Mackintosh Academy s Programme of Inquiry

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1 Mackintosh Academy s Programme of Inquiry Age Who we are An exploration of the nature of the self; of our beliefs and values; of personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; of our families, friends, and cultures; of our rights and responsibilities; of what it means to be human. Growth is a remarkable process filled with important choices Where we are in time and place An exploration of our orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationship between and the interconnectedness of individual and civilizations, from local and global perspectives. Continents are unique foundations for life on our earth How we express ourselves the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. Music creates portals to understanding and expression How the works the natural and its laws; the interaction between the natural (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment. *Organisms go through distinct changes throughout life. How we organise ourselves the interconnectedness of human-made systems and ; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment. People have gifts they share with their for professional and personal reasons How we share the planet rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; and relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution. *Adults of many animal species have a responsibility to care for their young. PK- (Odd Years) 1. Personal growth and change 2. Keeping our bodies healthy 3. Understanding personal preferences Concepts: Change,, Reflection Growth, Values, Behavior Inquirer, Principled, Reflective Sept. Oct 1. Continents around the 2. Life-sustaining features of the continents 3. Family heritages and its impact Causation Properties, Relationships, Culture, Inquirer, Open-Minded March April 1. Inspiration and learning through music 2. Relationship between the arts and science 3. Differences in interpretation Concepts: Function,, Perspective Role, Relationship, Inspiration Thinker, Balanced, Open-Minded January Feb Focus lenses of: Planets by Holst 1. Physical structure of frogs 2. Life changes of frogs 3. Function of life changes Concepts: Form, Change, Function Structure, Transformation, Purpose Communicator,, Thinker April May Focus lenses of: Frogs 1. Various roles in 2. Purpose of various jobs 3. Reflecting on personal gifts shared within Concepts: Perspective, Causation, Reflection Value, Impact, Evaluation Inquirer, Communicator, Reflective Nov-Dec 1. The needs of animals when they are young 2. Relationships between adult animals and their young 3. The role of humans in protecting species of the Attributes, Interdependence, Initiative, Risk-Taker, Caring Oct- Nov Focus lenses of: Opossums; penguins

2 People make choices to ensure their safety in the. Environments influence what clothes people choose Playing with words allows one to develop an understanding of language. *Organisms go through distinct changes throughout life. Cities are organized in ways to help us live together. *Adults of many animal species have a responsibility to care for their young. PK Even Year (Boulder K on Even Years) 4. Increasing awareness and responsibility for safety indoors 5. Increasing awareness and responsibility for safety outside 6. Impact of choices Concepts: Form,, Causation Systems, Consequences, Safety, Principled, Caring, Independence (attitude), Empathy (attitude) October - November to wear. 1. Adapting clothing to weather and geography 2. Relationship of cultural environments and clothing choices 3. Evidence of clothing variations across culture, time, and place Concepts: Change,, Reflection Similarities, Differences, Culture, Seasons Thinker, Reflective, Open-Minded, Balance, Tolerance (attitude) November - December 1. Building words and language 2. Impact of word play on language skills 3. Ways stories and nursery rhymes connect people across time and place Concepts: Function, Causation, Communication, Patterns, Relationships Communicator, Thinker, Risk- Taker, Creativity (attitude), Appreciation (attitude) March - April 1. Physical structures of butterflies 2. Life changes of butterflies 3. Similarities and differences between butterflies and humans Concepts: Form, Change, Structures, Patterns, Cycles, Interdependences, Reflective, Risk-Taker, Communicator September October Focus lenses of: Butterflies 1. Parts of a cities 2. Cities around the 3. Using city knowledge to guide others Concepts: Form, Perspective, Properties, Similarities/Differences, Citizenship Principled, Communicator, Reflective, April - May 4. The needs animals have when they are young 5. Relationships between adult animals and their young 6. The role of humans in protecting species of the Roles, Relationships, Rights, Interdependence Inquirer, Respect (attitude), Caring, Reflective, Inquirer January - February Focus lenses of: Elephants

3 Healthy systems enable us to maintain well-being. Geography and one s natural resources help to shape a community. Tales can help explain the unknow n and teach lessons. Climate and weather impacts daily life. Food connects people within. We have rights and responsibilities to self and the as we share finite resources. Kindergarten (Boulder K on Odd Years) 1. Exploration of how body systems work 2. How our systems interact 3. Consequences of choices, systems, behavior, relationships Balanced, Caring, Reflective March 1. Use of geographical resources 2. Needs of a community 3. How natural resources affect a community s food, shelter, clothing 4. Relationships between man and animals in a community Key Concepts: Change,, Perspective symbolism, populations, culture, adaptation Reflective,, Inquirer Feb. Focus lenses of: Native peoples in North America 1. Purpose of the tales 2. Similar tales between different societies 3. Responsibilities of a performer Perspective, motivation, interaction pattern Principled, Thinker, Open-Minded Dec-Jan. Focus lenses of: Cinderella and folk tales around the Lines of Inquiry: 1. Components of weather and climate 2. Measuring and predicting weather changes 3. Impacts of climate and weather Change, Causation patterns, variables, systems, cycles Inquirer, Thinker Oct-Nov 1. Where food comes from 2. Role of food within 3. Responsibilities (economic, health, environmental) towards food, cooperation and values, properties and seasons, distribution, Open- Minded, Communicator September 1. Where finite resources come from. 2. Dangers of misuse and finite resources. 3. Our responsibilities toward resources, systems, interactions, rights Thinker, Caring, Principled April May Focus lenses of: Rainforests

4 Relationships with friends and family affects who we are Explorers go to new places resulting in discoveries which impact people s lives People express their beliefs through traditions and celebrations. The physical features of organisms suit them for their environments which need to be preserved. People use maps to communicate how systems organized. resources. Life depends on sharing and protecting its water 1 st Grade 1. Characteristics of families and friendships around the 2. Responsibilities in relationships 3. Roles within relationships Key Concepts:, form, connection Structure, Impact, Structure, Relationships, Rights, Roles Open Minded, Communicator, Caring Dates: Sept 1. Reasons why people explore 2. Routes of exploration and movement 3. Expected and Unexpected Discoveries Key Concepts: Perspective, Causation, Reflection Impact, Exploration, Migration risk taker, inquirer, reflective Dates: March-April 1. Ways people express themselves and their religious beliefs through traditions and celebrations 2. Similarities and differences between religions, celebrations and traditions throughout the 3. Respecting others and their differences, Perspective Traditions, Religion, Tolerance open minded, balanced, caring Dates: Nov-Dec 1. Function of the physical features of organisms 2. Similarities and differences between organisms 3. Protecting the environmental needs of organisms, Interdependence, Systems, Adaptation, Organisms responsibility, principled, knowledge Dates: April-May Focus lenses of: Birds 1. Ways in which maps are used to communicate 2. Comparison of uses of maps 3. Interaction between people and maps Concepts: perspective, function, connection properties, systems, patterns thinker, communicator, knowledgeable Jan-Feb 1. How water is used by living things 2. How water is distributed in various regions of the. 3. Effects of the shortages and pollution to water Concepts: Function, Causation, systems, consequences, sustainability responsibility, reflective, caring Oct-Nov

5 2 nd /3 rd Odd Years Leaders are shaped by their values and experiences 1. Styles of leadership 2. Responsibilities of leaders 3. The journey of a leader Concepts: Perspective,, Reflection Values, Beliefs, Rights, Resiliency and Perseverance Thinker, Principled, Risk Taker Dates: April - May Advancement in our knowledge affects how we treat our bodies. People move to new places resulting in changes to their lives. 1. Reasons why people go to new places 2. How expectations change with new experiences 3. Building and maintaining connections Concepts: Perspective, Change, Citizenship, Relationships, Migration Focus lenses of: Immigration, Pioneers Dates: March April People settle in new locations with wide ranging effects on themselves and the indigenous populations. People use symbols to express ideas, values, and beliefs. Lines of Inquiry: 1. How symbols are used in cultures around the 2. Symbols in the arts, math, science, language and literature 3. Symbols as a nonverbal expression Concepts:, Function Reflection Related concepts: Culture, Interpretation, Symbols, Communication Open-Minded, Communicator; Risk-taker Dates: Oct. 1 Nov. 15 Through creative and scientific means, nature can be explored, understood, and discovered. Technology advances from the simple to the complex. 1. Machines are designed to do work 2. Complex machines are formed from simple parts 3. Technological advances change how people work Concepts: Function, Form, Change adaptation, movement, relationships Inquirer,, Balanced Dates: Jan 13 Feb 21 st Focus lenses of: transportation Electricity, in one form or another, is all around us. Civilizations develop from the needs of its people and available resources. 1. Needs of a people to survive and prosper 2. How civilizations are structured 3. Interdependence of the gears of a civilization Concepts: Causation, Function, s Resources, structure, systems, interdependence Reflective, Thinker, Balanced Focus lenses of: Ancient Mesopotamia, China, Egypt, Mesoamerica, India Dates: Nov 18 Jan. 10 People develop systems in which to organize themselves within their. Plants play a vital role in our sustainability. 1. Structure of plants 2. Impact of plant life in the 3. The role of humans in plant sustainability Causation, Structure, Behavior, Growth Caring, Inquirer, Dates: Aug- Sep Organisms interact with one another and with their environment. 2 nd /3 rd Even Years 1. Function of nutrition 2. How choices impact health 3. Caring for own bodies Causation, : Growth, Behavior, Interaction, Datahandling Balanced Caring Dates: Feb March 1. New settlements 2. Impact of settlements 3. Rights and responsibilities Concepts: Causation, Change, impact, migration, rights Learner Profiles: Open-Minded, Risk Taker, Communicator Dec Jan Focus lenses of: Pilgrims Lines of Inquiry 1. How nature can inform, inspire and transform your own expression 2. How observation of nature inspires artists in various fields 3. How nature is more deeply understood through discovery and expression Concepts: Change, Perspective, Reflection transformation, interpretation, harmony ( of arts and science) Learner Profiles:, Inquirer, Communicator, Reflective Oct- Nov Focus lenses of: Trees. 1. Variety of electrical phenomena 2. Where does the electricity come from 3. Components of a circuit and the relationships that occur between them Concepts: Form, Function, Related concepts: Energy, systems, values Learner Profiles: Risk Taker, Thinker, Balanced Feb March 1. The establishment of sustainable 2. How people organize their community s layout 3. Different groups depend on each other for the health of the community Concepts: Causation, Function, Related concepts: structure, patterns, interdependence Learner Profiles: Open-minded, Thinker, Communicator, Principled March April Focus lenses of: Colonial America Biotic and abiotic elements of an ecological system 1. The relationship between organisms and their environment can produce immediate and long-term changes. 2. Management and protection of systems. (Trends, issues, and consequences of mismanagement.) Concepts: Form, Change, systems, adaptation Caring, Balanced, May

6 Aesthetic sensibilities express cultures, values, and feelings. The earth s structure affects human How people understand and treat other species has consequences in our. Relationships between create and sustain societies. Lines of Inquiry 1. Definitions of 2. Identify how various groups affect the development of a region 3. How meld to form societies Causation, Perspective culture, impact, beliefs and opinion Risk-taker, Open-Minded, Communicator Dates: January-February Focus lenses of: Colorado Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson Nothing Here But Stones Bearstone Journey to Topaz Talking Earth Availability of resources motivates population change. 1. Changing biological resources and its affect on populations 2. How geological resources affect population movement 3. How resource acquisition has changed over time Key Concepts: Change, connection, causation finite resources, group decision making, sharing, Balanced, Thinker Dates: Oct- Nov Focus lenses of: Colorado, Western Water and Mining Resources Little Britches, Secret School, Dipper of Cooper Creek, Hard Gold, Katerina s Wish, Dragon for Cripple Creek Lines of Inquiry: 1. Understanding forms artistic expression. 2. How cultural beliefs, values, and feelings impact artistic expression 3. Appreciating diverse perspectives in the arts. Concepts: Form, Causation, Perspective Aesthetics, Design, Creativity Risk-taker, principled, open-minded, caring Focus lenses of: architecture, art history, modern art, music Dates: Nov 11 Jan. 17 th Play: Melodrama; Sadako and Thousand Cranes, Beethoven Lives Upstairs, Broken Shard, Mixed Up Files endeavors. 1. Structure of the earth 2. How the dynamic earth impacts human life 3. The use of earth s resources Concepts: Form, Causation, properties, impact, interdependence Inquirer, Communicator, Principled Dates : Sept-Oct Focus lenses of: Geology and Water Earth Dragon Awakes, Yep Colorado Short Stories Journals Wonder Societies use systems to produce, manage, and distribute wealth. 1. Needs verses wants 2. Money management systems 3. Creating a business Key Concepts:, Function, Economy, interdependence, scarcity, supply and demand caring, inquirer, knowledgeable, reflective Dates: March - April Focus lenses of: Ameritowne Lunch Money Lawn Boy Lemonade Wars Biography of Hershey 1. Characteristics of invertebrate species. 2. Roles of invertebrates in ecosystems 3. Relationship between invertebrates and people Function, Reflection Properties, Systems, Interdependence Inquirers,, Reflective Dates: April May Focus lenses of: Invertebrates Project Mulberry Masterpiece Cricket in Time Square Poems for Two Voices End of the Beginning 4 th

7 Social health is maintained through connection. Societies can be altered by external forces. Language can create a vivid image in the mind. Understanding the Laws of Motion Affects How Humans Interact with the Physical World Competition and cooperation work together to foster development of ideas and. Energy resources need to be conserved, developed, and distributed. 5 th /6 th Odd Years 5 th / 6 th Grade (Even Years) 1. Responsibilities of understanding social patterns and cues. 2. Navigating social situations 3. Developing and influencing relationships Concepts:, Perspective, relationships, prejudice, responsibility Learner Profiles: Inquirer, Reflective, Thinker, Principled Sept. Oct How our brain processes information shapes who we are. Lines of inquiry: 1.How the brain works 2. between brain and its inputs 3. How one interactions with information and others Concepts: Function,, Perspective structure, systems, interactions Thinker, Reflection Sept-Oct 1. How societies develop power and influence 2. Exchange of culture and knowledge 3. Interactions between societies have a lasting legacy Key Concepts: Causation, Perspective, Change Power, Structure, Culture, Adaptation Principled, Open- Minded, Thinker Dates: March-April Focus lenses of: Colonialism of Africa, South America Many factors contribute to the choice of engaging in conflict. 1. Perspectives of conflict 2. Societal Factors of conflict 3. Economic Factors of conflict Concepts: Perspective, Change, Causation conflict, revolution, power Thinker, Risktaker, Principled (Integrity), Openminded Jan. Feb. 1. Language can be shaped to create pictures 2. Processes in developing communication 3. Ways to share knowledge, thoughts, and creativity Concepts: function, form, reflection Communication, structure, symbolism inquirer, reflective, thinker February-March Focus lenses of: Poetry We express our values, identities and hopes through the choice of our heroes. 1. Qualities of a hero 2. How the choice of heroes connects to identities 3. How one can be a everyday hero connection, responsibility Transformation, Role, Values Reflective, Thinker, Open-minded, communicator Dates: September-October 1. Understanding laws of motion 2. How the principles of motion are applied to innovation 3. How laws of motion affect the everyday person and/or their environment Function,, responsibility Energy, power Inquirer, Risk Taker, Principled Dates: October-November Chapters of the earth's story are found in rock strata. 1. Geologic time scale and why it is used 2. Impact of major geologic events on life on Earth 3. Knowledge of Earth's structure helps humans access resources and make decisions. Oct. 22 Nov. 30 th 1. s between competition and cooperation 2. Understand the impact cultural differences has in conducting business around the 3. Fostering sustainable practices and accountability Key Concepts:, Perspective, Systems, Conflict-Cooperation, Impact Open-minded, Communicator, Principled Dates: December-January Focus lenses of: Silk Road, International Towne Governments organize and connect. Lines of inquiry: 1. How types of governments reflect values of its citizens 2. How governments change and the effects of those changes 3. Reciprocal relationships between citizens and government Concepts: Function, Change, systems, rights, citizenship Communicator, Caring April-May 4. How energy resources work 5. How energy resources can be harnessed 6. Our responsibility to conserve, develop, and distribute energy Concepts: Form, Function, Related concepts: Energy, systems, values Learner Profiles: Risk Taker, Thinker, Balanced April-May Knowledge in chemistry impacts our everyday and how we treat it. Lines of inquiry: 1. Chemical elements of our earth 2. Innovations made by humans based on their chemistry knowledge 3. Impact of chemistry knowledge on our Concepts: Form Change, transformation, properties, patterns Caring, Principled, Oct- Nov

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