本科专业人才培养计划 机械学科大类分册 华中科技大学教务处 二 O 一五年七月

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1 本科专业人才培养计划 机械学科大类分册 华中科技大学教务处 二 O 一五年七月


3 目 录 1 3 * 20 * 34 * * 91 * 99 * * 146 * 注 : 带 * 者不属于机械学科大类专业 1


5 机械科学与工程学院 华中科技大学机械科学与工程学院前身系华中工学院机械工程系,1988 年更名为华中理工大学机械工程一系,1993 年更名为华中理工大学机械科学与工程学院,2000 年合校之后沿用现在的名称至今 伴随着共和国机械工业的成长, 经过几代 机械人 的不懈奋斗, 今天的机械科学与工程学院, 已形成了自己的独特的学科优势和办学风格, 汇聚了一大批在国内外机械制造领域享有盛誉的优秀人才 机械科学与工程学院的发展历程, 是华中科技大学成长的缩影 ; 良好的软硬件环境和浓郁的学术氛围, 也使其被称为华中科技大学规模最大 实力最雄厚的学院之一 学院有专业教师 210 余人, 教师中有中国科学院院士 3 人 中国工程院院士 3 人 千人计划 学者 2 人 青年千人计划 学者 3 人 长江学者特聘教授及讲座教授 11 人 国家杰出青年基金获得者 5 人 国家 973 计划 项目首席科学家 2 人 863 专家 3 人 数控装备重大专项总体专家组专家 1 人 973 计划 青年科学家 1 人 国家级教学名师奖获得者 2 人 学院现设有 8 个系, 拥有数字制造装备与技术国家重点实验室 制造装备数字化国家工程研究中心 国家数控系统工程技术研究中心 国家 CAD 支撑软件工程技术研究中心 教育部制造技术国际标准研究中心等 5 个国家级研究平台 ; 拥有国家工科机械基础课程教学基地 国家机械实验教学示范中心等 2 个国家级基础教学平台 ; 拥有 1 个国家自然科学基金创新群体 2 个教育部创新团队 2 个国家级教学团队 ; 有 6 个博士点 10 个硕士点和 1 个博士后流动站 每年在机械设计制造及其自动化 工业工程 产品设计和测控等四个专业招收本科生 目前在校就读的本科生近 2000 人 全日制硕士研究生 1000 余人和全日制博士研究生 450 余人 近年来, 作为科技产业领域的孵化器, 学院先后孵化出 2 个高新技术上市公司, 衍生出以东莞华中科技大学制 1

6 造工程研究院为代表的一批面向区域经济发展服务的技术转化平台 近年来, 学院承担并完成的国家和企业科研项目千余项, 科研经费连续保持华中科技大学前茅 ; 先后获得国家科技进步奖 国家级教学成果奖 国家优秀教材奖等共 50 余项, 省部级自然科学奖和科技进步奖近 100 项 ; 获得国家发明专利 实用新型专利达 900 余项, 软件著作权登记 50 余项 ; 6 门课程被评为国家级精品课程 4 门国家精品资源共享课 1 门教育部精品视频公开课 ;1 个国家一级重点学科,3 个国家二级重点学科 1999 年, 以机械科学与工程学院为核心的华中科技大学 CIMS 中心荣获了国际制造工程师 (SME) 颁发的大学领先奖 ;2009 年, 学院被评为全国教育系统先进集体, 机械设计制造及其自动化专业通过全国工程教育专业认证 ;2013 年, 机械工程一级学科通过教育部组织的第三轮学科评估, 排名第一 多年来, 学院一贯坚持 育人为本 创新是魂 责任以行 的办学理念, 把人才培养始终纳入学院工作的首等要务去抓 学院坚持 以学生教育教学为中心, 用一流的教育教学创建一流的本科 以锐意改革积极进取的精神, 不断创新和完善教学方法和教学手段, 形成了有鲜明特色的办学思路和教育理念, 即 : 加强学科基础 拓宽专业面向 重视实践创新 发展健康个性 强调 以学生为中心 以能力培养为导向 以业界需求为牵引, 培养实学创新人才 积极推广 开放式教学模式, 将课堂教学边界延伸到社会和业界 ; 不断探索 高等工程教育的边界再设计 的教育思想, 结合业界需求和学科发展, 不断优化课程体系和教学内容 我院学生在历届全国机械创新设计大赛 CCTV 机器人大赛 全国大学生数模竞赛 美国大学生数模竞赛 全国机器人足球锦标赛 全国物流设计等学科竞赛中取得了骄人的成绩 几十年来, 在以杨叔子 熊有伦 周济 李培根 段正澄 丁汉等为代表的一大批学科带头人的带领下, 学院始终坚持 明德 厚学 求是 创新 的优良校风, 发扬 自强不息 团结协作 快速反应 尽职尽责 的 STAR 学院文化精神, 以创新 发展为主题, 以学科建设为主线, 坚持走育人为本 学 研 产 三足鼎立 培养高质量复合型人才的办学思路, 在前进的道路上, 抒写了自己成就的篇章, 履行了自己肩负的责任 2

7 机械设计制造及其自动化专业本科培养计划 Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Machine Design, Manufacturing and Automation 一 培养目标 Program Objective This program aims to cultivate students with science, engineering and humanity spirits. The students shall obtain primary knowledge on mechanical design and manufacturing. The following capabilities shall also be trained such as research and development, engineering practice and team coorperation. The students shall perceive innovative mind and international view though this program. The graduates shall be able to handle senior engineering professional positions on design and manufacturing, research and development, and al management in the area of mechanical design and manufacturing. 二 基本规格要求 Learning Outcomes Students of this degree will acquire to: 3

8 1. Apply knowledge of mathematics, natural science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to obtain the solution of complex engineering problems. 2. Identify, formulate, research on literature and analyse complex engineering problems to reach substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences. 3. Find solutions for complex mechanical engineering problems and design innovative mechanical systems, components or processes that meets specific requirements. The solution and design shall factor in public health and safety, cultural, society, and environmental perspectives. 4. Conduct investigations of complex mechanical engineering problems using research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to formulate valid conclusions. 5. Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and information analysis tools, including prediction and modelling, to solve complex mechanical engineering problems within certain boundary conditions. 6. Assess appropriately on societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice and solutions to complex engineering problems. 7. Understand and evaluate the sustainability and impact of professional engineering practice in the solution of complex engineering problems in societal and environmental conditions. 8. Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice. 9. Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary groups. 10. Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write reports and documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions. 11. Obtain knowledge and understanding of engineering management principles and economic decision-making and apply these to work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments. 12. Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. 三 培养特色 Program Highlights This program integrates the knowledge of information as well as computer science and technology with that of mechanical engineering. It also broadens the disciplinary span in order to produce visible graduates who are more adaptable to the society needs. 四 主干学科 Major Disciplines Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering 4

9 五 学制与学位 Program Length and Degree Duration: 4 years Degrees Conferred: Bachelor of Engineering 六 与 Credits Hours and Units Minimum Credits of Curricula (Comprising system and intensive practical training) credits Major-specific Core Courses cannot be covered using credits from other s in the program. 5 Minimum Extracurricular Credits 5 credits 1 Course Credits Hours and Units 课程类别课程性质 / 占课程体系比例 (%) 1080/ / / / / / Course Type / Hrs/Crs Percentage (%) General Education Core Curriculum 1080/ / Discipline-related General Courses 520/ Major-specific Core 536/ s s 200/ Total 2528/ Practicum Credits 实践教学环节名称 课程性质 周数 / 占实践教学环节比例 (%) 2/ / / / / / / / / /

10 Course Title Course Nature Weeks/Credits Percentage (%) Military Training(two weeks) 2/1 6.5 Laboring for Public Benefit(one week) 1/ Mechanical Engineering Training(five weeks) 5/ Metal Working Practice(three weeks) 3/ Electrical Engineering Practice(one week) 1/ Professional Social Practice(one week) 1/ Engineering Internship (three weeks) 3/ Professional Engineering Training(three weeks) 3/ Undergraduate Thesis(twelve weeks) 12/ Total 31/ Extracurricular Credits 序号 课外活动名称 课外活动和社会实践的要求 课外 GRE ~3 5 1~3 6 1~3 6

11 No Extracurriculum Activities and Social Practices Activities of Social Practice Examinations in English and Computer Competitions Papers Scientific Research Experiments Requirements Extracurriculum Credits Submit report and pass oral defense 1 Entitled as Activist by the Communist Youth League of HUST or Hubei Province; Membership of the group which is entitled as Excellent Social Practice Group by the Communist Youth League of HUST or Hubei Province CET-6 Win certificate of Band-6 or higher 2 TOEFL 90 Points or Higher 3 IELTS 6.5 Points or Higher 3 GRE 1350 Points or Higher 3 National Computer Rank Examination National Computer Software Qualification University Level Provincial Level National Level Published national-level journals Depending on both the time spent in and ability demonstrated in scientific research projects Depending on innovative extent Win certificate of Band-2 or higher 2 Win certificate of programmer 2 Win certificate of Advanced Programmer 3 Win certificate of System Analyst 4 Win first prize 3 Win second prize 2 Win third prize 1 Win first prize 4 Win second prize 3 Win third prize 2 Win first prize 6 Win second prize 4 Win third prize 3 Per piece 2~3 Each item 1~3 Each item 1~3 Note: In HUST Sports Game, the first and the second prize, the third to the fifth prize, and the sixth to the eighth prize are deemed respectively the first prize, the second prize and the third prize of university level. 七 主要课程 Main Courses Engineering Graphics Theoretical Mechanics Material Mechanics Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals of Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics Theory of Electrical Circuits Analogue Electronics Principle of Microcomputer and Digital Circuits Engineering Materials Fundamentals of Engineering Control Engineering Measurement Technology Theory of Machines and Mechanisms Machine Design CAD Computer Graphics and CAD Numerical Methods Fundamentals of Mechanical Manufacturing Technology Fundamentals of Mechanical Manufacturing Technology II 2 7

12 BasicGeneralEducationCoreCuriculum Fundamentals of Interchangeability and Technical Measurement Mechanical & Electrical Transmission Control Hydraulic and Pneumatic Transmission Numerical Control 八 主要实践教学环节 Practicum Module Experiments Included Military Training Laboring for Public Benefit Mechanical Engineering Training Metal Working Practice Electrical Engineering Practice Production Engineering Investigation Professional Social Practice Professional Engineering Training Undergraduate Thesis 九 教学进程计划表 Course Schedule 院 ( 系 ): 机械科学与工程学院 School (Department): School of Mechanical Science and Engineering 课程类别 课程性质 / name Morals & Ethics & Fundamentals of Law Survey of Modern Chinese History Basic Theory of Marxism Social Practice of Ideological and Political Theories Course General Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics Current Affairs and Policy Chinese Fundamental English Fundamental English Calculus ( ) Calculus ( ) Physics ( ) 专业 : 机械设计制造及其自动化 Division: Mechanical Design Manufacturing and Automation

13 BasicGeneralEducationCoreCuriculum 课程类别 课程性质 / Physics ( ) name Physics Experiments ( ) Physics Experiments ( ) Engineering Chemistry Physical Education ( ) Physical Education ( ) Physical Education ( ) Physical Education ( ) Military Theory Linear Algebra ( ) Complex Function and Integral Transform Probability and Mathematics Statistic ( ) C Fundamental of computer programming(c++) () Computer Networks and Its Applications Database System Technology and Applications s in Humanities and Social Science Engineering Graphics ( ), The First Part Engineering Graphics ( ), The Second Part Theoretical Mechanics ( ) Electrical & Magnetic Circuits Engineering Mechanics Lab. 续表

14 Discipline-relatedGeneralCoursesMajor-specificCoreCourses课程类别 课程性质 / name Material Mechanics ( ) Analogue Electronics ( ) Engineering Materials Fundamentals of Engineering Control ( ) Experiments on Fundamentals of Engineering Control ( ) Engineering Measurement Technology ( ) Experiments on Engineering Measurement Technology ( ) Comprehensive Experiments on Measurement and Control of Mechanotronics Fluid Mechanics ( ) Fundamentals of Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics Theory of Machines and Mechanisms ( ) ( ) Machine Design ( ) CAD Computer Graphics and CAD Numerical Methods ( ) Principle of Microcomputer and Digital Circuits An Introduction to Discipline (Mechanical Engineering) Fundamentals of Mechanical Manufacturing Technology Fundamentals of Mechanical Manufacturing Technology ( ) 续表

15 Major-specificsMajor-specificCoreCourses 课程类别 课程性质 / name Fundamentals of Interchangeability and Technical Measurement Mechanical & Electrical Transmission Control Hydraulic and Pneumatic Transmission Numerical Control Major-specific s Advanced Design Methodology Machinery Manufacturing Equipment and Technology Creative Design of Mechanical System Mechanical Vibrations Structure of Automobile Auto Mobile Electronic Technology Vehicle Design Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics D Reverse Engineering Technology Fundamental Finite Element Analysis and Applications Fundamentals of Engineering Tribology Mechantronics Creative Decisions and Design Electro-hydraulic Control Engineering Automobile Mechano-electro-hydraulic Control Technology 续表

16 Major-specifics课程类别 课程性质 / name Hydraulic Components and Systems Pneumatic Control Technology Water Hydraulic Power Transmission Technology Electronic Pneumatics Advanced Fluid Power Control Machine Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis Machine Vision and Applications One out of Two Auto Inspection Technologies Based on Machine Vision Non-Destructive Test Modern Experimental Methodology and Data Processing Quality Engineering High-Speed Digital Image Processing and Its Applications Error Theory and Data Processing Intelligent Instrument Technology Intelligent Measurement and Control System Fundamentals of Robotics Fundamentals of Flexible Electronic Manufacturing Technology Computer Aided Manufacturing Computer Control System 续表

17 Major-specificss 课程类别 课程性质 / name Python Python Program Design Numerical Control Machining Procedure and Programming Technology Introduction to Biomimetic Robotics AC Servo Motion Control System Introduction to Modeling and Simulation of Machetronics Design, Manufacturing and Management of Digital Mechatronic Products Conspectus of Flexible Manufacturing Automation Fundamentals of Functional Materials Nonconventional Machining Introduction to Nanotechnology Microfabrication and Nanotechnology Technology of Microelectronic Fabrication Basis and Application of Microelectro mechanical Systems Fundamentals of Microsystems Packaging Technology Advanced Manufacturing Technology Modern Industrial Networks An Introduction to Network Information Security Military Training Laboring for Public Benefit 续表 w 1.0 1w

18 PracticalTrainingItems 课程类别 3w 课程性质 / name Mechanical Engineering Training Mechanical Engineering Training( ) Metal Working Practice Electrical Engineering Practice a Engineering Internship Professional Social Practice Professional Engineering Training g Undergraduate Thesis 续表 2w w w w w w w

19 机械设计制造及其自动化第二主修专业培养计划 Undergraduate Program for the Second Specialty in Mechine Design and Manufacturing and Automation 一 培养目标 Program Objective This program is aimed at establishing the fundamental knowledge and application skills of mechanical design and manufacturing, nurturing talents in Production engineering who will be engaged in design and manufacturing, research and development, application study, production management in the field of mechanical manufacturing. 二 学位 Degree Conferred Bachelor of Engineering 三 Credits 43.3 Minimum Course Credits 43.3 credits 6.8 Discipline-related General Courses: 6.8credits 17 Basic Sub-disciplinary Courses:17 credits 14.5 Major-specific Core Courses: 14.5 credits 5 Undergraduate Thesis: 5 credits 四 教学进程计划表 Course Schedule 15

20 Discipline-relatedGeneralMajor-specificCoreCoursesCoursesBasicSub-disciplinaryCourses 课程类别 课程性质 / name Discipline-related General Courses Fundamentals of Mechanical Manufacturing Technology Engineering Materials Engineering Measurement Technology ( ) Experiments on Engineering Measurement Technology ( ) Basic Sub-disciplinary Courses Engineering Graphics ( ) Theory of Machines and Mechanisms ( ) Fundamentals of Exchangeability and Technology Measurement Machine Design ( ) CAD Computer Graphics and CAD Engineering Thermodynamics ( ) Major-specific Core Courses Numerical Methods ( ) Hydraulic and Pneumatic Transmission Fundamentals of Mechanical Manufacturing Technology ( ) Mechanical & Electrical Transmission Control Numerical Control Machinery Manufacturing Equipment and Technology Advanced Design Methodology

21 TraPracticaliningItems 续表 课程类别 课程性质 / name Advanced Manufacturing Technology Undergraduate Thesis 10w

22 Discipline-relateds 机械设计制造及其自动化辅修专业培养计划 Undergraduate Program for the Auxiliary Specialty in Mechine Design and Manufacturing and Automation 一 培养目标 Program Objective This program is aimed at establishing the fundamental knowledge and application skills of mechanical design and manufacturing, nurturing talents in Production engineering who will be engaged in design and manufacturing, research and development, application study, production management in the field of mechanical manufacturing. 二 Credits 24.8 Minimum Course Credits 24.8 credits 18.8 Discipline-related s 18.8 credits 6 Major-specific s 6 credits 课程类别 三 教学进程计划表 Course Schedule 课程性质 / name Basic Courses in Discipline Engineering Graphics ( ) Theory of Machines and Mechanisms Fundamentals of Mechanical Manufacturing Technology Engineering Materials Engineering Measurement Technology Machine Design

23 Major-specifics 课程类别 课程性质 / name ( ) Experiments on Engineering Measurement Technology ( ) CAD Computer Graphics and CAD Fundamentals of Exchangeability and Technology Measurement Hydraulic and Pneumatic Transmission 48 Courses in Specialty Numerical Control 续表

24 产品设计专业本科培养计划 Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Product Design 一 培养目标 Program Objective () This program aims to cultivate senior application-oriented professionals who possess basic theories and applied ability in industrial design field (including orientation of product design, exhibition design). The students shall have high comprehensive quality, integrated development in moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic, and have the ability to undertake industrial product design, exhibition design and information design with an emphasis on innovative design in enterprises and institutions, professional design departments and design research departments. 二 基本规格要求 Skills Profile Students of this program will acquire

25 ( ) structure of knowledge 1. Have solid basic knowledge of natural science and art subjects. Master the requisite basics of humanities and social sciences, market economy, management, environmental protection and etc. in the field. 2. Master basics of design sketch, design painting and expression, computer graphic expression, history of industrial design and ergonomics. Have strong design presentation skills, practical ability, aesthetic appreciation and creativity, and computer application skills. 3. Develop professional skills, including building up systematic knowledge of basic design theory and design approach and understanding how this expertise can be applied to a range of professions. 4. Master basics of products structure, innovative technology, product development and design management meanwhile understand technical and economic analysis, management mode of modern enterprise. ( ) structure of ability 1. Have ability of innovating and upgrading the existing products or discovering new demands according to serviceability of existing products with perspective of user (or special user). 2. Have ability of proposing design goals from a clear market orientation, determining design ideas and conducting a preliminary evaluation of the former concepts. 3. Have strong ability of aesthetic, technical application, hand-painted expression, computer application, communication and logical thinking. 4. Have good ability of analyzing information and teamwork, be able to learn and use multidisciplinary knowledge and methods to provide solutions and implementation of design. 5. Be highly proficient in making graphics and image post-processing with appropriate softwares,building some complex models of products rendering models to reflect the shape, color and material exactly, and expressing architecture of information and interactive models clearly. 6. Have the ability of analyzing the technology s feasibility, designing the structure which related to morphology, and coordinating the design solution with relevant technical staff. 7. Have the awareness of autonomic learning and lifelong learning, and have the ability of constantly exploring, entrepreneurship and innovation which adapting to the social and economic Development. ( ) aim of quality 1. Integrated develop in moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic, and have a high cultural, artistic and aesthetic accomplishment, responsibility of design and international vision. 2. Have professional quality, healthy body and mentality, an optimistic attitude toward life in product design and development work. 21

26 3. Have good spirit of teamwork, professional quality of solving problem creatively and expertly by multidisciplinary knowledge and methods. 三 培养特色 Program Highlights Product design as a combination of art and technology, cultivate students' creative ability, aesthetic ability and design ability through a lot of design practice. 四 主干学科 Ⅳ Main Disciplines Products Design Exhibition Design 五 学制与学位 Program Length and Degree Duration 4 years Degrees Conferred Bachelor of Arts 六 与 Credits Hours and Units 160 Minimum Credits of Curricular (Comprising system and intensified internship practical training) 160 credits Major-specific core s cannot be covered using credits from other s in the program. 5 Minimum Extracurricular Credits 5 credits 1 Course Credits Hours and Units 课程类别课程性质 / 占课程体系比例 (%) 544/ / / / / / Course Type / Hrs/Crs Percentage (%) General Education Core Curriculum 544/ / Discipline-related General Courses 960/ Major-specific Core 120/ s s 424/ Total 2368/

27 2 Practicum Credits 实践教学环节名称 课程性质 周数 / 占实践教学环节比例 (%) 2/ / / / / / / / / / Course Title / Weeks/Credits Percentage (%) Military Training(two weeks) 2/1 6.3 Laboring for Public Benefit(one week) 1/ Metal Working Practice(three weeks) 2/1 6.3 Engineering Internship (four weeks) 4/ Professional Social Practice(one week) 1/ Sketch Practice(two weeks) 2/1 6.3 Basis of Design Practice(two weeks) 2/1 6.3 Course Project(four weeks) 4/ Undergraduate Thesis(fourteen weeks) 14/ Total 32/ Extracurricular Credits 序号 课外活动和 课外活动和社会实践的要求 课外 ~3 5 1~3 6 1~3 2 23

28 No. 1 2 Extracurricular Activities and Social Practice Activities of Social Practice Examinations in English and Computer 3 Competitions Requirements Extracurricular Credits Submit report and pass oral defense 1 Entitled as Activist by the Communist Youth League of HUST or Hubei Province; Membership of the group which is entitled as Excellent Social Practice Group by the Communist Youth League of HUST or Hubei Province CET-6 Win certificate of Band-6 or higher 2 National Computer Rank Examination National Computer Software Qualification University Level Provincial Level National Level Win certificate of Band-2 or higher 2 Win certificate of programmer 2 Win certificate of Advanced Programmer 3 Win certificate of System Analyst 4 Win first prize 3 Win second prize 2 Win third prize 1 Win first prize 4 Win second prize 3 Win third prize 2 Win first prize 6 Win second prize 4 Win third prize 3 4 Papers Published in national-level journals Per piece 2~3 5 Scientific Research Depending on both the time spent in and ability demonstrated in scientific research project Each item 1~3 6 Experiments Depending on innovative extent Each item 1~3 Note: In HUST Sports Meeting, the first and the second prize, the third to the fifth prize, and the sixth prize to the eighth prize are deemed respectively the first prize, the second prize and the third prize of university level. 七 主要课程 Ⅶ. Main Courses Design Sketch Preliminary design Foundation of Design Ergonomics Product Innovation Design Sketch Design Presentation Product Design Exhibition Design Interior Design The Fundamental of Visual Expression User Research Information Architecture Interaction Design Interface Design 八 主要实践教学环节 ( 含专业实验 ) Practicum Module Experiments Included Professional Social Practice Sketch Practice Basis of Design Practice Engineering Internship Exp. Of Ergonomics Course Project Undergraduate Thesis 2 24

29 BasicGeneralEducationCoreCuriculum 九 教学进程计划表 Course Schedule 院 ( 系 ): 机械科学与工程学院 School (Department) School of Mechanical Science & Engineering 课程类别 课程性质 / name Morals & Ethics & Fundamentals of Law Situation and Policy Survey of Modern Chinese History Basic Theory of Marxism Social Practice of Ideological and Political Theories Course General Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics Chinese Comprehensive English(I) Comprehensive English(II) Physical Education( ) Physical Education( ) Physical Education( ) Physical Education( ) Military Theory Fundamental of computer programming( ) s in Natural Science s in Humanities and Social Science Basic Courses of Disciplines 专业 : 产品设计 Specialty Product Design

30 Discipline-relateds 课程类别 课程性质 / name Introduction to Design Design Sketch( ) Foundation of Design( ) Design Painting( ) Design Sketch( ) Foundation of Design( ) Design Painting( ) Quick Sketch of Design Engineering Drafting ( ) Preliminary Design( ) Interior Design( ) Preliminary Design( ) 二 ) Perspective and Shadow( ) Visualization Skills Product form Design Brief History of ID Ergonomics Introduction to Science of Design The Fundamental of Visual Expression Material Technology for Form Product Modeling 续表

31 Major-specificsMajor-specificCoreCourses 续表 课程类别 课程性质 / name Introduction to Technology of Design Sketch Design Presentation( Interaction Design Interface Design Product Design( ) Exhibition Design ( ) + A + B Restricted s in the Specialty () Restricted s in the Specialty Information Architecture user research 市场学基础 The Foundation of Marketing Photographing Specialty English History of Architecture & Interior Design (Ⅰ) Sculpture & ceramic art Sketch Design Presentation(Ⅱ) Rapid Project design(Ⅱ) Packaging Design Advertising Design Management of Industrial Design Innovation Design

32 Major-specificsPracticalTrainingItems 课程类别 w 课程性质 / name Appreciation of Chinese and Foreign Arts Design with Subjects Design Innovation and Intellectual Property Strategy A Restricted s in the Specialty A Product Design Product Design Product Innovation Design Strategic Design B Restricted s in the Specialty B Urban Landscape Design Interior Design Exhibition Design Exhibition Design Military Training Professional Social Practice Sketch Practice Industrial Practice Basis of Design Practice Engineering Internship Voluntary Labor Course Project f Undergraduate Thesis 续表 w w w 2w w w w w

33 产品设计第二主修专业培养计划 Undergraduate Program for the Second Specialty in Industrial Design 一 培养目标 Program Objective () This program aims to cultivate senior application-oriented professionals who possess basic theories and applied ability in industrial design field (including orientation of product design, exhibition design). The students shall have high comprehensive quality, integrated development in moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic, and have the ability to undertake industrial product design, exhibition design and information design with an emphasis on innovative design in enterprises and institutions, professional design departments and design research departments. 二 学位 Degree Conferred Bachelor of Arts 三 Credits 51 Minimum Course Credits 51 credits 22.5 Discipline-related General Courses: 22.5 credits 10.5 Major-specific Core Courses: 10.5 credits 7 Major-specific s: 7 credits 11 Internship and Practical Training 11 credits 四 教学进程计划表. Course Schedule 29

34 Discipline-relatedGeneralMajor-Discipline-relatedGeneralCoursesspecificMajor-specificCoreCoursesCourses 课程类别 课程性质 / name Brief History of ID Visualization Skills Design Sketch( ) Design Color ( ) Foundation of Design( ) Product form Design The Fundamental of Visual Expression Interface Design Instruction to Design Human Factors Engineering Ergonomics Perspective and Shadow ( ) Product Modeling Material Technology for Form Product Design( ) Product Design ( ) Packaging Design ( ) Interior Design Product Design ( ) Sketch Design Presentation Interaction Design Advertising Design Appreciation of Chinese and Foreign Arts

35 PracticalTrainingItems 续表 课程类别 课程性质 / name w Engineering Internship Undergraduate Thesis 10w

36 Discipline-relateds 产品设计辅修专业培养计划 Undergraduate Program for Auxiliary Specialty in Industrial Design 一 培养目标 Program Objective () This program aims to cultivate senior application-oriented professionals who possess basic theories and applied ability in industrial design field (including orientation of product design, exhibition design). The students shall have high comprehensive quality, integrated development in moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic, and have the ability to undertake industrial product design, exhibition design and information design with an emphasis on innovative design in enterprises and institutions, professional design departments and design research departments. 二 Credits 19 Minimum Course Credits 19 credits 8.5 Discipline-related s 8.5 credits 10.5 Major-specific Core Courses: 10.5 credits Course Schedule 课程类别 课程性质 / Brief History of ID Visualization Skills name Foundation of Design( ) Product form Design The Fundamental of Visual Expression Instruction to Design

37 Major-specifics 课程类别 课程性质 / name Human Factors Engineering Product Design( ) Product Design ( ) Appreciation of Chinese and Foreign Arts Interface Design Rapid Project Design Advertising Design Packaging Design Interior Design ( ) Product Design ( ) 续表

38 工业工程专业本科专业人才培养计划 Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Industrial Engineering 一 培养目标 Ⅰ Program Objective This program aims to provide students with the literacy of science, engingeering and humanity, with the basic knowledge and application skills in management, computer technology and mechanical engineering, and with the ability to use English language and computer. Students can pursue a career in enterprises related to manufacturing, electronics, computer information, financial, service and various sectors. Students could act as skilled professionals in technology and management position and able to analysis, plan, design and manage various complicated management and production systems. 二 基本规格要求 Ⅱ Learning Outcomes Students will acquire the following knowledge and skills: 1. Solid grounding in both natural sciences, humanities and arts, and ability of lecturing and writing in Chinese languages; 2. Ability to use English language and computer and the skills of literature searching; 3. A broad understanding of theoretical and technical foundation in industrial engineering, including systems engineering, s research, management, human factors in Engineering, quality control, reliability engineering, production and s management, project management, logistics, supply chain management, system simulation and other computer and network technology; 4. Skills to analyze and solve the problems related to production organization and management in enterprises especially in manufacturing enterprises, self-learning ability and innovative thinking, and understanding of its trend and current stage of development; 34

39 5. Understanding of theoretical and technical foundation and skills in mechanical engineering; 6. Capability of scientific research, development and management. 三 培养特色 Ⅲ Program Highlights The Program is the combination of Management and Mechanical Engineering. It prepares inter-disciplinary talents in both fields. 四 主干学科 Ⅳ. Main Disciplines Mechanical Engineering Management Computer Science and Technology 五 学制与学位 Ⅴ Program Length and Degree Duration: 4 years Degrees Conferred: Bachelor of Engineering 六 与 Ⅵ Credits Hours and Units Minimum Credits of Curricular(Comprising system and intensive practical training) credits Major-specific core s cannot be covered using credits from other s in the program. 5 Minimum Extracurricular Credits: 5 credits 1 Course Credits Hours and Units 课程类别课程性质 / 占课程体系比例 (%) 1040/ / / / / / / Course Type / Hrs/Crs Percentage (%) General Education Curriculum 1040/ / Discipline-related General Courses 288/ / Major-specific Core 528/ s s 280/ Total 2440/

40 2 Practicum Credits 实践教学环节名称 课程性质 周数 / 占实践教学环节比例 (%) 2/ / / / / / / / / Course Title / Weeks/Credits Percentage (%) Military Training(two weeks) 2/1 7.4 Laboring for Public Benefit(one week) 1/ Metal Working Practice(three weeks) 3/ Electrical Engineering Practice(two weeks) 2/1 7.4 Professional Social Practice(one week) 1/ Engineering Internship (three weeks) 3/ Course Project(three weeks) 3/ Undergraduate Thesis(twelve weeks) 12/ Total 27/ Extracurricular Credits 序号 课外活动名称 课外活动和社会实践的要求 课外 ~3 5 1~3 6 1~3 36

41 No. 1 Extracurricular Activities and Social Practice Activities of Social Practice Requirements Extracurricular Credits Submit report and pass oral defense 1 Entitled as Activist by the Communist Youth League of HUST or Hubei Province; Membership of the group which is entitled as Excellent Social Practice Group by the Communist Youth League of HUST or Hubei Province CET-6 Win certificate of Band-6 or higher 2 2 National Computer Rank Examinations in Win certificate of Band-3 or higher 2 Examination English and Win certificate of programmer 2 Computer National Computer Software Win certificate of Advanced Programmer 3 Qualification Win certificate of System Analyst 4 Win first prize 3 University Level Win second prize 2 Win third prize 1 Win first prize 4 3 Competitions Provincial Level Win second prize 3 Win third prize 2 Win first prize 6 National Level Win second prize 4 Win third prize 3 4 Papers Published in national-level journals Per piece 2~3 5 Scientific Research Depending on both the time spent in and ability demonstrated in Scientific research project Each item 1~3 6 Experiment Depending on innovative extent Each item 1~3 Note: In HUST Sports Meeting, the first and the second prize, the third to the fifth prize, and the sixth prize to the eighth prize are deemed respectively the first prize, the second prize and the third prize of university level. 七 主要课程 Ⅶ. Main Courses Systems Engineering Operations Research Management Human Factors Engineering Quality Control Reliability Engineering Production Management Project Management Logistics Supply Chain Management Production System Modeling and Simulation Decision Analysis Management Information System Contemporary Integrated Manufacturing System 八 主要实践教学环节 ( 含专业实验 ) Ⅷ Practicum Module Experiments Included Metal Working Praitice Electrical Engineering Practice Engineering Internship Professional Social Practice Course Project Undergraduate Thesis 2 37

42 GeneralEducationCuriculum 九 教学进程计划表 Ⅸ Course Schedule 院 ( 系 ): 机械科学与工程学院 School (Department): School of Mechanical Science & Engineering 课程类别 课程性质 / name Morals & Ethics & Fundamentals of Law Survey of Modern Chinese History Social Practice of Ideological and Political Theories Course Basic Theory of Marxism General Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics Situation and Policy Chinese Comprehensive English Comprehensive English Physical Education( ) Physical Education( ) Physical Education( ) Physical Education( ) Calculus ( ) Calculus ( ) Military Theory ( ) Linear Algebra ( ) Complex Function and Integral Transform 专业 : 工业工程 Specialty: Industrial Engineering

43 GeneralEducationCuriculumDiscipline-relatedGeneralCourses 课程类别 课程性质 / name ( ) Probability and Mathematics Statistics ( ) ( ) Physics ( ) ( ) Physics ( ) ( ) Physics Experiments ( ) ( ) Physics Experiments ( ) C Fundamental of Computer Programming (C++) () Database System Technology () Computer Networks and Applications s in Humanities and Social Sciences ( ) Engineering Graphics ( ) Electronics in Electrical Engineering ( ) Theoretical Mechanics An Introduction to Discipline (Mechanical Engineering) Theory of Machines and Mechanism Foundamentals of Mechanical Manufacturing Technology Machine Design Material Mechanics ( ) Engineering Mechanics Lab Principle of Microcomputer Introduction to Industrial Engineering 续表

44 Major-specificCoreCoursesEleMajsor-specificctive 课程类别 课程性质 / name Numerical Methods (II) Operations Research Systems Engineering Management Reliability Engineering Quality Control Fundamentals of Industrial Engineering Human Factors Engineering Experiment on Human Factors and Work Study Production System Modeling and Simulation Decision Analysis Contemporary Integrated Manufacturing System Logistics System Management Production Management Supply Chain Management Project Management Java Java Programming Management Information System Scheduling: Theory, Algorithms and Systems Modern Experiment Methodology and Data Processing Electronic Commerce 续表

45 Major-specificsPracticalTrainingItems 课程类别 w 课程性质 / Strategic Marketing name Research and Practice of Lean Manufacturing Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors Modeling, Analysis, Design, and Control of Stochastic Systems Intelligent Optimization Methods Conspectus of Flexible Manufacturing Automation Technology of Numerical Control Foundamentals of Interchangeability and Technical Measurement Engineering Economics Safety Engineering An Introduction to Network Information Security Military Training Labouring for Public Benefit Metal Working Practice Electrical Engineering Practice a Engineering Internship Professional Social Practice Course Project g Undergraduate Thesis 续表 w 1 1 1w w w 1 3 3w w w

46 工业工程第二主修专业培养计划 Undergraduate Program for the Second Specialty in Industrial Engineering 一 培养目标 Ⅰ Program Objective This program provides students with the basic knowledge and application skills in management, computer technology and mechanical engineering, and with the ability to use English language and computer. Students can pursue a career in enterprises related to manufacturing, electron, computer application, financial, service and various sectors. Students can be trained into highly skilled persons in technology and management, being able to analyze, plan, design and manage various complicated management and production systems. 二 学位 Ⅱ Degree Conferred Bachelor of Engineering 三 Ⅲ Credits 43.5 Minimum Course Credits 43.5 credits 28.5 Basic Sub-disciplinary Courses 28.5 credits 9 Major-specific Core Courses 9 credits 6 Undergraduate Thesis 6 credits 四 教学进程计划表 Ⅳ Table of Teaching Schedule 课程类别 课程性质 / name Introduction to Industrial Engineering Operations Research

47 BasicSub-disciplinaryCoursesPracticalMajor-specificCoreCoursesTrainingItems 课程类别 课程性质 / name Fundamentals of Industrial Engineering Systems Engineering Management Reliability Engineering Quality Control Human Factors Engineering Production System Modeling and Simulation Logistics System Management Production Management Supply Chain Management Project Management Decision Analysis Java Java Programming Management Information System Strategic Marketing Electronic Commerce Modern Experiment Methodology and Data Processing Contemporary Integrated Manufacturing System 续表 Undergraduate Thesis 12w

48 Discipline-relatedse 工业工程辅修专业培养计划 Undergraduate Program for Auxiliary Specialty in Industrial Engineering 一 培养目标 Ⅰ Program Objective This program provides students with the basic knowledge and application skills in management, computer technology and mechanical engineering, and with the ability to use English language and computer. Students can pursue a career in enterprises related to manufacturing, electron, computer application, financial, service and various sectors. Students can be trained into highly skilled persons in technology and management, being able to analyze, plan, design and manage various complicated management and production systems. 二 Ⅱ Credits 24.5 Minimum Course Credits 24.5 credits 16.5 Discipline-related s 16.5 credits 8 Major-specific s 8 credits 课程类别 三 教学进程计划表 Ⅲ Course Schedule 课程性质 / Management Operations Research Systems Engineering name Reliability Engineering Quality Control Human Factors in Engineering

49 Major-specifics 课程类别 课程性质 / name Logistics System Management Production Management 续表 Production System Modeling and Simulation 32/ /2 Project Management Supply Chain Management 32/ Decision Analysis 32/

50 测控技术与仪器专业本科培养计划 ( 精密科学仪器方向 ) Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Measuring and Control Technology and Instrumentation 一 培养目标 Ⅰ Program Objective, This program aims to cultivate students in science, engineering and the humanities. The students grasp solid basic theory in mathematics and physics, basic professional knowledge in measurement and control technology, and professional knowledge in information sensing, conversion and analysis. The students shall have basic theory, basic skills and practical application ability for instruments and measurement system design, and have certain abilities in organization and coordination, innovation and international outlook, able to take position as senior engineering management professional. The students could pursue career in information acquisition and analysis, monitoring and control instruments or system development and application in fields like advanced manufacturing, aerospace, information, communications, energy, transportation, biotechnology, environmental science and etc. 二 基本规格要求 Ⅱ Learning Outcomes /

51 Students should satisfy the following academic requirements for graduation: 1. Engineering Knowledge: The student can master the knowledge of engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization such as sensing theory and technology, precision machinery, signal processing, measurement circuit, Automatic control principle, precision testing theory and technology, error theory, interchangeability and technical measurement to design, and could use these knowledge to design, express, implement, promote the instrument and the measurement system. 2. Problem Analysis: The student have a systematic experience in engineering practice, and have the ability to design and implement the engineering experiments, and analyze the experimental results. The student can use knowledge of mathematics, natural sciences, economy and management, and combine these with the knowledge measurement and control to identify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex engineering problems emerged in R&D, promotion and application of the instrument and the measurement system. 3. Design/Development of Solutions: Master the design methodologies for measurement and control instrument, and can comprehensively use the knowledge of sensor technology, optics, electronics, mechanics, measurement and control theory to solve the complex engineering problems emerged in the design of instruments with specific measurement functions, with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations. 4. Investigation: Conduct investigations of complex problems using research-based knowledge of measurement and control, and using research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions. 5. Modern Tool Usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modelling to solve the complex engineering problems emerged in measurement and control, especially using the internet, database, and the paper and electronic documents in the libraries. Have an understanding of the limitations of these modern tools. 6. The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge in measurement and control, to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice and solutions to complex engineering problems. 7. Environment and Sustainability: Understand the policies, laws and regulations in the production, design, R&D, environment protection of measurement and control technology and instrument industry, and evaluate the sustainability and impact of professional engineering work in the solution of complex engineering problems of measurement and control technology and instrument in 47

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