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MASS OF SAINT ISAAC JOGUES A Comilation Mass By Je Ostrowski SATB SCORES with Otional Accomaniment Pitch Level: SATB Choir CCWATERSHED.ORG/JOGUES

LORD, HAVE MERCY Pitch Level: SATB Choir Christ, Christ, Christ, Christ, Christ, Christ, Christ, Christ, have have have have mer mer mer - - - - cy. cy. have mer - - cy. - - cy. have mer - - - cy. have mer - - cy. mer - - cy. have mer - - cy.


GLORY TO GOD Pitch Level: SATB Choir (1 o 4) Whenever ossible, Celebrant alone, without accomaniment, should intone Glory to God. All n begin singing on words on earth. I this is not ossible, a soloist or SATB choir is allowed to begin Glory to God. to God in Glo-ry high-est, Glo - ry to God in high - est, Glo Glo -ry to God in high - est, -ry to God in high - est. on earth eace to eo - le o good will. And on earth eace to eo - le o good will. Glo -ry to God in high - est. * And on earth eace to eo - le o good will. Glo -ry to God in high - est. * * * And on earth eace to eo - le o good will. We raise you, we bless you, we a - dore you, we glo - ri - y you, We raise You, We bless You, We a - dore You, We glo - ri - y You. We raise You, We bless You, We a - dore You, We glo - ri - y You. We raise You, We bless You, We a - dore You, We glo - ri - y You.

GLORY TO GOD Pitch Level: SATB Choir (2 o 4) we give you thanks or your great glo - ry, m Lord God, heav - en - ly King, We give You thanks or Your great glo - ry. Lord We give You thanks or Your great glo - ry. God, heav - en - ly King, We give You thanks or Your great glo - ry. Lord God, heav - en - ly King, Lord God, heav - en - ly King, m m m m O O O O God, al - might - y Fa - r. Lord Je - sus Christ, God, al - might - y Fath - er. Lord Je - sus Christ, God, al - might - y Fath - er. Lord Je - sus Christ, God, al - might - y Fath - er. Lord Je - sus Christ, On On On - ly Be - got - ten Son, Lord God, Lamb o God, Son o Fa - r, - ly Be - got - ten Son, Lord God, Lamb o God, Son o Fath - er, On - ly Be - got - ten Son, Lord God, Lamb o God, Son o Fath - er, - ly Be - got - ten Son, Lord God, Lamb o God, Son o Fath - er,

GLORY TO GOD Pitch Level: SATB Choir (3 o 4) m you take a - way sins o world, have mer - cy on us; You You You take a m - way sins o world, have mer - cy on us. take a - way take a - way m sins o world, have mer - cy on us. m sins o world, have mer - cy on us. m you take a - way sins o world, re - ceive our rayer; You take a m - way sins o world, re - ceive our rayer. You You take a - way m sins o world, re - ceive our rayer. take a - way m sins o world, re - ceive our rayer. you are seat - ed at right h o Fa - r, have mer - cy on us. You are seat - ed at right h o Fath - er, have mer - cy on us. You are seat - ed at right h o Fath - er, have mer - cy on us. You are seat - ed at right h o Fath - er, have mer - cy on us.

GLORY TO GOD Pitch Level: SATB Choir (4 o 4) m For you a - lone are Ho - ly One, you a - lone are For m You a - lone are Ho - ly One, You a - lone are For m You a - lone are Ho - ly One, You a - lone are For m You a - lone are Ho - ly One, You a - lone are m m you You You You a a a a - lone are Most High, Je - sus Christ, with Ho - ly Sir - it - lone are Most High, Je - sus Christ, with Ho - ly Si - rit - lone - lone m are Most High, Je - sus Christ, with Ho - ly Si - rit m are Most High, Je - sus Christ, with Ho - ly Si - rit in glo - ry o God Fa - r. A - men. OR: A - men. in glo - ry o God Fa - r. A - men. OR: A - men. in glo - ry o God Fa - r. A men. - OR: - A men. in glo - ry o God Fa - r. A - men. OR: A - men.

THIS ACCOMPANIMENT MATCHES THE PITCH LEVEL OF THE SATB CHOIR SCORE Glo - ry to God in high - est, Glo -ry to God in high - est, on earth eace to eo-le o good will. We raise you, we bless you, we a - dore you, we glo - ri - y you, we give you thanks or your great glo - ry, Lord God, heav -en - ly King, O God, al - might - y Fa - r. Lord Je - sus Christ, On - ly Be - got - ten Son, Lord God, Lamb o God, Son o Fa - r,

THIS ACCOMPANIMENT MATCHES THE PITCH LEVEL OF THE SATB CHOIR SCORE you take a - way sins o world, have mer - cy on us; you take a - way sins o world, re - ceive our rayer; you are seat - ed at right h o Fa - r, have mer - cy on us. For you a - lone are Ho - ly One, you a - lone are you a - lone are Most High, Je - sus Christ, with Ho - ly Sir - it in glo - ry o God Fa - r. A - men. men. OR:

CREED Pitch Level: SATB Choir No SATB score is available Celebrant: I o I o Light * be-got-ten, con- For be-lieve God, rom believe in born sub-stan-tial us THE CELEBRANT INTONES. THEN THE CANTOR(S) OR TREBLE VOICES SING THE FATHER ALMIGHTY THE NEXT SECTION IS SUNG BY FULL CHOIR & CONGREGATION. THE REST OF THE PRAYER CONTINUES IN THE SAME WAY. men one o Light, with or was in earth, true our one Lord o God, all God rom * o things Christ, Be-got-ten Fa-r be-ore true through he o came all God, him down ag-es. mak-er heav-en vis-i-ble in-vis- i- ble. * God Je-sus On-ly all rom things heav-en, Ho-ly Sir-it in-car-nate Vir-gin Mar-y, were Fa-r; sal-va-tion be-came rom not made. Fa-r al-might-y, * Son God, made, by man. * *

For with right I h rom is I a-dored in o in one, Fa-r. dead * He will or A our was sake he su-ered bur-ied, men. was o ac-cord-ance Scri-tures. Son, who his * who has o o A * He rose dead dead men. a a-gain come with a-gain o or-ward res-ur-rec-tion res-ur-rec-tion cru-ci-ied un-der Pon-tius on sins lie will o through * o o third in have lie, Church. I he day is no who I look world Pi-late, in to end. judge * glo-ry liv-ing king-dom be-lieve Ho-ly Sir-it, giv-er ro-ceeds Fa-r Fa-r glo-ri-ied, so-ken roh-ets. be-lieve ho-ly, cath-lic a-os-tol-ic con-ess to Ba-ti-sm or-give-ness come. * death as-cend-ed in-to heav-en seat-ed at Son * one * to AN EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT will be made in 2014 regarding Ordinary Form. To learn more, lease visit: CCWATERSHED.ORG/VATICAN

HOLY, HOLY, HOLY Pitch Level: SATB Choir Ho Ho Ho - ly, Ho - ly, Ho - ly Lord God o hosts. Heavn earth are - ly, Ho - ly, Ho - ly Lord God o hosts. Heavn earth are Ho - ly, Ho - ly, Ho - ly Lord God o hosts. Heavn earth are - ly, Ho - ly, Ho - ly Lord God o hosts. Heavn earth are N.B. Tritone ull o your glo - ry. Ho ull o your glo - ry. Ho - san - na in high - est. Blessd is he ull o your glo - ry. Ho - san - na in high - est. Blessd is he - san - na in high est. - Blessd is he ull o your glo - ry. Ho - san - na in high - est. Blessd is he who comes in name o Lord. Ho - san - na in high - est. who comes in name o Lord. Ho - san - na in high - est. who comes in name o Lord. Ho - san - na in high - est. who comes in name o Lord. Ho - san - na in high - est.

THIS ACCOMPANIMENT MATCHES THE PITCH LEVEL OF THE SATB CHOIR SCORE Ho - ly, Ho - ly, Ho - ly Lord God o hosts. Heavn earth are ull o your glo - ry. Ho - san - na in high - est. Blest is he who comes in name o Lord. Ho - san - na in high - est.

MYSTERY OF FAITH Pitch Level: SATB Choir We ro - claim your Death, O ro - ess your The mys - ter - y o aith. We ro - claim your Death, O ro - ess your Res Res We ro - claim your Death, O ro - ess your We ro - claim your Death, O ro - ess your - ur - rec - tion un - til you come a - gain. OR: un - til you come a - gain. - ur - rec - tion un - til you come a - gain. OR: un - til you come a - gain. Res - ur - rec - tion un - til you come a - gain. OR: un - til you come a - gain. Res - ur - rec - tion un - til you come a - gain. OR: un - til you come a - gain. A - men, A - men. OR: men. A - men, A - men. OR: men.... or ev - er ev - er. A - men, A - men. OR: men. A - men, A - men. OR: men.

THIS ACCOMPANIMENT MATCHES THE PITCH LEVEL OF THE SATB CHOIR SCORE The mys - ter - y o aith. We ro - claim your Death, O ro - ess your Res - ur - rec - tion un - til you come a - gain. The mys - ter - y o aith. We ro - claim your Death, O ro - ess your Res - ur - rec - tion un - til you come a - gain.... or ev - er ev - er. A - men, A - men.

OUR FATHER Pitch Level: SATB Choir (1 o 2) Our Fa - r, Who art in Hea - ven, Hal -lowed be Thy Name, Thy king - dom come, Our Fa - r, who art in heav - en, hal - lowed be thy name; thy king - dom come, Our Fa - r, who art in heav - en, hal - lowed be thy name; thy king - dom come, Our Fa - r, who art in heav - en, hal - lowed be thy name; thy king dom - come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Hea - ven. Give us this day our dai - ly bread, thy will be done on earth as it is in heav en. thy will be done on earth as it is in heav en. - Give us this day our dai - ly bread, thy will be done on earth as it is in heav - en. Give us this day our dai - ly bread, - Give us this day our dai - ly bread, or - give us our tress -ass - es, as we or - give those who tres -ass a gainst or give or give - us, - us our tres - ass - es, as we or - give those who tres -ass a - gainst us; or - give us our tres - ass - es, as we or - give those who tres -ass a - gainst us; - us our tres - ass - es, as we or - give those who tres -ass a - gainst us;

OUR FATHER Pitch Level: SATB Choir (2 o 2) lead us not in - to tem - ta - tion, but de - li - ver us rom e - vil. lead us not in - to tem - ta - tion, but de - liv - er us rom e - vil. lead us not in - to tem - ta - tion, but de - liv - er us rom e - vil. lead us not in to - tem - ta - tion, but de - liv - er us rom e - vil. or king - dom, o - wer glo - ry are yours, now or - e - ver. For king - dom, ow - er glo - ry are yours now or ev - er. For king - dom, ow - er glo - ry are yours now or ev - er. For king - dom, ow - er glo ry - are yours now or ev - er.

THIS ACCOMPANIMENT MATCHES THE PITCH LEVEL OF THE SATB CHOIR SCORE Our Fa - r, Who art in Hea - ven, Hal lowed - be Thy Name, Thy king - dom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Hea - ven. Give us this day our dai ly - bread, or - give us our tress ass - - es, as we or - give those who tres - ass a - gainst us, lead us not in - to tem - ta - tion, but de - li - ver us rom e - vil. or king-dom, o - wer glo - ry are yours, now or - e - ver.

This entire Mass setting is ound in St. Isaac Jogues Illuminated Missal, Lectionary, & Gradual. These musical scores may be rinted & shared reely, without restriction, so long as website address is given: CCWATERSHED.ORG/JOGUES

LAMB OF GOD Pitch Level: SATB Choir Lamb o God, you take a - way sins o world, have mer - cy on us. Lamb o God, you take a - way sins o world, have mer - cy on us. Lamb o God, you take a - way sins o world, have mer - cy on us. Lamb o God, you take a - way sins o world, have mer cy Lamb o God, you take a - way sins o world, have mer - cy on us. Lamb o God, you take a - way sins o world, have mer - cy on us. Lamb o God, you take a - way sins o world, have mer - cy on us. - on us. Lamb o God, you take a - way sins o world, have mer - cy on us. Lamb o God, you take a - way sins o world, grant us eace. Lamb o God, you take a - way sins o world, grant us eace. Lamb o God, you take a - way sins o world, grant us eace. Lamb o God, you take a - way sins o world, grant us eace.

THIS ACCOMPANIMENT MATCHES THE PITCH LEVEL OF THE SATB CHOIR SCORE Lamb o God, you take a - way sins o world, have mer - cy on us. Lamb o God, you take a - way sins o world, have mer - cy on us. Lamb o God, you take a - way sins o world, grant us eace.