All improvements of David(R)zehn!

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1 All improvements of David(R)zehn! Da vid(r)zehn! is the re sult of long la sting and con se - quent de ve lop ment and has been ex ten ded, im pro - ved and pro vi ded with nu me rous new functions and fea tu res com pa red to the pre vi ous ver si on. Spe ci al at ten ti on was paid to the Uni fied-mes sa ging com po - nents as well as the ap point ment plan ning, ca len dar functions and the ma na ge ment of ad dres ses. Here you can find the most important highlights of David(R)zehn!: Sys tem Improved performance Da vid(r)zehn! uses pree xi sting sys tem re sour ces much bet ter than be fo re. In te gra ted por tals and ad dress di alogs are ope ned up to 43% fas ter and thus it is much more ef fi cient ly in te gra ted into the work environment. Rea dy for Vis ta Al rea dy rea dy for Wind ows Vis ta. Da vid(r)zehn! is the first choi ce for com pa nies which in vest their mo ney wi se ly in the fu tu re. With Da vid(r)zehn! you are per fet ly equip ped for the future. Extended rights management The user rights can now be mo di fied fas ter and straighter to the companies spe ci fi ca tions. You are now able to pre vent sing le users from using Feeds or the re mo te ac cess, for example. All inclusive Thanks to the simplified and transparent license model, optional services and modules are now com ple te ly in te gra ted into the Da vid(r)zehn! start pa cka ge. For ins tan ce, you can now con nect an un li mit ed amount of ca me ras to your Da vid Ser ver or use the DVCC mo du le for in di vi du al scripts. Ad di tio nal ly, all op tio nal mo bi le com po nents of Da vid like the In fo Cen ter Po cket, Web Ac cess or In fo Cen ter Mo bi le have been consolidated to one single addon license. ***More transparency for the usage and accounting of optional Backline Features based on a month ly ac coun ting***a new and fair re ba te sys tem for the use of Bac kli ne Fea tu res for big ger in stal la tions***cle ar ly ar ran ged and newly de sig ned Da vid Ad mi nis tra tor***new con cept de - velopment and simplification of David(R)zehn! user licenses***support of new TV-Cards of the brand Twin han (Vi si ondtv DVB-S PCI Sat and Sat CI, DTV ter rest rial) and Haup pa ge (Nova S plus Sat)***Brand-new and in for ma ti ve por tal for the con fi gu ra ti on and rights ma na ge ment for administrators***integrated redirector for the connection of external databases like SQL, ODBC or Ac cess... Page 1 of 5

2 Messaging Telephone number handoff at Voic s If you for ward a re cei ved Voi ce Mail as an to one of your col lea gues, the pho ne num ber of the sen der will be ad ded to its sub ject au to ma ti cal ly. So the re ci pient of your knows di - rect ly who he is dealing with. Scanning and faxing directly out of the David InfoCenter With Da vid(r)zehn! you are able to fax your do cu - ments di rect ly from your con nec ted scan ner via the Da vid In fo Cen ter. Da vid scans your do cu ments ful ly au to ma ti cal ly and con verts them with one mou se click to the TIFF-fax for mat. Now you can com for ta bly fax your do cu ments to the respective recipient. Advanced Telefax preview Da vid(r)zehn! is equip ped with a com ple te ly im pro ved fax pre view. Here you are able to ro ta te, zoom in or out your fa xes to get the best view. Even the pre view of in di vi du al no tes is now pos si ble. In ad - di ti on to this, you can now de ci de if your no tes like stamps or text fields will be saved or not. Page 2 of 5

3 Receiving of SMS messages over ISDN Thanks to Da vid(r)zehn! you are now able to re cei ve SMS mes sa ges di rect ly over the ISDN net work. Com - ple te ly wit hout any ad di tio nal GSM-hard wa re like mo bi le pho nes and cost-in ten si ve pro vi der con tracts. Now the in te gra ti on of the me di um SMS into your work en vi ron ment is mere child s play. ***Completely improved spell check***additional spell check for plain-text s***improved personalization functionalities with the usage of va ria bles in the sub ject field***ad van ced draft ma na ge ment in the Da vid In fo Cen ter***sa ving of Voi ce Mails in the com mon and spa ce-sa ving MP3 for mat***ac cess to the per so nal ad dress book in your who le net work***in te gra ti on of the 64-Bit Fax Wa re and Ima ge Mes sa ging Prin - ter dri ver***com ple te ly new and more ef fec ti ve Vi rus Pro tec ti on for Desk tops ba sed on the la - test technologies***optimized spam recognition rate of 98% with the Message Identification Ser vi ces and its new Dy na mic En gi ne... Organization Advanced address management All ad dress di alogs and con text me nus of Da vid(r)zehn! have been im pro ved and reen ge nee red. With one mou - se click you are now able to send an ap point ment re - quest to one of your con tacts or get con nec ted to him by pho ne. The new de sig ned in ter fa ce cle ar ly fo cu ses on fun da men tal in for ma ti on and im pro ves the usa bi li ty of the David(R)zehn! address book. Clearly arranged user interface Da vid(r)zehn! in clu des a fun da men ti cal ly over wor ked Da vid In fo Cen ter which al lows you to hand le your dai ly work more com for tab le. Thanks to the di screet and ap pea ling Stain less Steel de sign and the op ti mi zed ad just ment of but tons and me nus the real ly im por tant in for - ma ti on is cen te red. And that is what really counts! Different tabs for different senders It is not al ways easy to keep track of mes sa ges in your in box, espe ci al ly when you re cei ve a lot of them every day. Da vid(r)zehn! ta kes care of your in box and sorts all sen ders using so-cal led tabs. With one mou se click you can now find a par ti cu lar mes sa ge wit hin se conds wit hout any ad di tio nal complicated fil ters. Page 3 of 5 ***Integration of HTML into the address management***optimized exchange of address cards between the David InfoCenter and Outlook***Possibility to add additional address fields for se ve ral in di vi du al ad dress en tries***usa ge of va ria bles in ad dress fields*** Up da ted de sign to make the work with the In fo Cen ter Mo bi le, In fo Cen ter Web and In fo Cen ter Po cket more ef fi - cient***di rect sen ding of task and ap point ment re quests via your In fo Cen ter con tacts***au to - matic ECT-dial function via F12***Optimized and extended InfoCenter print preview for print outs of a ca len dar, a par ti cua lar en try list and Pic tu re Vie wer com po nents...

4 Mobility Functional improvement of the David InfoCenter Web The Da vid In fo Cen ter Web is now more equal to the Da vid In fo Cen ter PC than ever. Thanks to Da vid(r)zehn! you crea te and edit tasks, open sing le mes sa ges with one mou se-click or use the prac ti cal pre view to ac cess web links di rect ly in the Da vid InfoCenter Web. Improved functional range of the InfoCenter Pocket You are now able to crea te the mes sa ge type Do cu ment to save im por tant in for ma ti on di - rect ly into the To bit Ar chi ve Struc tu re, even if you are out of office. In ad di ti on to this, HTML for mat ted ad dress in for ma ti on will now be dis play ed in the Da vid In fo Cen ter Po cket which in - crea ses the com fort of your address management. ***Creation and editing of tasks with the David InfoCenter Pocket***Notifications of confiden - tia li ty are now in te gra ted in the Da vid In fo Cen ter Web***Com ple te ly re vi sed de sign of all mo - bi le Clients to al low a more in tui tio nal work... Mul ti me dia Pictures The in te gra ted Pic tu re Vie wer of Da vid(r)zehn! is more po wer ful than ever. You are now able to cut out a part of a pic tu re, copy it or zoom in to have a de tai led glan - ce at it. ***Ad di tio nal sup port for the for mat 5:4 and 221:100 in the In fo Cen ter Me dia Play er*** Automation Graphical interface for automation projects Da vid(r)zehn! co mes along with the in te gra ti on of a use ful Dashbo ard, which is your gra phi cal pro ject in ter fa ce for any kind of au to ma ti on pro ject. Via Drag & Drop you can ea si ly crea te your individual automation plant layout, a status visualization of all switching operations or an inter - fa ce to ob ser ve all au to ma ti on processes. Page 4 of 5

5 Feeds Integrated Feeds Server With Da vid(r)zehn! you can se tup your own Feeds Ser - ver in no time at all. Thanks to this oti on you can pro vi - de your cus to mers and bu si ness part ners with your own Feeds. This of fers new pos si bi li tes to in crea se your sa les and spre ad news wit hin your clien te le in the in di - vi du al de sign of the Da vid In fo Cen ter. It does not even mat ter which RSS Rea der your customers are using. Automatic sorting of Feeds If you re cei ve a lot of Feeds from dif fe rent pro vi ders, Da vid(r)zehn! will crea te sing le tabs for each of them. This way you can ea si ly switch bet ween dif fe rent Feeds. ***Dis play of the age of the re cei ved Feeds***Dis play of dif fe rent sour ce gra phics for each Feed for a bet ter over view***com for tab le full-text se arch wit hin the Feeds-Tit les... Help Direct connection to Tobit Software As an user of Da vid(r)zehn! you will al ways stay in con tact with To bit Soft wa re and you will di - rect ly take part in the de ve lop ment of new pro ducts. In di vi du al feed backs and sug ge stions can be sent to To bit Soft wa re, di rect ly out of the David InfoCenter. ***Di rect ac cess to the Club To bit Soft wa re via the Da vid In fo Cen ter***au to ma tic and vi su al notification of new messages in the InterCom***Comfortable and direct sending of failure re - ports for analyzes and optimation by Tobit Software***Completely overworked Online-Help for a fas ter trou bles hoo ting... Page 5 of 5

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