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Abstract In the modern society, with the rapid of the animation developing, animations have gradually companied human beings life, becoming the indispensible amusement in life. Among them, Hayao s works is one of a kind, and gains the highest popularity. Therefore, this paper takes Hayao s animations as the major study direction. This paper mainly discusses the meaning of Hayao s animations, analyzing the female characters, monsters, villains, and the relationships between the reality and the animations in the works as the four major aspects. Based on the results of the research, s works convey not only entertainment effects but also prolong meanings to the audiences. Finally, this paper suggests that people should pay more attention to s animated works, since all of them are worthy of appreciating with all heart. Keywords: Hayao, Feminism, Movies, animations. i

Table of Contents Abstract ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i Table of Contents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii I. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 I.1. Background of the Study ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 I.2. Motivation of the Study ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 I.3. Methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 II. Discussion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 II.1. Outline ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 II.2. Actress ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 II.3. Villains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 II.4. Monsters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 II.5. Events ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 III. Conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 III.1.Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 III.2.Self Reflection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 IV. References ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 ii

I. Introduction I.1. Background of the Study With the culture exchange between Japan and Taiwan, the animation and comic books from Japan have appealed to Taiwanese. More and more people like the animation and comic books, and one of the most influential works is Hayao s animation. His animations are popular with not only children but also adults because of its lovely style, entertaining plots and vivid characters. His films have been already familiar to the audiences around the world. Moreover, has been named one of the most influntial people by Time Magazine. Hayao 's works look simple and easy to understand, but in fact, there are some deep meanings in his works that he wants to convey to the audiences (You, 2011). Each of his work always implies deep meaning and insights, and includes some past of his individual matters happened in his childhood. For example, Totoro, which is a role in the movie that contacted with his mother s characteristics (You, 2011). And the most important is he emphasizes lots of things about protecting our environmental our natural mother. Compared to the latest animators, his works which have lots of thoughts about the contemporary things are unique. In the modern world, most of people tend to live a modern life; however, Hayao s animations are trying to convince the audiences of the importance of the nature. (Wu, 2003) In the modern society, almost everyone lost their true self with the increase of the age and social experience. Yet, his works attemp to remind us of getting the inner-self back and realize who we are again. It is one of the reasons why the researchers are motivated and want to discuss them. Because of the above reasons the researchers decided to probe into his works and something behind his animations. Ghibli Museum, which was designed by Hayao himself, established in 2001 (Fang, 2006). Ghibli Museum advocates nature protection and the spirit of environmental protection. Moreover, this museum s surroundings are designed to make the visitors interact with it. This museum collected most of the works from Hayao, and copied lots of the situation in his animations in order to make people learn more about his works (You, 2011). I.2. Motivation of the Study Nowadays, more and more people place the emphasis on the conscious of the environmental conservation, anti-nuclear, the women rights, and so on. And Hayao put the elements in his works to warn the people to pay attention to our live surroundings. Generally speaking, people regard animation as child s pastimes; however, Hayao s movies broke traditional viewpoints. Those who have seen his movies are attracted by the features of his movies. For the reason, the researches want to know what makes his animation attract many people in all ages. 1

"In the past, humans hesitated when they took lives, even non-human lives. But society had changed, and they no longer felt that way. As humans grew stronger, I think that we became quite arrogant, losing the sorrow of 'we have no other choice.' I think that in the essence of human civilization, we have the desire to become rich without limit, by taking the lives of other creatures." Because of this dictums from, the researchers are trying to find whether the meaning of his words exist in his animations. "I'm not going to make movies that tell children You should despair and run away," said. In this insecure era, he sells hope to all around the world successfully, and let the innocent heart fly against the wind. The hope is not based on imagination. For Hayao, he used two means to look for the existence of hope. One of them is observation and the other is to believe (CommonWealth Magzine, 2011). He brings the people who are in lower class a lot of wishes but the people in the upper class think more about their selves. He put his ideas into the animation, and would not lose the feelings of the cartoon itself. His works are so best-selling because they are the basis of these reasons. In order to get more insight about Hayao s thoughts, the researchers came up with the following methods to discuss them in details. I.3. Methods In order to solve the question that we are probing, we decided to do something within our ability to find the answers. And we collected lots of references and journals that associated with Hayao. Then, we intergraded into several tables so that we can know clearly about what the meaning in his works wants to convey to the audience. We search some professor s report about Hayao and Hayao s works II. Discussion II.1. Outline People can always find actress, monsters and bad guys in s animation. Although they seem to be ordinary, they play quite important roles in s work. What s more, each kind of role in his works will always have the similarity. For example, woman always play the role as sage and kindness, while monsters are usually animals, such as cats. Bad guys are always in lofty state. Besides, also added realistic events to his animations for the purpose of arouse audiences approval. As a result, researchers focus on these four parts to analyze, delve and find out the resemblance of them, and analyze deeply. II.2. Actress 2

There are many female characters appearing in s works. Some of the female movie actress appearance characteristic background Spirited Away Rumi Hiiragi A girl with a horse tail Pure and brave An ordinary girl characters in the works are outstanding and individualized; the others are graceful and gentle women (Hsin, 2007). For example, in the stories of Spirited Away and The Cat Returns, both of actress are ordinary human beings and don t have special abilities or strong powers. What they only have is innocent and kind heart. They became much mature after experienced a series of matters, and they also learned how to solve problems. Each of s stories all have some similar features, and those features are what the researches want to study in the following parts (Wong, 2004;Li, 2006). Table1 Actress 3

My Neighbor TOTORO Satsuki Kusakabe and Both of them are short hair. Naïve and brave Ordinary girls who moved to countryside Mei Kusakabe The Cat Returns Haru Yoshioka A girl wears a uniform. Kind-hearted An ordinary senior high school student Princess Mononoke San A girl with some color on her face Masculine and respect for nature A girl who was taken care for wildlife Porco Rosso Fio Piccolo A girl with a brown horse tail Lively and vibrant A maintenance worker during the war Nausicaa of the Nausicaa A girl with short and blue Beautiful and strong An ordinary inhabit Valley of the Wind traditional clothes Laputa: Castle in the sky Sheeta A girl with long braids kindness A princess of lost country Kiki s Delivery Kiki A girl with short hair and kindness A training witch Service black dress Howl s Moving Castle Sophie An old woman with wrinkles on her face Simple, lack of confidence and A girl who was cursed by a witch self-limited Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea Ponyo Half human and half fish Simply lovely innocent A young mermaid II.3. Villains In Hayao 's animations, villain role that have great authorities are greed, and they abuse their powers to get benefits. Their eyes were covered by interests, so they usually make wrong decisions, and hurt themselves. However, when turning points come, the kindness in their mind will be guided, even changed their notions. Generally speaking, the bad guys in the movies or novels always have the awful denouement. However in are on the contrary. In his animations, the bad guys may be very helpful to the leading characters, and may lead the leading characters to the right way or even help them to go through the difficulties. Bad guys may change their mind and become a good person because they were touched by the main characters (Wu, 2003). However, some of them would still have awful denouement or even die. In Hayao 's stories, we can learn that even a bad guy may probably turn into a good person. Take Hayao s films for example, the Yubaba in Spirited away who is a female businessman with power and money. She originally forced the main female character to stay and extracted her labor but end up changing her mind because of her child and send the female 4

character to her world. On the other hand, the group of robbers always be viewed as cold-blood, violence and cruel, however, it was not like that in Spirited Away. There is a group of robbers in the Spirited Away, though they robbed something, they have kind heart that touched by the female character s enthusiasm and helped her cross the difficult. Others stories like Princess Mononoke (Chen 2007). The Cat Returns have plots of the bad guys turned into good people. Perhaps what Hayao 's wants to express is there is not a so-called complete bad guy or a good person. Table 2 Villain role Movie Villain role Strategy Result Spirited Away Yubaba, a boss of Earning money Let the human girl back home a hotel The Cat Returns The Cat King, the Forcing the Being forced to give up her throne king in the Cat World human girl to marry to its son Princess Mononoke Lady Eboshi, a leader of a nation Wresting resources and Being touched by the Mother Nature and stopping destroyed it destroying the Mother Nature Nausicaa of The Valley of The Wind Lady Kushana, a princesses of a nation Occupying the other countries Being moved by human s persistence and stop occupying countries Laputa: Castle in The Sky robber group, a arrogant team Seeking for the treasures Changing their mind to help the character to through out the difficulties II.4. Monsters In the world, there are many kind of monster version, and some of them are quit odd, especially Japanese version. As the time passes by, these monsters take on movies and TV together. Nowhere do we see these monsters without appearing in Japanese movies. Among these movies, puts lots of monsters elements in his animations (Xiao, 2007). One of the monsters in his animations has the characteristic of amiable, another is horrible, the other are evil but also good. Those monsters in Hayao 's animations have humanity as well. They can either communicate with people or argue with them. The researches found out the main monsters to elaborate the above opinions. For instants, in the movie- Kiki s Delivery Service, the spoken cat- KiKi, usually gives some ideas to his owner and help her come through difficulties. s monsters are rich in various characteristics, and are often called the epitome of human. In the 5

story of The Cat Returns, cats not only can speak but also have the personalities and the same complicated feelings like human beings, and even have some uprising which happened in the real world. Other movies also have the similar monsters, such as, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke and so on. Table 3 Monster Movie Monster Characteristic Symbolization Spirited Away Kaonashi(No-face) Conjuring out of Over consuming anything My Neighbor Totoro Flying in the sky The defender of the woods Totoro Speeding up growing trees The Cat Returns Humbert von Gikkingen Serene gentleman Human s kind-hearted personality Princess Mountain animal Bringing the life and Angel of death Mononoke death Porco Rosso Porco Rosso A forthright soldier Anti-war sense Nausicaa of the King insect Beards are able to Mother nature Valley of the Wind cure wound Laputa: Castle in the sky Robot Tender The products of human s high technology Kiki s Delivery Jiji speak Human s intimate friend Service flying Howl's Moving Castle Calcifer Good at magic Human s barter mentalitythe human pawn shop Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea Ponyo Little mermaid Human s innocent and craftiness II.5. Eevents Hayao usually adds some inhuman conducts of realistic events to his stories (You,2011), for the purpose, let audiences realize and prompt them to face up to these serious problems of society. Therefore, researchers unified some dates and concluded these connections between movies and realistic events. For example, in the movie of Howl s Moving Castle, we can learn a special wizard who hated war and rejected to be conscripted by his country. However, he was still involved in the war at the end of the movie. This situation just likes, during the world war, those people who can not help but attend the world war because of their country s declaration of the 6

war. Hayao who is an animator for decades experiences lots of events, thus, he wants to bring some notices to people and devote to the society. What s more, in Princess Mononoke, people who do not respect the nature set fire to the forest randomly and destroy Mother Nature for the purpose of gaining resources. This event is just like what the real world face today-a serious problem. However, the endings in Hayao s stories are people get alone with the Mother Nature, and this also stands for Hayao s expectation of the real world. Besides, other movies also have used the similar issues about the world events to be the main ideas of his stories, such as, Porco Rosso and Kiki s Delivery Service. The following is our table of connection of the movies and the realistic events. Table 4 Movie role Event symbolization connection Spirited Away Yubaba Yubaba oppresses her capitalist To condemn the employees and despoils their capitalism who freedom. oppresses bottom feeder Princess Lady Eboshi limitless deforest and capitalist To condemn the Mononoke destroyed the environment capitalism who The Connection between Movies and the Realistic Events 7

destroyed our planet unlimitedly. Porco Rosso Porco Rosso Porco Rosso rather be People who to condemn and dig become a pig than attend anti-fascism at Fascism Fascist Kiki s Delivery Kiki A girl who immigrate to a The symbolization of The combination of Service unfamiliar country and tried Exotic culture are exotic culture and to adapt it. accepted local culture. Howl s Moving Howl Howl rejected to be A civilian is To show the feeling Castle conscripted by government, unwilling to take part of those civilians who but he was still involved in in the war fed up the war. the war at the end. *Fascism: Encyclopæ dia Britannica has a definition of Fascism: Individual position is oppressed by a social organization, such as a kind of country, nation, race, or bottom feeder. III.Conclusion III.1.Summary After reading the relative books and websites, this paper respectively analyzes the female characters, monsters, villain roles and linkage between the animations and the reality, and then integrated the common and difference in these four tables. For example, when talking about female, the researchers learned that how Hayao values bra-burner. Hayao is unlike most of Japanese male that ignore females; instead, he considers them to be at the equal position. What s more, the femalse in the movie have more encouragement and superior abilities than the male. When it comes to monsters, in Hayao 's movies the monsters also have the same affections and sympathy as human being; the monster that he created in the movies are alike human beings and that is the reason why those monsters are able to catch more audience s heart. As for villain roles they are unlike other bad guy in other animation would be punished at the end; however, the villain roles in Hayao s animations sometimes would help the leading roles overcome some difficulties and even turn out to be a good person in the end. What s more, this change is not only different in other stories but also a big characteristic in Hayao s animation. On the other hand, he brought some realistic event which occurred all around the world into his animation, and this gives a sense of reality and makes the distance between the animation and reality much closer. After seeking out lots of information and data and deep analysis, this study get a conclusion that some people may not notice. If people can get more ideas and have some responses because of the 8

researchers project, when they appreciate Hayao s works, it will be the happiest thing for these researchers. IV.2.Self Reflection Project gives lots of experiences to the researchers, and the process of discussing this project also trains each researcher s spirit of teamwork, personalities and ability of English writing. And then, systematically discuss what materials this project needs and carries it out. The researchers also had some setbacks, for example, different opinions among the researchers. How to solve these problems rationally is also one of lessons that the researchers needed to learn. What s more, when the researchers did not know how to go on this project, they would solve this problem by asking teachers for some suggestions, looking for some references and trying to get more information for other people, and then transformed them into our own ideas. On the other hand, the researchers learned more about Hayao himself and the abundant of information in his works by discussing the project. As a result, the researchers also learned that next time when they see Hayao s animations they can understand more the meaning what Hayao wants to show by his works, and even learn more things that the researchers did not know before. V. References Quote by Hayao : I m not going to make movies that tell children, & 2011, 取自 http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/show/19388 Quotes About Creatures (11 quotes) 2011, 取自 http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/creatures 天下雜誌 全台獨家專訪宮崎駿影音 ( 崖上的波妞幕後花絮 宮崎駿美術館 宮崎駿工作 室 ) 2011, 取自 http://issue.cw.com.tw/issue/hope/k1.jsp 方妍云 (2006) 博物館與文化創意產業發展之探討 : 以宮崎駿吉卜力美術館為例 元智大學 資訊社會研究所 : 碩士論文 王耀瑄 (2004) 宮崎駿動畫作品中的女性形象研究 國立臺東大學兒童文學研究所 : 碩士論 文 辛宜家 (2007) 宮崎駿動畫中性別角色呈現之探討 國立台北護理學院嬰幼兒保育研究所 : 碩士論文 吳旻峰 (2003) 宮崎駿動畫卡通作品研究 國立臺東大學兒童文學研究所 : 碩士論文 李欣馨 (2006) 異化變相的女性主義 - 以宮崎駿動畫為例 國立臺東大學兒童文學研究所 : 碩 士論文 李佩蓉 (2010) 宮崎駿動畫電影之環境倫理與性別差異 國立台南大學環境生態研究所碩士 班 : 碩士論文 官振萱 張漢宜 獨家專訪宮崎駿 : 孩子帶給我勇氣和希望 天下雜誌,414 期 9

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