This Is the Wood/Mirad la Cruz. Si m7 Bm7. cross, on which. œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ. Come, let us. wor - ship. Do7M Cmaj7. Cruz don - de es -

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This Is Wood/Mird l Cruz Sntigo Fernánz Keybord ccompniment by Steve rundy Keybord/ Tecldo? sus sus. % REFRAIN/ESTRIILLO (q = c. 80) %? This is wood w.? rd ár- bol l on which / 7 / Come, let us. wor - ship.. Cruz don - es -.. Lm/o /C hung Sv - ior. o7m Cm7 tu - vo cl-v - do Mi - Cris -,. English refrin verse text fr. The Romn Missl 1973, ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Spnish refrin text fr. Misl Romno 1975, Conferenci Episcopl Mexicn. All rights reserved. e US gent: US Conferen Ctholic ishops. Used with permission. Music, English verses 1 3 text, Spnish verses 1 text 200, Sntigo Fernánz. Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hsslo, Portl, OR 9721 All rights reserved. Note: P first six mesures refrin s n in. To los primeros seis compses l estribillo como inducción. Edition 885

THIS IS THE WOO/MIRA LA CRUZ, cont. (2)??. Lm/o /C Sl - v - dor l. VERSES/ESTROFAS? 7 Sweet Le - Su - cross wood tht tree ño fre is - sos - Cor - ho - ár - - cu - your im - bol z i - s wood lef fith - mor - es ni - sus sus mun - do. Ve -.. brings us l - n life, od! m - ble, le - tie - - 7 ño, nes ro.. ful tl gu -. glo - ry, flow - er, One, ble - z, l - ble so - s,.. 6 6 / / 7 nid y - do - 7 tri - umph with so eye - sight en - hve en tre. n - s Se - tus mos.... mp - lod; sight - sng! - cl - ñor; br - pth - wy bless - ed light mer - puer - t cross those cy sl - nos. sl - in on v - hs yen pe -. tion. less; r; vos; zos;. ri - por.s./l %. v - hope! drk - us! do - d - flor. c - tion. ness. r. do. do....s./l % Edition 885

This Is Wood/Mird l Cruz Sntigo Fernánz Chorl rrngement by Rick Modlin escnt/ Contrpun Soprno Al/ Contrl Tenor ss/o? % REFRAIN/ESTRIILLO (q = c. 80) %? Sv - ior sus sus. This is wood. Come, let us This is on which / 7 /. wor - ship... hung. /o /C Sv-ior Mi - English refrin verse text fr. The Romn Missl 1973, ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Spnish refrin text fr. Misl Romno 1975, Conferenci Episcopl Mexicn. All rights reserved. e US gent: US Conferen Ctholic ishops. Used with permission. Music, English verses 1 3 text, Spnish verses 1 text 200, Sntigo Fernánz. Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hsslo, Portl, OR 9721 All rights reserved. Note: P first six mesures refrin s n in. To los primeros seis compses l estribillo como inducción. Edition 885

THIS IS THE WOO/MIRA LA CRUZ, cont. (2) Mi - rd l Cruz, Sl - v -?? rd ár-bol l. dor.. /o /C Sl - v - dor. l Cruz don - es - sus sus A - do - mun - do. Ve - o7m Cm7 tu - vo cl-v - do. / / 7 nid y - do - Cris -,. mos. mos. Edition 885

THIS IS THE WOO/MIRA LA CRUZ, cont. (3) VERSES/ESTROFAS Hrmony/Armoní 7 Mody/Modí cross Sweet wood Le - ño Su - fre tree tht is - sos - Cor - 7 ho - ár - - cu - your im - bol z i - s wood lef fith - mor - es ni -. le - tie - - brings us l - n life, od! m - ble, ful tl gu - ño, nes ro. glo - flow - One, ble - ry, er, z, l - ble so - s, 6 6 7 tri - umph with so eye - sight en - hve en tre n - s Se - tus pth - wy bless - ed light mer - puer - t sl - cross those cy sl - in on v - nos hs yen pe -. mp - lod; sight - sng! - cl - ñor; br - tion. less; r; vos; zos; v - tion. hope! drk-nessus! do - r. d - do. flor. c - do. ri - por.s./l %. Edition 885

This Is Wood/Mird l Cruz Sntigo Fernánz Chorl rrngement by Rick Modlin escnt/ Contrpun Soprno Al/ Contrl Tenor ss/o? % REFRAIN/ESTRIILLO (q = c. 80) %? Sv - ior sus sus. This is wood. Come, let us This is on which / 7 /. wor - ship... hung. /o /C Sv-ior Mi - English refrin verse text fr. The Romn Missl 1973, ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Spnish refrin text fr. Misl Romno 1975, Conferenci Episcopl Mexicn. All rights reserved. e US gent: US Conferen Ctholic ishops. Used with permission. Music, English verses 1 3 text, Spnish verses 1 text 200, Sntigo Fernánz. Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hsslo, Portl, OR 9721 All rights reserved. Note: P first six mesures refrin s n in. To los primeros seis compses l estribillo como inducción. Edition 885

THIS IS THE WOO/MIRA LA CRUZ, cont. (2) Mi - rd l Cruz, Sl - v -?? rd ár-bol l. dor.. /o /C Sl - v - dor. l Cruz don - es - sus sus A - do - mun - do. Ve - o7m Cm7 tu - vo cl-v - do. / / 7 nid y - do - Cris -,. mos. mos. Edition 885

THIS IS THE WOO/MIRA LA CRUZ, cont. (3) VERSES/ESTROFAS Hrmony/Armoní 7 Mody/Modí cross Sweet wood Le - ño Su - fre tree tht is - sos - Cor - 7 ho - ár - - cu - your im - bol z i - s wood lef fith - mor - es ni -. le - tie - - brings us l - n life, od! m - ble, ful tl gu - ño, nes ro. glo - flow - One, ble - ry, er, z, l - ble so - s, 6 6 7 tri - umph with so eye - sight en - hve en tre n - s Se - tus pth - wy bless - ed light mer - puer - t sl - cross those cy sl - in on v - nos hs yen pe -. mp - lod; sight - sng! - cl - ñor; br - tion. less; r; vos; zos; v - tion. hope! drk-nessus! do - r. d - do. flor. c - do. ri - por.s./l %. Edition 885

SOLO INSTRUMENT This Is Wood/Mird l Cruz Edition 70707-Z3 Sntigo Fernánz Arrnged by Rick Modlin INTRO (q = c. 80). REFRAIN/ESTRIILLO REFRAIN/ESTRIILLO.... VERSES/ESTROFAS 2, 3 15..... VERSE/ESTROFA 1........ REFRAIN/ESTRIILLO.... VERSE/ESTROFA. REFRAIN/ESTRIILLO............... 8.... 200, 2006, Sntigo Fernánz. Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hsslo, Portl, OR 9721 All rights reserved. Edition 885