Hymnal Supplement An Online Collection of Hymns, Psalms, & Spiritual Songs for the Church.

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œ n œ œ. œ œ j œ œ. œ œ.


Hymnl Supplement 2000 The First Hymnl Supplement Millennium nury 1, 2000 An Onle Collection Hymns, Pslms, & Spiritul Songs Church selhpucom

This collection 2000 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 selhpucom All rights reserved All pieces this collection re under copyright protection Selh Pulishg Co, nc Permission mt e oted from copyright holder reproduce ny m or y ny mens, electronic, mechnicl, phocopyg, or orise ht is cluded this collection These hymns re lso ville e through CCL or LicenSg progrms Typeset United Sttes Americ First edition First pulished nury 1, 2000 One-time license Selh copyrights We t Selh Pulishg Co underst nture church ork, fcilitte e hymns hich Selh holds copyrights, license elo e ed henever ish e hymn congregtionl orship service A one-time fee $10 (until Decemer 31, 2001) is required ech hymn ed, ut it is hope tht this rrngement ill llo se hymns e ed more ten less pperork church orkers Plese note follog conditions restrictions Violtion ny se conditions ill e considered copyright frgement Contct Selh Pulishg Co mtion on one-yer license or or e This license is only congregtionl e This license is only hymns hich Selh holds copyrights oth text mic (or if ccompnyg text or mic is pulic dom) The hymns not e ltered ny y The credits copyright notice mt pper on prted pge Used y permission The fee mt e sumitted copy m elo completely filled After Decemer 31, 2001, contct Selh Pulishg Co, nc, revised m fee schedule Church nme Contct person Address Phone no Title hymn/uthor Tune nme/composer Dte ed Numer copies mde Remit $10 fee Selh Pulishg Co, nc, PO Box 3037, Kgsn, NY 12402 Expires 12/31/01

Contents Advent Wter Elizeth 1 Christms Bethlehem By 2 You Be n Angel 3 Epiphny & Life Christ n Memory Her 4 Ester Bece Wht Hppened 5 We Sg Reirth 6 Pentecost & Holy Spirit To Thee, O Comter Dive 7 Descend Tody, Eternl Dove 8 Pslm Settgs O Lord, Turn Not Ay from Me 9 Ho Long Will You Forget Me 10 Hve Mercy upon Me O 11 Will Sg Y Prise, O 12 Settgs Scripture As Lzr Slipped Tord Silence 13 Christ, Ve,, Grdener 14 Cretion Providence A Hrp Too Gret Hs Ply 15 Sg Prises All People 16 Redemption Come Sg Sry 17 Y Love s Trvil Resres Our Souls 18 Give My Self You, Der Lord 19 Church Mission O Donkey Crry Church 20 Christin Life Christ Hs Clled Us Friends, Not Servnts 21 Be My Seeg 22 f You Cn Wlk 23 As Mry Listened t Christ s Feet 24 Mystery f Tke Wgs Morng 25 es s Sunlight 26 Mke Mic from Unlikely Thgs 27 Ne Heven Erth Rise, My Song 28 Society/Socil Concerns, You See Y Loved Cretion 29 We Are Sterds s Grce 30 Children from Y Vst Cretion 31 Lord s Supper Week By Week Our Souls Are Fed 32 Openg Worship Come Worship 33 Close Worship Be You 34 My Bless Keep You 35 Scripture References Topicl ndex Authors, Composers, Sces ndex First Les

4 Advent 1 Wter Elizeth & & & & & & 1 W - 2 Sprg 3 W - ut ut O ter ter M - orld, E - ry, o G - G - y riel riel e cme cme free liz - er - lte, - ly o eth, sprg, old, o o n flo - er green, give - ter M - ry thed oed th o loomten - der g flo - ers rnch e - e - e - sno, fruit, sno, E - lte soon herts er er hopes so e e e ord ord ord liz - child fruit - eth M - er - ry's ly child: child: green: ; ; child rms sprg Text: Richrd Lech, 1992-1994 1996 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 76 86 86 Mic: Ronld A Nelson, 1999 2000 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 Eileen To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

& & 1 Beth - 2 Beth - 3 Beth - 4 Beth - 5 Beth - le - le - le - le - le - hem hem hem hem hem Bethlehem By 2 B - B - B - B - B - y, y, y, y, y, y e re r - de - re kneel - rived rm light kneel - g s mn - g Christms e - ger r e - 5 & & e strn - sleep - mo - e Œ ; ger, g, r,, shep - help - o - ro - n n n herds less ver ll rs n erth s n ise hrm - o - chil - sis - n n men less, seph dren ters, n n no yet no Œ hve long re hve & 1 4 5 & come Her - vig - orn come n od il s - is ir - dore dn - keep - ro - dore Œ Œ! ger g r!! Text: Re E Whitney, 1996 1996 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 57 57 Mic: Mry Ky Bell, 1999 2000 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 Bethlehem By To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

Christms 3 You Be n Angel & 1 You 2 You 3 You 4 You e e e n e n - gel, shep - herd, li - on,, ll ll ll ll e e e e str; kg; lm; me; e ll on e she ill don y child go on 6 & Beth - Beth - Beth - Beth - le - le - le - le - hem hem hem hem Cll - g High Pece Ev - e - ery - peo - lo teen od - ple - y, ner like is come ill no fr; sg shm, see & cll - ner e - g this s m night child orn Beth - Beth - Beth - Beth - le - le - le - le - hem hem hem hem Lis - ten Text: Richrd Lech, 1997 1997 Selh Pulishg Co, nc Mic: Dn Dmon, 1997 1999 Selh Pulishg Co, nc 97 97 refr Angel Choir To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

& n - gel, look t str, come Beth- le- hem - night The Œ & 7 & orld is e - ven more is need - y, much right, Beth - le - Ó is rong, hem - ut night

Epiphny Life Christ 4 n Memory Her & 8 & 1 n 2 She 3 t 4 But oil ped thk, scent mem- ill ory sht- tered n - gered those e her r gone, it y p on cried rre cio his per - ho him orth, hed poor! fume n - n spike- see ot - ho She But She ed nrd ll ill e pot - ed kne tht e - s did ht Christ oil ste, left t this his she him gos - uked could ho hd pel rought m mke & giv - life prised en out her dy her gret life, deth, deed: flesh The p Lord soon poor pr - he - Christ ill l - g it ven ould ys e e erth ded here m Text: Grci Grdl, 1994 11 6 11 7 Mic: Rty Edrds Benm Edrds, 1996 All Blck Notes Text Mic 1997 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

& & & 1 Be - 2 For 3 Mys - 4 Then 5 But Œ till s Œ, y hence - Œ ce yes, ter - mir - it io - on - dro ht hs thgs cles thgs hp - hp - hp - hp - hp - pened pened! pened pened pened, tht Our hen sne n - sick sent gels souls rised his oed up s Son shep - od - e - hs s herds ies s Spir - Christ gro - met th, it ho g Love poers s n - Ester Bece Wht Hppened 5 e - is - cr - e - s dom, nte vil een e - tht no e - this re first orld Christ those deth Es - s cme rcked dred ter - y not Dy drift, erth, p, sty, rolled most el - cme first fr p come hole Es - - cio his - ter y; gift; irth; g; Dy; dells e cr - flocked no erth pen - put ech e - ter s his soul, gn, oy side, flight, 9 & no rought ut Œ herts en - hope oth - Christ tht tered ers s ere c ll chose ro - - peo - drk - Lord, ken tion ple ness, re his e - live - so Word g s f - e - s mde ite s hole mn oy died Light! Text: Re E Whitney, 1991 1990 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 11 11 11 11 Mic: At C Lovelce, 1999 2000 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 Hppeng To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

Ester 6 We Sg Reirth & 10 & 1 We 2 We 3 We 4 We sg sg sg sg from irth hope love tri - e - r e umph yond love see orn hs c end, lit te srm, here hich r - pen - rose vic - ters e - e - ry turn trtes yond on from sprgs, gloom, thorn, strife, feel feel feel feel r n r gen - e - vi - surg - tle some rnt g & poer poer poer strength trn - trns - trns - trns - scend mit lte m s r ll glo - drk - stg c ry est - through night deth tion sgs! m! morn! life! Text: Dvid A Ro, 1984 1999 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 Mic: Crl G Gläser, 1828; dpt rr Loell Mson, 1839 CM Azmon To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

& & & & Œ Œ 1 To 2 To 3 To 4 To e, e, e, e, O hose hose y ll s light - ll thy gret en, his grce cov - e - snc - ti - gifts Pentecost Holy Spirit To Thee, O Comter Dive 7 n Com - fith - fith - e - t - ful ful s er love poer Christ n n poer nnt fy, sum di - hd doth sent e - ve, plce hel, don, ẇ en - nign, grce, sel, cron, sg sg sg sg e e e e 11 & & l - l - l - l - le - le - le - le - n lu - i! lu - i! lu - i! lu - i! l - le - l - le - l - le - l - le - lu - lu - lu - lu - n i! i! i! i! Text: Frnces Ridley Hvergl 88 10 Mic: Dvid Ashley White, 1999 2000 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 St Brtholome Gret To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

12 Pentecost Holy Spirit 8 Descend Tody, Eternl Dove & & & 1 De- 2 Let 3 Re - cost ce g, scend might - m, - y un - though dy, e - rh - g dy - g flm - ev - sc - g ery ri - ter - d poer love: hert; ficed! purge seep You nl Dove, im - prt Christ herts out did not - Pen - clens - live mds p - sty te - g - - clens - thy orlds g - fire rong; ove till re pur - orlds i - tht e - fied pece lo hich r mkes thirst de - Text: Dvid A Ro, 1983 1999 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 Mic: Scottish melody; hrm Alfred V Fedk, 1994 Hrm 1994 Selh Pulishg Co, nc LMD Ye Bnks Bres To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

& & & sire strong love! O Lord, O Πll peo - more ril - live lint ple like vi - spek d light creeds, rnt ngues live rs till y O light flme through s ech ords love, fith sign Spir - flme: one; dy; hich it: Come! un - em - mke hose orks knon love cme ngue Sty! Blze do po - un - Mke r er fith through ll cn mke dnced til on r lives ill - u - le nite deeds ne 13

Pslm settgs 9 O Lord, Turn Not Ay from Me 14 & & & 1 O 2 Re - 3 O 4 Be Œ more love suf - herd free love, fer shme, Lord, turn, Lord, gone, ẇ thn gve fer me night fer - Ho Worn Œ turn O cn this vent ẇ long oy out ill not Lord, cn t en - - hold e - er gift dy ple y sve ck mies Come Hel Help The Œ ill from ner, me, me! Lord, grief ne me life ters fith from My ill let The Y Why The Œ ter - long soul turn me pris - lose strength - ẇ p sted - mt Lord n ror is set live full ck des - es en pir lift y me is fst hs me r Text: Pslm 6, pr Edith Sclir Dong, 1995 Mic: Edith Sclir Dong, 1995 Text mic 1998 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 LM Andre s Tune To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

& Pslm settgs Ho Long Will You Forget Me 10 1 Ho 2 O 3 But & long ill Lord, ill - seek n trt r get ns - mer - me, er; cy, O Lord,, ht - ev - er seek life r sty gze rg 15 Ho Grnt Y long hide light hile prise r re prose fce is from chnce verse me; e ho de - long, O Lord, ny - g deth n - ms its ill pry ys sg & & Ho Lest ll Ho se his long sg shll n - guish foes sy, We ve hose long en - ho - shll e- ly griev - g mies nme de - d - hunt tri - less - me, hert soul umphed! Re - oic - g g so rich - ly here tunt fi - dress - me; nt, g e - foes fll - prise ir g, so tri - umph ir de - rich - ly md plight; sed; fd light oed Text: Pslm 13, pr ohn Gilert, 1982 2000 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 Mic: Hns Leo Hssler; hrm ohnn Sestin Bch 76 76D Pssion Chorle To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

16 Pslm settgs 11 Hve Mercy upon Me O & & 1 Hve 2 3 For 4 C 5 O mer - hte te cy hve o - up - on trns - gress - elled me no pen me ions from no lips O O clen,, irth; hert; prise n c - cord - ver - ne let g y r pent ones Spir - r hve it mouth sho lov - ss gone th g e - - me r kd - e gst hol - gret - n ness, ly ness c - A - O O Do & n cord - gst tech cst not g me me de - on - ll not spise r ly r - ten - hve truth y rok - der en love sned se - drk - Spir - cret ness it Blot Hve Text: Pslm 51; vers Grci Grdl 1993 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 898 11 55 Mic: Dniel Chrles Dmon, 1999 2000 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 Northrook To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

& & out done purge tke mer - sh n from n me r me, ht me not cy trns - s r up - n gress - ions, e - vil hys - sop; Spir - it on me, sh n from me r me, thor - sight ough - O ly,, shll less - e ed clen, one, hosts, cry, thor - ough - ly, sight shll less - O e ed ; clen one hosts, cry; n clense sh Fill O me me, me from mke sre clense me, mke me r me n s clen oy soul hole 17

Pslm settgs 12 Will Sg Y Prise, O & 1 ill sg r prise, O 2 Mor - tl rul - ers e 3 Come, com- mit r - self, ise,, do - ll ill g ho prise - lis - tice ten ll life time song! 18 & & Not See cn si - good o - lence, tht some pen pris - hve on n hert done; doors, mke ill it cn shout lst, o - r O pen prise Ho - sight- - ly less n loud! One! eyes Who When All ut ho, ick - stum - O ed le, Ho - rule ll ly no ho One, more, fll, - yet ll fers ir ho - ick - fd tice ed no ys help go is poor on, ner, & not her shout pss - grief prise g, tht rge, gives O time, ; orld ut rg - s this sure e - s vil good night cre n dy end Text: Pslm 146, pr Richrd Lech, 1996 1996 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 Mic: Alfred V Fedk, 1999 2000 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 77 77D Shout Prise To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

& 1 2 3 4 & & & As When The O They For For For Or oth oth oth As Lzr Slipped Tord Silence 13 slipped ly seled re sent Mr - th deth s oth - ers ord ept smll dre rd her do - sil - sil - sil - re ence ence ence mt mt mt found p p p cll e e e - po - er po - er po - er from si - si - si - miss - e - sd - m - cll lence, lence lence g s, ness, ion, his his s here ro - ro - ro - mong ken ken ken, spo - spo - spo - si - ken ken ken lence tht sis - friend moved m - Lz- r Lz - r sne tht e - s, ters ere rt e - rived ny re one spoke voice hope cll miss - cll hs s s s s not t s love re life proch tht is s ill g r miss - one miss - voice ill ill ill ill Settgs Scripture e e e e g hs g e - still lst, ord, need, done done done done ill trt herd heed one; come! one; gun 19 Text: Richrd Lech, 1994 1996 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 Mic: Sn Hrmony, 1835; hrm Mrgret Mely from Songs People, 1994 Hrm 1994 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 76 76D Compler To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

20 Settgs Scripture 14 Christ, Ve,, Grdener Unison Em D/E Em A/E Em & 1 Christ, 2 Christ, & & & G/B er - grpes g Am hen dr Em ne sprg - prt - g, ners, Em & e, love r - ve,, e su - mit Em fruit e Bm lives strength Am gro - Em We Help Christ from, ful - g D o - geth - Am cn, F m 7 filled Spir - dy, er: G tke it s ill Bm7 grd - prun - rg hen Em root ve Em th e re Am ener, g e tht Em e shoots ov - er - Christ, fruit You - vite pro - phet s fruit - ful - Am fill, Bm7 trt ne r F n n C trt e Em Em/G rnch - es er more D prom - ise ur - dened, from And Keep D Am es - Am7 se e pry one Em! tht Text: Edith Sclir Dong, 1996, sed on ohn 15:1 5 1998 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 87 87D Mic: Alfred V Fedk, 1990 1990 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 Ecce, De To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

& & & & Hrmony or unison 1 A 2 A 3 A hrp hrp hrp life seet - tid - ev - ll ly l ery ho A Hrp Too Gret Hs Ply 15 o gret tht hols hose com - plex strg sgs ves, hen one hu - frees mn hs hurt chords ply, hope, prise ech ill Spir - Spir - ll sg strgs sves it it seeps frees strgs - u - Unison hu - hrp rise cross songs nite Liv - g strg, hold Cretion Providence tht orld, stir sg mn tht tht fst 21 cross e - s Christ, ill sg & tune, s Spir - it uch - Text: Richrd Lech, 1994 Mic: Dvid Ashley White, 1997 Text mic 1997 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 es CM refr Livg Strg To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

Cretion Providence 16 Sg Prises All People Unison & 22 & & 1 Sg 2 Let 3 The 4 Sg pris - or - splen - pris - es, gns dor es, ll ll he pris - love, he hs es hich hs e hs peo - cym - peo - ple, ls fills ple, deemed give rought deemed ev - through his ery through on trum - pets hev ns on his pro - his e - on - c e - s, der - ture s, his ful his throne, clim erth throne, Son! nme irth, Son! n Let n mu - vi - stretch - mu - sic r - es sic no tg through no hon - strgs his - hon - or tell t ry, or e - F - herts e Fth - r puls - er - g e - - ove re yond: ove & s so mer - e let mer - cy hu - cy mn through glo - e - or - glo - ry gs ship ry de - - hev n s light - f - eu - f - ite ty res - ite love shre pond! love! Text: Re E Whitney, 1996 1996 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 11 11 11 11 Mic: Alfred V Fedk, 1999 2000 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 Wshgn Prk To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

& & 1 Come 2 First, 3 Next, 4 Then, hen sg gift cme e re s - gve Spir - dy - n Redemption Come Sg Sry 17 ry it g, hen so e - e s, F - cme could r s - come glo - sve her - fly - n ry, it g 23 Christ, Ly - r so g ne tht life demp - mn - fv - greet tion, ger, or cme ek n ll ti - Word, dy - ny g, n - strn - Sv - meet tions ger, ior n & Born come lives on s r erth rg sl - it is sv - g o - v - spo - po - mn, tion ken er tru - ev - Doors ly ery re, l n f - true flung l hu - n - o - h mn tion pen Text: 16th c Czech kncionl; Eng pr Grci Grdl, 1988 66 66 66 Text 1993 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 Kncionl Ne Mic: Alfred V Fedk, 1999 2000 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

Redemption 18 Y Love s Trvil Resres Our Souls & Unison 1 Y 2 As 3 You 4 As Πlove s ne - dr sons tr - orn vil es close dugh - un - ters sres r til orn souls em - rce e ve herd love r e - life s nur - hert neth, n tured c - - 24 & demp - y cent out, tive r ech - gols, grce, ord ove,, less, give - e tice, tr - see milk, mer - vil n tech cy, un - e - fith, til gs - & loom tlk, - pece ne n r cr - oy - peo - r ry o ple mes - seek c till sge - e im - tive cn ge om lk, lese,, s here till & e still hev - lives, r en s hen ceive life - ill ne lood shll sc - ri - irth flos reign ficed, n through - tke serve hel out on r here hu - orld s m on erth mn oes do - m Christ Text: Dvid A Ro, 1988 2000 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 86 88 66 Mic: C Huert Hstgs Prry, 1888, rr Dvid A Ro Repn To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

& & 1 2 m 3 Long, 4 So give s - long tke Redemption Give My Self You, Der Lord 19 ful, - self ek, go ss n, sore died fers der - Lord, frid; me douts hich up - 25 & self ev - on first is ery gve ll hu - Cross mn me; on; soul;, pry ut so tke sce uch it, ve need me 1 3 n mke given hide it it no r 4 clen more ris - -, r cre fer, en light tht ho - m, ly no Lord, might ould rs - live con - e lone trol - ne! Text: Re E Whitney, 1996 1996 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 Mic: Dvid Ashley White, 1999 2000 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 CM Old Plum Grove To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

26 Church Mission 20 O Donkey Crry Church Unison & & & 1 O 2 O 3 O 4 O don - don - don - don - key key key key don - key strong ise; go here e de - m, n - gry voic - es rose; quest - g tell ly ys pelled h - e hed chose, go rge ho ho ho o - pen, de - spite ht y shout - ed t one ho cr - ould ould ould ry hen ho hy not spek church, fe move out, see could e kno - e ords, served g hd or hen sys y no not e ould rise eyes plnned los ell tht com - 5 6 O donkey ho hlted till eyes ere opened ide, see s ngel rod, kno hom e defied! No prise Spirit ho crries church, so strong ise free; ho sps, resists rge, speks, its see! Text: Richrd Lech, 1996 Mic: teke Prs, 1998 Text mic 1998 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 rregulr Blm To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

& Christin Life Christ Hs Clled Us Friends, Not Servnts 21 1 Christ 2 When 3 Words 4 n 5 Christ, & hs Christ s ho clled deeds hugs, ser - prom - con - vice, ised friends, vey ters e not - or fd his ser - give - lugh - glo - friend - vnts; ness, ter, ry; ship, no help ll nev - fixed dis - put er 27 & hs pel nx - sen - ill nor n - io ses tht fees oth - souls come pledge hve er s t - des - e; shme, ese; ke; troy, or e s so rg con - his e rd com - vey Spir - serve, is t it s t here Sv - floods friends re s ior s love sor - good - e - e - him, ro, ness g, s, so e e sho through such e love filled serve love sim - oth - grte - most ple ers ful - ill - e - cts ness g - s s his ly nme se ske oy! Text: Re E Whitney, 1996 1996 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 87 87 Mic: teke Prs, 1999 2000 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 Friends To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

28 Christin Life 22 Be My Seeg & & & 1 Be 2 Be 3 Be, 4 Be ll Be, Be Be Lord, is Lord, sl - s - high true see - spek - r - v - g, g; shield, tion O e noth - hon - kg - g me; or; dom e - e light sord o - Ó dy side ll hev n hev - e en s de - on hert: md h soul Ó Kg light erth Be Be Be Be der pro - on thk - g F - r; tec - tion, loved one, y gret dy t - oy e ress y r night child strength hert, Text: mes Qun, S, Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401, North Americn gent 10 10 10 10 Mic: Mry Ky Bell, 1999 2000 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 Seeg To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

& & Be Be Brg You me on here no 1 3 sleep - l - n - oth - g, ys; gels er, tke re O 4 drem me sg - hev - s g en s Ó r r high 29 soul on prise Kg

Christin Life 23 f You Cn Wlk & 30 & 1 f 2 f 3 f Œ cn cn cn lk, cry, sleep, n n n cn cn cn dnce; lugh; drem; ẇ n if if if cn e - cn & tlk, lieve feel, n n n cn cn cn sg pry cre f f f r hert hve cn ets, lips, ish, n n n cn cn cn n love; smile; e; if if so dnce cn cn re, thk, sg, n n love, live, cn cn e live hope free Text: Rty Edrds, 1996 1997 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 Mic: English folk melody; hrm effery Rickrd, from Songs People, 1994 Hrm 1994 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 LM O Wly Wly To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

Christin Life As Mry Listened t Christ s Feet 24 & 1 As 2 As ΠM - Mr - ry th lis - rec - tened og - t nized Christ s feet Christ e ho ll vis - its come & 31 her stys, e, life - o, s - em - t - g po - ered ords y his grce love, & & s - ter - still p y pre he s shres plce, He clls home him - sy, frn - oy, tic sur - dys, prise s md - hope g tht e e e - here come ll dis - re & trct - ed, vl - ued, sct - nmed, ter f - time, firmed, or - Sr - ry h need - less - lughs ly glee Text: ennette M Ldholm, 1995 2000 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 Mic: Genue Church Mic, 1832; hrm Mrgret Mely from Songs People, 1994 Hrm 1994 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 CMD Resigntion To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

32 Mystery 25 f Tke Wgs Morng & & & Unison 1 f 2 f 3 f 4 f 5 Nei - ner fers r tke E - uild id deth, - plce trech - thgs, eign here er - those ls s moun - y yet den s n nor e - t s gs Tree rk ngue life, de - nor flee, gn, cron, yield, e, if here if if nei - r morn - n - er ny n - g, der me, gels, if sfe - if p ly sent ce ser - er morse height, pent nor night mocked rise it - depth, o - ter cn hide e - uch sor - e - me, dience, ro ver ho sep - ounds send sep - ill - me me - n r - s rte come tg it tht s seek - g tum - from les pot - ter s love from me mn: don: field: me: Text: Re E Whitney, 1981 1995 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12041 Mic: Am Herg, 1999 2000 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 87 87 refr Love s Light To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

& Refr There, O Love, kno ll fd me; re, O & 33 & Love, kno ll e, Love s light ll ld drk - ness, Love s life ll res - cue me

34 Mystery 26 es s Sunlight & & 1 e - 2 e - 3 e - 4 e - s s s s, is is is re sun - light, sun - light, sun - light, sun - light; M - M - M - ry ry ry is is is church, like r - r - r - M - o o o ry, & & it - not not e ness his r - o dis - tnt r - o pres - pss - vi - sh - ence, g, sion, g tell - r - gift g, o ev - vel her er - - r splen - lst - mong pres - dor: g: : ence: & & no eu - e tht ty srm spn - shre orld is ng her end - - eu - kno g ges ty Al - Al - Al - Al - le - le - le - le - lu - lu - lu - lu - i! i! i! i! Text: Richrd Lech, 1996 1996 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 Mic: Wyne L Wold, 1999 2000 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 66 666 lleluis Prism To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

& Mystery Mke Mic from Unlikely Thgs 27 1 Mke 2 Mke 3 Mke 4 Seek & & grss, tig dog, strnge, mu - pic - or - e - or n or sic tures ship s from from from suce Sun - - sounds pri - son s sol neth ed, sip e, glimpse e re given un - un - un - un - pn dy fnt s most flute, co - sr - like - ly like - ly like - ly like - ly lid, ht, ters, odd, n s l once cn, ies pierced un - like - thgs: thgs: thgs: thgs, from dt rok - glo - ohn ly ll en ry Bun - ro - n - Lord lde fe - r, hol - g sights most leg un - lof, t yn ken cient did t fers! der - ech 35 Text: Re E Whitney, 1996 1996 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 Mic: teke Prs, 1997 2000 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 LM Hrvey To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

Ne Heven Erth 28 Rise, My Song & Unison 1 Rise, 2 Rise, 3 Sor, song, song, song, stretch r hve no gs ide gs, fer fnned, de - light sor - g de - light need ide need trce high; trce 36 & & Rise Christ Come those fl - Christ s con - up - gos - er lift - pel is ed rgs ner, h, er sg - g rest - g plce fly plce & This See One ill dy e hu - sor - mn g sg - orld song g e - ill dy, lo, see seek her ev - fd ord tune ill oth e shoev - ery- thg mde hole g scrs eu - ty true o ne Song, n Dy sor up clos - gld - ut g ness, not cir - come - cle y go, e! fl - c ner fl - c ner fl - c ner its its its Text: Richrd Lech, 1994 St 1 dpt from Rise, soul, stretch thy gs 76 76 77 76 y Roert Segrve, 1748 The Flconer Mic: Alfred V Fedk, 1996 Text mic 1996 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 All rights reserved To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

& Society/Socil Concerns, You See Y Loved Cretion 29 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Grnt come see her kno no eyes r r tht loved peo - deep poer see c ples com - - gron - ps - sve pi - tion g, sion, ty, r - crhed ll s ers tured, e - erth s tht 37 & & rn neth sor - cme her y op - ro, r vio - pres - ll Christ chil - lent sion s its r dren s hs, eight, p, Son cry, tch lis - suf - Cll herts un - ten fer, tht sleep - here send che g ir r hile cries ound - oth - e ed r ers rv - mer - chil - ser - n - ge cy dren vice guish, pece - ful rise long s till r hs r homes nt kg - gifts from dom s fruit - flmes fer ork love ful is sup - ls hte m done ply Text: Hermn G Stuempfle, r 1998 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 87 87 Mic: The Sn Hrmony, 1835; hrm Alfred V Fedk, 1993, from Songs People Resrtion Hrm 1994 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

Society/Socil Concerns 30 We Are Sterds s Grce & 38 1 We 2 We 3 We 4 We 5 We re re re re re ste - ste - ste - ste - ste - rds rds rds rds rds s s s s s grce, l, ses, skies; Word, clled mr - fced res - vellg its & Π& shre pect, t pro - it - his p ir lems ness gifts serve, con - rve stnt pol - oth - frm mo - lu - dr - ers, it, tions, tion, g, Πhelp - e so through - g dre seek tht, out oth - not led - hen ers ers, Πhu - un - Lord strong gos - mn rce, der - st dis - plese ise, pel s herd, ll e y ho ll re mt ill ill neigh - nev - spoil - ork seek ors, er g sis - ste ech Christ ters, nor so - e re rothshr ers hrm it o - cens lu - tion - g ΠText: Re E Whitney, 1987 1994 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 78 78 77 Mic: Ktholisches Gesnguch, 1686 Grosser Gott To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

& To To To To To erth s ll its heven s ll n - n - c on - peo - tions, ture, tures, ders, ples, n, n n, n, n, e e e e e friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, 39 & Œ thnk - thnk - thnk - thnk - thnk - ful ful ful ful ful ech ech ech ech ech oy oy oy oy oy sends sends sends sends sends Œ

40 Society/Socil Concerns 31 Children from Y Vst Cretion & & & Unison 1 Chil - 2 We 3 We 4 Lord, dren hve re e ẇ from grsped lern - come ẇ here thgs out r e r g s guid - nce, do not orld from demp - tive n - ses - im - oth - tion sions ge, ers yern soon e tri - vst more ho sis - c pos - much ters, Lord; need; greed; uch ẇ con - re umph, e help though Let - ses - dm - roth -, un - tion, sions, ge ers, gth - nt - spreds seek - ẇ ev - Lord, mde self - ery lest ish ẇ see sume less lest r thn e erth nt de - o ngue love ẇ sred greed creed: much ẇ er g throughg o - r & ẇ You hve Cure nt - g Come shon ten - ese tht den - - r cy ple - mid - sure life s ten - tion plun - der strong - ly, scrim - mge, ills scr - crv - help rg g r Text: Dvid A Ro, 1996 1997 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 Mic: The Scred Hrp, 1844; ttr Benm F White; hrm Alfred V Fedk, 1994 Hrm 1994 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 87 87D Bech Sprg To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

& & orld - thgs peo - kept ests, r ple men - sun - rong - im - sion der; ly, ge; free st - love live from g de - s filled tke e speed strife; ore; plores, one: - o - come, sk - true y sort dy pen g c - r turn not, te or un - lt g - ill dnt g is Πlove s di - schemes - sk - g r life more rs done! 41 To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

42 Lord s Supper 32 Week By Week Our Souls Are Fed & 1 Week 2 When 3 Though 4 n & y e e eek lis - come Church ten e meet herts herts el - & lift - red suf - e s comes ed once ferg rek voice souls me up more, scorn, pry, is - souls od - strt re s ies - fed Word, ruised, ne; n red; herd; ed,, s n - e s tke fith Christ guid - s e tht hen mds e - e s e - - e - e nce drk comes re ev - herts Gos - lieve, geth - more ery re pel s though er n cup sure orn dy & Refr Tell S - ry, e - s sid, n drk Cup et Bred Text: Re E Whitney, 1996 1996 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 77 77 77 Mic: ohn Crter, 1999 2000 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 Kmeok To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

& & & & 1 Come 2 Spek 3 Wel - 4 Her 5 Vl - come ue time es cost - fith pi - or - ship, ords still voic - es ell spce old l fire, dir - ects, o - neers, & n ho orked zel hich per - & n n n hs se - n n prise, thnks Ho - sts hon - or less - g ly Spir - it pres - ent, e - e, Sce Those ho y this shr - g ev - er rought hve tech Gos - ver - n s pel g n n life lived gift ords seek - g Openg Worship Come Worship 33 s - nes through n Sov - kno fer - ll hope church grce e - n it - ness - Pent - e - pledge tht vent, ern - est ereign its this ry - ir n e - s s g - ngs, prom - ise, giv - en mer - cy guid - nce, n plce ld spire flects fers 43 Text: Mry ckson Cy, 1994 Mic: Alfred V Fedk, 1997 Text mic 2000 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 87 87D Ntionl Church To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

44 & n Through For Let Mem - & n n n - peo - en - trt - dis - ci - ers n ges ple ed ples n n true spek roy - e - ir l n pres - fu - liev - mes - priest - ent, ture ers sge, hood, n n & e - - chos - & & & den - fith - chl - dys hs s e fer en led Christ hs ste - rds pryers m - i - til cr - ful fol - lenge on - con - t - e - e g, loers rd ue peo - set ple tri - utes sters re on, pce, y, rise e, n till ll run serv - g - rd y sk - n let s g prov - i - tht pss prom - ise fce erth - sty ne ly dys orld - com - re ly g through - out ir e - ter - ni - done rce dy dys ty

& & D/F G A 1 2 3 4 5 e e e e e Bm D 7 ẇ n G D GM 7 e e e e e D D 7 A Close Worship Be You 34 n n 45 n When And As When her - morn - trv - ev - lis - moon g el er ten, hen fr tech, strs - she ke, y, go, lern, light s s r n & G ev - di - spir - sfe - slum - ery ly it ly er reth ork ds home through ill Em tke, ply, lo, turn, night, D/F G A e e e e e D Text mic: Rty Edrds, 1996 44 77 4 1997 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 S Bogom To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

Close Worship 35 My Bless Keep You & 46 & My less grnt un - keep My smile up - spir - it on oy My Text mic: Rty Edrds, 1996 66 65 1997 Selh Pulishg Co, nc, Kgsn, NY 12401 Spirit oy To reproduce e this r congregtion, mt hve permission from Selh, or hve lnket license from CCL or LicenSg report ge tht orgniztion For more mtion, see selhpucom

Scripture References Genesis 1:26 Children from Y Vst Cretion 31 1:28 We Are Sterds s Grce 30 3 f Tke Wgs Morng 25 3:10 Give My Self You, Der Lord 19 8 f Tke Wgs Morng 25 11:1-9 f Tke Wgs Morng 25 Numers 6:24-26 My Bless Keep You 35 22:21-25 O Donkey Crry Church 20 Pslm 6 O Lord, Turn Not Ay from Me 9 13 Ho Long Will You Forget Me 10 51 Hve Mercy upon Me O 11 139:9-12 f Tke Wgs Morng 25 146 Will Sg Y Prise, O 12 150 Sg Prises All People 16 Mt 2:1-12 Bethlehem By 2 You Be n Angel 3 10:42 Christ Hs Clled Us Friends, Not Servnts 21 26:26-27 Week By Week Our Souls Are Fed 32 26:6-13 n Memory Her 4 26:69-75 f Tke Wgs Morng 25 27:3-10 f Tke Wgs Morng 25 Luke 1:5-38 Wter Elizeth 1 2:1-20 Bethlehem By 2 2:8-14 Bece Wht Hppened 5 2:8-20 You Be n Angel 3 Bece Wht Hppened 5 ohn 1:1, 14 Bece Wht Hppened 5 3:16-21 Bece Wht Hppened 5 11:1-44 As Lzr Slipped Tord Silence 13 14:3 Come Sg Sry 17 14:16 To Thee, O Comter Dive 724:1-5 We Sg Reirth 6 15:1-5 Christ, Ve,, Grdener 14 15:14-15 Christ Hs Clled Us Friends, Not Servnts 21 Acts 2:1-4 Come Sg Sry 17 Come Worship 33 Descend Tody, Eternl Dove 8 Romns 8:38-39 f Tke Wgs Morng 25 Corthins 4:1-2 We Are Sterds s Grce 30 15:20, 55-57 We Sg Reirth 6 Gltins 4:4 Come Sg Sry 17 Heres 12:1-2 Come Worship 33 Peter 2:2 Y Love s Trvil Resres Our Souls 18 2:9 Come Worship 33 4:10 We Are Sterds s Grce 30 47 Luke 2:1-6 Come Sg Sry 17

48 Topicl ndex Advent Wter Elizeth 1 Alleluis es s Sunlight 26 To Thee, O Comter Dive 7 Angels Bece Wht Hppened 5 Be My Seeg 22 O Donkey Crry Church 20 You Be n Angel 3 Annuncition Wter Elizeth 1 Bilicl Nmes Adm f Tke Wgs Morng 25 Elizeth Wter Elizeth 1 Eve f Tke Wgs Morng 25 Griel Wter Elizeth 1 Herod Bethlehem By 2 oseph Bethlehem By 2 uds f Tke Wgs Morng 25 Lzr As Lzr Slipped Tord Silence 13 Mrth As Lzr Slipped Tord Silence 13 As Mry Listened t Christ s Feet 24 Mry As Mry Listened t Christ s Feet 24 es s Sunlight 26 Wter Elizeth 1 Noh f Tke Wgs Morng 25 Pul f Tke Wgs Morng 25 Peter f Tke Wgs Morng 25 Srh As Mry Listened t Christ s Feet 24 Shepherds Bece Wht Hppened 5 You Be n Angel 3 Toer Bel f Tke Wgs Morng 25 Wise Men Bethlehem By 2 Christin Life As Mry Listened t Christ s Feet 24 Be My Seeg 22 Christ Hs Clled Us Friends, Not Servnts 21 Christ, Ve,, Grdener 14 Descend Tody, Eternl Dove 8 Be You 34 f You Cn Wlk 23 Y Love s Trvil Resres Our Souls 18 Christms Bethlehem By 2 Wter Elizeth 1 You Be n Angel 3 Church Mission Come Worship 33 es s Sunlight 26 Mke Mic from Unlikely Thgs 27 O Donkey Crry Church 20 Week By Week Our Souls Are Fed 32 Close Worship Be You 34 My Bless Keep You 35 Comt Y Love s Trvil Resres Our Souls 18 Compssion, You See Y Loved Cretion 29 Cretion Providence A Hrp Too Gret Hs Ply 15 Children from Y Vst Cretion 31 Sg Prises All People 16 Cross A Hrp Too Gret Hs Ply 15 Give My Self You, Der Lord 19 Deth Christ n Memory Her 4 Dout f Tke Wgs Morng 25 Ester Bece Wht Hppened 5 We Sg Reirth 6 Ecology We Are Sterds s Grce 30 Epiphny n Memory Her 4 Evil Will Sg Y Prise, O 12 Fith As Lzr Slipped Tord Silence 13 Week By Week Our Souls Are Fed 32 Forgiveness Bece Wht Hppened 5 Christ Hs Clled Us Friends, Not Servnts 21 Gospel We Are Sterds s Grce 30 Week By Week Our Souls Are Fed 32 Y Love s Trvil Resres Our Souls 18 Grce We Are Sterds s Grce 30 Y Love s Trvil Resres Our Souls 18 Guidnce Be My Seeg 22 Helg O Lord, Turn Not Ay from Me 9 Holy Spirit A Hrp Too Gret Hs Ply 15 Christ Hs Clled Us Friends, Not Servnts 21 Christ, Ve,, Grdener 14 Come Sg Sry 17 Come Worship 33 Descend Tody, Eternl Dove 8 O Donkey Crry Church 20 To Thee, O Comter Dive 7

Hope f You Cn Wlk 23 We Sg Reirth 6 llumtion Be My Seeg 22 ncrntion Come Sg Sry 17 oy Christ Hs Clled Us Friends, Not Servnts 21 udgment Come Sg Sry 17 tice Children from Y Vst Cretion 31, You See Y Loved Cretion 29 Will Sg Y Prise, O 12 Kg, s Be My Seeg 22 Kgdom Be My Seeg 22 Lment Ho Long Will You Forget Me 10 Life Christ Bece Wht Hppened 5 n Memory Her 4 Light f Tke Wgs Morng 25 Lord s Supper Week By Week Our Souls Are Fed 32 Love ( s) f Tke Wgs Morng 25 Y Love s Trvil Resres Our Souls 18 Love ( ), You See Y Loved Cretion 29 f Tke Wgs Morng 25 O Lord, Turn Not Ay from Me 9 Sg Prises All People 16 To Thee, O Comter Dive 7 We Sg Reirth 6 Love ( ors) Children from Y Vst Cretion 31 Christ Hs Clled Us Friends, Not Servnts 21 Christ, Ve,, Grdener 14 Mercy Hve Mercy upon Me O 11 Ho Long Will You Forget Me 10 es s Sunlight 26 Sg Prises All People 16 Mistry Service Christ Hs Clled Us Friends, Not Servnts 21 Come Worship 33 es s Sunlight 26 Missions es s Sunlight 26 Mic A Hrp Too Gret Hs Ply 15 f You Cn Wlk 23 Mke Mic from Unlikely Thgs 27 Rise, My Song 28 Sg Prises All People 16 We Sg Reirth 6 Mystery f Tke Wgs Morng 25 es s Sunlight 26 Mke Mic from Unlikely Thgs 27 Ne Heven Erth Come Worship 33 Rise, My Song 28 Openg Worship Be My Seeg 22 P Sufferg, You See Y Loved Cretion 29 Ho Long Will You Forget Me 10 O Lord, Turn Not Ay from Me 9 Plm Sundy O Donkey Crry Church 20 Pece ( ) Descend Tody, Eternl Dove 8 Pentecost Come Worship 33 Descend Tody, Eternl Dove 8 To Thee, O Comter Dive 7 Prise Adortion Hve Mercy upon Me O 11 Ho Long Will You Forget Me 10 Will Sg Y Prise, O 12 Rise, My Song 28 Pryer Hve Mercy upon Me O 11 Processionl Be My Seeg 22 Redemption Children from Y Vst Cretion 31 Come Sg Sry 17 Hve Mercy upon Me O 11 Give My Self You, Der Lord 19 Sg Prises All People 16 Y Love s Trvil Resres Our Souls 18 Renel Hve Mercy upon Me O 11 Repentnce Hve Mercy upon Me O 11 Resurrection Come Sg Sry 17 We Sg Reirth 6 Y Love s Trvil Resres Our Souls 18 Slvtion Be My Seeg 22 Come Sg Sry 17 Snctifiction Hve Mercy upon Me O 11 Signg Descend Tody, Eternl Dove 8 S Hve Mercy upon Me O 11 f Tke Wgs Morng 25 Society/Socil Concerns Children from Y Vst Cretion 31, You See Y Loved Cretion 29 n Memory Her 4 Will Sg Y Prise, O 12 We Are Sterds s Grce 30 49

50 Sterdship We Are Sterds s Grce 30 Trity Come Sg Sry 17 Trt Christ, Ve,, Grdener 14 Unity Descend Tody, Eternl Dove 8 Witness We Are Sterds s Grce 30 Word Bece Wht Hppened 5 Week By Week Our Souls Are Fed 32 Wter Elizeth 1 Worship Come Worship 33 Mke Mic from Unlikely Thgs 27 Authors, Composers, Sces Bch, ohnn Sestin PASSON CHORALE 10 Bell, Mry Ky BETHLEHEM BABY 2 SEENG 22 Crter, ohn KAMEOKA 32 Cy, Mry ckson Come Worship 33 Czech, 16th cent Come Sg Sry 17 Dmon, Dn ANGEL CHOR 3 NORTHBROOK 11 Dong, Edith Sclir ANDREA S TUNE 9 Christ, Ve,, Grdener 14 O Lord, Turn Not Ay from Me 9 Edrds, Benm ALL BLACK NOTES 4 Edrds, Rty ALL BLACK NOTES 4 Be You 34 f You Cn Wlk 23 My Bless Keep You 35 S BOGOM 34 SPRT OF GOD 35 English O WALY, WALY 23 Fedk, Alfred V BEACH SPRNG 31 ECCE, DEUS 14 KANCONAL NEW 17 NATONAL CHURCH 33 RESTORATON 29 SHOUT THE PRASE 12 THE FALCONER 28 WASHNGTON PARK 16 YE BANKS AND BRAES 8 Gilert, ohn Ho Long Will You Forget Me 10 Gläser, Crl G AZMON 6 Grdl, Grci Come Sg Sry 17 Hve Mercy upon Me O 11 n Memory Her 4 Hssler, Hns Leo PASSON CHORALE 10 Hvergl, Frnces Ridley To Thee, O Comter Dive 7 Herg, Am LOVE S LGHT 25 Ktholisches Gesnguch, 1686 GROSSER GOTT 30 Lech, Richrd A Hrp Too Gret Hs Ply 15 As Lzr Slipped Tord Silence 13 Will Sg Y Prise, O 12 es s Sunlight 26 O Donkey Crry Church 20 Rise, My Song 28 Wter Elizeth 1 You Be n Angel 3 Ldholm, ennette, M As Mry Listened t Christ s Feet 24 Lovelce, At C HAPPENNG 5 Mson, Loell AZMON 6 Mely, Mrgret COMPLANER 13 RESGNATON 24 Nelson, Ronld A ELEEN 1 Prry, C Huert Hstgs REPTON 18 Prs, teke BALAAM 20 FRENDS 21 HARVEY 27 Qun, mes, S Be My Seeg 22 Rickrd, effery O WALY, WALY 23 Ro, Dvid A Children from Y Vst Cretion 31 Descend Tody, Eternl Dove 8 We Sg Reirth 6 Y Love s Trvil Resres Our Souls 18 Scred Hrp, The BEACH SPRNG 31 Scottish YE BANKS AND BRAES 8 Sn Hrmony COMPLANER 13 RESTORATON 29 Stuempfle, Hermn G, r, You See Y Loved Cretion 29

White, Benm F BEACH SPRNG 31 White, Dvid Ashley LVNG STRNG 15 OLD PLUM GROVE 19 ST BARTHOLOMEW THE GREAT 7 Whitney, Re E Bece Wht Hppened 5 Bethlehem By 2 Christ Hs Clled Us Friends, Not Servnts 21 Give My Self You, Der Lord 19 f Tke Wgs Morng 25 Mke Mic from Unlikely Thgs 27 Sg Prises All People 16 We Are Sterds s Grce 30 Week By Week Our Souls Are Fed 32 Wold, Wyne L PRSM 26 ndex Tune Nmes ALL BLACK NOTES 4 ANDREA S TUNE 9 ANGEL CHOR 3 AZMON 6 BALAAM 20 BEACH SPRNG 31 BETHLEHEM BABY 2 COMPLANER 13 ECCE, DEUS 14 ELEEN 1 FRENDS 21 GOD BE WTH YOU 34 GROSSER GOTT 30 HAPPENNG 5 HARVEY 27 KAMEOKA 32 KANCONAL NEW 17 LVNG STRNG 15 LOVE S LGHT 25 NATONAL CHURCH 33 NORTHBROOK 11 O WALY, WALY 23 OLD PLUM GROVE 19 PASSON CHORALE 10 PRSM 26 REPTON 18 RESGNATON 24 RESTORATON 29 S BOGOM 34 SEENG 22 SHOUT THE PRASE 12 SPRT OF GOD 35 ST BARTHOLOMEW THE GREAT 7 THE FALCONER 28 WASHNGTON PARK 16 WE SNG REBRTH 6 YE BANKS AND BRAES 8 YOUR TRAVAL RESTORES OUR SOULS 18 ndex First Les A Hrp Too Gret Hs Ply 15 As Lzr Slipped Tord Silence 13 As Mry Listened t Christ s Feet 24 Be My Seeg 22 Bece Wht Hppened 5 Bethlehem By 2 Children from Y Vst Cretion 31 Christ Hs Clled Us Friends, Not Servnts 21 Christ, Ve,, Grdener 14 Come Sg Sry 17 Come Worship 33 Descend Tody, Eternl Dove 8 Be You 34, You See Y Loved Cretion 29 Hve Mercy upon Me O 11 Ho Long Will You Forget Me 10 Give My Self You, Der Lord 19 Will Sg Y Prise, O 12 f Tke Wgs Morng 25 f You Cn Wlk 23 n Memory Her 4 es s Sunlight 26 Mke Mic from Unlikely Thgs 27 My Bless Keep You 35 O Donkey Crry Church 20 O Lord, Turn Not Ay from Me 9 Rise, My Song 28 Sg Prises All People 16 To Thee, O Comter Dive 7 We Are Sterds s Grce 30 We Sg Reirth 6 Week By Week Our Souls Are Fed 32 Wter Elizeth 1 You Be n Angel 3 Y Love s Trvil Resres Our Souls 18 51