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第壹部分 : 選擇題 (60 分 ) 一 綜合測驗 ( 第 1-15 題, 每題 2 分, 共 30 分 ) 說明 : 下列三篇短文共有 15 個空格, 請依短文文意, 選出一個最適合該空格的答案, 並將代號標示在答案卡上 1-5 題為題組 There is majesty about the sea, which covers over 70 percent of the Earth s surface. Poets and scientists alike 1 by its vastness and power, its ever-changing aspect, and its apparent timelessness. It is difficult not to be fascinated by the multitude of strange creatures that 2 its depths, or awed by the deep grand scenery and spectacular mountains that exist in the darkness of its abyss. The sea 3 the Earth s climate. The sea is also essential for human trade, travel, warfare, and leisure activities. It provides people with 4 supplies of food mainly fish and seaweed. The sea is the 5 of life, and in many ways it continues to nurture the inhabitants of this planet. 1. (A) are moved (B) who move (C) are moving (D) who are moving 2. (A) intake (B) inhabit (C) inherit (D) indulge 3. (A) moderates (B) simplifies (C) restricts (D) endangers 4. (A) universal (B) industrial (C) influential (D) substantial 5. (A) chart (B) ceremony (C) cradle (D) circle 6-10 題為題組 A series of explosions, caused by propene leak from the underground pipelines, has devastated part of Great Kaohsiung with at least 28 people perished and more than 286 others injured. The city government has come under criticism that it did not 6 residents immediately after receiving the gas leak reports. However, the mayor said that the suffering districts had very high population densities. The streets 7 with people had the local government ordered people to move out. This could have led to more 8 had the blasts happened. After the accident, many experts call for the government to make a(n) 9 examination of all the aging pipelines, and install a pipeline monitoring system to prevent such a tragedy from 10. Also, the government must establish standard operating procedures for emergency responses. This is an issue that the local and central government need to work together to solve. 6. (A) evacuate (B) measure (C) clarify (D) analyze 7. (A) would have crowded (B) would be crowded (C) would have been crowded (D) would have being crowded 8. (A) communities (B) faculties (C) strategies (D) casualties 9. (A) trespassing (B) comprehensive (C) expressive (D) superficial 10. (A) recurring (B) ascending (C) transferring (D) descending 1 Þ

11-15 題為題組 Human beings are organisms of incredible adaptability. Sometimes we alter the environment to make it more livable. The capacity to imagine an environment better 11 our needs and the ability to create it are hallmarks of the human species. The survival of our species has been challenged by the most traumatic natural 12 : famines, floods, droughts, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and more. Still greater threats to survival have come from 13 forces within the species those who would commit violent crimes, start wars, or practice genocide. But the greatest threat to our adaptive ability is much newer. In the process of modifying our environment to make it 14 the goals of comfort and luxury, we are beginning to witness all kinds of impacts on our lives, as an individual and as a society, from pollutions, escalating energy consumption, the pressure for excessive working hours, and faster tempo of life, and a dizzyingly rapid rate of change in almost everything. Even 15 these environmental insults, we have to adapt. These negative impacts are what we need to pay for being so adaptive. 11. (A) close to (B) addicted to (C) apt to (D) suited to 12. (A) spectacles (B) trophies (C) catastrophes (D) extravaganzas 13. (A) tranquil (B) hostile (C) progressive (D) interacting 14. (A) serve (B) justify (C) evaluate (D) estimate 15. (A) with (B) to (C) for (D) of 二 閱讀測驗 ( 第 16-30 題, 每題 2 分, 共 30 分 ) 說明 : 下列三篇文章共有 15 個問題, 閱讀後請依文意與題意選出最恰當的選項, 並將代號標示在答案卡上 16-20 題為題組 This is the age of music. It is available everywhere and twenty-four hours a day. Note that without any high intellectual sources, rock music has risen to its current heights. Classical music is dead among the young. This claim will, I know, be hotly argued by many who are unwilling to admit tidal changes, because they can point out that there are still many classes in classical music appreciation and practice on campuses, as well as performance groups of all kinds. Their presence is undeniable, but they involve no more than 10 percent of the students. Classical music is now a special taste, like the Greek language. About fifty years ago, most middle-class families made some of the old European music a part of the home, partly because they liked it, partly because they thought it was good for the kids. College students usually had some early emotive connection with Beethoven, Chopin, and Mozart, which was a permanent part of their makeup and to which they were likely to respond throughout their lives. This was probably the only regularly recognizable class distinction between educated and uneducated in America. But all that has changed. It is a constant surprise to me that there is no intellectual resistance to the rawest passion on rock music. And in our society it seems that there is no need to fear that the blond beasts are going to come forth from the bland souls of our adolescents. The lyrics of rock music praise puppy love. The words implicitly and explicitly describe bodily acts that satisfy sexual desire. This has a much more powerful effect than pornography does on youngsters. 2 Þ

16. The phrase the old European music refers to. (A) rock music (B) church music (C) classical music (D) easy listening music 17. According to the author, what used to tell the educated from the uneducated in America fifty years ago? (A) The association with music performers (B) The appreciation of fine art (C) The admiration for musical talents (D) The acquaintance with classical music 18. What does the author mean by the phrase the blond beasts? (A) Tigers and lions (B) Classical music composers (C) Rock music singers (D) Classical music performers 19. According to the passage, which of the followings is NOT true? (A) Not all the young people like rock music. (B) Rock music is unquestioned and unproblematic. (C) Classical music is no longer a common culture. (D) The society seems indifferent to the influence of rock music on young generation. 20. How is the author s tone of voice in writing this passage? (A) Pleasing (B) Sympathetic (C) Critical (D) Nervous 21-25 題為題組 With the help of simple tools introduced by Internet companies recently, millions of people are giving cartography a try, making digital maps and annotating them with text, images, sound and videos. They are reshaping the world of mapmaking and collectively creating a new kind of atlas. They are also turning the Web into a medium where maps will play a more central role in how information is organized and found. Increasingly, people will be able to point their favorite mapping service to a specific location and discover many layers of information about it: its hotels, its crime statistics and school rankings, its weather and environmental conditions, the recent news events and the history that have shaped it. A good portion of this information is being contributed by ordinary Web users. The way to present these maps are similar to that of Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, in that they reflect the collective knowledge of millions of contributors. This fast-growing GeoWeb, as industry insiders call it, is in part a byproduct of the Internet search wars involving Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and others. They race to popularize their map services and dominate the potentially lucrative market for local advertising on maps. Therefore, these companies have created the tools that are allowing people with minimal technical skills to do what only professional mapmakers were able to do before. For example, Google unveiled a service called My Maps that makes it easy for users to create customized maps. Since then, users of the service have created more than four million maps of everything from where to find good cheap food in New York to summer festivals in Europe. The maps sketched by this new generation of cartographers range from the useful to the fanciful and from the simple to the elaborate. Their accuracy cannot be taken for granted. 3 Þ

21. This passage is mainly about. (A) Digital map making (B) The convenience of the Internet (C) The potential of mapping service (D) The online encyclopedia 22. Which of the followings is NOT involved in GeoWeb? (A) Wikipedia (B) Google (C) Yahoo (D) Microsoft 23. How do Internet companies make profit from GeoWeb? (A) The map users pay for the map service. (B) The map contributors pay for the download of mapping software. (C) The advertisement companies pay for the advertising. (D) The publishers pay the fee for printing out maps. 24. Which of the followings is NOT available on a digital map? (A) News events at a specific location. (B) Crime statistics near a specific location. (C) Clothing that you want to buy. (D) Local weather reports. 25. According to the passage, the word cartographer means a person. (A) who studies technical skills for developing GeoWeb (B) who studies and practices the art of making maps (C) who studies cars and offers information for Web users (D) who studies mapping service for Internet companies 26-30 題為題組 In the early 1970s, New Yorkers sometimes pronounce an /r/ in words such as car, bear, beard but sometimes they do not. Early reports of this fluctuating /r/ suggested that the /r/ insertion or omission was a purely chance affair, with no reason for it. However, as a linguist, William Labov did not think that way and wanted to find out the reason by carrying out the following research. He chose three kinds of stores, which represented the top, middle, and bottom of the shopping range. Saks is on Fifth Avenue, a fashionable shopping area. Macy s is a middle-class store, in the middle of the price range. Klein s is near the notoriously poor area, dealing in the low priced goods. Labov worked on the hypothesis that the salesperson s accents would reflect those of their customers, and that the use of /r/ would vary from store to store. The data collection method was surprisingly simple. The interviewer pretended to be customer. He approached one of the salespersons and asked to be directed to a particular department, which was located on the fourth floor. For example, Excuse me, where are the women s shoes? The answer would normally be, Fourth floor. The interviewer then leaned forward as if he had not heard properly, and said Excuse me? This would lead to a second response of the words Fourth floor, only this time spoken more carefully and with emphatic stress. On the fourth floor, of course, the interviewer asked a slightly different question: Excuse me, what floor is this? The interviewer would then make a note of the pronunciations, recording also other background data about the interviewees such as the sex, approximate age, and the race of the salespersons. In this way, a total of 264 interviews was carried out in the three stores. 4 Þ

As a result, Labov found that the use of /r/ was highest in Sakes, next highest in Macy s, and lowest in Klein s. Moreover, speakers in Klein s used /r/ much more often in their emphatic responses, which were more carefully pronounced than their first, casual reply. This phenomenon was also confirmed in his later studies, which showed that the occurrence rate of /r/ was higher in a more careful speech. Labov interpreted this to mean that these speakers were manifesting a linguistic change in process: /r/ had been unconsciously recognized as a marker of high prestige, and was beginning to be used in careful lower-class speech. Labov s study was the first major sociolinguistic investigation of language change in English. 26. According to the passage, which of the followings is NOT true? (A) The higher the socioeconomic group, the less frequent the occurrence of /r/ in speech. (B) In this research, Labov studied language change of English in its social context. (C) Using data obtained, Labov was able to show that the variation of pronouncing /r/was systematic, not just a matter of pure chance. (D) We can infer that salespersons might mimic their customers speech, particularly when the customers had relatively high social status. 27. According to the passage, which of the followings is TRUE? (A) Labov rejected the notion of /r/ randomness and the result of his study confirmed his assumption. (B) At Klein s, it is evident to see that the salespersons had only one style of speech: the more careful, formal style. (C) Labov s department-store survey discouraged him from doing more studies on pronunciation habits. (D) According to Labov s study, the presence or absence of /r/ had nothing to do with people s social status in New York City. 28. Which of the following methods was used by Labov when conducting the research? (A) By asking for people s opinions. (B) By studying the written documents. (C) By interviewing different people. (D) By doing experiments in a lab. 29. According to this passage, which of the followings is the best to describe what a linguist is? (A) A linguist studies how to speak many foreign languages. (B) A linguist studies languages in a scientific way. (C) A linguist helps people to speak languages correctly. (D) A linguist studies speaking errors of different social classes. 30. According to the passage, the underlined word fluctuating is closest in meaning to. (A) changing (B) forming (C) rotating (D) recycling 5 Þ

第貳部分 : 非選擇題 (40 分 ) 一 翻譯測驗 ( 第 1-4 題, 每題 4 分, 占 16 分 ) ( 一 ) 中譯英 (8 分 ) 說明 :1. 請將以下短文中劃底線處之中文句子譯成正確 通順 達意的英文, 並將答案寫在 答案卷 上 2. 請依序作答, 並標明題號 每題 4 分, 共 8 分 減肥在臺灣愈來愈普遍 (1) 維持身材不僅是為了擁有迷人的外表, 也是為了過健康的生活 (2) 人們應以均衡的飲食和定期運動來維持適當的體重 ( 二 ) 英譯中 (8 分 ) 說明 :1. 請將以下短文中劃底線處之英文句子譯成正確 通順 達意的中文, 並將答案寫在 答案卷 上 2. 請依序作答, 並標明題號 每題 4 分, 共 8 分 (3) The first step to filter out and process information is to know the kind of information that you need and is most useful. The second step is to use the right tools in finding the desired information such as search engine and news abstracts. The last step is to arrange your time to read, watch or listen to the information. (4) Make the most use of the information gathered by summarizing it, memorizing it, and thinking about it. Keep these steps in mind, you ll have a good time surfing the information flood. 二 寫作測驗 (24 分 ) 說明 : 請依題示在 答案卷 上寫一篇約 120 字 (8 到 12 個句子 ) 的文章 提示 : 考期將近, 你必須利用圖書館, 但卻發現硬體設備不足及損壞 空間狹小, 管理人員亦不足以應付缺乏公德心的讀者造成的亂象 請在 答案卷 指定位置上寫一篇約 120 字的書信投訴報社或館方 (1) 請依提示擇一 二個狀況描述 : 人 事 時 地 物 如何 為何 (2) 提出你的改善之道 6 Þ