Tala o Ta aloga Kirikiti

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1 SECTION B VISIT SAMOA NEWS SAMOANEWS.COM TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 2017 CLASSIFIEDS CARTOONS ALOHA BRIEFS & MORE C M Y K Tala o Ta aloga Kirikiti tusia e THA. E C M Y K muamua ona momoli atu le fa afetai i le kamupani o Feso otaiga a le Blue Sky, i le tatou tautua lea o le itulau o Tala o Ta aloga Kirikiti i le tatou nusipepa. Ia avea pea ia le nusipepa e momoli atu ai le fa afetai fa ale au au ma le fa alelava i lea kamupani, mo lenei tautua i le atunu u e ala i ripoti o kirikiti fa asamoa i lea vaiaso ma lea vaiaso. E fa amanatu atu i tusi ai a le tele o au, e tusi fa asa o lelei mai le igoa o teine o nai a tatou tagata ta a alo e mana omia e le tusitala ona fa aaogaina, ia le sasi fo i le auaunaga ma fa ate ia ai nisi i le ma ema ea o i latou ona ua sasi suafa. O le vaiaso lenei ua toe vaaia ai fo i le toe sui o le alualu i le luma o tamaita i ma a ali i kirikiti i a latou taumafaiga, i le aso Tofi na toe ausia ai fo i le isi matati a. I le fa ate a i le itupa o tamaita i, ua tula i mai le tamaitai fa ate a a le I a Vai, o Tauia Pati, ua ia toe ausia fo i le iva (9) olo i le ta aloga ma le O le sapo lava latou, e momoe lelei lava lima ma le polo. E moni ai le tala, o lo u alofa ia te oe e pei o le polo ua maua lelei i la u sapo. Seki lau sapo! [ata: THA Moso oipala. I le itupa o ali i ua ausia e le ali i ta a le Pisisami o Marcus Ufuti, le lima sefulu iva (59) ai, i le ta aloga na faia i Pago Pago i le malae kirikiti i Gagamoe, ma le au a Tama o le Lega mai Poloa. Ia o au ua mae a a latou ta aloga ma ua atoa a latou faiaina e fa (4) i le ta amilosaga ua fa apea fo i ona mae a a latou ta aloga i lenei tausaga, i le itupa a ali i, ua aofia ai Sinapati mai i Tafuna, o le Mea ese mai Alofau, ma le au a le Tuna ula mai i Fagaitua. O au nei o lo o lelei pea lava a latou ta aloga e le i i ai lava ni faiaina, ma e foliga mai, o i latou lava nei e i ai le avanoa e oo ai latou taumafaiga e su e le siamupini o le itupa a ali i ma tamaita i. O le itupa a ali i, o le I a Vai mai Malaeloa (4-0), Fetulele mai i Tula (4-0), ma le Seaula mai i Aoa e tolu (3-0) malo i ana O le capo latou e le fa avaivai fo i teine o le Manulele Tausala matua fealofani lima ma polo. [ata: THA] ta aloga, ae leai se faiaina. O lo o i ai fo i au a le itupa o ali i, na o le ta itasi faiaina e aofia ai le Pisisami, ma le Mosiula. O au uma nei, e le i ta a alo, o lona uiga, o tu u i se isi ituaiga faiga, e i u lava ina faiaina le tasi i le isi, ona toe amata loa lea o le latou ta amilosaga, ae ofi atu ai au nei e ta itasi faiaina. Ou te talotalo lava ia fa apena se mea e tupu, ona toe fai ai lea o le ta amilosaga i au nei e tutusa, aua o le ta aloga e fitifiti le polo, e maua le polo e tau-lefiti, e fiti-feoloolo, e matua fiti le polo, pea o o lava ina tafiti. O le itupa a tamaita i, e fa a u nei e le i maua ni faiaina, o le I a Vai mai i Malaeloa ((3-0), o Teine o le Asaga mai i Aunu u (3-0), o le Lupelele mai Ili ili (3-0) ma Teine o le Aeto (2-0). O nei lava a u e tula i mai e lelei lava a latou a u kirikiti i (Faaauau itulau 2) E pei lava o le felelei a le au tatafiti a Bruno lea maimoaga a le to atele i le faiva o tama nei ae oso e tuli le polo toe maua lelei le sapo. OK a le mea, e alu atu fo i i le aiga, o talileleia mai e le aiga fiafia. [ata: THA]

2 Page B2 samoa news, Tuesday, March 14, 2017 O se va aiga i le saofaiga o tama ita i o le I a Vai, taumafaiga ua au, iloa ona fa amaulalo le loto ma fa alogo i le fa atonuga, e le vale se taui o le manumalo lava le pale. [ata: THA] Tala o Ta aloga Kirikiti Mai itulau 1 tausaga uma, i le sefulu tausaga talu ai se i o o mai i le taimi nei. Ua maua fo i le tala i le fa amavaega a le a u lea a Alao, ua taua mai e le Ofisa tau Samoa, ua fa amavae atu le a u lenei i le vaiaso ua te a mai le ta amilosaga o lenei tausaga. LIKI A TAMAITA I O LO O FAIA LEA I FAGA ALU I A VAI, MALAELOA (3-0) V MOSO OIPALA (*1), (0-2). I le ta aloga lenei na vaaia ai le teine o Tauia Pati, ua pei lava e na o ia lea e fai le ta aloga mo teine tata a le Moso oipala, i lana fa ate a i lena aso. Na ia mauaina olo e iva (9) i lena ta aloga, ma olo i te a na fesoasoani atu ai ia Fia, Lela ia ma Rosie na o ane e sui fa ate a a le I a Vai. Fai mai Tauia, Ou te musu tele ae fai mai le nusipepa o maua na tutusa a Omeka i le tele o olo, e ese ese au na maua ai o ma olo ma Omega, ia mafaufau i a u nei e lua, o le Autalavou a Fagaalu, lea na fai ai faiga a le teine o Omeka, ma le au a le Moso oipala lea na ou mauaina ai le iva o olo. O lenei ta aloga e fa ato a iloa lava lea o le auro i le afi. Oute te le fa amaualuga ae ou te te fa amoemoe lava i le malosi ma le atamai, na aumaia e le Atua ia te a u. E fa amoemoe mai le matou au ia te a u, ou te fa amoemoe fo i i ai i le taimi o ta aloga. E tofu lava matou ma le mea e fai, le mea lena e manumalo ai i le tele o ta aloga. O se fa asoa lea o manatu ma lagona o Tauia i le alii tusi ai. Na tata muamua le Moso oipala maua ai e lima sefulu fa (54) ae 19 le pe, i le vaai atu fo i i le talitua a a Teine o le I a Vai, i le matua mataalia mai pei lava, se i vagana ai polo e tau fetuli ma sapo mai, e fa ailoga fesili i le sapoina. Ae a alu atu le polo, ma e alu atu sa o lava i le tagata, ua mautinoa lava le maua mai e le talitua a. Na o ifo loa le I a Vai e tuli ai nei a le Moso oipala *1, e i ai fo i le mea malie lava na tupu i le auta a le I a Vai, o faiga a fa ate a a le Moso oipala, e le lelei mai o a latou te a ile amataga o le ta aloga. E lima pe (5), ae fa atoa sefulu lua (12) ai, ona ua lelei mai le pauuga a fa atea tuai o le Moso oipala o Mellisa, Ana, Ali itasi ma Sovita, ma na maua lelei pauuga o tea i le amataga, na mafua ai le ta gata o le I a Vai i le amataga. Na sui uma ina ua tula i mai Lilly & the gang lea na sefulu valu ai (18), na gasolosolo atu loa i luga ma le auta a le I a Vai, ta uma ai e lima sefulu fa (54) a le Moso oipala *1. E maua ifo ai, ae ua tigaina le au a le I a Vai i le taumafaiga o fa ate a nei a le Moso oipala. Ua tele lava ina maua avanoa e sao ai teine ta a le I a Vai ina ua le lelei mai le talitua a a le Moso oipala, ua fa aumiumi ai ma toe maua a latou avanoa e ta ai fa alua. O teine o le Moso oipala *1 na maua ai, o Asuetege 14, Mellisa 8, Ali itasi 7. Fa ate a o Mellisa (5), Ana (3) Ali itasi ma Sovita. ASO FARAILE. SEAULA, AOA (1-2) V AUTALAVOU FAGAALU, (1-2). O le ta aloga lenei ua ta le iloa, po o o le a le mafuaga ua fa apea ai ona fai, poo le mea ua manatu mama le au a le Seaula i le a u a Fagaalu. Po o le mea ua vave ona sui le a u a Fagaalu i le taimi pu upu u lava, i le lua vaiaso a o lenei ua tele le suiga o le latou au, e leai se fefefe e ta a alo ma au lelei nei. O le au a le Seaula, lea e tele i teine ua leva fo i ona kirikiti i isi au kirikiti ua iloga fo i i le ta aloga. A o au lea a le Autalavou, e pei a na o le to atolu i le to afa teine ua maitauina na ta a alo muamua i isi fo i au a isi afioaga. A o le mea lea ua i ai, ua pei lava le au lea a le Autalavou o le isi au ua leva ona fai mai i tausaga ua te a. Toe pau lava le mea lea e vaai atu ai ma alofa i le fa ate a a le Autalavou, e leai se i fa atalitali i le talitua a po o teine polo mamao ia, ma le taloto. Na ona maua lava o le polo, e le isi fa ate a alu loa i le atoa e aunoa ma le va ava ai i tua i ana polo mamao ma totonu o le taloto, e fai lava ia. Fa atoa fa ali i lava i polo mamao pe a alu atu se polo i luga, e le i sauni mai le talitua a. Ua na o nai fautuaga, e le o silafia le mea o lo o matau atu e le komiti ma tagata maimoa ae maise o le tapua iga a le afioaga peita i o nai lape ia i totonu o le malae ta alo, e fa ailo mo se aga i i luma o le taumafaiga. E aoga fautuaga, ma le tu ualalo a tagata e maua ai se lesona o lou faiva-alofilima lena o lo o e naunau e fa aleleia atili. Na tata muamua le Autalavou, maua ai e valu sefulu (80) ae fa ato a 13 pe, ona o le tulafono a le liki a tamaita i, e 80 loa ai ona tuli loa lea e le isi au. Na tuli loa lea e le au a le Reine o le I a Vai, e le fa avaivai, e masau i mea uma, tuli polo, tuli ai, tuli fo i e sapo. [ata: THA] Seaula, maua le valu sefulu ona fa aauau lea ona a latou ai fa asili, lea na maua ai le 45, tu u fa atasi o latou ai, e selau lua sefulu lima (125). Ia ae se paga lea, ua o o mai le fetu o le aniva, ae ua le tu u le malae i Vaovai i le manaia o le ta aloga. Ona maua ai lea o le fa aiuga a le komiti, o le a taoto ai fa apea se i sau se malama, ona toe fa aauauina lea o lea ta aloga matagofie ma le finau. ASO TO ANA I: I A VAI (4-0) V TEINE O LE MANULELE TAUSALA (0-3) Na vaaia le naunau a le au lea a le Manulele Tausala, i le fia maua o se malo i le latou fetauiga lea, ae se paga, e malolosi uma a u nei e fetaui ma le Manulele Tausala. E leai ou te te fai atu e vaivai le Manulele, ae o lena e filo ai ma teine laiti lena e vaaia ua amata ona o mai e a o a latou kirikiti, a o le tele o a u na e malolosi mai, e leai ni teineiti e tau a oina a latou ta a alo. O isi a u, se i iloga lava ua lelei le ta alo a se teineiti pe auai fo i i se ta aloga ae fa atonutonu atu lava e teine matutua, ae ua lelei i le ta ma le talitua a. E laiti la mea e tau fa atonu atu i ai, ae ua lelei i le tele o mea. Na muamua tata le au a le Manulele Tausala ina ua manumalo i le viliina o le tupe, na vaaia ai le malosi o le talitua a a le I a Vai, ae vanaga ni polo e tamomoe teine e tau sapo, ona maua lea i le mea lena e fa ailoga fesili. Ia ua amata le ta aloga ma le fia momoe o teine ta a alo, talu ai, e silafia loa e le komiti e lua ta aloga i lena aso Toana i, ia ona amata loa lea i le 8:00am. Afai e silasila a e e tolu ta aloga, ona amata lea i le 7:00am ta aloga, o se tu ualalo atu lava i le Komiti mamalu, aua le aga i i luma o isi aso Toana i lea o lo o totoe nei a o le i faia le liki. Sa maua e le Manulele Tausala ai e ono sefulu (60) ina ua uma a latou pe, ona tuliina lea e le I a Vai. O se mea malie na tupu i lena ta aloga. Na o fa atasi ai ma pe, tasi (Faaauau itulau 3)

3 samoa news, Tuesday, March 14, 2017 Page B3 Tala o Ta aloga Kirikiti le pe ae fa atoa 2 ai, na o o mai lava i le ono pe, ae fa atoa 15 ai, ona fesuia i loa lea o teine ta a le I a Vai, ua toe fesuia i i teine e lelei a latou ta i le te a e sosolo i lalo. Pei a o te a lea e fa aaogaina e Teine o le Manulele Tausala, na o mai loa mai loa teine na e lelei o latou ta i lea ituaiga te a, sui ai loa ma le tala o le vai ma le usuga. E le i umi se taimi na tata ai le au a le I a Vai, ae maua ai nei e 60 a le Manulele Tausala, i le fa atoa sefulu tasi (11) pe. Ma o teine nei a le Manulele Tausala na ai silia: Orepa 15, Sofi 9, Moana 7, Mele 7. O fa ate a; Sofi, Orepa ia ma isi na fesoasoani mai i ai. O le I a Vai ai silia: Tauia 15, Lela 13, Fia 5, Tiva 7. O fa ate a a le I a Vai, o Tauia (4), Fia (4) Lela, Rosie. LUPELELE: ILI ILI (3-0) V TEINE O LE MOLI: NUA/ SE ETAGA (2-1). O i na fa aalia ai le le mafaufau o le au lenei a le Lupelele, se ua outou faia lava le mea e fa agata ai le fiafia a Teine o le Moli, e tou te iloa pe silafia ea le mea e igoa o le faifailemu, po o ta a alo fuafua i au na. Ia sau ia oe si o u te i o Se etaga/nua po o teine o le Moli, fai atu lava ia te oe, e ui ina e utia i se au e matutua le latou ta alo ia outou. Ia afai fo i ua so ona fai oe i le mafaufau lena a le Lupe ia soia ia, lena na laki ua pe ile se e, ana e pe i le olo oute fai atu a oute le leiloa po o o lea le mea e o o ia outou. Na malo lava le Lupelele i le ta aloga faitaulia lea ma Teine o le Moli mai Nua ma Seetaga. Ma ua see atu ai manual o Lupelele i le 3, leai se latou faiaina, ae o le teine o le Moli ua atoa le lua o manumalo ae tasi le faia ina lenei. MALAE I GAGAMOE, PAGO PAGO: TA ALOGA ITUPA O ALI I LUPELELE, (2-2) V MEA ESE, ALOFAU (1-4). Le ta aloga mulimuli lea a le au a Alofau, lea na faiaina ai i le Lupe, ma o i foi na taua e se tasi o le komiti fa afoe a Pago Pago, Ia ua maua ai laiti i le latou malae lea e i Gagamoe, 44. Ua vaaia le alu i luga o tamaiti lea e ta a alo mai i lenei tausaga a le Mea ese, ua iloa atu lava o tamaiti nei, o le a taumafaia mai le au i tausaga a sau. O le isi mea lelei lea e fa aaoga mai e le Mea ese, ua maua tala ua tau leai ni tamaiti e fiafia i le kirikiti, ua tele lava e isi ta aloga. I le maimoa atu i le ta a alo a le au laiti a le Mea ese, aua ne i ofo se isi ae mautu se siamupini i lea au le tausaga fou i se latou taumafaiga. Manaia tele le au mulumu, ma nai tamaiti na e fa ate a, o le toaga lava e te a ma e mafaufau i lea pauuga ma lea pauuga. Lea e faifai fiafia le tatou taleni, o lena e i ai tama matutua a le tou au, fesili i ai ona latou ta uina atu lea o le mea e again ai i luma la outou ta a alo. O le Lupelele, o le a outou fa asolo atu nei i isi au e malolosi i le taimi nei, mea sili lava ua tou faiaina ia Fetulele ona o le fa atamala lava o outou ia. Ae semanu ana lelei le tou talitua a, fa apenei ua tasi le faiaina a le Fetulele ia te outou. Lena la ua i ou lima le fa amaloloina o le Mea ese, aua po o a isi faiaina a le Mea ese, a o outou lea ua fa amaloloina o le au a Alofau. Lona uiga la e lua mea o le a outou o o nei i ai; (1) O le a alualu ai a le tou au, i le lelei lena ua i ai (2) a le vave fo i ona tou fa atofa mai i le komiti ma le liki. A lelei ma manuia le au, ia manaia a te i ua fai atu i le vaiaso lenei, ae tou o atu fo i e pe i o le Mea ese, ia o aga lava o le ta aloga, e se e lava lenei mea o le Malo. TAMA O LE LEGA (2-2) V PISISAMI (2-1) O le ta aloga lea, ua toe fa asao mai i le gutu o le faiaina le Pisisami i faiga a Tama o le Lega, e le iloa o le fai ai nei Marcus ma tupu o lea au i le aso Toana i. E selau ma le tasi (101) ai a le Lega ae 17 ona pe, lea la na tuliina loa e le Pisi. E lua sefulu iva (29) ai, ae ua atoa pe e 7 a le Pisisami, na vaaia le mananaia o te a a le Lega i le amataga, maua lelei lava pauuga, e tele lava i le pa utasi ma afu uma ai le autata a le Pisi. Le lelei o le fa ato ato a atu e Reupena o le isi itu olo ae fa apena fo i le isi (i le pito i le Plaza) a isi fa ate a na e i ai. E fitu pe, ae fa atoa lua sefulu iva (29), o le mea ua matou maitauina le faiaina leaga le Pisi i le aso lea, ae savalivali atu loa Marcus i luga o le malae. I le te a muamua lava, o le afa na taumafai Marcus e ta fa alava, ae sese lona taimiina, lea la na tau tonu lava le polo i lana autafa o le mata, sa taofia loa le ta aloga ae taufai le fofoga a le tama ta alo. Fa apea ai o le alu nei i lalo, se i tau fai lana fofoga, ae leai ua tete i tagata i le va avaai atu, o le la e toe fa aauau lava le ta aloga e Marcus. I le faiga la a le tama o Marcus ina ua uma na lavea lona mata, ta i i, ta i o, ta i luga, ta fa alava, ta aga i i tua, toe toe lava ana mafai ona ta i lalo i le palapala, ai ua mafai ona ta ai. Ua uma fa ate a, a o le la e ata ata mai lava Marcus ma ta le polo, a le solasola solo te a a Tama o le Lega, e lavea lava i le ta a le tama. Fai mai Ta ita i Malae o Toilolo ma Letele, Ua mama le au te a e te a atu i luga, ma taumafai ai e alo alo mai le ta. Ia o le isi mea o le tulafono, e lua te a e alo, tau loa ai a le au lea e tata. Fai mai tamali i lea, Po o le a le mea e le tami atu ai le te a i Fagasa, ta amilomilo a e i mauga, tami mai ai i le maketi i Fagatogo, totolo mai i le Plaza i Pago Pago, ma maulu mai ai i le mea lea e tu atu ai i le olo, ae o le la e fasaga mai Marcus i inei, te i lava i le pa u o le olo. E uma lelei ai a le Lega e 101, o la lava e tu ia Marcus, toe Mai itulau 2 ta latou ai fa asili, ma uma lelei a latou pe, e le i pe lava le tama i le tataga atoa o le au. Lea na maua ai ai e 118, ae 19 pe, a o le au a le Tama o le Lega, toe lua (2) pe, ae ua atoa ana ai e 101, na toe tata e fa auma le latou au-tata, lea na o le 7 ai fa asili, ae pe le isi o le masaga. Na manumalo ai le Pisisami, i faiga a le tama lea o Marcus, ana le vave uma le latou autata, e le iloa pe o o lava i le 100 ma ona tupu ai. Tama ai-silia a le Lega: Alafua 18, Sapati 10, Manulele, 15, Faiva a 10, Fa atoga 9; O fa ate a o, Alafua, Reupena, Sapati ma isi fa ate a a le Tama o le Lega. O tama na ta ai a le Pisisami; Marcus 59, JR Sitau 10, Mao 11, Ricky 11. O fa ate a; Marcus, Mao ma isi tama e sui te a. PYCCT, PAVAIA I (1-4) V MOSIULA (3-1) O lenei ua fa auma ta aloga i le aso Toanai i le va lea o PYCCT mai i Pavaia i ma le au a le Mosiula mai i Masefau, ia na tata muamua ai Pavaia i, ma o le mea e lelei ai, o le Faifeau a le EKFAS i Pavaia i e susu mai i Masefau. O le mea la lea na tupu, tiga le fa asao o le Faifeau e tama o le Mosiula, e le ita lava i ai le kapeteni o Loia, fa apea ta ita ai o le ava avaau i le tama lea na nofo fa apau le polo i lalo, ae O se vaaiga i le laulautaimi a tama ita i o le Birdie e le fa avaivai pe a o o ina maua se polo sapo lelei. [ata: THA] AMERICAN SAMOA SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER fa asao le latou tama. Ta te fiu e tilotilo i le kapeteni po o a ana uiga e fa aalia mai, ae ta te vaai atu, o le a OK mai lava le kapeteni o Loia. Ae o le faiga fo i o le sapo a le tamaitiiti lea o Jeffery, e tolu lelei ana polo sapo i lena aso. Na maua ai e 91 a le Autalavou mai i Pavaia i, i le tele o le alofa ma agalelei o le au lenei a le Mosiula i lena ta aloga na faia, e faigata le vaai i Lupe Fa alelei a le Afioaga o Masefau, lea ua i ai nei i Pavaia i. Le manaia ia o le tele o au lea e ta a alo mai ai le Au-Faigaluega, e taofiofi mai ai le ote i nai tulafale e aveina au, a o le leaga faia ia. A tu mai ma le pate, e te fefe fua atu ai fua i le tu mai, ae a sasau nei, e alu ifo i lalo le ulu o le pate, ae ova i luga le alu o le polo. Ae a ote mai i nai isi tama o le au, sole ua laki o le mamao lava o le masina, semanu e fa alogo mai i ote a tama ia. Ua atoa nei fagiana a Pagaiai, ae ua se e atu Mosiula mai Masefau i le ta i 3 o malo ae tasi lava le latou faiaina. OWNING A VETERAN-OWNED SMALL BUSINESS Veterans have the character, discipline and skills needed to succeed as small business owners and entrepreneurs. Wondering what it takes and how you can prepare? Enroll in Boots to Business Reboot. ABOUT BOOTS TO BUSINESS REBOOT Boots to Business Reboot is a two-step training program that provides participants an overview of business ownership as a career vocation, an outline and knowledge on the components of a business plan, a practical exercise in opportunity recognition, and an introduction to available public and private sector resources. Step one is the Introduction to Entrepreneurship course eligible to Veterans of all eras, Service members (including members of the National Guard and Reserves) and their spouses. This course is taught by SBA and its partners, who are skilled business advisors. Step two is the follow-on Foundations of Entrepreneurship course taught by a consortium of professors and skilled business advisors from the SBA Network. Please boot-to-buinsess@sba.gov if you ve already attended Boots to Business and wish to sign-up. Notes: i. A participant must complete the Introduction to Entrepreneurship course to be eligible for the Foundations of Entrepreneurship course. ii. All SBA programs and services are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. iii. Reasonable arrangements for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact: or Treva.hall@sba.gov. The Boots to Business Reboot program is provided through the coordinated efforts of the SBA and the following valued partners: For More Information Call Dr. Herbert hthweatt.sbdc@hotmail.com Day: Wednesday & Thursday Date: March 29th & March 30th Time: 9:00am 2:00pm Place: American Samoa Community College

4 Page B4 samoa news, Tuesday, March 14, 2017 Leonard returns with 31, Spurs top Hawks, tie for No. 1 seed who missed his second straight game with a minor heart arrhythmia. Aldridge s status remains unknown. We just want him to get better, don t want to rush it, Leonard said. That s something serious with his heart. The Spurs were also without injured point guards Tony Parker and Dejounte Murray, but Leonard returned from a one-game absence after suffering a concussion in the second half against Oklahoma City last Thursday. I felt good, Leonard said. Just like any other game. Our medicine team and trainers did a good job of getting me prepared. Leonard made five straight shots, including a step-back, fadeway jumper at the close of the first quarter, after missing his first two attempts. Kawhi s a very special player, veteran Pau Gasol said. It s nothing new. He s playing at a very high level. For him to come back after the mild concussion and play at this level and give us this lift, it means a lot to this team. It makes a big difference. The Hawks cut a 15-point deficit to on Hardaway s baseline drive and dunk, but were hurt by scoring just 21 points off the Spurs turnovers. If you get turnovers, you have to get points out of them and we just didn t capitalize on that tonight, forward Paul SAN ANTONIO (AP) The Spurs made mistakes, missed shots and looked lost at times offensively, yet Gregg Popovich was pleased. Overcoming a season-high 23 turnovers with a strong defensive showing kept the Spurs from getting into real trouble with their coach and the Atlanta Hawks. Kawhi Leonard scored 31 points in his return from a concussion and San Antonio tied Golden State for the NBA s best record with a victory on Monday night. I was really pleased that they continue to guard and hustle the way they did despite being sloppy with the ball, Popovich said. San Antonio made a seasonhigh 16 3-pointers in its 19th straight home victory over Atlanta. The Spurs and Warriors are with 16 games remaining, including the final regular-season matchup between them on March 29. Atlanta point guard Dennis Schroder had 22 points and 10 assists. Tim Hardaway Jr. added 17 points, but the Hawks had their three-game winning streak snapped. San Antonio s Patty Mills had 15 points and Danny Green added 14. The starting guards combined to shoot 7 for 12 on 3-pointers and the team finished 16 for 34. David Lee had 14 points in place of LaMarcus Aldridge, Millsap said. TIP-INS Hawks: Atlanta has not won in San Antonio since Feb. 15, Mike Dunleavy missed his eighth straight game with an inflamed right ankle.... The Hawks have 15 games remaining, including seven at home, as they battle for one of the East s top four seeds. Spurs: Popovich said Aldridge underwent further tests Monday outside of San Antonio but his status remains unknown. No, we re just going to wait until he comes back and assess him, Popovich said. I think he ll be back either tomorrow morning or tonight, I don t know which.... Leonard has scored at least 19 points in his last 28 games, including 20-plus in 24 of those outings.... Parker missed his third straight game with back stiffness. The 34-year-old has missed 13 games this season due to injury and sat out two others for rest. HAPPY LEE Lee has provided the Spurs with a needed boost in the frontcourt, especially with Aldridge out indefinitely. The 33-year-old forward was a late addition to the team s roster, signing a two-year deal worth $3.2 million on July 28. Lee had battled various leg injuries over the past several seasons, but has not missed any games this season. I don t want to compliment Atlanta Hawks center Dwight Howard, right, is fouled by San Antonio Spurs forward Davis Bertans (42) as he tries to score during the first half of an NBA basketball game, Monday, March 13, 2017, in San Antonio. (AP Photo/Eric Gay) David Lee too much, Popovich said, smiling. I don t want him to get a big head. I want to keep him angry and wondering every minute whether he might play or not. He s had a great year for us, he s played well all season long. We re lucky to have him. Lee is averaging 7.4 points, 5.6 rebounds and 1.5 assists in 65 games. DOING WELL Leonard said his concussion occurred after he was hit on his jaw and near his temple. It was hard, but I mean you don t have to get hit hard to get a concussion, Leonard said. I didn t feel dizzy or like SOUTH BEND, Ind. (AP) Notre Dame basketball is doing something its football team hasn t been able to do in recent years: thrive in big games. The Fighting Irish (25-9), who this past weekend advanced to the Atlantic Coast Conference title game for the second time in three years, head into the NCAA Tournament as the only team to make it to the Elite Eight each of the past two seasons. When the lights have been brightest, we ve been in a rhythm lately where we just love it, embrace it and deliver in it, coach Mike Brey said. I think it s gotten to be a little bit of the tradition of the program where it s handed down to the younger guys and they re dragged along by the older guys that have been part of it. I really see that with our upperclassmen now. It s kind of what we do. We deliver when the lights are brightest. That wasn t always the case. In 16 seasons in the Big East, the Irish never advanced to the league tournament championship game. Before winning six NCAA Tournament games the past two seasons, the Irish had won just six tournament games in nine previous appearances under Brey. Before that, Notre Dame hadn t won a tournament game since So six tournament wins in two seasons is a big deal, especially at a university known as a football school. Irish seniors V.J. Beachem and Steve Vasturia, who were freshmen when the Irish finished in , say the recent tournament success gives the Irish confidence as they prepare to face Princeton (23-6), which has won 19 games in a row, in the opening game Thursday in Buffalo, New York. We re a very confident team, I was going to fall. I just was seeing blurry out of my left eye. I tried to shake it off. They ended up calling a timeout and it started getting really blurry. I told one of the coaches and I just went out. I got checked out. After suffering a headache and having some sensitivity to light initially, Leonard was able to begin the concussion protocol Saturday and was cleared Monday. UP NEXT Hawks: Host Memphis on Thursday night. Spurs: Host Portland on Wednesday night. Notre confident after recent NCAA Tournament success Notre Dame guard Rex Pflueger (0) reacts in the second half of an NCAA college basketball game against Duke during the championship game of the Atlantic Coast Conference tournament, Saturday, March 11, 2017, in New York. Duke won (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson) whether it be what we ve done this regular season or what we ve done in the postseason in the past, Beachem said. We can draw on those experiences. That doesn t separate us from anybody else as far the fact we still have to lace them up Thursday. Vasturia said his message to younger players is not to put too much pressure on themselves. I think the only thing I would say to them is enjoy it, he said. Go out there and have fun. Brey said he believes that attitude is key to Notre Dame s recent success. He said his early Irish teams played with the weight of the world on our shoulders. I was really tight, he said. I don t think I helped our team sometimes. So as I ve gotten older I ve gotten looser with them. We smile a little bit, we keep them loose. They re going to play hard. They ve prepared themselves. I just don t want them tied up in knots. Vasturia said the Irish know they need to focus on each game, but the goal is to do better than they have the past two seasons. We want to try to make it to the next step. The first step to that was getting back in the tournament. We ve done that, we re in there, he said. Now we have to take care of business.

5 Los Angeles Clippers guard Jamal Crawford (11) shoots as Utah Jazz forward Joe Johnson (6) defends during the first half of an NBA basketball game, Monday, March 13, 2017, in Salt Lake City. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer) Hayward scores 27, Jazz beat Clippers SALT LAKE CITY (AP) The Utah Jazz have racked up significant wins over playoff teams in the Los Angeles Clippers and Houston Rockets in the last six days. For a team that hasn t reached the postseason since 2012, those are statement wins. Gordon Hayward scored 27 points and Utah broke a ninegame home losing streak to the Clippers with a victory Monday night. The victory gave the Jazz a two-game lead over the Clippers in the race for the No. 4 playoff seed in the Western Conference and home-court advantage in the first round. Excited for us as a team with how we ve played, Hayward said. It was a big step to go into Houston and win and then win tonight. The last two times we ve played (the Clippers) we ve laid an egg offensively.... For us to score the basketball like we did tonight was good for us as a team. It gave us some confidence. Utah scored 40 points in the third quarter, a season-high for any quarter, after trailing much of the first half. George Hill was much more aggressive on the offensive end after a sluggish first half and the Jazz missed just four of 17 shots in the period while hitting all six 3-point attempts. I felt like we weren t turning the ball over and sometimes you re just kind of due, Jazz coach Quin Snyder said. We were sharing the ball and sometimes they go in. You look awful good when they go in. We ve had some 15-point quarters lately, so they ve got to average out a little bit, right? Chris Paul had 33 points, six rebounds and seven assists for the Clippers. The Clippers never figured out how to slow Hayward, whose back-to-back 3-pointers gave the Jazz a lead. Hill finished with 19 points and Joe Ingles scored 18 off the bench. Los Angeles cut the lead to late, but back-to-back buckets by Joe Johnson put away the game. They wanted this game, Clippers coach Doc Rivers said. They took the game. We played great in the first half and had a lead. I thought we should have had a bigger lead at halftime to be honest. I thought that was our chance to separate and we didn t. The Clippers led at halftime thanks to a dominant 18-point half from Paul and a stretch of eight straight points from Austin Rivers. J.J. Redick added 16 points for the Clippers. We got to get it together, Paul said. I d much rather be playing the right way and be playing consistently on both ends and lose a couple of games, but know going into the playoffs we ve got our principles. We re still working on them. It sucks, but you got to do it. If we were ready for everything right now, we might be peaking too soon, so hopefully we hit it at the right time. TIP-INS Clippers: The Clippers shot 58.3 percent from the field and 50 percent from behind the arc in the first half, but led by just seven at the break.... The Clippers held the Jazz to an average of 73.5 points in their first two meetings before Monday. Jazz: Derrick Favors was held out with a bone contusion in his left knee and will be reevaluated later in the week. It s his third straight missed game and his 18th of the season due to an issue with the left knee. SEEDING OVERRATED Rivers said he s not concerned with the race between the Jazz, Clippers, Thunder and Grizzlies for the No. 4 playoff seed. Yeah, we would like whoever is the 30th seed... we d prefer that, Rivers said. Other than that, you ve just got to get ready in the playoffs. I ve always laughed at three (seed), four, let s get five. That s ridiculous. If you re trying to win it all, you re going to play the good teams eventually. You just have to be ready for it. UP NEXT Clippers: Los Angeles hosts All-Star Giannis Antetokounmpo and the Milwaukee Bucks on Wednesday. Jazz: Rudy Gobert and Utah travel to face Andre Drummond and the Detroit Pistons on Wednesday in a matchup of two of the league s best centers. samoa news, Tuesday, March 14, 2017 MADRID (AP) Thanks to Barcelona, every team facing a big deficit will be able to retain some hope of pulling off a miracle. Bayer Leverkusen, which needs to overturn a 4-2 loss to Atletico Madrid in the last 16 of the Champions League on Wednesday, is at the top of the list. It s clear that it s a result that makes it difficult for us to advance to the next stage, but in the last few days we ve seen what can happen in football, Leverkusen coach Tayfun Korkut told Spanish daily Marca. We will not go to Madrid with the feeling that we ve already been eliminated, we will go to fight until the end. Last week, Barcelona overturned a 4-0 loss against Paris Page B5 Leverkusen in tough spot facing Atletico in Champions League American Samoa Government DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Saint-Germain, winning 6-1 in the second leg to reach the quarterfinals. No other team had reversed a four-goal deficit in the Champions League since the current format was introduced in the season. But Leverkusen may have a difficult time against an Atletico team that has only two losses in its last 33 home matches in European competitions. Winless in its last four matches, Leverkusen will at least have a new coach on its bench with experience in Spanish soccer. We all know how much Atletico fans get behind their team, said Korkut, former Turkey midfielder who has coached Leverkusen for one match. I experienced that when I played for Real Sociedad. I (Continued on page B6) PUBLIC NOTICE The American Samoa Department of Health Early Intervention Program Helping Hands would like to inform the public that the Annual State Application under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act as amended in 2004 for Federal Fiscal Year 2017 is available for public comment for a period of 60 days. A copy of the document is available to review at the DOH Helping Hands Office in Fagaima and is also available for review on the Helping Hands Early Intervention Program website Please call the DOH Helping Hands office at if you have any questions regarding this public notice. Signed, Ruth Te o, DOH Part C Coordinator Leverkusen goalkeeper Bernd Leno saves the ball, during the German Bundesliga soccer match between Bayer Leverkusen and Werder Bremen at the BayArena, in Leverkusen, Germany, Friday, March 10, (Marius Becker/DPA via AP)

6 Page B6 samoa news, Tuesday, March 14, 2017 Kings beat Magic to snap eight-game losing streak SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) After squandering several big leads in the past week, the Sacramento Kings were pleased to finally play well down the stretch. Darren Collison had 19 points and 13 assists, reserve Anthony Tolliver also scored 19 points and the Kings beat the Orlando Magic on Monday night to snap an eight-game losing streak. Last week, Sacramento led by 28 points before a secondhalf collapse led to a loss in San Antonio. Two nights later the Kings led by 15 points heading into the fourth quarter before falling to Washington in overtime. It was great to get a win in the fashion we got it tonight by closing out the game, said Garrett Temple, one of seven players in double figures. Tolliver scored five straight points in the closing minutes and had eight in the fourth to help the Kings improve to 2-8 since trading DeMarcus Cousins during the All-Star break. The eight-game losing streak was the longest for the Kings since the season. He got some good looks tonight and started to feel it, Kings coach Dave Joerger said of Tolliver. We tell him his green light is very green. We want him taking shots. The Kings had one of their best games from beyond the arc, going 16 of 30. The Kings made four 3-pointers late in the third quarter, outscoring the Magic in the period to take a lead into the fourth. We talked about how they had been shooting 3s well since the (All-Star) break, said Elfrid Payton, who had 13 points, 13 assists and 10 rebounds for his third tripledouble of the season. We got out of our rhythm in the third quarter and they made some 3s to build the lead. Nikola Vucevic had 23 points and nine rebounds for the Magic, who dropped their third straight game. Evan Fournier made four 3-pointers and scored 21 points, and Aaron Gordon had 17. The Magic have been in a major tailspin since owning a record on Dec. 26. They have dropped 26 of 36 since and own the secondworst record in the Eastern Conference. We re giving up the 3-point line right now. The last three games we ve allowed a high number of 3s going up, Orlando coach Frank Vogel said. We have to get that under control and tonight transition defense was really hurting us. Willie Cauley-Stein had 18 points for the Kings and rookie Buddy Hield had 17. The Kings were in the playoff hunt before trading Cousins. Now postseason hopes are a distant memory with Sacramento 5 1/2 games in back of eighth-place Denver. Cauley-Stein had a dunk to break a tie and Tolliver followed with another one, but Gordon responded with a 3-pointer to pull the Magic to Tolliver s 3-pointer gave the Kings a four-point cushion with 43 seconds left. TIP-INS Magic: The NBA s worst 3-point shooting team was 3 of 14 in the first half, but finished 13 of Orlando is on the road. Kings: Veterans Kosta Koufos and Ty Lawson had planned rest nights and Tyreke Evans missed the game with a sore left ankle.... Collison and McLemore each had four-point plays in the second half. CLUTCH COLLISON A veteran point guard, Collison has had to adjust since the departure of Cousins. Accustomed to having the All- Star post player as the focus of the offense, the Kings now Orlando Magic forward Aaron Gordon, right, goes up for the stuff over Sacramento Kings center Willie Cauley-Stein during the first half of an NBA basketball game, Monday, March 13, 2017, in Sacramento, Calif. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli lack a major scoring threat. Sacramento has only had three 20-plus scoring games since Cousins departed. The 13 assists were a season high for Collison, who made a pair of 3s and hit all seven free-throw attempts. I thought Darren Collison played a heck of a floor game. Not just scoring, but setting up Willie on some rim runs and finding guys on the open 3s, Joerger said. UP NEXT Magic: Get a few days rest before playing at Golden State on Thursday. Kings: Start three-game road trip Wednesday against Phoenix. Leverkusen in tough Continued from page B5 remember we won there 2-1 and I scored a goal in the year when we were runner-up in the league ( ). Korkut was appointed last week after Leverkusen fired coach Roger Schmidt amid its worst Bundesliga season in 14 years. Leverkusen had lost three games in a row, and five of its last seven, before Korkut took over for a 1-1 draw against Werder Bremen last weekend. Leverkusen will be trying to become only the third team to overturn a home first-leg defeat in the top European competition. The only teams who did it were Ajax against Panathinaikos in and Inter Milan against Bayern Munich in Leverkusen hasn t advanced past the last 16 of the Champions League since it lost to Real Madrid in the 2002 final. Atletico, meanwhile, is looking to make it to the quarterfinals for the fourth straight season under coach Diego Simeone. Virtually out of contention in the Spanish league, its best chance of lifting a trophy this season will come in the Champions League, the competition it lost to Real Madrid in the 2014 and 2016 finals. We earned a very good result in the first leg but we can t take anything for granted, Atletico midfielder Koke said. We have to give our best on Wednesday.

7 FILE - In this Saturday, March 4, 2017, file photo, Wichita State s Rashard Kelly dunks the ball during the first half of an NCAA college basketball game against the Missouri State in the semifinals of the Missouri Valley Conference men s tournament in St. Louis. (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson, File) No. 10 Shockers take seeding slight into NCAA tourney WICHITA, Kan. (AP) A couple of years ago, Wichita State coach Gregg Marshall trotted out the motto Play Angry to encourage and inspire his perpetually overlooked and undervalued team. Might be time to resurrect it. The Shockers were given the No. 10 seed in the South Region, which just might trump anybody getting left out as the biggest snub of the NCAA Tournament. Wichita State hasn t lost since January and twice avenged that defeat, rolled through the Missouri Valley Tournament, and just about every advanced metric puts the Shockers among the best teams in the country. The selection committee disagreed, putting the Shockers in a first-round game against seventh-seeded Dayton. The winner will likely face No. 2 seed Kentucky in the next round. I m just glad they didn t forget about, Marshall said with only mild sarcasm. I was starting to think they might forget about us and not put us in at all. The Shockers (30-4) are used to getting a raw deal in March. They were a ninth seed four years ago when they rode the chip on their shoulder all the way to the school s first Final Four in nearly five decades. They gave eventual national champion Louisville all it could handle, too, before falling The following year, they became the first team since UNLV in 1991 to enter the dance unbeaten, only to face red-hot and under-seeded Kentucky in the second round. The eighth-seeded Wildcats won a nail-biter before advancing to the national title game. Wichita State was the seventh seed the following year and promptly bumped Indiana and No. 2 seed Kansas from the field. Last year, the Shockers were relegated to a play-in game. They won, of course, and beat sixth-seeded Arizona before the grind of three games in three days caught up to them. In other words, the selection committee has rarely been kind to Wichita State. It s kind of par for the course, said the Shockers Landry Shamet, adding that low expectations have followed this team all year following the graduation of stars Ron Baker and Fred VanVleet. This whole year we re supposed to have fallen off. The downfall of Wichita State. Armageddon, basically, Shamet said. Everybody here already has that chip. That s the unique thing about these guys. Coach recruits those kinds of guys with that, and enhances that vibe when they get here. As for the No. 10 seed? We thought we were higher than that, Shamet said, so I guess that will add to that. It s not just that Wichita State was given a low seed, Shamet said. It s that the Shockers were also given a low seed in what is perhaps the toughest of the four regions. North Carolina s strong finish earned it the No. 1 seed in the South, while the Wildcats and their bevy of NBA prospects top the bottom half of the bracket. Third-seeded UCLA has potential No. 1 draft pick Lonzo Ball and March darling Butler is the No. 4 seed. There is never an easy path to the Final Four, but that road is especially brutal. So many crazy things happen to a bracket, Marshall said. I remember the year we were a one-seed, our bracket had Kentucky and then we had Louisville, Michigan and Duke on our side. Now you ve got North Carolina, Kentucky and UCLA. I think they said there s 24 combined national championships between those three. If we win this year, that ll be 25. If we have to go through them, he added, so be it. Asked to defend the seed, NCAA Tournament selection committee chairman Mark Hollis pointed out the Shockers only have one win against anybody else in the field: Summit League champ South Dakota State. That isn t entirely their fault, though. While mid-major powers such as Gonzaga have been able to schedule games against perennial powers, the Shockers have struggled to do likewise. Those big-name schools still think losing to the Shockers constitutes a bad loss, and many aren t willing to take that chance. The Valley was also down this year with Illinois State getting left out of the dance. Wichita State did squander two chances to earn a marquee win in the Battle 4 Atlantis, losing close games to Michigan State and Louisville. But those were played in November, and the Shockers are a far different team than they were four months ago. We re going to be ready, the Shockers Markis McDuffie said. We re very excited to play against high-major teams. You don t always get many chances at that. I feel like all year, we ve been preparing ourselves for this moment and I think now that time is here. samoa news, Tuesday, March 14, 2017 LOS ANGELES (AP) Goodyear is letting the helium out of the last of its fabled fleet of blimps. But shed no tears, blimp fans, you ll still see a familiar blue-and-gold form floating over your favorite sports event or awards show long after the California-based Spirit of Innovation goes flat Tuesday. But although its replacement, Wingfoot Two, will look about the same when it arrives at Goodyear s California airship base in Carson later this year, it will be a semirigid dirigible. Such aircraft, one of which has already replaced Goodyear s Florida blimp, have a frame, which means they maintain their shape when the helium is drained. Blimps, on the other hand, go flat. Wingfoot Two, currently operating in Ohio, will be replaced by yet another dirigible when it leaves there for California. Far more important to Goodyear is that the new airships are faster, quieter, larger, easier to fly and more maneuverable than the blimps it introduced more than 90 years ago. Still, the company plans to keep calling the new models blimps. Because a Goodyear Semirigid Dirigible doesn t roll off the tongue, laughed company airship historian Eddie Ogden. The switch to dirigibles offers a similar-looking, cigarshaped flying machine but one that s 246 feet long, nearly the length of a football field and 50 feet longer than the old blimps. With room for three engines instead of two, it will be able to hit freeway speeds of over 70 miles per hour and turn on a dime. The quieter engines also will Page B7 Goodyear retires blimps but keeps familiar form in flight provide an advantage in covering golf tournaments, Ogden said, by eliminating the racket that can sometimes disrupt golfers lining up their putts. The ability to hover will allow a pilot to better position the aircraft to capture NASCAR race finishes and key moments in a baseball game. And the ability to take off and land like a helicopter will put an end to those funnylooking runway pursuits by the ground crew. Still, Spirit of Innovation was an innovator in its day and its deflation comes with some emotion. Its gondola, originally christened Columbia in 1986, became Eagle in 2002 and finally Innovation following a public name-that-blimp contest in With the lifespan of its big gas bag, formally known as an envelope, nearing an end, it was time to mothball it, said Matthew St. John, chief pilot at the Carson airship base and the man who took the blimp on its final flight above last month s Academy Awards. The craft s historic gondola will be shipped to Goodyear s century-old Ohio airship base to be put on permanent display. Other parts are going to museums, and the envelope is being recycled. The engines can be repaired and replaced, the gondola can be repaired and refurbished, the tail fins can be refurbished, said St. John, who plans to fly Innovation s replacement. But with the envelope, there s a safety measure there that we take a very serious look at and say, OK, this is the mark, and we re not going to go beyond that mark, he said. This Sept. 23, 2015 photo shows ground crew moring the Goodyear Blimp Sprit of Innovation as it comes in for a landing at Goodyear Airship Base in Carson, Calif. Goodyear is letting the helium out of the last of its fabled fleet of blimps on Tuesday, March 14, Its replacement, Wingfoot Two, will look about the same when it arrives at Goodyear s California airship base, but it will be a semi-rigid dirigible, not a blimp.` (AP Photo/Richard Vogel)

8 Page B8 samoa news, Tuesday, March 14, 2017 Dig Into READING Utulei Village TELL ME A STORY: The Tengu s Magic Cape (A JAPANESE TALE) adapted by Amy Friedman and illustrated by Meredith Johnson C Y M K From the time Kei was a small boy, he had heard stories of the tengu. The creatures inhabited the mountain forests not far from Kyoto, where he lived. Kei had never seen a tengu, but he knew they were disruptive creatures with red faces and long, beaklike noses. They had wings and carried fans called ha-uchiwa, which they sometimes used to stir up wild winds. They said the tengu could possess people, too, and most of the boys feared them. But as Kei grew older, he grew more mischievous, and instead of being afraid, he grew more curious of the tengu. One day he heard a story he could not forget about a famous tengu, the ghost of an emperor, who owned a magical cape that could make him invisible. Kei began to long for that cape, and he thought constantly about how he might steal it away. After many months, he came up with what he knew was a brilliant plan. So one beautiful spring day, Kei hiked up into the mountains in search of the tengu and the hiding cape. When he reached the top of the mountain, he saw a group of tengu not far away. He immediately took a bamboo rod and held it to his eyes. He began to ooh and ah. I see everything, Kei cried. I can see all the villages and cities near and far through this rod! Naturally, the tengu heard him. For a long time, they stared at the boy who was staring through the bamboo rod. At last the tengu with the hiding cape stepped forward and called out, Let me see! His voice was ferocious, and his eyes gleamed, but Kei wasn t afraid. He was too busy planning his life with that magical cape. Kei looked at the tengu and said, I ll let you look through my magical bamboo, but what will you give me in return? The tengu said, I ll let you wear my hiding cape, and he lifted it up in the air. No one will see you. That dirty thing? Kei said, though secretly he was pleased. That couldn t possibly make me invisible. It will! the tengu insisted. Kei shrugged and handed the bamboo to the tengu, and the tengu handed him the cape. The tengu looked through the end of the bamboo, but saw nothing. He looked harder, still nothing. He was embarrassed. Perhaps he was doing something wrong. But no matter how he tried, he saw nothing. Finally, he turned around to ask Kei how to work the bamboo. But Kei was long gone. He d put the cape on the moment he got it, and, becoming invisible, he ran back down the mountain. When he reached the city, Kei ran directly to the bakeshop. When he walked in, no one saw him. He began to eat sweet after sweet, and no one noticed a thing! At last he was so full, he could barely move. Happy with his full belly and his magical cape, he went home and fell fast asleep. When he woke the next morning, he was still grinning, thinking of all the tricks he could play dressed in his cape. He reached to put it on, but it was gone. He ran into the kitchen looking for his mother. Mother? Kei wailed. Did you see the cape I was wearing last night? I can t find it! Oh, that thing? his mother said, waving away his concern. It was so old and ratty, I burned it. What are you talking about? Kei cried, running to the fire. There he found the last remnants of his cape turning to ash. He nearly wept, but then he had an idea. He quickly spread the ashes all over his body. Just as he had thought, those ashes made him invisible! His mother, busily cooking, hadn t noticed. He quickly ran to the city, toward the governor s mansion. He had heard there would be a great party that day. Sure enough, there was a feast. He set to work eating all he could. Of course, no one could see him, but after a while people began noticing the food that was disappearing from trays and cups floating in the air. It s a ghost, they whispered in a panic. There s a ghost here. Just as the guests were about to make their escape, a nose appeared in the air. Look! one of the women cried. As people turned to see what was going on, two eyes appeared, and then a foot. Kei was so busy eating that he didn t even notice the ashes were falling from his body. The governor called his guards. When they saw what was happening, they poured a pitcher of water over the figure. And there stood Kei, exposed for all to see, looking like a fool with his mouth stuffed with food. He raced outside and ran all the way home. That day he learned a humiliating lesson: Never tangle with a tengu. C Y M K

9 samoa news, Tuesday, March 14, 2017 Page B9 Le Lali C Y M K Le susuga ia Jeremiah Masoli ma sui o lana au malaga fa atasi ai ma fanau aoga mai le aoga maualuga a Leone e aofia ai ma faiaoga, fa apea le afioga i le Fa atonusili o le Matagaluega o Tupulaga Talavou, Tina ma Tama ita i sa lagolagoina malosi lenei polokalame, afioga Jonathan Fanene, i se aso mulimuli o le polokalame sa fa atinoina i Leone i le aso ananafi. [ata AF] Fa afetai aloaia Jeremiah Masoli i le lagolago a Le susuga ia Jeremiah Masoli ma sui o lana au malaga, faapea ai le Fa atonusili o le Matagaluega o Tupulaga Talavou, Tina ma Tama ita i ia Jonathan Fanene ma sui o lona Ofisa, fa apea ai le faiaoga o le au Football a le aoga maualuga a Leone, susuga Oakland Salave a, i le mae a ai o le polokalame sa fa agasolo mo le aoga a Leone i le taeao ananafi. [ata AF] C Y M K Amerika Samoa tusia Ausage Fausia Ao lei toe malaga ese atu le susuga ia Jeremiah Masoli ma lana aumalaga ma le atunu u i le po anapo, sa ia fa aalia i se fa atalatalanoaga ma le Samoa News lona agaga fa afetai i le lagolago sa mafai ona tu uina atu e fanau aoga ma faiaoga, fa apea ai le Matagaluega o Tupulaga Talavou, Tina ma Tama ita i, i le lagolagoina lea o le polokalame sa latou fa atinoina mo aoga maualuluga uma i le atunu u i le vaiaso atoa na te a nei, lea na fa ai uina i le taeao ananafi i le aoga maualuga i Leone. O le vaiaso atoa na te a nei na fa agasolo ai e le susuga ia Jeremiah Masoli ma lana au malaga fa apitoa mai Amerika, se polokalame o aoaoga mo fanau aoga mai aoga maualuluga a le malo, e fesoasoani ai i le fa atauaina o tu ma aganuu a Samoa, o le fa amalosia o tulaga tau aoaoga mo fanau, aemaise ai o le fesoasoani lea ina ia fa alautele lo latou silafia i le ta aloga Football. O le agaga atoa o le polokalame e pei ona matou malaga mai ai la u au malaga, o le ofoina mai lea o le fesoasoani i fanau a Amerika Samoa, ina ia fa amalosia i latou i le aoga atoa ai ma le fesoasoani e fa alautele lo latou silafia i le ta aloga football, le ta aloga ua to atele alo ma fanau a Amerika Samoa ua manuia ai i totonu o Amerika, o se vaega lea o le saunoaga a Masoli, o se tasi o alo o le atunu u ua lauiloa i le ta aloga football a Amerika. O le agaga fiafia ia te a u ma la u aumalaga ina ua matou molimauina le to atele o fanau aoga fa apea ai ma faiaoga sa mafai ona tali fiafia mai e lagolagoina la matou polokalame, ma ua oo mai ai le lagona o le naunau lea e toe fo i mai i le lumana i e fa aauau atili pea lenei polokalame mo fanau aoga a le atunu u, o le saunoaga lea a Masoli. Na fa amanatu e Masoli i fanau aoga le taua o le fausia lelei o le fa avae o latou olaga, aua o i latou o loo fa amoemoe i ai le lumana i o aiga, nu u, ekalesia, malo ma le atunu u atoa. O le polokalame atoa sa fa agasolo e le susuga a Masoli ma lana aumalaga, sa lagolagoina malosi e le Matagaluega o Tupulaga Talavou, Tina ma Tama ita i a le malo, i lalo o le ta ita iga a le Fa atonusili, le susuga a Jonathan Fanene ma lana aufaigaluega. I se fa atalatalanoaga ma Fanene i le taeao ananafi, na taua ai e le afioga i le ali i Fa atonu lona lagona fiafia ina ua mafai ona ofo atu e lana (Faaauau itulau 10)

10 Page B10 samoa news, Tuesday, March 14, 2017 Leai ni mataupu a le Fono ina ua toe tatala tusia Ausage Fausia Na filemu maota e lua a le Fono Faitulafono e aunoa ma ni mataupu sa mafai ona talanoaina, ina ua toe tauaofia ana galuega masani i le taeao ananafi, i le mae a ai lea o lana malologa e 3 vaiaso sa alo atu i ai. O le afioga i le sui peresetene o le Senate ia Nuanuaolefeagaiga S. Nua na ta ita ia le tauaofiaga a le maota maualuga, ina ua le mafai ona fa atasi mai le peresetene o le Senate ia Gaoteote Palaie Tofau, ona o lo o i ai o ia i Amerika mo toe sauniga o le afioga i le sa avea ma Faipule a Amerika Samoa i le Konekeresi a le malo tele, le tofa a Faleomavaega Eni Hunkin, ae mo le maota o sui, o le afioga i le fofoga fetalai ia Savali Talavou Ale sa taitaia galuega a le maota. I le taimi o folafolaga a le maota o sui, na tula i ai le afioga i le tama ita i faipule mai le itumalo o Tualauta, afioga Vui Florence Saulo ma fa ailoa i luma o le maota se tala fiafia, i le mae a lea ona tu ufa atasia le afioga i le Fofoga Fetalai ia lana tauaofiaga Savali ma lona faletua fou, i le Sakalameta o le fa aipoipoga, ma fa ai u ai loa galuega a le maota o sui i se latou taumafataga mo le aoauli sa faia i le fale aiga a le Paradise Pizza i Pago Pago. E ui sa alo atu le fono mo lana malologa e 3 vaiaso, ae na fa afetaia e ta ita i o maota e lua galuega sa fa atinoina e afioga i senatoa ma faipule i le taimi o le malologa, lea e aofia ai le fonotaga a le Litaea sa usuia i Hawaii i le lua vaiaso talu ai, lea na malaga atu i ai komiti o le Litaea a maota e lua. Na taua e ni isi o afioga i Faipule tulaga manuia sa i ai le fonotaga a le litaea i Hawaii, lea e aofia ai ma le tulaga manuia o loo i ai teugatupe a Amerika Samoa i maketi o loo inivesi ai tupe a le litaea i fafo, ma fa atusatusa ai le teugatupe o le litaea a le malo, o le teugatupe pito sili lea ona tulaga lelei mai litaea a teritori a le malo tele i le Pasefika. A o aga i atu ai galuega a le Fono mo le fa amae aina o ana fono o loo totoe mo lana ulua i tauaofiaga lea ua toe amataina nei, sa fautuaina ai e Savali afioga i ta ita i komiti ina ia fa agasolo mai i totonu ni isi o galuega e tatau ona fa atinoina mo le faia i ai o fa aiuga a le maota. Na taua e le afioga i le ali i faipule Vesi Talalelei Fautanu Jr tulaga manuia sa i ai la latou fonotaga ma ta ita i o le Falema i o le LBJ a le atunu u i le vaiaso na te a nei, ina ua latou talanoaina le tele o mataupu taua o loo moomia le toe fa aleleia i le totonu o le pulega a le falema i. E ui o lea fo i ua toe fo i lava le falema i i Fagaalu i le tulaga tuai sa i ai, e pei o le le lava o foma i atoa ai ma tulaga fa aletonu i tupe o lo o fa atino ai galuega a le falema i. A o fa agasolo ai galuega a le Fono mo aso fono o loo totoe i lana ulua i tauaofiaga lenei, ua sauni ai le maota o sui e toe fa aauau la latou iloiloga ma sui o le Asosi o Tausima i, mo le fa amautuina o tuutuuga o le pili lea ua i luma o le maota o sui, e fa avae aloaia ai le Asosi o Tausima i i Amerika Samoa. Le taimi na fa afetai atu ai le faiaoga a le aoga Football a le aoga maualuga i Leone, susuga Oakland Salave a ia Jeremiah Masoli ma sui o lana au malaga, e tusa ai o le polokalame sa fesoasoani atu ai i fanau aoga a le aoga i Leone i le taeao ananafi. [ata AF] Fa afetai Continued from page 9 aufaigaluega la latou fesoasoani e lagolago ai i le polokalame a le susuga ia Masoli ma lana aumalaga, mo le fa ataunu uina lea o le latou polokalame sa malaga mai ai. I le avea ai o le susuga a Fanene o se tasi o tama fanau a le atunu u ua tele tausaga o taalo i le NFL ma malolo litaea mai ai, sa ia fa afetaia ai le susuga a Masoli ma lana aumalaga, i lo latou naunau lea e ofo mai lo latou tomai, taimi, atoa ai ma le tamaoaiga e fesoasoani ai i le atina eina o le lumana i o tupulaga talavou a le atunu u. Saunoa Fanene e fa apea, o galuega lelei o loo fa aauau pea ona fa atinoina e le toatele o alo a Samoa o loo taaalo i Amerika e pei o Troy Polamalu ma Masoli, lea ua toe fo i mai i le atunu u ma ofo mai le fesoasoani mo fanau aoga, o se ata vaaia lea o le fiafia o i latou e toe fa afo i mai le agaga fa afetai ia Amerika Samoa ma ona ta ita i, e tusa ai o le tapuaia o a latou faiva ao fai ai latou ma sui o le atunu u i ta aloga i fafo. O le po anapo na toe malaga atu ai i Amerika le susuga ia Masoli ma lana aumalaga, ma le fa amoemoe o le a toe taliu mai i le atunu u i le tausaga fou mo le toe fa aauauina o lenei polokalame taua. tusia Ausage Fausia LOIMATA MIKA O le masina fou o Aperila lea ua fa atulaga e lau ai le fa asalaga a le ali i o Loimata Mika i luma o le fa amasinoga maualuga, i le mae a ai lea ona fa amaonia e le fa amasinoga o le moliaga o le talepe fale i le tulaga lua ua ta usala ai o ia, ina ua talia e le fa amasinoga maualuga se maliliega na sainia e le ua molia ma le malo i le vaiaso na te a nei. Na ulua i tu uaia e le malo ia Mika i moliaga e 3, lea e aofia ai le moliaga mamafa o le talepe fale i le tulaga muamua, lea ua toe suia i le talepe fale i le tulaga lua e pei ona ia tali ioe ai, ma moliaga mama e lua lea ua solofua, o le fa aoolima i le tulaga tolu atoa ai ma le tu fua i le fale o le isi aiga. Na ta utino Mika i luma o le fa amasinoga e fa apea, i se taimi o le po o le aso 1 Aokuso 2016 i Amerika Samoa, na ia ulufale ai i totonu o se fale e mautotogi ai ni tagata, ma ia aga i atu ai i le potu o loo moe ai se tama ita i ma le fa amoemoe e fa ataunu u ai se solitulafono. Na ta utino le ua molia i lona ulufale i totonu o le potu e aunoa ma se fa atanaga, ma ia pa i atu i le tino o le tama ita i sa moe, lea na mafua ai ona te i lea tama ita i ma ee i luga, ma mafua ai loa ona ia alu ese mai totonu o le fale. Ua malilie itu e lua e talosaga i le fa amasinoga e fa asala le ua molia i se fa asalaga fa anofovaavaaia, peita i ua malamalama Mika, tusa lava pe finau loia i le fa amasinoga mo se fa asalaga mama, e pule le fa amasinoga pe talia pe teena fo i lea talosaga, e le gata i lea, ua ia malamalama fo i, e le mafai ona toe suia lana tali ioe ua tu uina atu i le fa amasinoga, pe afai e tu uina mai se fa aiuga a le fa amasinoga ae le tusa ai ma lona mana o. O lo o taofia pea Mika i le toese i Tafuna e fa atali ai le aso lea ua fa atulaga e lau ai lana fa asalaga. O le ali i loia ia Gerald Murphy sa tula i mo le malo ae o le ali i loia ia Michael White na tula i mo le ua molia i lenei mataupu. O le afioga i le fa amasino sili ia Michael Kruse na iloiloina lenei mataupu, ae lagolagosua i ai afioga i alii fa amasino lagolago ia Fa amausili Pomele ma Muasau T. Tofili. MELVIN ETEUATI Ua fautuaina e le fa amasinoga maualuga loia o loo galulue mo le fa amautuina o le maliliega i le va o Melvin Eteuati ma le malo, ina ia fa amanino i le fa amasino le mataupu e fa atatau i le tupe lea ua mana o le malo e tatau ona toe totogi e le ua molia, e pei ona taua i se vaega o le latou maliliega lea ua mae a ona fofogaina i luma o le fa amasinoga. Mai mataupu tau solitulafono e 2 o loo tuuaia ai e le malo ia Eteuati, o loo tu uaia ai o ia i le mataupu muamua i moliaga mamafa e lua, le moliaga o le talepe fale i le tulaga muamua atoa ai ma le moliaga o le gaoi, ae i le mataupu lona lua, e 3 moliaga o lo o tu uaia ai o ia e le malo, lea e aofia ai moliaga mamafa e lua o le talepe fale i le tulaga muamua ma le gaoi, fa apea ai ma moliaga mama o le fa aleagaina lea o meatotino a se isi tagata i le tulaga tolu. I se vaega o le maliliega a le malo ma Eteuati, ua mana o ai le malo e tali ioe Eteuati i le moliaga o le talepe fale i le tulaga muamua mai le ulua i mataupu tau solitulafono o loo tu uaia ai o ia, ma latou talosaga ai loa i le fa amasinoga ina ia solofua le moliaga e tasi o loo totoe i le pepa o tagi sa latou fa aulu fa asaga ia Eteuati i le mataupu muamua, solofua atu ai ma moliaga uma o loo i le mataupu tau solitulafono lona lua o loo tu uaia ai fo i o ia. Fai mai le malo, o le faalavelave muamua e pei ona tuuaia ai Eteuati, na ulufale faamalosi ai le ua molia i totonu o se fale o se aiga ma ave faagaoi le tele o meatotino sa i ai i totonu e aofia ai ma se tinoitupe e $500, ae o le mataupu lona lua, na ulufale faamalosi ai fo i le ua molia i totonu o le fale o le aiga na a afia ma ave faagaoi ni isi o meatotino toe fa aleaga isi meatotino, lea e tusa ma le $1,180 le tau aofa i o mea uma sa gaoia ma faaleagaina mai le fale lona ulua sa ia osofaia. O se tasi o tuutuuga o le maliliega a le malo ma Eteuati, ua talosaga ai le malo i le fa amasinoga ina ia poloaina le ua molia e toe totogi le $500 mai le fale muamua sa ia osofaiga, atoa ai ma le $1,180 mai le fale lona lua na a afia, peita i e le o nofo lelei lea talosaga i le finagalo o le fa amasinoga. Saunoa Kruse e fa apea, e faigata i le fa amasinoga ona faia lea tulaga, ina ne i le mafai e le ua molia ona totogi le $1,180 mai le mataupu lona lua, ona oo lea i se isi taimi oi luma ae toe mana o le malo e molia Eteuati i lona osofaia o le fale lona lua, ae o lea ua mana o le malo e solofua le mataupu lea mo le taimi nei. Ua fautuaina loia ina ia toe talanoa mo le fa amaninoina o le mataupu e pei ona atugalu i ai le fa amasinoga, ao lei toe valaauina lenei mataupu i le isi 2 vaiaso o loo lumana i nei.

11 samoa news, Tuesday, March 14, 2017 Page B11 O se va aiga i le isi sui na lautogia i le vasega 11 ma le tauvaga o le Numera sa auai atu ai. O ia lea sa la ua maua fa atasi le tulaga tolu i le vasega 9: Karlinna Sanchez o Samoana ma Izek Kuki o Tafuna High. [ata: foa i] saunia: Leua Aiono Frost PASIA E LE USEPA & ASEPA TULINAMU MO FA ATAUGA O se tala fiafia na faailoa mai i fa amaumauga a le ASEPA ina ua talosagaina so latou manatu fa aalia e tusa ai o le leai o ni Tulinamu e fa aaogaina e le atunu u lautele mo se taimi ua umi tele. Ina ua fesiligia le ASEPA i tulaga o le sailliga pe o se ituaiga tulinamu ua pasia e i latou le Family Citronella Mosquito Coil, ae latou fa ailoa mai e ala i tusitusiga fa amaumau, Ioe ua mae a pasia e i latou lea ituaiga tulinamu e fa aaoga e le mamalu lautele. Ia Fepuari 23, 2017, na talia aloa ia ai e le USEPA ma le ASEPA lea ituaiga fa aasu namu, ina ua mae a faia le galuega a i latou sa tatau ona faia ao le i oo mai lea fa aasu namu i le atunu u. O le mafuaga tonu na ala ai ona suia le ituaiga fa aasu namu mai le faioloa lea, ina ua mae a fa atauina ese le kamupani sa latou okaina mai ai lea fa aasu namu tuai, ona suia mai lea e le Kamupani fou lea a latou oloa o lo o fa atau e le tele o atunu u o latou sapalaia. Peita i, ona ua mataituina le eseesega o le fa aupuga ua tusia o lea ituaiga fa aasu namu, na ala ai ona talosaga se suesuega mae ae a a le USEPA i le ituaiga fa aasu namu fou Family Citronella. O le umi fo i o lea suesuega, ua ala ai ona fa atuai se tali lelei lea ua maua mai nei a le USEPA. I tusitusiga e ala i feso otaiga tau emeli, ua mautinoa ai, na amatalia feso otaiga nei i le masina o Setema ma Oketopa Ae fa atoa maua mai se tali ia Fepuari 21, ona faailoa lea i le faleoloa i le teritori mo le tautuaina o le atunu u. Afai la ua i ai se faleoloa ua latou fa atauina atu le Family Citronella, ua fa atagaina lea ituaiga e faaaoga. Peita i ua fa ailoa mai, ua mua i saili mai fo i nisi o faipisinisi o le tatou atunu u i a latou ituaiga fou e fa aigoaina o le King Citronella Mosquito Coil pe mata e talia e le USEPA ma le ASEPA, ma tali aiga tutusa lea ituaiga ma le Family Citronella, lea sa talosagaina ma ua talia nei. O lo ua fa alauiloa atu fo i nei, ua talia fo i lea ituaiga pe afai e i luga o fata oloa i so o se faleoloa i le tatou malo. Ua iloga fo i, ua toe traumata ona maua tagata lautele i mai le Zika, Dengue ma isi, sa fa alauiloa e afua mai le Namu. Ia tautuana le mamalu lautele, fa aaoga ma le mautinoa tatou nei tulinamu ua fa ailoa atu ua saogalemu mo le tatou soifua maloloina ma le siomaga fo i. TAU LEAI FANAU A OGA A LE MALO MAUTULAGA I LE NUMERA E tusa ma fa amaumauga o i latou sa tauva i le Numera mai a oga tulaga muamua ma a oga maualuluga i le teritori, e to atele lava i latou nei ua lautogia i le tulaga togisilia se ia oo i le tulaga tolu i vasega taitasi, o le fanau o lo o a o oga i a oga tua i le atunu u. E oo fo i i le tamaitai Fa atonu o Aoga a le tatou malo, sa ia pa ia lea tulaga ua faamaonia nei i togi na su ea ma ua fa amauina mo lenei tausaga i le Tauvaga o le Numera. Peita i, o i latou mai le a oga a le malo ua lautogia i fa ailoga ua aofia ai na o: Isek Kuki mai Tafuna High ma Karlinna Sanchez mai Samoana High i le vasega 11. O isi vasega uma e leai ma se tamaitiiti mai aoga a le malo. Mai vasega a aoga tulaga muamua sa su e e na o Kapoti Amisone mai le Coleman Elementary na tulaga 4 mai le vasega 8, ma le tulaga lima sa tula i mai ai Toalei Toelupe mai le Aua Elementary, Fouimalo Luamanu mai le Coleman Elementary ma Mareko Tuimavave mai le Samoa Baptist. Peita i e ave pea le fa amalo i le fanau a oga uma sa tauva i le Numera i lenei tausaga. E mautinoa, o le numera e le o se mataupu e toatele ni tamaiti aoga e fiafia i ai. E faafetaia tele le taumafai o Aoga Tuamoti o lo o i ai alo o le atunu u o lo o lalamua mai le numera mai aoga tumaoti a le Manumalo Baptist Academy, mai le vasega 10 o lo o tula i mai ai le tama ita i o Aitulagi O se va aiga i le vasega o le fanau sa auai i le Math Competition mai le a oga a le Sotu Pacific Academy. [ata foai] Alofa, fa apea ma le Talalelei Auva a mai le Manumalo fo i sa tulaga tolu, ma le tulaga lua sa avea lea e Heyao Yang o le South Pacific Academy ma Dio Feng o le SPA fo i. I le vasega 12, tulai mai ai Seol Hee Lee SPA, Alice Park Manumalo Baptist ma Ji Hyun Oh o le SPA fo i. Vase 9 na avea e le ali i o Philip Liang mai le Manumalo le tulaga muamua, tulaga lua na avea lea e Evelini Suani o le Manumalo fo i ma le tulaga tolu sa avea lea e Michelle Lo o le Pacific Horizons. I le aotelega o togi e togisilia ia Seol Hee Lee mai le vasega 12, tulaga lua ai le tama ita i o Alice Parker mai le Manumalo Baptist ma le tulaga tolu Aitulagi Alofa mai le Manumalo fo i, ma le tulaga fa sa tutusa ai Heyao Yang ma Ji Hymn. O kamupani Tumaoti sa latou limalima mo fa ailoga fa apitoa a le fanau. Na foa ia uma lava e le Pulega o le Paramount Builders Laulii Alofa ma le faletua o Wanda Aofa meaalofa tupe mo fa ailoga ta itasi, ae o le NPI, Bluesky, ASTCA, Manu a Store, ASPA, Niel s Ace Home Center, Happy World, McConnell Dowell ma Mrs Park ia mea na taulimaina mo le fanau manumalo i le tauvaga Numera i lenei tausaga.

12 Page B12 samoa news, Tuesday, March 14, 2017 E LE O OE O SE SULI MONI Cincinnati Reds catcher Devin Mesoraco, left, talks with Brewers shortstop Orlando Arcia (3) at home plate during the first inning of a spring training baseball game Sunday, March 12, 2017, in Goodyear, Ariz. The Reds defeated the Brewers 4-2. (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin) FANTASY PLAYS: A primer on catchers (yes, they re necessary) DAVID GONOS, Fantasy Sports Network Fantasy baseball catchers are like tight ends in fantasy football, root canals, and purple Skittles: they are necessary evils. Since playing fantasy baseball gives us the illusion of running a baseball team, drafting a catcher is a must, and most leagues draft at least two. But since fantasy offenses are based on hitting stats alone, and not whether the catcher handles a pitching staff well, has a strong arm or blocks pitches, a fantasy catcher is usually a rotisserie albatross (which is not nearly as good as rotisserie chicken). Low batting averages, minimal power stats and absent stolen bases make fantasy owners cringe when thinking about catchers. But there are some drafting strategies you can employ that won t let them be your team s anchor. HOW TO DRAFT CATCHERS While no strategy is perfect, improve your fantasy team s chances of rising to the top by waiting on catchers. For 2017, Buster Posey is the cream of the crop, but drafting the best catcher means burning a third- or fourth-round pick on a player that has a much better chance of getting injured than any other position player. Catchers spend most games stuck in the crouched position, with 90-mph foul tips bouncing off their throwing hand, groin area and biceps, and they often get barreled over at the plate. That s part of the problem, though. Catchers are tough and they ll play through injuries many times, to the chagrin of your lineup. Or even worse, they sit for a few games after your lineup is set. Those are wasted at-bats you d rather have replaced by a healthier, albeit lesser, catcher. It s also important to remember that major league teams ask different things from a catcher than they do all the other positions. A catcher needs to know pitching, defense... and hitting! A young catcher will often get to the majors because of those first two skills, and a team will wait for him to develop at the plate. That means he ll post plenty of below-average at-bats. Why risk sinking your team by drafting a catcher in the early rounds? Wait until seven or eight catchers are off the board, then pick one up after using those earlier picks to fortify stat-rich players at other positions. You can also avoid dealing with the worst catchers by doubling up on the position (in leagues that force you to start two) in those middle rounds. You will have two of the top at the position at little expense, without the risk of having a.220 hitter on your team, but also not wasting an early pick. SLEEPER Stephen Vogt, Oakland Athletics. Naming a sleeper at this position is tough because a sleeper in one-catcher leagues is a starter in two-catcher leagues. In onecatcher leagues, a veteran catcher like Stephen Vogt is a decent late option because even though his batting average dipped down to.251 in 2016, his BABIP also dipped 15 points to.275. That could portend better luck coming down the pike. Drafting a catcher that s leaned on for designated hitter at-bats, like Vogt, is also a good thing for Fantasy owners. Colorado s Tom Murphy is a nice sleeper option, too, despite his youth. DEEP SLEEPER Devin Mesoraco, Cincinnati Reds. A sleeper in twocatcher leagues (the more popular setup in fantasy) works for someone like Mesoraco. He s one of the best hitting catchers in the league when he s healthy. Hip and shoulder injuries have limited him to just 39 games over the past two seasons, but he s also just one of four catchers to have hit 25 homers in a season since There are already questions about whether Mesoraco s playing time will be limited to start 2017, but if you have disabled list spots on your lineup, roll the dice on the 28-year-old as one of your final picks. Francisco Cervelli is also an attractive late sleeper pick. BUST Gary Sanchez, N.Y. Yankees. Speaking of avoiding young catchers, let someone else hope Sanchez avoids a sophomore swoon. You can count on one mitt how many young catchers blew up in their rookie year and followed through with a similarly great second season. The odds are against Sanchez, so spend that early pick on a great player at another position, and avoid the risk. NOTE... Kyle Schwarber only played two games (in the outfield) last regular season before his knee injury, so he doesn t have catcher eligibility in This will push him down in drafts, near the top players. Since most leagues require five games played for catcher eligibility, he might get those by May. Value! DAVID S TOP 12 FANTASY CATCHERS 1 Buster Posey, San Francisco Giants 2. Jonathan Lucroy, Texas Rangers 3. Gary Sanchez, N.Y. Yankees 4. Yasmani Grandal, L.A. Dodgers 5. Salvador Perez, Kansas City Royals 6. Evan Gattis, Houston Astros 7. Willson Contreras, Chicago Cubs 8. J.T. Realmuto, Miami Marlins 9. Russell Martin, Toronto Blue Jays 10. Brian McCann, Houston Astros 11. Yadier Molina, St. Louis Cardinals 12. Welington Castillo, Baltimore Orioles VAEGA 39 by Sam Ua ola lava e pei o se pologa, ua masani i le olaga fa a pologa, ua tautala ma gagana i gagana e tautatala ai tagata pologa, ua ai i meaai a le pologa, ua nofo fo i ma moe i le nofoaga e moe ma taoto ai le tagata pologa, o le olaga lena o lea ua ola ai le teineititi o Ianeta, lea ua avea foi o ia ma teine matua i totonu o le nofoaga, i le tuana i ai o tausaga e 5 talu ona nofo i totonu o le nofoaga. O le tausaga lea na fa amanatuina ai le 50 tausaga o le Tupu o Eteuati II, na fa afuase i ai loa ona maua atu le tusi a le teine o Ianeta mai le Tupu, ina ia oo atu i lona maota i le taeao ona o loo i ai se mataupu o loo fia talanoa ai le Tupu ia te ia. O le a lenei mataupu ua mana omia mai ai a u i le maota o lo u ali i le Tupu, o le fesili fiamalamalama lea a Ianeta i le auauna na alu atu ma le poloa i, ae na tali le auauna, Fa amalie lou loto Ianeta, ou te le malamalama i le mataupu ua finagalo le Tupu e talanoa mai ai ia te oe. E lei lelei se moe a le teine o Ianeta i le po atoa, ao lumana i ai le taeao lea ua fa amoemoe e oo atu ai i luma o le maota o le Tupu, ona ua popole lona loto poo le a lenei mataupu ua finagalo mai ai le Tupu ia te ia. E ta tonu loa le itula e 10:00 i le taeao na sosoo ai ae tu loa ma le ta avale a le auauna i le nofoaga o tagata pologa ma piki mai ai loa Ianeta ma momoli atu loa i le maota o le Tupu, na vaaia a le tama ita i le matagofie o le toniga a auauna i lea aso, e foliga mai o loo i ai se aso fa apitoa o loo fa amanatu. Ua manaia mai lou laei i lenei taeao lau susuga a le auauna, o le tala fiafia atu lea a Ianeta i le auauna o loo ia fa afoeina le ta avale, ae na tali mai le ali i ma ona foliga saua ma le fia tama leaga, O le aso e fa amanatu ai le aso soifua o le Tupu, e te lei iloaina lava lena tulaga, o le tala lea a le auauna na matua te i ai le fa alogo a Ianeta ma ia toe tali atu ai i le auauna, E leai la lau susuga, ou te le iloaina o le aso soifua lenei o le Tupu. O le aso lenei e masani ona faia ai e le tupu le tele o fa aiuga tetele i totonu o le malo, o le fa amatalaga leaa le auauna ia Ianeta. Mo lou silafia Ianeta, e lua lava aso tetele i totonu o le malo lenei talu mai tausaga e tele, o le aso fa apitoa mo tagata pologa o le malo, o le aso lena e fa ataunu u ai fa asalaga o le oti mo tagata ua sili ona matuia a latou solitulafono i totonu o le malo, ma le aso soifua o le Tupu, o le aso lena e fa asa oloto ai e le tupu pagota ua ia manatu alofa i ai, ae le o pagota uma latou te maua lea fa amanuiaga, se i vagana lava i latou ua manatu alofa i ai le Tupu, ona fa atoa mafai lea ona latou maua lea fa amanuiaga, o le fa amatalaga lea a le auauna na matua fa ateia ai lava le fa alogo a Ianeta, ma ua le mau gagana ai le tama ita i, ae ua mafaufau loloto lava i le mafua aga lea ua ala ai ona mana omia mai o ia e le Tupu i lona maota. Na motu fa afuase i le talanoaga a Ianeta ma le auauna ina ua afe fa afuase i le ta avale i le auala e aga i atu i le maota o le Tupu, ma vaaia ai e le tama ita i le laulau tutu mai o auauna ma fitafita o le malo ma latou toniga matagofie i soo se vaega o le aai, ona savali mai lea o le isi auauna ma tatala le faitoto a o le ta avale ina ua taunu u le ta avale i luma tonu lava o le faitoto a e ulufale ai i le maota o le Tupu. Talofa Ianeta, ua leva ona fa atali le Tupu mo oe i lenei taeao, ae ulufale mai, o le fa amatalaga lea a le isi auauna ma ona foliga fiafia ma la savavali to alua atu loa ma Ianeta i totonu o le maota, lea na ulufale atu loa ae fa afeiloa i mai e le Tupu o le malo ia Eteuati i le tama ita i ma talia fiafia ai o ia la te tali sua fa atasi. Talofa lo u afafine Ianeta, o se aso fa apitoa lenei i lo u olaga, ina ua mafai ona fa amanatuina lo u aso fanau i le aso, ae o loo i ai se mea lelei e ao ona ou faia mo se tasi i totonu o lo u malo, ao le i ta uina atu lea mea lelei ia te oe, e ao ona ta talisua muamua ma oe i lenei taeao.

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14 Page B14 samoa news, Tuesday, March 14, 2017 ACROSS 1 It s got a priest covered 4 Blood of the Greek gods 9 Paper with a crinkled texture 14 By way of 15 Rain-bearing clouds 16 From a certain grain 17 Tree with hard, tough wood 18 Made oneself known 20 Bar mitzvah officiant 22 Trees from which one can take a bow? 23 Vespa, famously 26 Gives in, as to pressure 31 Shakespeare s king of the fairies 33 Thing important to a micromanager 34 They have young uns 36 One of the Wayans 38 Place with big Bucs 39 Need a backrub, e.g. 41 French composer Erik ye be judged 44 Belt holders 46 Spanish black 48 Become blond overnight 3/14 Universal Crossword Edited by Timothy Parker March 14, Brownies in bunches 51 Tremble from the cold 53 More fidgety 55 Started one of 18 holes 58 Freeway off-ramp 60 Active cowboy, sometimes 61 Where relatives branch out? 67 Prefix with fix or test 68 Have a crush on, e.g. 69 U.S. Postal Service symbol 70 Large Australian bird 71 Footloose one 72 Piped up 73 Get of (trash) DOWN 1 Declares as true 2 Pale purple 3 Giant panda s treat 4 Stirred up 5 Spy org. 6 Very interesting... 7 Not buck the system 8 More overabundant 9 Body armor for the trunk (var.) 10 Like unprocessed data 11 Pilot s guess 12 Mph part 13 Conclusion 19 Hadn t repaid yet 21 Move up and down repeatedly 24 Studied times 25 Holy Empire 27 Latin ist-shortening abbr. 28 So Matthew McConaughey says to me... sayer, e.g. 29 A bit buzzed 30 Patio flooring surface, sometimes 32 Piano output 34 Mediterranean republic 35 Oak, in a nutshell? 37 It falls daily but never breaks 40 Classic narrative poetry 3/13 42 Great Lake name 45 Pitched a pitch 47 Supervise 50 Like many head-turners 52 Tokyo, once 54 Things that are custom made? 56 One quadrillionth of a meter 57 Psychoanalyst Sigmund 59 Pie hole relative 61 Word with club or mail 62 Without further Pop lover? 64 Nest egg part, often 65 Type of maniac or trip 66 Big game? PREVIOUS PUZZLE ANSWER 2017 Andrews McMeel Syndication YOU AM FIVE By Timothy E. Parker Tuesday, March 14, 2017 Happy Birthday: Observe, listen and make decisions based on logic, facts and with an open heart and an open mind. Taking the time to review what has transpired before you react or respond will enable you to move forward with a clear conscience. Partnerships will be a source of encouragement and support to help you turn your dreams into a reality. Your numbers are 4, 14, 22, 25, 31, 38, 42. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Open your heart to someone you love and share your thoughts, ideas and plans for the future. Partnerships are built through communication and having a greater understanding of what is best for everyone involved. Self-improvements will turn out well. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Think matters through. Take your time to assess what s going on around you. Ask questions and remain calm regardless of the response you get. Control whatever situation you face by using facts and expressing your willingness to compromise. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Get along with your fellow co-workers. Disputes will only weaken the process of getting ahead. Problems while traveling will be costly if you don t put cautionary measures in place. You ll have to think and act with precision and courage. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Think twice before you jump into a debate with someone. Get your facts straight and have suggestions and solutions ready to share when the time is appropriate. Choose intelligence over aggression and you will overcome negativity and criticism. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Make the most of the environments you live and work in. Positive changes will foster good results. Refuse to let someone inhibit your way of thinking. Being true to yourself and the way you do your job will bring satisfaction. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You ll be limited if you haven t been paying enough attention to your bills, banking charges or personal possessions and affairs. Don t risk making a mistake due to someone else s assessment of your situation. Take control and avoid being disappointed. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): It will be too easy to get the wrong impression, blow situations out of proportion or end up in a precarious position if you are too quick to act. Choose to work alone and to focus on productivity. Personal growth is encouraged. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Impulsiveness can be damaging. Slow down and consider where your information is coming from. Trust in yourself and you will discover a way to avoid facing unwanted trouble with the powers that be. Express caution when dealing with institutions. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Positive changes to your residence, love life or your overall position should be implemented. Take responsibility for your happiness and do what works best for you. You ll be respected for your honesty, not for evasiveness. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Stick to what s doable. Be realistic when taking on physical challenges. Reconsider your approach when dealing with emotional matters. Offering constructive suggestions is preferable to making a big fuss. Be cautious while traveling. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): An opportunity is heading in your direction. Winnings, settlements and rewards look promising. Personal adjustments will prove to be fruitful and could give you the boost you need to improve your life and your future. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Take time to assess matters. It s important to have a plan before you take action, making changes that will have long-term effects. Treat personal and professional partnerships with respect and the hopes of achieving equality. Birthday Baby: You are outgoing, playful and quick to react. You are sensitive and confident. Dear Abby by Abigail Van Buren DAUGHTER S EFFORTS ARE NEVER GOOD ENOUGH FOR HER FAMILY DEAR ABBY: I m a 15-year-old girl, and I m struggling with abuse. I m mentally and physically abused by my family constantly, yet they make me out to be the abusive one. I could do amazing on a test, and they yell at me for something that happened on the last one. They re always pushing me so hard to do better that it s making me do worse. How can I make my family see that I m not them, and I can do good if they just give me the chance to learn from my mistakes? -- STRUGGLING IN WISCONSIN DEAR STRUGGLING: Parents always want their children to perform to their level of capacity. Because you say you are being abused physically and emotionally for your inability to live up to your family s expectations, discuss what s going on with a counselor at your school. It s possible there needs to be an intervention by someone they will listen to. Please don t wait to do it. DEAR ABBY: My husband of three years has visits with his son every Tuesday and Thursday evening. My mother-in-law picks up her grandson, takes him to her home and makes dinner for the three of them. I work 10-hour days Monday through Friday and am not able to attend these dinners. My question is, isn t it proper etiquette that my mother-in-law should send a plate of food home for me with my husband? She never has, and I think this is rude and inconsiderate of her. What is your opinion? -- HUNGRY IN EL PASO DEAR HUNGRY: Although brief, your letter speaks volumes about your relationship with your mother-in-law, which appears could be better. No rule of etiquette dictates that she is obligated to send a plate of her food home with her son for you. Perhaps if your relationship with her was warmer, or your husband was thoughtful enough to suggest it, she would. However, since you asked, my opinion is that rather than complain, you should pick up some take-out on your way home from work. DEAR ABBY: I m a 22-year-old college student on the verge of graduating this May. I ve been dating my boyfriend for more than five years, and I am extremely close with his family, especially his sister Claudia and her three children (ages 6, 3 and 6 months). My parents are throwing me a graduation party at their home, and they don t want any guests under the age of 10. How do I tell Claudia -- a dear friend -- that her children won t be invited without upsetting her? (I have small cousins who won t be attending either.) It truly is nothing personal, but I know she will probably take it personally. I don t want to cause drama, but I do want to honor my parents wishes that no small children be present. How do I tell her? Help! -- SOON-TO-BE GRADUATE DEAR SOON-TO-BE GRADUATE: You are not hosting the party; your parents are. As the hosts, it is their privilege to decide whom to invite -- or not. When Claudia is invited, your parents should explain that they prefer children under the age of 10 not be present, and soften it if necessary by explaining there are small nieces and nephews who will not be attending as well.

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