Variants Other Language(s) Associated Terms See Also

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Preferred Terms Terms Sub-terms ART INFRASTRUCTURE 藝術基礎設施 Variants Other Language(s) Associated Terms See Also * Refers to components of art infrastructure that are not captured in other parts of the keyword list. art administration 藝術行政 art management, cultural management art collection 藝術收藏, 藝術藏品 art collector, art collecting government collection national collection 政府收藏, 政府藏品, 官方收藏, 官方藏品, 國家收藏, 國家藏品 private collection 私人收藏, 私人藏品 corporate collection public collection 公共收藏, 公共藏品 public institution art education 藝術教育 art pedagogy education programme, art school, graduation exhibtion art market 藝術市場 art business, art dealer, art investment art fair, auction, gallery art production 藝術生產 artistic labour, artistic production art writing 藝術寫作 art criticism 藝術評論, 藝評, 藝術評鑑, 藝術批評 art critic, art critique art history, art theory art journalism 藝術新聞學 audience 觀眾, 觀者 spectatorship, reception, audience building creative industries 創意工業, 創意產業 cultural and creative industries, creative economy cultural policy 文化政策, 藝術政策 art policy government curatorial practice curatorship, curating 策展, 策展實踐 exhibition making exhibition, exhibition history, curatorial studies, museum studies publishing 出版 book launch online platform sponsorship 贊助, 資助 sponsor, patron, patronage, funding, grant foundation, government, fundraising award prize 藝術獎 scholarship, fellowship competition EVENT 活動 * Refers to art-related events. art fair fair, art expo, art exposition 藝術博覽會 art book fair art market, gallery art festival festival 藝術節 exhibition performance art festival live art festival 行為藝術節 performance art artist congress artists' congress 藝術家會議 auction 拍賣 art market competition contest 比賽 award conference 研討會, 座談會, 論壇, 高峰會, 會議, 圓桌會議 forum, roundtable, panels, panel discussion, symposium, symposia, talk convention, summit, congress, colloquium education programme educational programme 教育活動, 教育計劃 community programme, public programme, learning programme art education, workshop exchange programme 交流活動, 交流項目, 交流計劃 cultural exchange programme globalisation, transnationalism exhibition annual exhibition show, exhibit, display 展覽 auction, art fair, art festival, exhibition history, curatorial practice, curatorial studies, museum studies 周年展覽 graduation exhibition graduate show, graduate exhibition, graduation show 畢業展 art school, art education group exhibition group show 聯展, 雙個展 duo solo exhibition national exhibition 國家展覽

perennial exhibition biennale, biennial, triennial, triennale, perennial 雙年展, 三年展 retrospective exhibition 回顧展 solo exhibition solo show 個展, 個人展覽 survey exhibition survey show 概括群展, 綜合展覽 touring exhibition travelling exhibition, travelling exhibition, travelling show, travelling show, touring show 巡迴展 fundraising fundraiser 籌款活動, 籌款 charity event sponsorship open studio 開放工作室 artist studio residency 駐場計劃 artist residency artist in residence, artist-in-residence, artist-in-residency 藝術家駐場計劃 curator residency curator in residence, curator-in-residence, curator-inresidency 策展人駐場計劃 curatorial practice researcher residency researcher in residence, researcher-in-residence, researcher-in-residency 研究員駐場計劃 screening 放映會 moving image, film, documentary talk 講座, 演講 lecture, speech, panel discussion, seminar conference artist talk 藝術家講座, 藝術家對談 artist dialogue, artist conversation lecture performance lecture-performance 講座演出 performance art tour 導賞團, 實景導覽, 虛擬實景導覽 guided tour, virtual tour workshop 工作坊, 大師班 master class education programme FIELD OF STUDIES 研究範疇 * Refers to specific branches of knowledge. Field of Studies (art-focused) 藝術研究範疇 * Refers to fields of studies which are major focus of the AAA's collection. Used when the material itself belongs to the field of studies, but also for other material such as exhibition catalogue and artist monograph when the branch of knowledge itself is the subject under investigation. aesthetics 美學 philosophy of art art historiography 藝術史學 art history art history art histories 藝術史, 藝術歷史 art writing, art historiography, exhibition history oral history oral histories 口述歷史 art theory 藝術理論 art history, art writing curatorial studies 策展研究 curatorial practice, exhibition, exhibition history exhibition history exhibition histories 展覽歷史 exhibition, curatorial practice, curatorial studies museum studies 博物館學, 博物館研究, 博物館管理 museology museum, curatorial practice, curatorial studies, exhibition, exhibition history performance studies 表演研究 performance art, performing art, body studio art 藝術創作 art school, art education visual studies 視覺研究 image studies visual culture, cultural studies Field of Studies (associated) 相關研究範疇 * Refers to fields of studies which inform thinking and practice in the art field, and reflect AAA's interest, but are not major focus of the AAA's collection. Used when: 1. the material itself belongs to the field of studies; or 2. the material features cross-disciplinary practice between visual art and the field of studies; or 3. the material features an art practice in which the artist claims to have used knowledge or methodology from the field of stuides. anthropology 人類學 ethnography, visual anthropology critical theory 批判理論 sociology, Marxism cultural studies 文化研究 cultural criticism, cultural theory visual studies, visual culture, popular culture digital humanities 數碼人文, 數位人文 information science archive, digital archive geography 地埋 geopolitics, border

psychology 心理學 trauma, self sociology 社會學 critical theory ORGANISATION AND SPACE 組織及空間 archive * Refers to art and related organisations and spaces. Used for indexing material when an organisation or space is the subject under investigation, such as annual report of an independent art space, or catalogue featuring a museum's collection. For other material, the organisation or space is captured in the organiser or publisher field. 文獻庫, 檔案庫, 檔案館 archival studies archiving, digital humanities digital archive 數碼文獻庫, 數碼檔案庫, 數碼檔案館, 數位文獻庫, 數位檔案庫, 數位檔案館 archiving, digital humanities art school 藝術學院, 藝術學校 art college, art academy art education, graduation exhibition artist association artist society 藝術家協會 artist union artist group artist collective 藝術家組合 artist duo collective practice artist studio atelier 藝術家工作室 open studio, artist village artist village artists village, art village 藝術村, 畫家村, 藝術家村 artist studio contemporary art centre 當代藝術中心 kunsthalle foundation 基金會 sponsorship gallery 畫廊 art market, art fair government state, governmental body 政府, 官方 cultural policy independent art space alternative art space 獨立藝術空間, 另類藝術空間 artist run space artist-run space 藝術家營運空間, 藝術家經營空間, 藝術家自主空間 museum 博物館, 美術館, 藝術館 museum studies non-profit organisation not-for-profit organisation 非牟利組織, 非營利組織 non-governmental organisation, NGO online platform 網上平台, 線上平台 blog, online forum, online exhibtion public institution PRACTICE 實踐 Practice (by agent) 實踐 ( 人物 ) 公共機構 * Refers to forms of art practice. Please note many of the terms are interrelated and have overlapping meanings with each other. The sub-categorisations reflect only the main focus and not the exhaustive meaning of a term, and are designed simply to help user navigate the long list of terms. collective practice collaboration, collaborative art, collectivism 集體創作, 合作 artist group, socially engaged art, community art, participatory art, crossdisciplinary practice indigenous art aboriginal art, tribal art, ethnographic art 原住民藝術, 土著藝術 primitivism folk art, tradition outsider art 素人藝術, 原生藝術 art brut, raw art, naïve art, amateur art, self-taught art, suren art folk art Practice (by context) 實踐 ( 情境 ) community art community based art 社區藝術 participatory art, socially engaged art, collective practice documentary 紀錄片, 紀實 moving image, film ecological art eco-art 生態藝術 sustainable art, green art, ecological activism environmental art, nature folk art 民間藝術, 民俗藝術 indigenous art, tradition, Living Traditions, craftsmanship institutional critique political art 建制批判 政治性藝術 politics activist art art activism, artivism 行動主義藝術 protest art, disobedient art socially engaged art, community art, politics, revolution, Minjung Art propaganda art 宣導式藝術 Socialist Realism, poster art socially engaged art social practice art 社會參與藝術, 社會交往式藝術 activist art, community art, participatory art, collective practice Practice (by conventional genre or subject) 實踐 ( 常規類型或主題 )

bird-and-flower 花鳥, 花鳥蟲魚, 梅蘭菊竹, 四君子 nature figure 人物 life drawing portraiture landscape 風景, 山水 shanshui cityscape, nature portraiture portrait 肖像, 畫像 self-portraiture, self-portrait figure, body still life 靜物 nature Practice (by form or medium) 實踐 ( 形式或媒介 ) artist book artist's book 書藝 batik art 蠟染 fibre art biological art bio art, bioart 生物藝術 genetic art technology, nature book art 書本藝術, 書籍藝術 calligraphy 書法 text-based art, language, Calligraphic Abstraction, ink art ceramic art ceramics 陶藝, 陶瓷 porcelain, pottery, clay, terracotta, earthenware contemporary miniature 當代細密 miniature painting digital art 數碼藝術, 數位藝術 generative art, glitch art, electronic art, intermedia art, new media art, media multimedia art, moving image, photography, sound art, interactive art art computer art 電腦藝術 cyber art cyberculture gaming 遊戲 play interactive art internet art web art, net art 網絡藝術 social media art social media drawing 繪圖, 素描 fibre art fiber art, textile art, fabric art 纖維藝術 embroidery, tapestry batik art, fashion found object Objet Trouvé 俯拾物 readymade, bricolage mixed media ink art shuimo, shui-mo, shui mo 水墨藝術 experimental ink ink painting, calligraphy, guohua installation 裝置 lacquer art 漆藝 lacquer painting mail art correspondence art 郵遞藝術 mixed media 混合媒介 found object assemblage 集合藝術 collage, found object collage 拼貼 mosaic assemblage, found object moving image screen-based art 流動影像 media art, time-based art, lens-based art, expanded cinema film, documentary animation 動畫 experimental film 實驗電影 film video art 錄像藝術 film, documentary, digital art, multimedia art multimedia art multi media art, multi-media art, intermedia 多媒體藝術 digital art, moving image, sound art, video art painting acrylic painting 塑膠彩繪畫, 丙烯繪畫, 亞加力繪畫, 壓克力繪畫 glue painting chiao tsai hua, chiao-ts'ai-hua, jiao cai hua, glue colour 膠彩畫 painting, glue-and-colour painting gouache painting 水粉畫, 不透明水彩畫, 樹脂水彩畫 繪畫 mural

ink painting 水墨畫 ink and wash, shuimohua, shuimo, ink and wash painting, ink-wash painting, ink art, Modern Ink Movement, Lingnan School, New Literati Painting, guohua ink-and-wash painting, gongbi, Chinese ink painting miniature painting 細密畫 contemporary miniature oil painting silk painting watercolour painting 油畫 絹畫 水彩畫 paper cutting paper-cutting, paper cut 剪紙 folk art performance art live art 行為藝術, 即場藝術, 客賓臨 action art, happenings, body art, durational art performance studies, performance art festival, body photography 攝影 lens-based art digital art conceptual photography 觀念攝影 conceptualism documentary photography 紀實攝影 photo journalism salon photography staged photography 沙龍攝影, 寫意攝影 擺拍攝影 poster art 海報 propaganda art printmaking print-making, print 版畫 woodblock, woodcut, silkscreen, lithography, etching, intaglio, copperplate, engraving, serigraph sculpture 雕塑 carving, relief Modern Woodcut Movement, Creative Print Movement seal carving seal cutting, seal engraving 篆刻 sketch 速寫, 草圖, 草稿 study, life drawing sound art 聲音藝術 noise digital art, multimedia art text-based art 以文本為本位的作品 language, literature, calligraphy, graffiti Practice (by location) 實踐 ( 地點 ) apartment art 公寓藝術 apartment gallery environmental art 環境藝術 land art, earth art ecological art, site-specific art, nature mural 壁畫 fresco, wall painting graffiti, street art, Temple Mural Revival Movement public art 公共藝術 street art site-specific art site specific art 特定場域藝術 installation, environmental art street art 街頭藝術 public art, graffiti Practice (by process or strategy) 實踐 ( 過程或策略 ) graffiti 塗鴉, 牆上噴畫 vandalism street art, mural, text-based art, language appropriation 挪用 archiving 歸檔, 收集文獻 archive craftsmanship 手藝, 工藝 craft tradition, Living Traditions, folk art, indigenous art cross-disciplinary practice 跨界實踐, 跨學科實踐 interdisciplinary practice collective practice data visualisation 數據圖像化, 數據圖譜 data aesthetics, information aesthetics, concept mapping, mind mapping, mapping data art interactive art 互動藝術 digital art, participatory art participatory art 參與式藝術 collective practice, socially engaged art, community art, interactive art dialogical art dialogic art 對話性藝術 dialogical aesthetics relational art

relational art 關係藝術 relational aesthetics dialogical art reenactment 重演 performance art reproduction 複製, 臨摹, 仿造, 翻版 imitation, copy, fake art, replica Associated Practice 相關實踐 architecture Refers to non-fine art practices. Used for material featuring cross-disciplinary practice between fine art and the associated practice. The different art forms can be practiced by the same artist or a collaboration between different professions. 建築 comics 漫畫 caricature, cartoon design 設計 graphic design, jewellery design, product design, interior design fashion 時裝 wearable art fibre art film 電影 cinema, movie, lens-based art moving image, documentary literature 文學 language, text-based art poetry poem 詩 language, text-based art performing art 表演藝術 performance art, performance studies, body dance 舞蹈 music 音樂 sound art theatre 戲劇, 劇場 drama REGION 地區 * Refers to discursive frameworks within which a part of the world is seen different or separate from other parts. The terms are for indexing material which maps art within one of these frameworks, such as Art of Southeast Asia, or expands concern beyond national boundary, such as 'Photography from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh'. Arab World 阿拉伯世界 Arab states, Arab League, League of Arab States, Arab countries West Asia, Islam Asia 亞洲 Asia Pacific Asia-Pacific 亞太, 亞太地區 Central Asia 中亞 Cross-Strait Four Regions Cross-Strait-Four-Regions 兩岸四地, 兩岸三地, 中港台澳, 海峽兩岸, 大中華 East Asia Eastern Asia 東亞 Greater China Global South 環南 developing world, Third World geopolitics Mekong Region Greater Mekong, Greater Mekong Subregion, GMS, 湄公河 Indochina Mekong River Pearl River Delta PRD, Canton Delta, Zhujiang Delta 珠三角, 珠江三角洲, 粵港澳, 省港澳 Greater Pearl River Delta, GPRD South Asia Southern Asia 南亞 South East Asia South Eastern Asia, Southeast Asia 東南亞 West Asia Western Asia 西亞, 中東 Middle East Arab World, Islam STYLE, TREND AND MOVEMENT 風格, 流派及運動 * Refers to terms for stylistic groupings, trends and movements that are relevant to recent art in the region. Terms written in capitals refer to styles/trends/movements that happened in one or several particular period(s) and place(s), while terms written in small letters refer to those that may happen in any period or place. Names of art groups are not included here but are captured in AAA's People Database. 85 New Wave 85 New Wave, '85 Art Movement, 85 Art Phenomenon, 85 八五新潮, 八五美術運動, 85 新潮, Movement 85 新潮藝術運動, 85 美術運動, 85 美術現象, abstraction abstract art, abstract 抽象 Calligraphic Abstraction abstract calligraphy 書法式抽象 Dansaekhwa Tansaekhwa, Baeksaekpa, School of White, Korean 單色畫 Monochrome Painting, Monochrome Art Movement gestural abstraction action painting 姿態抽象 Abstract Expressionism Korean Informel Movement 韓國不定形運動 anti-art 反藝術

Han-geijutsu (Anti-Art 反藝術運動, 反芸術 Movement) avant-garde avantgarde, avant garde 前衛 Bengal School Bengal School of Art 孟加拉學院派 Santiniketan Revivalism Company School ( 東印度 ) 公司畫派 colonial painting conceptualism conceptual, conceptual art 觀念藝術 Conscientisation Art Conscientization Art, Seni Rupa Penyadaran 覺醒藝術 Creative Print Movement Sōsaku hanga undō 創作版畫 cubism cubist art 立體主義 expressionism expressionist art 表現主義 Gaudy Art 艷俗藝術 Gerakan Seni Rupa Baru New Art Movement, Indonesian New Art Movement, GSRB ( 印度尼西亞 ) 新藝術運動 Guohua zhongguohua, national painting 國畫, 中國畫 Chinese ink painting, traditional Chinese painting ink art, ink painting, New Literati Painting, Modern Ink Movement Gutai Gutai Art Group, Gutai Art Association 具體美術協會, 具体美術協会 Kalighat Painting Kalighat Pats 卡利格特繪畫 Kwampenthai Thainess 泰國性 Lakeshore School Lingnan School Living Traditions Madras Movement 菲律賓湖邊學派嶺南畫派活傳統馬德拉斯運動, 清奈運動 minimalism minimalist, minimal art 極簡主義, 低限主義 Minjung Art Minjung Misul 民眾藝術 Modern Ink Movement New Ink Movement, New Ink Painting Movement 現代水墨運動, 新水墨運動 Modern Ink Painting, Modern Ink Art, New Ink Art, New Ink Painting ink painting, ink art Modern Woodcut Movement New Woodblock Movement 現代木刻運動, 新興木刻運動, 新興版畫運動 modernism 現代主義, 現代藝術 modern art, modernist art Mono-ha School of Things 物派, もの派 Mooi Indie Style Hindia Molek, Hindia Jelita 歐式印尼繪畫風格 Nanyang Style 南洋風格 Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts Narrative Figurative Art Narrative Figurative Painting 叙事具象藝術 Nativist Movement xiangtu yundong, Nativist Art, Nativist Art Movement 鄉土運動, ( 台灣 ) 鄉土美術運動 Neo-tantric Painting 新密宗繪畫 Tantric Painting New Literati Painting 新文人畫 ink art, ink painting, Guohua, Modern Ink Movement New Scene ( 馬來西亞 ) 新景象 Nihonga Japanese painting, Japanese-style painting 日本畫 Non-Art Hi-geijutsu 非藝術, 非芸術 Non-Objectives pop 非寫實 pop art, pop-art 波普藝術 popular culture

Political Pop Superflat Tokyo Pop 政治波普 超扁平 東京波普 postmodernism post-modernism 後現代主義 post-modern art, post-modernist art Productivism Productivist Art, Productional Art 生產主義 realism realist art 寫實主義 Academic Realism Academic Naturalism 學院寫實主義 Cynical Realism Decorative Realism 玩世寫實主義 裝飾性寫實主義 Magic Realism Hyper Realism 魔幻現實主義 Native Soil Painting Rustic Realism 鄉土繪畫, 鄉土寫實繪畫, 鄉土寫實主義 New Realism, New Realistic Painting Neo-Realism 新寫實主義 Severe Style Severe School 素樸風格 social realism Socialist Realism 社會寫實主義 社會主義寫實主義, 社會主義現實主義 Reportage Painting 紀實繪畫 Revivalism 復興主義 Bengal School salon painting 沙龍繪畫 Scar Art Scar Painting 傷痕美術, 傷痕藝術, 傷痕繪畫 New Realism, New Realistic Painting Shinsedae Group Movement Sinsedae Group Movement, New Generation Group Movement 韓國新世代藝術運動 Social Installation 社會裝置 Chiang Mai Social Installation surrealism surrealist art 超現實主義 symbolism symbolist art 象徵主義 Taishō New Art Movement Taishō shinkō geijutsu undo 大正時代新藝術運動 Temple Mural Revival Movement Toyoga SUBJECT AND ASSOCIATED CONCEPT 主題及相關概念 寺廟壁畫復興運動 東洋畫 * Refers to both topics of discussion and subject matters of artworks. body 身體 body politics performance art, performance studies, gender, sexuality, self, portraiture, figure border 邊界 partition, boundary geography, politics, geopolitics, transnationalism capitalism 資本主義 consumerism, industralisation censorship 審查, 官檢, 刪禁 cityscape urban landscape, urbanscape, city landscape 城市景觀 townscape landscape, ruin, urbanism class 階級 caste Marxism, capitalism colonialism 殖民主義 colonisation, decolonisation postcolonialism, nationalism colonial art education 殖民藝術教育 colonial painting 殖民繪畫 Company School

colonial photography 殖民攝影 consumerism 消費主義 consumerisation, consumer culture capitalism, industralisation contemporaneity 當代性, 當代意識 contemporary cultural heritage 文化遺產 tradition, Living Traditions, folk art, indigenous art cyberculture cyber-culture 網絡文化 digital culture mass media diaspora 流徙, 散居人士 displacement mobility, migration, globalisation, transnationalism, identity ethnicity 民族 race, identity everyday 日常 folklore folk story, folktale, folk tale 民間傳說, 民間故事 mythology gender 性別 androgyny, woman artist, women artist identity, sexuality, body feminism 女性主義 feminist art identity, sexuality, body geopolitics geo-politics 地緣政治 global-local, center-periphery, East-West geography, border, Global South globalisation globalization 全球化 global studies, worlding, globalism transnationalism, capitalism history 歷史 memory iconography 圖像學, 肖像研究 iconology identity 身份 identity politics, post-identity self, gender, sexuality, diaspora, ethnicity, race industrialisation industrialization 工業化 capitalism, consumerism language 語言 word, text literature, text-based art, graffiti, calligraphy, Calligraphic Abstraction mapping 製圖, 拼湊, 地圖 concept mapping, mind mapping, map, cartography data visualisation Marxism 馬克思主義 Marxist theory, Marxist ideology, Marxism-Leninism, Maoism, communism, class socialism mass media 大眾媒體 mass communication cyberculture social media 社交媒體 social networking cyberculture, digital art mediality medium 媒介性 memory 記憶 nostalgia history, trauma collective memory 集體記憶, 集體回憶 history, trauma migration 遷移, 遷徙, 僑民 diaspora, mobility, globalisation, transnationalism mobility 流動性 nomadism diaspora, migration, globalisation, transnationalism modernity 現代性 modernisation modernism mythology 神話 myth, legend folklore nationalism 民族主義 patriotism, national sentiment colonialism nature 自然 ecological art, environmental art, biological art, still life, landscape Orientalism 東方主義 politics 政治 activist art, political art popular culture pop culture 流行文化 pop art, visual culture, cultural studies, visual studies postcolonialism post-colonialism 後殖民主義 colonialism, nationalism, vernacular public sphere 公共領域

race 種族 racism ethnicity religion 宗教 religious art, theology Animism 萬物有靈論, 泛靈論, 泛靈信仰 Buddhism 佛教 Buddhist art, Zen Christianity 基督宗教 Christian art Hindu 印度教 Hindu art Islam 伊斯蘭教 Islamic art Arab World, West Asia Shinto 神道 Shinto art revolution 革命 uprising, revolt, military coup activist art, political art, politics ruin 廢墟 urbanism, cityscape self 自我 inner space, personal space identity, body sexuality 性向 gender queer 酷兒 homosexuality, homosexual, lesbian, gay, LGBT, bisexual, transgender gender space 空間 public space, spatiality surveillance 監控, 監視 technology 科技 science time 時間 temporality tradition 傳統 craftsmanship, Living Traditions transnationalism transnational, border-crossing 跨國主義 translocality border, globalisation, migration, mobility trauma 創傷 memory, war urbanism 都市主義, 都市性, 都市性格 urban studies, urbanisation cityscape vernacular 本土, 在地, 民間風格 cultural heritage, folk art, tradition, postcolonialism visual culture 視覺文化 popular culture, visual studies war 戰爭 violence, conflict trauma, memory ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Thanks to the following individuals for their generous suggestions and comments: Murtha Baca, Pamela Corey, Iftkhar Dadi, Jane DeBevoise, Hyunjin Kim, Eileen Legaspi, Lesley Ma, Georgy Mamedov, Salwa Mikdadi, Mella Nindityo, Po Po, T. Shanaathanan, Nora Taylor, David Teh, Reiko Tomii, Phoebe Wong, Saubin Yap, Zhuang Wubin.