I Am the Vine. I Am the Vine SATB, organ, baritone solo. Alfred V. Fedak

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Alfred V Fedak 405-458 Selah ulishg Co, Inc Order from your favorite dealer or at selahucom (Or call 800-852-6172 the US and Canada) This document is rovided for revie uroses only It is illegal to hotocoy this music Alfred V Fedak SATB, organ, aritone solo 405-458

Alfred V Fedak 405-458 Selah ulishg Co, Inc Order from your favorite dealer or at selahucom (Or call 800-852-6172 the US and Canada) This document is rovided for revie uroses only It is illegal to hotocoy this music 2 2 405-458

7 C C C Man O ed my 13 Ho have I of n Commissioned y Bron Memorial resyterian Church, Baltimore, Maryland SATB, organ, aritone solo Text from the Solemn Reroaches and John 15 Alfred V Fedak, 2013 Lamentoso (h =ca 63) church, _ J hat have I done Solo aritone,, to you - fend - ed you An - - - _ n ser O ed my me eo - le, n # 3 Alfred V Fedak 405-458 Selah ulishg Co, Inc Order from your favorite dealer or at selahucom (Or call 800-852-6172 the US and Canada) This document is rovided for revie uroses only It is illegal to hotocoy this music Coyright 2017 Selah ulishg Co, Inc selahucom rted the USA on recycled aer It is illegal to hotocoy this music 405-458 3

Alfred V Fedak 405-458 Selah ulishg Co, Inc Order from your favorite dealer or at selahucom (Or call 800-852-6172 the US and Canada) This document is rovided for revie uroses only It is illegal to hotocoy this music 4 18 23 I have not 27 31 ed done # oco rit oco rit 2 2 2 What could I have n F (h=h) 2 3 I F # 2 3 2 3 Man oco iù mosso done that J lant - ed you, my cho - sen oco iù mosso ve - yard; I made you the ranch - es of my # # # dim But # a temo you a temo n n yield - ed on - ly it - ter - ness > ve dim n 4 405-458

SA TB 36 40 45 ed Unison Freely When I as _ ierced ith a a temo 3 thirst - y you gave me v - e - gar to _ sear the rit n _ side of your Sav n - ior drk And you Ho - ly God, Ho - ly and might - y, Ho - ly Im - mor - tal One, have Unison a temo 5 Alfred V Fedak 405-458 Selah ulishg Co, Inc Order from your favorite dealer or at selahucom (Or call 800-852-6172 the US and Canada) This document is rovided for revie uroses only It is illegal to hotocoy this music 405-458 5

Alfred V Fedak 405-458 Selah ulishg Co, Inc Order from your favorite dealer or at selahucom (Or call 800-852-6172 the US and Canada) This document is rovided for revie uroses only It is illegal to hotocoy this music 6 51 57 mer - cy on us Ho - ly God, Ho - ly and might - y, Ho (ho ly) - ly Im - mor - tal One, have mer - cy on Solo aritone 61 F - J I am the (more oldly) Ve, J you are the ranch - es A - us art (attacca) from F # # 6 405-458

66 me you can 70 j Ve, 75 3 I ill a - ide ear J no N J you are the # you, and fruit F ranch - es A - you shall ear ide _ much # _ oco f J I am the fruit me, and oco rit oco rit 7 Alfred V Fedak 405-458 Selah ulishg Co, Inc Order from your favorite dealer or at selahucom (Or call 800-852-6172 the US and Canada) This document is rovided for revie uroses only It is illegal to hotocoy this music 405-458 7

Alfred V Fedak 405-458 Selah ulishg Co, Inc Order from your favorite dealer or at selahucom (Or call 800-852-6172 the US and Canada) This document is rovided for revie uroses only It is illegal to hotocoy this music SA TB 8 F 81 F 86 a temo: ith grog confidence You are the j F Ve, e are the mor - tal One, have mer - cy on us ranch - es Ho - ly Im - J You are the Ve, and 8 405-458

91 j e are the 95 3 (ranch - es) e ill a - ide 3 ranch - es A - you, and ide e oco rit shall oco rit ear us as much ed fruit Man 9 Alfred V Fedak 405-458 Selah ulishg Co, Inc Order from your favorite dealer or at selahucom (Or call 800-852-6172 the US and Canada) This document is rovided for revie uroses only It is illegal to hotocoy this music 405-458 9

Alfred V Fedak 405-458 Selah ulishg Co, Inc Order from your favorite dealer or at selahucom (Or call 800-852-6172 the US and Canada) This document is rovided for revie uroses only It is illegal to hotocoy this music 10 100 F Solo aritone By j J 105 110 e my dis loved me, so J 3 this the Fa -ther is glo - ri - fied, Man J ed Solo j 3 so - ci - les As the Fa - ther has I Solo love you 3 A - ide my 10 405-458

SA TB 115 love 120 rit ide, _ love, e ill a, _ rit rit Choir A dim - unis unis A - ide love, a -, ( ) love, ide Thy - ide love, a - my a temo love a temo love a temo ide 11 Alfred V Fedak 405-458 Selah ulishg Co, Inc Order from your favorite dealer or at selahucom (Or call 800-852-6172 the US and Canada) This document is rovided for revie uroses only It is illegal to hotocoy this music 125 rall al fe dim 405-458 11

Alfred V Fedak 405-458 Selah ulishg Co, Inc Order from your favorite dealer or at selahucom (Or call 800-852-6172 the US and Canada) This document is rovided for revie uroses only It is illegal to hotocoy this music 12 O my eole, O my church, hat have I done to you Ho have I offended you Anser me What could I have done that I have not done I lanted you, my chosen veyard; I made you the ranches of my ve But you yielded only itterness When I as thirsty you gave me vegar to drk And you ierced ith a sear the side of your Savior Holy God, Holy and mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us I am the Ve, you are the ranches Aart from me you can ear no fruit I am the Ve, you are the ranches Aide me, and I ill aide you, and you shall ear much fruit You are the Ve, e are the ranches Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us You are the Ve, and e are the ranches Aide us as e ill aide you, and e shall ear much fruit By this the Father is glorified, so e my disciles As the Father has loved me, so I love you Aide my love Aide my love Text from the Solemn Reroaches and John 15 12 405-458 selahucom