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A-PDF MERGER DEMO MOSES LED THE PEOPLE Vocl =130 Clypso style Pino Mo- ses led peo- ple out of E- gypt through de- sert. It ws 1-3 Iong r- du- ous jour- ney un- til y reched pro- mised lnd. 1-3 1

Quite soon y cme But in de- sert And e- ven in gret Red se shore, y weren t on ir own. dry nd thir- sty lnd but re ws Sup- plies were y hd no-where ry ple- y could ne- ver known ve- snt go. fil. shock. The They For w- hd when ters y o- di- thought pened ly tht up for b- lnced y would m me- thirst nu cross. of deth 4. The he migh- dish gve ty of m red Mn- w- se n ter spped from its l flow. Quil. rock. lnd. Un- til y 4. reched pro- mised lnd. Un- til y reched pro- mised lnd. 2

Nrrr - 1 =105 Vocl God hd led m pro-mised his in peo- time ple dy- nd Pino milk gur- nd ded ho- m ney t lnd night. where A hope shines cloud led like m in be- dy- con time nd nd 1. 2. free- dom s flme is fnned. It in drk- ness light. 1. 2. 3

4 A LIGHT IS SHINING Vocl =100 A A light light is is givshiing ning us in didrkrecness; tion; light light will for mke ev ery- one pth- wy see; cler; light light tht clls led us us go forprowrd; mise; Pino

light light set give ll peo- gen- ple tle free. steer. It Surshines round ing keep us us on for our pro- pth- tec- wy. tion, It en- shines com pss- led ing us night. rce, through cho- sen A de- blliv- zing ertril ing tht we cn us from ll folelow vil e- till we rech ver- p- lst- point- ing ed light plce. A light is shin- ing in drk- ness; light gives com- fort ll - round; 5

light tht shows rod tr- vel; light re- vels so- lid ground. It shines tell us of God s pre- sence. It shines show tht he s t hnd. It re- s- sures us s we jour- ney milk nd ho- ney lnd. 40 40 6

7 Nrrr - 2 Vocl =120 One When from y ech got of Is- Crel's nn s tribes shore, went found wht suss y d out been Clooknn s ing vibes. for, When Moy ses sw sent some things in y d sought, spy y tell rehim turned how nd mde lnd did relie. port. Pino

IT'S IMPOSSIBLE =135 Vocl Frnk- We ll ly get bet. its its im- im- poss- poss- i- i- ble, ble, Pino we fce - de- gree fet its its im- im- poss- poss- i- i- ble, ble, go must see tret its its nd re- im- im- poss- poss- i- i- ble ble, 1. 2. we could ne- ver get in. re s no wy we could win. 1. 2. We Josh- think u- you should nd un- C- derleb stnd sy, we With could God s ne- help ver we'll tke win this

lnd. dy. There s no Tht's not hope true its its im- im- poss- poss- i- i- ble, ble, we in cn't our cope view 1. its im- poss- i- ble, we re o few its impossiblei- ble, We sy nope its im- poss- i- ble, we could ne- ver get its imposs- 1. 1. 2. in. 1. 2. we could ne- ver get in, dont e- ven think it. We could ne- ver get in, you must be jo- king. We could ne- ver get in, you re off your ro- cker. We could ne- ver get in. 9

Nrrr - 3 =130 Vocl On- ly Josh- u- nd C- leb seemed tke God s point of Pino view. All oth- ers thought he d let m down so God sid Tht won t do. You will wn- der in de- sert for for- ty so- lid yers. And none shll en- ter C- nn till new gen- er- - tion p- pers. For- ty yers went slow- ly by nd Mo- ses now ws old. And so he clled in Josh- u- nd Josh- u- ws ld. rll 10

O JOSHUA =145 Vocl Pino O Josh- u- O O O O Josh- u- O O O Y Y Y got- got- got- t t t 11

12 boldmke led ly em this led do peoem wht ple where y inno just mn s dont led wnproem ben mised fore. do. lnd. Oh Josh- u- Y Y Y gotgotgott t t get push guide em m m o- onwell ver wrds cos nd y Csomejust nn's times wont snpull undy m dershore. through. stnd. Oh Josh- u- Y You You ll gotre find t ir tke mighfickthis ty le lnd wrlike for rior be Isbrve flutnd terrebe ing lites. strong. kite. You re Y Mke in gotsure for t you lots do neof ver worright let ries, nd m wrs neout nd ver of fights. your wrong. sight. To CODA To CODA

O Josh- u- O O O Josh- u you re - noin- 40 ted. Josh- u you re ppoin- ted. All your words we re heed- ing. We ll go where you re led- 40 DS l CODA ing. DS l CODA O Josh- u- O O O 13

4 4 O Josh- u- O O O! O Josh- u- O O O! 14

15 WE'RE PRESSING ON Vocl =150 See Press ing mighon ty with Jor- God dn. now, Its we're rimovver ing bnks through re flooddeed. sert. Wtch This is surgour ing mcurbirent tion s it sweeps rech down pro mised se. lnd. Step Cinnn lies be rifore ver us crjust rybeing yond rk rollbeing fore rius. ver. Wtch Soon right wt ters prtcening tre s of y Pino

will o- of pen God up we'll for stnd. me. We'll cross ri- ver. We'll cross ri- ver Jor- dn. We'll go where lights be- fore hve shone. 1. 2. We're press- ing on. 1. 2. on. Soon we'll see coun- try. Soon we'll see lnd of pro- mise. A- br- hm be- 40 40 fore us nd I- sc knew this plce. J- cob our gret F- r trod pths of

4 this gret coun- try. This is where Lord in- tends build his cho- sen rce. 4 We'll cross ri- ver. We'll cross ri- ver Jor- dn. 56 1. We'll go where lights be- fore hve shone. We're press- ing on. 56 1. 2. 64 on. 2. 64 17

=130 Nrrr - 4 Vocl Pino Thefirst prob- lem y en- count-ered ws wn clled Je- richo. It looked so well de- fend- ed it mde poor Josh feel low. Then sud- den- ly right before him sod mn with migh- ty sword. He ws re s com- mnd- er of r- my of Lord. He sid, Now look here Josh- u-, this is God s pln for you. Come clos- er now nd list- en this is wht you hve do. rll 1

WE'RE GONNA SEE THE WALLS FALL DOWN =120 Vocl Pino We're wlk- mrched ing round ll here round for Jer- se- i- cho. ven dys. The We're peo- gid- ple dy here ren't l- most nice in know. dze. And But when when we we her strt trum- shout pets blow, nd prise. we're 19

1. 2. gon- n see wlls fll down. The 1. 2. gon- n see wlls fll down. The wlls look firm nd migh- ty strong. To knock m down would 3 3 tke o long. Per- hps old Josh- u- 's got it wrong. Wht re we gon- n do 3 3 3 3 now?! We'll keep on mrch- ing round nd round. We feel our herts begin pound. And when we her trum- pets sound, were 20

1. 2. gon- n see wlls fll down. The gon- 1. 2. n see wlls fll down. P p p p p p p p. P p p p p p p p. P p p p p p p p. We're 40 40 gon- n see wlls fll down. Yeh. We're gon- n see wlls fll down. Yeh. We're gon- n see wlls fll down. Yeh!! 21

I SPY A CITY CALLED AI =130 Vocl Pino I spy ci- ty clled Ai. I think we cn tke it why don t we try. O, I spy with my lit- tle eye, pit- i- ful ci ty clled Ai. It s Just Wit so by 22

23 mishoutenute. ing, sy. Some- I ll Its thing s desso wrong troy simhere. it. ple, Do With now y my we ve think fingot we ger Is- I knck rewill of lites mke cire se ty onstrong ly wlls desbluffcrumtrucing? ble. tion. And I Just this will wlk smll show round wn m, it, didon n t versfll throw und down. m, it. Here stick You ll - be wlls round tnd ken must see with be our mde mighpoof ty wers sterciof ner ty restufftumducing ble. tion. I spy ci- ty clled Ai. I

thought we could tke it, he- ven knows why. O I feel de- ci- ded- ly dry. I guess tht we d bet- ter sy bye. I guess tht we d bet- ter sy bye. 40 40 Let s get out of here!

Nrrr - 5 Vocl =130 The prob- lem y dis- cov- ered t Jer- i- cho ws Pino mde. For one young chp nmed A- chn, Lord hd dis- o- beyed. At once y brought him for- wrd nd sid, You re rel- ly bd. We fer we must get rid of you. You mde our God so md. But once y put wrong things right God let m win ir fights. But strnge things hp-pened on dy y bet A- mor- ites. rll 25

26 TIME IS SUSPENDED IN SPACE Vocl =130 The moon sun tht in would hersky ld will not night move is for de lyed, dy, ll it will strs stnd nd in its plplce nets it will will not not be move displyed, wy, for ev ery whole sunof bem tht molintion gers of is heplnven ning is Pino As musicl box

27 styed sty for for time time is is sussuspendpended ed in in 1. spce. The 2. spce. The sunshdils dows hve don t spped lengthnd en des pite sky ll doesour n t windreding, den, clocks erth hve isll n t spped movfuring ris more this we Arre mfindgeding, don? Is windold mills Fhve r spped Time re s werno ing sound boots of with m thick grindled ing; in, no for 40 moveevment eryt thing ll stnds cn in we its trce. plce. And For this twenis ty fours show hours tht noth ing 1. 2. 40

2 one moves who in cre - sky, ted re s no 4 heven hint nd of erth rincnbow not or be clouds unrolldering rtby, ed. nd His mirseconds cles ren t cnpssnot ing be nmiticnutes i- dont ptfly, ed, for for 56 time time is is sussuspendpended ed in in 1. spce. The 2. spce. 64 4 56 1. 2. 64 Mol rll - s music box winds down

WHILE SOME WERE WONDERING Slowly - grdully getting fster Vocl While some were won- der-ing y went plun- der- ing ll Pino ci- ties of pro- mised lnd. When y'd sub- dued it ll, Josh- u- reviewed it ll nd sid this shows tht we've been led by God's good hnd Mk- Per- i- iz- dh nd zites nd Lib- A- nh fell n mo-rites, Lch- C- ish nd nn-ites Egnd lon Je- s well. bus-ites, Heb- ll ron con- went spired - 29

sme wy s ginst him Joshpoor Josh-u u ok m ll. bring down. Josh-u just could But be- side not Me- be bet he rom brook swept m ll right ll of m were off ir feet. In brought book. And fct in still he mod-eron went pr- lnce our plun-dering ech Josh ws ci- ty wlkech ing nd tll. wn. 40 While some were won- der-ing y went plun- der-ing ll ci- ties of pro- mised 40 4 lnd. When y'd sub- dued it ll, Josh- u- re- viewed it ll nd sid this shows tht 4 1. 2. 56 3. we've been led by God's good hnd God's good 1. 2. 56 hnd God's good hnd. Hoi! 3. 30

Nrrr - 6 =130 Vocl And soon lnd ws con-quered, di- vi- ded nd shred Pino out. But Josh- u- ws most con-cerned: wht were se men - bout? He clled le- ders him; sum- mit meet- ing re. He hd mess- ge for m s y gth- ered round his chir. rll 31

YOU MUST CHOOSE Vocl =0 Well, memtime ber hs God's come profor vichoossion ing: from who will you bove. serve? But Rehe cnt plce stnd this comvgue pemetintion dering for with steyour dy love. nerve. And As he for won't me tke I less choose thn ll Fyou r cn - give, bove, will but you if Pino

you've her got this dif- dis- fer- turb- ent ing views, news. you You hve not cnt cn- b- best stin of for 1. 2. both worlds, e- ver, you You must choose. Just re - choose. must 1. 2. One mn cn mke thous- nd run be-cuse God's on his side. He keeps ll his pro- mi- ses, in his love you will - bide. Well, you cn- not de- ly for 33

e- ver. You must de- cide. You cnt hve one foot in both cmps; oth- ers hve tried. And you cnt go on hedg- ing your bets go- ing ev- ery which wy but 40 1. lose. And you cnt go on un- cer- tin, you must choose. 40 1. 1. 2. choose. 1. 2. No you 4 cnt go on un- cer- tin, you must choose. You got- t choose. 4 34

GOD'S PROMISED WONDERLAND =100 Vocl Pino Here we re, we live in world of sun- shine, this milk nd ho- ney plce he plnned. Here we know wy nd life of free-dom, with- in Gods pro- mised won- der- lnd. For Hnd s in fr hnd s we cn 35

eye crcn ry see on. he gives From strength us rest strength nd we ll pece. grow. For with woru- ry nire s ty ty, cry, for n seour curbt- i- tle bonon- dge wrd re s we rewill 40 lese. go. 40 Here we re, we live in world of sun- shine, 4 this milk nd ho- ney plce he plnned. 4 Here we know wy nd life of free- dom, with in Gods pro- mised won- der- lnd. 36

56 56 Here we re, we live in world of sun-shine, this milk nd 64 ho- ney plce he plnned. 64 Here we know wy nd 72 life of free-dom, with- in Gods pro-mised won- der- lnd. 72 Here we know 0 wy nd life of free- dom, with in God's pro- mised 0 won- der- lnd. This milk nd ho- ney won- der- lnd. Yeh! 37