Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, ed. Leonard Van Camp Selah Publishing Co., Inc. for review only. dem the. al - Herrn Lord. all the. œ œ.

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Psalm 100 Felix Menlssohn-Bartholdy ed Leard an Cam 10-801 Selah Pulhing Co Inc Or rom avorite aler or at selahucom (Or c 800-852-6172 in S Canada) T document rovid or rie uroses ly It illegal hocoy t msuc 2 1 Andante c mo auch - Shout auch - Shout auch - Shout auch - Shout zet zet zet zet m m m m Andante c mo rehearsal ly Psalm 100 SATB Solots/Semi-Chor (SSAATTBB) Englh ersi y LC Felix Menlssohn-Bartholdy o 51 (1809 187) Edited y Leard an Cam n al - le n al - le n al - le n al - le Welt! earth Welt! earth Welt! earth elt! earth A A Die - Wor - shi t m n ith Die - Wor - shi t m or rie ly n ith n ss n ss 2 Psalm 100 10-801 Coyright 1996 Selah Pulhing Co Inc Kingsn NY 1201 All rights reserved Printed in SA recled aer It illegal hocoy t mic

6 die - or - shi t m n ith die - or - shi t m n ith Die - Wor - shi t m n ith Die - Wor - shi t m n 10 ith a sicht ith a a An - res - ence sicht ith Froh - oy - Froh - oy - Froh - oy - a n ss n ss n ss n ss kommt ith ul # ul ul Froh - oy - cken sg cken sg ul # cken sg cken sg u B B vor sein An - res - ence kommt kommt Er - Ac - Er - Ac - Er - Ac - Er Ac - vor n ss sein C C ken - kno - ledge t dass that ken - kno - ledge t dass that sicht ith or rie ly ken - kno - ken - kno - ledge t dass that ledge t dass that vor - sein An - res - ence An - res - ence sicht ith kommt vor sein Gott Gott Gott Gott 3 10-801 Psalm 100 3

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6 35 0 ken ken n En - het ter n in - n or - n or - # or - En - het ter en ing en ing in - n n # Tho gates - ren ith Tho - gates ren ith n en ing en ing en ing rae ein ein rae n or rie ly n ra - ra - Dan - thank Dan - thank n F F n n en ing en ing ẇ ra - A ra - n ken ken n 6 Psalm 100 10-801

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66 9 m äh - e - - ig er # m heit m m äh - e - - ig er äh - e - - ig er m heit m heit 69 - more - more - more # Wahr m - heit Wahr m - heit Wahr m - heit - more or rie ly - - more more I Tutti t - t Der The t I 10-801 Psalm 100 9

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12 Psalm 100 SATB Solots/Semi-Chor (SSAATTBB) Felix Menlssohn-Bartholdy o 51 (1809 187) Edited y Leard an Cam Durati 2' 5" Menlssohn aarently rote t ork in 182 at age o thirty-three He suered loss o mor in Decemer o that same year Psalm 100 lted as numer three o o 51; or orks in that o are Psalm 11 or doule chor orchestra Getes Lied in E or solo voice chor organ Psalm 100 reces masteriece Eliah y our years Menlssohn as at t time in Berlin attemting coe ith an er more daointing set o circumstances surroing ork re He as travelling Leizig Düsseldor Engl elsehere in a erh hectic attemt meet er-increasing ms or services T culminated in untimely ath ive years later The Ne Grove Dictiary o Mic Micians seaks o t oerul ork as eing amg Menlssohn s estloved church mic (ol 12 16) The middle secti or solots can e eectively sung y a semi-chor or y individuals It ossile have t grou statiod in ack o ccert h or church or an interesting ctrast i main choir can manage ithout solo voices The unraced dynamics are those that aear in comlete orks hich served as source or t editi The edirial suggestis (raced) are ased exerience gaid rom seral erormances o t ork during a Euroean ccert ur ith my SIE Ccert Chorale The singale Englh translati should e ed ly i singing ork in German inaroriate or imossile as dtinctive so o Menlssohn s native ngue seems an integral asect o t gratiying examle o choral art Leard an Cam Sourn Illino niversity at Edardsville