STORIES OF MY LIFE. for 2-part voices and piano with optional PianoTrax CD* Preview Only

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2 PIANO 4 7 PARTS I & II STORIES OF MY LIFE or 2-part voices and piano with optional PianoTrax CD* With imagination (q = ca. 104) 8 Words and Music by DAVID WAGGONER Can * PianoTrax 9 Accoaniment CD available (45595). I go where the wild things are, and The ollowing books are reerenced in the lyrics o this song: Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak, The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame, A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L Engle, Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein, Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder, The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein, Charlotte s Web by E.B. White, Stellaluna by Janell Cannon, The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats, Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Aesop s Fables by Aesop, Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst, Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, Stuart Little by E.B. White, Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis, Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. Copyright 2017 by Alred Music All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA. To purchase a ull-length perormance recording o this piece, go to

eel the wind in the wil - lows? A wrin-kle in time can lead to a rhyme down where the side - walk ends. The lit - tle house in the great big woods con - ceals a se cret 10 13 19 16 - gar - - den. The giv - ing tree, it grows there or me, or 3

4 that live rom age to age. Come with me, and turn 22 24 you, and all our riends. These are the sto - ries o my lie, 25 28 31 the page.

PART I PART II cir - cling Stel - la - lu na. mel. cir - cling Stel - la - lu - na. The snow - y day, it and I m lost in Won der 34 37 40 35 Char-lotte spins a web or me, en - Oo, - Oo, en - mel. - - land. The leads me a - way, and I m lost in Won - der - land with A -lice and the 5

6 lit prince. Ah, and told me Ae sop s 46 48 43 mel. ver - y bad day, and now I un - der - stand. These - tle prince once cap- tured me, and told me Ae - sop s a - - a - - bles. Al - ex - an - der, they say, had a mel. - bles. And Al - ex - an - der, they say, had a are the sto- ver - y bad day, and now I un - der - stand. These are the sto-

live rom age to age. Come with me, live rom age to age. Come with me, 53 56 51 - ries o my lie, that - ries o my lie, that and and turn turn the page. the page. 7

8 59 go. 62 65 then then 3 So man-y sto-ries, so man -y tales. So man - y plac-es to Will you share them all with me? On - ly Will you share them all with me? On - ly will we both know, will we both know. poco rit. will we both know, will we both know. Oh, poco rit. Oh,

will will cov - er treas - ure is land? cov - er treas - ure is land? Lit - tle will soon say good night Lit 70 72 68 a teo a teo you come set sail with me, and dis - you come set sail with me, and dis - - Stu - art - Stu - art - to the moon, and that s - tle will soon say good - night to the moon, and that s 9

Ah, and soon I will be drit - Nar - ni a 10 74 where I shall be - gin. mel. where I shall be - gin. A li - on ound in 79 76 mel. - ing. Tom Saw - yer will be such a - will call out to me, and soon I will be drit - - ing like old Tom Saw - yer, such a

11 good riend to me, and to Huck - le - ber - ry Finn. These are the sto - ries o my lie, that Finn. These are the sto - ries o my lie, that 81 good riend to me, and to Huck - le - ber - ry 83 84 86 live rom age to age. Come with me, live rom age to age. Come with me,

12 89 de to end and turn the page, and turn the page, turn the page. 92 95 rit. rit. and and de to end turn turn the the page, turn the page, and turn the page, page. and turn the page, de to end and turn the page, p p p