Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come

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2 oy to World! Is Come Isc Wtts oy He to rules world! world with truth nd come; grce, George Frederick Hndel Let erth mkes re - ceive n - her tions King; prove Let ev - glo - 'ry ries hert pre - h pre right - him eous - room, ness, sing, love, hev'n nd won - ders hev'n nd n-tur won - ders h Πn-tur h hev'n won - sing, love, nd ders, sing, love, hev'n won-ders nd n ture h hev'n won - nd ders n - hev'n nd won - ders sing, love, ture h n-tur h sing love 2002 Lorenz Pulhing Compny, divion Lorenz Corportion All rights reserved Printed in USA Reproduction th puliction without permsion pulher criminl fense suect to prosecution 45/1118L-2

O Lit Town Bethlehem 3 Phillips Brooks 4 4 O O lit - ho - ly n town Child Beth - Beth - le - hem, le - hem! How De - still scend we to see us, Lew H Redner e we lie! pry; A - Cst ove out our deep nd our sin nd drem-lesen - ter sleep in, Be si - lent orn in strs us go to - y dy! Yet We in thy drk streets her Chrt - ms shin - eth n - gels ev - er - lst - ing gret gld tid - ings light; tell; n O hopes come nd to n fers us, - ll ide yers Are with us, Our met in e to - Em-mn - u - n night el! 2002 Lorenz Pulhing Compny, divion Lorenz Corportion All rights reserved Printed in USA Reproduction th puliction without permsion pulher criminl fense suect to prosecution 45/1118L-3

4 4 4 Angels We Hve Herd on High An - gels we hve Come to Beth - le - herd hem on high, nd see Sweet - ly Chrt whose sing - irth ing Trditionl French Crol o'er plins: n - gels sing; come, - moun-tindore on in re - ply, end-ed knee, ech - Chrt o-ing, ir oy - new - ous strins orn King Glo - - - - - - - - - - ri -, 1 2 w in ex - cel - s De - o! in ex - cel - s De - w o! w 2002 Lorenz Pulhing Compny, divion Lorenz Corportion All rights reserved Printed in USA Reproduction th puliction without permsion pulher criminl fense suect to prosecution 45/1118L-4

Infnt Holy, Infnt Lowly 5 Polh Crol; prphrse y Edith MG Reed 4 3 4 3 ed till In - fnt ho - ly, In - fnt Flocks were sleep-ing, Shep-herds low - ly, For keep-ing Vig - il ct - morn-ing Polh Crol stll; new Ox - en Sw low-ingglo - ry, Lit - Herd know - sto - ing ry, Chrt Tid - ings e gos - pel ll true An - Thus gels re - wing - oic - ing, ing, Pr - Free es from sing - sor - ing, row, * No - els Pr - es ring - ing, voic-ing, Tid - Greet ings ring - mor - ing: row: Chrt Chrt e e orn for ll you *For SA performnces, ltos should sing cued notes when given 2002 Lorenz Pulhing Compny, divion Lorenz Corportion All rights reserved Printed in USA Reproduction th puliction without permsion pulher criminl fense suect to prosecution 45/1118L-5

6 It Cme upon Midnight Cler Edmund H Sers 8 6 8 6 It cme up - on For lo! dys re mid - hs - night t'ning cler, Tht on, By glo - rious proph - et Richrd Storrs Will n song rds old, fore - * told, From When n - gels with end - ev - ing er - ner cir - cling erth, To yers comes touch ir hrps round ge gold: gold; "Pece When on pece n erth, shll o - good ver will ll to men," From erth Its hev'n's ll n - cient n gr - cious splen - dors King fling, world in whole sol - world emn give still - ck ness ly, song To Which *For SA performnces, ltos should sing cued notes when given her now n - n - gels gels sing sing 2002 Lorenz Pulhing Compny, divion Lorenz Corportion All rights reserved Printed in USA Reproduction th puliction without permsion pulher criminl fense suect to prosecution 45/1118L-6

He Is Born 7 Trditionl French Crol He He orn, orn, di - di - vine vine Chrt Chrt child! child! Ply Sing we o- ll oe nd 1 2 Fine * g-pipes n mer - ri-ly! Sv - ior mild Thro' long -ges pst, Proph-ets hve fore - told h com- ing; Thro' long DC l Fine -ges pst, Now time hs come t lst *For SA performnces, ltos should sing cued notes when given 2002 Lorenz Pulhing Compny, divion Lorenz Corportion All rights reserved Printed in USA Reproduction th puliction without permsion pulher criminl fense suect to prosecution 45/1118L-7

8 How Gret Our oy! Trditionl Germn Melody While re y shll e sheep orn, we so wtched he t did night, sy, Gld In tid - ings rought Beth - le - hem n f * p n - child gel to - right dy How gret our oy! Gret our oy! f p f oy, oy, oy! oy, oy, oy! Pre we in p hev'n on high! Pre we in hev'n on high! *For SA performnces, ltos should sing cued notes when given 2002 Lorenz Pulhing Compny, divion Lorenz Corportion All rights reserved Printed in USA Reproduction th puliction without permsion pulher criminl fense suect to prosecution 45/1118L-8

Lit Children's Book for Schools nd Fmilies, c 1885 4 3 4 3 A - wy ct - in re Awy in Mnger mn - ger, low - ing, no cri - for y - ed, wkes, 9 Willim Kirkptrick But lit - lit - e - e - sus sus, lid no down cry - h ing sweet he hed mkes; I strs love in e, right e - sky sus, looked look down down where from he ly, sky, lit - sty y my e - sus cr - dle - till sleep on morn-ing hy nigh 2002 Lorenz Pulhing Compny, divion Lorenz Corportion All rights reserved Printed in USA Reproduction th puliction without permsion pulher criminl fense suect to prosecution 45/1118L-9