團 istingui. 2 HKUST in Action. 8 News in Chinese. Hl<UST Establishes Hainan Institute. :,m E 祖祖嘿, 開帽 fflrii. An Internal Communication.

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T A :,m E 祖祖嘿, 開帽 fflrii An Internal Communication What s a 1side 2 HKUST in Action tii c ura az3 mmc叫 nme-hs inu-.而ω-m甘vlet u,h悅刷 wmpd 呵尬V4 & A Sportsυpd ate 5 Talk of the Campus Social Club 6 Advertisements Announcements Home Affairs Souvenirs Sta 仟 Notes Time out for English 團, News in Chinese 8 News in Chinese Hl<UST Establishes Hainan Institute 團 istingui gathered at the Citiba 1k Lecture Theatre on January 22 to celebrate the in augu at ion of H}<UST's Hainan l 1stitL te. Participants in the ceremony included the Director of the Economic Cooperation Depa 付 mentofha in an Province, M Xiao Ceneng; the Head of the Stee ing Group for Training and Development of the Hainan Provincial Government, Ms Zhang De Chun; the Mayor of Haikou City, Mr Zeng Hao Kong; and the Vice Mayor of Sanya City,Mr Ji Xiang Ke. The Governor of Hainan Province, Mr Ruan Chong Wu, sent a congratulatory message for the inauguration ceremony in which he stressed the Hainan Provincial Government s readiness to assist the Institute in all areas of its research wo k, and reaffirmed his belief that the establishment of the Institute would help to promote Hainan s economic and social development. The establishment of the Institute is the culmination of HKUST s e 仔 0 吋 s to promote collaboration Ambassador Guo Fengm 叭, Chinese Senior Representative of the Sino-British Joint Liaison Group, with Prof. Chia-Wei Woo at the ceremony. between Hong Kong and Hainan. For the past year the University has been defining missions and directions, organising resources and strengthening ties within the Province. It has also organised a series of six Executive Development Programmes to introduce Hainan senior government officials to Hong Kong s commercial and legal systems. The mission of the Institute is to use Hainan as a base for academic and applied research and development so as to fulfil HKUST s mission of contributing to the economic development of Hong Kong and her neighbouring region says Prof. Chia-Wei Woo, who heads the Institute. HKUST s work in Hainan will serve Hainan and Hong Kong alike, facilitating economic cooperation between the two areas and paving the way for Hongkongers who wish to pa 此 icipate in the economic and indust ial development of Hai nan. Hain a 1, a province nea ly the same size as Taiwan with a population of only 6.7 million, is known for its rich natural resources and scenic environment. One of the Institute s objectives is to make full use of Hainan s resources to develop her economy and culture while ensuring the preservation of her natu al environment and social equilibrium. The Hainan Government delegation pose with members of the HK,υST Hainan Institute.

HKUST IN ACTION Exhibiti n at the Library 囝 n show in 川 the L 昀 ity Li 叫 Gallery unti exhibition of Paintings by Lam WL FL i. Mr Lam, who comes from Guangdong Province, specialises in a wide range of flower, bird, insect, fish and animal painting. His works are noted for their freshness, poetic flavour and originality. He has held one-man exhibitions in Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, South Korea, England, Germany, Australia and the U.S., and his wo ks have been collected by the national museums of these count ies. Mr Lam was present at the opening of the exhibition on 1 February, answering questions about his work and autographing copies of the exhibition poster. Students Prom te Environmental Awareness l] fwea 帥 succ 叫 in 州 ronmental protectio 叫 m 州 irst P omote environmental awareness. This is the view of HKUST Business and Management students Cynthia Lau, Ronald Poon, and Sam Wai Kin, and to this end they initiated the Angel of Nature project. The project targets disadvantaged children between the ages of 10 and 15. To bring the environmental message home to them in a lively and memorable way the students recently arranged a se ies of three events and com nunal activities. The first of these took place on 23 January. Fifty children from orphanages and children s homes in Hong Kong were brought to the HKUST campus for a fun-filled yet educational day. For one ofthe activities children were divided into two teams each of which was given a large piece of cloth. One team was instructed to draw their impression of a well protected environment. The other team drew their impression of the results of an environment left unprotected. Lam Wu-Fui autographs a poster for Mrs Yvonne 的 loo. A Cl se 回附 ST Che 酬 ry stl Sec nd at the Chemistry Olympiad Lil Wai-SL n and Toby Mak won second p ize at the 1993 Hong Kong Chemistry Oly npiad on 22 January for a supe b presen tation on the topic Che nist y for Enjoyment: Jewels" The team s presentation, which covered the chemical aspects of jewels, was given entirely by ove head projection from an LCD screen operated from Mr Mak s computer. The Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad is a competition organised by the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Hong Kong Chemical Society in which of teams of underg aduate students from each of the tertiary institutions in Hong Kong present answers to a set of questions bearing on chemistry in relation to society. This yea s winning team came from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Children pa 前 icipa ting in the Angel of Nature Project paint their impressions of an unpolluted environment. Sir Derel< Bart n lectures at Hl<UST 囝 ne of 伽 century's great 伽 ni 叫 scien Barton, who won the Nobel Prize in 1969 for his pioneering work into the relationship between chemical reactivity and the structure of molecules in organic chemistry, came to lecture at HKUST on 2 February. His lecture, entitled the "Invention of Chemical Reactions' was well received by the large number of staff and faculty who attended it. The HKUST team, Angela Liu Wai Sum, Toby Mak and Twinnie Tso Sau-Ching with their silver medal. Sir Derek Barton exp/a 的 s a chemical formula.

Communicati n Channels at Hl<UST 團 KU 訂 h 叫 n rapi 州州 1991 when the campus first opened, there were just a handful of staff, and it was easy to put a face to a name. Now, just over two years later, we suddenly have one thousand seven hundred staff on board, from all so 前 s of different backgrounds, and communication is no longer a simple matter of picking up the phone and dialling someone you know. Communication difficulties and misunderstandings have on occasion led to frustration and irritation,' says Mr Ian Macpherson, Pro Vice Chancellor of Business and Administratio 1, and he is doing all he can to resolve the situation. Office Managers at HKUST act as one of the major channels of communication at HKUST. Part of their role is to receive and dissem i 1 ate information, and they serve as a useful contact point between fact lty and the administration. We feel that more effective use could be made of the Office Managers. They form a service point, a place to which faculty may direct their aι ministrative enquiries says Mr Macphe son. There are occasions, however, when problems arise which are beyond the scope of an Office Manager. Cases like these may be discussed with Ms Helen Wong Oi Ling, Assistant Secretary in the PVC-AB s Office, who combines her ole as a normal line manager there with that of a sympathetic ear or ombudsman to whom faculty may turn when they are facing problems dealing with the administration of the University. She listens to grievances and t ies to set things to rights. To learn more about the policy and plans of the University staff and fact lty can a lso ead the minutes of the University Administrative Committee (UAC) meetings. These are now posted on the Electronic Noticeboard after each meeting. Back copies may be obtained from Office Managers. By reading important policy documents such as these staff and faculty can gain insight into major administrative policies of the University. In a further effort to ease communications throughout the University, the UAC has directed a small informal group that meets from time to time to discuss anything which may be affecting the relationship between the faculty and the administration. The group consists of Professor David Barber, nominated as the Chairman, Professor Jay Chen, Professor Fred Lochovsky, Dr Berry Hsu, Mr Mike Hudson, Professor Grafton Hui, Mr Ian Macpherson, Mr Norman Ngai and Mr CY Yip, and they serve to represent anyone who has a problem that they wish to bring out into the open. Another useful communication tool is, of course, Genesis. Questions received are addressed anonymously to the department that can answer them, and events, policy, news and views can be publicised on our pages. 園叫 sta 仟 and res be 1efit of two on-campus editing and tra 1slatio 1 services. The Office of Contract and Grant Ad nin i stration (OCGA) offers one; the Educational Technology Cent e (ETC) offers the other. As pa 此 of the R&D Branch, OCGA offers assistance in the preparation of research proposals, repo 付 s, journal articles, and symposium announcements and proceedings. OCGA s editing team, led by Dr Martha Dahlen (until recent times the editor of Genesis) and assisted by Dr Ray Dragan, is ready to edit, proofread, and give advice on effective writing and textual organisation. To enlist the team s aid simply e-mail Dr Dahlen (email: OCMD), call her on Ext. 6179, or just turn up at her office, (Room 6531, via Lifts 27-28). We welcome and encourage all faculty and research staff to use these services says M Alden McCracken, Director of OCGA. At ETC Mr Hector Koo (e-mail: ETKOO) provides English/ Chinese and Chinese/English translation services for doc 廿 ments for central administrative purposes and for teaching materials generated by ETC for use in the classroom. He also helps to polish translations of academic writings by individual fact lty members. Another service he offers is Chinese and Eng lish editing of publications for central administrative pu poses, laboratory HELP WITH WRITING manuals for student use, and academic, non-technical writings by individual staff members used for teaching purposes. VIDEO SPOTLIGHT THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE (08981.0733 1991 NTSC 58 mins) The ultimate and the most important question in this last episode of these ies THEOR IGINAND EVOLUTION OF THE UNIVERSE by the Royal Instill tion, Malcolm Longair presents the contributions of modern pa 吋 icle physics to the solution of the biggest mystery: the inflationary model of the early universe; the asymmetry between matter and antimatter; and other intriguing facets. Be sure to view the other four programmes: THE GRAND DESIGN THE BIRTH OF THE STARS, THE ORIGIN OF QUASARS, THE ORIGIN OF GALAXIES.

UESTIONS? ANSWERS! 固 Acco din p omoted t PSIS afte they complete 3 yea s of service if they meet pr m tion equirements. As a PSI myself I wonder what my caree prospects are when the number of PSls is increasing all the time? 四川 伽 e 州州 m 1ior rank in thepersonal Secretary grade entitled Senior Personal Secretary (SPS). Vacancies at the SPS rank will as a rule be advertised, and Personal Secretaries who meet the appointment criteria may apply for these positions. 固 How does HK UST keep pests such k 叫賦 ants, and te mites at bay? Would the substances used comply with U.S. regulations? 區 Al Clancy SEP tors i wolved in pest control activities on campus. We have contacted the various EMO sections involved with the con tractors, as well as the contractors themselves requesting information on the products they use. As far as we can ascertain at this point, all of the pesticides used are also registered in the U.S. We have obtained Material Safety Data Sheets on the products and some of them are considerably more toxic than others. Many are relatively harmless to humans, unless ingested directly, and are based on pyrethrins which are naturally occurring compounds found in the flower head of chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium, a flower in the daisy family. A powdered form of this was first used in about 1800 in the Transcaucasus region of Asia. The powder was also used for louse control in the Napoleonic Wars. Kenya and Ecuador are the primary sources of pyrethrins, which are now extracted using solventsopyrethrins are probably the safest pesticide available. They quickly degrade in sunlight and are therefore ideal for indoor use. For outdoor use synthesized pyrethroids, which are resistant to sunlight, are more suitable. We have already asked some of the contractors to refrain from using the more toxic compounds, and will do the same with the contractors who have provided us this information only recently. 固 I hav leave His machine instantly replied with the message that this person is on leave, so I have sought an answer to my question elsewhere. This is an excellent service. I would like to know how to set up my machine to behave like this. 因 CCST rep 慨 : For U automatic reply for incoming nail like this using a p og am called vacatio 1, which comes with the Unix system and i s accessible to all users. One can compose one s own acknowledgement and the subject line of each item of incoming mail will be automatically included. Interested users can consult the on-line help on "vacation" on Unix for details. Unfortunately it is not so easy to implement this kind of automatic reply on other systems, like VMS. To do so on other systems users will need some mail delivery software and programming skills. 團扯 th Sp rts th fitness and spo 叫 ing prowess a e goals that are becoming i 1creasingly attai 1able to staff and students at HKUST. The first of the new facilities two new floodlit, bitumen surface tennis cou 巾 located near the southern entrance-were completed in January, bringing the total number of tennis cou 吋 s at HKUST to six. In February floodlighting for the football field, provided by the Jockey Club, was installed, and by October this year four air-conditioned squash cou 吋 s, located on LG4 of the multi 卜 storey car park, will be completed. The squash cou 叫 s are being built in response to demand from staff and students. We received a petition f om several hundred students asking for this says Ian Macpherson, PVC AB. Squash is also one of the ta getspo 付 S 可 f Hong Kong, which means to say that the Government of Hong Kong is putting money towards its development with the aim of raising the general playing standard. Also on the agenda is a new air-conditioned fitness room. The Fitness Room is one of our most popular facilities says Mr Update Kenny Chow, senior PE Officer atthe Student Affairs Office. The present one has multi-gym equipment fo allover body conditioning. The new fitness room Will include a free weight area for those who wish to target specific body areas. All of these developments, apa 吋 from the floodlights, have been made possible by a HK$3.5 million donation by TVB. Priorities on how to spend the money were determined on the advice of an ad hoc representative committee. Money that remains will be used to grass over the rough ground of large open area between the Academic Building and the southern end of the campus. This will enable softball, touch rugby, or any apo 仕 that would not damage the su face to take place. Perhaps even war games," says Mr Chow. How do HKUST s sp 此 s facilities match up to those of the other universities in Hong Kong? In terms of quantity we still lag behind, but in terms of quality the equipment we have is more upto-date,' says Mr Chow. We have the space. What we need is tpe money.,

TALK OF THE CAMPUS by Martha Dahlen SOCIAL CLUB by Steve Kong Equan im us! Eq uan i m us! Tai Chi Class Formed 自 uddha warns that 恥,s no telling where you will find enlightened teaching. One of the least expected places is, surely, a tax seminar. Nevertheless, attending the U.S. Tax Seminar held here on February 16, I and about a hundred other people witnessed a remarkable demonstration of a spiritual principle. It was the second speaker. He began with a cartoon, which is reproduced below... Need we say more? EXPERIENCE THE RAw GUT-WRENCHING DRAMA OF HUMAN CONFLI 訂 THROUGH ACCOUNTING The Social Club has assisted Dr Kimberly Chang of the Division of Social Science to set up an on-campus Tai Chi class in the spring semester. The class is open to all members of the University community and meets every Wednesday and Friday, f om 6 to 7 p.m. for the duration of ten weeks. The instructor is Master Sin Man-Ho, founder and supervisor of the Man Ho Gymnasium, Chairman of the China Qi Gong Society, and a long-time practitioner and teacher of the Chinese martial a 叫 s in Hong Kong. Both beginner and advanced levels are welcome. Tuition fees are $600fo staff and their spouses, and $300 for students. The class is conducted in a mixture of Cantonese and Putonghua. However, most students in the class can speak fluent English and they can provide assistance to non-chinese speakers. Anyone who is interested in joining this class please contact Michael Cheng ( Ext.6372, mail: foming) as soon as possible. Spring B at Trip PREPARING To Do BATn.E THE THIULL OF V1 叮 ORY THE AGONY OF DEFEAT AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS, NOVEMBER 21, 1990 A real Buddha, of course, would be laughing through it all and would have a bigger paunch, but the point is to maintain equanimity, no matter what the circumstances. After the ca 此 oon trailers, the speaker settled into his presentation. Now, t 似的 must be one of the most volatile subjects known to modern man. Otherwise mild-mannered people can become downright ferocious when you explain to them how much money the government (actually plural in this case- U.S. Federal, State and Hong Kong) expect them to give back. As the presentation continued, negative energy in Lecture Theatre D began to build, especially with questions from the audience. But our speaker handled them deftly. He did not simply refuse to be drawn into argument, he didn t merely side-step the verbal fireballs but actually caught, transfo med and returned them as good humour. His tone of voice had a comforting cadence... Was this ape 斤 ormance? A technique learned as pa 內 of the degree course in Tax Accounting? No matter. Equanimous, equanimous I thought, remembering the favourite word of a neditation teacher I once had. And in that lies a certain happiness. Even when paying taxes? That would be a real achievement. The Social Club will be organising a Saturday boat trip to Lantao Island. The date is tentatively set at 23 April and the trip will commence at around noon and end at roughly 9 p.m. The trip begins with a boat ride to Tao O village, reputed to be Hong Kong s little Venice, on the western side of Lantao Island. On the way the boat will pass through the new airpo 吋 site at Chek Lap Kok. From Tai O tou buses will be waiting to take us across the Island visiting places such as the only commercial tea plantation in Hong Kong, Shek Pik Reservoir and the Po Lin Mon 開 astery which boasts the world's largest cast bronze Buddha. While at Po Lin Monastery a vegetarian dinner will be provided. In the evening we will board a boat at Mui Wo on the eastern side of Lantau for the return trip. Details of the trip and sign up procedures will be announced later by e-mail and in the April issue of Genesis.,'RITE RS,r.ANTED o you have news, views or insights that you would like to share with staff and faculty at HKUST? Genesis welcomes cont ibutions on any topic in either English or Chinese. Just send them to GENESIS by e-mail (address GENESIS) or by internal mail before the 14th of the month for inclusion in the following mon 咐,s issue.

SOUVENIR (f!!c. 雪, 自 INFORMATION SHOP 噓, 叫, CENTRE Shopping f r Hl<UST S uvenirs Bacl< t Sch I 春季大減價 A Great Special Offer!! Sa e While stocks last 1994 Wall Calendars are on offer at only $5 to anyone who makes a purchase at the Souvenir Shop. 凡在紀念品店購買任何物品, 加五元便可換取科大 1994 年精美月曆一本, 換完即止 50% Off!! Commemorative Book - Building a University. This book, which was produced to celebrate the opening of the Unive sity, is based largely on inter views with many of the key planners, designers and builders of HKUST. 介紹科大歷史的精美特干 lj 官 uilding a University" 現以特惠價五十元出售, 賣完即止 20% Off!! Cotton Sweatsh i ts Cotton Sweatshirts w/hood Cotton Sweatpants 96% Pure Wool Cardigans 96% Pure Wool Pullovers Now Only $ 64 $ 68 $ 64 $ 116 $ 116 Clothing comes in five sizes for adu lts. Cotton sweatshirts also come in three ch ildren's sizes. Many other items a e also available. ANNOUNCEMENTS Salaries will be paid on 29 March. Readership Survey. Next month Genesis will be seeking your views on just exactly what it is you want to see in Genesis. We will welcome your input. STAFF NOTES Pr n 可 ti ns Ms Mike OT FOK to Graphic Design Officer in the Educational Technology Centre Mr Kenny FONG to Reprographic Officer in the Educational Technology Centre Mr Tony LAM to Associate Director in the Educational Technology Centre Ms WONG Ngan Fung to Gardener in the Estates Management Office Ms Angela PY Yu to EOI in the Department of Computer Science ADVERTISEMENTS Flat for Rent: Small flat with roof, su itable for a single person or a couple, in Lower Tai Po Tsai Village. Immediate occupancy. Unfu nished letting at HK$7,000 per month. Please call Linda on Ext. 6636. Needed: Office chair, sw ive l 句 p e on wheels, for home use. Wanted: Electric keyboard or piano, not too big. In both cases, phone Martha, Ext. 6179, or e-mail OCMD. HOME AFFAIRS Ms TSANG Yuk Fan announces her mar iage to SHEi< Yu Fai on 28 November. GENESIS I TIME OUT FOR ENGLISH On a display of You re my one and only" Valentine cards:,now available in multi-packs., Managing Editor Sabine Harris Editor Ma ia Hackett Design 品 Production Timothy Ngan, Jackson Choi Photography Jacky Pang, Lam Siu-Kei Genesis is published by the Office of Public A 行 airs and printed by ETC. 1994 by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. All ights reserved. P inted on ecycled paper. Contributions f om all staff are welcome. Deadline for submission is the 14th of each month. Send to e-mail add ess GENESIS.

答問 固根據現行政策, 所有二級私人秘書於服務滿三 年, 工作表現達到晉升要求, 便會晉升為一級私人秘書 身為一級私人秘書的我, 請問在一級私人秘書人數越來越多的情況下, 還有什麼晉升機 會? 區人事部回覆 在私人秘書棚仲還有一個更 高的職位, 名為高級私人秘書 依照規例, 當有高級私人秘書空缺時, 便會登廣告公開招聘 合符資格的私人秘書均可申請 J E 科大如何對付例如是蟑螂螞蟻和自蟻一類的害 蟲呢? 使用的滅蟲藥是否符合美國衛生條例? 國安全及環境保護處歐體 ( 心叫示 校 園內的滅蟲工作由數間公司承包, 我們已查詢過校產管理處內幾個與承包公司有接觸的部門, 以及有關的承包公司, 得知有關所使用滅蟲藥的資 和厄瓜多是 除蟲菊脂 的主要來源地 但時至 今日, 這種物質是以溶解法從植物中抽取 除 蟲菊月豈 可能是滅蟲藥中最安全的, 它會在陽光 下降解, 所以特別適用於室內 至於在戶外, 不 易在陽光下降解的 合成除蟲菊脂 貝 lj 較為合 適 我們已經要求承包商不要採用毒性太強的 滅蟲藥, 亦會對最近才向我們提供有關資料的承 包商作出同樣要求 固我剛剛發出一個電子郵件給某人而他適逢休 假, 他的電腦立即回覆, 表示他正在放假, 於是 我便將問題轉問其他人 這實在是極佳的服務 請問我的電腦怎樣才辦得到? 自計算及電訊中心回覆 : 凡是 Un 耐系統的 用家, 都可輕易設立這項名為 假期 (Vacation ) 的自動回覆電子郵遞程式 用家更可 料 在放假前自行編寫回答郵逅的訊息, 只要一收到 直至現時為止, 可以確定的是承包公司所用的滅蟲藥均在美國註冊 在取得的所有減蟲藥物料安全資料中顯示, 某些滅蟲藥毒性較大 但除非吃進肚裡 多數滅蟲藥對人體都無大害 滅蟲藥的成份主要是 除蟲菊脂 這種化合物質是採白一種名為 除蟲菊 守的花蕊 o 粉末狀的 來信, 程式便自動告訴來信者機主 E 放假, 並把機主預先編寫的回覆加上來信者訊息的主題寄返來信者, 使對方知悉機主是回覆他哪一個訊息 有興趣人士可利用 輔助指令 了解 假期 (Vacation ) 程式的詳情 可惜這種自動回覆功能不容易在例如是 VMS 操作系統中設立 如果 除蟲菊脂 大約在一八零零年已在高加棄地區 要有同樣效果, 非 Unix 操作系統的用家必須加 開始使用, 在拿破崙戰爭中亦被用作辟益 肯雅 用其他電子郵遞軟件與及自行編寫程式 康體會活動 ;工少鳴 校園太極班 眷季本地旅行 康體會協助社會科學部張清明博士成立了一個在校園康體會將於四月份舉辦一次本地旅行, 日期暫定為四 內舉行的太極班, 歡迎大學教職員 家屬及學生參加 太月二十三日星期六, 目的地是大嶼山, 詳情及報名手續將極班教師為著名國術教練, 無論初學或有相當程度者相信於稍後在電子通訊網絡及四月份 同創 J 內公怖 均能有所俾益 計劃中參觀的地點包括有香港水鄉威尼斯之桶的大澳 太極班每星期練習兩天, 時間為星期三及星期五下午 石璧水塘 貝納祺茶園 寶蓮寺 天壇大佛等名勝 團友 六時至 4 二時, 為期十星期 學費分別為教職員及家屬六百 還可以從遊艇上欣賞大嶼山北岸風光, 了解青馬大橋及赤 元 學生三百元 太極班己於二月底開始練習, 有興趣參 臘角新機場的發展情況 當天晚餐將在寶蓮寺內享用, 一 加者請從速與鄭傑明聯絡 ( 內線 6372, 電子通訊 嚐寺內著名的齋宴 FOMING) 整個旅程時間約九小時, 中午出發, 晚上回程

E 怔, 1 1a1 雪 香港科技大學成立海南研究所 越南省貴賓在一月二十二日蒞臨科大萬國寶通銀行演講廳, 慶祝科大海南研究所的成立 參加成立典禮的貴賓包括海南省經濟合作廳廳 長蕭策能 海南省幹部培訓頭導小組主任張德春 海口市市長曾 浩榮 三亞市副市長吉祥聞等 海南研究所的成立是科大歷來 開發對象, 負起科大為香港及其鄰近地區的經濟發展作出貢獻的任務 科大在海南的工作 1 既為海南服務 1 又為香港人在海南建立事業鋪路, 有益香港與海南的經濟及工業合作 海南島的面積與台灣差不多, 但人口只有六百 t 十萬, 以資源豐富 1 自然 致力促進香港與海南合作的成果 過去一年, 科大的工作集中在澄清 宗旨, 選擇方向 組織人員 增強 與海南聯繫等方面 科大亦會為海 南省決策層行政官員開辦六星期培 f 訓課程, 及法律制度 內容包括介紹香港的商業 兼任海南研究所所長的科大校一 -- 長吳家瑋教授表示. 研究所的宗給科大校長吳三寶玉言教授 旨是以海南省為學術及應用研究和 海南省經濟合 1 客廳廳長蕭穿![{ft 致法把合將軍 環境優美見稱 海南研究所成立的其中一個宗旨是在維護自然環境和社會平衡的前提下, 積極利用海南各種資源來發展經濟 z 推動文化 海南省省長阮崇武亦致信祝賀科大海南研究所的正式成立 阮省長在信上 表示, 海南省政府將大力協助科大海南 研究所在海南開展的各項研究事業;而科大海南研究所的成立, 亦將使海南經濟和社會發展各項事業得到協助 體育快訊 項新體育設施今年內相繼落成, 科大教職員與學生將 身室設有多站式自變負荷重量訓練器械供全面鍛鍊身體每 有更多鍛鍊身體和大顯身手的機會 個部位之用, 而將來建成的新健身室, 將包括無拘束式重 今年 月, 校園南門附近已建成兩個由泛光燈照明的 量訓練器械 1 健身者可以專注鍛鍊身體的某部位 網球場, 令科大網球場數目增至六個 二月份, 香港賽馬 除了足球場的泛光燈外, 上述設施全部由香港電視廣 會亦已為足球場裝妥泛光燈;今年十月, 將有四個空調壁 球場落成, 位置就在多層停車場的 LG4 內 副校長 ( 行政 ) 麥法誠表示, 校方曾收到數百位同學 播有限公司叭 / B 的三百五十萬捐款資助興建 捐款的使用 由一個專責委員會提出建議後決定 餘下的捐款將用作在 教學大樓南部的泥地鋪上草皮, 作為壘球和欖球的場地, 的請求, 要求建造壁球場, 最後校方從善如流, 決定興建 甚至 打野戰 也可, 只要不損壞草地便行 事實上, 壁球是香港體育界的 目標項目 香港政府每 當問及科大的體育設施如何與其他香港大專院校相比 年均撥款推廣, 以提高本地壁球水平 另一方面, 大學正將增設一個空調健身室 學生事務處高級體育主任周冠華表示, 健身室是大學最受歡迎的體育設施之, 現時的健 時, 周冠華說, 如果以數量計科大仍有不足, 但若以質量計算, 我們有最新型的體育器材, 而且有足夠空間, 所缺的只是經費而已 8