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1 ONTENTS MEMORY TRESURES: HYMNS HYMN TTLE 2 Savior of Nations, ome 38 rom Heaven bove Earth ome 103 lory Be Jesus 111 Seet Moments, Rich Blessg 152 Kno That My Redeemer Lives 170 ra Us Thee 173 On hrt s scension No Build 183 Holy Spirit, Light ive 200 Mighty ortress s Our od 208 reat od, What o See Hear 234 Prae Lord, lmighty 282 Lord, Open No My Heart Hear 284 Ho Precious s Book ive 293 od s Word s Our reat Heritage 304 Jesus Sners oes Receive 319 On My Heart mprt Your mage 333 bide, O earest Jesus 348 Jesus, Jesus, Only Jesus 358 Ho Seet Name of Jesus Sounds HYMN TTLE 379 mazg race Ho Seet Sound 391 od Loved World So That He ave 411 What a riend We Have Jesus 422 Jesus, Lead Us On 429 What od Ordas s lays ood 432 m Jesus Little Lamb 436 Jesus, Shepherd of Sheep 441 O od, Our Help ges Past 469 Take My Life Let t Be 478 With Lord Beg Your Task 485 We ive Thee but The On 490 Love hrt s Strong Livg 506 Oh, Blest House, Whate er Befall 573 Hark! The Voice of Jesus ryg 587 No Rest Beneath Night s Shado 588 bide With Me 596 Let Me Be Yours orever 606 or Me Live s Jesus 610 No Thank We ll Our od ll rights reserved. These music sheets may reproduced used only by purchasg school or congregation. Sharg th material ith or congregations or schools prohibited.

2 mbrose & b b 4 m m m 1 Sav ior of na tions, come; m & b b. Savior of Nations, ome Hymn 2 J Vir g s Son, make & bb Mar vel no, O m here your home. Eb heav n earth, eystliche gesangk Buchleyn & bb m That Lord chose m m such a birth.

3 rom Heaven bove Earth ome Hymn 38 Mart Lur etliche lieder auffs ne gessert & 4 1 rom 2 To 3 Th 13 h, heav n you dear a th est bove night hrt, Je our sus, earth born od ho a most ly come child high, hild, J To Of Who Pre ar Mar hears pare good y, your a & nes cho sad d, E ev ry home; lad ti dgs of great oy sen vir g mild; Th lit tle child of lo bit ter cry; He ill him self your Sav soft, un de filed With heart, made clean Em ly ior & brg, birth ne, J Where Shall rom of all qui your et m 7 no oy ss chamb ill of er say all set kept you. sg: earth. free. you. Œ

4 lory Be Jesus Hymn 103 riedrich ilitz & b 4 1 lo 2 race 6 Lift ry e, life n, e our m Je ter voic E m sus, Who bit nal n that blood es, Sell might ter y pas fd; flood; m & b Poured Blest Loud me life blood rom h sa h com pas sion, n fi nite er still loud er Prae pre m 7 cred ly cious ves. kd. blood!

5 Walter Shirley & b 4 1 Seet 2 Here 5 Lord, e mo rest lov m & b Which ll ix our our e ss hearts m & b Life Here Till e e health see taste ments, rich on der, g con tem re your on & b m rom rom nd Seet Moments, Rich Blessg Hymn 111 your s sac un bless vie pla cross Je eyes e sus on spend, laid; you peace demp full ner s dy ri fice veiled glo Erbaulicher Musicalcher hrtenschatz pos tion sal sess flo va 7 g he ry friend. made. vie. g, g tion g g tion

6 Samuel Medley & # # He 3 He 7 He 8 He B m kno lives lives lives lives, # m & # # & # # What He He He He com lives lives lives, lives, He He He He Oh, lives, lives lives, lives that tri all t e he all seet & # B m # He He He He Kno That My Redeemer Lives Hymn 152 lives, lives lives lives kno ex that um bless grants glo E m Re phant me me ry th seet ter nal plead shall Je sus, /# lives, glo hun man oy. ev alt help brg deem from ith dai E m sen ly me con still er h ly h /# tence a quer E m ho once as rious gry soul sion th sen pre tence er ed me Re / liv re time safe deem 7 g on of ly er 7 lives; grave; love; breath; name! gives! save. bove. death. same. Head! high. need. re. lives! John. Hatn dead; sky; feed; pare; gives:

7 ra Us Thee Hymn 170 riedrich uncke & b b 4 Eb Π1 ra us 3 ra us & b b Eb steps road & b b. gone stray. e, e;. or Oh, ev er nd has heav en! i rect To nd m Eb from ith thy e, paths Eb n grant shall that Eb dear ten our m 7 Sav driv on ay e e ior. en. m Walk May alk thy Eb Where Lest s hymnodus sacer thou e art should

8 On hrt s scension No Build Hymn 173 Josua Wegel & b On hrt s as cen sion. no build The Etlich rtlich lider m hope of & b as & b.. cen sion. Th hope a lone has m. al ays stilled ll doubt ap pre hen sion; or & b here head, m m & b. are dell When n. re as ell m hrt shall come J 7. J kno h mem rs 7. call m.

9 Holy Spirit, Light ive Hymn 183 ndre Reed & # # 4 1 Ho 3 Ho 4 Ho # m ly ly ly Spir Spir Spir it, it, it, & # # She heer ell up th ith on sad & # # hase ill ast me don gloom ith ev th dened th of your ry Light Joy Po r di di di ve, ve, ve, 7 heart heart heart of of of me; me; me; night heav n i a ly dol Orlo ibbons ay; peace; throne; # m & # # Turn Let Reign it su dark gro preme ness still reign E m 7 a day. crease. lone.

10 & Œ & Œ 1 2 With 3 Though 4 The m Soon ll Nor & & Œ from e up & Ċ oe;, ill, kill Em & fight; od; done! on; Em trust ere ea an /E ev val fear on. The You Th nd might might dev Word m7 m y of ils y Em Em ours all still /E tress can shall naught orld let m our should re y shield eap on; He helps our loss ef fect ed. But ger de vour us, We trem y thanks have it; He s by m m Œ Em 7 ry need That has us no iant one Whom od him self no ill; They shall not o pla With h good gifts m old ask, orld s do Em Mighty ortress s Our od Hymn 200 eep The He Though m7 Œ m7 Em m/ # m guile al can all On He One The e Who prce hat /B might harm may Em earth holds lit kg vil may y great y us tle dom s foe th? still ill might Lord. none. gone, Em No Je Scol Hate, Œ o er tak e lect ver po r Spir Em means sus fierce steal, m Œ re nd He s Our h re s udged; vic m us us ble our 7 m dead hrt as hurt, od, done; fill, ma, Em free fights not, side en. ed. us. it. ly it he or dread no 7 not field ord ours h can e ev fell ev Mart Lur arms oth deed ry qual. er. him. er! er

11 Sheff ield & # reat & # od, hat do Œ see hear? The end of thgs cre a ted; The udge of man kd & # & # shall ap pear On clouds of glo ry seat The & # reat od, What o See Hear Hymn 208 Em trum pet sounds; graves re sre y con taed e: Pre Œ pare, soul, etliche Lieder auffs ne gessert ed. Em The dead hich 7 U meet him! Œ

12 Joachim Neer & b Prae 3 Prae & b & b Kg on of drous cre ly, he heed & b Let What 7. a made your health less ly fall all need ho or m & b Jo Wgs g of Prae Lord, lmighty Hymn 234 h. hear grief m. Lord, Lord,. tion! you, g, sal has ho O Health No Ev glad mer ad cy nder Theil es Erneuerten esangbuchs 7. l has has might y, fear ful soul, va stayed m. prae sed. tion! you. him,,. J. er h has tem failed ple of dra re near, lief? 7. o ra did shade. tion! you. ly, hen

13 Lord, Open No My Heart Hear Hymn 282 Johannes Olearius & # 4 Em 1 Lord, o pen etliche Lieder zu Wittemrg m7 no heart Em & # hear, /E nd / through your Word & # 7 me dra near. Em m/e Let me your & # / 7 Bm Word e er pure re ta; Let & # Em me your child m7 B7 Em # heir re ma.

14 John acett & # Ho 3 t 4 Th. pre shos lamp cious through & # Em here life Ho Precious s Book ive Hymn 284 spi ra our feet shall guide & # tion have our us all. giv n! trod ay our Book an drear Bright But Till m 7 di d rg y. as brgs e ve, ays night By nd Of a. Johann J. Walder lamp vie hold its doc tres she To guide our souls match less grace Of a giv clear er light Of an e ter g nal heav n. od. day.

15 od s Word s Our reat Heritage Hymn 293 Nikolai. S. rundtvig & # # 4 4 od s Word /B riedrich O. Reuter Bm our great her i tage nd shall ours ev er; & # # To spread its /B light from age age Shall our chief en Bm deav or. & # # Through life it E # guides our ay; Em n death it our stay. & # Bm # Π& # # Lord, Through grant, hile orlds Bm /# out all E # gen en n dure, We keep its teach / 7 er a. tions. gs pure

16 Erdmann Neumeter & # 4 1 Je 5, 7 Je & # 7 say tent en g con sus s ners does re ceive; Oh, may all th a s ner, come you With a pen i sus s ners does re ceive. E ven have pon fes giv & # live o; leave, nd rant & # Em Here Let y se g, hope ords still Jesus Sners oes Receive Hymn 304 der Who s s de lu sion. Sav ior, sho me mer en. nd hen th earth from shall 7 od all fd an all soul him ho re Neuverfertigtes armstädtches esangbuch heav ss o en an re m pen heav Bm m der. sion. en. sions cy, must 7 grieve Je sus s ners does re ceive. lieve Je sus s ners does re ceive. cleave Je sus s ners does re ceive.

17 Thomas H. Kgo & 4 m On heart im & On My Heart mprt Your mage Hymn 319 E # prt your im age, Bless ed Je sus, E # That life s rich es, cares, plea sures Have no po r Johann B. König m Kg of grace, m hide your face. & Th su per scrip tion : Je sus, cru ci f ied me, m & Em s life, E # m E7 hope s foun da tion, nd glo ry sal va m tion.

18 bide, O earest Jesus Hymn 333 Josua Stegmann & # # bide, bide, O O & # # Sa thus tan no may dear dear not here est Re Je deem sus, er,. mong mong Em us us ith ith your your 7 harm us Nor e s give af ter True peace oy af Melchior Vulpius. grace Word. place. d. That nd

19 Ludämilia Elath & # # 4 4 & # # Lo, n Em 7 1 Je sus, Je sus, on ly Je 4 Let me ear nest ly en deav sus an or Thy good heart felt long g plea sure ful me, pledge through me, & # E # or n thy heart, ho Jesus, Jesus, Only Jesus Hymn 348 hich he ly im Em 7 self Je sus, What he ills ith me ev er, Lord, ac com plh a E # hath age filled, built, as... vollkommenes Musikalches horalbuch Ev Let er me cries, die, Lord, Lord, still. fill; lone thou thy ill, ill. Em7 7 as as thou thou ilt. ilt.

20 John Nen & # # 4 4 & # # E m 1 Ho 2 t seet makes a liev calms heart s # m B m er s un & # # heals hun Ho Seet Name of Jesus Sounds Hymn 358 our gry ounds, soul nd nd name ound. of ed Je spir sus it ear! t soos rest; T man E m 7 drives a ay ea sounds hole n nd all ry, our na lexer R. Reagle. fear. rest. sor ros,

21 mazg race Ho Seet Sound Hymn 379 John Nen & b maz 3 Through man g y grace dan ho gers, seet ils, olumbian Harmony sound snares & b & b T That. saved have once grace a al as has retch read lost brought like y but me 7. me! come;. no safe am thus found, far, & b Was nd m bld grace but ill 7 no lead me see. home.

22 od Loved World So That He ave Hymn 391 Heiliges Lippen... esangbuch & # # od 3 od 4 Be # m loved ould of & # # H H or on Son gives ly ith & # # & # # That H You re all Spir us ho it ti Should Ho Bap ev e tized, not good B m Son sav ss orld have cheer, g that so lost grace you E m 7 that s od s ould him Word fied by Je Bm7 have does sus he ner on er last g life re bless goal may you are child of 7 ed a. gave die Son. save nigh. done. 7. lieve teach blood;. ceive. reach. od. eorge J. Elvey

23 Joseph M. Scriven & b 4. 1 What 2 Have & b. J a e friend e tri als have Je temp ta What We & b. Oh, an & b. J a should priv nev er i lege 7 d # hat e peace fd e a ll Je What a riend We Have Jesus Hymn 411 J cause sus knos our e car cour. m sus, ll our tions? s re trou ss ble griefs an y ry aged. 7 Ev rythg Take it 7. od Lord of friend ten feit, Oh, hat needless so faith ful Who ill all our pa e sor ros do ev not ry car eak ry ness. J 7 Ev ry thg Take it Lord od harles. onverse ar! here? prayer! prayer. ar, share? prayer! prayer.

24 Nicolaus L. von Zzendorf & # Em 1 Je 2 f 3 When 4 Je sus, e sus, lead ay seek still us re lead Em Bm7 7 on Till our rest drear, f foe lief rom a long on Till our rest & # Em m B7 Em m nd Let When Heav n al not temp ly though faith ta Lead less tions er, ay fears come still o er al di cheer take lur rect & # Em m7 Em B We Let Make Still ill not us sup fol faith pa port, Jesus, Lead Us On Hymn 422 lo, tient con calm hope sole, en pro felt fear sake dur tect on; near, grief, on. less, us; g, us; less. us, g; us dam rese & # Em uide or Sho Till us through us e by man that safe your y a bright ly h oe shore st Em 7 To To Where n our our e our fa home eep fa r e no r l. go. more. l.

25 Samuel Rodigast & b 4 4 Ó Œ 7 1 What 2 What 3 What & b ho ceive a What od Ordas s lays ood Hymn 429 ly. me. r. m od od od s He He or or or das das das. al al al m he leads ill di me not rects let h me J ays ays ays good; good; good; m H ill ust He nev er ill de He friend. life right suf J eous fer Severus asrius me, ay harm nd Though & b m 7 m fol nev man lo meek lo er ill he leave y srms may gath ly. me. er. My No od take con may deed tent kno n What Both m & b ev he oy ry has m need sent; oe; Knos H Some m ell h day ho that he sends shall ill me see 7 shield sad clear me; ness ly To Will That / & b 7 him, turn he n, has tears loved ill me yield glad dear me. ness. ly.

26 m Jesus Little Lamb Hymn 432 Henrietta L. von Hayn & 4 horalbuch... Brüderemeen 1 am Je sus lit tle lamb; Ev er glad at heart am, & or shep herd gent ly guides me, Knos needs ell pro vides me, m & 7 Loves me ev ry day same, E ven calls me by name.

27 Jesus, Shepherd of Sheep Hymn 436 Henry ook & # # 4 1 Je 2 n 4 a sus, shep your prom r, dra & # # Who None We your can ith a take oy herd e us r s us ill & # # & # # Safe Speak Till e e ake hear ork 7 uard We There ed ill still fol live at of by lo ith 7 of firm e your sheep, st; Son; 7 flock from fol safe your grace you. you. you. does your lo E7 keep, h. on # e com riedrich ilitz sleep, m, done,

28 saac Watts & O 3 Be od, our help e hills or a & 7 # hope earth re & srm you are y O od, Our Help ges Past Hymn 441. ges der past, sod years come, Our shel ter from ceived its frame, rom ev er last blast, od, nd To 7 our end e less ter years Our Or m nal. home, same. William roft g

29 Take My Life Let t Be Hymn 469 rances R. Havergal & # # Take 2 Take 3 Take 6 Take B m life hs voice love, & # B m # m # # on se cra t im l ays, on t thy feet # m B m & # # Take Take Take Take mo feet lips self, ted, pulse ly its ments & # E m # Let Sift illed Ev m ith er, flo au mes on ti sag ly, 7 let let let Lord, it m me move sg pour E Lord, of treas thy ure # m Em7 # let let m m ill days; 7 cease ful es all less from William H. Havergal prae. e. e. e. e. love. Kg. sre.

30 Morgenund ndsegen & 4 m 1 With 2 Let each Lord day & m or On h aid Lord cast m m & m Em # g your task; Je g ith prayer, Prae sus ill di rect ad o ra m Em coun sel ask; Je sus ill per fect ev ry care; He your sal va E m # Ev ry morn ith Je sus re, nd, hen day end Morn g, eve ng, at night Je sus ill near & m n Save h you name from With Lord Beg Your Task Hymn 478 n close temp m Em m7 your eyes; Be him ter s might, With h pres com ence 7 7 mend cheer Peter rank it. tion. it. tion. ed, you, ed. you.

31 William W. Ho & b 4 4 & b ll nd 1 We 2 May give e e thy that glad We ive Thee but The On Hymn 485 but boun the ties e have the ly, as thou bless. on, thus a est lone, us, To What s e er ste ards gift may true re 7 trust, e O our Lord, from first fruits William H. Monk. e. give.. ; ceive

32 Love hrt s Strong Livg Hymn 490 orothy R. Schultz & # # 4 4 & # #.. 1 Love 2 Love 3 Love E m Bd lod at & # #. Love en Love, hrt pa hrt # m # g g faith hrt s not ful hu hen J tle, hrt self giv tient a. strong bides Em7 J liv ar ev hearts one; mil iat ty, ills tend; # m B m. true less, kd, g giv car giv Ralph. Schultz g, g, er, g g, en, / & # # May Reach Shall h g en ill out dure un Ma 7 us char til i life s done! ty. end. Text Tune: 1980 oncordia Publhg House. ll rights reserved. Used ith permsion.

33 Oh, Blest House, Whate er Befall Hymn 506 hrph. L. von Pfeil & # # Oh, 3 Oh, blest blest & # # 4 Je sus ir hrt chil Em # dren s & # # J hol care ly or h cost. Ho May E # house, par hat ents all e e er ho give 4 2 fall, heed most all! need nd home ea # m sad none poor m etliche Lieder auffs ne gessert Where Un that ry not Em 7 dark heav n it! lost! not of 4

34 aniel March & # 4 Em 1 Hark! 2 f 4 Let The you none & # Em ields You While & #. Loud f Take are can ripe tell mul / J you long can task & # Em Who You n ill can ser Hark! The Voice of Jesus ryg Hymn 573 m /B / voice of Je sus cry g, Who ill go ork day? can not speak like an gels, f you can not preach like Paul, hear you i dly say g, There noth g can do, m /B har vests ait g; Who ill ar sheaves a love of Je sus; You can say he died ti tudes are dy g, nd Mas ter calls #. Mas ter call eth; Rich re ard he of fers not rouse ick ed With Judgment s dread a he gives you glad ly; Let h ork your plea sure an ser, lead quick ly m / J 7. ay? all. you. glad ly say g, Here am send me, send lit tle children To Sav ior s ait g hen he call eth, Here am send me, send 7. Joseph Barnby e. larms,. me? arms. me!

35 Paul erhardt & b 4 3 Lord 4 My m & b gs night a ill Je loved m m & b Though Seet & b fail tend No Rest Beneath Night s Shado Hymn 587 sus, ones, 7 sce rest you se love cure me, ly, / / ΠOh, or bove me nd sure ly rom shield me from a per il guard your m m spread od / m larm. heads. Sa slum rs tan ould as sail me, Your mer cy ill not may he send you nd bid h hosts at 7 me; you Π/ nd rest through your night m pro atch / tect o er 7 g your arm. ds. Herich saac your th m

36 Henry. Lyte & # # 4 4 & # # & # # & # # 1 2 Sift 6 7 Hold bide fear thou Em The Earth s lls She dark oys have through Bm When hange Where Heav n s oth morn 7 7 Help O n of thou tri life, ith its no thy me; close foe cross ness deep gro dim; no eight gloom er de death s g ho umph bide With Me Hymn 588 / help cay stg? breaks, fast ebbs ith ens; its ers Where, Em 7 falls out e e life s at e lit h clos ven tle g Em Bm E7 # Lord, glo tears pot ith ries no me me pass bit a a ter Em7 fail all grave, earth s help less, oh, a chang est not, a still if thou a death, O Lord, a a thy va / bide bide bide bide com round vic shad 7 ith ith ith ith ts os tide. day; bless; eyes; 7 bide. ay. ness. skies. me! me! me. me! William H. Monk flee, see; ry? flee;

37 Let Me Be Yours orever Hymn 596 Nikolaus Selnecker Musika Teutsch & # 4 1 Let me yours ev er, My faith Em m ful od Lord; & # Let me sake you nev er Nor an Em m der from your Word. & # ΠE7 # ΠLord, do not let me a ver But give me stead fast ness, nd & # Em 7 / 7 such grace fa vor Your ho ly name ll bless.

38 E schön getlich esangbuch & # # 4 4 & # #. 1 or 2 or 3 My /# die leave long B m me hrt, oes are th ga orld dark & # # pleas oth cov or Me Live s Jesus Hymn 606 so live Lord near. me. dim road; # m B m Je broth ly o So, nd My sus; er, ver To Though hen glad s Em7 7 es, meet death ill g er, Where shall ith er, nd have peace ith Melchior Vulpius Sav ior ly seek an h mer its. ly. him. od.

39 Mart Rkart & b 4. & b 1 No 2 Oh, 3 ll es, us, en, Who With The & b. Who nd The from keep one thank may prae. J e th all boun thanks our teous J od od od. 7 With hearts hs voic Through all our life near The a r no giv on drous thgs has done, n hom h orld re oic ev er oy ful hearts nd bless ed peace cheer Son, him ho reigns With m high est heav our us e & b With nd or count free thus No Thank We ll Our od Hymn 610 moth ter er s h nal arms grace od, m Has blessed nd guide Whom earth 7 us us n m7 on hen heav n our per a less gifts of love nd still ours us from all ills n th orld it as, no, nd shall ev er / 7 Johann rüger es, us en, ay plexed dore! day. next. more.

J œ. œ œ. œ œ. œ J œ œ.

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