Fly Like a Bird. for Kate McMichael. Am7. B b add9. œ œ. œ J. œ œ œ œ

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2 Based on Psalm 19:1 4, 7 12, 2 24 ly Like a Bird for Kate McMichael Ken anedo Keyoard % % NTR (q = ca 112) 4 4 RERAN Melody ly Harmony like a ird B add9 ẇ Lord, B add9 B add9 sus4 soul 1995, 2002, P Pulications, 556 NE Hassalo, Portl, R 9721 All rights reserved Please visit ocporg or call 1-800-LTURGY for availale instrument parts sus4 Edition 12065-Z

ant to soar like an ea - gle Though may B our - ney far a - ay nev - er e a - lone 1 1-1- sus4 B add9 ẇ /E home, sus4 to Verses to Verses inal lone inal kno ll Gm7 ly Like a Bird

4 VERSES 1 2 When 1 2 God, You hen kno B add9 kno run don ho r a - B hopes hide fall - B ing love fraid, sus4 rit sus4 dres God a - ay, sus4 6,9 sus4 ine n rom the ex - ly Like a Bird

5 1 pon - 2 dan tend 1- B add9 der - ing of morn - ing s a gen - tle God, r A fears, light h, in A7/# # pres-ence is E real oy dark - kno / N ness in of un - the der - sus4 Performance Notes tears, night, st G/B n n n n The arrangement on the recording is meant to inspire prayerful listening, ut ly Like a Bird is also an excellent song for liturgy The tight three-part harmonies ill make r contemporary choir soar You might ant to sing the first refrain verse in unison efore go into harmonies Bs accompanists, please don t rush the song, ut don t let it drag either Bass players, please pay strict attention descending line in the second half of the verse ndeed, the ascending descending ass lines, chords melody are arranged to give the impression of flying, like a ird n parish ly Like a Bird has ecome a favorite communion song We have also sung it at the Preparation of the Gifts used it at Reconciliation services funerals nspired y Psalm 19, it is also useful for th retreats, prayer services at onfirmation classes gatherings Ken anedo DS DS ly Like a Bird

6 Based on Psalm 19:1 4, 7 12, 2 24 ly Like a Bird for Kate McMichael (Guitar/Vocal) Ken anedo apo : B add9 4 4 (Keyoard) ant to our - ney far a - ay 1- NTR (q = ca 112) (Dsus4) sus4 ( # m7) % RERAN Melody Harmony B add9 ly like a ( # m7) soar like an (A/ # ) /E to Verses (Dsus4) sus4 ( # m7) sus4 ird B add9 ea - gle inal (Bm) home, ( # m7) (Em7) Gm7 B add9 Lord, B add9 kno ll sus4 ( # m7) sus4 soul (G) B Though may (A1) 1 nev - er e a - rit (D6,9) 6,9 ine lone lone 1995, 2002, P Pulications, 556 NE Hassalo, Portl, R 9721 All rights reserved

7 VERSES 1 2 1 2 1 2 (G) B When God, hopes hide fall - (D/A) / oy dark - kno a\c+ ing a - in ness of un - (G) B kno run don sus4 the der - dres God ay, ho r a - (E/G # ) G/B tears, night, st love fraid, (Dsus4) sus4 B add9 n pon - rom the dan ex - tend God, r (Bm) (Dsus4) sus4 der - ing of morn - ing s a gen - tle () E pres - ence Guitar harts is sus4 real You hen kno ( # 7) A7/ # fears, light h, in a1 d[[9 d6,9 e,7 e\g+ f+,7 f=7 a= g[[9 DS ( ( ly Like a Bird

8 Assemly Edition LY LKE A BRD Refrain 4 ly like a ant to Verses 1 2 Though may kno ll 1 2 When God, You hen kno ird soar like an Text ased on Psalm 19:1 4, 7 12, 2 24 Text music 1995, P Pulications, 556 NE Hassalo, Portl, R 9721 All rights reserved Lord, ea - gle our - ney far a - ay nev - er e a - lone kno run don ho hopes hide fall - 1 pon - der - ing fears, 2 dan of morn -ing s light tend a gen - tle h, 1- God, r ing in pres - ence r a - dres God a - ay, is oy dark - kno real love fraid, ness in of un - soul home, Ken anedo the der - n rom the ex - tears, night, st or reprint permissions, please visit nelicensenet or contact us at 1-800-66-1501 to Refrain