In Christ Alone. Keith Getty / Stuart Townend

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J œ. œ œ. œ œ. œ J œ œ.

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n Christ lone Keith etty / Stuart Townend 2

How eep Far s Love For Us Stuart Townend 3

mazg race Words: John Newn & John Rees / Traditional rican Tune 7 # # 13 # # # # 4 3. wretch fears 1. - 2. Twas ma - grace like re - # B/ found pear, B. lieved; Was The C # m bld, hour zg Ó grace taught How but how. once pre - B. now first sweet heart j was cious lost, did j be - sound fear, but see. lieved! That nd. now grace saved grace Ó a j am ap - 3. Through many dangers, ils snares, have already co; Tis grace has brought safe thus far, nd grace will lead ho. 4. nd when this flesh heart sh fail, nd mortal life sh cease; sh possess with veil, life of joy peace. 5.When we ve been re ten thous years, Bright shg as sun, We ve no less days sg od s praise, Than when we ve first begun. 4

Bee Throne of od bove Charatie Bancroft / William Badbury 4 3. plea., ness, j. j Be - e throne of od a - bove; have one strong per - fect When Sa - tan temps de - spair tells of wrong with - Be - hold Him re! The Ris - en Lamb; per - fect spot - less Right - eous - j great High Priest whose na is Love; who ev - er lives up - ward look see him re; who made an end The great un - change - a - ble m; Kg of lo -. J. s. grace.. heart. free. blood.. part,. od,. j. J ry pleads My na is grav - en on His hs; My na is writ - en on His Be - cause s - less Sav-ior died; s - ful soul is count-ed ne with Him - self can-not die; soul is pur - chased by His J For My know od, life is while Just hid j no with ngue look Christ can on is with. j of heav'n He sts no ngue can bid nce sat - is - fied; look on Him par - Christ on high; with Christ Sav - ior bid Him Sav - ior nce par - de don -. part. od. Πde - don 5

Love Will Not Let Me o Words: eorge Mason / Music: Chrispher Mer 4 & # 6 & # 8 & # 10 & # CP V & # 4 4 1. 2. 3. 4. Love Light Joy Cross m /F # rest yield can - dare not not wear - flick' - close ask give heart trace lay e re - back sres ra - dust m /F # its bow life's y rg feel from m the thy ri - brigh - morn cher, ter, sh sh o - sun - prom - ground m full - fair - tear - less end - less cean she's ise re er er will foll - seek - lift - C not - ow'st est est C /F #. let up through go, way, pa, head, soul rch heart e; e; e; fly from e; C # /F. li - fe bor - through glo - C rowed ry depths blaze is bloss - be. be. be. be. its its not oms /C Ó owe, ray, ra, dead, flow day va, red /B Ó j My j That That nd nd j May May That Life Œ 6

Sacred Head, Now Wounded Words: Bernard of Clairvaux / Trans. Jaems lexer / Music: Hans Leo Hassler 6 # 10 # 14 # # 4 4 1. 2.What 3.The 4.What sa - Thou, joy lang - /C # Bm /C # Bm now wound - hast suf - be spok - cred can uage scorn - this ful - was ly bo - dy - cred Head, f, of Life, The # Bm /C sa - here Lord make though on side let de - spised with cross ne - sur - trans - dy g what de - - ex - ver, Head, Lord, ne'er sh / # ed, With fered, Was en, - bor - row To # / round - gres - bro - sor - ed sion, ken row, glo - Sa - sir - ev - ry vior! g er, With But What Tis Nor B/ # /C # gor - fa - pir - ne - y vor, g, ver Vouch - d - # F m # C m grief bove praise Thee, sha weighed s - ners joys be - heaven - ly # F m # C m thorns, The thus pi - The with ty /C # Bm on - dead - safe - with - bliss glo - let til de - ry now serve now faith - ly ly ty out was less joy safe brea buse such c Thee soul dy - g F # m /C #. down, ga; side, friend, F # m. crown; pa. hide. end? # F. The place; see, prove. grace. Thee. love Now Me, When For Lo, My Lord Yet Look Be - h 5. Forbid should leave Thee Jesus leave not! By faith would receive Thee blood can make free When strength comt languish nd must hence depart Release n from anguish By The own wounded heart 6. Be near when am dyg h show cross nd succor flyg Co Lord set free These eyes new faith receivg From Jesus sh not move For he who dies believg ies safely, through love 7

Were You There frican-rican Spiritual / rr. Melva Wilson Costen 8

nd Can t Be Words: Charles Wesley / Music: Scott Roley Capo m 4 6 8 10 12 c 1.nd 2.He 3.Long 4.No can it be left His Fa - r's throne im - pri - soned spir - con dem - na - tion now - m terest so - s m fi - Him - dif - self fused Him, m who of a who Him - dun right - - dam's geon eous - Bm F # m zg cy fell ap - love!, off, proach How im - e - Bm F # m went od, od, th, crown, should it through Sav - nite na - Him, caused quick - li - death help - flad ness can nse heart ter - die found fol - Christ should a - it ga bove, lay, dread; n So Fast Je - - free, bound sus, ior's His ture's is blood! grace! night; ; ied mp - The - He tied eye live His but eng vg pa! love, ray; Head, For nd nd pur - less with di - sued? race. light; ve, - 'Tis My Bold bled woke, clod ma - r - chas it was nal be, free, free, throne, out lowed?! Thee. own. That For nd Thou, rose, claim - ma - 9

14 m 16 18 20 22 zg love! How can m od, should die m zg love! How can m od, should die m it be, That Thou,? - ma - it be, That Thou,? 10