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1 Chapter 1 : Math Games Using Dice After dice purchase, you will receive a user name and password that downloads the 1, problems that these dice generate. The Fraction Key. The download instructions are in the package insert that accompanies the dice. The new feature will help parents, teachers, and students play competitively or cooperatively with each other using the iphone, ipad or itouch. Fraction Games hones the many concepts of fractions that include adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing through a series of game mode options. The game also enhances analytical thinking by providing the answer and requiring students to determine the appropriate equation. This fraction game provides a target answer combined with the chosen function. Once students roll the dice, they then must determine the correct number placement in the equation that correlates with the predetermined answer. The whiteboard and pencil tools provide children with the opportunity for writing and testing which equation fits the answer provided. The program begins with fraction construction and continues through more advanced calculations, making it adaptable for various age groups and different skill levels. The design of the application ensures that students fully understand the steps necessary for arriving at the given answer. By actually constructing the equations, students maintain a better grasp of concepts and retain the information learned. Fraction Games is a math app for middle school and upper elementary students. The goal of the game is to present fractions in a way that is both conducive to learning and fun. This game is very similar to my other app 5 Dice: Order of Operations Game but this one focuses on fractions. Common Core Mathematical Standard 4. NF Extend understanding of fractional equivalence and ordering. NF Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions. High-order thinking game to challenge students in a fun way Progress reports sent to teachers to assess progress and target individual weaknesses A built-in whiteboard to give students a place to work through problems Learning Through Doing Adding fractions, subtracting fractions, multiplying fractions, and dividing fractions can be difficult concepts to grasp. Once a student understands HOW to get the answer, they can solve any fraction problem. Parents, teachers, and education experts all agree that the best way to learn math skills is through practice and hands-on experience. This way children retain math skills much longer than if they are simply taught to focus on just getting the right answer. Combining Playing and Learning It is often said that people remember about ten percent of what they hear, but about ninety percent of what they do. Clearly, there is something to be said for hands-on learning. The game combines playing and learning by allowing students to actually play a game as they are learning how to solve fractions. By figuring out how to get the answer, students are learning skills that can be applied to any problem involving fractions. As with video games, students can advance to higher levels once they develop certain skills. The result is an environment that actually makes students want to learn by challenging them to master skills to advance to higher levels. Learning with Productive Practice Most students do not approach homework as a way to learn and practice their skills. The main focus is on trying to get the correct answer, not a focus on how to get that answer. This fraction game, however, encourages students to focus on learning the steps necessary to solve fraction problems while playing a fun game of skill at the same time. Students are more likely to want to practice on their own. The result is more productive practice. Brushing Up On Skills Some students may be in need of additional skills to advance to more challenging math classes in school. Rather than holding a student back, the fraction game can help a student brush up on the skills they may have had trouble grasping. Fraction games present a student with a fun, interactive way to brush up on skills and understand the basic concepts that make it possible to work different problems. Elementary students can use it to learn the basic concept of subtracting and adding fractions. Middle school students can use it to learn how to solve more complex fraction problems such as dividing and multiplying fractions. Students learn at different paces and this game is set up to fit each skill level. It is a tool for both parents and teachers when it comes to assessing needs and determining where to offer assistance. Students of all ages can be engaged by the app and additional instruction beyond the app. The app can easily extend from a one-player game to a multi-player game. This makes it easy to prepare lessons. All you need is: Fortunately, there are ways to solve this problem and still get the most out of the 4 Dice game. One Device with Multiple Players This is usually a Page 1

2 situation where there is one device, which is probably owned by the teacher. Write the problem out on the board. Have each student get out a piece of paper and a pencil or use the printable version of the game. Set a time limit â one minute is recommended â to have each student try to solve the problem on the board. A Few Devices with Multiple Players This is usually a situation where there are a few devices, but not enough for everyone to have their own. Let students work in small groups with one device. A blank piece of paper or the printable board can be used to record work. Create a multiplayer username ex. Group 1 Use the numbers rolled on the device and solve the problem Input the information from the answer into the device to check it 3. Multiple Devices with Multiple Players If there are enough devices for everyone, there are four basic options: Download the APP Here!! We would love to receive feedback from you to help us in creating and evolving this game into the best learning environment for your students or children. Page 2

3 Chapter 2 : Teaching With a Mountain View: Dividing Fractions Anchor Chart, Game Freebie, and Math Jou 5. Simplify Fractions. Using scratch paper or whiteboards and three dice, partners each roll the dice to create a fraction. One of the numbers is placed on top (unless it is a one, which means the fraction can't be simplified) and the other two numbers are left side by side to create the denominator. Roll out the fun! Your students will love these math games using dice, and you will too since they are easy and support learning objectives. Kids learn best when they are playing an educational game or actively learning. Math games for children have been used by many cultures and we continue to play them today. The ancient Egyptians had games and weighted dice that ensured easy wins. These have also been found in the ruins of Pompeii. It seems that nearly every culture has a game or two based on these little cubes. Rolling the dice is more than just fun: Easy Math Dice Games Pig: The game is played with a pair of dice, and requires a paper and pencil for scoring. The first player rolls the dice, calculates the sum mentally, then rolls again if he or she wants to. The next sum is added to the first. If a 1 comes up on one of the dice before the player decides to stop rolling, the player scores 0 for that round. The play goes to the next player. Lead a class discussion about strategies used in Pig and how opponents need to be able to use mental math to check that the roller is playing fairly. In one turn, the first player rolls all three dice. The highest roll is put aside. The next two dice are rolled and the highest number is put aside again. The last dice is rolled, then all three dice are added together. The winner is whoever gets to a predetermined amount first, such as Variations on the game are adding the first two dice and multiplying the sum by the third; using any combination of addition, subtraction, multiplication or division to get the highest number possible, or just using two dice to practice basic math facts addition, subtraction or multiplication. Number Sense Call Out These teacher-led math games using dice work on math vocabulary. Using overhead dice or large foam dice, the teacher rolls two numbers. A series of questions follows each roll: Write the sum in word form. What is the difference of the two numbers? Make a fraction using the lower digit as the numerator. What is ten more than the product of the two digits? Show the sum of the digits as a picture. Write the numbers between the two digits. Multiplication Using a pair of dice, the students are to draw the product on graph paper as a rectangular array. The array is drawn as 4 rows and 3 columns, to make a rectangle. Each time a square number is drawn, let the students color it in red. Label each array with the number sentence it goes with. Addition and Number Sense This game requires a pair of dice, base ten blocks and a place-value chart up to The goal is to be the first player to get as close as possible to without going over. Player 1 rolls the dice and makes a number with the base ten blocks. For example, if a 5 and a 2 are rolled, the numbers 25 or 52 could be made. The blocks are placed on the place-value math and the number is recorded on scrap paper. The next player does the same thing with his or her roll. When the play comes back to the first player, the new number is added to the first one. That means that base ten blocks will need to be regrouped to keep a running total going, along with recording the new score. There is a lot of strategy involved in this game as decisions must be made as to how to get to quickly without going over. Number Sense Each student needs a place value mat that can be written on. This is a teacher directed activity. The goal of this activity is to build the largest number possible, whether in 10s, s, s, or more. The teacher rolls a large die, and with every roll the students decide where to write the number on their place value mats they cannot change it later on! For example, if the number is to be in the s, the teacher would roll 4 times and each time a digit is written down. Do a whole class check to see who wrote the largest number. Those students each get one point. At the end of the activity, whoever has a determined amount of points could get a small prize, if you wish. Differentiate these math games using dice by making larger numbers, smaller numbers, building the lowest number instead of the highest Do your students struggle with talking about math? Does the academic vocabulary seem to be overwhelming? Mother Goose Math breaks the language of math down for kids - they start by reading nursery rhymes that lead into deep mathematical discussions. Free samples are available here! Like what you Read? Page 3

4 Chapter 3 : Fractions - 20 Ready to Go Resources and Activities - Teach Junkie Using games is a great way to learn Math facts and develop mental calculation skills in a fun and easy way. Children will pick up a whole range of skills through playing games naturally and informally. I was a little bit apprehensive about it since these are wee little fourth graders working on this tough stuff, but they did GREAT! And we tossed in mixed numbers while they were at it. We started with a math journal entry about dividing fractions with visual models. But my kids rocked this! It clicked for them right away. You can see the math journal page I created with them in this picture. Then we got down to the nitty gritty. At the bottom, we noted the "Keep-Change-Flip" shortcut. They copied this in their math journal as well. We have already referenced it several times. The second day, we worked on some dividing fractions games. Check it out for more FREE math game ideas from numerous teacher bloggers! There are two versions of the dividing fractions game--i had half of my group working on one while they other half worked on the other. One uses pattern blocks, and the other uses dice-in-dice, but could easily be adapted to use with several regular dice. Breaking Up the Blocks was great because it helped students review fractional parts and making fractions. They choose 2 blocks, then use the fractional parts i. Then, they choose 5 blocks, creating a mixed number or whole number and a fraction and divide them. Definitely better than an ordinary worksheet practicing problems! Dividing the Dice uses dice in dice, always a favorite among kids. These are simple fraction games, but they were incredibly engaging and meaningful to the kids. Click here to download the recording sheets for the games for free. Proof that my goodies are student-tested! After they used them, I made a few changes to make it more clear before posting them for you all to use. Finally, we are working on our dividing fractions task cards. There are three sets to practice all the different types of dividing fractions. We are so close to winding up our units and starting on our end of the year projects. Are you teaching more than just dividing fractions, or do your students need more activities for operations with fractions? Page 4

5 Chapter 4 : Spring Fractions Game {Free Math Printable} School Time Snippets These free adding and subtracting fractions bump games are so simple to use, and take a minimal amount of prep. Simply print out the game sheet, get 2 dice, and 20 counters, and you'll be ready to go! Description Multiplayer Fraction Game! Use two devices and play competitively or cooperatively with your classmates or parents. Fraction Games hones the many concepts of fractions that include adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing through a series of game mode options. The game also enhances analytical thinking by providing the answer and requiring students to determine the appropriate equation. Fraction Games is a math app for middle school and upper elementary students. Common Core Mathematical Standard 4. NF Extend understanding of fractional equivalence and ordering. NF Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions. It reviews the procedures for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions in the instructions and gives the users challenges. The best part is probably the ability for users to challenge their friends and connect using different devices close by! S - Version 1. Fortunately, there are ways to solve this problem and still get the most out of the 4 Dice game. One Device with Multiple Players This is usually a situation where there is one device, which is probably owned by the teacher. Write the problem out on the board. Have each student get out a piece of paper and a pencil or use the printable version of the game. Set a time limit - one minute is recommended - to have each student try to solve the problem on the board. A Few Devices with Multiple Players This is usually a situation where there are a few devices, but not enough for everyone to have their own. Let students work in small groups with one device. A blank piece of paper or the printable board can be used to record work. Create a multiplayer username ex. Group 1 Use the numbers rolled on the device and solve the problem Input the information from the answer into the device to check it 3. Multiple Devices with Multiple Players If there are enough devices for everyone, there are four basic options: Page 5

6 Chapter 5 : Best 25+ Dice games ideas on Pinterest Kindergarten math games, Math games and Addition It is time for another math game to help make math more fun! Today I will show you a fun fractions math game. This is a VERY easy math game to play when your kids are learning fractions. I have a couple of fraction dice that I found at a school supply store. I also have a set of plastic fraction. With over 31, high quality printables exclusively for our Members - and more added nearly every day - you can always find something fun to give to the kids! Find out more here! Subscribe to our newsletter - news of all our latest activities delivered by once a week. You will find an icon on the top blue menu bar of every page. Scroll down past the first few links to find results from Activity Village. Dice Games Explore our collection of dice games for kids. You will find instructions, printables, score sheets where necessary - and lots of fun! Dice games can be played quietly or noisily, with one or two kids or a crowd - and they are great for learning number and addition skills too. Dice games are fun! They are also one of the oldest of all kinds of games: Dice have been found in Egyptian tombs and were very popular in Roman times. Dice games are versatile. They can be based on luck, or on skill and planning. You can find games to play with two players or twenty, on a table or on the floor, with 3-year olds and with year olds! Dice games are educational. They are educational in obvious ways, for example encouraging counting and numbers in little children and quick mental addition in older children. But they are also excellent at reinforcing the concept of taking turns, scoring both mental and on paper, winning and losing gracefully, patience and so much more. By the time your child reaches 7 or so they may even be able to resist hurling the dice onto the floor or all over the table on each and every go although it is at this point that the temptation to try and manipulate the dice also begins to show itself! Most of the dice games featured at Activity Village here below depend mainly on luck, although some of the later games begin to introduce strategic thinking and planning. Dice games are portable. You can always find room for a few dice in the bottom of a handbag or pocket, and most games require no more than a paper and pencil to go with them. Dice games are satisfying. There are so many different kinds of dice to choose from now readily available in the shops or by mail order. Most children love the look and feel of dice and are happy to build up a collection - and are likely to choose a few particular dice to be their favourites, too. You probably have a number of interesting dice lurking in existing family games, and you can certainly pick up more very cheaply these days through stationers, discount stores, gaming shops, educational catalogues or garage sales. We have been known to buy an old board game for cents from a garage sale just to acquire its dice. Build up your store and keep them in their own box with a stack of counters and favourite playing pieces unusual beads, plastic figures and animals, etc and perhaps a shaker or two. Encourage the children to get them out and make up their own games with them Page 6

7 Chapter 6 : Dice Games for Kids Adapted from Lori Brown's Fraction Dice Games By Melissa Burch Thank you for downloading my materials on Teachers. Dice Games Dice Games Create confident, curious kids by having math moments at the kitchen table, at birthday parties, or before bedtime. Games re-frame math as fun and relevant and build the foundation for a positive relationship with math. Here are a few of our favorites â all you need are playing dice! Shut the Box Roll the dice, cross out numbers, and Shut the Box. As simple as that! Play to find out and share your favorite strategy. Player with the lowest score at the end of the game wins Skill: Addition, Number Sense Number of Players: Which number can never be rolled? Be the first to complete your path Skill: Bonus points if you mimic the clippity-clop of hooves as you gallop to the finish. Be the first player to reach the finish line Skill: Addition Number of Players: A perfect party activity for a group! Roll fast and be the first player to get all 10 of your dice to show the same number Skill: Problem Solving, Probability Number of Players: Be the first player to score at least points Skill: Addition, Problem Solving Number of Players: Perfect for players of varying ages! Be the first to cross out all your numbers to get over the hill Skill: Farkle is a great game for kids AND adults and is the perfect reason to have a game night. To obtain a total greater than your opponents Skill: Adding multiple digit numbers Number of Players: First player to Connect 3 numbers in a row is a winner. Be the first player to cover up three sums in a row Skill: Keep your score low by crossing out as many numbers as you can Skill: Players will need to think ahead so when the rows and columns are totaled, their sum wins the round. Achieve the highest score Skill: Perfect for large groups! See for yourself with Stop or Go Subtraction. Be the first player to reach zero from a designated number Skill: Chapter 7 : â Ž4 Dice a Fractions Game on the App Store 4 Dice: Fraction Games is a math app for middle school and upper elementary students. The goal of the game is to present fractions in a way that is both conducive to learning and fun. The goal of the game is to present fractions in a way that is both conducive to learning and fun. Chapter 8 : Fraction War - Classroom Games/Activities Dice and Card Games to Practice Math Facts Card Games Teaching Addition Math Facts to Kids With Go Fish! This new twist on the old classic Go Fish! helps kids to learn addition by mentally working out. Chapter 9 : Dice Roll Games: Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication Going to Boston: Math Facts This game requires three dice and pencil & paper. In one turn, the first player rolls all three dice. The highest roll is put aside. The next two dice are rolled and the highest number is put aside again. The last dice is rolled, then all three dice are added together. Page 7

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