œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ . œ. œ œ œ great is your love, œ œ

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2 % RFRIN & % &? & &? & &? SMPL 2008, 2017, Santiago Fernández and esse Manibusan Published by Spirit & Song, a division of OCP, 556 N Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721 ll rights reserved nglish translation: Lord, give us your love that e may love like you dition 019117 INTRO Moderato (q = ca 96) & 4 & 4 sus4 O od, pa-ra a-mar co - mo tú sus4 Para mar como Tú Santiago Fernández and esse Manibusan cc by Scott Soper? great is your love, 1 1 Se sus4 ev - er -last-ing and true - ñor, da - nos tu a-mor 2-5 2-5 to Verses to Verses

& 6 Final pa-ra a-mar co-mo tú &? &? VRSS & &? & &? 6 /B /C 1 To feed 2 To clo To love 4 To ork 1 To 2 To To 4 To Final SMPL rit hun - gry, na - ked, our neigh - bor, for us - tice, /F sus4 el-come strang - er, bring your for - give - ness, shel - ter ran - som home-less, cap - tive, /F sus4 y a-mar co-mo tú y a-mar co-mo tú /C U Fine sus4 /B /C S S Para mar como Tú

4 Para mar como Tú (uitar/vocal) Santiago Fernández and esse Manibusan % RFRIN Melody & & & & & & & INTRO Moderato (q = ca 96) Harmony & 4 4 O od, Se - ñor, (Kbd) SMPL great is your love, da - nos tu a-mor 2-5 6 /B /C Final to Verses rit sus4 sus4 ev - er-last-ing and true pa-ra a-mar co - mo tú sus4 sus4 pa-ra a-mar co - mo tú sus4 1 U Fine 2008, Santiago Fernández and esse Manibusan Published by Spirit & Song, a division of OCP, 556 N Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721 ll rights reserved nglish translation: Lord, give us your love that e may love like you

5 VRSS & 1 To 2 To To 4 To feed clo love ork & & & 1 To 2 To To 4 To our for /F hun - na - neigh - us - gry, ked, bor, tice, SMPL el - bring shel - ran - come your ter som for - 1-4 y a - mar co - mo tú /F strang - give - home - cap - y a-mar co - mo tú er, ness, less, tive, /C sus4 /B /C S Para mar como Tú

6 Para mar como Tú SOLO INSTRUMNT(S) in C Santiago Fernández and esse Manibusan rr by Scott Soper Melody Harmony & & INTRO Moderato (q = ca 96) & & 4 4 % RFRIN & & & & Final sus4 SMPL sus4 1 sus4 sus4 2-5 sus4 to Verses 2008, 2017, Santiago Fernández and esse Manibusan Published by Spirit & Song, a division of OCP, 556 N Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721 ll rights reserved rit rit 6 /B /C U U Fine

SMPL 7 Para mar como Tú & & VRSS 1-4 /F /C & & /F /B sus4 /C S

8 Para mar como Tú SOLO INSTRUMNT(S) in B Santiago Fernández and esse Manibusan rr by Scott Soper Melody Harmony INTRO Moderato (q = ca 96) B & 4 & 4 C m % RFRIN B C & m add9 & & & & & C m Final add9 F m7 add9 SMPL Bsus4 F m7 Bsus4 B F m7 F m7 C m 1 add9 F m7 rit Bsus4 Bsus4 2-5 B to Verses Bsus4 2008, 2017, Santiago Fernández and esse Manibusan Published by Spirit & Song, a division of OCP, 556 N Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721 ll rights reserved rit 6 B /C B/ U U Fine

9 VRSS 1-4 & & & & C m F m7 F m7 / F m7 SMPL / F m7 B/ B Bsus4 B /C B/ S Para mar como Tú

Composer Notes This song orks seamlessly at Mass, most appropriately during Preparation of ifts or Communion The ay recording is presented orks very ell for church ensembles its understated instrumentation leaves plenty of room for assembly s voice The intertining of nglish and Spanish orks ell in a variety of ays cantor or small choir can lead first half of verse, and assembly can sing Spanish response, Y amar como tú This song is accessible for non-spanish speakers, so have fun teaching ords and pronunciation to assembly They ill enoy learning it! In terms of its content, text is based on Corporal Works of Mercy, so it can also be effectively used for catechesis SMPL Uses: Christian life, ustice, love for od, love for ors, love of od for ors, retreats, social concern 11 Santiago Fernández and esse Manibusan Para mar como Tú

12 ssembly dition PR MR COMO TÚ Refrain & 4 4 & Verses & & O od, SMPL great is your love, 2008, Santiago Fernández and esse Manibusan Published by Spirit & Song, a division of OCP, 556 N Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721 ll rights reserved nglish translation: Lord, give us your love that e may love like you Santiago Fernández and esse Manibusan ev-er-last-ing and true Se - ñor, da-nos tu a-mor pa-ra a-mar co-mo tú 1 To feed 2 To clo To love 4 To ork hun - gry, na - ked, our neigh-bor, for us - tice, 1 To el-come strang - er, 2 To To bring your shel - ter for - give - ness, home-less, 4 To ran - som cap - tive, For reprint permissions, please visit OneLicensenet or contact us at 1-800-66-1501 y a-mar co-mo tú y a-mar co-mo tú to Refrain