KIII. u9 XX + X u9 X X X X. X X X X X. u9 XX X u : X z Ç Zhh h. X X X X X X X. ! X X X X. X X X X X X X X X X. X X X X MF u..

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9 MASS SETTINGS KIII!! X X X X. e-lé- i-son. S! X u9 XX X X X X. Missa Jubilate Deo Kyrie (MASS XVI) 100 X u9 X X X X. Y- ri- e * e- lé-i- son. bis Chri-ste e- lé- i - son. bis X u9 XX X u : X z Ç Zhh h. Ky-ri - e X y Å. An-ctus * e- lé - i - son. X y Å. San-ctus! X X X X X X X X. X X X X X. Ple-ni sunt cæ- li et ter-ra gló-ri-a tu- a.! X X X X. X X X X X X X X X X. Be- ne-dí-ctus qui ve-nit in nómine Dó- mi-ni. XI XIII. s. Gloria can be found at #106 Credo III can be found at #213 Sanctus (MASS XVIII) 101 X u9 XX + Ky-ri - e X X X X X X X X X X. XIII. s. San- ctus Dó- mi-nus De-us Sá-ba-oth. X X X X X X X. Ho- sán- na in ex- cél- sis. X (@ X X X MF u.. Ho-sánna in ex-cél-sis.

9 Missa Jubilate Deo 102 Mysterium Fidei M! X X u9 X X X X X X X!8 X X. Or-tem tu-am an-nun- ti- á- mus Dó- mi-ne! X X X X X X u9 X re-cti-ó-nem con-fi- té- mur y Ç XX X u9 X. do- nec vé-ni- as. X u9 X X X et tu-am re-sur-! X - 103 Amen A u.. men. 104 Agnus Dei (MASS XVIII)!! A! X X X u9 X. X u9 X. X X X X X X X X. X X X X yå X. XII. s. - gnus De-i * qui tol-lis pec-cá-ta mun-di: mi-se-ré-re no-bis. X X X X X X X X. A- gnus De- i * qui tol-lis pec- cá- ta mun-di: X X u9 X. X X X X X X X X. X X X X yå X. mi - se - ré - re no - bis. X X X X yå X. A- gnus De- i * qui tol-lis pec-cá- ta mun-di: do-na no- bis pa-cem.

Missa de Angelis (MASS VIII) Kyrie 105! X( X u9 X. Zhh X. Z hhhxx X. ( Z h hh y XV XVI. s. Å X X X. X Zhhh X. ( X u 9Z. Zhh X. KV Y- ri-e * e - lé- ison. bis Chri-ste! ( Z h hh y X X ZhhXX Å X X X. É. ( z É Z. u 9Z. ( Z h hh y Å X X X. e - lé - i - son. bis Ky - ri- e e - lé - i - son. X ZhhXX É. yåzhhxx É. ( z É Z. u 9Z. Z h hh y Å X X.! X Ky- ri - e X e - lé - i-son. Gloria 106! X X X X X X X X. X. X X X X X X X X. GV Ló-ri- a in ex-cél-sis De-o.! X X X X X. X. X Zhh X. X. X X X X u9 y Å. bo- næ vo-lun- tá - tis.! X X Zhh u9 X. A-do - rá - mus te.! X X X X X X X. Lau - dá - mus te. X X X X X X. Glo-ri- fi- cá-mus te. XVI. s. X Et in ter-ra pax ho-mí-ni-bus Be-ne- dí - ci-mus te. X X X X X u9 X. X. Grá-ti- as á- gi-mus ti- bi X X. X X X X X. X X X. X. prop-ter ma-gnam gló- ri-am tu- am. Dó- mi-ne De-us Rex cæ-lé-stis! X u9 X yå u9 yå yå X. X X X X X X X X X X. +

X X X X X X X X X! X u9 X yå u9 yå yå X. Missa de Angelis X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X. +! u9 yå X. X. De-us Pa- ter o - mní- po-tens. X X X X yå X X X. X. y. Dó-mi-ne Fi - li u - ni- gé - ni - te X X Zhh XXX X. X X X Ie-su Chri-ste. Dó-mi-ne De-us A-gnus De- i Fí- li- us Pa-tris.! X X X X X X u9yå Å. X X Zhhu9 X. X. Qui tol - lis pec - cá - ta mun - di mi - se - ré - re no - bis. Qui tol- lis! X X X X. X. X X X. X X X X X yå u9yå y Å. pec-cá- ta mun-di sú-sci- pe de- pre- ca - ti-ón - em no- stram.! X X X X X X X X. X. X X X X X. X. X X X Qui se- des ad déx- te-ram Pa-tris mi-se - ré - re no-bis.! X X X X. X. X X yå u9 yå X. X X X yå u9 X y Å. Quó-ni-am! u9 yå X. X. tu so-lus San-ctus. Ie-su Chri-ste.! ( Zhhh Z hh y. Å A - men. Tu so-lus Dó-mi-nus. X X Zhh u9 X. X Cum San-cto Spí-ri-tu X X X X X X u9yå y Å. Tu so-lus Al-tís- si- mus in gló-ri- a De-i Pa-tris.

Sanctus 107 (XI) XII. s.! u9yçxmf X. MF y Å. Xu9y ÇZ hh y Å. u: ( Sò9 yå X. X ( yå SVI An - ctus * San-ctus San - ctus Dó - mi-nus De-us! y ÅXX ÇZh h X u9y ÇZ hhyå X. X u : X. Sê ; X.(@ ( ZhhX y Å. X ( yå u9 Zhh X. Sá - ba-oth. Ple-ni sunt cæ - li et ter - ra gló- ri - a tu - a.! X M F yå X u9 X y ÇZhh y Å. X u : Z hh X X. u9 ( ZhhX y Å. X X X X! Xu9 X X. Ho- sán- na in ex-cél - sis. Dó- mi- ni. VI A! X XX. X! X ( u9zh h X yå Ho- sán - u9yå u9 XXX X. - na X u: Zhh X X.! X u9 X( u: hhx XXX X. Be-ne-dí - ctus qui ve - nit u9 yå yå X u9y ÇZ hh y Å. in ex- cél - sis. X M G y Å X X u: XXX. X X Sò9 X X X u9 XXX X. in nó-mi-ne Agnus Dei 108 X u9 X ( u : hhx gnus De - i * qui tol-lis pec-cá-ta mun-di: mi-se-ré - re no - bis. A- gnus De - i * qui tol - lis pec-cá- ta mun- di:! X u9 X ( u: hhx XXX X. u9yå u9 XXX X. mi-se-ré - re no - bis. A - gnus De - i * qui tol-lis pec-cá-ta mun-di: do-na no- bis pa - cem. Missa de Angelis XV. s. X MG yå X X u: XXX X.

109 Kyrie Missa cum Jubilo (MASS IX)! u :u9 yå y Å. Z XII. s. u9 u9 X y Å. u9 X. Y - ri - e *hhx Z I hhx u9 u9 X y Å. e - lé - i-son. Ky X - ri - e e - lé - i - son.! K :u9 yå y Å u. Z hhx u9 u9 X y Å X. ( yå Z hhx X ( u : X X. ZhhyÅ y Å Ky-ri - e e- lé- i-son. Chri- ste e- lé- i- son.. Z hhx Chri - ste! u 9 u9 X y Å. X ( yå Z hhxx ( u : X X. X u9 Z. XX É. ( u9zhhx X ( u : X X. e- lé- i-son. Chri-ste e- lé-i-son. Ky-ri-e e- lé-i-son.! ZhhyÅ y Å. Z hhx u9 u9 X y Å. X u9 Z. XX É. ( u9zhhhu9x u : Z. XX É. ( u9zhhhu9x Ky - ri - e e- lé-i- son. Ky-ri-e! Z hhzhh h. ZhhX u9 u9 X y Å. e - lé - i - son. 110 Gloria GVII! X XX u9 X X u9 MF yå Xu9 X. Ló - ri - a in ex-cél-sis De-o.! X X X X Xu9 X. bo-næ vo-lun - tá - tis.! X ZhhXZhh X X. X X Zhh X. X. Lau - dá - mus te. X X X Zhh X. X. X X Xu9 X. X ZhhX X X XI. s. X u9 yå yå X. X. X. Et in ter-ra pax ho-mí-ni-bus Be-ne - dí-ci-mus te. X X X X X X X. X. + +

9 X Zhh X X X ZhhX X X X X + 9 X X X X Xu9 X! X ZhhX Z hh X X. A-do - rá - mus te. X X X Zhh X. X. Glo-ri- fi-cá - mus te.! X u9 X yå yå yå u9 Zhh X.! u ; Zhhh u 9 X. prop-ter ma-gnam gló - ri- am tu - am.! X X yå X X. Rex cæ - lé- stis u - ni-gé - ni - te! X X yå yå u.. X X X X X X X. X. Grá-ti-as á-gi-mus ti- bi X X Zhh Dó-mi-ne X. X. De-us u9 yå yå u9 yå u9 yå u.. X X X. X X Dó-mi - ne Fi - li X X Zhh X. X z X X X X X. yå yå X. X. Dó- mi-ne De-us A-gnus De - i X u9 X X X X u9 X. X X yå yå u 9 X. De-us Pa- ter o - mní - po- tens. Ie-su Chri-ste. Fí-li-us Pa- tris. Qui tol- lis pec-cá- ta mun-di! X u9 yå X X yå u9 y Å. Qui tol- lis pec-cá-ta mun-di! X X X. X X X X X X. Qui se-des ad déx-te-ram Pa-tris! yå X X u9 X. Missa cum Jubilo ZhhX X X. mi-se- ré- re no-bis. X X X X Xu9 Zhh u9 X. sú - sci- pe depre-ca-ti-ón-em nostram. X X Sò9 X X X. X u9 yå yå u9 X. mi- se - ré - re no- bis. + X X u9 X X X. u9 u9 X yå Quó- ni-am tu so-lus San-ctus. Tu so-lus Dó- mi- nus. Tu so-lus Al-tís- si- mus! X X Zhh X. u9 MF yå X X X. ( B X X X. X X Zhhu9 X. + + +

yå X X u9 X X X Sò9 X X X X X u9 u9 X yå Missa cum Jubilo! X X Zhh X. u9 MF yå X X X. ( B X X X. X X Zhhu9 X. + Ie- su Chri- ste.! z Ç Zhh h. u : Zhh y Å. A - men. Cum San-cto Spí- ri- tu in gló-ri-a De- i Pa - tris. 111 Sanctus SV! Xy ÇyÇ XXX. X XyÅ X. u : XX Z hhx y Å. San - ctus San - ctus X yå X X X X XXXMF X. X X u9 Zhh X. XIV. s. An - ctus * Dó-mi-nus De - us! X ( y Ç ZhhX yå yå X. y Ç ( Zhh y Å Sá - ba - oth. Ple- ni sunt cæ- li et ter - ra gló- ri - a tu - a..! X XXX XX X ZhhX X XXX y Å. X u9 X. u9 Zhh X. X Zhhu9 yå X. Ho-sán-na in ex- cél - sis. Be - ne-dí-ctus qui ve - nit in nó - mi-ne! ( yç Z hhx yå. ( u9 yçu9zhh Z. u: Xu9 X. X Zhh Zh h. XyÇXXX X. X Dó - mi- ni. Ho - sán - na in ex - cél - sis.

AV! X - u: yå XX y Å. Xu9 ZhhhX X. gnus De - i! X XX X. X u : yå XX y Å. X ( Zhh X.! ( Xu9 ZhhyÅ u9 XXX X. X u : yå XX y Å. mi - se - ré - re no - bis. A- gnus De - i *! ZhhX X. ( Xu9 Zhh yå u9 XXX. X u9 X ZhhX. X * qui tol - lis pec-cá-ta mun- di: (X) XIII. s. ( Xu9 ZhhyÅ u9 mi-se - ré-re X X ( X u9 X. Xu9 ZhhhX X. X u9 X no - bis. A - gnus De - i * qui tol - lis pec - cá - ta mun-di: mun - di: Missa cum Jubilo X do - na no - bis pa - cem. Agnus Dei 112 qui tol - lis pec- cá- ta

N.B. - Some of the hymnal pages been omitted from this previe.

Roman Missal Chants 124 Kyrie Cantor &b Lord mer-cy. Cantor &b Christ mer-cy. Cantor &b Lord mer-cy. All Lord mer-cy. All Christ mer-cy. All Lord mer-cy. Chant 2010 ICEL 125 Gloria & Glo-ry to God in the high-est & We praise you e bless you and on earth peace e & e give you thanks for your great glo - ry & O God al-might-y Fa-ther. & Lord God Lamb of God & mer-cy on us; Son of the Fa-ther a - dore you Lord Je - sus Christ to peo-ple of good ill. e glo - ri - fy you Lord God heav-en- ly King On-ly Be- got-ten Son you take a-ay the sins of the orld you take a-ay the sins of the orld re-ceive our prayer; & you are seat-ed at the right hand of the Fa-ther mer- cy on us. &

& & For you a - lone are the Ho - ly One & you a - lone are the Most High Roman Missal Chants you a - lone are the Lord Je - sus Christ ith the Ho- ly Spir-it & in the glo - ry of God the Fa - ther. A - men. Text and chant 2010 ICEL & I be- lieve in one God & and earth of all things the Fa - ther al - might - y & I be - lieve in one Lord Je - sus Christ & God & from Light born of the Fa - ther vis - i - ble and in - vis - i - ble. be - fore all true God from true God & sub - stan - tial ith the Fa - ther; Credo 126 mak- er of heav-en the On - ly a - ges. Be - got-ten Son of God from God Light be - got - ten not made con - through him all things ere made. &

& & For us men & and by the Ho - ly Spir - it & and for our sal - va - tion and be- came man. as & For our sake he as cru - ci - fied he came don from heav - en in - car - nate & he suf - fered death and as bur - ied & & the third day in - to heav - en & He ill come a - gain Roman Missal Chants of the Vir - gin Mar - y un - der Pon - tius Pi - late and rose a - gain on in ac - cord - ance ith the Scrip - tures. He as - cend - ed and is seat - ed at the right hand of the Fa - ther. in glo - ry to judge the liv - ing and the dead & and his king - dom ill no end. & I be - lieve in the Ho - ly Spir - it the Lord the giv- er of life ho pro- & ceeds from the Fa - ther and the Son ho ith the Fa - ther and the &

& & Son & & proph - ets. Church. is a - dored and glo - ri - fied I be - lieve in one ho - ly cath - o - lic I con - fess one Bap - tism & Roman Missal Chants and I look for-ard to the res-ur-rec-tion of the dead ho has spo - ken through the and ap - os - tol - ic for the for - give - ness of sins & and the life of the orld to come. A - men. Text and chant 2010 ICEL &b Ho - ly Ho - ly & b are full of your glo - ry. Ho - ly Lord God of hosts. Ho - san - na & b ho comes in the name of the Lord. in the high-est. Sanctus 127 Heav-en and earth Bless-ed is he Ho - san - na in the high - est. Text and chant 2010 ICEL

128 Memorial Acclamation A &b b We pro-claim your Death O Lord Roman Missal Chants &b b and pro-fess your Res-ur - rec-tion un-til you come a-gain. Text and chant 2010 ICEL 129 Memorial Acclamation B &b b When e eat this Bread and drink this Cup &b b e pro-claim your Death O Lord un - til you come a- gain. Text and chant 2010 ICEL 130 Memorial Acclamation C &b b Save us Sav-ior of the orld & bb for by your Cross and Res-ur- rec-tion you set us free. Text and chant 2010 ICEL 131 Amen & b A- men. Chant 2010 ICEL

Roman Missal Chants Agnus Dei 132 & Lamb of God you take a- ay the sins of the orld & mer-cy on us. & Lamb of God you take a- ay the sins of the orld & mer-cy on us. & Lamb of God you take a- ay the sins of the orld & grant us peace. Chant 2010 ICEL

Missa Simplex 133 Kyrie & # # Cantor Ky - ri - e e - le - i - son. & # # Cantor Chri - ste e - le - i - son. & # Cantor # Ky - ri - e e - le - i - son. All Ky - ri - e All e - le - i - son. Chri - ste e - le - i - son. All Ky - ri - e e - le - i - son. Richard Proulx 1937 2010 Adapt. by Michael Dominic O Connor O.P. Music 2010 2011 WLP 134 Gloria & # # Glo-ry to God in the high-est & # # We praise you e bless you & # # and on earth peace to peo-ple of e e give you thanks for your great glo - ry & # # O God al- might - y Fa - ther. & # # On-ly Be-got-ten Son & # # you take a - ay the sins of the orld good ill. a-dore you e glo - ri - fy you Lord God heav-en - ly King Lord Je - sus Christ Lord God Lamb of God Son of the Fa - ther mer - cy on us; & # #

& # # Missa Simplex & # # you take a - ay the sins of the orld & # # n you are seat-ed at the right hand of & # # For you a - lone are the Ho - ly One & # # the Fa-ther re - ceive our prayer; mer- cy on us. you a - lone are the Lord you a - lone are the Most High Je - sus Christ ith the Ho - ly & # # in the glo - ry of God the Fa - ther. A - men. Spir - it Text 2010 ICEL Richard Proulx 1937 2010 Music 2010 WLP & # # Ho-ly Ho-ly Ho - ly Lord God of hosts. & # # are full of your glo-ry. & # # n ho comes in the name of the Lord. Ho-san- na in the high - est. Sanctus 135 Heav-en and earth Bless-ed is he Ho-san - na in the high - est. Text 2010 ICEL Richard Proulx 1937 2010 Adapt. by Michael Dominic O Connor O.P. Music 2010 2011 WLP

Missa Simplex 136 Memorial Acclamation A & # # We pro - claim your Death O Lord and pro - fess your & # # Res - ur - rec - tion Text 2010 ICEL un - til you come a - gain. Richard Proulx 1937 2010 Adapt. by Michael Dominic O Connor O.P. Music 2010 2011 WLP 137 Memorial Acclamation B & # # When e eat this Bread and drink this Cup e pro - claim & # # your Death O Lord Text 2010 ICEL un - til you come a - gain. Richard Proulx 1937 2010 Adapt. by Michael Dominic O Connor O.P. Music 2010 2011 WLP 138 Memorial Acclamation C & # # Save us Sa - vior of the orld for by your Cross and & # # Res - ur - rec - tion Text 2010 ICEL you set us free. Richard Proulx 1937 2010 Adapt. by Michael Dominic O Connor O.P. Music 2010 2011 WLP

Missa Simplex & # # A - men a - men a - men. Amen 139 Richard Proulx 1937 2010 Adapt. by Michael Dominic O Connor O.P. Music 2010 2011 WLP & # # Lamb of God you take a-ay the sins of the orld & # # Lamb of God you take a-ay the sins of the orld & # # n Lamb of God you take a-ay the sins of the orld Agnus Dei 140 mer-cy on us. mer-cy on us. grant us peace. Richard Proulx 1937 2010 Adapt. by Michael Dominic O Connor O.P. Music 2010 2011 WLP

N.B. - Some of the hymnal pages been omitted from this previe.

163 Kyrie &b Cantor Kyrie ele - Kyrie ele - 164 Gloria Mass of the Patriarchs (Misa de los Patriarcas) i - i - &b Cantor Christe ele - Christe ele - i - i - &b Cantor Kyrie ele - Kyrie ele - i - i - & b &b Glory to God in Gloria a Dios en people of good ama el Se - the el ill. ñor. son. son. son. son. son. son. highest cielo All Kyrie e - lei - Kyrie e - lei - All Christe e - lei - Christe e - lei - All Kyrie e - lei - Kyrie e - lei - son. son. son. son. son. son. Saulchoir Tone (Ancient French Tone) Arr. by Michael Dominic O Connor O.P. Arr. 2010 Michael Dominic O Connor and on earth / peace to y en la tierra paz a los hombres que We praise you e bless you e Por tu inmensa gloria te a - & b & b e glorify you e give you te bendecimos te ly mos King gracias thanks for your great ado - glory ramos a - la - O God al - mighty Señor Dios Rey celestial / Dios Padre todopode - & b Lord Jesus Christ Only Begot-ten Señor Hijo único Je - su - Son cristo. dore you bamos Lord God heaven - te glorificamos te da- Father. roso. Lord God Lamb of God Señor Dios Cordero de Dios & b

&b &b Mass of the Patriarchs Señor Hijo único Je - su - cristo. Señor Dios Cordero de Dios Son of the Hijo del &b Holy Ho - Santo San - Father Padre; &b ten pie - mercy on us; dad de no - sotros; &b re - atiende ceive our nuestra ly to prayer; súplica; &b ten pie - mercy on us. dad de no - sotros; &b you a - sólo lone are the tú Se - &b ith the Holy con el Es - píritu Spirit Santo Lord ñor Text (Eng.) 2010 ICEL Text (Sp.) 1978 Comisión Episcopal de Liturgia Holy Santo Sanctus 165 Lord es el Señor & b Heaven and earth are full of your Llenos están el cielo y la tierra de tu glory. gloria. & b You take aay the sins of tú que quitas el pecado Blessed is he ho comes in the name of the Lord. Bendito el que viene en nombre del Se - ñor. the del You take aay the sins of tú que quitas el pecado God of hosts. Dios del uni - verso. Hosanna Hosanna the del in the en el Hosanna Hosanna orld mundo in the en el orld mundo You are seated at the right hand of tú que estás sentado a la derecha the del For you alone are the Ho-lporque sólo tú e - res You alone are the Most High Je-susólo tú Altísimo Je - su - in the glory of God en la gloria de the Dios Father. Padre. Father Padre One Santo Christ cristo A - A - men. mén. Saulchoir Tone (Ancient French Tone) Arr. by Michael Dominic O Connor O.P. Arr. 2010 Michael Dominic O Connor highest. cielo. highest. cielo. Text (Eng.) 2010 ICEL Text (Sp.) 1978 Comisión Episcopal de Liturgia Saulchoir Tone (Ancient French Tone) Arr. by Michael Dominic O Connor O.P. Arr. 2010 Michael Dominic O Connor

166 Memorial Acclamation B &b When e eat this Cada vez que comemos de e-ste &b e proclaim your Death anunciamos tu muerte Mass of the Patriarchs O Se - Bread pan Lord ñor and y bebemos de drink this este until you ha - come a - sta que Cup cáliz gain. vuelvas. Text (Eng.) 2010 ICEL Text (Sp.) 1978 Comisión Episcopal de Liturgia Saulchoir Tone (Ancient French Tone) Arr. by Michael Dominic O Connor O.P. Arr. 2010 Michael Dominic O Connor 167 Amen &b Amen Amén a - a - men mén a - a - men. mén. Saulchoir Tone (Ancient French Tone) Arr. by Michael Dominic O Connor O.P. Arr. 2010 Michael Dominic O Connor 168 Agnus Dei & b Lamb of God you take aay the sins of Cordero de Dios que quitas el pecado the del & b Lamb of God you take aay the sins of Cordero de Dios que quitas el pecado the del & b Lamb of God you take aay the sins of Cordero de Dios que quitas el pecado the del orld mundo orld mundo orld mundo mercy on us. ten pie- dad de no - sotros. mercy on us. ten pie - dad de no - sotros. grant da - us nos la peace. paz. Saulchoir Tone (Ancient French Tone) Arr. by Michael Dominic O Connor O.P. Arr. 2010 Michael Dominic O Connor

&b 2 2Cantor Ky - ri - e e - &b Cantor Chri - ste e - &b Cantor Ky - ri - e e - Missa Verbum Caro le - i - son. le - i - son. le - i - son. All Ky - ri - e e - All Chri - ste e - All Ky - ri - e e - Kyrie 169 le - i - son. le - i - son. U le - i - son. James McGregor Music 2010 James McGregor & b 2 2 &b Ho - ly # Heav - en and earth & b & b san - na in the # comes in the & b high - est ho - Text 2010 ICEL Ho - ly are b high - est. name of the Ho - ly Lord full of your glo - b Bless - ed ΠLord. Ho - san - na in the Sanctus 170 God of hosts. Πry. Ho - is. he ho b san - na in the U # high - est. James McGregor After Verbum Caro Factum Est Hans Leo Hassler 1564 1612 Music 2010 James McGregor

171 Memorial Acclamation A & b 2 2 We &b pro - claim your Re - sur - rec - Text 2010 ICEL. Missa Verbum Caro Death O Lord tion un - til you come a - and pro - fess your gain. Michael Dominic O Connor O.P. After Verbum Caro Factum Est Hans Leo Hassler 1564 1612 Music 2010 Michael Dominic O Connor 172 Amen &b 2 A - men a - men a - men. Michael Dominic O Connor O.P. After Verbum Caro Factum Est Hans Leo Hassler 1564 1612 Music 2010 Michael Dominic O Connor 173 Agnus Dei & b 2 2 Lamb b of. God you # take a - ay the sins of the & b Πb. b orld & b Lamb & b orld b of mer - cy on. God b grant us you us peace # take a - ay the mer - cy on grant us us. sins of the U # peace. James McGregor After Verbum Caro Factum Est Hans Leo Hassler 1564 1612 Music 2010 James McGregor

Mass of St. Michael Kyrie 174 &b 2Cantor 2. All. Lord &b Cantor Christ &b Cantor Lord mer - cy. mer - cy. mer - cy. Lord All Christ All Lord mer - cy. mer - cy. mer - cy. Michael Dominic O Connor O.P. After Cherubikon Ukrainian chant Music 2010 Michael Dominic O Connor Gloria 175 & # # 2 2. Glo - ry to God in the high - & # #. est and on earth peace to peo - ple of good ill. We & # #. praise you e bless you e a - dore & # # you e glo - ri - fy you e give you & # # thanks for your great glo - ry Lord God heav'n-ly & # # King O God al - might - y Fa - ther. b & bsloer Lord Je - sus Christ On - ly Be - got - ten Son & b

&b Mass of St. Michael &b Lord God &b take a - ay the &b mer - cy on Lamb of. us; sins God you Son of the of the take a - ay the Fa - ther you orld sins &b &b of the you are & b &b Fa - us. & # #. ther U Ho - ly orld re - seat - ed mer - cy on Tempo I # # For you a - One you a - ceive our at the right us lone lone are the prayer; hand of the mer - cy on are the Lord you a - & # # lone are the & # # Spi - rit & # # God the Text 2010 ICEL Most High Je - sus in Fa - ther. the Christ. glo - A - ith the Ho - ly ry U of men. Michael Dominic O Connor O.P. After Krestu Tvoyemu and Cherubikon Ukrainian chant Music 2010 Michael Dominic O Connor

& b 2 Ho - ly &b &b Heav - en and san - na in the &b Bles - sed is earth Ho - ly are high - est ho - he Mass of St. Michael Ho - ly Lord full of your ho comes san - na in the he ho Sanctus 176 God of hosts. glo - ry. Ho - U high - est. comes in the &b name of the &b high - est ho - Text 2010 ICEL Lord. Ho - san - na in the san - na in the U high - est. Michael Dominic O Connor O.P. After Cherubikon Ukrainian chant Music 2010 Michael Dominic O Connor & b 2 2 When e eat this & b Memorial Acclamation B 177 Bread and drink this e pro - claim your Death O Lord un - til you come a - Cup gain. U Text 2010 ICEL Michael Dominic O Connor O.P. After Cherubikon Ukrainian chant Music 2010 Michael Dominic O Connor

Mass of St. Michael 178 Amen &b 2 2 A - men a - men a - men. U Michael Dominic O Connor O.P. After Cherubikon Ukrainian chant Music 2010 Michael Dominic O Connor 179 Agnus Dei &b 2 2 Lamb of God you take a - ay the &b. mer - cy on &b sins of the us. orld sins of the Lamb of God you grant us orld take a - ay the peace. U Michael Dominic O Connor O.P. After Cherubikon Ukrainian chant Music 2010 Michael Dominic O Connor

N.B. - Some of the hymnal pages been omitted from this previe.

& b 4 4 Lord Heritage Mass mer - cy. Lord Kyrie 191 mer - cy. & b Christ mer - cy. Christ mer - cy. &b Lord mer - cy. Lord mer - cy. Oen Alstott Music 1978 OCP 5336 NE Hassalo Portland OR 97213 All rights reserved. Used ith permission. & # # 4 4 Glo - ry to God in the. J high - est and on Gloria 192 earth peace to & # # peo - ple of good & # # dore you e & # #. J. give you thanks for & # #. j heav n - ly King O & # # Lord & # # Lord Je - sus Christ God. ill. We. J glo - ri - fy j your great God Lamb of al - might - y praise you e bless you e a - glo - ry Fa - On - ly Be - got - ten God. you Son of the Πe Lord God Son ther.. Fa - ther & # # Π#

& # #. Heritage Mass & # # you take a- ay the sins of the orld Œ mer - cy on & # # us; & # # Œ & # # lone are the & # # Most & # #. re - ceive High Ho - ly you take a - ay the our & # # right hand of the Fa - ther prayer; & # # For you a - lone are the Lord Je - sus. Spir - it in the sins Œ. j you a - lone are the. Christ of the orld you are seat- ed at the mer - cy on J Ho - ly One. us.. you a - ith the j glo - ry of & # # Text 2010 ICEL God the Fa - ther. A - men. Oen Alstott Music 1987 2009 OCP 5336 NE Hassalo Portland OR 97213 All rights reserved. Used ith permission. 193 Sanctus & # # 4 4 Ho - ly Ho - ly. J Ho - ly Lord God of & # #. hosts.

& # 4 4. J Heritage Mass & # # Heav n and earth & # # are j full of your san - na! Ho - san - na in the & # # Blessed is he ho & # # j comes in the san - na! Ho - san - na in the Text 2010 ICEL & b 4 We pro - claim your Death O Lord &b Œ. Res-ur - rec-tion Text 2010 ICEL & b 4 4 & b When e eat this Cup &b. Lord Text 2010 ICEL Ó glo - high - name of the high -. Memorial Acclamation A 194 ry. Ho - est.. Lord. Ho - est. Oen Alstott Music 1978 2009 OCP 5336 NE Hassalo Portland OR 97213 All rights reserved. Used ith permission. and pro - fess your un - til you come un - til you come a - gain.. Bread Oen Alstott Music 1988 2009 OCP 5336 NE Hassalo Portland OR 97213 All rights reserved. Used ith permission. and e pro - claim your Œ Memorial Acclamation B 195 un - drink. Death til you come a - this gain. Oen Alstott Music 1988 2009 OCP 5336 NE Hassalo Portland OR 97213 All rights reserved. Used ith permission. O

Heritage Mass 196 Memorial Acclamation C &b 4. ΠSave us &b Cross and Res - ur - Text 2010 ICEL Sav - ior of the. rec - tion orld you set us for free. by your Oen Alstott Music 2009 OCP 5336 NE Hassalo Portland OR 97213 All rights reserved. Used ith permission. 197 Amen &4 4 A - men a - men a - men. Oen Alstott Music 1988 OCP 5336 NE Hassalo Portland OR 97213 All rights reserved. Used ith permission. 198 Lamb of God &b 4 4. Lamb of God you take a - ay the & b.. sins of the & b orld. mer - cy on us. Lamb of God you take a - ay the & b sins of the orld grant us peace. Oen Alstott Music 1978 OCP 5336 NE Hassalo Portland OR 97213 All rights reserved. Used ith permission.

N.B. - Some of the hymnal pages been omitted from this previe.