God s Holy Gifts. F # m/a. œ œ. œ œ œ # œ œ œ. œ œ. God s ho - ly peo - ple; Em/G A D. œ œ. œ œ. œ œ œ œ. Feed on his love with

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1 2 od s Holy ifts Keyboard % Soprano & lto? % &? &? &? Baritone INTRO dagio (q = ca 6) /C &? SMPLE od s ho - ly gifts /C ban - quet F m/ od s ho - ly peo - ple; / Feed on his love with /F come now to share /C faith thanks- giv - g F 2006, aniel L Schutte Published by OCP, 556 NE Hsalo, Portl, OR 721 ll rights reserved Edition 2060-Z

2 & 1-5 to Verses? &? &? &? Know y heart that he /F N N N Fal you Fal SMPLE died rit rit rit 7s s w you 1-5 to Verses w w Fe Fe od s Holy ifts

3 VERSES & 1 2 5? &? & 1 2 5? &? When Bod - Blood gra cup eat y that Lord bread share bread pro - w is SMPLE n brg mark hold who - to - fer ev - od s lieve up mem - n C n n er - - ry n n lt - lov - bound lives n Fadd n n n n food tect gath - emp - drk g ed by ered tied from souls harm one, all, cup, /F life ones love love Lord /E a a S S od s Holy ifts

4 od s Holy ifts (uitar/vocal) 5 & INTRO dagio (q = ca 6) & /C (Keyboard) % /C od s ho - ly gifts & & ban - quet /F VERSES & heart that he When died F m/ SMPLE / od s ho - ly peo - ple; /F Feed on his love with 1-5 to Verses you Fal you Bod - Blood gra cup eat y that Lord bread share bread pro - w is /C come now to share F faith thanks-giv - g rit Ó Know y 7s s (let rg) Fe /F food tect gath - emp - drk ered tied from Ó souls harm one, all, cup, & n C 2 Fadd /E brg mark hold who - to - fer ev - od s lieve up mem - er - - ry lt - lov - bound lives g ed by life ones love love Lord Ó S 2006, aniel L Schutte Published by OCP, 556 NE Hsalo, Portl, OR 721 ll rights reserved

5 6 VIOLIN I od s Holy ifts INTRO dagio (q = ca 6) VERSES 1, & 2 VERSES 2, & 2 SMPLE P & w VERSE 5 & 2 & VIOLIN II w INTRO dagio (q = ca 6) f VERSES 1, & 2 VERSES 2, & 2 P & w VERSE , aniel L Schutte Published by OCP, 556 NE Hsalo, Portl, OR 721 ll rights reserved & 2 & w f 2007, aniel L Schutte Published by OCP, 556 NE Hsalo, Portl, OR 721 ll rights reserved

6 CELLO od s Holy ifts 7 INTRO dagio (q = ca 6)? F w VERSES 1,? 2 SMPLE B F B VERSES 2, B 2? P? B VERSE 5 B F? f? 2 n? 2007, aniel L Schutte Published by OCP, 556 NE Hsalo, Portl, OR 721 ll rights reserved w

7 8 sembly Edition O S HOLY IFTS & Refra od s ho - ly gifts & ban- quet & & SMPLE od s ho - ly peo - ple; Know y heart that he Verses When 2006, aniel L Schutte Published by OCP, 556 NE Hsalo, Portl, OR 721 ll rights reserved come now to share Feed on his love with faith thanks- giv - g Bod - Blood gra cup eat y that Lord bread share bread died pro - w is you food tect gath - emp - drk ered tied & n brg mark hold to ev - er - od s - who - lieve - fer up mem - ry lt - lov - bound lives g ed by Composer s Notes from life ones love love Lord For reprt permissions, plee visit OneLicensenet or contact at souls harm one, all, cup, to Refra atg back to fth century, etern liturgies have proclaimed, sancta sanctis (holy thgs holy people), to vite people to approach Communion table This autiful prayer w sce spiration eucharistic hymn The verses present references to bread we that come Body Blood od s Holy ifts works very ll when accompanied by piano, organ or guitar, allowg a wonderful flexibility soloist, choir, or congregation can sg verses In refra, each unit two meures is a phre ive sgers time to brea by pullg back, t a moment, on tempo at end each phre Orwise, sgers will feel rhed The me, along with repeated refra, makes piece perfect Communion procession, especially on a fet like Most Holy Body Blood (Corp i) It would also fit ll at or celebrations like Communion services outside Ms nediction Blessed Sacrament

SAMPLE. Valleys of Green. œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ ? # # 4 3. œ œ œ # œ. œœ œ. œ œ % REFRAIN. # œ. Dan Schutte Keyboard accompaniment by Bob Harrold

SAMPLE. Valleys of Green. œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ ? # # 4 3. œ œ œ # œ. œœ œ. œ œ % REFRAIN. # œ. Dan Schutte Keyboard accompaniment by Bob Harrold Based on Psalm 23 Valleys reen an Schutte Keyboard accompanint by Bob Harrold Keyboard &? % REFRIN Soprano & l? Barine % &? P O P P INTRO ently, with ruba (q = ca. 92) & 4 3? 4 3 ev er SMPLE Cmaj9 n n.

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