MASS FOR A NEW ERA. We Proclaim Your Death, O Lord Save Us, Savior of the World... 21

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SAMLE MASS OR A NEW ERA Introductory Notes 3 enitential Act Glory to God Gospel Acclamation 11 Lenten Gospel Acclamation 1 Holy, Holy, Holy 1 We roclaim Your eath, O Lord 19 When We Eat This Bread 20 Save Us, Savior of the World 21 Great Amen 22 Lamb of God 23 The English translation of the Lenten Gospel Acclamation and all Gospel Acclamation verses from the Lectionary for Mass, copyright 199, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation (ICEL) All rights reserved The English translation of the enitential Act; Glory to God; Holy, Holy, Holy; We roclaim Your eath, O Lord; When We Eat This Bread; and, Save Us, Savior of the World, from The Roman Missal, copyright 2010, ICEL All rights reserved Music copyright 2013, World Library ublications, 3708 River Road, Suite 00, ranklin ark, IL 0131-2158 All rights reserved Approved for publication by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Secretariat for the Committee on ivine Worship, Monsignor Richard B Hilgartner, Executive irector Cover design by enise C urand

SAMLE Introductory Notes Mass for a Ne Era as ritten to help children learn the revised Mass texts from The Roman Missal, Third Edition While singing it during liturgy for the past to years, I have found that it really serves all ages The call-and-response style orks very ell for congregations, and makes participation easy This setting explores many contemporary ideas Acoustic guitar, my main compositional instrument, leads the ork throughout Thanks to Ed Bolduc for arranging the music and adding the keyboard part to this score I suggest adding another guitar, an electric or an upright bass, and a piano to the ensemble An upright bassist should use pizzicato technique for most of the Mass, but bo for the Lamb of God and other more lyrical sections The leader should be a strong cantor ho is comfortable ith this style of singing, or a small group of singers can take on the cantor parts together Refer to the recording (WL 0181) to grasp the feel of this Mass I hope you enoy rehearsing, playing, and singing this Mass setting as much as I enoyed composing it The beauty of connecting people to orship through music is absolutely amazing, and I believe that Mass for a Ne Era can and ill do ust that It captures the ears of the young, old, and everybody in beteen Rachel razier arish Musician St Raphael Catholic Church Naperville, Illinois

b b b q = c 7 b b ^ b g b b b A b ma9 E b E b /G Cm7 You ere sent to heal the A b E b E b /G b b b b b b con - trite of heart: Choir/Assembly Ky-ri- e, e- le-i - son b b b b b b Cm SAMLE MASS OR A NEW ERA Unison Choir,, Assembly, Guitar, Keyboard enitential Act Rachel razier Arr by Ed Bolduc Ky-ri - e, e-le-i - son You A b ma9 E b (add2) E b /G Cm7 01810 Click rint donload e1810 may be purchased at lpmusiccom Guitar leadsheet e1811 may be purchased at lpmusiccom Text copyright 2010, ICEL Music copyright 2013, World Library ublications

7 b b b b b b b b b b b b came to call sin-ners: A b (add2) B b sus2, Chri - ste, e-le-i - son A b ma9 E b (add2) E b /G Chri - ste, Cm7 e-le-i - son You are 10 b b b seat-ed at the right hand of the a-ther to in- ter-cede for us: Ky-ri- e, e-le-i - son b b b b b b A b ma9 E b 2E b (add2)/g Cm7 A b ma9 E b (add2) E b /G 13 b b b SAMLE 5 b b b b b b b b b Choir/Assembly Ky-ri- e, e- le-i - son Cm7 Ky-ri- e, e- le-i - son A b ma9 E b (add2) E b /G slight rit slight rit U Ky-ri - e, e-le-i - son Cm7 U u

SAMLE INTONATION 5 q = c 100 f Glo - ry, glo - ry to God, earth peace to peo-ple of good RERAIN /Choir/Assembly 9 12 f Glo - ry, Csus2,/ ḟ high-est, Glory to God Unison or optional Three-art Choir,, Assembly, Guitar, Keyboard and on ill glo - ry to God, C glo - ry to God in the Glo - ry to God in earth peace to peo-ple of good m7 Text copyright 2010, ICEL Music copyright 2013, World Library ublications high-est, the high-est C2 and on glo - ry to God in the C/E m7 C/E C ill Rachel razier Arr by Ed Bolduc

15 Glo - ry to God in the 1 3 To Verses high - est 1 We 2 3 ma7 C(add2)/E m7 G13sus 1 3 To Verses m/c C VERSE 1 17 1 praise you, e bless you, e a - dore you, e glo - ri - fy you, ma9 - SAMLE 7 C(add2)/E - 19 ma9 1 e give you thanks for your great - glo - C/E ry, - Lord ma9 God, -

22 1 heav - en - ly King, Cma9/E VERSE 2 25 C/E - 2 Lord e-sus Christ, O God, al-might - y On - ly Be-got - ten Son, a - ther To Refrain To Refrain Lord God, Lamb of God, ma9 - C/E ma9-28 3 2 Son of the a - ther, Am(add2)/G 2 2 2 you - - take a - ay the 7sus C(add2)/E sins of the orld, C2/ 32 2 have mer - cy on us; you 8SAMLE take a - ay the 7sus C(add2)/E C2/ 7sus C(add2)/E

35 39 2 sins of the orld, C2/ 2 right hand of the a - ther, 7sus re-ceive C(add2)/E our have mer - cy on prayer; C/ us (us) 7sus you are seat-ed at the C(add2)/E To Refrain C2/ 7sus C(add2)/E C2/ G(add) To Refrain SAMLE 9 VERSE 3 3 3 or you a - lone are the Ho-ly One, ma9/a C(add2)/E you a - lone are the Lord, ma9/a you a-lone are the 3 Most High, G/B e - sus Christ, ma9/a ith the Ho - ly Spir - it, C2/E

9 3 3 3 in the glo-ry of God the a - ther ma9/a 3 2, G(add) 10SAMLE INAL RERAIN 52 /Choir/Assembly 5 59 f Glo - ry, Csus2,/ ḟ glo - ry to God, C earth peace to peo- ple of good m7 high-est A - m/c C C ill glo - ry to God in the high-est, C/E m7 C/E men, a - /G men, a - C/ and on Glo - ry to God in the C/ C(add2)/E m7 C(add)/G rit men, a - /G C/E m7 rit men C

INTROUCTION f q = c 108 (NC) A5/E / - - (NC) A5/E / - INTONATION 5 f Al - le - (NC) lu - ia, A5/E / - - (NC) al - le - lu - ia A5/E / - RERAIN 9 /Choir/Assembly Al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia G SAMLE Gospel Acclamation Unison or optional Three-art Choir,, Assembly, Guitar, Keyboard 11 Rachel razier Arr by Ed Bolduc Em/ Text of verses copyright 199, 1981, 1997, ICEL Music copyright 2013, World Library ublications

13 Al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia Em/ VERSE 17 2 Speak, Lord, your Bm A/C g serv - ant is lis-ten-ing; /E you have the ords Bm /C of 2 2 20 2 RERAIN /Choir/Assembly f ev-er-last - ing life Al - le - lu - ia, 2 2 Esus 12SAMLE f

2 G al - le - lu - ia Em/ Al - le - lu - ia, 28 al - le - lu - ia al - le - lu - ia G Em/ G Em/ 32 (NC) SAMLE 13 A5/E / - - (NC)

INTROUCTION q = c 105 /Choir/Assembly RERAIN raise to you, Gma9 A(add) Bm7 G ma9 A(add) Word of God, Lord e - sus Christ! B7sus Bm7 A(add) Gma9 A Bm7 7 raise to you, Word of God, Lord e - sus Gma9 A(add) B7sus SAMLE 1 Lenten Gospel Acclamation Unison Choir,, Assembly, Guitar, Keyboard Rachel razier Arr by Ed Bolduc Bm7 A(add) Gma9 A Text copyright 199, 1981, 1997, ICEL Music copyright 2013, World Library ublications

10 1 Christ! 2 To Verse Christ! Re - inal Christ! 15 1 Bm7 SAMLE 2 To Verses Bm7 inal Bm7 VERSE 13 pent, says the Em11 g g Lord; ma9 the king-dom of heav-en is at Gma9 Asus hand 8va To Refrain To Refrain

SAMLE 1 8 8 8 8 Lilting q = c 53 Choir/Assembly C2/G Holy, Holy, Holy Unison or optional To-art Choir,, Assembly, Guitar, Keyboard Ho - ly, C2/G Ho - ly, Ho - ly, C(add2)/G Rachel razier Arr by Ed Bolduc Ho - ly, Ho - ly Lord Ho - ly Lord God of hosts C(add2)/G God of hosts Text copyright 2010, ICEL Music copyright 2013, World Library ublications

SAMLE 11 1 Heav-en and earth C2/G r Heav-en and r full of your glo - ry Ho - earth san - na are full of your glo - ry r r C2/G Ho - san - na 17 are 17 in the high - est in the high - est Bless-ed is C2/ he C2/E Bless-ed is 2 r he ho

21 comes in the name of the r C2/ C2/E ho r Lord Ho - comes in the name of the 2 G5/ san - na r Lord Ho- C2/ 2 san - na 2 in the high - est C2/ C2/E in the high - est 2 Ho - san - na C2/ C2/E Ho - 18 SAMLE 28 san - na in the high - est C2/E in the high - est 2 U U u

SAMLE 8 8 8 8 Lilting q = c 53 Unison Choir/Assembly C(add2)/G claim your eath, O Lord, We roclaim Your eath, O Lord Unison Choir,, Assembly, Guitar, Keyboard and pro - fess your Res-ur- rec - tion C(add2)/G We pro-claim your eath, O Lord, C(add2)/G We pro - r and pro-fess your Res-ur- rec - tion 19 Rachel razier Arr by Ed Bolduc un - 7 til you come a - gain r un - til you come a - gain rit Text copyright 2010, ICEL Music copyright 2013, World Library ublications

SAMLE 20 8 5 8 8 8 Lilting q = c 53 Unison Choir/Assembly C(add2)/G drink this Cup, r C(add2)/G When We Eat This Bread Unison Choir,, Assembly, Guitar, Keyboard When e eat this Bread and drink this Cup, C(add2)/G When e r eat this Bread e pro - claim your eath, O 7sus C/E Rachel razier Arr by Ed Bolduc and e pro - 8 Lord, un r claim your eath, O til you come a-gain r Lord, un - til you come a- gain Text copyright 2010, ICEL Music copyright 2013, World Library ublications rit

SAMLE 8 5 8 8 8 8 Lilting q = c 53 Choir/Assembly C(add2)/G Sav-ior of the orld, C(add2)/G Cross and Res-ur-rec - tion C/ Save Us, Savior of the World Unison Choir,, Assembly, Guitar, Keyboard Sav - ior of Save us, C(add2)/G the orld, for by your you have set us free ma9 Save us, Cross and Res- ur- rec - tion / you have set us free Text copyright 2010, ICEL Music copyright 2013, World Library ublications rit C/E for by your 21 Rachel razier Arr by Ed Bolduc

8 Lilting q = c 53 8 8 A - men Choir/Assembly A - men A - men C/G A - men A - men SAMLE 22 Great Amen Unison Choir,, Assembly, Guitar, Keyboard Rachel razier Arr by Ed Bolduc 8 A - men A - men ma9 A - men U u Music copyright 2013, World Library ublications

SAMLE Graceful q = c 72 Gma9/B 5 Lamb G/B of ma7/c Lamb of God Unison or optional Three-art Choir,, Assembly, Guitar, Keyboard God, ma7/c Choir/Assembly you Gma7 take a - ay the 23 Rachel razier Arr by Ed Bolduc 8 sins of the G orld, have mer - cy, Gma9/B ma9/c have mer - cy on 11 us Gma7 Music copyright 2013, World Library ublications Lamb G/B of

2 1 17 God, ma7/c Choir/Assembly orld, grant us Em7 you take a - ay the peace, / grant us sins of the G A/G peace G 20 Em7 Grant us peace, / grant us 23 peace SAMLEEngraved and printed in USA A/G G rit G(add ) g