Holy Gifts. Gm/F C7/E. œ bœ. œ œ. œ n œ. œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ. Dm7 Eb maj7 F

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Keyboard % Soprano (a tempo) % Alto RERAIN Tenor Bass INTRO (q = ca. 84) Cm Cm/ 7/A 4 3 4 3 Ho - ly gits or (a tempo) A ø 7 / (a tempo). come take s / # Holy Gits / C7/E ho - ly peo - ple; Cm7 Eb bod - y o - ered, n b C7/E /Eb n b n /Eb /. b m / come be what Eb ma7 Cm/A Stephen ean # Cm # you re - ceive. Cm/G. 1994, 2006, Stephen ean. ublhed OC, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortl, OR 9721 All rights reserved. arts or Brass Quartet (edition 70519-Z3) available online. Vit ocp.org. Edition 20413-Z

HOLY GITS (Keyboard/Choral), cont. (2) 1-3 to Verses 1-3 1-3 C7sus4 to Verses 1-3.. night eat oined /.. 4 be - 4 / ore he drink t s C/ n to Verse 4 to Verse 4.. VERSES 1-3 T T T died, east, gits, sus4 b s - m/ab blest ters b b love with claim - pre - cious,.. un - as m/ #.. par -. bod - til saved E ø 7 n. bro - tak - broth - Eb /G what what how. a - ter thanks - giv - in t should be which /, y re - /Eb b N. have been told: un - der - st: to live: / to C7 n.. blood. turn. love. sus4... on the when be - # # spo - break - oth -., s hold -.. sealed death pro - them 7 n #..S..S.

HOLY GITS (Keyboard/Choral), cont. (3) VERSE 4 escant n Œ Melody, way, truth. n prae thanks - / C7 n ood which m/. giv -,. n... lie: /. not Gsus2,4/. wor - thy to draw /.. b trans- orm m/ab #. b. heal - E ø 7. n n A #n.. strength. C/ n.. near: sus4. liv -, Eb /G. sus2,4 m Am/ n n. but take #. give us.. A sus4 7(b 9) n. #

HOLY GITS (Keyboard/Choral), cont. (4) INAL RERAIN ƒa tempo poco maestoso ƒa tempo poco maestoso ƒ A ø 7 / a tempo poco maestoso. come sus4/a. # # be what you re - come be what Eb ma7 7 Cm7. take s bod - y come take s.. ceive. you re - ceive. Gsus2,4 / / o - ered, come bod - y o - ered, E ø 7 A ø 7/Eb n / Cm7 b U.. U.

% RERAIN (a tempo) INTRO (q = ca. 84) Capo 3: (Am) (Am/G) (B7/ Cm Cm/ # ) 7/A 4 3 ( # A ø ø 7) 7 / (Em/) / come take s 1-3 (A7sus4) C7sus4 to Verses 1-3 /. night eat oined (A/B) C/ be - ore drink he t s Holy Gits (Guitar/Vocal) (Em/) (A7/C # ) / C7/E (Am7) Cm7 (C) Eb (A7/C # ) C7/E (Am6/C) /Eb bod - y 4 / sus4 o - ered, (Am/C) to Verse 4 () (Am6/C) /Eb (Bm) m (G/B) (Am/ # ) / Cm/A / (Cma7) Eb ma7 () come be what VERSES 1-3 T T T died, east, gits, & bb b (m/) m/ab s - blest ters (G/ ) (Bm/) m/ par - E ø 7. (C/E) Eb /G what what how / a - in ter t thanks - giv which - should be bro - tak - broth - (Am6/C) (C # ø 7) /Eb, (Am) Cm Stephen ean (Am/E) Cm/G / have been told: un - der - st: to live: (A7) C7 sus4. to (G) you re - ceive. (/ # ) spo - break - oth -, s hold - sealed death on the when be - (/ # ) pro - them (B7) Œ Œ 7 Œ.S. love claim - pre - with cious, un - as bod - til saved y re - blood. turn. love. 1994, 2006, Stephen ean. ublhed OC, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortl, OR 9721 All rights reserved.

HOLY GITS (Guitar/Vocal), cont. (2) VERSE 4, way, truth /. lie: (Esus2,4/B) Gsus2,4/ not /. wor - thy (A/B) C/ to draw sus4 near: but take / (A7) C7 prae thanks - & bb ood which (Bm/) m/ INAL RERAIN A ø 7 (/ # ) giv -, (C # E ø ø 7) ( # ) 7 A. heal - ( # ø 7) / a tempo poco maestoso ƒ (Am/C) (Bsus4/ # ) sus4/a (Cma7) (7) Eb ma7 7 & bb come be what (Esus2,4) Gsus2,4 (Am7) Cm7 (m/) m/ab (G/) b trans- orm (Bsus2,4) sus2,4 (Bm) m (C/E) Eb /G strength. (Am/C) (Em/) / come take s you re - ceive. (Am7) / Cm7 liv -, ( # m/b) Am/ () sus4 (G) (/ # ) give us (B7(b 9)) 7(b 9) / (C # E ø ø 7) ( # 7 A ø ø 7/C) 7/Eb bod - y o - ered, U

Assembly Edition HOLY GITS Rerain 4 3 Ho - ly gits or 1994, Stephen ean. ublhed OC, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortl, OR 9721 All rights reserved. Composer Notes Stephen ean be-lieve; come take s bod-y o-ered, come be what you re-ceive. Verses T T T,. night eat oined wor - & bb spo - break - oth - giv - & bb love claim - pre - ood what what how way, be - thy,, with cious, which ore drink s to he t draw have been un - der - to truth. died, east, gits, near: b s - blest ters trans - orm un - as. bod - til saved heal - Holy Gits Since the th century, eastern liturgies have contained the words Sancta sanct, holy ths or holy people, as the sacrament shown to the people immediately beore Communion. A typical response was One holy, one Lord, esus, to the glory o God the ather. Translated as The gits o God or the people o God, it also ound in the Book o Common rayer o the Epcopal Church in the United States o America. T processional chant or Communion extends the idea in the response adds verses which begin with an allusion to 1 Corinthians 11:23, I received rom the Lord what I hed on to you, continues with present underst o what Communion what it implies or conduct. The s should be strong conident, but the end quiet, so a period o silence can ollow Communion. Stephen ean. told: st: live: lie: on when be - the not a - ter thanks - giv - in t which should be to but take prae thanks - par - bro - tak -, broth - liv -,. y blood. re - turn. love. strength. sealed s death pro - hold - give us them to Rerain or reprint permsions, please vit OneLicense.net or contact us at 1-800-663-150