Achromatic and chromatic vision, rods and cones.

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1 Achromatic and chromatic vision, rods and cones. Andrew Stockman NEUR3045 Visual Neuroscience

2 Outline Introduction Rod and cone vision Rod vision is achromatic How do we see colour with cone vision? Vision and visual pathways Achromatic and chromatic cone vision (colour and luminance)

3 Light nm is important for vision


5 An inverted image is formed on the retina The retina is carpeted with lightsensitive rods and cones

6 Rods and cones Webvision

7 Human photoreceptors Cones Daytime, achromatic and chromatic vision 3 types Long-wavelengthsensitive (L) or red cone Middle-wavelengthsensitive (M) or green cone Short-wavelengthsensitive (S) or blue cone

8 Human photoreceptors Rods Achromatic night vision 1 type Rod Cones Daytime, achromatic and chromatic vision 3 types Long-wavelengthsensitive (L) or red cone Middle-wavelengthsensitive (M) or green cone Short-wavelengthsensitive (S) or blue cone

9 Why do we have rods and cones?

10 Our vision has to operate over an enormous range of (1,000,000,000,000) levels Moonlight Sunlight Typical ambient light levels Starlight Indoor lighting Visual function Absolute rod threshold Cone threshold Rod saturation begins Damaging levels To cover that range we have two different types of photoreceptor...

11 Rods that are optimized for low light levels Cones that are optimized for higher light levels Moonlight Sunlight Typical ambient light levels Starlight Indoor lighting Visual function Absolute rod threshold Cone threshold Rod saturation begins Damaging levels Sensitive ROD SYSTEM Lower range Less sensitive CONE SYSTEM Upper range

12 Two systems Moonlight Sunlight Typical ambient light levels Starlight Indoor lighting Photopic retinal illuminance (log phot td) Scotopic retinal illuminance (log scot td) Visual function SCOTOPIC MESOPIC PHOTOPIC Absolute rod threshold Cone threshold Rod saturation begins Damage possible Scotopic levels (below cone threshold) where rod vision functions alone. A range of c Mesopic levels where rod and cone vision function together. A range of c Photopic levels (above rod saturation) where cone vision functions alone. A range of > 10 6

13 Rod vision Achromatic High sensitivity Poor detail and no colour Cone vision Achromatic and chromatic Lower sensitivity Detail and good colour

14 Facts and figures There are about 120 million rods. They are absent in the central 0.3 mm diameter area of the fovea, known as the fovea centralis. There are only about 6 to 7 million cones. They are much more concentrated in the fovea.

15 Rod and cone distribution 0.3 mm of eccentricity is about 1 deg of visual angle

16 At night, you have to look away from things to see them in more detail Rod density peaks at about 20 deg eccentricity

17 During the day, you have to look at things directly to see them in detail Cones peak at the centre of vision at 0 deg

18 Cone distribution and photoreceptor mosaics

19 Original photograph The human visual system is a foveating system Simulation of what we see when we fixate with cone vision Credit: Stuart Anstis, UCSD

20 Visual acuity gets much poorer with eccentricity Credit: Stuart Anstis, UCSD

21 The foveal region is magnified in the cortical (brain) representation


23 Rod and cone differences can be demonstrated using several techniques, including visual psychophysics.

24 What is visual psychophysics? Psychophysicists study human vision by measuring an observer s performance on carefully chosen perceptual tasks. INPUT PROCESSING OUTPUT?? STIMULUS VISUAL SYSTEM PERCEPTION The idea is to work out what is going on inside the visual system from the relationship between the stimulus at the input and the response of the observer.

25 Rod-cone threshold sensitivity differences How might we measure them?

26 Rod and cone threshold versus intensity curves Rod-cone break

27 Rods are about one thousand times more sensitive than cones. They can be triggered by individual photons.

28 Spectral sensitivity differences

29 Threshold versus target wavelength measurements Incremental flash 10-deg eccentric fixation Intensity Space (x)

30 Threshold versus target wavelength measurements Incremental flash 10-deg eccentric fixation Intensity Space (x)

31 Threshold versus target wavelength measurements Incremental flash 10-deg eccentric fixation Intensity Space (x)

32 Threshold versus target wavelength measurements Incremental flash 10-deg eccentric fixation Intensity Space (x)

33 Rod and cone spectral sensitivity curves Plotted as thresholds versus wavelength curves

34 -1 Plotted as the more conventional spectral sensitivity curve Relative sensitivity (energy) Sensitivity = 1/threshold or log (sensitivity) = -log(threshold)

35 Approximate darkadapted photoreceptor sensitivities. 4 3 Rods Log 10 quantal sensitivity S L M Wavelength (nm)

36 The Purkinje Shift A change in the relative brightness of colours as the light level changes because of the difference in spectral sensitivity between rod and cone vision (e.g., reds and oranges become darker as rods take over) Simulated: Dick Lyon & Lewis Collard at Wikimedia

37 Rod-cone dark adaptation curves Rod-cone break

38 Rod-cone dark adaptation curves Cone plateau Rods take much longer to recover after a bleach than cones From Hecht, Haig & Chase (1937)

39 Temporal differences

40 Suction electrode recording

41 Photocurrent responses Greater temporal integration improves rod sensitivity (but reduces temporal acuity)

42 Highest flicker rates that can just be seen (c.f.f.) FLICKER INVISIBLE Cones Rods FLICKER VISIBLE Photopically (cone) equated scale

43 Spatial differences (visual acuity)

44 Rod and cone visual acuities Visual acuity The acuity here is defined as the reciprocal value of the size of the gap (measured in arc minutes) that can be reliably identified. Visual acuity (mins of arc) König (1897) Rods Rods

45 Rod and cone visual acuities König (1897) Greater spatial integration improves rod sensitivity but reduces acuity The loss must be postreceptoral because the rods are smaller than cones in the periphery) Visual acuity (mins of arc) Rods Rods 8

46 Rod vision is achromatic Why?

47 Vision at the photoreceptor stage is relatively simple because the output of each photoreceptor is: UNIVARIANT What does univariant mean?

48 UNIVARIANCE Crucially, the effect of any absorbed photon is independent of its wavelength. Rod Once absorbed a photon produces the same change in photoreceptor output whatever its wavelength.

49 UNIVARIANCE Crucially, the effect of any absorbed photon is independent of its wavelength. Rod So, if you monitor the rod output, you can t tell which colour of photon has been absorbed.

50 UNIVARIANCE Crucially, the effect of any absorbed photon is independent of its wavelength. Rod All the photoreceptor effectively does is to count photons.

51 UNIVARIANCE What does vary with wavelength is the probability that a photon will be absorbed. This is reflected in what is called a spectral sensitivity function.

52 Rod spectral sensitivity function (also known as the scotopic luminosity curve, CIE V λ ) Log relative sensitivity (energy units) CIE V' λ Wavelength (nm) More sensitive Less sensitive

53 Rod spectral sensitivity function (V λ ) Logarithmic sensitivity plot Linear sensitivity plot Log relative sensitivity (energy units) CIE V' λ Much more detail at lower sensitivities 10 V log(v ) Relative sensitivity (energy units) CIE V' λ Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm)

54 Rod spectral sensitivity function (V λ ) Log relative sensitivity (energy units) CIE V' λ Wavelength (nm) In order of rod sensitivity: > > > > > > > >

55 Log relative sensitivity (energy units) CIE V' λ Wavelength (nm) So, imagine you have four lights of the same intensity (indicated here by the height) The green will look brightest, then blue, then yellow and lastly the red will be the dimmest

56 Log relative sensitivity (energy units) CIE V' λ Wavelength (nm) We can adjust the intensities to compensate for the sensitivity differences. When this has been done, the four lights will look completely identical.

57 Rod Changes in light intensity are confounded with changes in colour (wavelength)

58 UNIVARIANCE A change in photoreceptor output can be caused by a change in intensity or by a change in colour. There is no way of telling which. Colour or intensity change?? Each photoreceptor is therefore colour blind, and is unable to distinguish between changes in colour and changes in intensity.

59 A consequence of univariance is that we are colourblind when only one photoreceptor operates Examples: SCOTOPIC VISION, cone monochromacy

60 With three cone photoreceptors, our colour vision is trichromatic

61 Cone spectral sensitivities 0 Log 10 quantal sensitivity -1-2 S M L Wavelength (nm)

62 So, if each photoreceptor is colourblind, how do we see colour? Or to put it another way: How is colour encoded?

63 TRICHROMACY A change in colour from green to red causes a relative increase in the L-cone output but causes a decrease in the M-cone output. M L A change in colour from red to green causes a relative increase in the M-cone output but causes a decrease in the L-cone output. M L Thus, colour can be encoded by comparing the outputs of different cone types

64 At the photoreceptors, colour is encoded by the relative cone outputs Blue light 0 Log 10 quantal sensitivity -1-2 S M L Wavelength (nm)

65 Colour is encoded by the relative cone outputs Blue light 0 Log 10 quantal sensitivity -1-2 S M L Green light Wavelength (nm)

66 Colour is encoded by the relative cone outputs Blue light 0 Log 10 quantal sensitivity -1-2 S M L Green light -3 Red light Wavelength (nm)

67 Colour is encoded by the relative cone outputs Blue light Red light Green light Purple light Yellow light White light


69 But what happens next (i.e., how is colour encoded after the photoreceptors)?

70 Colour phenomenology Can provide clues about how colours are processed after the photoreceptors Which pairs of colours coexist in a single, uniform patch of colour? Which pairs never coexist? WHY?

71 Reddish-yellows?

72 Reddish-blues?

73 Reddish-greens?

74 Bluish-yellow?

75 The colour opponent theory of Hering Reds can get bluer or yellower but not greener

76 The colour opponent theory of Hering Yellows can get greener or redder but not bluer

77 The colour opponent theory of Hering Greens can get bluer or yellower but not redder

78 The colour opponent theory of Hering Blues can get greener or redder but not yellower

79 The colour opponent theory of Hering is opposed to R-G is opposed to Y-B How might this be related to visual processing after the cones?

80 Some ganglion cells are colour opponent Imagine that this is the region of space that the cell sees in the external world

81 Some ganglion cells are colour opponent A red light falling on the central area excites the cell (makes it fire faster)

82 Some ganglion cells are colour opponent A green light falling on the surround area inhibits the cell (makes it fire slower)

83 Some ganglion cells are colour opponent RED On-centre GREEN Off-surround

84 Some ganglion cells are colour opponent GREEN On-centre RED Off-surround

85 Red-green colour opponency Four variants Parvocellular pathway

86 Blue/yellow pathway Source: David Heeger Koniocellular pathway

87 Parvocellular pathways Koniocellular pathway

88 LGN cell responses LESS COMMON

89 Summary Trichromatic stage Colour opponent stage

90 So that s colour (chromatic) vision, but what about luminance (achromatic) vision?

91 Colour


93 CHROMATIC COMPONENTS By itself chromatic information provides relatively limited information

94 ACHROMATIC COMPONENTS Achromatic information important for fine detail

95 Achromatic and chromatic cone vision (colour and luminance)

96 In addition to neural pathways that signal colour there are also pathways that signal intensity or luminance:

97 Luminance is encoded by summing the L- and M-cone signals: L+M Blue light + Red light + L+M Green light + Purple light + L+M Yellow light + White light +

98 Colour is in many ways secondary to luminance

99 +

100 +

101 +

102 +

103 +

104 +

105 Rob van Lier, Mark Vergeer & Stuart Anstis

106 Boynton illusion

107 Boynton illusion

108 Boynton illusion

109 Boynton illusion

110 Watercolour effect

111 Neon Spreading

112 Interesting artistic effects occur when vision depends only on colour (and not on luminance)

113 Detail from 'Plus Reversed', Richard Anuszkiewicz, 1960 from Viperlib

114 What are the postreceptoral neural substrates of the chromatic and luminance pathways?

115 Red-green chromatic pathways have been linked to the parvocellular retinal stream for L-M.

116 Parvocellular midget bipolars midget ganglion cell From Rodieck (1998)

117 midget ganglion cell L M These cells are chromatically opponent simply by virtue of the fact that they have single cone inputs to the centre of their receptive fields!

118 Blue-yellow chromatic pathways have been linked to the koniocellular stream

119 Koniocellular diffuse bipolar S-cone bipolar diffuse bipolar blue-yellow bistratified ganglion cell From Rodieck (1998)

120 Koniocellular diffuse bipolar S-cone bipolar diffuse bipolar blue-yellow bistratified ganglion cell From Rodieck (1998)

121 Luminance pathways, which produce achromatic percepts, have been linked to the magnocellular stream.

122 Magnocellular diffuse bipolar parasol ganglion cells From Rodieck (1998)

123 But the luminance pathways must be more than just the magnocellular stream. Why? Consider spatial acuity

124 Austin Roorda, 2004 CONE ARRAY ON RETINA To be able to resolve this E, the image must be sampled at enough points. The parvocellular pathway, with its one-to-one cone to bipolar connections, provides enough samples. The magnocellular pathway, with diffuse bipolar cells and many-to-one cone to bipolar connections, does not.

125 The parvocellular pathway must be double-duty supporting finely detailed luminance vision as well as more coarsley colour vision. Austin Roorda, 2004

126 Colour and luminance information are multiplexed in the parvocellular pathway

127 Chromatic pathways, which produce chromatic percepts, have been linked to the parvocellular retinal stream. Luminance pathways, which produce achromatic percepts, have been linked to the magnocellular stream, but also depend on the parvocellular stream.

128 Parvocellular pathway Koniocellular pathway Magnocellular pathway

129 Parvocellular pathway: High spatial frequencies (spatial detail) Low temporal frequencies Chromatic Lower contrast sensitivity Magnocellular pathway: High temporal frequencies (motion/flicker) Low spatial frequencies Achromatic Higher contrast sensitivity From Rodieck (1998)

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