Salem, Cedarville University. Calvin D. Hitchcock Cedarville University,

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Cedarville niversity DigitalCommons@Cedarville Student Composition Recitals Student Scholarly ctivity -27-2015 Salem, 162 Calvin D. Hitchcock Cedarville niversity, Follo this and additional orks at: music_composition_recitals Part of the Composition Commons, and the Music Performance Commons Recommended Citation Hitchcock, Calvin D., "Salem, 162" (2015). Student Composition Recitals.. 2015 Calvin Hitchcock. ll Rights Reserved

Hitchcock Salem, 162 for vocal ensemble and percussion

Calvin Hitchcock Salem, 162 for vocal ensemble and percussion (2015)

nstrumentation SS Percussion ubular bells (mallet/bo) Slapstick ass drum Glockenspiel Found percussion* Quad toms Ratchet (Sop. ) Cobell (Sop. ) Chain (lto) Claves (enor) Snare (aritone) ass drum (ass) Singers should sing ithout vibrato throughout. *Four metal bars (i.e. train rails ith other metal leaned on top); strike ith bolt/hmer-like mallets. his should create a clang, hich is both stark and dry. Setup Singers should be positioned in to ros of three on stage left, percussion on stage right, ith the conductor (optional) in the middle.

et Movement. hou shalt not suffer a itch to live Eodus 22:1 Movement. Every old oman ith a rinkled face, a furr'd bro, a hairy lip, a gobber tooth, a squint eye, a squeaking voice, or a scolding tongue... a dog or cat by her side, is not only suspected but pronounced for a itch. ohn Gaule Movement. more a itch than you are a izard. f you take my life aay, God ill give you blood to drink. Sarah Good Movement. Our father, hich art in Heaven, halloed be thy ne. hy Kingdom come, thy ill be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. nd forgive us our debts, as e forgive our debtors. nd lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the poer, and the glory, forever. men. Movement. Praise God from hom all blessings flo; praise Him all creatures here belo; praise Him above ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. men. Notes his piece follos the progression of the Salem Witch rials, hich took place in colonial Massachusetts in 162. Over the course of a little more than a year, the Puritan community eecuted nineteen suspected itches, hose first nes are hispered at the opening of the piece (ecluding doubles). aimed to capture the hysteria and religious hypocrisy responsible for driving a community to such an atrocity. With tet largely based on quotes recorded during the actual itch trials, Salem, 162 is comprised of si movements. Movements one through three document the initial Old estent mandate, the tisted superstitions that developed from said mandate, and the panicked responses of the accused. Recreating the ominous and prolonged alk to the gallos, movement four features the Lord s Prayer, a common test for itches at the time. he fifth movement symbolizes the eecution. raditionally used as a responsive tet, the doology provides the freork for the sith and final movement. he distortion of the beautiful melody creates a somber response to the tragic events that transpired. Duration: ca. 11

Score. Calvin Hitchcock Soprano 1 Soprano 2 lto HEDS DOWN, WHSPER NMES RNDOMLY [20-0"] ridget, Rebecca Sarah, Elizabeth Mary, lice, Margaret SNP HEDS P ON SLPSCK.. thou thou shalt,... shalt, #. not enor Susannah, George aritone ohn, Martha, Suel ass ubular ells nn, Wilmot slapstick.. #.... thou shalt. thou shalt.. not #.. not. #............. not hou shalt not suf - fer a itch to live....... #. natural decay hou shalt not suf - fer a itch to live #.. hou. shalt #. not. #. 2015 Calvin Hitchcock ll Rights Reserved.

2......... h #.... h N.... h #.. h hou shalt not suf - fer a itch to live hou shalt not suf - fer a itch to live...... h #.. h........ hou shalt not suf - fer a itch to live #.. hou. #. shalt not. #.. hou shalt not suf - fer a itch to live #.. hou #. shalt not.. h.. h N #...... #... cresc...... hou shalt.. b. hou shalt not... hou shalt not suf - fer a itch to live.. #.. hou shalt not #... h.. hou shalt not suf - fer a itch to live.... hou shalt not... h.. hou shalt not...... boed (from bottom) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - h.. #..

. 17.. hou shalt.. b. hou shalt not... hou shalt not... hou shalt not #..... hou shalt.. b. hou shalt not.. hou shalt.. b. cresc......... hou shalt not... hou shalt not... hou shalt not... hou shalt not... suf -fer a itch to live suf -fer a itch to live.... 17. #.. hou shalt not hou shalt not.. #.. #.

Score. Calvin Hitchcock et by ohn Gaule, C. Hitchcock Soprano 1. stagger breaths hen necessary Soprano 2 itch itch lto Glockenspiel itch # # itch # # itch # # itch itch itch itch itch #.. itch. Glk.. # itch # itch # itch itch itch itch itch # # itch itch itch itch itch itch itch 1 #. itch. itch. itch.. # rink # N. itch.... itch.. 5 5 5 5 # - kled face furr-oed bro - - - - hair - # 5... # # N. b. itch.. # ev - 'ry old o-man ith a rink-kled face ev - 'ry old o-man ith a furr - oed bro ev -'ry old o-man ith a hair-y lip 5. Dr. 1...... 5... 2015 Calvin Hitchcock ll Rights Reserved.

2. 1. 5. #.... 5. n. 5. itch.. itch 5. itch 5.. #. itch. 5 itch.. 5 # itch.. # squin.. 5 y lip # 5 gobb-er too - th - ty eye # # # 5 ev - 'ry old o - man ith a gobb - er tooth ev - 'ry old o - man ith a squint-ty eye ev - 'ry old o - man ith a squ - 5 5. Dr. 1. 5...... 5 22 5. b... 5. cresc. 5. itch. itch. itch 5 itch. 5 N... 5 itch. 5 itch #.. # scold.. 5 # 5 squeak - ing vo - ice - ing tongue dog or ca - t # # # 5 # 5 eaking voice ev - 'ry old o - man ith a scold -ing tongue ev - 'ry old o - man ith a dog 5 or cat. Dr. 22 5....... 5.

. 2 like a sigh.. 5 itch #.. 5 itch n.. 5 #...... itch.. # furr.. 5 # ev 'ry old o - man.. # # - oed bro # 5 gob-ber too -th # squeak- # ev - 'ry old o -man ith a rink-kled face...... ev - 'ry old o - man ith a hair -..... 5 y lip ev - 'ry old o - man ith a squin -ty eye...... ev - 'ry old o - man ev - 'ry old o - man ev - 'ry old o - man. Dr. 2...... 5.... 0 5 5 5........... 5.. #... 5 ev - 'ry old o - man ev - 'ry old o - man #........ #... 5 ev - 'ry old o - man.. 5 # ev 'ry old o man. # - - ev - 'ry old o - man.. 5 ing voice # 5 dog or ca - t # by her side for # a itch # 5 ev - 'ry old o - man ith a scold -..... 5 ing tongue s not on - ly su - spec - ted for a itch but she is pro -nounc'd for a for........... 5 ev - 'ry old o - man ev - 'ry old o - man ev - 'ry old o - man. Dr. 0... 5....... 5

. 5 5 #...... ev - 'ry old o - man ev - 'ry old o - man -........ #........ 5 5 #... old o man... 5 ev - 'ry old o - man ev - 'ry old o - man #........ #... 5 old o - man #... 5 # ev - 'ry old o - man ev - 'ry old o - man.. # sus.. 5 old o - man # 5 for a i - tch # # - pec - ted # 5 for a i - tch # 5 a itch ev - 'ry old o - man is not on - ly sus...... but she is pro - nounc'd for a for..... 5 a itch... ev - 'ry old o - man ev - 'ry old o - man old o - man. Dr. 5....... 5... #. # 5 5 5 for a i - tch for a i - tch #. for a itch..... #. # #. for a itch 6 6 6... cresc. #.. itch.. itch #.. itch.. for a itch. #. 5 5.. itch.. for a itch. #. 6 6.. itch.. itch #.. for a.. itch for a itch 5. for a.. itch for a itch 6. itch.. itch. Dr.... 5.... 6....

Score. Calvin Hitchcock et by Sarah Good, C. Hitchcock Soprano 1 accel. a tempo Soprano 2 more a itch lto enor more a more a itch than you are a i - zard more a itch than you are a i - zard aritone more a itch ass more a itch. more a itch ass Drum accel. a tempo (found percussion) 6 11 accel.. a tempo 11 more a itch f you f you take 11 11 f you take my life a. more a God ill give you blood than you are a i - zard more a itch than you are a i - zard to drink God f you f you take 11 f you take my life a - ay f you f you take 11 f you take my life a. - ay. more a itch. Dr. 6 11 accel.. a tempo (found percussion) 2015 Calvin Hitchcock ll Rights Reserved.

2. 11.. # ill give you blood to drink. f you take no more a itch than you are a i - zard more a itch than you are a i - zard more a itch than you are a i - zard more no itch. Dr. 11 15. no itch no # my life a itch than you are a i - zard more a itch than you are a i - zard more a itch than you are a i - zard more a itch a - ay God ill give you blood to drink. Dr. 15

. 1... itch # no itch. f you take my life a - ay God ill than you are a i - zard more a itch than you are a i - zard no more a itch than you are a i - zard more a itch than you are itch itch no itch itch itch itch. Dr. 1 2. 6 cresc. 6 give you blood to - a i zard more a itch drink than you are more a itch # itch itch!. h. 6 6 6 #.. itch itch itch! itch! h. # h 6. Dr. 2 6

. 2 accel. itch more a # more a more a more a # more a more a. Dr. 2 accel. 2. cresc. itch itch itch Shout, ith emotion: more a itch than you are a izard! h h f you take my life aay, God ill give you blood to drink! itch b itch Shout! Witch! Witch! itch h b itch Witch! b itch h itch Witch! itch h itch Witch!. Dr. 2

Score. Calvin Hitchcock Soprano 1 01 7 Read at a slo, deliberate pace Stagger entrances based on tet placement, parts need not line up perfectly until "men" Soprano 2 01 7 lto 01 7 2. Our father, hich art in Heaven, halloed be thy ne. enor Υ 01 7 aritone 01 7 1. Our father, hich art in Heaven, halloed be thy ne. hy Kingdom come, thy ill be done in earth, as it is in heaven. ass 01 7 ass Drum 01 7 Count independent of voices, enter on second "Our Father" 6. Our father, hich art in Heaven, halloed be thy ne. Υ. Our father, hich art in Heaven, halloed be thy ne. hy Kingdom come, thy ill be done in earth, as it is in heaven. hy Kingdom come, thy ill be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Give us this day our daily bread.. Our father, hich art in Heaven, halloed be thy ne. hy Kingdom come, thy ill be done in earth, nd forgive us our debts, as e forgive our debtors. 5. Our father, hich art in Heaven, halloed be thy ne.. Dr. 2015 Calvin Hitchcock ll Rights Reserved.

2 5 hy Kingdom come, thy ill be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Give us this day our daily bread. nd forgive us our debts, as e forgive our debtors. nd forgive us our debts, as e forgive our debtors. nd lead us not into temptation, ut deliver us from evil. Υ as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. nd forgive us our debts, as e forgive our debtors. nd lead us not into temptation, ut deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the poer, and the glory, hy Kingdom come, thy ill be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.. Dr. 5 7 nd forgive us our debts, as e forgive our debtors. nd lead us not into temptation nd lead us not into temptation, ut deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the poer, and the glory, For ever and ever. For thine is the kingdom, the poer, and the glory, For ever and ever. Υ For ever and ever. nd lead us not into temptation, ut deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the poer, and the glory, nd forgive us our debts, as e forgive our debtors. nd lead us not into temptation, ut deliver us from evil.. Dr. 7

ut deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the poer, and the glory For ever and ever. men. men. men. Υ For ever and ever. men. men. For thine is the kingdom, the poer, and the glory For ever and ever. men.. Dr.

Score. Calvin Hitchcock Sop 1 (Rachet) Deliberately {q = 100} Sop. 2 (Cobell) lto (Chain) enor (Claves) aritone (Snare Drum) ass (ass Drum) (like a heartbeat)..... Quad oms Rat. 6 C. l.. R Ch. Clv. S.Dr.. Dr....... Quads 2015 Calvin Hitchcock ll Rights Reserved.

2. Rat. start groaning (mouth closed) C. l... Ch. drop chain on metal stand Clv.. S.Dr.. Dr...... Quads Rat. 17 intensify groaning (mouth open) C. l. R. Ch. Clv. S.Dr.. Dr........ Quads

. Rat. 22 increase intensity more C. l. Ch. Clv. S.Dr.. Dr......... Quads Rat. 26 start screing abrupt stop rachet C. l. Ch. Clv. S.Dr.. Dr. Quads............ æ

Score. Calvin Hitchcock et by homas Ken, C. Hitchcock Soprano 1 6 Soprano 2 6 lto 6 enor aritone ass 6 6 6 # # # Praise God from hom all # # # Praise God from hom all # # bless - ings flo Praise Him all creat - ures here be - lo # # # # # # bless - ings flo Praise Him all creat - ures here be - lo # # # # ass Drum 6 5 # # # # # # # # # # Praise Him a - bove ye heaven - ly hosts Praise Fa - ther, Son and Ho - ly Ghost Praise God from hom all falsetto # # # # Praise Him a - bove ye heaven - ly hosts Praise Fa - ther, Son and Ho - ly # # # Ghost # # # Praise God from hom all. Dr. 5 2015 Calvin Hitchcock ll Rights Reserved.

2. 10 N N b # # # # # # # # # # # bless - ings flo Praise Him all creat - ures here be - lo Praise Him a - bove ye heaven - ly hosts Praise # # # # # # bless - ings flo Praise Him all creat - ures here be - lo Praise Him a - bove ye heaven - ly hosts Praise # # # # #. Dr. 10 15. - men h - men b. h b # # # - men h Fa - ther, Son and Ho - ly Ghost - men h # # - men h Fa - ther, Son and Ho - ly Ghost - men h. Dr. 15 æ