Unit4 [Yourself] Happiness. Main Question. Follow-up Questions. 1. Explain why. Unit5 [Yourself] Handling Conflict. Main Question. Follow-up Questions

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2 Unit1 [Yourself] Money How important is money to you? 1. If you had no money, do you think you could be happy? 2. Which do you think is more important, love or money? State your opinion. 3. In a marriage, do you think one person should handle the finances or both? 4. What qualities must a person have to make "big" money? Unit4 [Yourself] Happiness When do you think you will be happier: when you have more money, a bigger house, or a more expensive car than your peers? 1. Explain why. 2. If you had everything you wanted, what would you do then? 3. Why is it so hard to give up our desires? 4. Tell me about one thing you can't give up. Unit2 [Yourself] Stress What kind of stress do you cause for yourself? 1. How do you cope with stress? 2. Do you take any steps to try and make sure you are not the cause of your stress? 3. Do you believe that stress kills more people than anything else? 4. How do people you know alleviate stress? Unit5 [Yourself] Handling Conflict How well do you handle conflict? 1. Have you ever had a conflict with your parents or boss? 2. How did you resolve it? Describe the situation. 3. What major problem have you had to deal with recently? 4. Discuss the advantages of working with people who are very different from you. Unit3 [Yourself] Reading Books How important is reading books to you? 1. Do you think books are becoming less popular these days? Explain why or why not. 2. Explain a book or a magazine article that you have read recently. 3. Do you prefer reading a book or watching a movie based on a book? Unit6 [Yourself] Spending Time in Rush Hours How do you feel about spending time in rush hours? 1. What should be done in order to prevent traffic congestion in your area (city)? 2. What should people do to prevent deaths in traffic accidents? 3. What kind of safety features in a car would help you if you had a traffic accident? 4. How can traffic accidents be prevented?

3 Unit7 [Yourself] Hero or Heroine in Our Mind As we grow old, we have our own hero or heroine in our mind. Who did you admire when you were in high school? 1. Do you have any special reasons why you admired him or her? 2. Did he or she influence you in changing your personality? 3. Is there anything you would like to change about yourself? Unit10 [Yourself] Spending Your Money What piece of clothing do you spend your money on the most? Why? 1. Do you think it is important to be in fashion? 2. What colors do you think look good on you? How so? 3. What did you wear yesterday? 4. What are some of the strangest fashions you have seen? 5. What do you think of body piercing? Would you ever want to pierce your tongue? Explain why or why not. Unit8 [Yourself] A Task-Oriented Person Are you a task-oriented person or a concept-oriented person? 1. What type of boss do you like to work for? 2. What personal skills or work habits have you struggled to improve? 3. How would you describe your own work habit and ethics? 4. Did you ever find yourself in a position where it was difficult to remain professional? Unit11 [Yourself] Your Major in College What was your major in college? 1. Why did you choose your major? Do you have any regrets? 2. What is the most difficult class you have taken so far? 3. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? What was the situation? 4. What are the top three things you hope to get out of your university days? Unit9 [Yourself] Your Birthday How do you celebrate your birthday? 1. What present would you like to receive on your birthday? 2. What do you recall as your most memorable gift from your childhood years? 3. Do you think cash is an appropriate gift? 4. Do you think it's okay to throw a luxurious party in an expensive restaurant for your child's birthday? Unit12 [Yourself] Internet What impact has the Internet had on your life? 1. Do you think people spend too much time surfing the net? 2. How safe do you think Internet shopping is? 3. Is the Internet safe for children to use? 4. If you had children, would you monitor their use of Internet closely?

4 Unit13 [Yourself] The Most Significant Events What would you list as the three most significant events in your life? 1. Please tell me the reason why the events are significant enough for you to choose. 2. How would you feel if you went back to those days? 3. Is there anything that you'd like to change about the past? 4. Explain why. Unit16 [Yourself] A Wrong Decision Can you relate a certain incident when you made a wrong decision? 1. Give an example of a time when you felt you were right and others were wrong. 2. How did you handle the situation? 3. Have you ever been asked to do something that you knew was wrong? Describe the situation. 4. What did you do in response to that circumstance? 5. How would things be changed now? Unit14 [Yourself] Gossip When you hear gossip, do you spread it around or keep silent about it? 1. Why are people so fascinated with gossip? 2. Has someone ever spread a rumor about you? 3. What are the most common gossip topics? 4. What are some ways which gossip can be harmful? Give an example. Unit17 [Yourself] Literature What kinds of literature do you enjoy? 1. Which book have you read recently? 2. Why is literature important in our lives? 3. Why do you think some people don t read books or read very rarely? 4. Some people say that "books are best friends". Is that true for you? Unit15 [Yourself] Junk Food Do you ever eat junk food, sweets, and fast food? 1. What is your favorite fast food restaurant? 2. Do you think there is absolutely no merit to eating junk food? State your opinion. 3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of eating at those fast food restaurants. 4. Why do you think parents take their children to fast food restaurants, such as McDonald's, Burger King, and KFC? Unit18 [Yourself] Your Hometown Where is your hometown? 1. Do you like your hometown? Why or why not? 2. What are some things in your hometown that are parts of history? 3. Does anyone famous come from your hometown? 4. Has your hometown changed a lot since you were a kid? If so, how? Have the changes been for the better or worse?

5 Unit19 [Life] Best Friends How many people do you consider your "best friends?" 1. Do you think it is possible for men and women to form platonic friendship? 2. What would you do if your ex-boyfriend or ex-girl friend tried to keep in touch with you? 3. Do you believe divorce is an acceptable alternative to dealing with a bad marriage? 4. What do you think of the idea of remaining friends with an ex-spouse? Unit22 [Life] Reading How many books do you read a month? 1. What is the most impressive or inspiring book that you have read recently? Tell me about it. 2. Who is your favorite author? 3. What do you like about his/her works? 4. What are some advantages of reading non-fiction books? Unit20 [Life] Manners Why are manners important? Can manners affect your success in life? How? 1. Do people have more manners now or in earlier times? State your opinion. 2. What's the best way to teach manners to children? 3. What things about manners in the USA do you find difficult to adjust to? 4. Is there anything about manners in the USA that you prefer to manners in your country? Unit23 [Life] The Media How often do you read a newspaper or watch the news on TV? 1. How important is it for you to keep up with current events? 2. In your opinion, what has been the single biggest news item from this past year? 3. How did the media cover this event? 4. Are there certain things journalists shouldn't report on? Why? Unit21 [Life] Sleeping How many hours do you sleep? 1. Do you feel okay with just three or four hour of sleep? 2. What would you do if your spouse snores? 3. How often and when do you dream? 4. Do you think your dreams have anything significant to tell you? 5. Tell me about a dream you had recently. Unit24 [Life] A Fortune Teller Have you ever been to a fortune teller or psychic? If so, for what? 1. Do you think it was worth the money? 2. Have you (or anyone you know) ever had a dream that later came true? Tell about it. 3. Do you think that some people can predict the future? 4. How do people predict fortunes in your country? What do you think of these ways? 5. What do you for good luck? Do you think it works?

6 Unit25 [Life] Eating out How often do you eat out? 1. What's the worst experience you have ever had at a restaurant? 2. Do you like to try new restaurants, or do you prefer to go to those you have already been to? Why? 3. What is your opinion on tipping? 4. Tell me little bit about tipping etiquette. Unit28 [Job] An Ideal Boss What are the qualities of an ideal boss? 1. If you were to start a business, what would it be and why? 2. Being your own boss, what personal characteristics would you look for an employee? 3. What type of profession would be popular ten years from now? 4. Why do you think so? Unit26 [Life] Christmas How did you celebrate Christmas last year? 1. What do you usually eat on Christmas Day? 2. What was the best present you received last Christmas? 3. If any, what do you want Santa to bring you for Christmas? 4. Is Christmas becoming too commercialized? State your opinion. Unit29 [Job] Your Last Job Have you ever been employed before (including a part-time job)? 1. How did the reality differ from your expectations in your last job? 2. Describe a time when you tackled a tough assignment. 3. What are some professional skills you've developed in your most recent job? 4. Compared to others with a similar background in your field, how would you rate yourself? Unit27 [Life] Cheating What is your attitude towards cheating? 1. Why do you think students cheat during tests and exams? 2. How do they cheat? 3. What are the dangers of cheating? 4. What are the qualities of a good student? Unit30 [Job] Success of Your Work How do you measure the success of your work? 1. Describe your personality aside from your professional image. 2. Share an example of your diligence or perseverance. 3. Do you think you are a team-oriented person? 4. Describe a situation when you had to assist a coworker.

7 Unit31 [Job] Your Ideal Job What's your ideal job? 1. What skills do you think are most critical to this job? 2. What would you say your weakness are in relation to this job? 3. What do you want to achieve in our company? 4. What would you do if one of our competitors offered you a position? Unit34 [Job] Your Career Goals How do your "wants" and "desires" affect your career options and goals? 1. How does money affect your decisions? 2. How much work experience do you have? 3. Would you hire an employee with a lot of experience or an employee with a lot of education? 4. Would you prefer to have an easy routine job or a job in which you make a lot of decisions? Unit32 [Job] The Difference Between Work and a Job If any, what is the difference between work and a job? 1. How much money do you need to make to fulfill your dreams and desires? 2. If money weren't a problem for you, which job would you prefer to have? 3. What are the pros and cons of being a manager? 4. What are the qualities a good boss should have? Unit35 [Interest] Watching TV Do you prefer listening to the radio or watching TV? Explain why. 1. What is one of your favorite TV shows? When is it on? 2. Why do you like it? 3. Do you think that there is too much violence on TV? 4. If you could design a new television show to boost ratings, what kind of show would it be? 5. What are some advantages and disadvantages of having a female boss? Unit33 [Job] A Good Job Does education guarantee a good job? 1. If you have not attended college, do you plan on doing so? 2. Is it difficult for people without a college education to get good jobs in your country? 3. What are some good ways to learn English? 4. What are some important factors in determining which college to attend? Unit36 [Interest] Performance Tell me about any performance you have seen. When was it? 1. What type of performance did you see? (an opera, a symphony, a musical, a ballet, a play, concert, etc.) 2. What made you want to watch it? 3. Describe the most memorable part of the performance. 4. How would you persuade your friends to go and watch that performance with you?

8 Unit37 [Interest] Movie Do you consider movies/films art? Support your opinion. 1. How many different movie genres can you name? 2. What is the movie you've seen recently? 3. Would you rather watch a movie in a theater or wait until it comes out on DVDs? Explain why. 4. What is your favorite line or scene from a movie? What makes you remember it so well or like it so much? Unit40 [English] English Is Important. How important do you think English is for Korea? 1. How would the world be different if there was one/a common language spoken by everyone? 2. Should English become the country s official second language? Explain why or why not. 3. Do you think it s good or bad to have English on public signs and in public places? 4. Do you think that students should learn a second language as soon as they begin school? Why or why not? Unit38 [Interest] Hobbies What are your hobbies? 1. How much money do your hobbies cost you? 2. With whom do you enjoy your hobbies? 3. How often do you engage in your hobbies? 4. What is the best thing about your hobbies? 5. Are there any hobbies you would like to try soon? Unit41 [English] Studying English Most students have studied English for years in Korea. However, many people give up on studying English after they graduate from school. What about you? 1. What effort have you been making to improve your English? Unit39 [Interest] TV Programs What kind of TV programs do you usually watch? Name one of your favorite TV shows. 2. What do you think is the most effective method to speak English fluently? 3. How do you manage your time? Describe your daily schedule. 4. What environment allows you to be most effective? (With friends/ alone, with music on/off, at home/ library, etc.) 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV? 2. Does TV take away a person's ability to think for himself or herself? 3. What is your opinion on/about reality TV shows? 4. Does TV prevent people from communicating or bring them closer to each other? Take a side.

9 Unit42 [Travels] Visiting or Traveling Would you rather visit another country or travel within your own country? 1. If you could go back to another time and place, when and where would you choose to go back and why? 2. Choose your three favorite places in Korea. 3. Which place would you recommend to foreigners? Why? 4. Where is the best place to learn about Korean history? 5. What is one thing that you think the foreigners should learn or remember about the place before they return home? Why? Unit45 [Day] Household Duties Describe how your family members share household duties. 1. What do you think about living with your parents after marriage? What about living with your parents-inlaw? 2. Who should be the boss in your home, you or your spouse? State your opinion. 3. Should husbands do household chores if their wives have a job? 4. Talk about the roles of a mother and a father in disciplining children. Unit43 [Travels] The Best Season for a Vacation Which do you think is the best season for a vacation? 1. Where do you most want to go? 2. Would you say "yes" if your boss asked you to sacrifice your vacation? 3. How do you celebrate New Year's Day? 4. Did you make any New Year's resolutions this year? What were they? Unit46 [Day] Your Busiest Day of the Week What is your busiest day of the week? Why? 1. What takes up most of your time? 2. Do you think you manage your time wisely? 3. What do you do if you show up too early for something? 4. Who is the busiest person around you? Unit44 [Travels] The Most Beautiful City Tell what you consider as the most beautiful city in your country and carefully describe every aspect of it. 1. What particular place in the city would you recommend for me to visit? 2. Imagine you are packing for a one-year trip. What item would you take besides your clothes? Explain why. 3. Would you rather stay at a relative's place or a friend's place while you are traveling? Why? Unit47 [Day] Plans for This Weekend Do you have plans for this weekend? Tell me about it. 1. Do you prefer to spend your free time indoors or outdoors? Explain why. 2. What are the disadvantages of your choice? 3. What is your favorite indoor (outdoor) activity? (e.g. movies, computer games, soccer, etc) 4. Persuade me to join you in your activity. 4. State the similarities and differences of traveling by car, by train and by plane. 5. Which method of transportation do you prefer and why?

10 Unit48 [Day] Making a Schedule Do you make a weekly schedule or daily schedule? 1. Are you good at getting things done on time? 2. Do you think time moves slowly or quickly? 3. What would you do if you had a few extra hours in a day? 4. Would you rather have more time or more money? Unit51 [Current Issue] The House Rental System Describe the house rental system in Korea. 1. How much does it cost to rent a nice house in Seoul? 2. Why are houses more expensive in some areas than others? 3. How can we make houses more affordable for everyone? 4. If you could change the rental system in Korea, what changes would you make? Unit49 [Current Issue] Nuclear Power What are some of the benefits and drawbacks of nuclear power? 1. Do you think all countries should have the right to have nuclear weapons? 2. How can you limit your potential of coming into contact with radioactive material? 3. How can we fix the ongoing problems at the Fukushima power plant in Japan? 4. What alternative energy sources might become available in the future? Unit52 [Current Issue] Kindergartens Why are kindergarten schools so competitive in Korea? 1. Do you think private kindergartens are better than public kindergartens? Why or why not? 2. In your opinion, what skills are necessary to teach in kindergarten? 3. Is competition necessary in education? Why or why not? 4. Do you think it's a good idea to give money to children to make them go to school? Unit50 [Current Issue] Yuna Kim Why do you think Yuna Kim has become one of the most popular athletes in Korea? 1. Do you think it would be okay to approach Yuna Kim for an autograph at a restaurant or a movie? 2. Do you like to see Yuna Kim sing on Televison? 3. Is Yuna Kim a good role model for young children? Why or why not? 4. If you could be a professional athlete, which sport would you play? Why? Unit53 [Current Issue] Child Daycare Centers What are some of the causes of violence and neglect at daycare centers? 1. Would you send your child to a child daycare center? 2. Should there be an age/time limit for sending children to daycare centers? 3. Do you think it is fair for the government to support parents who put their children in daycare centers? Why or why not? 4. How can we prevent daycare center assault in the future?

11 Unit54 [Current Issue] Voice Pishing What is voice phishing? Why is it dangerous? 1. Have you or anyone you know ever been a victim of phishing? If so, what happened? 2. What are some methods of phishing that you have heard about? 3. If someone is caught phishing, what do you think the penalty should be? Why? 4. How can people protect themselves from phishing? Unit57 [Current Issue] iphones Why do you think iphones are the most popular phone in the world? 1. Why was Steve Jobs an effective marketer? 2. Do you like the iphone? Why or why not? Do you believe in brand loyalty? Why or why not? 3. What do you think about people who wait in line for hours to be the first to own a new iphone? Why? 4. What do you think Apple will do to remain popular in the future? Unit58 [Current Issue] Apple or Samsung Unit55 [Current Issue] Smog What is smog and what causes it? 1. Do you think the air where you live is healthy? Why or why not? 2. Why do you think China has more smog than most other countries? 3. What can other countries do to control smog in China? 4. Do you think the smog problem will be solved in the future? Why or why not? If so, how? Overall, which is the better company, Apple or Samsung? Why do you think so? 1. What are some features that Apple phones have, but Samsung phones do not have (and vice versa)? 2. Apple has just announced that it will make a new car! What do you think it will look like? What functions will it have? 3. Do you think that the Apple and Samsung companies have behaved ethically in their competition? Why or why not? 4. Do you think that smart phones would be better if Apple and Samsung merged? Why or why not? Unit56 [Current Issue] Cell Phones How much do cell phones typically cost nowadays? Do you think they are too expensive? 1. Have you ever heard of "planned obsolescence"? If not, what do you think it means? 2. How much do you think it costs to make a cell phone? Where was your cell phone made? 3. Do you think cell phones will be more or less expensive in the future? Why? 4. Your friend wants to buy the cheapest cellphone possible. What would you recommend? Why? Unit59 [Current Issue] Your Favorite Smart Phone App What is your favorite smart phone app? Why? Is it also the app you use the most? 1. If you could, would you design a free smart phone app? Why or why not? 2. What are some apps that women use, but men don t? What are some apps that younger people use, but older people don t? 3. Design your own app. What are its functions? Who is the target user? 4. If you could make a change to one of your favorite apps, how would you change it? Why?

12 Unit60 [Korea] North Korea s Action How do you think North Korea s action has affected South Korea? 1. What do you think the rest of the world thinks about South Korea? 2. Do you think there is a possibility of a military battle? 3. Should South Koreans do anything differently in the wake of current events, or continue with their daily lives just as before? Unit63 [Korea] Unification Is South Korea economically prepared for unification? 1. Do you think economic cooperation between North and South Korea will help open the way for reunification? 2. What do you think is the biggest problem that Korea is facing these days? 3. Are you optimistic about Korea in the future? Unit64 [Korea] Medicine Unit61 [Korea] Korean Movies Do you feel Korean movies can give the world a better understanding of Korean culture, or not? 1. Do Korean films accurately depict Korean culture? 2. Name one that depicts Korean culture and tell me the storyline. 3. How does it tell you about Korean culture? 4. Is it important for other countries to understand Korean culture through Korean films? Do most people in your country prefer traditional medicine ("Hahn- Yak"), modern medicine, or a combination of the two? 1. What type of treatment would you recommend to a person who has flu? 2. Why do you think so many famous people use drugs? 3. Do you think men are more likely to use illegal drugs than women? Why or why not? 4. What would you recommend to treat a hangover? 5. Should doctors be allowed to prescribe a lethal dose of medicine to patients who want to end their lives? State your opinion. Unit62 [Korea] Living in Korea Do you think it s important for foreigners living in Korea to learn to speak Korean? 1. Why do you think Koreans get embarrassed when foreigners speak in English to them? 2. Have you had such an experience? Describe the situation. 3. Would you consider the foreigners lack of Korean language skills insulting? 4. What is easier to learn: Korean for English speakers or English for Korean speakers? Why do you think so? Unit65 [Korea] The Current Education System in Korea Are you in favor of the current education system in Korea, or do you think it needs to be changed? 1. Has the current system created too much competition among students? 2. Do you think today's teachers are adequately trained to teach and prepare the next generation of children to compete globally? 3. Do you think Teacher's Day is a day that should be celebrated? State your opinion. 4. Do you think giving presents to teachers is a good practice?

13 Unit66 [Korea] Korean Customs What Korean customs do you keep most? 1. Which customs do you think are outdated? 2. Are there any Western customs that you think Koreans should adapt? 3. Are there any important Korean customs that you think I should learn? Unit69 [Korea] Your Own Culture How much do you know about your own culture? 1. What makes you proud about your culture? 2. How do young people in your culture behave differently from older people? Give an example. 3. Would you ever consider marrying or dating someone who has another culture? 4. If a group of people just came to your country from overseas, what advice would you give them? Unit67 [Korea] Your First Job At what age do people usually begin to work in your country? 1. Describe your first job, including a part-time job. 2. At what age do people usually retire in your country? 3. Do you think people over 65 should be made to retire? State your opinion. 4. At what age would you like to retire? 5. What would you like to do after retirement? Unit70 [Korea] A Typical Meal What is a typical meal from your country? 1. What is your favorite food? 2. What is the strangest food you have ever tried? 3. Do you think a vegetarian diet is better than a diet that includes meat? 4. What food would you miss most from home if you are living abroad? Unit68 [Korea] Christmas What is Christmas like in your country? 1. What is the best Christmas present you have ever received? 2. What is the most expensive Christmas present you plan to buy? For whom? 3. What is your favorite Christmas carol? 4. What is your attitude toward the commercialization of the Christmas season? Unit71 [Korea] Adoption Korean society towards adoption is changing a lot these days. Would you ever consider adopting a child if you couldn't have children? Explain why or why not. 1. Do you know anyone that has been adopted? 2. If you were adopted, how would you feel about it? 3. Would you look for your biological parents? 4. How would you show your respect and appreciation to the parents who raised you?

14 Unit72 [Korea] The Best Thing about Living in Korea What makes Korea unique compared to other countries? 1. What is the best thing about living in Korea? 2. Does anyone famous come from your country? 3. If your city was building a monument or a statue to honor a famous person in your country, who would you want that person to be? 4. What place in Korea would you recommend for foreigners to visit, and why? Unit75 [MISC] A Military Battle Do you think there is a possibility of a military battle? If so, who do you think will start it? If not, why not? 1. What are your feelings about a family member or friend in the Korean military having to participate in such a battle? 2. How do you think the allies would handle a nuclear attack by North Korea? 3. Do you think the US military presence in South Korea is a good thing or not? Explain your reasons. Unit73 [Korea] A Big Holiday What's the biggest holiday in your country? 1. What food do people typically eat on this holiday? 2. What's the last meal you cooked for yourself? 3. How do you make it? 4. What new holiday are needed in your country? Unit76 [MISC] Crimes What causes people to commit crimes? Give an example. 1. Have you ever broken the law? If so, what were the circumstances? 2. Why is criminal behavior by children or adolescents, the so-called juvenile delinquents, on the rise? 3. Should parents be responsible for their kids' actions? 4. In what way, if any, is society responsible for criminality? Unit74 [Korea] Halloween How is Halloween celebrated in your country? 1. Can you explain the history of Halloween? 2. If at all, what would you dress up as for this year's Halloween? 3. Should the most favored costumes of scary images like monsters, ghosts, and demons be a concern? Unit77 [MISC] Making a Phone Call and Writing a Letter Tell me about the differences between making a phone call and writing a letter. 1. Which method of communication do you prefer? 2. When did you last write a letter? 3. Tell me about some common courtesy in using mobile phones in public areas. 4. Do you think it's okay to use company phones for personal business? Explain why or why not.

15 Unit78 [MISC] Death Have you ever thought about death? 1. Do you want to know the date of your death? Why or why not? 2. How do you cope with the death of someone special? 3. If you could choose how you were going to die, what would you choose your death to be? 4. Do you think that there is anything worth dying for? Unit79 [MISC] Gossip Why do you think people like to listen to gossip? 1. What are the most common gossip topics? 2. Why is it considered that women gossip more than men? 3. What are some ways which gossip can be harmful? Give an example. 4. Has someone ever spread a rumor about you? Unit80 [MISC] Piercings Do you think people with many piercings are attractive? 1. What kind of body piercing, if any, do you feel are acceptable? 2. Would you want your children to be beautiful or talented? 3. What could be some of the disadvantages of being beautiful? 4. What do you think about plastic surgery? State your opinion.

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