LOIS: So Clark, are we on the same page that all the murders are connected?

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1 Clark sits quietly at his desk, at the Daily Planet, typing the byline for the morning s, quickly approaching, deadline. Lois comes stumbling through the door with her eyes glazed over from exhaustion, with two cups of steaming hot coffee. (Lois and Clark have been out all night doing some investigative reporting. There has been a spree of murders to hit Metropolis. In total over 37 have been mutilated in the same fashion.) LOIS: So Clark, are we on the same page that all the murders are connected? CLARK: Lois there s something that just doesn t sit well with me about this. I don t think that what we re dealing with is human. LOIS: So you think it s another one of your Krypton buddies? CLARK Very funny Lois...I have a hunch Lex might have something to do with this. LOIS: OK back to work Clark...We have a deadline to knock out. We print facts at the Planet, not hunches, and wild ones at that. Save the conspiracy theories for The Inquisitor. CLARK: (SMIRKS) Didn t you try, and land a job at that tabloid piece of trash. LOIS: Can it Clark! (Clark peers over his glasses and then takes a drink of coffee) CLARK: So, if it s not Luthor that s behind this, then who? LOIS: It s not rocket science, 37 people have been murdered with the same M.O. It doesn t take much investigative reporting to see that we have a serial killer on our hands. (Lois starts to nod off) CLARK: I m still not convinced on the whole serial killer take. I think it s more sinister, but I do THINK you (BANGS TABLE) need to wake up and drink some coffee. This deadline is going to write itself. (Clark gives charismatic grin) CLARK: Fine Lois let s look at what we ve learned, the facts. After all of our research tonight, what was the one thing all the victims have in common? LOIS: All of the victims we re mutilated beyond the point of recognition. CLARK: Doesn t it strike you as odd; with 37 people tortured and killed that brutally, in public no less, that there would be at least one witness? LOIS: I... CLARK: Hold on a second Lois. I have to take this. (Clark grabs his cell phone and pretends to take a call.) CLARK: Lois I ve got to take care of this. Can you finish up here?

2 LOIS: I Guess... (Clark's already out the door.) (Clarks has been summoned to the fortress of solitude. He turns into Superman and flies there. When he arrives he notices that it has been completely destroyed. One word was written in blood on a piece of the standing fortress... DOOMSDAY! Clark salvages what s left of the crystals and attempts to contact Jor-El) SUPERMAN: Jor-El are you there? I need you now more than ever. There is a threat facing earth called Doomsday. I need to know how to stop him. (A few minutes pass) JOR-EL: Hello my son. This beast the creature you refer to as Doomsday, is from the planet Krypton. About 250,000 years ago, Krypton was a hellish place, and he was known as The Ultimate. He was created by the alien scientist Bertron. Bertron sent the infant humanoid out in the blistering hellish temperatures to near instant death. This went on for decades, and the chemical make-up of his genes, had been adapting the entire time. It essentially made him hate all life forms. The Ultimate eventually became the Ultimate predator and killing machine. He thrives on solar energy, and eventually killed Bertron. He left Krypton on a ship, and that all I know. I will tell you this Kal-El; he will be your greatest challenge. SUPERMAN: Does he have a weakness? JOR-EL: There is a way to destroy Doomsday. He only has one weakness and it s... SUPERMAN: (Yells) JOR-EL NOOOO!!! (Suddenly the rest of the Fortress of Solitude collapses, FADES TO BLACK AND CRUMBLES, then sinks below the thick white pallet of snow. Kal-El is now truly a lone) (Over the next month...doomsday has left earth. After Doomsday destroys Metropolis, he is sent to kill the entire Green Lantern Corps, Taking all the other green lanterns rings only to devour them, leaving only John Stewart as the last known Green Lantern survivor.) (Having left earth Doomsday quickly traveled to OA, the home planet of the Green Lantern Corps, to fulfill his mission to eradicate the entire Corps of Green Lanterns. Of Course the green lanterns would not go down without a fight so they sent out a signal all across the universe, in every single sector and galaxy for them to rally up and take on this gargantuan beast. Doomsday was met by many armadas of Green Lanterns, all with their own individual constructs, there we re planes, missiles and even a giant train made of Will hurling at him from every direction, being the unstoppable machine that he is he quickly ravished one platoon after another. Sometimes, even, consuming the corpses of the Green Lanterns. From all corners of the universe they came, and quickly they were destroyed, Some went back into OA to replenish their rings, but they weren t quick enough, doomsday would slam one lantern to another, tearing them into pieces, didn t matter the size nor how strong they were, they would be shred to pieces. John Stewart showed up only to find many of his lantern brothers and sisters dead, floating in the endless space. But there was no time to mourn, Doomsday was at the core of the

3 Green lanterns, near their life source, The Central Power Battery, and he had to be stopped, John came upon Doomsday, making a giant harpoon construct made from his ring, with this he,launches it into the chest of doomsday, only for doomsday to catch it and bring John closer to him, right before him and doomsday meet eye to eye, john quickly starts sending beams into doomsdays eyes, provoking him, making him angry). JOHN: Come on you ugly beast, you re nothing, but an overgrown koala (Doomsday seems irritated so john continues, to mock him and launching beams of will upon him, doomsday backs away from the Central Battery, and goes after john. The chase is on and John flies as fast as he can, as far away from his home world, as much as possible, leading Doomsday away from his home world, and into an asteroid field, where he dodges asteroids left and right, Doomsday hitting them all, without a flinch Finally when they are far enough away, john uses some of his last power to create a chain construct, chaining doomsday and some asteroids, and hurling them into a nearby black hole, where nothing can escape not even light, of course John doesn t know who he is dealing with. After doomsday gets hurled into the black hole, John notices that he is fighting the massive gravity and it will not hold him for long, instead of trying to finish him off, john knows that he can t do it by himself, so he flies back to his home world to take the Central Battery and escapes with it, hiding it, in another place in the galaxy, leaving John Stewart as the last of his kind, the last guardian of the universe, the last of the Green Lanterns.) When Doomsday returns to OA not finding anything and seeing everything destroyed he sees his mission as completed, so decides to return to earth, where Lex Luthor had another mission in store for him Lex then sends Doomsday to Earth 2, to kill Superman, known there as Kal-L. Doomsday starts ravaging the land destroying everything in its path. With the ability to sense all Kryptonians, the beast is lead straight to Metropolis. Doomsday starts destroying the city, when, who just happened to be in Metropolis on business? Bruce Wayne, he quickly changes into his Batman armor, remotes his Batmobile to him. When it arrives, he drives at lightning speed up to the creature firing missiles at it!! It doesn t even faze Doomsday! Superman hears what s going on from a few miles away, and starts flying toward them at a speed so fast that it s literally a blur. Meanwhile Doomsday rips the roof of the Batmobile, delivering a single punch, killing Batman instantly. Superman sees his fellow hero and friend dead upon arrival. He flies into Doomsday sending him through three skyscrapers. Doomsday, is instantly healed from the massive blow, gets up punches Superman sending him to the ground. He gets on top of The Man of Steel, and strikes him repeatedly. Superman shoots heat vision into the monsters eyes. Kal-L gets up, he s a bloody mess. Doomsday shoots one of his sharp boney protrusions at Superman. It grabs his heart ripping it from his chest. The boney death trap repels back to Doomsday. He crushes The Man of Steels heart just as Superman falls to the ground dead. During that month...clark returns from the fortress of solitude. Metropolis has been declared a disaster zone. The buildings, streets, and thousands of cars have been destroyed. Clark

4 can t find Lois Lane anywhere. He searches the Daily Planet, her home, and finally finds out from her cousin, Chloe, that she is in a coma at Metropolis General.) CLARK: Hi I m Clark Kent and I m looking for a patient here, Lois Lane. RECEPTIONIST: Yes sir she s in room 325. Take the elevator to the left and turn right. Her room will be about half way down. CLARK: Thank You (Clark rushes to Lois s room. He opens the door, only to find her in a coma. Clark's heart drops. He thinks of all the people he saves, and how he was not there to save her. He walks over to the bed and grabs Lois by the hand...) CLARK: Lois you re the strongest person I know. You can fight this. Come back to me Lois...I love you. (Clark never left her side and talked to her all the time. He even read her favorite books to her. Three days later she awoke from her coma.) LOIS: Just the person I wanted to see! CLARK: LOIS!!! You re awake!! I ll grab a doctor! LOIS: No Clark wait! While you were gone, this horned beast destroyed the city. You were also right I saw Lex open a portal, after this THING destroyed Metropolis, and then he sent it to another dimension. I think Lex brought it here. Now for the BAD news I don t even know if Superman can beat this monster. CLARK: Lois you just get some rest, and I m going to get a doctor. LOIS: Why so you can scoop the story on you own? This is guaranteed FrontPage, Smallville. LAUGHING Where are my clothes? I m coming with you! CLARK: Lois I still think you need your rest. You just came out of a coma. LOIS: Clark Drop it! I m coming! We have to find Lex. (Lois begins to get dressed against Clark s wishes. She gets ready, grabs her personal belongings, and they leave the hospital in search of Lex.) LOIS: So where do you want to start looking for everyone s favorite billionaire cue ball? CLARK: I think LexCorp is a good place to start. That s where all of his top secret experiments are done. Maybe we can do some nosing around. (Lois and Clark arrive at Lexcorp) LOIS: Now what? CLARK: Let me handle this...

5 (CLARK SUPER SPEEDS SO FAST THAT HE GRABS TWO LEXCORP ID Badges and two lab coats, before Lois even knew he was gone. LOIS: Not bad speedy, but you know The Flash has you beet by a long shot. CLARK: (GROANS) let s get this stuff on, and get inside! LOIS: its ok you re still my favorite superhero! (They take a moment look into each other s eyes, realizing how serious the situation is...and they take a long passionate kiss.) CLARK: Miss Lane... LOIS: Shut up Clark, and let s get to work. (They drive up to the LexCorp gate. Clark pulls out his badge, and swipes it to gain entry.) LOIS: Ok we re in. My cousin Chloe always said all the weird stuff happens on Level 3. CLARK: Let s find an elevator. Or you could call Chloe and ask her if she knows were one is. (Laughing) LOIS: Hey Mr. full of jokes, LOOK! There is an elevator all the way down the hall off to the right. (They enter the elevator swipe the ID badge and select level 3 they begin searching around. after about 15 minutes of traveling the corridors. They come upon a lab completely destroyed. The name on the door is entitled Project Doomsday. The door is pried shut. Clark kicks it, and it fly s across the room. The walk in and do some investigating.) CLARK: Do you think Doomsday did all this? LOIS: Everyone s dead. CLARK: It doesn t appear that anyone in this room has a limb attached to their body. I guess even Lex doesn t even handle on this monster. Lois! Look at what I found. This must be where they made the portal devise for Lex. LOIS: Do you think you could get any of your buddies to make a devise to close the portal for good. LEX: You re dreaming Miss Lane. I think you two are done snooping around for the night. CLARK: Lex, Superman will destroy this beast, and you will stand trial in a world court. LEX: By the time all this plays out, and it s almost played out, there won t be a world court. I ve already sent Doomsday to destroy and murder every living soul on the other 11 earths. Earth 2 now that s something special! Clark, Lois what you, and you re caped crusader don t realize is that he s already dead! Tell the Man of Steel I m opening the portal for Doomsday to return to Metropolis tomorrow at dusk. He ll know where to find him!! (Evil Laugh) Good Night Clark, Lois. Security has been called, you re about to be escorted out of the building. CLARK: LEX...LEX!!!

6 (Lex exits lab, and security guards enter. They escort Lois and Clark out of the building and off property.) LOIS: Clark that leaves us about 17 hours. What are we going to do? CLARK: I want you to tail Lex, and find out where he s going. I need to know his exact location when he opens that portal. Contact me immediately as soon as you see him beginning to release Doomsday from that other dimension. LOIS: Ok Clark, if there is one thing I m good at it s not being noticed. What are you going to do? CLARK: I ve got to try, and contact Jor-El, Somehow, someway. He mentioned the last time we spoke, something about a weakness to this beast. I ve got to at least TRY...Bye Lois, I love you. LOIS: (TEARS slowly dripping down Lois s face.) I love you to, Clark! (Lois and Clark part ways and she begins to stake out LexCorp until Luthor leaves. Clark turns into Superman, and flies to Smallville to the Kent farm. He walks in the barn, and pulls up a secret board from the floor. He grabs the green crystal that built the fortress of solitude in the beginning. Kal-El only hopes he can rebuild his fortress one more time for humanities sake. Superman leaves Smallville and flies to where the fortress once stood. He takes the Crystal, and hurls it with all his might. The Man of Steel waits and then a replica of a planet long gone begins to form from the frozen earth. Superman enters the fortress of solitude. He places the crystal in the chamber.) SUPERMAN: Jor-El you said Doomsday had a weakness. What is it? JOR-EL: I said that he had one weakness, but it also happens to be his greatest strength. You have to kill the Ultimate, but be warned my son by killing him you re only delaying the inevitable. His body is used to death through evolution, and every time he comes back. He comes back stronger, and cannot be killed the same way twice. You will have to not only use your powers, but you re going to have to get creative to defeat him for good. Take this bracelet Kal-El I think it will aid you on your quest. It s a phantom drive projector. Doomsday must be killed first. Otherwise, the phantom drive projector will not be strong enough to send him to the phantom zone. The bracelet is a one-time use. So you only have one chance, Kal-El. (A hidden compartment opens up, and Kal-El takes the object. SUPERMAN: How do I use it? JOR-EL: You throw it up over his lifeless body, and it will violently suck Doomsday into the phantom zone. SUPERMAN: Thanks father. (With less than two hours left before dusk, Superman flies back to Metropolis. He turns into Clark Kent, and calls Lois to see if everything has gone to plan.) LOIS: Hello Clark CLARK: Do you have Lex in your sight?

7 LOIS: Yes, and you ll never believe where he is at... CLARK: Don t tell me. LOIS: Yep The Daily Planet! CLARK: I m on my way! WATCHTOWER: Justice League calling Batman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Cyborg...Superman is in for the fight of his life. I have a handle on him at The Daily Planet. Get there ASAP! (Clark gets there late, and Lex has just begun to open the portal. He changes inside a phone booth into Superman, and super speeds up to Lex. The portal is now fully opened. The Man of Steel grabs the portal transmitter device from Lex and destroys it. Now Doomsday is stuck on Earth!!! Superman flies at the speed of light to the portal and punches Doomsday miles away in mid-air upon decent. Superman speeds towards Doomsday, and he grabs the beast around the waist and speeds down towards Metropolis at an unimaginable speed. Superman and Doomsday collide into the earth, and shake the city like an earthquake. Superman starts punching Doomsday, and cuts himself on one of his horns. Superman now realizes the beast s body alone can injure him. Doomsday knees Superman and he goes through a car and into a building. Doomsday has healed himself and is on the offense. Doomsday enters the building with a speed as fast as Superman. He swings at Superman and misses. Superman uses his heat vision to keep the beast at bay. The creature eventually walks through his heat vision, and grabs the man of steel. Doomsday picks him up and crashes him back and forth on the ground. Superman gets free, and throws another punch knocking Doomsday back into the street. Doomsday grabs Superman by the throat taking him to the ground. The Ultimate head butting Superman with the horns on his head knocking The Man of Steel unconscious, with massive bleeding from the head. Doomsday stands and raises his hands in victory. Then, out of nowhere come s Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash and Cyborg. WONDER WOMAN: Flash grab that long piece of chain off of that construction truck. FLASH: I already know what you re thinking! (Flash grabs the chain, and runs around Doomsday so fast with it, that he literally ties the beast up from head to toe in seconds. Wonder Woman grabs her lasso of truth, and throws it around Doomsday s neck. She then pulls it to the ground. FLASH: Green Lantern, do your thing, and bring the pain! (Green Lantern, using his ring creates a wrecking ball, and drops it dead center on Doomsdays chest. Doomsday lies lifeless. A few minutes later Doomsday, comes around and breaks the chains, then starts to rapidly regain his bearings. Above in the sky the Batwing is in sight!! Doomsday is on his feet. Cyborg runs up from behind the beast, and slams him seven feet into the pavement. Superman has started to come through. He flies off into space towards the sun to regain his powers, and put an end to Doomsday once and for all. In the meantime Batman repels down from the Batwing. BATMAN: Sorry I m late. Did I miss the party?

8 GREEN LANTERN: No Batman, this thing is unstoppable. We re throwing everything we got at this thing and it just won t quit, it just keeps coming. BATMAN: Where s the blue Boy Scout? FLASH: He just flew into space a few minutes before you got here. BATMAN: (GROANS) Figures (Doomsday starts climbing up from his concrete grave. Batman instantly turns on his cloaking devise making him completely invisible. Right as Doomsday gets to the surface, he starts heading for the other Justice League members. Batman throws two Ice grenades at him freezing the monster in a solid block of ice. Superman returns flying from the sun at great speeds, now encased in awesome power, he uses it to pick up momentum. When he is at a distance from Doomsday, Superman uses his heat vision to melt the ice that doomsday is encased in, leaving him vulnerable for Superman s final attack.) (He flies faster than he s ever flown, and soars straight through Doomsday s torso, leaving him to fall to the ground dead! Superman turns to the Justice league) SUPERMAN: Thanks guys I could not have done this without you. A single minute longer and Doomsday would have killed me. BATMAN: That s very touching, but do you know how to finish him, even if we kill him he will just revive himself. SUPERMAN: I have a plan that will take care of Doomsday forever. (Jor-El was right; Superman knows this is the time to use the bracelet before Doomsday comes back to life. Kal-El throws the Phantom Zone projector up in the air. It begins to turn into a circular portal, and violently sucks Doomsday into a mirror-like prison, that flies off into space imprisoning him forever. ) SUPERMAN: It s over; Doomsday has been destroyed, and imprisoned in a Kryptonian prison forever. I couldn t have done it without you guys! Thank You! WONDER WOMAN: Guys? SUPERMAN: Sorry and you Wonder Woman. We think of you as one of the guys. (Smiling) (Everyone says there good byes, and go their separate ways. Lois is fast at work meeting the deadline at the Planet. The front page for tomorrow s newspaper reads: SUPERMAN AND JUSTICE LEAGUE DESTROY EARTH S GREATEST THREAT. LEX LUTHOR TO STAND TRIAL, IN MULTIVERSE COURT FOR THE ANNIHILATION OF 9 WORLDS. BI-LINE Clark Kent & Lois Lane to be married) THE END

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