EXSULTET. œ œ. ty King's tri-umph! let all corners of the earth be glad, W W

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Deacon or Priest or Cantor Choir and/or Keyboard 3 6 9 ith vigor, singing in seech rhythm 1 the hosts of heav - en, exult, let Angel ministers of God ex - ult, ter - nal King, Rejoice, let Moth-er Church al -so re-joice, arrayed ith the lightning of his glory, let this holy build - ing shake ith joy, 1 ablaze ith light from her e - Exult, let them exult, EXSULTET 2 3 let the trum - et of sal - va - tion sound aloud our migh- ty King's tri-umh! Be glad, let earth be glad, as glo-ry floods her, let all corners of the earth be glad, 5 6 4 # N Christoher alker knoing an end to gloom and dark - ness. U N Text 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Inc. All rights reserved. Used ith ermission. Music 2012, Christoher alker. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Published ith the aroval of the Committee on Divine orshi, United States Conference of Catholic Bishos.

12 15 18 21 24 filled ith the mighty voices invoke ith me I ask you, of the eoles. # Therefore dear -est friends, standing in the aesome glory of this ho - ly light, # God al - mighty, that he, ho has been leased to num-ber me, though unorthy, a - mong the Levites, may our into me his light un -shadoed, that I may sing this candle's er - fect raises. Deacon/Priest The Lord be ith you. All b 7 the mercy of All (shorter version go to 9/10) Deacon or Priest (cantor go to verse 10) And ith your sir - it. 9 10 11 Deacon/Priest/Cantor.. b 8 Deacon/Priest/Cantor b Lift u your hearts. All b EXSULTET (2) e lift them u to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right and just.

EXSULTET (3) 27 29 31 33 12 Deacon/Priest/Cantor It is truly right and just, ith ar - 13 dent love of mind and heart of our voice, to acclaim our God invisible, the al - migh - ty Fath - er, and Jesus Christ, our Lord, his Son, his On - ly Be - gotten. 14 ho for our sake aid Adam's debt to the ied clean the record of our ancient e - ter - nal Fath - er, sin - ful - ness. and ith devoted service 15 and, ouring out his on dear Blood, These then are the feasts of Passover,

35, EXSULTET (4) U in hich is slain the Lamb, the one true Lamb, hose Blood anoints the doorosts of be - lievers. 37 F # 40 44 16 This is the night and made them ass dry-shod banished the dark - ness of sin. through the Red Sea. This is the night, hen once you led our forebears, Israel's children, 18 F # This is the night F # This is the night 17 from sla - ve - ry in E - gyt N N This is the night that ith a il - lar of fire N N This is the night that even no, throughout the orld,

EXSULTET (5) 47 49 N N F # 52 54 19 sets Christian believers aart from orldly vices This is the night and from the gloom of sin, and rose victorious from the un - der - orld... had e not been re - deemed. had e not been re - deemed. to his ho - ly ones... This is the night, hen Christ broke the ri - son - bars of death N N no gain, no gain, O onder of your hum - ble care for us! leading them to grace and joining them 21 Long and short versions 20 Long version only Our birth ould have been Our birth ould have been O onder of your hum - ble care for us! #

56 58 60 62 22, O love, O charity beyond all tell - ing,,, ay your Son! O love, O charity beyond all tell - ing, to ransom a slave you gave a - ay your Son! 23 O truly necessary O truly necessary sin of Ad - am, sin of Ad - am, 24 O hay fault that earned so great, so O hay fault that earned so great, so # Death of Christ! Death of Christ! glo - rious a Re - deem - er! O tru - ly bles - sed night, glo - rious a Re - deem - er! O tru - ly bles - sed night, orthy alone to kno the time and hour hen Christ (Short version go to 26) F rose from the underorld! to ransom a slave you gave a - destroyed comletely by the destroyed comletely by the Long version only 25 Long version only EXSULTET (6) f # orthy alone to kno the time and hour hen Christ rose from the underorld! # This is the night

EXSULTET (7) 64 This is the night of hich it is ritten: The night shall be as bright as day, N 66 68 70 dazzling is the night for me, and full of glad - ness. disels ick - ed - ness, ash - es faults a - ay, 27 Long version only to 30 drives out hatred, fost - ers con - cord, U joy to mourners, and brings don the migh - ty. 26 Long and short versions The sanctifying oer of this night (Short version OMIT 27-30, go to 31) restores innocence to the fallen, and.. U

72 74 77 79 28 On this, your night of grace, O. Ah. ho - ly Fath - er, accet this candle, a sol - emn of - fer - ing,.. the ork of bees and of your ser - vants' hands, an evening sa - cri - fice of raise, this gift from your most ho - ly Church. 29 But no e kno the raises of this il - lar, hich gloing fire ig - nites for God's hon - or, # 30 # a fire into.... ma - ny flames di - vid - ed, yet never dimmed by shar - ing of its light,... EXSULTET (8)

EXSULTET (9) 81 84 86 89 for it is fed by melt - ing ax, dran out by moth - er bees 31 Long and short versions O tru - ly bles - sed night, O tru - ly bles - sed night, and di - vine to the hu - man. and di-vine to the hu-man. # torch so re - cious... those of earth, those of earth, the ork of bees and of your ser - vants' hands, an evening sa - cri - fice of raise, this gift from your most ho - ly Church. the ork of bees and of your ser-vants' hands, an evening sa - cri - fice of raise, this gift from your most ho - ly Church. 32 Short version only to build a hen things of heaven are ed to hen things of heaven are ed to On this, your night of grace, ho -ly Fath-er, accet this candle, a sol - emn of - fer -ing, On this, your night of grace, ho - ly Fath-er, accet this candle, a sol -emn of -fer-ing, U

92 33 Long and short versions Therefore, O Lord, e ray you that this candle, EXSULTET (10) hal - loed to the hon - or of your name, 94 97 99 may ersevere undimmed, to overcome the darkness of this night. 35.. May this flame be found still burning Christ your Son, ho, coming back from 34 Receive it as a leas-ing fra - grance, and let it mingle ith the lights of heav-en... by the Morn - ing Star: the one Morning Star ho nev - er sets, death's do - main, has shed his eaceful light on hu - manity,

EXSULTET (11) 101 and lives and reigns for ev - er and ev - er. A - men. A - and lives and reigns for ev - er and ev - er. A - men. A - 104 106 110 Deacon/Priest/Cantor # This is the night. EXSULTET Much of the Exsultet chant is based on the folloing three tones: All U men. # U men. # u General: The long and short versions are included. The Exsultet may be sung by a solo singer alone or to singers, alternating verses. The accomaniment may be (a) sung by a choir throughout, or (b) sung by a choir here text is rinted for them, or (c) layed on a keyboard ith a sustaining tone. Priest/Deacon/Cantor: This art should be sung in seech rhythm emhasizing imortant ords in a hrase and not lengthening the last syllable of each bar. Allo good auses beteen the sections to let the text to be assimilated by the assembly. Note the section hich may only be sung by the riest or deacon. The Choir: The choir arts should be sung ithout dominating excet for "This is the night" and the laces here they sing the text. The keyboard may lay the "Ah" chants instead of the choir. The choir then sings just the arts here they have been given the text. Otional Keyboard: Give gentle suort on a keyboard if needed to hel the choir voices sustain their art and to cover their breathing laces. If there is no choir resent, the keyboard may lay the choir arts.