Come, Lord! Maranatha (Come Now, Emmanuel) for the choir and music ministers of Old St. Mary s Cathedral, San Francisco

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horal Si, Lord! Maranha (, manuel) for choir mic mts ld St Mary s Cadral, San Francco Assemb, SATB Choir, Keyboard, uitar INTR free C/ D/ p *(Solo Instrument) C/ Hauntg, mode flow (q = ca 112) 4 3? 4 3 Keyboard poco a poco accel 2006, Ricky Manalo, CS ublhed by C, 5536 N Hassalo, ortl, R 9721 All rights rved *Keyboard may play openg melody absence a solo strument Solo Instrument part (editi 70511-Z3) available le Vit ocporg Ricky Manalo, CS U U From collecti THIS HLY LIHT Sgbook 20296 Compact Dc 20295 1 8 0 0 5 4 8 8 7 4 9 o c p o r g

2 % %? VRSS: Advent Weeks 1, 2 (q = ca 120) Week 1 Week 2? () Cast f C - stant - In - crease Com - Take fort, f close ar - know hearts close od speak mor th splen - dor add9/b h light time day h h! Word od Πtime deeds wch, faith; time; time; od, robe add9/b wake sleep; dark stay wake p bound pare form grant love way; liv mn - g; Mov - g Turn Wheth - So be Make straight n th Then shall Wrap night sce dk guard phs day glo - cloak sal - v ti ut No e can Strength - en sal - v ti The reign Ten - d - put a ry - or stay shoot be a- shall - tice diti 20317-Z, Lord! Maranha

3? %? day, day dawn, wake Lord spr, vealed; light,, lift Lift we sg th lift Lift blos - som - g; help guid - g VRSS: Advent Weeks 3, 4 (q = ca 120) Week 3 Week 4 % Al - Sh tience, ways my, () oice, friends; oice; oy, W - Rod Day - pray so cry all C - dom, sprg let through ga, wait nev - Is - man - - sg: zeal: night Bs4 oice! see cease r el u - se s high; stem; high x - B Refra (p 5) Refra (p 5) He So c - ult show pow - Make will stant - ran - all som, Lord! Maranha

4?? od Lord giv - hearts, Is - fail - s dark add9/b ur clouds fear start Lord now; he might! come n who ap - g be sav pear thanks glad r el flaws le de -crease The tis ΠSg Let oy - cry S - Be add9/b The th Al - mns ful - voic oice sg - th pen now od ; glad - so brg heav - rce ns will en - ap - C tience, ways my, prae: hearts: sg: sg: pear! law! home! eace Bs4 time, friends, oice od, le - Key De - do ex - Lord D sire B not you ile vid,, Lord! Maranha

5 RFRAIN Soprano Al F Advent Weeks 1-3 Advent Week 4? Advent Weeks 1-3 Advent Week 4??? Tenor Bass,, F,, ΠF ΠLord! M - Lord! n Πbrg brg N brg brg M - poco poco /B Πpoco r n man - u - ra, man, Aadd9 M r n - man - u - M M A r r n n B, Lord! Maranha

6????,,,, Πset set /B free free Cma7 M r n - man - u - Lord! n ΠM - /B ra, man, Aadd9 M r n - man - u - A, now Am7 n Am n ; ; ; ; brg brg C6 /B D, Lord! Maranha

7 1-3 DS???? 1-3 g Fal Fal g * * Am/ Am/ D/ U U DS *mit cu when solo strument plays, Lord! Maranha

8, Lord! Maranha (, manuel) for choir mic mts ld St Mary s Cadral, San Francco (uitar/vocal) Ricky Manalo, CS INTR free C/ D/ p (Solo Instrument) C/ Hauntg, mode flow (q = ca 112) poco a poco accel U U 4 3 % VRSS: Advent Weeks 1, 2 (q = ca 120) Week 1 Week 2 Cast f C - stant - In - crease Com - fort, Take f add9/b close ar - know hearts close od speak splen - mor dor th time deeds wch, faith; time; time; od, robe h light time day h h! Word od wake stay bound p pare form grant mn - add9/b So Make sleep; dark wake love way; liv g; Mov - g Turn Wheth - be straight n Then shall Wrap sal - v ti ut No e Strength - en sal - v ti The reign Ten - d - put th night sce dk guard phs day glo - cloak can a ry 2006, Ricky Manalo, CS ublhed by C, 5536 N Hassalo, ortl, R 9721 All rights rved

9 % - or stay shoot be - tice shall day, day dawn, wake Lord spr, vealed; light,, VRSS: Advent Weeks 3, 4 (q = ca 120) Week 3 Week 4 Al - Sh tience, ways add9/b od Lord giv - hearts, Is - fail - ur s dark clouds do ex - Lord D sire who ap - g be r de - not you ile vid, my, oice, friends; oice; oy, W - Rod Day - lift Lift we sg th lift Lift blos - som - g; help guid - g - dom, sprg sav pear thanks glad el flaws le crease fear start Lord now; he might! come n The tis add9/b Sg Let oy - cry S - Be C ga, wait nev - Is - man - - pray so cry all The th let through oice! see cease r el u - se s high; stem; high Bs4 sg: zeal: night ful - pen now od ; C Al - mns oice sg glad - ns so will brg heav - en - rce tience, ways th ap - x - my, Bs4 prae: hearts: sg: sg: pear! law! home! eace He So B c - ult show pow - Make Refra will stant - ran - all time, friends, oice od, le - Key B som De -, Lord! Maranha

10 RFRAIN F Aadd9 A Advent Weeks 1-3 Advent Week 4 brg brg A,, C6 brg brg Fal /B D Am /B poco 1-3 Am/ Lord! ; ; M - r n man - u - B /B set set Am/,, Cma7 free free D/ /B Aadd9 M r n - man - u - Am7, now U DS, Lord! Maranha

Assemb diti 11 CM, LRD! MARANATHA/CM NW, MMANUL (Advent Week 1) CM, LRD! MARANATHA/CM NW, MMANUL (Advent Week 2) 4 3Vs Cast C- In - close ar - know hearts mor - or stay Refra, f stant - crease th free h light time day day, day dawn, wake Lord! M, time deeds wch, faith; wake stay bound sleep; dark wake love sal - v ut No Strength- ti e en can So, lift Lift we lift r n M, sg th r n brg g pray night sce dk guard sg: brg ; Ricky Manalo, CS set 3 4 3Vs Com - Take Mov - Turn Whethbe close od speak splen dor shoot be - tice Refra, fort, f shall free time; time; od, robe p h h! Word od Lord spr, vealed; light, Lord! M, pare form grant mn - Lift blos - help guid - r n M, som - g Make g; r n brg way; sal - liv The g; straight n Then Wrap shall so let cry all through th v reign Ten - put ti d - phs day glo - cloak zeal: night brg ; Ricky Manalo, CS a ry set 3 2006, Ricky Manalo, CS ublhed by C, 5536 N Hassalo, ortl, R 9721 All rights rved 2006, Ricky Manalo, CS ublhed by C, 5536 N Hassalo, ortl, R 9721 All rights rved For reprt pmsis, please vit nelicensenet or ctact 1-800-663-150

12 Assemb diti CM, LRD! MARANATHA/CM NW, MMANUL (Advent Week 3) CM, LRD! MARANATHA/CM NW, MMANUL (Advent Week 4) Vs 4 3 Al - Sh od Lord giv - hearts, do Refra, not you free tience, ways who ap - g be fear start Lord now; Lord! M, my sav pear thanks glad oice, friends; oice; oy, ga, wait nev - Is - r oice! see cease el x - He So cult will stant - The Sg Let oy - cry ful - r n M, r n brg Al - tience, ways oice sg glad - ns th my prae: hearts: sg: sg: brg ; Ricky Manalo, CS time, friends, oice od, set 3 Vs 4 3 Is - fail - ur s dark clouds ex - Lord D sire Refra, ile vid, free r de - he might! come n -,, el flaws le crease The tis W - Rod Day - - dom, sprg S - Be man - u - - now pen now man - - od ; th man - u - brg u - se s high; stem; high mns so brg heav - rce will en - ap -, show pow - Make pear! law! home! eace brg ; Ricky Manalo, CS ran - all le - Key set 3 som De - 2006, Ricky Manalo, CS ublhed by C, 5536 N Hassalo, ortl, R 9721 All rights rved 2006, Ricky Manalo, CS ublhed by C, 5536 N Hassalo, ortl, R 9721 All rights rved For reprt pmsis, please vit nelicensenet or ctact 1-800-663-150