LITANY OF THE LAST WORDS OF CHRIST ON THE CROSS. Optional Unison Choir, One or Two Cantors, optional String Instrument, Assembly.

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LITANY OF THE LAST WORDS OF CHRIST ON THE CROSS Optional Unison Choir, One Two s, optional String Instrument, Assemly Thomas Benson Pollack, 1836 1896 Adapt. y A.J.H. Alan J. Hommerding PART I / ALTERNATE / [ ] RECITATIVE - Lk 23:34 Expressiely dramatic - - Fa - ther, f - gie them, f they know not what they do. VERSES 1 3 I # # 1. Je - sus, in y dy - ing 2. Sa - i, f par - don 3. O may, who mer - cy woes, sue need, # # E- en while y When sins y Be like you in life - pains heart lood re - flows, new, deed, SAMPLE N 1. Beg - ging par - don 2. F know not 3. When with wrong f what spir - y its foes: do: leed: } 005859 Perfmance Notes: Each part consists of a Recitatie, three Verses, a Response. innes the response the first time, all repeat. The response after each erse is sung y all. The second line of the erses may e hummed y the choir while the cant sings. The second line may also e played on a od string instrument. If two cants are used, they may alternate eten the chant responses, recitaties, erses. Music text adaptation copyright 2003, Wld Lirary Pulications 3825 N. Willow Rd., Schiller Park, IL 60176. rights resered.

PART II RECITATIVE - Lk 23:43 Expressiely dramatic - To - day you shall e with me in par - a - dise. 3 VERSES 4 6 I 4. Je - sus, pi - ty - 5. May, in 6. May hearts # # ing guilt you the sighs shame, in - cline, # # Of the thief who Still y Look- ing loe from near mer - cross you cy dies, claim, find 4. 5. 6. N Prom - is - ing him Call - ing hum - ly On y cross par - on hope a - y di - dise: Name: ine: } ALTERNATE

4 PART III RECITATIVE - Jn 19:26 27 Expressiely dramatic N Wo - man, e - hold y son. - Be - hold y moth - er. VERSES 7 9 I 7. Je - sus, 8. May 9. May # # lo - ing in y all y s - loed the rows ones end share, e, # # Her whose heart y F y one sake ho - all ly s - per - fam - rows rend il dare, i - ly 7. 8. 9. N And y dear - est And en - joy y Lo - ing as you hu - ten - loe, man der so friend: care: free: } ALTERNATE

PART IV RECITATIVE - Mk 15:34 Expressiely dramatic # - My God, my God, # why hae you f - sak - en me? 5 VERSES 10 12 I 10. Je - sus od in 11. When seem in 12. Though no Fa - ther # # fears ain seems un - known, pray, With And hear, Though no # # e - il hope seems light left a - far a - spir - its lone, way, cheer, 10. 11. 12. N While no In the May light from darkknow ness that hea n e God is is shown: stay: near: } ALTERNATE

6 PART V RECITATIVE - Jn 19:28 Expressiely dramatic - - - I thirst. VERSES 13 15 I 13. Je - 14. Thirst 15. May sus, f # # in y us in thirst y thirst mer - loe cy pain, still, know; # # While y wounds y Lead y us ho - in ly life - wk sin lood ful - drain, fill, woe N 13. Thirst- ing me 14. Sat - is - fy y 15. Where the heal - ing loe lo - wa - gain: ing will: ters flow: } PART VI RECITATIVE - Jn 19:30 Expressiely dramatic It is fin - ished. ALTERNATE VERSES 16 18 I 16. Je - sus, 17. Sae us 18. Bright - en # # all in all ran - som paid, soul s dis - tress, hea n - ward way # # Be With the an Fa - ther s help e - er will o - eyed, cheer less, ho - lier ray,

N fect li - fect made: ness: day: } 7 ALTERNATE PART VII RECITATIVE - Lk 23:46 Expressiely dramatic - - In - y hs I com - mend my spir - it. VERSES 19 21 I 19. Je - sus, all y 20. 21. When May the y shades life of # # la - death death draw sup - ast, low r, ply # # y Guard us Grace woe from lie con - temp - ta - grace flict tion s past; pow r, die, 19. 20. 21. N 16. By y sufin ho - f rings, per - 17. While grow 18. Till pass per - Yield- ing Keep us Grace up y in reach soul at fi - nal home on last: h: high: } ALTERNATE Engraed printed in U.S.A.