This Month s Sur vey Re sults (Sur vey 1)

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1 THE URBAN TRANSPORTATION MONITOR, MAY 3, 2010, VOL. 24 NO. 4 Page 13 ` This Month s Sur vey Re sults (Sur vey 1) Mi cro-sim u la tion Soft ware Char ac ter is tics Last month, The Ur ban Trans por ta tion Mon i tor sent sur vey ques tion naires to or ga ni za tions that de velop and/or mar ket mi cro-sim u la - tion soft ware. Al to gether seven ven dors were iden ti fied that mar ket this type of soft ware in the U.S. Re plies were re ceived from six of those ven dors. The re sults of the sur vey are pub lished here. te: The in for ma tion shown in the ta ble (pages 14-24) was sup plied by the ven dor of each of the soft ware pack ages listed. The Ur ban Trans por ta tion Mon i tor cannot vouch for the ac cu racy of this in for ma tion. Micro-Simulation Software Contacts Name of Software/ Contact Name/ Organization Name Telephone/ TSIS-CORSIM David K. Hale McTrans Center, University of Florida VISSIM Karen Giese PTV America, Inc. Quadstone Paramics Merrick Whyte Quadstone SimTraffic John Albeck Trafficware TransModeler Daniel Morgan Caliper Corporation SIDRA TRIP Rahmi Akcelik Akcelik & Associates Pty Ltd. Tel. ( 800) ext Tel. (503) , ext Tel Tel. (510) Tel. (617) Tel

2 Price of Soft ware $1000 per of fice lo ca - tion; dis counts avail able for ac a demic and bulk li - cense pur chases Or der ing of Soft - ware Last Up date of Software Com pat i ble Op er - at ing Sys tems Net work Compatible? Minimum/Recom - mended Hard ware Re quire ments: Con tact McTrans, or or - der on line at $2,000-$18,000 (var ies by de sired fea tures); $1,500 Ac a demic; dis - counts for PTV Vi sion Suite; multi-li cense dis - counts of 30-50%; 6-month leases at 25% of pur chase price. or con tact your lo cal rep re sen ta tive ( com/fileadmin/files_ptva - uct_list_aug_2009.pdf) Com mer cial: $5,000 - $25,000. Range de - pends on term and mod ules pur chased. Ed u ca tional li censes: $2,000 - $10,000. Quadstone Paramics 125 Sum mer Street, 16th Floor Boston, MA Di rect: paramics-info@ paramics-on Sin gle User Syn chro and SimTraffic: $3,099, multi-user dis counts, pric ing at Trafficware Ltd., tel (510) , fax , website $9,995; Vol ume and ac - a demic dis counts avail - able. Mail or fax or der form avail able at Feb ru ary 2010 March 2010 April 2010 Au gust 2006 Ver sion 2.6 re leased April 2010 Windows XP/Vista/7 Win dows XP, Vista, 7 (both 32- and 64-bit) Win dows XP, Win dows Vista and Win dows 7 Win dows 95, 98, 2000, XP, Vista, Win dows 7 Win dows XP, Vista, 7, 32-bit and 64-bit yes CPU Pentium Pentium IV (dual and quad-core pre ferred) 2GHZ Pentinum Min i mum: Any mod ern Intel or AMD CPU; Rec - om mended: Multi-core Intel or AMD CPU RAM 128 MB 1 GB RAM 1GB 16MB and 32MB hard drive Mon i tor VGA OpenGL for 3D graphics, 1,024 x 768 Other re quire - ments Software Attributes For Eas ier Us age: Pull-down menus ne for ad di tional rec om - men da tions Min i mum: 1 GB; Rec om - mended: 4GB 800 x 600 SVGA VGA re quire ment, but rec - om mend high per for - mance graphics card for 3D an i ma tion OpenGL com pat i ble graphics card Mouse Pro fes sional: 900 AUD (around 800 USD) per li cense. Ed u ca tional: 410 AUD (around 360 USD) per li cense. Re - duced price for in - creased num ber of licen ces. On line pur chas ing via SIDRASOLUTIONS ecommerce sys tem: /on line+store.aspx De cem ber 2009 Win dows 7, Win dows Vista, Win dows XP with Ser vice Pack 2 (min i - mum), Win dows 2000 with Ser vice Pack 4 (minimum) 500 mega hertz (MHz) pro ces sor or higher 512 MB RAM or higher 1024x768 or higher res - o lu tion DVD drive for in stal la tion SIDRA TRIP will in Frame work 2.0 and Adobe Reader if not al ready pres ent. Pop-up lists Built-in help screens Er ror check ing In put/out put pro ces sor Graph i cal in put screen en try Other Runtime ex ten sion, out - put pro ces sor, script ing tools THE URBAN TRANSPORTATION MONITOR, MAY 3, 2010, VOL. 24 NO. 4 Page 14 Mi cro-simulation Soft ware Char ac ter is tics Utilizes Windows clip - board; COM in ter face (Py thon, Vi sual Ba sic, C++, Java,.NET, MATLAB) Ap pli ca tion pro gram - ming in ter face (API) for cus tom iz ation Uni ver sal Traf fic Data For mat (UTDF) Built-in script ing lan - guage, com piler and de - bug ging tools for cus tom iz ation. Abil ity to im port real-life trip data col lected by an in stru mented ve hi cle, e.g. us ing a GPS data log ger, with dif fer ent data for mats sup ported. Sam ple data files in - clud ing stan dard drive cy cles for emis sion and fuel con sump tion testing supplied.

3 THE URBAN TRANSPORTATION MONITOR, MAY 3, 2010, VOL. 24 NO. 4 Page 15 Maximum Size of Net work That Can Be Sim u lated: des 9,000 Unlimited Unlimited 9,999 limit (Any length of net - work trip can be sim u - lated.) Links Dy namic Unlimited Unlimited 80,000 limit (Any length of net - work trip can be sim u - lated.) Ve hi cles Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited 32,000 Com puter-de pend ent; no limit im posed by the soft ware. Com pat i ble Data For mats: For im port ASCII, XML, bi nary VISUM/ANM, Syn chro, NAVTEQ, ASCII, XML For ex port ASCII, XML, bi nary VISUM, 3DS, Syn chro with Fall 2010 Release In te grate With Pub lic Do main Software? Ability to Interface With GIS Soft ware Prod ucts: Com pat i ble GIS soft ware prod ucts HCS, TRANSYT-7F, DYNASMART-P MapInfo Open ASCII text, DXF, BMP, JPG, CORSIM, EMME/2, ArcGIS, TP+, TransCAD, CUBE, ESRI, Syn chro Open ASCII text, CSV, DXF, PNG, BMP, JPG, PDF, PS, HTML, SSAM, 3AM, BMP UTDF (CSV), DXF, JPEG, BMP, SID, SHP UTDF, text Syn chro, CORSIM, var i - ous geo graphic file for - mats (e.g., TransCAD geo graphic file, ESRI Shapefile, etc.), CAD for mats (e.g., AutoCAD DXF), and tab u - lar/spread sheet file for - mats (e.g., Ex cel, CSV, ASCII) Var i ous geo graphic file for mats (e.g., TransCAD geo graphic file, ESRI Shapefile, etc.), nu mer - ous tab u lar data for mats (e.g., Ex cel, CSV, ASCII), Py thon and COM Any (ESRI, ArcGIS, MapInfo) with PTV Vi - sion Suite Im port able data Net work con fig u ra tion Links, nodes, turn move ments, turn re stric - tions, turn ing move ment vol umes, etc. Ex port able data Ability to Interface With Travel De - mand Mod el ing Software: Com pat i ble travel de mand mod el ing soft - ware prod ucts Im port able data Ex port able data Ability to Interface With Signal Optimi - za tion Soft ware: Com pat i ble sig - nal op ti mi za tion software Net work con fig u ra tion DYNASMART-P Ve hi cle tra jec tory, O-D matrix Ve hi cle tra jec tory, O-D matrix Links, nodes, vol umes, MOEs (e.g., speed, den - sity, de lay) VISUM, EMME/2, TransCAD, CUBE, oth - ers in clud ing mesoscopic mod els (VISTA, DynusT, etc.) Links, nodes, O-D ma tri - ces, paths and vol umes, node con trol, sig nal tim - ing, cross walks, tran sit stops, tran sit lines, tran - sit sched ules, Google Transit Links, nodes, O-D ma tri - ces, paths and vol umes, link speed, link vol ume, link den sity MapInfo, ESRI, GoogleEarth, AutoCAD Map Net work ge om e try and road at trib utes ASCII, CSV net work for - mats. All sta tis tics out - put, in clud ing LOS/MOE. Any that can pro duce ASCII text in put/out put, EMME/2, TP+, TransCAD, CUBE Any that can pro duce ASCII text in put/out put, EMME/2, TP+, TransCAD, CUBE ASCII, CSV net work for - mats. All sta tis tics out - put, in clud ing LOS/MOE TRANSYT-7F Synchro, TEAPAC User can im port/ex port ASCII text to link to other tools. Im port SHP files., via UTDF., via UTDF. TransModeler, TransCAD, Maptitude, ESRI, MapInfo, Intergraph, At las, Or a - cle, Google Earth ESRI Shapefile, MapInfo TAB file, Or a cle Spa tial Layer, MapInfo In ter - change, Intergraph DGN, At las BNA TransCAD, ESRI Shapefile, MapInfo In ter - change, Or a cle Spa tial De fault and user-spec i - fied ve hi cle types. SIDRA TRIP in put data for mat: XML. Data im - port for mats: CSV, TXT, NMEA, GPX, TRK, GDB Sim u la tion data and trip data for mats: CSV, TEXT, XML. Out put for - mat: MHT, XML TransCAD Ve hi cle trip data (ve hi - cle tra jec tory) in clud ing GPS co or di nates Ve hi cle trip data (ve hi - cle tra jec tory) Net works, trip ta bles Ve hi cle trip data (ve hi - cle tra jec tory) Net works, trip ta bles Ve hi cle trip data (ve hi - cle tra jec tory), via Syn chro or oth - ers if trans fer ring data with UTDF. Syn chro Planned in ter face with SIDRA INTERSECTION.

4 THE URBAN TRANSPORTATION MONITOR, MAY 3, 2010, VOL. 24 NO. 4 Page 16 Is sig nal op ti mi - za tion in - cluded?, with PTV Vi sion Suite (cy cle, splits, off - sets). Im port able data Timing plan Links, nodes, lane con - fig u ra tions, cross walks, pe des trian vol umes, turn ing move ment vol - umes, sig nal tim ing, detectors Ex port able data Sim u la tion Side of Road. Main An i ma tion and Graphics Ca - pabilities:. Syn chro is the in - put ed i tor for SimTraffic and op ti mi za tion per - formed in Syn chro prior to sim u la tion. Sig nal tim ings, phas ing, offsets, etc. Traf fic, tim ing, ge om e try With fall 2010 re lease Sig nal tim ings, phas ing, offsets, etc. Both right-hand and/or left-hand Ba sic iso lated in ter sec - tion cy cle length and split optimization. All Syn chro net works, turn - ing move ment vol umes, signal timings All Turn ing vol umes Both right and left Both right and left sides Right side only Both right and left Both right and left sides 3D graphics? t yet Op tional 3D Viewer pro - gram Abil ity to in ter - face with ex ter - nal 3D mod el ing soft - ware? Other Ca pa bil i ties: mov ing ve - hi cles, in di vid ual ve hi cle info, ta bles and graphs, con trol ler info, dy namic MOEs (cu mu la tive, or in - ter val-spe cific), link and node info, sig nal states, split-screen for mul ti ple cases, mul ti ple time pe ri - ods, ve hi cle col ors can dis play ve hi cle type, driver type, up com ing turn move ment (etc.), link col ors can in di cate con ges tion lev els and MOEs, ae rial photo back grounds, un lim ited an i ma tion file size, full con trol of an i ma tion speed and view. TRAFVU Viewer freeware al lows for view - ing an i ma tion on unlicensed com put ers. Can Ae rial or Other Im ages Be Used as a Back - ground to Soft - ware s An i ma tion Graphics? Net work Ar chi tec - ture: ; 3D Stu dio Max, Google Sketchup Ca pa bil i ties: 2D: an i ma - tion cre ation, ae rial view with back ground im age, ve hi cle & pe des trian color-cod ing based on user-de fined pa ram e - ters, link dis play of user-se lected pa ram e - ters (speed, flow rates, den sity, lost time, etc.);3d: ae rial view with back ground im age, ve - hi cle & pe des trian color-cod ing based on user-de fined pa ram e - ters, 3DS and Google Sketchup di rect im port, cus tom 3D ve hi cle mod - els and static mod els (build ings, signs, etc), cus tom 3D sig nal head and struc tures, in-ve hi - cle per spec tive, keyframe def i ni tion for AVI movie creation;3ds ex port; 3D Mod eler (for cre at ing cus tom 3D ve - hi cles and static ob - jects). (dxf, dwg, bmp, jpg, sid, tif, gif, tga, shapefile, ER Mapper) Link/node, for dy namic traf fic as sign ment. ; Autodesk 3ds Max, 3AM So lu tions Dy na - mite SIM Ca pa bil i ties: 3D sim u la - tion and vi su al iza tion - on line an i ma tion, 3D mod els and ob jects; de - sign tool for im port ing 3DS and SketchUp for - mat; D mod els pro vided with soft ware; cus tom iz able 3D mod - els; in te grated movie cap ture tool for offline an i ma tion; flythrough player for on-line/offline an i ma tion; no un rea son - able graphics card re - quire ments; driver's eye an i ma tion in clud ing dynamic vehicle statistics and tracng dy - namic ve hi cle mea sure - ments; pdf ex port for plot ting.. Overlay or back - ground pro vided by DXF, bitmap, JPG, PNG for mats. Ca pa bil i ties: An i ma tion of cars, trucks, pe des tri - ans, and sig nal phases; an i ma tion is avail able while simulation is oc - cur ring; de tailed data about sig nals or ve hi - cles is avail able by click - ing; zoom and pan while an i mat ing; an i mates at ½ to 8x real time both for ward and re verse. Op tional 3D Viewer pro - gram can view SimTraffic animation in 3D., JPG, DXF, BMP, SID and SHP ; In cludes sup port for Google Sketchup files Ca pa bil i ties: 2D and 3D GIS an i ma tion and vi su - al iza tion. De vel op ment of 3D scenes is done in an in te grated, nav i ga ble 3D GIS en vi ron ment; Graph i cal ed it ing tools are used to build 3D scenes around an au to - matic 3D ren der ing of the road net work. : JPEG, JPEG2000, TIFF, MrSID, ECW Im - age, SPOT Im age, Dig i - tal Orthophoto. Link/node with lane-to-lane con nec tors at in ter sec tions and be - tween seg ments of a link. Link/con nec tor Max i mum Lookahead Dis tance For Ex its Or In ter - sec tion Turns: Num ber of nodes 12 User-de fin able User de fin able for in ter - sec tion (2 for rout ing). 8 ; Look-ahead in tel li - gently man aged based on be hav ioral con sid er - ations, not artificially lim - ited by num ber of nodes. ; Planned for fu ture Ca pa bil i ties: An i mates move ment of ve hi cle with dy namic graphs linked to the ve hi cle move ment.. Planned for fu ture.

5 THE URBAN TRANSPORTATION MONITOR, MAY 3, 2010, VOL. 24 NO. 4 Page 17 Dis tance User-de fined Un lim ited, user-de fin - able by lo ca tion Maximum inter - sec tion ap - proach legs Ve hi cle Types: User-de fin able Editable by user ; Look-ahead in tel li - gently man aged based on be hav ioral con sid er - ations, not artificially lim - ited by num ber of nodes. 5 Unlimited Any dis tance User-de fin able. Done by clon ing de fault ve hi cles and de - fault driv ers. Rep re sent able types of vehicles Does Your Soft - ware Ap ply Static or Dy namic As - sign ment? Key Pa ram e ters: User de fin able key pa ram e - ters? Soft ware pro - vides de fault val ues for key pa ram e ters? Nine ve hi cle types with four gen eral clas si fi ca - tions (car, truck, bus, carpool) are de fined by de fault, but there are 16 to tal ve hi cle types that can be used. Static as sign ment All modes, in clud ing pe - des tri ans, bi cy cles, pas - sen ger cars, mo tor cy cles, trucks, buses, light rail, heavy rail, fer ries, air craft, etc. Both static and dy namic traf fic as sign ment; also in cludes event-based dy namic rout ing. Any: pe des trian, bi cy cle, mo tor cy cle, au tos, SUV truck, ar tic u lated ve hi - cles/trucks, light/heavy rail, trams, buses, mini - buses, pub lic trans port etc., cus tom iz able and user de fin able - over 800 3D mod els pro - vided for ve hi cle/pe des - trian an i ma tion. Both static (all or nothing route choice) and dy namic (cur rent con di tions and events) route choice is avail - able. In ad di tion both as sign ment meth ods can uti lise sto chas tic rout ing to add vari abil ity to the spread of routes taken by the driv ing pop u la tion. ; nu mer ous rout ing and dy namic as sign - ment pa ram e ters, nu - mer ous global and lo cal ized pa ram e ters, driver be hav ior pa ram e - ters, link and in ter sec - tion based pa ram e ters, etc. Cars, trucks, buses, RV, carpool, pe des tri ans. Static as sign ment., time in ter vals, driver pa ram e ters, ve hi - cle pa ram e ters. All - pas sen ger auto, truck, mo tor cy cle, bus, train Both; An a lytic static and dy namic traf fic as sign - ment meth ods can be used; Sim u la tion-based dy namic traf fic as sign - ment can be ap plied; Driv ers can also dy nam - i cally re route in re - sponse to in for ma tion/ events. Any ve hi cle type in the Pas sen ger Car, Light Ve hi cle, Heavy Ve hi cle cat e go ries, cou pled with five Driver types.. Most pa ram e ters can be spec i fied by the user.

6 THE URBAN TRANSPORTATION MONITOR, MAY 3, 2010, VOL. 24 NO. 4 Page 18 Can Soft ware Sim - u late and/or Model the Fol low ing: (Key to an swers: a ="yes, and our soft ware will im plic - itly model how this strat egy will, where ap pli ca ble, ef fect traf fic vol umes on in di vid ual links of the net work" b = yes, but user needs to spec ify how this strat egy will, where ap pli ca - ble, ef fect traf fic vol umes on in di vid - ual links of the net - work) In ci dent man - age ment Toll pla zas with - out elec tronic toll collection Toll pla zas with elec tronic toll collection Con ges tion pricing : a : a : a : a Real-life in ci dent man - age ment can be as - sessed. : b : a : a : a Real-life toll pla zas can : b : a : a : a Real-life toll pla zas can : a or b : a : a Real-life con ges tion pric - ing can Real-time route guid ance (in-ve- hi cle and/or through vari able mes sage signs) : a : a : a Real-life route guid ance can Vari able mes - sage signs with adap tive speed con trol HOV lanes, bar - rier sep a rated, two-way flow HOV lanes, bar - rier sep a rated, re vers ible flow HOV lanes, buffer sep a - rated, con cur - rent flow HOV lanes, bar - rier sep a rated, contraflow : a : a : a Real-life vari able mes - sage signs can be as - sessed. : a : a : a : a Real-life HOV lanes can : b : a : a : a Real-life HOV lanes can : a : a : a : a Real-life HOV lanes can : b : a : a Real-life HOV lanes can HOT lanes : a or b : a : a Real-life HOT lanes can Queue by - passes for tran - sit/hov ve hi cles : b : a : a, work-around so lu - tions : a Real-life queue by - passes for tran sit/hov ve hi cles can be as - sessed. Bus only lanes : a : a : a : a Real-life bus only lanes can Work zones : a : a : a : a Real-life work zones can Use of shoul - ders by gen eral traf fic dur ing peak pe ri ods Use of shoul - ders by HOVs only dur ing peak pe ri ods Di verted traf fic as a re sult of a change in ca - pac ity : b : a : a : a Real-life use of shoul - ders can : b : a : a : a Real-life use of shoul - ders can : b : a : a : a Real-life di verted traf fic can Weav ing : a : a : a : a

7 THE URBAN TRANSPORTATION MONITOR, MAY 3, 2010, VOL. 24 NO. 4 Page 19 Round abouts : a : a : a : a (us ing travel data col lected at round - abouts.) Four-way stops : a : a : a : a (us ing travel data col lected at four-way stops.) U-turns : a : a : a : a Cen ter turn lanes Re vers ible lanes : b : a : a Vi sual only : a : a : a : b : a (us ing travel data col lected at fa cil i ties with re vers ible lanes.) Sig nal con trol : a : a : a : a Stan dard NEMA/170 con - trol logic: stan - dard 8 phase Stan dard NEMA/170 con - trol logic: mul ti - ple rings and bar ri ers Vir tual con trol ler firm ware avail - able from sig nal con trol ven dors : a : b : a : a : b : a : a, soft - ware-in-the-loop: Econolite ASC/3, Toddware D4; hard - ware-in-the-loop: McCAIN CID II (TS 1), ATAC CID (TS2) Sig nal con trol macro lan guage for user-definable con trol logic : a, VAP macro lan - guage and API Sig nal con trol test mode Sig nal to sig nal com mu ni ca - tions Mul ti ple in ter - sec tions con - trolled by sin gle con trol ler System-wide adap tive sig nal con trol Lo cal adap tive sig nal con trol Tran sit sig nal pri or ity Rail road pre-emption : a, CID, SIL for fu ture mod els : a : a : b : a Only via runtime ex ten - sion Only via runtime ex ten - sion (SCOOT, SCATS, and oth ers via VAP, COM, or HIL in ter faces.) : a, planned for the fu - ture, via VAP, ASC/3 : a : b : a : a : b : a : a Bus tran sit : a : a : a Light rail tran sit : a : a Pe des tri ans : a, pe des trian-ve hi cle, pe des trian-pe des trian, pe des trian-tran sit, pe - des trian-build - ings/walls/ob jects; node-, link-, area-based MOEs. : a : a Bicycling : b Park and ride : b, via COM or trip chain ing : a : a Parked ve hi cles : b : a : a Park guid ance sys tems Search for park - ing space Multi-modal shared spaces : a : a : a Transit malls

8 THE URBAN TRANSPORTATION MONITOR, MAY 3, 2010, VOL. 24 NO. 4 Page 20 n-ve hi cle use : a paths Traffic calming mea sures Weather con di - tions Ef fect of re - duced lane widths Ef fect of re - duced shoul der widths and/or no shoul ders Free way ramp me ter ing sig - nals Round about me ter ing sig - nals Sig nal ized and unsignalized pe des trian cross ings at in - ter sec tions and midblock lo ca - tions Dif fer ent ac cel - er a tion and de - cel er a tion char ac ter is tics (ac cel er a tion and de cel er a - tion times, dis - tances and speed-time pro - files) of dif fer ent types (sizes) of ve hi cles and dif - fer ent types of driv ers (nor mal, ag gres sive, etc) : a : a (us ing travel data col lected at streets with traffic calming). : b : b : b via driver be hav ior pa ram e ter ad just ments for re duced ca pac ity. via driver be hav ior pa ram e ter ad just ments for re duced ca pac ity. via driver be hav ior pa ram e ter ad just ments for re duced ca pac ity. : b : b (us ing travel data col lected un der dif fer ent weather con di tions). : b : a (us ing travel data col lected un der dif fer ent road con di tions). : b, but can be ad justed with Head way Fac tor. : a (us ing travel data col lected un der dif fer ent road con di tions). : a : b, workarounds : a Real-life free way ramp me ter ing can be as - sessed. : b : b : a Real-life round about me - ter ing can : b : a : a Real-life pe des trian cross ings can be as - sessed. : a : a : a A poly no mial model of ac cel er a tion pro file used to es ti mate ac cel er a tion and de cel er a tion times, dis tances and speed-time pro files for any ve hi cle type in Pas - sen ger Car, Light Ve hi - cle, Heavy Ve hi cle cat e go ries, cou pled with five Driver types (r- mal, Slow, Ag gres sive, Very Slow, Very Ag gres - sive). This ac cel er a tio -de cel er a tion model cor - re sponds to an S-shaped speed-time pro file where the value and po si tion of the max i - mum ac cel er a tion rate depends on initial and final speeds. Gap ac cep - tance be hav ior of driv ers in sit - u a tions that re - quire giv ing-way yield ing to other ve hi cle streams and pe des tri ans (sig nals, roundabouts, sign con trol, merg - ing) : a : a, global set ting by driver type. Dif fer ent driver re sponse times dur ing queue dis charge for dif fer ent in ter - sec tion con trols (sig nals, round - abouts, sign con trol), i.e. time it takes for the next ve hi cle in the queue to start mov ing Speeds of turn - ing and through ve hi cles ne go ti - at ing dif fer ent types of in ter - sec tions in clud - ing round abouts as a func tion of the in ter sec tion ge om e try : a : a : a : b : a, user in put : a Speeds dur ing ne go ti a - tion of dif fer ent in ter sec - tion types can be as sessed us ing real-life data. : a

9 THE URBAN TRANSPORTATION MONITOR, MAY 3, 2010, VOL. 24 NO. 4 Page 21 Free queue, i.e. num ber of ve hi - cles at the head of a queue in a shared lane ( a lane with dif fer - ent traf fic streams) at an in ter sec tion that will start block - ing other streams Lane flow rates at in ter sec tions and midblock (pro por tion or amount of to tal traffic using avail able lanes) to re flect lane choice of driv - ers Ca pac ity, i.e. high est ve hi cle flow rate that can be han dled by a traf fic lane for dif fer ent traf - fic facilities (sig - nals, round abouts, sign con trol, free way, etc) Does Your Soft - ware Pro duce the Fol low ing Mea - sures of Effectiveness? Ve hi cle travel time Tran sit travel time Tran sit sched - ule reliability Pe des trian/pas - sen ger mea - sures Vehicle miles trav eled : a : a : a : a : a : a : b, for sig nals and unsignalized with com - pan ion model Syn chro. Simulation will show num ber of ve hi cles served. : point -to-point, link, sys tem-wide, per ve hi cle class : point to-point, route, per line, per ve hi - cle : a : travel times, pas - sen ger tran sit wait times, den sity, speed, de lay, etc. : link, whole net - Speed : link, whole net - ; link node, whole ; link node, whole Ca pac ity, but mod eled in com - pan ion Syn chro Stopped de lay : point- to-point, link, node, sys tem-wide, per ve hi cle class Con trol de lay : point- to-point, link, node, sys tem-wide, per ve hi cle class Av er age queue lengths Maximum queue lengths Atops per ve hi - cle : point, link, node, sys tem- wide : point, link, node, sys tem- wide : point- to-point, link, node, sys tem- wide, per ve hi cle class Level of ser vice : link, node, per ve hi - cle class : link, whole net - : link, whole net - : link, whole net - : link, whole net - : link, whole net - : link, whole net - Queue lengths : link, node : link, whole net - Es ti mated num - ber of ac ci dents ; link node, whole ; link node, whole ; link node Can be de rived ; link node Can be de rived ; link node, whole no ; link node Can be de rived, SSAM, SSAM Ac ci dent costs

10 THE URBAN TRANSPORTATION MONITOR, MAY 3, 2010, VOL. 24 NO. 4 Page 22 Emissions, node, per ve hi cle class : link, whole net - ise level : link, whole net - Fuel con sump - tion Ve hi cle op er at - ing costs Other Can Re ports and MOEs be Cus tom - ized by a User? Years Soft ware Been In Use in the U.S. Num ber of Or ga ni - za tions Us ing Soft - ware in the U.S. Num ber of Or ga ni - za tions Us ing Soft - ware Out side the U.S., node, per ve hi cle class : link, whole net - : link, whole net - Oc cu pancy, num ber of lane changes, num ber of missed des ti na tions, den sity, two-lane high - way out puts, av er age ac tu ated phase times, ve hi cle tra jec to ries, ac - cel er a tion noise. De tailed sig nal sta tis tics (av er age times, his to - grams), link den sity, link flow, path eval u a tions, man aged lanes and toll eval u a tions. Com pare two sim u la - tions and re port of dif - fer ences, av er age n sim u la tion runs. Flows and travel time are re - ported for each O-D pair by ve hi cle type and time. Point-to-point jour - ney time. Other stats in clude: link count, link den sity, link flow, block ing, av er age queues, max prop a - gated length, queue length and queue ve hi - cle count (50th and 95th per cen tile), sig nal dis - charge length and count (max, 50th and 95th Per cen tile), turn count, turn count (pro por tion), turn flow, turn flow (prop), turn de lay, OD count, OD flow, num ber trips, max trip time, Min trip time, avg trip time, de tec tor speed, de tec tor oc cu pancy, de tec tor gap, de tec tor count, de - tec tor flow, de tec tor head way, in ter sec tion LOS/MOE, turn ing move ment LOS, in ter - sec tion per for mance (green, am ber and red time), in ter sec tion per - for mance over ca pac ity per cent age, in ter sec tion performance over capacity vehicle count. ; link node, whole. A mi cro scopic model based on in stan - ta neous ve hi cle power re quire ment used for Car bon Di ox ide (CO2), Car bon Mon ox ide (CO), Hy dro car bons (HC) and Ni tro gen Ox ides (NOx) emis sions. Emis sion graphs gen er ated. Stan - dard drive cy cle files for emis sion testing provided.. ASJ 2003 (Jap a - nese), SonRoad (Swiss) and RLS-90 (Ger man) mod els avail able. ise graphs gen er ated. Min i - mum, max i mum and av - er age equiv a lent noise level val ues are given for the trip. ; link node, whole. A mi cro scopic model based on in stan - ta neous ve hi cle power / en ergy re quire ment used. Fuel con sump tion graphs gen er ated. Stan - dard drive cy cle files for fuel con sump tion test ing provided.. Time costs and toll costs are also in cluded. Toll rev e nue from HOT lanes, ve hi cle tra jec - tory/gps logs A large num ber of other pa ram e ters de scrib ing trip char ac ter is tics, e.g. a Travel Time In dex, ac - cel er a tion noise, PKE, high est ac cel er a tion rate, high est power; ac - tual val ues as well as dis tance rates (per km or per mile) and per cent - age val ues for most trip statistics Less than , Less than 50

11 THE URBAN TRANSPORTATION MONITOR, MAY 3, 2010, VOL. 24 NO. 4 Page 23 Op tions Pro vided for Sup port and Training Soft ware main - te nance Iin di vid ual train - ing Group train ing On-screen tu to - rials On line help User groups News let ter Tele phone sup - port Other Op tions Pro vided for Sup port and Train ing That are Free of Charge With the Pur chase of Your Soft ware Estimated Time a Young Traf fic En gi - neer or Trans por ta - tion Plan ner Will Take to Be come Rea son ably Pro fi - cient in the Use of Your Software? Fea tures that the Soft ware Has to Speed the Pro cess of Sim u lat ing a Par - tic u lar Sit u a tion yes ( pre ferred) Down load able sam ple net works, FAQs Tele phone and sup port, down load able sam ple net works, FAQs FAQs, elearning (web-based train ing), tu - to ri als, webinars One year soft ware main - te nance, website, FAQ, tele phone, sup port Fea ture re quest sys tem, lan guage sup port, sup port, website sup - port, on line knowledgebase, au to - matic on line up - grades/down loads, dis cus sion forum, etc. Stan dard sup port in - clud ing up grades, helpdesk ac cess, knowledgebase, on line tu to ri als, news let ter. On-line ticket sys tem, , knowl edge base On line help, web help, sup port, tele - phone, soft ware main te - nance. Sup port de liv er able live and in ter ac tively over the internet via web conferencing soft ware., for the first year, main te nance and up - grades are free of charge. 3 days 2-3 days 3 days 2 days 2-3 weeks 1 day Graph i cal data en try, one-touch an i ma tion from HCS, one-touch an - i ma tion from TRANSYT-7F, copy and paste links and nodes, de fault val ues for nu mer - ous in puts. IMulti-core pro cess ing; 64-bit pro cess ing; im port of travel de mand model net work, sig nal con trol, and as sign ment re sults (first so lu tion for dy namic traf fic as sign ment); im - port of NAVTEQ dig i tal maps via VISUM, snap - shot fea ture for seed ing sim u la tion, COM in ter - face, read ad di tional. Ded i cated dis trib uted pro cess ing prod uct for run ning non GUI sim u la - tions with re duced sim u - la tion time and au to matic anal y sis pro - cess ing. Open ASCII text formatfor im port/ex - port, Net work Au dit ing Tool, CSV data ex port, net work/sub-net work/in - ter sec tion copy/cut/paste, one-click round about cre ation, con cur rent vi - su al iza tion and sim u la - tion, ed it ing/cod ing on-the-fly, user de fin - able pre set sig nal con - trol set tings, drag and drop node place ment, Fast net work build (daisy chain ing) de fin - able graphic lay ers, li - brary of com monly used file. In te gra tion with Syn chro. Op ti mized and Data is en tered in log i cal Syn chro views and sim u - la tion with a sin gle but ton click. Optimizations of sig nal tim ings can be per formed with Syn chro and sim u lated with SimTraffic. multithreaded for mul ti - ple cores; Hy brid sim u - la tion (ap pli ca tion of faster, lower res o lu tion mod els to part of the net work); GIS in te gra - tion (eas ier in put data prep a ra tion, anal y sis, and re port ing). Sam ple trip data files pro vided. Tech ni cal sup port and free up grades un der a cover sub scrip tion ar - range ment. Travel con di tions be fore and af ter in tro duc tion of traf fic man age ment schemes, in ter sec tion and road im prove ments, res i den tial street traf fic calm ing schemes, and so on, can be sim u lated with out need for time-con sum ing and costly net work setup work. Net work trip sce - nar ios can be de fined very quickly by sim ply spec i fy ing ini tial and fi nal speeds to rep re sent ve - hi cle move ments. Travel data ob tained via traf fic sur veys can be imported and analyzed with little effort.

12 THE URBAN TRANSPORTATION MONITOR, MAY 3, 2010, VOL. 24 NO. 4 Page 24 Main Strengths of Software Main Im prove ments To Be Added to Soft ware Within the Next 12 Months Com pre hen sive and re - alistic modeling, low cost, widely used, quick and easy to use, can be cal i brated ex ten sively for lo cal con di tions, in te - grated with many pop u - lar soft ware pack ages, runtime ex ten sion al lows real-time ac cess to CORSIM simulation logic, fun da men tally sound mod el ing. Planned up dates: ex plicit mod el ing of ITS el e - ments, out put data up - grades (new mea sures of ef fec tive ness, new re - port for mats), ve hi cle an - i ma tion and road way cur va ture in TSIS Next, an i ma tion file post-pro - cess ing (ve hi cle tra jec to - ries, sig nal pro cess ing), ex pan sion of two-lane ru ral high way sim u la tion, abil ity to vary more input parameters between time pe ri ods. Re cent up dates: sig nal pre-emption for ac tu ated con trol lers, traf fic as sign - ment for ac tu ated con - trol lers, two-lane ru ral high ways with pass ing and no-pass ing zones, ve hi cle type O-D vol - umes in FRESIM, laneage draw ing in TSIS Next, TRANSYT-7F sig - nal op ti mi za tion. High level of de tail and ac cu racy for all modes (in clud ing pe des tri ans); flex i ble to model nearly all geo met ric de signs, op er a tional strat e gies, and tem po ral char ac ter - is tics; scal able for sin gle in ter sec tion or re gional sim u la tion; pow er ful graphic ca pa bil i ties; wide range of MOEs; in te gra - tion with travel de mand mod els, mesoscopic mod els, and GIS soft - ware; real sig nal con trol; it er a tive dy namic traf fic assignment; industry-leading technical support. Signal timing optimiza - tion, car-to-car in ter face, ad di tional pe des trian path-choice behaviors. Ex tremely de tailed mod els with high level of sim u la tion ac cu racy; fully configurable to en - sure com plete cal i bra - tion for all traf fic sce nar ios; scal able: from a sin gle in ter sec - tion to a com plete city; make changes to model as sim u la tion is run ning with new be hav ior seen immediately; complete range of run time an a - lytic tools; stun ning graphics, full video re - cord ing for play back on any PC; so phis ti cated rout ing model with true dy namic and sto chas tic traf fic as sign ment; vari - able driver be hav ior for more re al is tic model be - hav ior; full pe des trian mod el ing with au to matic ve hi cle in ter ac tion at cross ings; mon i tor ve hi - cle emis sions; in te - grated ITS tech nol o gies; com pre hen sive post-pro cess anal y sis mod ule, com pare/av er - age runs; mi cro scopic de mand ma trix es ti ma - tion mod ule; pro gram - ming SDK al lows us ers to ex tend stan dard func - tion al ity; dis trib uted pro - cess ing for high speed sim u la tion and in - creased pro duc tiv ity; in - te gra tion with nu mer ous in dus try lead ing soft - ware pack ages; com - plete support package to enable users to be more self sufficient; easy to use interface; a complete, affordable solution. See paramics-on - An a lyzes al most ev ery pos si ble traf fic sig nal con fig u ra tion; sim u lates at 10 steps per sec ond; fast, easy in put and ad - just ments to data via Syn chro; mod els in di vid - ual pe des tri ans; widely used sim u la tion software in the United States. Ver sion 7 re cently re - leased ( Fu ture ver sions based on feed back from us ers. Ad vanced driver be hav - ior mod els that better han dle con gested con - di tions, par tic u larly on con gested weav ing sec - tions and oversaturated ar te ri als. Ve hi cles never stall or dis ap pear on fail ing to change lanes a cer tain dis tance from a turn or exit. Ve hi cle per - for mance model re - spects the fea si ble range of ac cel er a tion and de cel er a tion of a ve hi cle. In te grated GIS en vi ron ment vastly sim - pli fies data prep a ra tion, shar ing, and in te gra tion. Op ti mized for the lat est com put ing technologies to allow for the simulation of wide areas. Ex ten sion of contraflow and re vers ible lanes, cen ter turn lanes, bi cy - cle model, and more de - tailed pe des trian and tran sit pas sen ger mod - els. Ver sion 2.6 is ship ping; Ver sion 2.7, which will in clude a pow er ful new API for cus tom iz ation of traf fic con trol, is com ing soon; Ver sion 3.0, which is 64-bit, is un der ac tive de vel op ment. SIDRA TRIP em ploys an in stan ta neous speed and ac cel er a tion model to de ter mine var i ous trip char ac ter is tics for as - sess ing traf fic and travel level of ser vice, per for - mance (de lay, speed, travel time), and a power-based ve hi cle model to es ti mate fuel con sump tion, emis sions, noise op er at ing cost and user cost. SIDRA TRIP is ide ally suited to be fore and af ter stud ies to as - sess travel con di tions with ease. It can also be used for as sess ing in tel - li gent trans port sys tem ap pli ca tions, driver train - ing pro grams, and ve hi - cle char ac ter is tics. SIDRA TRIP al lows anal y sis of trips of any length as well as se - lected sec tions of a trip in a flex i ble way. It can use trip data col lected by an in stru mented ve hi cle, for ex am ple, us ing a GPS data log ger, or use drive-cy cle data based on speed-change in for - ma tion spec i fied by the user. SIDRA TRIP has high ed u ca tional value to - wards im proved un der - stand ing ve hi cle move ments and re lated traf fic per for mance, emis sions, fuel con - sump tion, op er at ing and user costs and noise at a mi cro scopic level. An i - ma tion and dy namic graphs help to wards this pur pose. Out put data gen er ated by SIDRA TRIP can be used to cal - i brate net work microsimulation mod els, e.g. heavy ve hi cle ac cel - er a tion- de cel er a tion pro files, or mac ro scopic mod els, e.g. ex cess fuel consumptions and emis - sion fac tors. SIDRA TRIP Ver sion 2 is in prep a ra tion. This will in tro duce ma jor en - hance ments to the soft - ware ca pa bil i ties.


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