How to Profit From Zero Content Books (The Ultimate Lazy Way to Publish)

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1 How to Profit From Zero Content Books (The Ultimate Lazy Way to Publish) My first book that I ever published was published in 2008, and that of course was Jamaican Cooking Made Easy. And I can t cook, but I still make good royalties from this book online in sales from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other online retailers. Nothing compares to e-publishing and online publishing. This is just a snapshot of one of my accounts on Amazon that makes almost a full time income online, and in January of this year we hit $6, in revenue. As I mentioned before we have several accounts online. But today I m going to show you three strategies that I ve used to generate revenue for accounts just like the one I just showed you that will allow you to start making money online as well. So today we re going to look at three good ways, or three really great ways to skyrocket your revenue literally overnight.

2 The first way is laser targeting your books. That s typically a very easy method. The next method is under the radar niches. How you find really great niches in order to boost your royalties. And finally the real homerun is how to create zero content books that sell more than some best sellers are selling on today. First we re going to look at laser targeting. And using the laser targeting strategy this allows you to hit the bull s eye in terms of the demand within specific regions/locales. This means that you re able to absolutely pinpoint the what, where and when for the content that you re distributing on Now there is particularly one place to learn or find out who exactly wants your content? And the name of that Google trends. Google Trends is formerly known as Google Insights, and what Google actually tells you is where browsers are from that want your content. And here is a typical example of this. In this example we re looking at Lemon Detox Diet, and what Google is actually showing us here is where in the world people are searching for these particular terms. And as you can see the country of Australia which is

3 highlighted in blue means that the majority of searches are coming from that particular country. I want you to keep that term in mind, Lemon Detox Diet. Because we re going to come back to that term. First let s find the term we can place or laser target bulls eye on. We re going to try the term Liver Detox Diet. We re going to do a couple of things with this particular term. First we want to find out where in the US do people want to learn about Liver Detox Diet. More importantly we want to find out when they search for this term is Amazon at all factored in? And thirdly can I create a book that targets these individuals? So let s go ahead and take a look at how to actually identify where these particular people are from. So I ve gone over to Google Trends, and I m going to look for the term Liver Detox Diet. And as you can see here we can see exactly where the majority of searches are coming from for this particular term. But there are a couple of things that I need to do. First I want to drill down for the region that I want to target. So I m going to go to worldwide, and I m going to look in the United States. So I can see that these particular regions here or these states are the most popular. But I want to make it laser target, targeted. So I m going to actually drill down for the last 12 months. So what are we actually seeing here? We can see that Californians over the last year seem to be in love with the Liver Detox Diet. Because the majority of searches that are coming

4 in online are coming in from California. So now that we know where people want the content let s now find out if or books from are actually factored into this search. So I m using because I m currently in Canada. And I want to see the results that are coming in in the United States. So I m going to go ahead and punch in Liver Detox Diet. And we re going to go ahead and search for that term, and here are top results. And as you can see here this particular book lives in the top ten results for the search term Liver Detox Diet. I m going to go ahead and click on that link. This basically means that Amazon is factored into these particular search results. So what exactly does this mean? Using this evidence we can say, we can determine that Californians want to learn about the Liver Detox Diet, and that Amazon books are ranking for this particular term. So we can create a book that targets Californians that want this knowledge. And what it would basically mean is that your book would appear here stating not just the Nine Day Liver Detox, or the Liver Detox Diet, but the Nine Day Liver Detox for Californians. And targeting that specific locale you ll be able to rank much higher in the search engine results for those individuals that want that particular content. So there are a couple of ways that you want to go about doing this.

5 So you want to be able to give Californians a liver detox. You want to use the locale in your title. You want to use a locale in your description. You want to possibly make the pen name that you re using for your book if it s not your real name of course you can use the pen name and make that person a Californian. And more importantly you can advertise your book to these locals, and you can use press releases, Facebook ads, Twitter ads and even Google ad words. So typically what you are doing is that you are giving the people what they want. You re targeting these individuals in your titles and descriptions. You re drilling down to get niches per locale, and more importantly you re going to be able to spend your advertising dollar wisely. You re going to be able to give these individuals exactly what they want across the board. So the first step is to laser target your books. Utilize these different locales and terms that you have in your titles, in your descriptions, and across the board. You want to be able to give these individuals exactly what it is that they are looking for. And they will go ahead and purchase those books because Amazon is factoring in to the search results. So let s look on another strategy that has been working extremely well for us.

6 Let s look on under the radar niches, but before I delve into under the radar niches let s look on the methodology behind this particular strategy by looking on a few facts. Now why exactly is this important? What if your books were the items being advertised by Amazon? You could be literally raking in the dollars. Now in the past typically sellers would probably, you know, take a punt or make a wild guess on where exactly or if traffic was coming to a particular product on Amazon. And more importantly in order to get this information they would have to dig and dig and dig and 90 % of the time all of the software that you probably buy and look for is just inaccurate and probably cannot give you that key critical piece of information. So how exactly would a seller be able to take advantage of this? Well you d either have to have a crystal ball, or you d have to have a friend that worked at Amazon, or you d have to have a really good friend that worked at Google. But now there is a crystal ball, and I found it.

7 The name of that crystal ball is SEM Rush, so SEM Rush is a web based service that tells you the actual keywords that companies like Amazon is bidding on, and exactly how much money they re spending, and where exactly their advertisement appears on the search engine page. So let s head over to my SEM Rush account, and I m going to go ahead and start spying on what Amazon is doing. I m going to type in, and the first thing that I want you to notice is what, how staggering these numbers are. So Amazon basically gets about 170 million visitors from normal search engine traffic, and that search engine traffic is valued at about 104 million dollars. But more important Amazon spends about 4.5 million with ad words for search engine traffic. And that 4.5 million brings them about 7 million visitors. Now while this is absolutely staggering for search engines, we re only concerned today with ads keywords. So we re going to dig in to find exactly what is going on. So on this page I wanted to explain a couple of these metrics. The first thing that you re seeing here is the actual Amazon ad that appears on a Google search engine page. This section gives you the actual keyword that Amazon is bidding on, the position in terms of the ad position, the total volume of searches that come in per month for this particular keyword. So to break it down: 30 million times the keyword Amazon is searched for online, and this ad appears as number one. So you can figure as much that 90 percent of the time people are actually clicking on this particular ad. So why is that again really important to us? Let s dig down here and what we re trying to look for is possibly a keyword term that Amazon is bidding on that we could possibly create some content for.

8 So here is a particular example and let s go over these metrics again. Each time someone searches for this keyword this ad appears, and this keyword is being searched for 246,000 times every 30 days. More importantly when someone clicks this particular ad, they are taken to this page, or actually are they? So let s go ahead and take a look on the actual page that someone is driven to when they click on this particular ad. And wa-la it s actually a search page that appears on Amazon. So why exactly is this going to be extremely important, and why was this a brilliant eye opener just for me? As I began to drill down more and more and more I found hundreds and hundreds of keywords that were just like this. Amazon was driving traffic to actual sales pages. Now what was important is that the page was a search page for all departments, not a specific department. So what that meant is, is that I was sure that if I had a book that was targeting this particular keyword that my book would show up. So here is a real look on the different categories that are here. As you can see Raspberry Pi, one book. Raspberry Pi another book, Raspberry Pi another book, another book, and we could even go on page two books, books, and even more books. So what it typically means is that if I was able to create a particular book on Raspberry Pi and get it here on this particular page ranking Amazon would be driving traffic to this particular page and I would be guaranteed traffic and searches, and more importantly guaranteed sales. And it was absolutely awesome and eye opening for me. So I started pumping out books in categories that were already receiving paid traffic, and hence guaranteed sales. I even began positioning my existing books to take advantage of this particular strategy. Now you have to remember that you are not paying for this traffic, Amazon is the one driving all the traffic. And you re taking all the profits, so every single month my team finds hundreds of niches from the millions of keywords. It s like an endless well of opportunity. Now of course there is a bit of science to it. You want to find keywords that go to all department searches, and typically have a low competition with respect to books. But its guaranteed traffic. Now remember I told you to make note of the term Lemon Detox Diet, so we re going to take a quick look at that particular term Lemon Detox Diet.

9 And what we want to basically have a look at is if Amazon is actually driving traffic to this particular term. And as you can see and we scroll down here, sure enough Amazon is driving traffic to this particular keyword term. And if we click this link Amazon takes us to a search for this term for all departments, and as you can see more importantly extremely low competition. There are only 71 results for this particular keyword term, and you can scroll down and of course there are a few books that fall into that category. And let s look exactly and see how much competition you would face if you were to create book in that particular category, Lemon Detox Diet. There are only ten books, and none of these books have the exact term with the exception of this book, which is of course Lemon Detox. If you took this keyword, created a book for it, and placed it on Amazon today you could start making money the very next day. You would start seeing royalties the minute that your book goes up because traffic is being driven to this particular keyword.

10 And we have found hundreds and hundreds of niches just like this. So you looked on the entire list of 3.7 million keywords that Amazon advertises for, and we figured out how we could start getting some of that major traffic, what niches to choose to start really making money and we began mining the gold from the millions and millions of keywords, and our sales began to skyrocket. Einstein basically says books plus Amazon search equals royalties and profits, but books plus Amazon search and Amazon paid traffic is two times the royalties. And the best part about this is, is that Amazon is paying for the traffic not you. This is an absolutely no brainer. You need to start creating books in these categories that will give you almost literally free traffic across the board. So what I wanted to do was just to check in with everyone basically how this actually works. Because you don t need to actually pay for SEM Rush. We re going to give you a really cool option at the end of this webinar. But once you re looking on laser targeting to double your royalties using these under the radar niches you can almost quadruple or triple your royalties immediately.

11 So we re going to go into a novel really cool strategy that allows you to create content without having to create content. So this particular strategy is called the zero content strategy, and it means exactly that. You don t need to create any content to sell your books and sell more than what bestsellers are selling out there. So before we dive into this particular strategy let s basically kind of understand exactly how this works. So first what you ll be doing is that you re going to be creating books with repetitive or limited content. These books will be interactive books. They will be paperback only, but are generated electronically through print-on-demand through services such as Create Space and Lightening Source. These books provide a unique opportunity and a great marketing platform for your other books. These books are also in extremely high demand, and more importantly there is a cross over factor. And I want everyone to understand that the crossover factor could possibly mean that you could be selling almost ten times what you d be selling ordinarily. Just because of the crossover factor into institutional i.e. institutional educational sales. And more importantly if you are an Amazon FBA you ll be able to take advantage of the strategy even better than someone who is just selling ordinarily online. So let s look on an example of this. What we re going to do is we re going to head into Amazon, and we re going to search for a term called blank cookbooks. And typically what you re seeing here are books that have no data whatsoever.

12 What it does have is content, which is typically aligned to allow the user to write or create their own recipes. Simple and easy, absolutely no content. So let s take a look on one of these particular books. So I m going to click on My Favorite Recipes Cookbook, and we can actually see here what s actually inside this particular book. It s a blank page that allows someone to write in ingredients, of course to write in the directions of that particular recipe. And what you re seeing here is what we discussed earlier, repetitive content. There is nothing here apart from recipe name, serves, ingredients, directions. Recipe name, serves, ingredients, directions and possibly a small image that is down below here. So what exactly does that mean? It means that someone can buy this book and they re going to interact with this particular book. But is this type of book in high demand? Well the Amazon bestseller rank that we ve been looking for on this book over the last 60 days has not exceeded 50,000. Now if you know anything about Amazon Bestseller Rank the lower the rank the more the sales. And typically that transcends very very well across the board for almost every single product that Amazon sells. But more importantly for books a low Amazon rank below 50,000 can mean that that one book can be selling up to 100 plus copies on a daily basis. And we wanted to look on exactly what the Amazon bestseller rank for this book was and it s 44,618. This is a book that has no content. It is absolutely blank. So this basically means here that you have the opportunity to create a book with zero content that can sell hundreds and hundreds of copies every single day.

13 But let s add even just another spin to it. We just spoke to you about under the radar niches, and we wanted to look and see how viable this particular strategy is. So let s actually go back to and let s look on something like blank cookbooks. And one of the key things here that you re actually going to see is that Amazon itself is driving traffic to this specific term blank cookbooks. And if we click on this particular link you re taken to an all department search for a book that has zero content that is selling like hotcakes. It s an absolute no brainer to start creating books that are similar to these books. But we re going to take it a step further. We re going to delve into what if we didn t want to create something like a blank cookbook. What if we wanted to create something that was a book that s bound, whether it's spiral bound or it s just normally perfect bound, what we wanted to do was look and see maybe something like diaries could possibly work. So let s go ahead and look for a term like diaries on Google. And what you re seeing is that the number four search result for the term diaries right here is an Amazon page. And more importantly it s an Amazon search page.

14 And it basically means that you can create not just ordinary diaries, you can create journals, you can create notebooks; let s take a look on a simple book like this book here, Draw and Write Children s Journal. So this particular book is approximately about 50 pages there about. It s just the cover and blank pages in them, now what we want to do is to look on that particular sales rank. And what you re seeing here is that the sales rank for this particular product is 3,000 in toys and games. Now just imagine how many toys and games are being sold on for this particular 50 page blank book with just a cover, imagine how many copies of this book is actually being sold. And there is literally no content in it. Do you see how much money you could be making if you had taken one hour to publish this type of book? And this is typically a shocking really really shocking revelation for a lot of people who are trying to make money online who spend a lot of time creating content, acquiring content. You know, whether they re purchasing articles or content from anywhere, they re trying to create all this content and it s an extremely costly venture. It costs a lot of money to acquire content and sell books. And some individuals who pay hundreds and hundreds of dollars never ever have their book crack 50,000 or below 50,000 with respect to a bestseller rank. Very, very, very important, and if you think that at the end of the day that this is something very difficult it s not. Because all you ve got to do is to create your book, head over to, and sign up if you have an account already and create your blank book using just a few things by adding a few images to your pages, adding a couple of borders, and of course creating a very nice cover that individuals will like and placing your book out there.

15 So let s look typically on the different types of books that you can actually create using, using this particular strategy. So you have what are known as blank cookbooks, you have notebooks, you ve got journals, you ve got diaries, you ve got blank books and not just blank cookbooks but blank books. I mean nothing literally on the page, just a blank book, whether spiral bound or perfect bound that s it. You're got sketchbooks, you've got scrapbooks, you even have address books, baby books, and photo albums that you can actually put in an image and you can utilize that book once you have the ability to add what is known as a unique identifier. Which is typically called an ISBN, and once that book can have an ISBN attached to it then you re going to be able to publish that book and sell it on Amazon. And in fact sell it anywhere else if you decided to purchase it for yourself and then ship it through Amazon FBA. It s a simple process, and you re looking on those particular stats and it works like a charm. Here is what we re going to basically do. We wanted to look on one of those specific smaller books that we were talking about, which was you know, a blank cookbook. So let s go ahead and grab, let s say recipe keeper. So I m going to look in this particular book here, and we can do a look inside, so you can actually see what s going on, and I m going to scroll down here and this is all that s in the book. So you ve got something here, which is a typical image, which is just a quote. But this is what makes up the entire book. Repetitive content, recipe, from, servings, makes, preparation time, cooking time, ingredients, directions, and you can scroll down here it s the same exact thing. Repetitive content recipe, from, serving, that s it. Nothing else in this particular book

16 And so much so I m going to show you an example that Create Space is the one that basically does this. So this is an example of my secret recipe book that has been published on Create Space, and proves that you can utilize Create Space and do this. You can go to Create Space right now, get a cover created, get some repetitive content created, throw it up in a PDF on, on a Create Space and you can be published tomorrow. And more importantly if you re combining let s say the strategy that I showed you earlier which is under the radar, and you can tie that into something like this then you can be making ten, twenty, thirty or even forty times the royalties that you re currently making now. And this is one of the most unique ways that we re using today to generate royalties from book sales using absolutely zero content. And if you think that we re done there let s take a quick look on how much traffic actually comes to something like diaries every month. So let s look on something like an ad words, let s look an ad words keyword tool, and we re seeing that a couple of guys are basically asking you know, how much traffic is coming to something like diaries. And can I actually rank for that particular term, so I m going to go ahead and type in diaries here. I m going to look for closely related terms. I m going to make sure that I am actually looking in the United States And we re going to look to see exactly how many times the search term diaries is searched for on Google. And if you re seeing this number then you can actually have an idea of the amount of traffic that is going to the page that shows these particular books.

17 Twenty million four hundred thousand, now if the Amazon search page gets even ten percent of this particular traffic it means that they re getting two plus million clicks to that one particular page. And that simple, so simple eight dollar book that we re seeing here can be generating upwards of 50 to 60,000 every single month for this particular publisher. Simple and easy no hassle, no stress and massive revenues, and it takes basically two to three hours to create this particular type of book. So let s put all of this together, if you laser target your content, laser target your book titles, your descriptions everything that you can to a particular locale you ll be able to double and triple your royalties by giving everyone who is search for a particular search term exactly what they want. Much like the Liver Detox Diet that we now know that Californians seem to be in love with. And you can advertise whether you re doing this via press releases, Facebook ads, ad words ads, or Twitter, you can now drill down and target your books to these specific locations. Next we looked on the under the radar niches. We can use Amazon paid traffic to select those particular niches. Create content for those particular niches, and of course at the end of the day have little or no competition. And finally you can create content or create books with zero content that Amazon is driving paid traffic to, and publish that book, and make oodles of money. So you can double, quadruple, triple your royalties with these three strategies starting right now. It s typically a no brainer.

18 But there are so many more strategies that are just like this that are very easy to implement. So I wanted to find out from you quick question, do you agree that these strategies A are simple to implement, B don t require a lot of work, are just set it and basically forget it and more importantly will increase your revenue? So what I d like to do today is that I d like to make you a really exclusive offer. I want to make sure that I had your permission to give you this particular, make this offer to you. So how would you like 50 more strategies just like this, just like the ones I just showed you that will allow you to increase your royalties, publish your books faster and easier, have push button marketing to your content using press releases, find profitable or get profitable niche reports just handed to you just like the one I just spoke to you about in Lemon Detox Diet or the Liver Detox Diet? And what about cutting edge marketing strategies, how to get your books on every single retail platform in a matter of minutes. How to publish your content to hundreds, hundreds of these retailers. How to get even writers to send you their manuscripts and get you to publish them for them, and them pay you. How to sell ad space in your, how would you like new strategies every week for the rest of your life?

19 If you said yes then I want to tell you about the online training service. In Speedy Publishing you re going to get 100 plus hours of training videos documenting strategies that you ve never heard of that are exactly similar to the ones I just showed you that will allow you to double, triple and quadruple your royalties. You can get cutting edge techniques on book creation, new marketing strategies to increase those royalties, how to publish on Apple, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and other retailers. You ll get plug and play templates for all of these publishing platforms. You get access to unlimited press releases for your book marketing through our partnership with PR Buzz. You get new niche reports filled with niches that are under the radar like the one I just showed you done for you and handed to you in our resources area. And what about access to ISBNs to promote your very own books, and more importantly we build every single we add new videos giving you new strategies and new techniques in which to earn much more royalties. So in just a few minutes you could triple or quadruple your Kindle publishing royalties, and this is absolutely mind blowing. You ll get instant access to Speedy Publishing online training at a 90 percent discount off the regular price of 497, as soon as you complete your order you get a user name and password so you can dive into training modules. There are over 100 hours of cutting edge training, plug and play templates, unlimited press release distributions. You get monthly hot kindle niche reports. You get a Speedy nugget every single week on how to boost your royalties. You get Amazon marketing niche reports with raw data files from SCM Rush. You don t have to pay for SCM Rush; we dissect all that content for you in an immediately useable form that you can check your competition, you can see what the search volumes are, and you can see the actual keywords that Amazon is driving traffic to. You get Facebook group resources videos posted to our Facebook page. You get access to new training modules every single week, and there is so much more in the Speedy Publishing members area.

20 So in addition to all this cutting edge training you re going to get instant access to a couple of bonuses and gifts when you sign up today. So first we re going to do for the first 25 signups I m going to have a Skype coaching group call, and in that particular group call I m going to basically analyze your existing books and your overall E- publishing business. And give you a basic step-by-step blueprint on how you should move forward to increase your royalties almost instantly. And that s for the first 25 signups today. You also get immediate access if you sign up you get immediate access into our private Facebook group. And this is a member s only Facebook group that includes not just selfpublishers, but authors, joint venture publishers, audio narrators and so much more. You get four hour outsource, outsourcing which is a complete download of the outsourcing guide by Matt Rhodes. That includes five modules and training videos on how to build an outsourcing army of virtual assistants. Complete with how to use even job posting templates, You also get access to ebook niche explorer. Now this is premier Kindle research software. This is absolutely awesome; this value alone is $97. You also get beta access to our software which is the Speedy Book Publisher, and this is a very very powerful tool that allows you to create book and format them for Kindle, Create Space, Barnes and Noble, Look, Lulu and Smash Words. And we typically upgrade this particular software because it s evolving on a particular landscape, so almost every single month we re adding new things and doing things to that particular software. And that s a $77 value right there.

21 You also get the Kindle sales page, and this advanced training gives you comprehensive training and tools along with templates and a guide on how to make your Amazon sales page convert 120 percent more than it was before. And these are proven techniques that will help your sales page drive much more royalties. And finally and most importantly we give you a 30 day money back guarantee. You can test drive the entire Speedy Publishing system for a full month before making any decisions in terms of keeping it. And if you re not thrilled with information and the tools provided for any reason whatsoever simply let us know and you ll get your full refund and all your money back. So if you re ready to double or triple your publishing profits head over to this particular link, and you ll be able to join immediately at the low rate of just $47.

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