girl 3: Picture Perfect Geek Girl 4: All That Glitters Geek Girl Set of Get Into Art Animals Get Into Art People Get Into Art Places Girl Plus Pen Glitter Face Painting Glow in the Dark Ghouls Have a...howloween Helen Thayer's...Adventure Hostage Johnny Tremain Junior Chef Cookbook Living with Vampires Maddy West and...taker Mythological... Origami Nancy Drew Diaries 70 Total 总额 Item No 编号 Product Name 产品名字 Price Qty 价格数量 51 Narnia Coloring Book National Geographic Orphan Trains Paws of Courage Pig Goat Banana Cricket Revolting Records Ruby Redford...Poison Scary School Sew Mini Treats Short & Shivery Smash Bot Battle Star Darlings... a Friend Star Darlings...Mission Star Darlings...Parent Fix Star Darlings...Dream Star Darlings...Found The Black Crow Conspiracy The Case of the Trail Trap The Dreamsnatcher The Ghost of Shadow Vale The Land of Stories The...PB&J Society The Race to the Moon The Salem Witch Trials The Secret of...carse The Trials of Apollo The Two...Bamarre The Witch of Blackbird Pond The World War II Experience This Book...Your Mind Weirdo Halloween Why? World War II Writing Magic 地球 龙卷风跑出来了 太阳跑出来了 侏罗纪世界 世界奥秘大百科 艾菲亚的考验 神奇仙子组合 An Unofficial...set 180 Total Items 总数 Total Price 总额 More Books for Children Online! 更多儿童读物请点击我们的网站 Total 总额 加微信有好礼 Scan me for exclusive discounts 539RMB 180RMB 3.3 折 67% off Set of 6 An Unofficial Gamer s Novel 6 book set Item 编号 :96 Author 作者 : Mike Cheverton Gameknight999 loves Minecraft, but when one of his father's inventions teleports him into the game, Gameknight is forced to live out a real-life adventure inside a digital world. Over the course of six adventure novels, Gameknight999 battles zombies, spiders, ghasts, endermen, creepers, and even the infamous Herobrine as he tries to keep himself and his friends alive and fights to stop the enemies of Minecraft from taking over the game and escaping into real life. 我的世界 非官方玩家小说 6 本合集 ; 主人公进入了虚拟的游戏空间, 在那里他必须和各种邪恶势力对抗, 保护自己和朋友们的安全, 并且回到真实的世界中 折 67% off

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