Pu shing and bra king aid. Trans la ti on of the ori gi nal user's manual. movilino

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1 Pu shing and bra king aid Trans la ti on of the ori gi nal user's manual movilino GB

2 CE-De cla ra ti on of conformity The com pa ny AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH he re with de cla res that the pro ducts of the pus hing and bra king aid mo vi li no were de ve lo ped and ma nu - fac tur ed in con cor dan ce with the re gu la tions of the Eu ro pe an Union, EEC Guidelines 2007/47/EG and 2006/42/EG. This de cla ra ti on be co mes void if the abo ve men tio ned de vi ces have been al - te red wit hout the con sent of Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH. Sig na tu re of the ma nu fac tu rer: Mar kus Alber Ma na ging shareholder AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH The pus hing and bra king aid mo vi li no is being tes ted ac cor ding to the norm DIN EN and at the in sti tu ti on for cer - ti fi ca ti on of me di cal pro ducts GmbH, Tech - ni cal Uni ver si ty Berlin. AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH Post fach D Albs tadt Tel.: Fax: info@aat-on li ne.de li ne.de movilino_gb_05/2013 2

3 Tab le of con tents CE de cla ra ti on of con for mi ty Tab le of con tents Ge ne ral information How to use this user's manual In struc ti on Care and main ten an ce War ran ty and lia bi li ty Des crip ti on of the product Adequate use Fea tu res of the movilino Tech ni cal data Di men si oned sketch Stan dard sco pe of delivery Op tio nal accessories As sem bly Handle Bra ckets At tach the bat te ry pack De tach the bat te ry pack Ad just the handle Anti-tilt sup port Functio nal check Sa fe ty in struc tions Spe ci al in for ma ti on con cer ning the operation Instruction Ope ra ti on / at ten dant Wear limit Lif ting capacity Care and maintenance Con di ti on of paths, walk ways etc Char ge of the batteries Power unit Transport Moun ting the bra ckets Tech ni cal re qui re ments Operation Ma xi mum lif ting capacity Bat te ry pack Power unit

4 6 Con trol and dis play ele ments Con trol unit Char ge of bat te ry Con trol light to in di ca te mal functi on Trou ble shooting Transport Accessories Bat te ry pack Vol ta ge con ver ter for your vehicle Care, main ten an ce and recycling New user Char ger Bat te ry pack Fuse Cleaning Re cy cling War ran ty and lia bi li ty War ran ty Lia bi li ty

5 1 General information Con gra tu la tions! The mo vi li no is a pus hing and bra king aid ope ra ted by an as si stant. Spe ci al bra ckets make it pos si ble to mount the mo vi li no ea si ly to al most any type of wheelchair. mo vi li no supp orts the as si stant in pus hing and bra king a wheel chair. It fa ci - li ta tes dri ving on slo pes and bra kes au to ma ti cal ly when going downhill providing safety. With the mo vi li no one per son could be car ried sa fe ly and wit hout any ef fort up to a in crea se of 18%. The mo vi li no is suit ab le for the trans por ta ti on on le vel base; he is com pact, light and ver sa ti le. The sti cker with the de vi ce's se ri al num ber is lo ca ted on the side of the hou - sing. 1.1 How to use this user's manual The user's ma nu al is part of the de li very pa cka ge and in struct you step by step about the safe and ade qua te use of the mo vi li no. Ope ra ting the mo vi li - no ta kes a cer tain skill. Plea se read this user s ma nu al ca re ful ly and par ti cu lar ly take note of the sa - fe ty in struc tions be fo re you use the mo vi li no for the first time. Af ter rea ding, plea se sto re this user's ma nu al at an ap pro pria te pla ce for furt her re fer en ce. 1.2 Instruction In the in te rest of your sa fe ty the mo vi li no a only be ope ra ted by trai ned per - son nel. In struc ti on on how to ope ra te the de vi ce is part of the de li very pa cka ge and ta kes pla ce with your aut ho ri zed dea ler or an AAT re pre sen ta ti ve. Plea se read this user s ma nu al ca re ful ly and par ti cu lar ly take note of the sa - fe ty in struc tions be fo re you use the mo vi li no for the first time. 1.3 Care and maintenance One of the most im por tant aspects con cer ning the main ten an ce of the mo vi - li no is char ging the seal lead acid bat te ries. They are part of the bat te ry pack and must be char ged every time af ter using the device. Other than that your movilino does not need much care or main ten an ce. More ex ten si ve in struc tions you find in chap ter Warranty and liability For da ma ge that was cau sed by ina de qua te use dis re gar ding this ma nu al we as su me no lia bi li ty what soe ver. (Plea se read chap ter 9 for more de tai led in - for ma ti on con cer ning war ran ty and lia bi li ty). 5

6 2 Description of the product 2.1 Adequate use Plea se use the bra king and pus hing aid mo vi li no ex clu si ve ly for the trans - por ta ti on of phy si cal ly dis ab led per sons. Said per son should be able to sit pro per ly wit hout help, ot her wi se you should se cu re them with a sa fe ty belt. The lat ter is an ac ces so ry avai la ble at AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH. In ad di ti on, the arms of the per son to be trans por ted should not pro tru de over the arm rests of the wheel chair du ring the trans por ta ti on pro cess. In the in te rest of your sa fe ty you may not use the movilino on es ca la - tors or mo ving belts! Trans por ting ot her kinds of lo ads is ex pli cit ly pro hi bi ted! Only aut ho ri zed ope ra tors may use the mo vi li no. The re fo re ne ver lea ve the mo vi li no unat ten ded. Due to sa fe ty rea sons the mo vi li no may only be ope ra ted by trai ned per son nel who are phy si cal ly and in tel lec tu al ly ca pa ble to hand le the de vi ce in all si tua tions of ope ra ti on. Plea se note the wheel chair ma nu fac tu rer's spe ci fi ca tions (wheels' air pres su re, ma xi mum ap pro ved to tal weight, ma xi mum in cli ne, etc.) when using the mo vi li no. You may un der no cir cums tan ces ex - ceed the spe ci fied li mi ting va lu es! You should avoid ope ra ting the de vi ce on un for ti fied grounds (sand, mud, loo se gra vel, ice or snow) as well as cros sing deep puddles (ma xi mum depth ap pro xi ma te ly 2.5 cm) with it. 6

7 2.2 Features of the movilino = handle = column = bra ckets = power unit = bat te ry pack 7

8 2.2.1 Control unit = sa fe ty chip for the en gi ne im mo bi li ser = ON/OFF switch = ro cker switch for ward/bac kward = speed con trol Overview = con trol unit = tighte ning knob for the handles' height ad just ment = tighte ning knob for the column = light emit ting di ode = dri ve wheels = small wheels = lo wer rod = re ces sed hand le = upper rod = so cket for the power ca ble = handle 8

9 2.3 Technical data measurements weight heigth = min. 926 mm, max mm width: handle = 636 mm, power unit= 230 mm depth: handle = 233 mm, power unit = 307,5 mm power unit= 11,2 kg handle unit = 2,4 kg battery pack = 10,2 kg power cable = 0,2 kg bag for batteries plus velcro straps = 0,2 kg charger = 0,3 kg total weight = 24,5 kg limits for mounting the device on a wheelchair max. approved total weight speed running-in, slowing period seat width of 32 cm or more 170 kg (person, wheelchair, movilino)* continually adjustable 6 km / h forward 3 km / h backward approximately 10 seconds braking and climbing capacity up to 18 %** capacity with one battery charge batteries direct current motor storing and operating temperature noise level vibration specifications over 21 km*** 2 x 12 V / 16 Ah 24 V / 200 W - 20 C to + 60 C / - 10 C to + 50 C the device s A weighted noise level lies typically below 60 db the weighted RMS value of acceleration the upper body is exposed to lies typically below 2,5 m/s². * Li mi ting va lu es sti pu la ted by the wheel chair ma nu fac tu rers must be no ted and ob ser ved. ** Bra king and clim bing ca pa ci ty de pend among ot her things on the weight of the per son to be trans por ted as well as the ground pro fi le, ter rain, tem pe - ra tu re, etc. *** Ac cor ding to ISO the ran ge de pends among ot her things on the person s weight, the ground, ter ri to ry, tem pe ra tu re, etc. In the in te rest of pro gress we re ser ve the right for tech ni cal chan ges. 9

10 2.4 Dimensioned sketch 10

11 2.5 Standard scope of delivery The fol lo wing is part of the stan dard sco pe of de li very: = mo vi li no po wer unit plus hand le = bat te ry pack = char ger...as well as the com po nents moun ted to the wheel chair, po wer ca ble and bag for the bat te ry pack plus the user's ma nu al (no pic tu re). In ad di ti on, it is ne ces sa ry to mount bra ckets to the wheel chair. (this is not in clu ded in the de li very pa cka ge. 2.6 Optional accessories We of fer the fol lo wing ac ces so ries for your per so nal needs and wis hes: Spokes pro tec ti on, mega bat te ry pack, anti-tilt sup port, vol ta ge con ver ter, hip belt and hand le for left-hand ed con trol. 11

12 3 Assembly With a few mo ve ments you can as sem ble the mo vi li no by me ans of se ve ral fix tu res and tighte ning knobs. Dis as sem bly is just as easy. 3.1 Handle First con nect the hand le with the po wer unit by inserting the column into the hol ding device on the po wer unit. A 9-pin Sub-D so cket connector lo ca ted in the po wer unit's hol ding de vi - ce ma kes the elec tri cal con nec ti on. 12

13 Se cu re the con nec ti on with the tighte ning knob. Plea se al ways make sure that the hand le is safely con nec ted to the power unit. Plea se only con nect the hand le with the po wer unit, if both parts are cle an and dry. Should there be dirt or moisture the two parts should ne ver be connected. Cle an and dry the Sub-D so cket con nec tor with a re gu lar clea ning cloth. You may not con nect ot her de vi ces to this Sub-D so cket con nec tor. This could de stroy the mo vi li no or the ot her elec tric de vi ces. 13

14 3.2 Brackets The mo vi li no may only be used, if your wheel chair has been supp lied with spe ci al bra ckets. The se bra ckets may only be moun ted by AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik or aut - ho ri zed per son nel Bracket on the wheelchair The wheel chair must be equip ped with a bra cket in or der to at tach the mo vi - li no to the wheelchair. AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH of fers a uni ver sal ly ap pli ca ble moun ting sys tem. We at tach a hol ding de vi ce on both si des of the wheelchair s fra - me. This hol ding de vi ce has an up per and lo wer bra cket. All bra ckets are spe ci al ly de sig ned for and ad jus ted to each in di vi du al wheel chair; the re fo re, the bra ckets you see in the pic tu re may look dif fe rent from your wheel chair brackets. Plea se check whet her the bra ckets are se cu re ly fas te ned be fo re each use. Should screw fas te nings be loo se, you may not use the mo vi li no. In such case, plea se con tact your lo cal dea ler immediately Bracket on the movilino On your mo vi li no you find an up per and lo wer rod. To ad just the lo wer rod's height the re are se ve ral ver ti cal ho les dril led into the hou sing of the movilino. Your aut ho ri zed dea ler or AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH ad justs the height at which the mo vi li no is moun ted to your type of wheel chair. On both si des of the up per rod the re are rings. The po si ti on of said rings are also ad jus ted to your type of wheelchair. 14

15 3.2.3 Insert the movilino into the lower bracket on the wheelchair 1. Plea se use the lo cking bra kes of your wheel chair to avoid any mo ve - ment of the chair whi le the mo vi li no is being moun ted. 2. Tilt the mo vi li no slight ly bac kwards. As soon as the de vi ce sits on its wheels you may push the mo vi li no back and forth. This only works if you keep the de vi ce til ted bac kwards! The se hel ping wheels are only ac ti ve when the de vi ce is til ted! Make sure that the anti-tilt sup port is re mo ved! 3. Now push the mo vi li no from be hind the wheel chair un der the chair un til the lo wer rod is in ser ted all the way into the lo wer bra cket of the wheel chair Insert the movilino into the upper bracket on the wheelchair The re are two pos si bi li ties to in sert the mo vi li no into the up per bra ckets on the wheel chair. Pos si bi li ty 1: 1. Tilt the mo vi li no for ward to lift the up per bra cket. 2. The mo vi li no, alig ned in the cen ter of its up per sup port sli des into the up per bra ckets the ad ju sting rings rest snu gly against the in - si de of the bra ckets on both si des. Pos si bi li ty 2: 3. Plug the po wer ca ble into the movilino s bat te ry pack as des cri bed in chap ter In sert the sa fe ty chip for the en gi ne immobiliser into its ap pro pria te slot. 5. Now turn on the de vi ce. At this point the run ning wheels are au to - ma ti cal ly mo ving downward and the up per sup port is lif ted up. 6. Is the mo vi li no alig ned in the cen ter of its up per sup port sli des into the up per bra ckets the ad ju sting rings rest snu gly at the in si - de of the bra ckets on both si des. Plea se make sure that the lo wer sup port is pro per ly hoo ked into the lo wer bra ckets on the wheel chair! This goes for both pos si bi li ties! The ad ju sting rings must al ways be at the in si de of the bra ckets! 15

16 3.2.5 Fix the movilino to the wheelchair 1. Take one of the quick pins and with your thump push down the quick pin in the middle. 2. Put the quick pin all the way into the dril led hole of one of the up per bra ckets on the wheel chair and re lea se the quick pin. 3. Now take the ot her quick pin and put it into the ot her bra cket on the wheel chair as des cri bed in point 2. Only by using quick pins a strong con nec ti on bet ween mo vi li no and wheel - chair is secured. The mo vi li no may only be ope ra ted, if the quick pins are se cu re ly lo - cked in the wheelchair s brackets. The wheelchair s wheels may not be re mo ved when you ope ra te the mo vi li no! 3.3 Attach the battery pack The bag for the bat te ry pack is lo ca ted un der the seat of the wheel chair. Sim ply sli de the bat te ry pack into its bag and fix it with a vel cro strip. 16

17 Af ter wards you can in sert the plug of the po wer ca ble into the so cket on the bat te ry pack. Plea se make sure that the po wer cable s plug is dry and cle an. Plug the po wer cable s plug into the so cket on the mo vi li no. Plea se make sure that the po wer cable s plug is dry and cle an. If the de vi ce is al rea dy at ta ched to the mo vi li no as des cri bed in chap ter 3.2 you are rea dy to go. 3.4 Detach the battery pack To de tach the mo vi li no from your wheel chair, plea se re pe at the pro cess in re ver sed or der (see chap ter chap ter 3.3) First re mo ve the po wer ca ble from its so cket on the mo vi li no. Plea se make sure that the anti-tilt sup port is also re mo ved! 3.5 Adjust the handle Plea se ad just the hand le to the ap pro pria te and for the ope ra tor com for tab le po si ti on. Re lea se the tighte ning knob by turning coun ter cloc kwi se. Pull out the hand le to the ap pro pria te height (ma xi mum shoul der height). Then re - tighten the tighte ning knob. Plea se al ways make sure that the tighte ning knob is secure! Plea se ad just the hand le ex act ly ac cor ding to in struc tions (see pic - tu re). At ten ti on: avoid bruising at the nut s ope ning!!! 17

18 3.6 Anti-tilt support You may ope ra te the mo vi li no only with in stal led anti-tilt sup port. If your wheel chair does not have a tilt sup port, which is stan dard with most wheel chair ma nu fac tu rers, we can equip your wheel chair with the ne ces sa ry anti tilt sup port as an op tio nal ac ces so ry of the movilino. Hol ding de vi ces for our anti-tilt sup port are al rea dy moun ted on the bra ckets of the movilino Attaching and removing the anti-tilt support Bra ckets with hol ding de vi ce for the anti-tilt sup port Sli de the tilt sup port all the way into the hol ding de vi ce on the mo vi li - no. Pay at ten ti on on the la bel at the anti-tilt sup port. Lock it with the quick pin. Push the quick pin into the dril ling on the hol ding de vi ce whi le you press the un lo cking but ton at the top of the quick pin. When the quick pin is in ser ted all the way you re lea se the un lo cking but ton on the quick pin. Plea se check whet her the quick pins are tight ly se cu red in the hol - ding de vi ces. If you can re mo ve the quick pins wit hout pres sing the un lo cking but ton, they are not se cu red pro per ly. Plea se make sure that the tilt sup port is not jam med whe ne ver you use the mo vi li no. Plea se do not dri ve bac kwards against a wall with moun ted tilt supp - orts. Plea se note that no tilt sup port can se cu re all po ten ti al ly dif fi cult si - tua tions, thus avoid any ins tab le si tua tions even with moun ted tilt supp orts. To re mo ve the tilt sup port you press the un lo cking but ton on the quick pin whi le you pull it out. Then take off the tilt sup port. 18

19 Bra ckets mo vi li no/s-max Sli de the tilt sup port all the way into the hol ding de vi ce on the mo vi li - no. Pay at ten ti on on the la bel at the anti-tilt sup port. Lock it with the quick pin. Push the quick pin into the dril ling on the hol ding de vi ce whi le you press the un lo cking but ton at the top of the quick pin. When the quick pin is in ser ted all the way you re lea se the un lo cking but ton on the quick pin. Plea se check whet her the quick pins are tight ly se cu red in the hol - ding de vi ces. If you can re mo ve the quick pins wit hout pres sing the un lo cking but ton, they are not se cu red pro per ly. Plea se make sure that the tilt sup port is not jam med whe ne ver you use the mo vi li no. Plea se do not dri ve bac kwards against a wall with moun ted tilt supp - orts. Plea se note that no tilt sup port can se cu re all po ten ti al ly dif fi cult si - tua tions, thus avoid any ins tab le si tua tions even with moun ted tilt supp orts. To re mo ve the tilt sup port you press the un lo cking but ton on the quick pin whi le you pull it out. Then take off the tilt sup port. 3.7 Functional check Plea se check the de vi ce's elec tro nic functions each time be fo re using it (see chap ter 6.1)! Plea se re gu lar ly check the wear li mit of the po we red wheels (see chap ter 4.4)! Make sure that the bat te ry pack is char ged be fo re you use the movilino! Plea se make sure that the tilt sup port is not jam med whe ne ver you use the mo vi li no! 19

20 4 Safety instructions For a safe ope ra ti on of the mo vi li no it is im por tant that you ob ser ve and ad he re to all war ning signs and in struc tions in this user's ma nu - al as well as the war ning signs and in struc tions on the de vi ce it self. All ge ne ral ru les for the safe use of a wheel chair ap ply wit hout re ser va ti on whi le ope ra ting the mo vi li no. You must al ways ob ser ve the li mit va lu es and in struc tions in di ca ted by the ma nu fac tu rer (e.g. air pres su re, ma xi mum to - tal weight, ma xi mum in cli na ti on, etc.). Li mit va lu es may ne ver be ex cee ded. To as su re a safe use of the mo vi li no, it is in dis pen sa ble to ob ser ve the fol lo - wing di rec tions. 4.1 Special information concerning the operation: Ge ne ral ly all of the wheelchair s spe ci fic li mi ting va lu es in di ca ted by the ma nu fac tu rer must be ob ser ved. In the in te rest of your sa fe ty the pus hing and bra king aid mo vi li no may not be used on es ca la tors, stairs, mo ving walk ways or un for ti fied sur fa ces. You may only move the wheel chair plus moun ted mo vi li no ma nu al ly, if the de vi - ce is tur ned off. Plea se ob ser ve the in struc tions and li mi ting va lu es of your wheelchair s ma nu fac tu rer. Be fo re each ope ra ti on you must put the sa fe ty chip for the en gi ne im mo bi li - ser into its slot at the hand le unit. Al ways make sure it has snap ped into pla - ce be cau se ot her wi se the mo vi li no does not work. The wheelchair s wheels may not be re mo ved! Plea se make your self fa mi li ar with hand ling the de vi ce and its dri ving cha - rac ter is tics. Plea se use it first on le vel ground un til you feel se cu re hand ling it. Also prac ti se at a low speed. Du ring dri ve rests ac ti va te the lo cking bra kes of the wheel chair. In the be gin ning, plea se al ways turn the speed con trol to its lo west speed and in crea se it un til you re ach the de si red pace. Plea se re du ce the speed be fo re going downhill. Avoid dri ving slo pes and down slo pes manually! Alt hough the mo vi li no ma na ges in cli nes up to 18%, you may un der no cir - cums tan ces ex ceed the ma xi mum ap pro ved in cli na ti on sti pu la ted by your wheel chair ma nu fac tu rer. (Ramps in pub lic pla ces ge ne ral ly have an in cli - na ti on of ap pro xi ma te ly 6%). Plea se cross over ob sta cles such as curbs on si de walks with a tur ned off mo vi li no. Cros sing over hig her curbs should be done bac kwards be cau se the rol lers may jac kkni fe. Plea se pull the wheel chair at its hand le not at the ones of the mo vi li no. Also al ways check the height of your anti-tilt sup port and keep in mind the wheel chair manufacturer s sti pu la ted ma xi mum height. The cur rent road traf fic re gu la tions ap ply when you use the mo vi li no on pub - lic ro ads. Should the re be ad di tio nal de vi ces ne ces sa ry, you need to mount them to your wheel chair as soon as pos si ble. In such case, plea se con tact your lo cal dea ler. Plea se avoid dri ving par al lel on steep slo pes to avoid a til ting over si de ways of your wheel chair. Al ways coun ter-steer when the curb on the si de walk is slan ting downward and re main at a safe dis tan ce to the curb. 20

21 Plea se do not dri ve to the edge of stairs or pre ci pi ces with the mo vi li no tur - ned on. Plea se do not at tach any thing to the movilino s hand le! Plea se check the anti-tilt sup port be fo re each use. Plea se do not dri ve bac - kwards against a wall with moun ted anti-tilt sup port be cau se they could jam and thus not functi on pro per ly. At ten ti on, if the po we red wheels do not au to ma ti cal ly go up ward any mo re, it is dif fi cult to re mo ve the mo vi li no. You need a lot more phy si cal po wer (see chap ter ). In such case plea se first ap ply the lo cking bra kes! When you use mass trans por ta ti on such as bus, sub way, tram, etc.) plea se turn off the mo vi li no and use the lo cking bra kes on your wheel chair. Plea se pay ex tra at ten ti on when cros sing streets, in ter sec tions or rail way cros sings. Plea se ne ver cross rails (e.g. rail way tracks) in a par al lel way be cau se the wheels could be jam med Environmental conditions, electro-magnetic compatibility: Elec - tro-mag ne tic com pa ti bi li ty me ans that an elec tric de vi ce functions pro per ly in its elec tro-mag ne tic en vi ron ment wit hout in flu en cing ot her de vi ces in the same en vi ron ment. The mo vi li no suc cess ful ly pas sed all the EMV tests re qui red by law. Ne ver - the less, al ways check whet her the device s elec tro nic functions work pro - per ly be fo re each use. This is par ti cu lar ly im por tant if the re is an ae ri al mast ne ar by. Plea se note that the mo vi li no may in ter fe re with ot her elec tro nic devices sen si ti ve elec tro-mag ne tic fields (e.g. anti-theft sys tems in de part ment sto res). This may also hap pen if you con nect ot her de vi - ces. Also make sure that the mo vi li no is not ope ra ted in clo se pro xi mi ty to me di cal de vi ces with a high po ten ti al for dan ger and/or life-sup - por ting functions as well as di ag nos tic de vi ces Climate: To en su re pro per functio ning it is not ad vi sa ble to ex po se the mo vi li no to free zing con di tions. Should this be una voi da ble, al ways put the de vi ce in a non-free zing en vi ron ment for at least one hour be fo re using it (see chap ter 2.3). At this point check the de vi ce be fo re ope ra ti on. Should your mo vi li - no not functi on pro per ly, plea se call your lo cal dea ler or AAT di rect - ly. 4.2 Instruction: In the in te rest of your sa fe ty the mo vi li no may only be ope ra ted by peo ple in struc ted in the use of the de vi ce and furt her by peo ple who are phy si cal ly and men tal ly ca pa ble to ma na ge the mo vi li no in all si tua - tions that may oc cur whi le using it. 4.3 Operation / attendant: Tho rough in struc ti on into the use of the mo - vi li no by your dea ler or a re pre sen ta ti ve of AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik is part of the de li very pa cka ge and ta kes pla ce at an ap point ment of your choi ce. This is a free ser vi ce at no ex tra char ge. Do not use the mo vi li no wit hout being trai ned to ope ra te it. 21

22 For sa fe ty rea sons, plea se ne ver lea ve the mo vi li no unat ten ded. Should this be una voi da ble, plea se take out the sa fe ty chip for the en gi ne im mo bi li ser, so no bo dy un aut ho ri zed may use the de vi ce. Only an at ten dant and not the wheel chair dri ver him- or her self may use the pus hing and bra king aid, mo vi li no, be cau se of the dan ger of til ting the wheel chair, espe ci al ly when dri ving on slo pes. The at ten dant must be able to catch the wheel chair plus the per son sit ting in it, if the chair should tilt bac kwards. Anti-tilt supp orts are ob li ga to ry! Should you feel in se cu re hand ling the mo vi li no, plea se con tact AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH or your aut ho ri zed dea ler. 4.4 Wear limit: At the in si de of the po we red wheels the wear li mit is mar ked with ar rows. Should the pro fi le have rea ched the tip of the ar row both wheels must be ex chan ged. In such case, plea se con tact your lo cal dea ler im me di ate ly. Plea se make sure that both wheels are ex chan ged! 4.5 Lifting capacity: The ma xi mum to tal weight of 170 kg is com po sed of the weight of the per son to be trans por ted plus the weight of the wheel - chair and the mo vi li no. This weight may un der no cir cums tan ces be ex cee - ded! Plea se use the mo vi li no ex clu si ve ly to trans port peo ple! It is strict ly pro hi bi ted to trans port goods with the de vi ce. 4.6 Care and maintenance: Plea se make sure that you char ge the bat - te ry pack af ter each use of the mo vi li no. If the mo vi li no is not in ope ra ti on, plea se turn off the de vi ce. If the wor king ele ments of the de vi ce block, turn the mo vi li no off im me di - ate ly. Plea se note the wear li mit of the po we red wheels (see chap ter 4.4)! Re pairs may be done by aut ho ri zed dea lers or the ma nu fac tu rer only. Plea se ex clu si ve ly use AAT Al ber parts and ac ces so ries. Plea se note the ex ten si ve care and main ten an ce in struc tions in chap ter Condition of paths, walkways etc.: You should avoid ope ra ting the de vi ce on un for ti fied grounds (sand, mud, loo se gra vel, ice or snow) as well as cros sing deep puddles (ma xi mum depth ap pro xi ma te ly 2.5 cm) with it. Plea se avoid using the mo vi li no in the rain, ice, snow or ge ne ral wet con di - tions be cau se then the wheels grip on the ground is re du ced. The re is an in - crea sed dan ger of slip ping and sli ding. Plea se ad just your dri ving sty le ac cor ding ly Environmental conditions: Alt hough the mo vi li no has been tes ted for its elec tro-mag ne tic com pa ti bi li ty, you should still check its elec tro nic functions be fo re each use. This is par ti cu lar ly im por tant if the re is an ae ri al mast ne ar by. 4.8 Charge of the batteries: You should only use the mo vi li no with ful ly char ged bat te ries. The light emit ting di ode in di ca tes the sta te of the bat te - ries' ca pa ci ty. 22

23 Plea se be ca re ful when going downhill with full bat te ries. The dri ve down ge ner ates elec tri ci ty which char ges the bat te ries ad di tio nal ly. This may lead to ex cess vol ta ge which in turn may lead to a tur ning off of the mo vi li no. Du ring re gu lar use the de vi ce re du ces its speed au to ma ti cal ly to avoid over vol ta ge. If the bat te ries are emp ty, the de vi ce goes into un der vol ta ge. It stops. Yet the hub mo tor still dri ves up ward so you may push the wheel chair ma nu al ly. 4.9 Power unit: The mo vi li no plus its po wer unit is for the most part co - ver ed by the hou sing. Ne ver the less, plea se make sure that whi le dri ving you do not put fin gers or hands into the ro ta ting area (e.g. chain wheel or dri ving pi ni on). Al ways keep a safe dis tan ce Transport: You may re mo ve the movilino s hand le unit (see chap ter 3.1) for trans por ta ti on. Plea se lift the po wer unit ex clu si ve ly by its re ces sed hand le (see chap ter 2.2.2) Al ways turn off the mo vi li no for trans por ta ti on! Du ring dri ve rests ac ti va te the lo cking bra kes of the wheel chair. When you trans port the de vi ce in ve hi cles, plea se se cu re it ac cor - ding to the re le vant le gal re gu la tions in your coun try Moun ting the brackets: At ta ching the movilino s bra ckets to the wheel chair or ma king chan ges on said bra ckets may only be per for med by the com pa ny AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik or their aut ho ri zed dea lers. The mo vi li no may only be at ta ched to wheel chairs which must be che cked ac cor ding to ge ne ral ly ac knowled ged tech ni cal norms, and their ope ra tor's ma nu als must be ap plied when using the mo vi li no. Be fo re each use plea se check all the hol ding de vi ces and at tach ments. Also make sure that the de vi ce it self functions pro per ly. Should any thing not work you may not use the mo vi li no. In that event, plea se con tact your lo cal dea ler Technical requirements: You may not re mo ve the wheelchair s wheels! Plea se al ways check the air pres su re of pneu ma tic stee ring rol lers. The mo - vi li no dri ving qua li ties could be af fec ted ne ga ti ve ly, if the re is not enough air in the rol lers. The air pres su re in the wheelchair s wheels must cor re spond to the wheel - chair manufacturer s sti pu la tions. The run ning wheels con di ti on also must be che cked be fo re each use. Should the wheels have rea ched their wear li mit (see chap ter 4.4) you may not use the mo vi li no. Af ter you have in ser ted the sa fe ty chip for the en gi ne im mo bi li ser into its pro per slot on the hand le the mo vi li no is rea dy to go. The re fo re, plea se al - ways check whet her the chip is pro per ly in ser ted be fo re you use the de vi ce. The wheelchair s lo cking bra kes must be at ta ched in such a way that the at - ten dant may re ach them ea si ly. 23

24 It is in dis pen si ble to use anti-tilt sup port. Plea se make sure that they are not jam med be fo re each use. Also ne ver dri ve bac kwards against a wall with moun ted anti-tilt support. 24

25 5 Operation 5.1 Maximum lifting capacity Plea se make sure that the ma xi mum lif ting ca pa ci ty of 170 kg (wheel chair, per son and mo vi li no) is not ex cee ded. 5.2 Battery pack Plea se make sure that the bat te ries are ful ly char ged be fo re you use the mo - vi li no for the first time. Ex ten si ve in struc tions you find in chap ter Power unit Plea se re gu lar ly check the wear li mit of the po we red wheels. Ex ten si ve in struc tions you find in chap ter

26 6 Control and display elements Be fo re we get to the ac tu al in struc tions for ope ra ti on, we would like to in tro - du ce the mo vi li no's most im por tant com po nents to you. Your mo vi li no is rea dy to go when you re cei ve it. Once the mo vi li no is cor - rect ly moun ted and con nec ted, you can turn it on and use it im me di ate ly. Plea se prac ti se using it with an emp ty wheel chair to get a fee ling for the ma - chi ne and its functions. 6.1 Control unit The wheel chair driver s at ten dant con trols all of the movilino s functions by me ans of the con trol unit. It is pos si ble to supp ly you with a left-hand ed con trol for ad di tio nal char ge ON/OFF switch The ON/OFF switch is lo ca ted on the con trol unit (stan dard ver si on, right hand le). It is pos si ble to supp ly you with a left-hand ed con trol for ad di tio nal char ge. Af ter tur ning the mo vi li no on with the ON/OFF switch, the device s elec tro - nics per form an au to ma tic sa fe ty check. If the re is no mal functi on, the hub mo tor au to ma ti cal ly mo ves downward. This pro cess lasts ap pro xi ma te ly 5 to 10 se conds. Once the hub mo tor is com ple te ly lo we red, you hear an acous - tic sig nal. The mo vi li no is equip ped with a turn off fea tu re: if the de vi ce is on and has not been used for 5 mi nu tes, the turn off fea tu re swit ches the mo vi li no off au to ma ti cal ly. In such case you can only use the mo vi li no again by pres sing the ON/OFF switch. If the de vi ce is at a stand still for a lon ger pe ri od of time, plea se turn it off. The hub mo tor au to ma ti cal ly mo ves back up. If it mo ves back all the way, you hear an acous tic sig nal once again. At this point you can push the wheel chair ma nu al ly Speed control The speed con trol al lows you to pre-se lect speed. Turn the speed con trol coun ter-cloc kwi se all the way for mi ni mum speed. You must be gin with mi ni mum speed when you use the mo vi li no for the first time Safety chip for the engine immobiliser The mo vi li no only works if you in sert the the sa fe ty chip for the en gi ne im - mo bi li ser into its pro per slot. Plea se make sure that the chip snaps in be - cau se only then the mo vi li no works pro per ly. If you do not in sert the chip, you can turn on the de vi ce, but it does not work. This is a sa fe ty fea tu re to en su re that no un aut ho ri zed per son uses the mo vi - li no. 26

27 6.1.4 Rocker switch With the ro cker switch you de ter mi ne the di rec ti on and speed (up to the pre-se lec ted speed) of the movilino. Use the ro cker switch ca re ful ly. LED is blinking Type of malfunction 1 x Malfunction of the motor, the motor controller or the battery pack 2 x Low voltage, batteries empty 3 x Overvoltage 4 x Electro-magnetic brake at fault 5 x Indicator for excess voltage 6 x Indicator for overstressing To dri ve for ward you press the lon ger back part of the ro cker switch. To dri ve bac kward, plea se press the ro cker switch s shor ter front part. The movilino speeds up the more you press the ro cker switch un til you re ach the ma xi mum pres su re point. It slows down the more you re lea se the ro cker switch. Two se conds af ter stand still is rea ched, an elec tro-mag ne tic par king bra ke be co mes ac ti ve Panic switch If du ring an emer gen cy you press the ro cker switch too hard so that the pres - su re point is over co me, the so-cal led pa nic switch cau ses the movilino to go from dri ving mode into coast. As long as you keep the ro cker switch pres sed, you can dri ve the pa tient away from the dan ge rous si tua ti on. Problem Check and potential solution Is the charger connected to the movilino? If so, disconnect the charging cable and plug in the power cable movilino cannot be turned on Is the battery empty? If so, charge the batteries. Are the fuses damaged? If so, exchange the fuses If there is still a problem turning on the movilino, please contact your dealer. Batteries don t charge Please contact your dealer Ho we ver, as soon as you re lea se the ro cker switch the elec tro mag ne tic bra ke is ac ti vat ed. De pen ding on par ti cu lar cir cums tan ces the elec tro-mag ne tic brakes strong ef fect may bra ke the wheel chair so ab ruptly that it stops im me di ate ly. The pa nic switch works both ways going bac kward and for ward as well as du - ring mal functi on (plea se see chap ter 6.4 for trou ble shoo ting). 27

28 6.2 Charge of battery A light emit ting di ode di ode lo ca ted on the con trol pa nel next to the ON/Off switch in forms you about the char ge of the bat te ry. Green light, the char ge of the bat te ry lies bet ween %. Yel low light, the char ge of the bat te ry lies bet ween %. Red light, the char ge of the bat te ry lies un der 40 %. You must char - ge the bat te ry im me di ate ly! 6.3 Control light to indicate malfunction Mal functi on is in di ca ted by a blin king light emit ting di ode. If the re is still an in di ca ti on of mal functi on, char ge the bat te ries in case of low bat te ry char ge. For all ot her ca ses of mal functi on, plea se con tact your aut ho ri zed dea ler. In ca ses of mal functi on such as the blin king of 1 4 ti mes we cons ci ous ly ab stai ned from au to ma ti cal ly ac ti va ting the elec tro-mag ne tic bra kes as soon as the mal functi on is re cog ni zed whi le the de vi ce is dri ving. If you want to ac ti va te the elec tro-mag ne tic bra ke, push the ro cker switch hard to over co me the pres su re point and the pa nic switch is ac ti vat ed. Then re lea se the ro cker switch. In all ot her ca ses of mal functi on the elec tro-mag ne tic bra ke is au to ma ti cal ly ac ti vat ed. 6.4 Trouble shooting If the re are pro blems using the mo vi li no, plea se check the fol lo wing trou ble shoo ting chart and see whet her you can not fix them your self. 6.5 Transport 28

29 For trans por ta ti on you may re mo ve the hand le (see as sem bly chap ter 3.1) and car ry the clim bing unit at the up per rod. Note that the de vi ce weighs 10,5 kg! Al ways turn off the mo vi li no for trans por ta ti on! When trans por ting the mo vi li no in a ve hi cle, al ways se cu re the de vi - ce ac cor ding to the le gal ru les and re gu la tions. The sea led lead acid bat te ries used in the mo vi li no are not con si de - red dan ge rous ac cor ding to the IATA spe ci al gui de li nes A67 and GGVS Rn-Nr A, sec ti on 2, and ad mit ted to air tra vel by DOT and IATA. Be fo re using mass trans por ta ti on such as bu ses or sub ways, etc. or your per so nal ve hi cle, plea se de tach the movilino from you wheel - chair! Π29

30 7 Accessories 7.1 Battery pack The mo vi li no works with bat te ries and is de li ver ed with one bat te ry pack with char ging elec tro nics. If you use the mo vi li no of ten, i.e. if the re are not suf fi cient bre aks for the bat te ries to be re char ged, we re com mend you ob tain an ad di tio nal bat te ry pack (avai la ble as an ac ces so ry). In such case one bat te ry pack is in use whi - le the ot her is being re char ged at the same time. If you do not use the movilino both bat te ry packs should be con nec - ted to the char ger to in crea se their du ra bi li ty (see chap ter 8.3.1). Plea se ex clu si ve ly use the AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH char ger to char ge your bat te ry pack Exchange the battery pack 1. Turn off the mo vi li no using the ON/OFF switch. 2. First re mo ve the po wer ca ble from its so cket on the mo vi li no. Af ter - wards re mo ve the plug of the po wer ca ble from the so cket on the bat te ry pack. 3. Plea se open the vel cro strip of the bag for the bat te ry pack and take out the bat te ry pack. The bat te ry pack should al ways be con nec ted to the char ger to ex - tend its du ra bi li ty (see chap ter 8.3.1) Plea se ex clu si ve ly use the AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH char ger to char ge your bat te ry pack. The bat te ry pack of the mo vi li no is main ten an ce-free and re char ge ab le. Its du ra bi li ty de pends di rect ly on the num ber of char ging/disch ar ging cy cles. 7.2 Voltage converter for your vehicle We re com mend the vol ta ge con ver ter for your ve hi cle, if you trans port the stair clim ber mo vi li no in your car. The AAT vol ta ge con ver ter is de sig ned for a 12 V elec tri cal sys tem. This vol ta ge con ver ter trans forms 12 V / 24 V di rect cur rent (D.C.) into 230 V al ter na ting cur rent (A.C.) The plug of the vol ta ge con ver ter is plug ged into the ci ga ret te lighter in your car or into the so cket of the supp ly sys tem. The au to ma tic charger s 230 V con nec tor is plug ged into the so cket of the con ver ter. 30

31 8 Care, maintenance and recycling To in su re the movilino s safe and pro per functio ning we re com mend a sa fe ty check done on the de vi ce every two ye ars, even though the re might not be any ou ter da ma ge or mal functi on evi dent. For sa fe ty rea sons this sa fe ty check or re pairs of any sort may only be per for med by AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik. The de vi ce it self does not call for par ti cu lar main ten an ce or care ex cept for the oc ca sio nal clea ning (see chap ter 8.5). 8.1 New user If the de vi ce goes to a new user, we re com mend a sa fe ty check. 8.2 Charger Plea se ex clu si ve ly use the AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH char ger to char - ge your bat te ry packs Automatic charger The char ger does not need any par ti cu lar main ten an ce. The sco pe of de li - very in clu des the AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH char ger. Plug is in - ser ted into the wall out let and plug into the so cket on the de vi ce or the bat te ry pack. This au to ma tic char ger re char ges your bat te ries 100%. As soon as the char - ging pro cess is com ple ted, it swit ches to a re tai ning mode, thus over char - ging is im pos si ble. Be fo re using the char ger, plea se read and fol low all in struc tions and war ning no tes in clu ded with the char ger. Ex clu si ve ly use the AAT char ger to char ge the bat te ries. Check the char ger re gu lar ly and pro tect it from oils, grea se, ag gres - si ve clea ning agents, thin ners and/or da ma ge by sharp ed ges, etc. Re pairs and ser vi ce check-ups may only be per for med by AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH or their aut ho ri zed per son nel. Plea se do not dis as sem ble or mo di fy the char ger! Plea se make sure that the char ger is not ex po sed to damp ness or hu - mi di ty whi le char ging the bat te ries. Ne ver touch the plug with moist hands! 31

32 8.2.2 Voltage converter for your vehicle The vol ta ge con ver ter does not need par ti cu lar care or main ten an ce. Ne ver - the less, check your vol ta ge con ver ter re gu lar ly and pro tect it from oil, grea - se, ag gres si ve clea ners, di lu ting agents and/or da ma ge due to sharp ed ges, etc. Be fo re using the vol ta ge con ver ter, plea se read and fol low all in - struc tions and war ning no tes prin ted on the vol ta ge con ver ter. Ex clu si ve ly use the AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH vol ta ge con - ver ter! Check the vol ta ge con ver ter re gu lar ly and pro tect it from oil, grea se, ag gres si ve clea ning agents, thin ners and/or da ma ge by sharp ed ges, etc. Re pairs and ser vi ce check-ups may only be per for med by AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH or their aut ho ri zed per son nel. 32

33 8.3 Battery pack The bat te ry pack's sea led lead acid bat te ries should be re char ged af ter each use. They are air-tight, main ten an ce-free, re char ge ab le and of ex cel lent qua li ty. The bat te ry pack un der go es a so-cal led self-disch ar ge; the re fo re, you should con nect your bat te ry pack, whe ne ver pos si ble, to a char ger. The char ging au to ma tism, which swit ches from char ging the bat te ry to re tai ning the char - ge when it is full, kicks in and keeps the bat te ry from over char ging. If you take good care of your bat te ry pack by re char ging it re gu lar ly, you pro - long its du ra bi li ty. The mo vi li no's elec tro nics cons tant ly check the battery s char ge and thus pre vent a to tal disch ar ge, if used ade qua te ly. Avoid a to tal disch ar ge of the bat te ry pack. Re char ge it af ter each parti al disch ar ge, i.e. af ter each use of the mo vi li no. Char ging your bat te ries is ta king good care of them. charger LED orange batteries are being charged charger LED green batteries are fully charged, maintenance mode If your bat te ry pack has not rea ched its full ca pa ci ty, it is pos si ble that with a new bat te ry pack it ta kes a few char ging/disch ar ging cy cles to build up the full ca pa ci ty. If ful ly char ged bat te ries emp ty fas ter than usu al, they are pro ba bly used up. In such case have your bat te ries che cked by your lo cal dea ler and ex chan - ged, if ne ces sa ry. If the movilino is at a stand still for some time, plea se con nect it to the char ger to re tain the char ge. This does not da ma ge the sea led lead acid bat te ries, on the con tra ry, it in crea ses their du ra bi li ty. If the bat te ry pack is to tal ly disch ar ged, it ta kes a ma xi mum of ap - pro xi ma te ly 10 hours to re char ge it. The bat te ry pack can be char ged in any po si ti on. It is con si de red as safe as dry cells and ad mit ted to air tra vel by DOT and IATA. Al ways char ge your bat te ry pack with the AAT char ger de li ver ed with charger LED orange batteries are being charged charger LED green batteries are fully charged, maintenance mode voltage converter beeping 12 V supply is low your mo vi li no. This par ti cu lar char ger au to ma ti cal ly turns off when the bat te ries are ful ly char ged kee ping them from being over char - ged. 33

34 8.3.1 Charging with the automatic charger To char ge the bat te ries you may lea ve the bat te ry pack in its bag at ta ched to the wheel chair. First pull the plug of the po wer ca ble then in sert the plug of the char ger en ti re ly into the char ging so cket. Fi nal ly plug the char ger into the wall out let. Sin ce the mo vi li no is sup po sed to be con nec ted to the char ger at all ti mes whe ne ver it is not in use, you need to re mo ve the char ger from the wall out let and pull the plug from the char ging so cket on the bat - te ry pack every time be fo re you use it. Be fo re char ging, plea se read and fol low all in struc tions and war ning no tes prin ted on the char ger. Ex clu si ve ly use the AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH char ger! Ne ver touch the plug with moist hands! Sig nals of the char ger Charging batteries in your vehicle By me ans of the vol ta ge vol ta ge con ver ter you may even char ge your bat te ry pack whi le dri ving your car. First re mo ve the po wer ca ble. Then ful ly in sert the plug of the char ger into the char ging so cket on the bat te ry pack. Then con nect the char ger to the vol ta ge vol ta ge con ver ter. Fi nal ly you plug the vol ta ge con ver ter into the ci - ga ret te lighter. Af ter wards you first pull the vol ta ge converter s plug from the ci ga ret te lighter be fo re you dis con nect it from the char ger. Sig nals of the char ger and the vol ta ge con ver ter 34

35 8.4 Fuse The bat te ry pack has two fu ses, each 40A, lo ca ted in a spe ci al com part ment. Once the lo wer fuse is burnt out, re pla ce it by the up per, ex tra fuse. If a chan ge of fu ses is ne ces sa ry, put a pin in the ope ning on the side of the bat te ry pack. This un locks the dra wer, so you can pull it out. You may not mend or by-pass a de fect fuse. Al ways re pla ce it with an iden ti cal one of the same am pe ra ge. AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH could of fer you re pla ce ments of the fu ses! Be fo re you ex chan ge the fu ses, plea se re mo ve the char ger from the bat te ry pack! Should your fu ses burn out fre quent ly, plea se con tact AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH or your aut ho ri zed dea ler. 8.5 Cleaning Plea se cle an your con trol unit, dri ving unit, bat te ry pack and bra ckets with a mild hou se hold clea ner. Plea se keep in mind to cle an the po we red wheel with com pres sed air or with a dry brush re gu lar ly. It is pos si ble that the po we red wheel is ex ces si ve worn up be cau se of con ta mi na ti on or de po sits. Make sure that no wa ter gets into the mo vi li no; the re fo re, me re ly use a damp cloth for clea ning. In the in te rest of your sa fe ty, do not use a high-pres su re clea ning de vi ce. Plea se make sure that your wheel chair is clea ned ac cor ding to the manufacturer s spe ci fi ca tions. 8.6 Recycling The mo vi li no and its bat te ry pack are pro ducts of long du ra bi li ty. Ho we ver, if your mo vi li no is old and has rea ched the end of its li fe span you may re turn its com po nents to AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH or your lo cal dea ler to be re cy cled. A new law con cer ning elec tric and elec tro nic de vi ces (Elek trog) has been pas sed on March 24, 2005 re gu la ting the ta king back and re cy cling of old elec tric and elec tro nic de vi ces. Ac cor ding to the Fe de ral Office of En vi ron ment Pro tec ti on (Ger man BDU) the mo vi li no is con si de red a me ans of trans por ta ti on and does not fall un der the law con cer ning the re cy cling of old elec tric or elec tro nic de vi ces (Elek - trog, 2 pa ra graph 1 sen ten ce 1 (cross re fer en ce, Gui de li ne of the Eu ro pe an Parliament 2002/96/EG). 35

All improvements of David(R)zehn!

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