Libretto adapted from Lewis Carroll s Alice s Adventures in Wonderland by Marilyn Barnett and Gary Bachlund. Alice. Adventures in Wonderland

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Libretto adapted rom Lewis Carroll s Alice s Adventures in Wonderland by Marilyn Barnett and Gary Bachlund Alice Adventures in Wonderland Illustration by John Tenniel Gary Bachlund

Libretto adapted rom Lewis Carroll s Alice s Adventures in Wonderland By Marilyn Barnett and Gary Bachlund Alice Adventures in Wonderland Music by Gary Bachlund Piano-vocal score CONTENTS I. Lewis Carroll s Prologue orchestra 1 Lewis Carroll: All in a golden aternoon 2 II. Prelude to a Golden Aternoon orchestra 5 III. Childhood Dreams Alice: Well, what is the use o a book 8 White Rabbit: All in a golden aternoon 9 IV. Waiting by the Door Alice: Dear! Dear! Dear! 16 Alice: How doth the little crocodile 18 V. The Caucus-Race Alice, Mouse, Lory and Dodo 20 VI. The Mouse s Tail Mouse: Mine is a long and sad tale! 28 VII. He Took Me or His Housemaid Alice, Lory, Dodo and White Rabbit 29 VIII. Father William Caterpillar and Alice IX. Pig and Pepper Fish-Footman: For the Duchess with Frog-Footman and Alice 0 Cook: Too much pepper and Duchess: Speak roughly Alice: Could you tell me with Cheshire Cat 8 X. Three or Tea, and Four Makes More Mad Hatter, March Hare and Dormouse: No room with Alice 52 XI. Twinkle Mad Hatter, Alice, Dormouse and March Hare 61 XII. Tell Us a Story March Hare: I vote the young lady tell us a story with Alice, Mad Hatter and Dormouse 6 Dormouse: Once upon a time with Alice, March Hare and Mad Hatter 65 Ensemble: No Room! with Dormouse, March Hare Mad Hatter, Alice and White Rabbit 69 XIII. O! Queen o Hearts 72 XIV. The Croquet Party Queen o Hearts, Alice, King o Hearts, White Rabbit, Cheshire Cat, Duchess, Gryphon (Lewis Carroll) 75 XV. A Visit to the Mock Turtle Mock Turtle, Alice and Gryphon 85 Mock Turtle: Reeling and Writhing 88 XVI. The Lobster Quadrille Mock Turtle, Alice and Gryphon 9 XVII. The Voice o the Lobster Alice, Gryphon and Mock Turtle 97 XVIII. The Mock Turtle s Lament Mock Turtle: Beautiul Soup with Gryphon and Alice 101 XIX. Who Stole the Tarts? White Rabbit: Silence in Court! with King o Hearts, Queen o Hearts, Mad Hatter, March Hare, Dormouse, Dodo, Cook and Alice 10 White Rabbit: Please, your Majesty, there s more evidence with tutti 11 XX. A Letter rom Somebody White Rabbit: They told me you had been to her 116 XXI. Such a Curious Dream King o Hearts: The most iortant piece o evidence with tutti 118 Alice: Oh, I ve had such a curious dream 122

ALICE Adventures in Wonderland CAST In order o appearance (eighteen singers) Lewis Carroll / Gryphon lyric tenor Alice lyric mezzo soprano or lyric soprano White Rabbit countertenor Mouse tenor Lory baritone Dodo soprano or mezzo soprano Caterpillar baritone Fish-Footman baritone Frog-Footman baritone Cook soprano Duchess mezzo soprano Cheshire Cat baritone Mad Hatter baritone March Hare tenor Dormouse soprano Queen o Hearts bass baritone or baritone King o Hearts tenor Mock Turtle tenor ORCHESTRA Oboe I & II Horn I & II Percussion single player (suspended cymbal with sot and hard sticks, triangle, ive tubular bells - C#, G#, A, A# and B - castanets, tam-tam, wood block, tambourine, snare drum) Piano Harp Strings (divisi),,2,2,2,1 minimum

Alice Texts by Lewis Carroll as adapted and amended by Music by Marilyn Barnett and Gary Bachlund Gary Bachlund I. Lewis Carroll's Prologue [ Against a scrim at the ront o the stage is projected a portrait o Lewis Carroll, lanked by his photograhic portraits o Alice Liddell. ] Adagio p Adventures in Wonderland in memory o Virginia Ann Bachlund 6 molto rit. A teo quasi iroviso 6 pp 6 9 11 1 6 Copyright 2001, 201 Gary Bachlund All international rights reserved.

2 18 rit. Andante [ Carroll is discovered seated at a writing desk. ] 2 molto rit. 29 A teo LEWIS CARROLL All in a gold en a ter noon... ull lei sure ly we 5 glide... Who are you, A lice? Who are you in your os ter a 1 molto rit. A teo ther's eyes? How shall I pic ture you? Lo ving, irst - Lo ving and gen tle: p

7 gen tle as a dog (or give the pro sa ic si mi le, but I know no earth ly love so pure, so 5 per ect), and gent tle as a awn: then, cour te ous to all -- 60 high or low, grand or gro tesque, king or ca ter pil lar. Trust ul - rea dy to acrit. A teo 66 rit. cept the wild est im pos si bi li ties with all that ut ter trust that on ly dream ers know.

72 A teo Last ly, cur ious, wild ly cur ious, and with the en joy ment o p 79 lie - lie that come on ly in the hap py hours o child hood, when 85 all is new and air, new and air, when sin and sor row are but names - e ty words p 91 rit. [ Blackout on Lewis Carroll. ] sig ni y ing no thing! p

98 Andante 2 pp 2 II. Prelude to a Golden Aternoon [ The scrim projections o Lewis Carroll and Alice Liddell slowly ade out. ] 5 5 2 5 2 10 5 2 2 2 rit. 2 A teo 5 2 2 2 2 107 111 2 5 2 2 2 [ Curtain rises on a riverbank scene, a rowboat pulled onto the bank, the remains o a picnic lunch visible. Lewis Carroll manipulates a large marionette o a white rabbit (dressed in a duplicate o the costume worn by the White Rabbit at his irst entrance). Carroll's audience consists o Alice, her two sisters and the Reverend Robinson Duckworth. Alice is busy making a daisy chain. ] 116 2 p 2 2 2

6 122 2 2 126 9 9 10 9 2 9 2 15 2 6 2 10 2 2

7 1 5 [ The youngest girl spies something ostage worth investigating, and excitedly points to it. She ieriously drags Duckworth away, motioning or the others to come. ] 18 rit. A teo [ Carroll looks questioningly at Alice, who, politely stiling a yawn and shaking her head, remains seated, putting the inishing touches on her daisy chain. He exits. Alice is let alone onstage. ] 15 pp 2 2 6 6 [ Alice yawns again, then sleepily curious, looks into a book let behind by Duckworth. ] rit. 160 6 ppp segue

8 III. Childhood Dreams 165 Andante ALICE quasi recit. con rubato Well, what is the use o a book, with out pic tures or con ver sa tions? rit. 6 8 [ Alice awards the white rabbit marionette the "Order o the Daisy Chain," then yawns again and stretches out, ready or a nap. ] p 6 8 6 8 168 A teo 6 8 6 8 m 17 molto accel. 9 8 6 8 A teo [ Alice sleeps. ] m 9 8 pp 6 8 180 rit. A teo [ The White Rabbit appears rom behind the boat. ] 188

9 molto rit. 19 197 Allegro molto rit. A teo WHITE RABBIT [ To Alice. ] All in a gold en a ter noon, ull pp 205 lei sure ly we glide; or both our oars with lit tle skill by 21 lit tle arms are plied, while lit tle hands make vain pre tense our

10 221 Poco più mosso wan der ings to guide. A lice! A child ish sto ry 228 take, and, with a gen tle hand, lay it where child hood's 25 dreams are twined in mem o ry's mys tic band. Like pil grim's 22 molto rit. with ered wreath o lowers plucked in a ar o land.

11 29 A teo All in a gold en a ter noon, ull lei sure ly we glide; 256 or both our oars with lit tle skill by lit tle arms are plied, while 265 lit tle hands make vain pre tense our wan der ings to guide. 272 [ "Big Tom," the bell o the Christ Church clock, strikes the hal-hour. ] [ Startled, the White Rabbit checks his watch. Alice awakens in time to see him. ] Vivo Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall TUBULAR BELLS m m

12 278 [ Careully he replaces the watch in his pocket. ] molto accel. be too late! I shall be too late! I shall be too late! 282 molto rit. [ The White Rabbit makes his way to the rabbit hole, dropping his gloves and his an in his haste and... ] Andante 285 [...disappears. ] 286 6 6 6 6 288 [ Alice picks up the gloves and an and runs ater him. ]

1 291 2 2 29 [ She ollows him down the rabbit hole. ] molto rit. 2 2 296 [ The riverbank disappears. Alice's all into Wonderland occurs in slow motion. ] 2 m 2 Allegretto 01 07 7 7

1 11 2 8 2 2 8 2 15 2 2 20 2 [ Alice lands in a hall o mirrors and spies the White Rabbit. ] 2 2 2 p 2 2 25 Vivo WHITE RABBIT Oh my ears and whis kers! It is get ting late! It is get ting late! It is! Oh, how late it's 29 [ Exit White Rabbit. Alice tries to ollow but runs into a door which mysteriously has closed behind him. ] get ting!

molto rit. 15 [ A ballet o doors moves in ront o and behind Alice; and gradually they recede. ] 5 8 5 8 Largo pp 9 poco rit. A teo [ Meanwhile, very slowly and unperceived by Alice, water rises all around her. Tears. ] poco rit. A teo poco rit. 6 m A teo 5 58 molto rit. segue

16 IV. Waiting by the Door 6 Adagio ALICE Dear! Dear! Dear! 67 How queer ev' ry thing is to day. Where in the 5 5 p 5 70 5 world am I? Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh dear! How puzz ling this all is. Let me see i I 5 5

know all the things I used to know. Four times ive is twelve, and rit. Allegro 7 m our times six is thir teen, and our times se ven... 77 Oh, dear! Oh, dear! Oh, dear! 80 Oh, dear! Dear! Dear! Dear! Lon don is the ca pi tal o 8 6 6 6 6 5 6 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 [ She notices the rapidly rising water and begins to panic. ] 6 6 17

18 86 5 6 Pa ris, and Pa ris is the ca pi tal o Rome, and 5 5 6 6 89 [ Becoming visibly upset. ] 6 rit. 5 Rome... That's all wrong! Oh, dear! Oh, dear! I'll try to say "How doth the lit tle..." p 6 6 5 5 92 5 Andante How doth How cheer the ul lit ly tle he cro seems co to dile grin, im how 5 5 96 prove neat his ly shi ning spreads his tail, claws, and and pour wel the waters comes lit tle o ish the es Nile in

00 19 rit. A teo A teo 1. 2. on with ev' gen ry tly gol smi den ling scale! jaws. rit. A teo 0 [ By now she it is treading water. ] Oh, dear! Oh dear! Where am I, then? Tell me that... Who am 08 [ Suddenly... ] I? Tell me that... I am so ti red o be ing a lone here. m 6 attacca

20 V. The Caucus-Race 12 Andante [ Alice sees a Mouse swimming along with the other creatures. ] ALICE Oh Mouse, do you know 16 the way out o this pool? Per 20 [ The Mouse shrieks and quivers with right. The other creatures are alsrmed at Alice's rudeness. ] haps it's a French mouse... Ou est ma chatte? MOUSE Ah! 2 ALICE Oh, I beg your par don. I quite or got you did n't like

26 21 cats. MOUSE Not like cats! Would you like cats i you were me? 29 Our am' ly al ways ha ted cats: nas ty, low, vul gar things. Don't p 2 ALICE Are you... Are you ond o dogs? There is such a nice lit tle dog let me hear that name a gain! 5 [ The characters gather together. ] accel. Lento A teo near our house. Kills all the rats, and... Oh, dear! MOUSE Let us get to shore.

22 8 I'll tell you my his to ry, and you'll un der stand, un der stand why it is 6 m 6 1 rit. A teo MOUSE I hate cats and dogs. How to get LORY The irst ques tion o course... How to get dry. 5 rit. 15 8 dry. A hem! This is the dri est thing I know. 15 8 15 8 7 15 8 Andante [ Reciting. ] Will iam the Con que ror, whose cause was a vored by the 15 8 15 8

8 2 Pope, was soon sub mit ted to by the En glish, who 9 want ed lea ders, and had been o late much ac cus tomed to 50 u sur pa tion and con quest. Ed win and Mor car, the earls o Mer cia and North um bri a... 52 LORY MOUSE I beg your par don. Did you speak? How are Ugh! Not I! 6

2 55 5 DODO 5 ALICE The best thing to get us 5 As wet as e ver. you get ting on, my dear? 5 m 5 6 6 58 dry would be a cau cus race. ALICE What is a cau cus race? p 60 DODO Adagio...a cau cus race. A race course, in a sort o a cir cle. 6 6

6 25 12 8 The ex act shape does n't mat ter. One, two, three and a way! 12 8 12 8 65 Presto 12 8 [ They run in a circle, ollowing the Dodo. ] 12 8 12 8 68 71 7 77 rit. [ The Dodo suddenly stops. ]

26 80 DODO Adagio 5 The race is o ver! Ev' ry bo dy has won, and all must have pri zes. 5 5 8 Allegro MOUSE Why, she o course. MOUSE But who is to give the pri zes? Pri zes! LORY DODO 9 8 9 8 9 8 9 8 9 8 Pri zes! Pri zes! m 86 [ Alice inds some comits in her pocket and hands them around. ] DODO rit. Pri zes! Pri zes! Pri zes! Pri zes! Pri zes! MOUSE Pri zes! Pri zes! Pri zes! LORY Pri zes! Pri zes! Pri zes!

27 90 Adagio DODO [ Alice produces a thimble rom her pocket. ] But she must have a prize her sel, you know. What else have you in you po cket? p 9 [ The Dodo presents it back to Alice. ] Hand it o ver here. We beg your ac cep tance o this e le gant thim ble. 96 ALICE [ To the Mouse. ] Thank you. You pro mised to tell your his to ry. pp attacca

28 VI. The Mouse's Tail 501 Lento molto rit. Allegretto MOUSE Mine is a long and sad tale! Fu ry said to a mouse, that he met in the house, p 505 "Let us both go to law: I will pro se cute you. Come, I'll take no de nial; we must have a trial: 509 or real ly this morn ing I have no thing to do." Said the mouse to the cur, "Such a trial, dear sir, 51 with no ju ry or judge, would be wast ing our breath." "I'll be judge, I'll be ju ry,"said

516 29 cun ning old Fu ry: "I'll try the whole case and con demn you to death! To death! To death! Con 520 demn you to d...!" 52 [ The Mouse storms o angrily. ] You are not at tend ing! What are you think ing o? What are you think ing o? What? 527 VII. He Took Me For His Housemaid Andante ALICE [ Calling ater the Mouse. ] I beg your par don. Please come back, and

0 51 DODO Let i nish your sto ry. LORY What a pi ty it would n't stay. 5 this be a les son to you ne ver to lose your tem per. ALICE I wish I had my Di nah with p 57 DODO And who is Di nah? ALICE me. She'd soon etch it back. Our cat. LORY A cat!

51 [ All the remaining creatures scream and run o. ] 1 A cat! Ah! ALICE Our cat. I A cat! Ah! 6 6 6 6 5 Più mosso wish I had n't men tioned Di nah. No bo dy seems to like her here. p 57 [ The White Rabbit scurries by. looking or something. ] WHITE RABBIT The Du chess! The Du chess! Oh my dear paws! Oh ur and whisk ers! Where can p m

2 550 Poco più mosso I have dropped them? What are you do ing here? Ma ry Ann, run home this mo ment and 55 ALICE [ The White Rabbit disappears. ] Gloves and a an. etch me a pair o gloves and a an. Gloves and a an. 556 [ Taking them out o her pocket and regarding them, she then replaces them in her pocket. She sets out ater him. ] He took me or his house maid. But I'd bet ter take him his an and his gloves. m 559 attacca

VIII. "Father William" [ Suddenly, a Caterpillar appears, sitting upon a large mushroom and smoking a hookah. ] 561 Allegretto m 566 Adagio ALICE I hard ly know, sir. I'm not my sel, you see. CATERPILLAR Who are you? Ex plain your sel. p 569 ALICE I think you ought to tell me who you are. I don't see. Why? 572 [ Alice turns away, to leave. ] amante Come back! I've some thing im por tant to say. Keep your tem per. p

576 ALICE Allegretto Is that all? No. m 580 Adagio ALICE CATERPILLAR I'm a raid I am, sir. I can't re mem ber the things that I used to. So you think you've changed, do you? p pp 58 C Vivace ALICE You are C Can't re mem ber what things? Re peat"you are old, Fa ther Wil liam." p C C

586 5 old," Fa ther Wil liam, the young man said, "and your hair has be come ve ry white, and 590 [ The Caterpillar joins her, playing "Father William." ] yet you in ces sant ly stand on your head! Do you think, at your age, it is right? CATERPILLAR "In my p 59 youth,"fa ther Wil liam re plied to his son, "I eared it might in jure my brain; but 598 ALICE You are now that I'm per ect ly sure I have none, why I do it a gain and a gain!"

6 602 old," said the youth, "as I said be ore and have grown most un com mon ly at! Yet you 606 turned a so mer sault in at the door. Pray what is the rea son or that? CATERPILLAR "In my 610 youth,"said the sage as he shook his grey locks, "I kept all my limbs ve ry sup ple, by the 61 ALICE "You are use o this oint ment-- one shil ling a box. Al low me to sell you a cou ple?"

618 7 old,"said the youth,"and you jaws have grown weak or a ny thing tough er than su et; yet you 622 i nished the goose with the bones and the beak: pray how did you ma nage to do it?" CATERPILLAR "In my 626 youth," said his a ther,"i took to the law, and ar gued each case with my wie; and the p p 60 ALICE "You are mus cu lar strength, which it gave to my jaw, has last ed the rest o my lie!" p p p p p p

8 6 old," said the youth,"one would hard ly sup pose that your eye was as stea dy as ev er; yet you 68 ba lanced an eel on the end o your nose. What made you so aw 'lly cle ver?" CATERPILLAR "I have 62 an swered three ques tions and that is e nough!"said his a ther. "Don't give your sel airs! Do you 66 ALICE "You are think I can lis ten all day to such stu? Be o, or I'll kick you down stairs!"

9 650 old, Fa ther Wil liam," the young man said, and, or that, he was kicked down stair! "You are old, the young man said, and, or that, he was kicked down stairs! 65 Lento [ Apologetically. ] Not quite right, I'm a raid. It is wrong rom be gin ning to end. 658 Allegretto [ The Caterpillar climbs o the mushroom and crawls away. ] Are you con tent now? 661 6 6 segue

0 IX. Pig and Pepper [ A Fish-Footman enters, bearing an over-sized letter. ] 666 Andante 2 2 [ He knocks at a door in the mushroom. A Frog-Footman opens the door o the mushroom-house, and inadventently closes it behind him. ] 672 678 rit. FISH-FOOTMAN Adagio For the Du chess. An in vi ta tion 68 rom the Queen to play cro quet. FROG-FOOTMAN From the Queen an in vi ta tion to the Du chess to play cro quet.

690 1 For the Du chess. For the Du chess. Duchess. Du chess. Du chess. From the Queen. From the Queen. Queen. Queen. Queen. 69 [ The Frog-Footman stos o. The Fish-Footman sits at the door o the house, as Alice approaches, rom which are heard noises. ] 699 [ Alice knocks on the door. ] There's no use knock ing. First, be cause FISH-FOOTMAN 2 2 m 2 70 I'm on the same side o the door as you are. Se cond ly, be causethey're ma king sucha noise in

2 708 ALICE Please then, side, such a noise in side, no one could pos si bly hear you. 71 how am I to get in? FISH-FOOTMAN Are you meant to get in at all? 719 That is the ques tion, you know. I shall sit here, on and o, or days and days, days and days, 72 days and days, days and days, days and days, and

726 days! Days and days! 729 ALICE Oh, there's no use in talk ing to him. He's per ect ly id i o tic! p 7 [ The door is thrown open, and the Cook storms out, pot and spoon in hand and, seeing Alice, oers her a taste o the soup. The Duchess ollows carrying a baby. ] COOK Too much? Too much pep per 78 in that soup? Too much pep per in that soup? Too much! ALICE Too much pep per in that soup? Oh, I don't pp

72 [ Supressing a sneeze. ] know. Ah... DUCHESS Cer tain ly, too much o it in the You don't know much, and that's a act! That's a act! 76 air! Ah... DUCHESS I ev' ry bo dy mind ed their own bus' ness, the world would go round a 750 molto rit. ALICE Ah... deal ast er than it does!...choo! C C C C

5 [ The Duchess begins to shake the baby. Unobserved, a Cheshire Cat creeps onto the roo and watches, grinning. ] 75 Presto C DUCHESS Speak rough ly to your lit tle boy, and beat him when he C C 760 sneez es: he on ly does it to an noy be cause he knows it teas es. 765 COOK wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!

6 769 molto rit. A teo Wow! Wow! I speak se vere ly to my boy, I beat him when he sneez es; or 77 he can tho rough ly en joy the pep per when he plea ses! 778 COOK molto rit. wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!

7 78 A teo DUCHESS [ Handing the baby to Alice. ] Here! You can nurse it a bit, i you like! I must get rea dy to play cro p 788 quet with the Queen! Cro quet with the Queen! m 79 ALICE I I don't take this child a way... I I don't take this child a way... Don't p 799 grunt! That's not the pro per way o ex press ing your sel. I you're go ing to p p

8 80 turn in to a pig, I'll have no thing more to do with you. A dread ul ly ug ly p 809 [ The Cheshire Cat smiles down on Alice. ] Andante child, but a ra ther hand some pig. m 81 ALICE [ To the Cheshire Cat. ] Could you tell me please, which way I ought to go rom here? CHESHIRE CAT That de p 817 I don't much care where... pends a good deal onwhere you want to get to. Well...

9 821 Well, then it does n't mat ter which way you go, which way you go. 825 In that di rec tion lives a Hat ter. And in that di rec tion lives a March Hare. 829 Vi sit ei ther, ei ther you like they're both quite mad. Quite 8 mad. We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad. I'm mad. We're all mad here.

50 87 ALICE [ Indignantly. ] No! You must be or you would n't have come... Do you play cro quet with the Queen 81 ALICE I had n't been in vi ted. to day? By the bye, what be 86 It turned in to a pig. came o the ba by? Ah! Did you say 'pig' or

850 51 I said 'pig.' It turned in to a pig. 'ig?' I thought it would. We're all 85 mad here. I'm mad. You're mad. I'm mad. We're all mad here. You 858 must be or you would n't have come... Would n't have! I'm mad. 861 molto rit. ALICE Rav ing mad, a ter all! You're mad. I'm mad. We're all mad here. Mad! Mad! p attacca

52 X. Three or Tea, and Four Makes More [ The Cheshire Cat disappears abruptly. The mushroom-house descends back into the ground, revealing the Mad Hatter, March Hare and Dormouse at a tea-table. ] 865 Allegretto MAD HATTER No room! No room! MARCH HARE No 869 ALICE molto rit. 12 8 There's plen ty o room. 12 8 room! No room! 12 8 For whom? 12 8 12 8 872 12 8 Vivo DORMOUSE 12 8 MARCH HARE No room! No room! No room! No room! No 12 8 No room! No room! No room! No room! MAD HATTER No room! No room! No room! No room! No 12 8 12 8 m

87 5 room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No No room! No room! No room! No room! room! No room! No room! No room! No 876 room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No No room! No room! No room! No room! room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No 878 room! No room! No room! No room! No No room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No

5 880 room! No room! No room! room! No room! No room! room! No room! No room! pp Andante 882 ALICE MARCH HARE [ Alice sits at the table. The Dormouse tends to doze o. ] I don't see a ny wine. Then it was n't ve ry Have some wine. There is n't a ny. MAD n't a ny. p

885 55 ci vil o you to o er it. MARCH HARE It was n't ve ry ci vil o you to sit down with out be ing in vi ted. MAD HATTER Why is a 888 ALICE I be lieve I can guess that. ra ven like a wri ting desk? 890 ALICE Ex act ly so. MARCH HARE Do you mean that you think you can ind the an swer? Then you should say what you p p

56 89 I do-- at least I mean what I say. That's the same thing, you know. mean. p m 896 MAD HATTER Not the same thing a bit! Why, you might as well 899 say that "I see what I eat: is the same thing as "I eat what I see!" p 902 MARCH HARE Why, you might as well say that "I like what I get" is the same thing as "I get what I like."

905 DORMOUSE 57 Why, you might as well say that "I breathe when I sleep" is the same thing as "I sleep when I p 908 breathe." MARCH HARE It is the same thing with you. MAD HATTER What day o the month is it? What m 911 ALICE The ourth. [ To the March Hare. ] [ To Alice. ] day! Two days wrong! I told you but ter would n't suit the works. Have you p

58 915 ALICE No.What's the an swer? guessed the rid dle yet? I have n't the slight est i 919 ALICE MARCH HARE You might do some thing bet ter with your time than wast ing it in ask ing Nei ther have I. de a. 922 rid dles that have no an swer. MAD HATTER I you knew Time as well as m

59 925 ALICE I I do, you would n't talk a bout wast ing it. I dare say you ne ver e ven spoke to Time. 929 know I have to beat time when I learn mu sic. 92 MAD HATTER Ah, that ac counts or it. He won't stand a beat ing... Now, i on ly you'd kept on good 95 terms with him, he'd do al most a ny thing you like with the clock. Sup pose it were nine o'

60 98 clock, time or les sons. Whis per to time, round goes the clock. Hal past one, time or din ner! 92 ALICE MARCH HARE [ Wistully. ] That would be grand, cer tain ly. I on ly wish it was. MAD HATTER You could keep it to hal past one as 96 ALICE 5 Is that the way you man age? 5 long as you liked. Not I. 5 5 segue

XI. Twinkle Allegretto molto rit. 99 MAD HATTER A teo We quar reled last night just be ore he went mad at the con cert giv en by the m 61 [ Indicating the March Hare. ] 95 molto rit. A teo Queen o Hearts. I had to sing... I had to sing! Twin kle, twin kle, lit tle bat. 958 5 molto rit. A teo How I won der what you're at. You know the song per haps? Up a bove the 5 5 961 molto rit. A teo molto rit. A teo ALICE I've heard some thing like it. Twin kle, twin kle, lit tle bat. How I won der world you a tea tray in the sky. It goes on. Twin kle, twin kle,

62 965 molto rit. A teo molto rit. A teo DORMOUSE [ Sleepily. ] Twin kle, twin kle. what you're at. Twin kle, twin kle lit-... lit tle bat. How I won der what you're at. 970 Poco più mosso Twin kle, twin kle. Twin kle, twi-... Well, I'd hard ly start ed my third verse, when the Queen bawled out,"he's 975 molto rit. ALICE A teo How dread ul ly sa vage! mur der ing time! O with his head!" And ev er since then, he

978 molto rit. 6 A teo Then you won't do a thing that I ask. It's al ways tea time. Tea time. We've no time to wash things. 982 Meno mosso molto rit. keep mo ving round? But what hap pens when you come to the be gin ning? As the things get used up. Ah! 986 [ Alice surreptitiously examines the inside o her cup. ] 2 Hmm. 2 Sup pose we change the sub ject! 2 2

6 XII. Tell Us a Story 989 Andante m MARCH HARE I vote the young la dy tell us a sto ry. p ALICE [ Rather alarmed. ] I don't know a ny 99 sto ries. MARCH HARE MAD HATTER Then the Dor mouse shall! Wake up, Dor mouse! Then the Dor mouse shall! Wake up, Dor mouse! 996 DORMOUSE [ Sleepily. ] I was n't a sleep. I heard ev' ry word you el lows were say ing. ALICE Tell us a Wake up! Wake up! Ha! Wake up!wake up!

999 65 sto ry! Yes, please do! Tell us a sto ry! Tell us a sto ry! Tell us a sto ry! MAD HATTER Be quick a bout it, or you'll 1002 DORMOUSE [ Huge yawn. ] 2 Once... Once up on a time there were 2 be a sleep be ore it's done. 6 2 6 2 p 1007 three sis ters and they lived at the bot tom o a well. ALICE What did they live on?

66 101 They lived on trea cle. Trea cle. So they were, ALICE But the'd have been ill rom it. 1019 ve ry ill... Ve ry ill. Ve ry ill. ALICE [ Slightly oended. ] MARCH HARE I've had no thing Ve ry ill. Have some more tea. 1025 DORMOUSE And yet, so I can't take more. MARCH HARE You mean you can't take less. It's ve ry ea sy to take more than no thing. p

67 10 so these three sis ters-- they were learn ing to draw... learn ing to draw... Trea cle. ALICE What did theydraw? 109 [ They all move over, one at a time, examining careully the new place setting. ] MAD HATTER Theywere learn ing to draw, learn ing to draw, and they learned all I want a new cup,let's all move one place on. 106 [ The Dormouse has begun to sleep and is pinched awake by the March Hare. ] DORMOUSE man ner o things, ev' ry thing that be gins with "M."...that be ALICE Why with an "M?" MARCH HARE Why not?

68 1052 gins with "M." Mouse traps, and the moon, and me mo ry and much ness. Did you 1058 ev er see such a thing as a draw ing o much ness? ALICE A draw ing o much ness? 106 Now that you ask, I don't think... MARCH HARE Then you should n't talk! Should n't talk, MAD HATTER Then you should n't talk! Should n't talk,

1069 12 8 Vivo q. = 92 DORMOUSE 69 12 8 No room! No room! No room! No room! No 'cause there's no room! No room! No room! No room! No 12 8 'cause there's no room! No room! No room! No room! No room! 12 8 12 8 m 1072 room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No No room! No room! No room! No room! 107 room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No No room! No room! No room! No room!

70 1076 room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No room! room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No room! No room! [ Alice leaves the table abruptly. ] Andante 1079 2 ALICE Well,that's the stu pid est tea par ty that I was ev er at in all my 2 2 p 1085 lie. The stu pid est stu pid est, stu pid est tea par ty that I was ev er at in p

1090 71 all my lie. But ev' ry thing's cu ri ous, cu ri ous, cu 1096 rious to day. Allegretto [ The White Rabbit runs by. ] WHITE RABBIT The Queen! The 6 m 1100 DORMOUSE molto rit. [ The Dormouse, March Hare and Mad Hatter run o, terriied. ] The Queen! Queen! The Queen! The Queen! MARCH HARE MAD HATTER The Queen! The Queen! attacca

72 XIII. O! [ The Queen o Hearts enters in high dudgeon preceded by the Gryphon (Lewis Carroll) bearing a banner emblazoned with the Mock Turtle encircled by the inscription, "Queen o Hearts and Marchioness o Mock Turtle." The Queen o Hearts, the White Rabbit as herald, and the other eleven Hearts ollow behind as the Queen's entourage. ] 110 Andante c QUEEN OF HEARTS O with their heads, I say! O with their heads! O! O! O! O! c c m col 8va bassa 1108 O, I say, with their heads! O with their heads! O with their heads,i say! 1111 O! I say lop them o and chop them o and pop them o to day! O with their heads, I say! 111 O with their heads! O! O! O! O! O, I say, with their heads! O! O! O! O!

1118 7 O! O! O! O! O! O! O! O! O! O! O! O! O their heads, I say! 1121 O! O! O! O! O! O with their heads! 112 O! O! O! O! O! O! O! 1127 O with their heads, I say! O with their heads! O! O! O! O! O, I say, with their heads! m

7 111 O with their heads! O with their heads, I say! O! I say lop them o and chop them o and 11 pop them o to day! O with their heads! O with their heads! O! O! O! O! 118 O! O! O! O! O! O! O! O! O! O! o with ev' ry lit tle one o their heads! 111 O with their heads, I say! O!

XIV. The Croquet Party 116 Andante 75 QUEEN OF HEARTS [ Noticing Alice. ] Who is this? What's your name, child? p 1150 ALICE [ To hersel. ] A lice. My name is A lice, i it please your Ma jes ty. (They're pp 115 on ly a pack o cards. I need n't be a raid o them.) QUEEN OF HEARTS [ Indicating the Cards. ] And who are these? col 8va bassa

76 1156 How should I know? It's no bus' ness o mine. QUEEN OF HEARTS O with her head! m col 8va bassa 1159 ALICE Non sense! Non sense! KING OF HEARTS Con si der my dear: she is on ly a child... O with her... m 116 ALICE [Mallet hit. The croquet ball rolls. With the percussion, the Queen o Hearts begins to play, needless to say with minimal regard or the rules.] [ To Alice. ] QUEEN OF HEARTS Yes. Can you play cro quet? Come on, then! Ha!

1167 77 [Mallet hit. The croquet ball rolls. ] WHITE RABBIT [ To Alice, with a nervous eye on the Queen o Hearts. ] It's... Come on, then! Ha! 1171 It's... Its' a ve ry ine day. ALICE Ve ry. Where's the 117 Hush! She's un der sen tence o ex e cu tion! She boxed the Queen's ears... [ Smothering a laugh. ] Du chess? Ha!

78 1177 CHESHIRE CAT [ Appearing discretely. ] QUEEN OF HEARTS How are you get ting on? Get to your pla ces! O with his head! O with his head! 1181 ALICE I don't think they play air ly at all. They don't seem to have a ny rules. CHESHIRE CAT How do you like the 118 ALICE [ Noticing the Queen listening in on her conversation. ] Not at all. She is so ex treme ly... like ly to win, Queen? 5

1187 79 [ The Queen o Hearts smiles, and moves on. ] Adagio that it is hard ly worth while in ish ing the game. p 1190 Andante ALICE KING OF HEARTS A riend o mine. Who are you talk ing to? col 8va bassa 119 I don't like the look o it at all. But it may kiss my hand, i it likes. p m

80 1197 KING OF HEARTS CHESHIRE CAT Don't be im per ti nent! I'd ra ther not! I'd ra ther not! I'd ra ther not! m 1201 ALICE [ To the Queen. ] It My dear, have this cat re moved! QUEEN OF HEARTS O with its head! m 120 be longs to the Du chess: you'd bet ter ask her a bout it. QUEEN OF HEARTS Fetch her here! p

81 1208 [ The game resumes till the Duchess is marched on. ] 1212 [ The Duchess is marched on. ] DUCHESS [ To Alice. ] You can't think how glad I am to see you a gain. m 1215 ALICE [ aware o the Queen's gaze. ] The game's go ing on ra ther bet ter now. 1218 DUCHESS 'Tis so... "Tis so, and the mo ral is - Ra ther bet ter now.

82 1221 Oh, 'tis love, 'tis love, that makes the world go round. ALICE Some bo dy said that it's done by 122 DUCHESS Ah well, ah well, it means much the ev' ry bo dy else mind ing their own bus' ness. 1227 same thing, and the mo ral o that is "Take care o the sense and the sounds will take 120 [ Weakly, to the Queen, who has suddenly come by. ] care o them selves." A ine day, your Ma jes ty. p

12 QUEEN OF HEARTS 8 [ The Duchess exits hurriedly. ] Ei ther you or your head must be o, and that in a bout hal no time. col 8va bassa 127 QUEEN OF HEARTS [ To Alice. ] Have you seen the Mock Tur tle? m 120 ALICE The Mock Tur tle? [ To the Gryphon. ] The thing Mock Tur tle soup is made rom. Up, la zy thing! m 12 Take this young la dy to see the Mock Tur tle. I must see a ter some ex e cu tions. p

8 126 molto rit. [ The Queen exits without po, her entourage ollowing quickly behind her. ] Adagio GRYPHON [ To Alice, in a deinitely "non-u" accent. ] It's all her an cy. They p m p 1250 ALICE I ne ver ex e cutes no bo dy, you know. Come on! 1252 ne ver was so or dered a round be ore. Ne ver. attacca

XV. A Visit to the Mock Turtle [ Alice and the Gryphon leave the croquet party, and walk together. ] 1255 Andante 85 m 1259 [ Sounds o sobbing are heard rom aar. ] 126 [ Alice and the Gryphon come upon the Mock Turtle, who is weeping. ] 1267 ALICE MOCK TURTLE What is his sor row? Ah! ( sobbing sounds ad lib. ) p 6

86 1271 GRYPHON It's all his an cy, that; he has n't got no sor row, no sor row, you know. It's all his p 1275 ALICE rit. No sor row? an cy. No. This here young la dy wants or to know your 6 1278 Lento MOCK TURTLE Ah! his to ry.

87 1281 [ In an extremely upper-class accent. ] [ A big sigh. ] Sit down, and don't speak a word till I've in ished. Once 128 [ They listen encouragingly. ] I was a real tur tle. We were so lit tle. We went to school in the sea. 1287 The mas ter was an old Tur tle. We used to call him Tor toise. ALICE [ Unable to rerain rom interrupting. ] 1289 rit. Why did you call him Tor toise when he was n't one? MOCK TURTLE Be cause he taught us!

88 Lento 1291 [ Resuming his tale. ] Reel ing and Writh ing, then the di' rent bran ches o ma the ma tics - 129 Am bi tion, Dis trac tion, Ug li i ca tion, and De ri sion. 1296 There was mys te ry, an cient and mo dern. Then Drawl ing, Stretch ing and Faint ing in 1298 Coils. Coils. Coils. Coils. We were so lit tle. Ah!

89 101 ALICE How ma ny hours a day did you do les sons? Ah! Ten hours the irst day and then 10 nine the se cond and so on, That's the rea son, the rea son 106 that they're called les sons, be cause they less en rom day to day,

90 108 less en rom day to day, day to day, day to day. GRYPHON [ Interrupting. ] That's e nough a bout les sons. Games, now! MOCK TURTLE 111 [ The Gryphon is obliged to shake the Mock Turtle, to stop his sobbing. ] Ah! ( sobbing sounds ad lib. ) p 6 11 ALICE MOCK TURTLE I have n't. You may not have lived much un der the sea......and per haps you were

116 91 ALICE [ Hastily collecting her thoughts. ] I once tas ted... No, ne ver. ne ver in tro duced to a lob ster? 118 MOCK TURTLE So, you can have no i dea what a de light ul thing a lob ster Qua drille is. 120 MOCK TURTLE [ Irritated by constant interruptions. ] Two lines! You ad vance twice! GRYPHON You orm in to a line a long the sea shore... Each with a lob ster as a part ner.

92 12 Change lob sters and re tire in the same or der. Then you Change lob sters and re tire in the same or der....the lob sters... 125 ar out to sea as you can. Turn a so mer sault in the sea. Swim a ter them! 127 [ The Mock Turtle and Gryphon sit, suddenly silent. The Mock Turtle glares at the Gryphon. ] Back to land! Back to land. Land. Change lob sters a gain! That's the irst ig ure. Back to land. ppp 6

10 ALICE [ Nonplussed, but polite. ] 9 rit. It must be ve ry pret ty. MOCK TURTLE [ Eagerly. ] Would you like to see it? We can do it with out 12 lob sters. GRYPHON [ Tactully. ] You sing. I've or got ten the words. XVI. The Lobster Quadrille [ The Mock Turtle and Gryphon approach one another, and bow. Hand in hand, they dance mincingly. ] Adagio m 2 2 2 2 16 2 "Will you walk a lit tle as ter?" said a whi ting to a snail,"there's a por poise close be MOCK TURTLE 2 2

9 10 2 2 hind us, and he's tread ing on my tail. See how ea ger ly the lob sters and the tur tles 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 all ad vance! They are wait ing on the shin gle -- will you come and join the dance? 2 2 2 2 18 Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, won't you join the dance? 2 2 2 [ Giving stage directions. ] 151 2 Will you, won't you, will you,won't you, won't you join the dance? Slow ly and sad ly... 2 2

155 95 2 "You can real ly have no no tion how de light ul it will be when they take us all and 2 2 159 2 2 throw us, with the lob sters, out to sea!" But the snail re plied"too ar, too ar!"and gave a 2 2 2 2 16 2 2 look a skance -- said he, thanked the whi ting kind ly, but he would not join the dance. 2 2 2 2 167 Would not, could not, would not, could not, would not join the dance. 2 2 2

96 170 Would not, could not, would not, could not, would not join the dance. m 17 Dance! Would not, could not, would not, could not, would not join the 176 2 Dance! Dance! I should like to hear her re peat some thing now. 2 pp 2 180 ALICE I can't re mem ber things to day. I've tried to say, "how doth the lit tle

97 182 rit. bu sy bee" and "Fa ther Wil liam." GRYPHON Stand up and re peat 'Tis the 6 18 voice o the slug gard.' XVII. The Voice o the Lobster ALICE [ Reciting, as i in class. ] Allegretto 'Tis the voice o the lob ster, I heard him de clare--"you have 188 baked me too brown, I must su gar my hair! As a duck with his eye lids, so he with his nose trims his

98 192 belt and his but tons, and turns out his toes. When the sands are all dry, he is gay as a lark, and will 196 talk in con te tu ous tones o the shark: But, when the tide ri ses and sharks are a round, his 100 voice has a ti mid and trem u lous sound. GRYPHON [ Puzzled, but tolerant. ] That's di 'rent rom what I used to say when I was a child.

99 10 MOCK TURTLE [ Disdainully. ] It sounds un com mon non sense. GRYPHON [ To Alice, encouragingly. ] Go on with the next verse. It be gins "I 107 ALICE I passed by his gar den, andmarked with one eye, how the owl and the pan ther were passed by his gar den." 111 shar ing a pie: The pan ther took pie crust and gra vy and meat, while the owl had the dish as its

100 115 share o the treat. When the pie was all i nished, the owl as a boon, was kind ly per mit ted to 119 po cket the spoon: while the pan ther re ceived knie and ork with a growl, and con clu ded the ban quet by... 12 MOCK TURTLE By ar the most con us ing thing that I e ver heard! GRYPHON [ Sagely. To the Mock Turtle. ] rit. 128 I think you'd bet ter leave o. Sing her "Tur tle Soup,"will you old el low?

XVIII. The Mock Turtle's Lament with mournul praise * Allegretto 11 MOCK TURTLE Beau Beau ti ti ul ul 101 soup, soup! so Who rich, cares and or green, ish! wait ing Game! Or in a a ny p 18 * Lugubriously melliluent, that is to say. hot o tu ther reen. dish? Who or such Who would not dain give ties all would else not or stoop? two 1 Soup pen o ny the worth ev' on ning, ly o beau beau ti ti ul ul soup! soup? Soup Soup o o the the ev' ev' ning, ning, 150 beau beau ti ti ul ul soup! soup! Beau Beau ti ti ul ul soup! soup! Beau Beau ti ti ul ul soup! soup! Soup Soup o the o the

102 157 ev' ev' ning! ning! Beau Beau ti ti ul ul soup! soup! 16 Allegretto ALICE GRYPHON [ To Alice. ] What trial is that? Come on! The trial's be gin ning! subito pp 167 rit. [ The Gryphon providently claps his hand over the Mock Turtle's mouth to stop him. ] MOCK TURTLE m p Soup o the ev' ning! Beau ti ul... subito pp 171 Allegretto [ All the Wonderland characters ill the stage, some as jurors, others as spectators, and oicers o the court. The prisoner, the Knave o Hearts, is led onstage.] non rit. attacca

XIX. Who Stole the Tarts? 175 9 8 9 8 9 8 Con moto q. = 100 WHITE RABBIT [ sel-iortantly. ] 10 Si lence in court! m 179 WHITE RABBIT KING OF HEARTS The Queen o Hearts, she Read the ac cu sa tion! 18 12 8 9 8 made some tarts, all on a sum mer day; The Knave o Hearts, he stole those tarts and 12 8 9 8 12 8 9 8 187 WHITE RABBIT [ With the nervous reproo o a courtier. ] took them quite a way. Not yet! Not yet! Not KING OF HEARTS Con si der your ver dict.

10 191 yet! There's a great deal to come be ore that! KING OF HEARTS Call the irst wit ness! Call the irst wit ness! 195 [ The Mad Hatter takes the witness stand, tea-cup and saucer in hand. The Queen o Hearts looks at him rowning. ] molto rit. c First wit ness! First wit ness! c c 199 c Andante rit. Andante MAD HATTER c QUEEN OF HEARTS [ To the White Rabbit. ] I beg your par don, your Bring me a list o the last sin gers at the last con cert! c c

105 1502 Ma jes ty, or bring ing these in, but I had n't quite i nished my tea, when I was sent or. 1505 KING OF HEARTS When did you be gin? MAD HATTER Four teenth o March, I think it was. m 1509 DORMOUSE [ Sleepily. ] MARCH HARE Six teenth. Fi teenth. KING OF HEARTS Write that down! Take o your hat! MAD HATTER It is n't

106 151 Sto len! Sto len! Give your e vi dence, and don't be mine. I'm a hat ter. I've none o my own. [ The Queen o Hearts thinks to have discovered the identity o the Hatter as a singer in the concert. ] 1516 molto rit. Moderato molto rit. ner vous, or I'll have you ex e cu ted on the spot! QUEEN OF HEARTS O with his head! 1520 Andante KING OF HEARTS [ Interrupting. ] MAD HATTER The I'm a good man, your Ma jes ty. I had n't be gun my tea, when the twink ling o the tea...

152 107 twink ling o what? O course, twink ling be gins with a "T!" MAD HATTER It be gan with tea... 1527 MARCH HARE [ Indignantly. ] I did n't! I de Most things twink led a ter that. On ly, the March Hare said... You did! 6 150 DODO But what did the Dor mouse say? ny it! ny it! KING OF HEARTS MAD HATTER He de nies it! Leave that part out! Ha! 6

108 15 KING OF HEARTS MAD HATTER You must re mem ber or I'll have you ex e cu ted! That I can't re mem ber. 156 O with his head! MAD HATTER QUEEN OF HEARTS I'm a poor man, your O with his head! 158 KING OF HEARTS You're a ve ry poor spea ker. I that's all you know, you may Ma jes ty. m

150 109 stand down. You may I can't go no low er. I'm stand ing on the loor. 15 go! Go! Out side. Out side. 9 8 QUEEN OF HEARTS And just take o his head out side, Out side. 9 8 9 8 9 8 156 9 8 9 8 Con moto q. = 100 [ The Mad Hatter exits the witness stand, and takes a place in the courtroom. ] WHITE RABBIT KING OF HEARTS Call the next wit ness. Call the next wit ness! 9 8 9 8 m

110 1550 [ The Cook takes the witness stand. ] Next wit ness! Next wit ness! KING OF HEARTS Your e vi dence? 155 COOK Shan't. WHITE RABBIT [ Apologetically. ] Your Ma jes ty must cross ex a mine this wit ness. 1558 COOK Andante c Pep per most ly. DORMOUSE c KING OF HEARTS Trea cle. c What are tarts made o? c QUEEN OF HEARTS Be c c

111 1562 ALICE [ To the Cheshire Cat, by whom she is seated. ] KING OF HEARTS They have n't got much e vi dence Call the next wit ness. head that Dor mouse! O with its whisk ers! 1566 Con moto molto rit. q. = 100 yet. CHESHIRE CAT We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad. Mad here. 9 8 9 8 9 8 9 8 9 8 WHITE RABBIT Call the next wit ness! 1570 [ Surprised, Alice jus up and runs to the witness stand. ] A lice! A lice! A lice! KING OF HEARTS What do you know o this

112 157 ALICE No thing. No thing what ev er? bus' ness? No thing what ev er? 1577 WHITE RABBIT [ Proting apologetically. ] KING OF HEARTS Un im por tant, your Ma jes ty That's ve ry im por tant. Ve ry im por tant. 1580 means. ALICE KING OF HEARTS It does n't mat ter a bit. Un im por tant, o course! O course!

11 [ The King o Hearts is aghast at Alice's iertinence. ] Adagio [ To Alice. ] [ To the jury. ] 158 KING OF HEARTS c divisi Si lence! Con si der your ver dict! c c 1587 c Andante WHITE RABBIT Meno mosso [ Uncertainly. ] c c Pleae, your Ma jes ty, there's more e vi dence yet to come. A let ter, writ ten by the pri son er pp 1591 [ Firmly. ] some bo some bo dy... KING OF HEARTS It must have been, un less it was writ ten to 159 6 WHITE RABBIT It's a set o ver ses. no bo dy which is n't u su al you know. subito pp

11 1597 WHITE RABBIT No. And there's no name, no name signed at the end. Are they in the pri son er's hand wri ting? I he 1600 did n't sign it, that can on ly make the mat ter worse. He must have meant some mis chie, or else 160 he'd have signed his name like an ho nest man! Here, here! Here, here! Here, here! QUEEN OF HEARTS [ All onstage except Alice. ] Here, here! Here, here! Here, here! Here, here! Here, here! Here, here! Here, here! Here, here! Here, here!

1605 115 So... O with his head! That proves his guilt, o couse! So... O with his head! [ All onstage except Alice, the White Rabbit and the Knave o Hearts. ] O with his head! O with his head! 6 1608 ALICE It does n't prove a ny thing o the sort. KING OF HEARTS Ha! Read the ver ses. Be Ha! Ha! Ha! p 6

116 1611 gin at the be gin ning, and go on till you come to the end; then 161 [ Sharply. ] [ Calmly. ] stop. Read the ver ses. Then stop. Stop. Read. XX. A Letter rom Somebody 1616 WHITE RABBIT C C pp C Allegro "They told me you had been to her, and men tioned me to him; she gave me a good 1622 cha rac ter, but said I could not swim. He sent them word I had not gone (We know it to be

1628 117 2 C true), i she should push the mat ter on, what would be come o you. I 2 C 2 C 16 C C gave her one, they gave her two, you gave us three or more; they all re turned rom him to you, though C 169 they were mine be ore. I I or she should chance to be in volved in this a air, he 165 trusts to you to set them ree, ex act ly as we were. My no tion was that you had been (be

118 1651 ore she had this it) an ob sta cle that came be tween him, and our selves, and it. Don't 1657 let him know she liked them best, or this must e ver be a se cret, kept rom 1662 molto rit. accel. 6 8 all the rest, be tween your sel and me. 6 8 6 8 XXI. Such a Curious Dream Con moto q. = 100 1666 6 8 6 8 6 8 9 8 9 8 9 8 KING OF HEARTS The most im por tant piece o e vi dence.

1670 ALICE 119 12 8 I a ny one o them can ex plain it, I'll give him six pence. 12 8 12 8 167 12 8 9 8 12 8 Ex plain it... Ex plain it... 12 8 9 8 12 8 12 8 9 8 12 8 1676 KING OF HEARTS 12 8 9 8 I there's no mean ing in it, that saves a world o trou ble. Let the 12 8 9 8 12 8 9 8 1679 ju ry con si der their ver dict. QUEEN OF HEARTS No! No! No! No! No! m

120 168 No! Sen tence irst-- ver dict a ter wards. Sen tence irst--ver dict a ter wards. 1687 q. = q c c ALICE Stu! Sen tence irst-- ver dict a ter wards. Sen tence irst--ver dict a ter wards. c c 1691 Stu and non sense. I won't! Stu and non sense. Non sense. QUEEN OF HEARTS Hold your tongue! 1695 Meno mosso ALICE Who Ah! O with her head!

1697 121 cares or you? You're no thing but a pack o cards. [ At the 'truth' o Alice's assertion, all the Wonderland creatures shriek, and mill about in conusion, beginning their exit. ] 1699 170 5 c 5 c 1707 2 c 2 c 1711 c 6 c

122 1715 [ Fade to black. ] molto rit. Adagio 1720 [ Lights slowly up on the riverbank scene. Alice is lying on the ground asleep. Lewis Carroll shakes her awake. ] 2 2 1725 ALICE Oh, I've had such a cu ri ous dream. Such a cu ri ous dream. pp 1727 [ In a short end pantomime, they pack up the picnic and set o or home. ] Andante 17 2 2 2 2 177 2 rit. 2 p