We Have Come to Worship Jesus Words and Music by Mark Chadwick and Kim Chadwick Arranged by GREG WIGGINS

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10 We Have ome to Worship esus Words and Music y Mark hadick and Kim hadick rranged y R WIINS q = 60 (himes) 1 sus RH P sus ll Ladies P 5 sus B B sus We have come to or ship e sus ith our 7 sus n B opyright 199 oss/hadick Pulishing (adm y learox Rights and Licenses, LL) ll rights reserved Used y permission

11 9 hands lif ted high and ith m7 N all of our heart We have m n asked for Him to meet us, e have 11 sus a B n 3 80 0:56 come in to this place to orship e sus m 13 m7 sus m Bm7 N

12 B Solo r When our hearts e come one ith Yours in or ship Your 17 Bm7 o 7 Bsus Bm 3 Spir it moves and dras us to Your throne There is 19 sus n no place e ould rath er e than here right no So ith m7 7 21 Bm(add2) Bm(add2)

1:28 23 hum le hearts of praise, e sus 23 7 old ly come We m7 hoir have B 13 come to orship e sus ith our n hands lift ed high and ith 25 6 n B m 25 n n 28 28 all of our hearts We have m7 n n n n m asked for Him to 2 Ma7 meet us, e have n 6 n n B

1 N 2:08 31 come in to this place to orship N e sus m7 7 31 sus m 9 uet lto r Tenor Some ill sing a song that r You have placed ith in them, ut 35 Bm7 o 7 Bsus Bm n e ill all de clare the onder of Your name (Ten) e ill 37 sus n

or ship, We ill or ship m7 7 a 39 (Sop) On ly r You, Lord nd Bm(add2) Bm(add2) Trio 15 ± 2:0 3 molto rit from no on, e ill nev er e the same molto rit 1 sus 1 7 7sus We have molto rit 7sus a tempo 3 come to or ship 3 a tempo e sus ith our 7

16 n 5 hands lift ed high and ith m all of our hearts We have B m n 5 n n 7 7 50 50 asked for Him to 2 place to or ship m7 m 7 meet us, e have m 3:20 e sus m7 7 N come in to this m N n m B 7 7 B n n n

f f ill this place ith Your f 53 B 53 (mel) Ho ly Spir it; 17 55 55 speak Your Word Ho e o 7 long to hear it 7( 9) 7 7( 9) 7( 9) (mel) N 57 57 Send Your touch that our m N m m7 N N hearts may feel it B m7

18 3:52 3 cresc once a gain, once a cresc 59 59 61 61 m 2 3 3 come to or ship m gain We have sus e sus ith our m sus n molto rit 63 63 hands lift ed high and ith B m sus all of our hearts We have n m molto rit m6 + 7 n n n

19 ƒ 65 ƒ a tempo asked for Him to 2 a tempo 65 meet us, e have m come in to this m N m B N 68 place Ma7 m9 (hime) 68 WORSHIP LR: Then, I sa in the right hand of Him ho sat on the throne, a scroll ith riting on oth sides and sealed ith seven seals nd I sa a mighty angel, proclaiming in a loud voice, Who is orthy to reak the seals and open the scroll Then I sa a lam, looking as if it had een slain, standing in the center of the throne, ( 11) H π 71 ( 11) 7sus sus

150 sus ( 11) ( 11) 73 7sus :57 75 I 77 p p π 77 Wor ship, ( 11) sus ( 11) sus (hoir enters) WORSHIP LR (continues): encircled y four living creatures, and the elders The lam had seven horns and seven eyes, hich are the seven spirits of od, sent out into all the earth He ent and took the scroll from the right hand of Him ho sat on the throne nd hen he had taken it, the four living creatures, and the tentyfour elders fell don efore the lam ach one had a harp and they ere holding golden ols full of incense, hich are the prayers of od's people, and they sang a ne song saying, You are orthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, ecause You ere slain, and ith Your lood, You purchased for od persons from every trie and language and people and nation You have made them to e a kingdom, and priests to serve our od nd they ill reign on the the earth Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders In a loud voice, they ere saying, Worthy is the Lam Who as slain to receive to poer, and ealth, and isdom, and strength, and honor, and glory and praise Then, I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them saying, To Him Who sits on the throne, and to the Lam, e praise and honor and glory and poer forever and ever! r or ship the 7sus sus R

151 79 Lord sus Wor ship, ( 11) ( 11) 79 r 81 or ship the 7sus sus R Lord sus 81 P P 83 83 Wor ship, 2 P r or ship the R 2

152 Lord 85 Wor ship, sus 2 85 5:3 r 87 87 or ship the 2 (narration continues shon on p 150) R Lord sus m r Wor ship, 89 Wor ship, Wor ship, (narration continues shon on p 150) Ma7 89 or ship the Wor ship the Ma7 R

153 91 91 Lord Lord sus Wor ship, Wor ship, or ship, Ma7 r 93 93 or ship the or ship the Ma7 R Lord Lord sus m f r 95 95 f Wor ship, f or ship the B R

15 97 97 99 99 Lord sus m or ship the accel B (narration ends) ˇ Lord sus Wor ship, ƒ K 6:36 3 3 "or Unto Us" from The Messiah Handel 101 (narration ends) Won derful B accel 3 3 101

103 oun selor, the Might y od, the 155 2 2 2 103 2 2 105 2 2 v er last ing m a ther B B 105 2 107 Won derful B oun selor, 107

156 Á 2 7:0 109 the Might y od, the 2 2 v er last ing m a ther B B 109 2 L 112 "Halleluah horus" from The Messiah Handel King of kings, B uet (Sop Tenor) or 112 ev er and ev er Halle B B B B

157 11 lu ah! Halle lu ah! B B B 11 B and Lord of lords n or n n n 116 ev er and ev er Halle lu ah! Halle lu ah! n 116 n

158 Trio King of kings, 118 or 118 ev er and ev er Halle m m and Lord of lords, 120 lu ah! Hal le lu ah! m m 120 fl fl

159 7:37 and Lord of lords 2 2 122 122 King of kings and m 7 7 Lord of lords B B fl fl fl 2 2 2 nd M n 125 125 He shall reign for B B ev er and m B ev er n m6 m7 7 n

160 128 7:53 m He reigns for B 6 ev sus er 7 m7 128 131 B m7 MN! B B B 131 133 133 B B n B n n n B n n n B B n