Heavens Declare. The. the Glory of God! Table of Contenets. Creation, Vol. 3. Bible StorySongs.com

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Table of ontenets The Heavens eclare lory of od! reation, Vol. 3 Bible SrySongs.com 1. ehovah By Wdom Has ounded 2. Our od Eternal 3. Oh, Heavens eclare 4. Invible, od Invible. A lock Keeping Track of Minutes 6. You are Worthy, Lord 7. od, Our od ood 8. All Things ame Through Him 9. A-l-l T-h-i-n-g-s 10. Let re Be Light 11. The Eyes of Lord Run 12. Prae Him, Prae Him from Heavens. What Made Angels Sing Shout? 14. There Water, There s Water 1. When You See alling Rain Outside 16. Why Aren t re Any Men on Moon? 17. od Made Universe! 18. reat Thy aithfulness 2016 Bible SrySongs, Inc. All Rights Reserved

PK, W 4 3 9 19 1. e - 2. Oh, 3. Ha - ho - don't tab - life A m6 lhed for kno - feet ledge, ill skies drop on't be don af - vah let your H not by th A m - - dom dom hea - ven soul E m ith th on - stum - de raid, on ehovah by Wdom your ly ble made as you grass here sleep ill le - be - be lu - has de - found - part ed from le - - all kno - of ledge le - - - deep ri - alk don le - - - your lu - its so lu - vers lu - earth, sight. ah! orth; bright. ah! flo; street; ah! lo. seet. ah! HORUS: Ha - es - 'T Ha - H Your Ha - You Ha - 1 American Traditional ALTERNATE HORUS WITH ESANT 2 le - lu - ah! Ha - le - lu - ah. Ha - 29 le - - - lu - ah! Ha - Πle - - - lu - ah!

Our od Eternal 2.W. P.K. harles Rudolph riml m b b b 4 2 m6 m m m6 m m m. m6 Our od e - ter-nal, od's in - vi - si - ble, on - ly, al - migh-ty od 7 bb b m m m6 m m m6 m m m He! Have you heard - Him, knon Him? He's great cre - a - r; faints not! 14 bb b m6 m 7 - A b 7 - - m 7 m B b m6 m ne-ver ea - ry. Be - fore rug - ged moun-tains came forth He as od! 21 bb b m m6 7. n B b m 7 n # m m m6 m When He spoke, n hat - e'er He said as done! Our od e - ter - nal, 27 bb b m m6 m m m. m6 # n n m od's in - vi - si - ble, on - ly, al - migh - ty od He!

Oh, Heavens eclare 3 P. King. Walker American Traditional HORUS: A b bb b b c b A b E b 7. Oh, hea-vens de-clare,yes, hea-vens de-clare!when e look,od's glo-ry re! The ex- Look see it! Th ex- bb b b A b A b 7. b 6 A b E b 7 A b.. panse shos forth ork of H hs de - clares od's glo- ry man. ay by panse shos forth ork of H hs de - clares od's glo- ry man. 9 bb b b A b b A b E b 7. day re speech, night by night kno-ledge tells, but no lan- guage or voice heard; Their b b b b A b b A b E b 7. A b. Πline has gone forth all of earth; ir ords end of orld.

Invible, od Invible 4.W. P.K.. L. obb /. Yellen E # 4 2 A # # In - vi - si - ble, od in - vi - si - ble! In - vi - si - ble, yes, He's 7 # # # # # in - vi - si - ble! No man has ev - er seen Him or ev - er could! # Π# E or He's in - vi - si - ble, od in-vi - si - ble. So po er ful, od 21 # po er ful! A m # All cre a tion shos us He's so E 7 A m po - er - ful! Al-though e 27 # B 7 # 7 can't see od, e can see hat He's made; He's in - vi - si - ble po-er - ful!

A lock Keeping Track of Minutes.W. P.K. 7 b c A 7 B b 7 Henry. Work 7. clock keep- ing track of min - utes hours, a house that state ly gr; a b 7 B b 7. gar den that's plant-ed ith beau - ti- ful floers; all ere made by ex-per - i-enced hs! Each as 9 b B b 6 m B b 6 7. formed by a crafts-man ith con-sci-en-tious care. In-d - pu - ta-bly a ma - ker as re! Yes, b 7 Œ Œ B b 7 clock, house, gar den so fair, ir ma kers de clare. 17 b. I de - tect O - ceans an ar-chi-tectvers, ri - plan - a-ter - falls ning, de-sign-ing; a foun-tains; gar - louds d'ner prun-ingder, sno-clad moun-tains; a atch-ma-ker ind-ing; thun - 21 7 B b 7 b Œ Œ. clock, sun, house, moon, gar - stars den all so fair, de-clare: ir our ma - Ma - kers ker de - clare. re!

.W. P.K. 7 c You Are Worthy, Lord 6 olk Tune 1. You 2. Ha - are le - or - thy, lu - ah, Lord, Lord, e or - thy, glo - ri - Lord fy Your od, name; tru - re - ly 3. ceive great glo - ry, so hon - on - or der - ful Your po'r. orks. (glo - (reat ry, ho - on - nor, der - po - er) ful -!) 7 m You Lord cre - od a - ted al - all: migh - You ty, cre - a - of ted ev - na 'ry - tions thing; King; by Your Sure - ly 7. Πill, y right - ere; eous cre - a - true ted by are Your Your ill. ays!

od, our od ood 7 N. H. # # # # c E.. Natalie Haynes 1. od, 2. - - 3. ive our O - thanks od, spells e - good, od, ho - our n vah od add for one He's 3 # # # #. B 7 good, O, good, our for od it He spells good! good! good! # # # #. od, - - - On od, O - ly od, od od, spells od! od; good! 7 # # # #. E ood, - - - On - - - good, O - ly good, O - od good,, good! good! good!

.W. P.K. All Things ame thru Him 8 A. vorak A # # # 12 8. # m. Bm11 E 7. A # 7 # m.. All things came thru Him. All things came thru Him. Thru Him, thru Him, 4 # # # 6 E 7 A... E E. All things came thru Him. With - out Him, ith - out Him not one thing as made. 7 # # # E.. E E 7.. A. # m. With - out Him, ith - out Him not one thing as made. All things came thru Him. 10 # # # Bm11 E 7. A # m #... 6 E 7 A All things came thru Him. Thru Him, thru Him, All things came through Him.

.W. P.K. A-l-l T-h-i-n-g-s 9 A. vorak A # # # 2 4.. # m Bm11 E 7.. A # 7 # m.. A - L - L T - H - I - N - -S. all things came thru Him. A - L - L T - H - I - N - -S. 4 # # # 6 E 7 A.. E.. E. All things came thru Him. Moun-tains ri- vers val-leys trees; ith blooms fruit seeds; 7 # # # E. E 7 E 7 A.. # m e-serts tun-dra pra-irie eeds; clouds light-'ning breez-es. A - L - L T - H - I - N--S. 10 # # # Bm11 E 7 A # m # 6... E 7 A Out through un - Him. A L L T H I N S. To Him be glo-ry, a - men!

Let There Be Light P. King. Walker # # c..... #. n...... 10 rench Traditional #. n 1. Let re be light, said od, re aslight, od sa light; He sa that it as good. 2. Let re be at-mosphere,said od, re as at-mospherehea - ven. Let m di - vide day from Watersfrom a-tersith a se - pa - ra - ting sky. 3. odsaid let a - ters ga - r al - - ge - r; Let dry l ap-pear, He spoke it as so. 4. Let re be lights in ex-panse of night. # #..... #. n..... #. n. Then He se - pa - ra - ted light from dark-nessdays; od sa it asgood: light bear - ers all a - blaze. He called light day, He called dark-nesit as good. night. od made at - mos-phere He called it Hea ven. The a ters se pa ra ted; od spoke that as hy! od said, Let earthgrograss herbs trees of ood; It all be-gan gro; od sa that Let m be for signs, for sea-sons, years, The 9 # # 3 3.......... ~~~~~ ay light! ark night! ay! night! (skip) Oh... - Wa-ters a - bove! Wa-ters be-lo day. les - ser light rule night. stars a-bove are tink-ling bright! Oh... A - bove! be-lo! Oh... - Earth! Seas! rass! Trees! Oh... - grea - ter light rule - oh... oh... oh... oh... # #.. #. n.. #. n Hal - le-lu ah, thank You for cre-a - tion. Eve - ning morn - ing ere first day. Hal - le-lu - ah, thank You for cre-a - tion. Eve - ning morn - ing ere sec -ond day. Hal - le-lu - ah, thank You for cre-a - tion. Eve - ning morn - ing ere third day. Hal - le-lu - ah, thank You for cre-a - tion. Eve - ning morn - ing ere fourth day.

The Eyes of Lord Run 11 P. King. Walker American Traditional # # c.... 1. The 2. eyes Run - ning of Lord fro run strength - en fro, m, 3. He's atch - ing ov - er those ho fear Him hope, 4. He's look - ing on right - eous, hear - ing ir prayer, 3 # #. H 6. The eyes eyes of. H heart Lord are al - ays re, run fro,. # # strength - fear hear - al - - -, Him ing en ir ays, fro, m, hope, prayer, re,..., strength - fear hear - al - fro, Him ing en ir ays fro, fro. m hope, prayer. re. fro. The He's He's H The.. 7 # # eyes Run - atch - look - eyes eyes ning ing ing of ov - on of er H Lord fro those right - heart Lord run ho eous, are run. o - - - heart in look - place o - - - ver H ing that ver all per - lov - - - He all fect ard ing He's has strength - fear hear - al - Him ing earth. Him. en ir ays kind - - - hear - - - cho - - - earth. fro, m, hope, prayer, re, fro, ness. ing. sen. hose He's in

PK, W Prae Him, Prae Him from Heavens 12 c Irh olk Song Prae Him, prae Him, from hea - vens, - prae Him, prae Him, all H an - gels, 9 prae Him, prae Him, sun moon; prae Him stars of light! or He com-m - ed y ere; He es - tab - lhed m for - e'er; 17 Let m prae e - ith descant above ho - vah's name; H name a - lone ex - alt - ed! Prae Him, prae Him, from hea - vens, - prae Him, prae Him, all H an - gels, 21 prae Him, prae Him, 2 no harmony belo! sun moon; prae Him stars of light! 29 or He com-m - ed Let m prae e - y ere; He es - tab - lhed back descant! ho - vah's name; H name a - lone ex - m for - e'er; alt - ed!

.W. P.K. # # c. What Made Angels Sing Shout? aptain ranc Saltus Van Boskerck 1. What made an - gels sing shout? The earth's foun - da - tions 2. id you ev - er com - m dan since your days be - 7 # #. # m B m #o laid! Its mea - sures marked, its ba - ses sunk, gan? Or here's ay dell ing of light, or # # A E 7 # A Ó. ẇ cor - sno ner - sre - sne hou - as ses made! bright? Ha - le - lu - ah! an you find m? od ould en - you closed burs-tinall seas; num - ber clouds, 20 # #. # m Es - tab-lhed ir boun - da - ries! The coast - line ill not Send hail light - 'ning forth? It od ho made 27 # # # 7 B m m6 B m7 E m d - ap - pear; your proud aves ill sp right here! gov - 'rning las es tab - lhed m in heav'n earth!

There Water! 14.W. P.K. b b c # B b # # ohann Strauss # 1. There 2. Well, you a - ter, kno ho re's it a - feels ter most hen you ev - need 'ry-heredrink? Oh, There a you a - ter, re's a - ter, it's thirst! Well, n don't let your 4 bb B b 6 7 B b 6 7 in bo - dy air! sink! Oh, The e ma - need o - it so! ri - ty Yes, that it makes com - po - things ses gro! me: On Yes, it's globe a - it's ter, quite che - a mi - 8 bb 7 n b B b # # lot! c'lly (Se - (H ven - 2 ty O, per - cent!) you kno!) rom It o - ceeans free - zes, a - ice, ter hich e - va - ve - po - ry rates; nice! in And d - 11 bb # B b 6 7 7 n b sky, solves: in - Le - clouds mon - ade, soon tea it con - a - den - sates! r - ade! Next What a rain great comes plan, don, Lord, it that pre You 14 bb B b m m6 7. B b E b B b ci made pi it tates! so: Then Wa - from ter yards flos fields goes it runs flos back don! goes!

S.. c When You See alling Rain A m. 1 Susanna iggines 1. When you see fal - ling 2. Streams ri - vers rain out brooks side, lakes, are you re are sad o that you ceans, a ter can't falls play? seas. But We ust can A m. think hat sim, take a good bath, all those ump in drops pud can dles, do o, for ash our plants hs trees that drink a drink that cup - pa ay. tea! Who has 9 A m. made all (ho has made) rain clouds that send ( clouds) A m. drip drops a bun dant (drip drop). ly? (a-bun-dant-ly) It A m M7. od! (it Who gives us od) rain -day, ( day) it comes don on - der - f'lly! (so on-der- f'lly!)

AM+ c. Why Aren't There Any Men on Moon?. b nbn. 6..... 7. 16 AM+ (vv.12) Why aren't re an - y men on moon? WHY? Why aren't re an - y men on moon? Why 3. 4. aren't men can an - y men on-ly vi - on sit moon. WHY? There aren't moon. ZOOM! alk an - y men on hop a-round moon. ex - plore. There There. b nb n. 6.. aren't re an - y men on moon? WHY? Be-cause od put man in a gar - den! The 9 aren't an - y men aren't an - y men bridge after v 1 on moon WHY? on moon WHY? Be-cause Be-cause OA: od put man in od put man in ar - den, gar - den, a a gar - den. gar - den. gar - den! 7. So moon all dust cra-ters hills; No- thing at all ould gro up re! There A m... m - n't an - y a-ter, it's a de - so- late place; it's life-less, ith-out an - y air! Why bridge after v 2 17. 7. earth so rich, it's brim full of life, ith plen- ty of air be bread. There's 21... 6 a- ter food in a con- stant sup- ply; re's ev - 'ry thing here that e need! So re

od Made Universe 17.W. P.K. # B b o b 7. I. Berlin 8 # od n. made un - i - verse m b. pur - E m pose - ful -. ly.. It as H plan cre - ate man as cen - ter of 14 # 7.. 7. all that e see. That hea - vens for 19 #. 7. M7 n Ó earth be, earth ould be for us! 2 # B m A m. B 7 E m m b M7 n Ó od made un - i - verse so mar - vel - ous! 33 # B m A m. B 7 E m m b Ó od made un - i - verse so mar - vel - ous!

T. O. hholm 4 3 7??? 4 3 #. 1. reat Thy faith - ful - 2. Sum mer in ter ness, O spring time od my a - r. There no sha - - - - har - vest, sun, moon stars turn cour 7 # n # # ma7 6.. - ing ith Thee. Thou chang - est not, Thy ses a bove, oin ith all na ture com - pas - sions, y fail - - - in man - if - fold it - # #o 7 # As Thou Thy hast great #... been faith. reat Thy aithfulness 6... HORUS m William M. Runyan.. do in ma7 6 Thou for ev - er ilt ḃe. reat Thy faith - ful -ness; - ful - ness, mer - cy love.... 18. not; ness of ir b 19? 26? A # great Thy. need. B b 6. m faith - ful -ness; Morn-ing by morn-ing ne mer -cies b.. m ma7 6 #o 7 # b # m6.. 9 7 I #. see;. - ed Thy h hath pro - vi - ded; reat Thy faith - ful -ness, Lord, un - All I have. ṁe.. 1923. Ren. 191 Hope Publhing o., arol Stream, IL 60188.hopepublhing.com All rights reserved. Used by permsion.