Christ, Be Our Light (Easter Vigil text) Assembly, Unison Choir, Descant, Keyboard, Guitar, Flute, and B Trumpet. night. night.

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Melody Keyboard? Chrt, Be Our Light (Easter Vigil text) Assembly, non Choir, escant, Keyboard, uitar, Flute, B Trumpet 4 3 4 3? 4 3 Now In - will th. rose burn All from. *VERSES (q = ca. 132) d - grave pel pow r peo - fire hope world when tri - ple, Chrt kin - deep - morn - new dled er - in than heav - en um - phant shad - ows strong - er lift up meets than y deem - dy - break - gin - ns. er ness free,. death. voice... 1993, 2000,. Publhed by OCP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 9721 All rights reserved. *Play first f measures as Intro. 5536 NE Hassalo Portl OR 97213 OCP Publications 1-800-548-8749

2?? leav - Star Cry prom - emp - you dawn - all escant Melody? Chrt, Chrt, e ty are for through - mb morn - love joy,, all world s earth new true filled e - Je - end - tell vil sus less as birth! see. joice. Shine Shine in glo - Sav - heav - s -. hearts. ry, ness, ior, en, ry, Edition 11502-Z Chrt, Be Our Light (Easter Vigil)

3 through dark, shine! Chrt,?? Shine through. gath - ered - gath - ered - day. day.. J ness.. Shine in y Shine in y Chrt,.C..C.?. J.C. Chrt, Be Our Light (Easter Vigil)

4 Chrt, Be Our Light (Easter Vigil text) (uitar/vocal) % VERSES 4 3 Now In - will th rose burn All from leav - Star Cry C INTRO (q = ca. 132) d - prom - emp - you dawn - all e ty are fire hope world grave pel pow r peo - mb morn - love joy, Am for all world s through - earth when tri - ple,, new true Bm7 Bm7 new Chrt kin - dled deep - er morn - - in than Bm7 heav - en um - phant shad - ows strong - er lift up filled e - Je - end - tell sus4 birth! see. joice. vil sus less meets than y as Esus4 Esus4 gin - ns. deem - er ness dy -. break -. Esus4 free,. death. voice. glo - Sav - heav - s - ry, ness, ior, en, ry, 1993, 2000,. Publhed by OCP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 9721 All rights reserved.

5 Melody Chrt, escant Chrt, Shine through through sus4 gath - ered - C day. dark, Am/ ness. Shine in Shine shine! / Shine in y Shine in y Chrt, Chrt, C.S..S. Bm hearts. gath - ered - day. Chrt, Be Our Light (Easter Vigil)

6 FLTE Chrt, Be Our Light 4 3 4 % VERSES 1-5 INTRO (q = ca. 132).. J J 1993,. Publhed by OCP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 9721 All rights reserved. ().S. (Fine)

Bb TRMPET Chrt, Be Our Light Arranged by Craig Ksbury 7 INTRO (q = ca. 132) 4 VERSE 1 4 3. Ḟ. 16 17 VERSES 2, 3, 4 16 J J. J. J. VERSE 5 > In - th P lega (repeat twice). J ḟ.. J. >. J. J. F J J ( ) J. J J 1993,. Publhed by OCP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 9721 All rights reserved.

8 Assembly Edition 4 3Verses Now In - grave pel pow r peo - will th CHRIST, BE OR LIHT (Easter Vigil text) fire hope world when heav - en meets tri - um - phant free, shad - ows. strong - er than death. ple, lift up y voice. filled e - Je - end - tell Refrain Chrt, vil sus less as Shine through Shine in y glo - ry, ness, Sav - ior, heav - en, s - ry, new - gin - ns. Chrt deem - er kin - dled in ness deep - er than dy -. morn - break -. 1993, 2000,. Publhed by OCP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 9721 All rights reserved. leav - Star Cry prom - e emp - ty for all you are world s dawn - through-ou all earth ness. new true Shine in Chrt, gath - ered - day. rose burn All from mb morn - love joy, birth! see. joice. hearts. d -, For reprint permsions, please vit or contact us at 1-800-663-150