Evensong PPM01522 $4.30. Evening Service for the Transfiguration DO NOT COPY. Joel Martinson. SATB and organ

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paraclete press Evensong M015 $0 Evening Service or the Transiguration Joel Martinson SATB and organ

Joel Martinson Joel Martinson holds the position o Director o Music and Organist at The Episcopal Church o the Transiguration in Dallas, Texas, here he coordinates the musical lie o this virant parish, including choral and instrumental ensemles or all ages as ell as the music series Transigured Nights A product o to generations o clergy-musician amilies, Martinson has orked as a musician in Episcopal, Roman Catholic, Lutheran, resyterian and Reormed Jeish houses o orship An active composer, Mr Martinson has een commissioned y a ide array o churches, musical organizations, and individual perormers across the United States His aard-inning compositions have een perormed throughout the US and Great Britain, as ell as in Europe, Scandinavia, South Arica and South Korea His orks have een recorded y proessional choral organizations, university choirs and ind ensemles, community and church choirs, acclaimed organ recitalists, and others They have een heard nationally on oth ipedreams and NR s erormance Today Martinson is represented in ne music and orship resources o oth the ELCA and The Episcopal Church An accomplished organist and national competition inner Martinson holds Bachelor and Master o Music degrees in Organ erormance ith secondary area o Composition rom The University o North Texas A requent organ recitalist and perormer o hymn estivals, he has also een invited to lecture on the diverse styles o sacred music at the turn o the tenty-irst century or additional inormation, see oelmartinsoncom araclete ress sheet music is availale rom paracletesheetmusiccom

Commissioned y Roert Laurel Brester in honor o the Stephen Ministry at The Episcopal Church o the Transiguration, Dallas, Texas Evening Service or the Transiguration Magniicat SATB and organ Great: lutes 8' ' (ositive/great, i needed) Sell: onds 8', rincipal ' ositive: lutes 8' ' edal: rincipal 16', lutes 16' 8'; Sell/edal Luke 1:6-55 Organ Joyully h = 6 (q = 1) S π Gt legato slightly separated slightly separated unison S A My soul doth J mag - ni - y the Joel Martinson M015 Copyright 015 y araclete ress, Orleans, MA 065 All rights reserved

7 Lord, and my J spir - it hath re - oiced in God my n n 10 1 - Sav - ior # # # he hath re - # #, # gard- ed, re - # # # # # # or # # # # gard - ed Altos the # # # gard - ed the ## # # # # n n # or Sopranos he hath re - # # # # # J # # lo - li -ness o his hand - # # # # # M015

16-19 - # # maid - en # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # hold rom hence - orth all # # # # p n or e-hold n or e - n # n # gen - er - a - # # # # M015

1 # # # # n - tions shall call me less - ed, less - Tenors or - # # ed # # he that # is # J # # n might - y hath n n n mag-ni - ied # # And ho -, And ho - ly, J me, and M015

5 8 - ly is his Name ho - ly is his ho - ly is his mer-cy, and his Name Name mer-cy, and his mer- cy, Basses And his mer-cy, J his and his And his mer - cy is on mer-cy is on M015

6 6 them that ear him through - them that ear him through - 9 n - out all gen - er - a - n - out all gen - er - a - tions tions n M015

7 rall 6 S aster h = 78 Great: Sell: ositive: edal: π # π Trumpet 16' onds 8', ', ('), Mixture; Reeds 16', 8' rincipal lute 8'; S/os rincipals lutes 16', 8'; Gt/ed, S/ed T/B # unison U # He hath sho - ed p somehat accented # M015

8 9 # S/A unison # He hath scat - tered the somehat accented strength ith his arm; 51 proud # # in the i - mag - i - na-tion o their # # # hearts He # # # hath put don the # # # # # M015

9 5 # J # And hath # # ex - alt-edthe div # hum - le # and might-y rom their seat; 56 div # # meek He os nn n # # ## # # # hath illed the # n # # # # # # # # l # J hun-gry ith # # l And the good # # # # # # # # # # # rich he hath sent things; # # os M015

10 59 emp - ty a - ay more legato 6 # # S He re - mer - cy hath n more legato n - Gt/ed He re - J p mem - ring his hol - pen his mem - ring his mer - cy hath ser-vant Is - ra - M015

65 11 68 - hol - pen his el, os as prom - ised, he M015 os he ser-vant Is - ra - as he prom - ised to prom - ised to el, prom - ised,, as he our ore - our ore - + Gt/ed

1 71 ƒ # n a - thers, A - ra - ham ƒ n n n and his 7 a - thers, # seed, or seed, J or # A - ra - ham ƒ n # J n n n and his J # # # ev - er, ev - er, # J S J dim or or # M015

1 77 ev - er # 80 ev - er # - Mixture; + ' - Trumpet 8' Reed 16'; + Ooe 8' - Gt/ed relaxing J # Great: Sell: ositive: edal: Solo 8' onds 8', rincipal ', lute ' onds 8'; S/os rincipals lutes 16', 8'; S/ed os, legato os M015

1 8 Broader h = 58 S/A T/B Glo - ry 88 e e, to God the to God the, a - ther, and a - ther, and n Glo - ry to the Son, and div div to the Son, and Gt os J M015

15 91 96 to the Ho - ly to the Ho - ly Ghost: Ghost: Gt the e - gin - ning, is the e - gin - ning, is no, no, as it as it as in n as in n n is is is is Great: r 16', 8', '; S/Gt Sell: onds 8', rincipal ', lute ', Ooe 8' edal: r 16', 8', ', lutes 16', 8'; S/ed Gt p M015

16 99 is div no, is is no, and ev - er shall e, 10 no, S: + Mixture '; - lute ' orld is ith - out orld ith - out no, and ev - er - - shall e, + Reeds 16', 8' end A - - - end end p A A - - M015

106 - men, a - men,, 17 109 - men, M015 - men, S: + Reeds 16', 8' rall n a - a - n a - men, a - men ƒ N men a-men,, men, a-men, Broadening to the end ƒ,, + Reed ', Mixture U U Gt: + Mixture U ƒ U U June 5, 01 Dallas, TX

18 Nunc dimittis SATB and organ Great: rincipal 8'; S/Gt Sell: String Celeste 8' ositive: Gentle Reed 8' edal: lute 16'; S/edal Luke :9- Organ S 5 Quietly h = (q = 8) p legato T/B p Lord, p no let-test thou thy n ser - vant de - Joel Martinson M015 Copyright 015 y araclete ress, Orleans, MA 065 All rights reserved

19 9 p part in peace, ac - cord - ing to thy ord 1 n S/A p or mine N eyes have have p or mine + l 8'; - Celeste (very legato) os seen seen div eyes + l ' thy thy sal - sal - have n + lute 8' M015

0 17 - div - va - va - tion, tion,, sal - va - tion, hich seen thy sal - va - tion, 19 thou hast pre - pared, hich thou hast pre - Gt J thou hast pre - pared e - pared, thou hast pre - M015

1 1 - - ore the ace pared e - ore the M015 To e a n To e a n n n o all ace o all light div peo - ple to To e a light to To e a peo - ple Gt: + onds 8' (') S: + r '; - l ', Gt + r 16', 8', ' light - en the n light to light - en the n light to n

7 Gen - tiles, and to e the J glo - ry, the J 0 light - en the Gen - tiles, light - en the Gen - tiles, and to e the and to e the n J Gen - tiles, and to e the + r ' glo - ry o thy J glo - ry o thy glo - ry o thy J glo - ry o thy M015 peo - ple Is - ra - J peo - ple Is - ra - peo - ple Is - ra - n J glo - ry, the glo - ry, the J glo - ry, the + r ' peo - ple Is - ra - el, o ith solo stop(s) S: + Mixture to alance choir os n el, el, el, thy J thy n n n J thy Reduce Gt S to accompany os solo J

rall peo - ple Is - ra - a tempo el peo - ple Is - ra - el 7 n J peo - ple Is - ra - Gt: lutes 8'; S/Gt, os/gt S: lute String 8', lute ' os: lutes 8' ed: r 16', l 16', 8'; S/ed, os/ed T/B Gt el Glo - ry S/A n Glo - ry e to the e to the ath - er, and N p M015

1 a - ther, and J to the Son, and div to the Ho - ly to the Son, n Ghost: Ghost: n n and to the Ho - ly As it unison As it Gt: + r 8'; - os/gt,, as os: to r 8', ' Ghost, Ho - ly S: + r '; - l ' in as in n the the e - gin-ning, e - gin-ning, + r 8', '; + os/ed M015

5 8 div div is no, and ev - er shall 51 is e, e, + os/gt S: + Ooe 8' no, and orld, ev - er shall ith - out, - os/ed + Reed 16' M015

6 5 rall n molto rall div end A - - - - div S: + Trumpet 8'; - Ooe n Broader q = 7 57 ƒ - men ƒ, S: + Rds 16', 8', Mixture (to ull Sell) n rall (Close ox and reduce stops one y one until onds 8', ' and soter reeds remain) S p ed: rincipals lutes 16', 8'; S/ed March 15, 01 Dallas, TX M015