Four Irish Songs. on poems of William Allingham for ATB (2012)

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SCOTT ILLARD our Irish Songs on oems o William Allingham or ATB (2012) 1. O Sirit o the Summertime 2. A Gravestone 3. our Ducks on a ond. The Winter ear

Text: William Allingham (12-1) Alto q = 0-5 O Sirit o the Summertime Œ. Œ Scott illard Œ Tenor Bring Œ. Œ back the ros -es to the dells; Œ Baritone Œ. Œ Bring b back the ros -es to the dells; O Si - rit o the Sum -mer-time Bring back the ros -es to the dells; the Œ. Œ Œ the hon-ey bee rom dro - sy cells. Bring Œ. Œ b n the sal -lo rom her dis - tant clime, the hon-ey bee rom dro - sy cells. hon-ey bee rom dro - sy cells. 2012 This music is donationare. Suggested amount is $1 er coy rinted. Suort indeendent music

2 O Sirit o the Summertime 11 back b the riend -shi o - the sun; the gil-ded eve-nings, calm and late, hen Bring back the riend -shi o the sun; the gil-ded eve - nings, calm and late, hen Bring back the riend -shi o - the sun; the gil-ded eve - nings, calm and late, hen 15 b n mer - ry chil -dren home - ard run, and ee - ing stars bid lov - ers ait. mer - ry chil -dren home - ard run, and ee - ing stars bid lov - ers ait. mer - ry chil -dren home - ard run, and ee - ing stars bid lov - ers ait. 1 Πb ΠBring back the sing - ing and the scent o mea - do-lands at b ΠBring back the sing - ing and the scent o b mea - do-lands at Bring back the sing - ing and the scent o mea - do-lands at

O Sirit o the Summertime 3 23 b rall. b ƒ n # a temo de - y rime; oh bring a - gain my heart's con - tent, thou Si - rit o the de - y rime; oh bring a - gain my heart's con - tent, thou Si - rit o the n ƒ ƒ b n de - y rime; oh bring a - gain my heart's con - tent, thou Si - rit o the 2 Œ Sum - mer - time, thou Si - rit o the Sum - mer - time. Sum - mer - time, thou Si - rit o the Sum - mer - time. Œ Œ Sum - mer - time, thou Si - rit o the Sum - mer - time.

Text: William Allingham (12-1) Alto Tenor Baritone q = 0. Oh Oh Œ. Oh A Gravestone. Scott illard..... ar rom the church - yard dig his. grave, on 2012 This music is donationare. Suggested amount is $1 er coy rinted. Suort indeendent music

2 A Gravestone.... some green mound be-side the ave; to est-ard, sea and sky a -. 10.. Œ. lone, and. sun - sets. ut a moss - y ith. Œ stone, ith. Œ Ó 13.. mor - tal name and date, a har and bunch o ild lo -ers, car - ven.. mor - tal name and date, a har, and bunch o ild lo -ers, car - ven Ó.. ith mor - tal name and date, a har and bunch o

A Gravestone 3 1. shar;. then leave it ree to inds that blo,. and shar; then leave it ree to inds that. blo, and ild lo -ers, car - ven shar; then leave it ree to inds that 1 a temo Œ. a-tient moss-es cree-ing. slo, Œ. and an-dering ings, and oot -stes a-tient moss - es cree-ing;. slo,. and an-dering ings,and oot -stes. blo, and a - tient moss-es cree-ing; slo, and an-dering ings, and oot - stes 22 rit. q = 0 rit. rare. o hu - man crea - ture aus -. ing there. rare. rare o o hu - man crea - ture aus -. hu - man crea - ture aus - ing ing there. there.

Text: William Allingham (12-1) Alto b q = 55-0 Ó our Ducks on a ond Scott illard. Tenor b Ó our ducks on a ond,. a grass bank be - yond,. a Baritone b Ó our ducks on a ond,. a grass bank be - yond,. a our ducks on a ond, a grass bank be - yond, a b Œ b blue sky o sring, Œ hite clouds on the b blue sky o sring, hite Œ clouds on the blue sky o sring, hite clouds on the 2012 This music is donationare. Suggested amount is $1 er coy rinted. Suort indeendent music

2 our Ducks on a ond 11 b ing; b hat a lit - tle thing to re - mem - b b b n ber or b b ing; hat a lit - tle thing to re - mem - b n ber b or ing; hat a lit - tle thing to re - mem - ber or 1 b. Πrit. b years- to re. Πb - mem - ber ith b tears b years- to re b. Πb - mem - ber b ith tears n years- to re - mem - ber ith tears

Text: William Allingham (12-1) The Winter ear Scott illard Alto e=100-105 Œ....... Tenor Œ... Baritone Œ..... 5.. b. Is al-ays Age se - vere Is ne- ver Youth au - stere Sring-ruits are Is al ays.... Age se - vere Is ne-ver Youth au - stere Sring-ruits are..... Oh 2012 This music is donationare. Suggested amount is $1 er coy rinted. Suort indeendent music

2 The Winter ear...... sour to eat; Au - tumn's the mel - lo time..... sour to eat;. Au - tumn's the mel - lo time.... Nay, ver - y 13........ Nay, ver -y late, short day and rost - y rime, thought, like a in - ter ear,......... late in the year, short day and rost - y rime, thought, like a in - ter ear, 1 stone cold in... sum - mer's rime,. rit.. may turn rom.... harsh to seet... stone - cold in sum - mer's rime, may turn rom harsh to seet.

The Winter ear 3 21 a temo...... dimin. dimin. rit............. dimin....