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œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ . œ. œ œ œ great is your love, œ œ

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p M M M O O M M M M M M M M O vo M M M M MM

In Christ Alone. Keith Getty / Stuart Townend


Lead Sheet lorious ay (Living He Loved Me) KEY: 4 7 J. WILBUR HAMAN Additional ords by MIHAEL BLEEKER q = 76 Worshipully iano cues, Synth and Lite El. tr. 4 4 - en as illed ith His prais - es, VERSE 1 One day hen sin as 1. One day hen heav as black as could be, Je -sus came orth to be born o a vir - gin, elt a-mong men, MIHAEL BLEEKER - 10 my Bb m Add Bass ex -am-ple is He! The Word be-came lesh, and the Light shined a -mong b 13 16 20 24 m (no3) (no3) Band in Sn. on 2 & 4 us- His glo -ry re-vealed! Liv -ing, He loved dy -ing, He saved. (no3) r m 7 And bur-ied, He car - ried my sins ar a-ay; Ris-ing, He us - ti-ied ree-ly or-ev- m 9 J (no3) - er: One day He s com - ing- O glo -ri -ous O glo -ri-ous Band - iamonds VERSE 2 trs. - 8ths 9 REVIEW - o Not rint 2. One day they led up al -va -ry s moun - tain, One day they nailed 2009 My Reuge Music/lub Zoo Music (admin. by EMI M)/ Be Essential Songs (admin. by Sony/ATV Songs LL)/ Word Music, LL (ASA). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

28 to die on a tree; lorious ay (Living He Loved Me) - Lead Sheet - 2 o 3 KEY: Su-er-ing an - guish, de-spised and re -ect - ed: Bear-ing our sins, 32 36 Bb m my Re-deem-er is He! The hands that healed na - tions stretched out on a tree sus me.. r and took the nails or Liv-ing, He loved dy-ing, He saved And bur-ied, He car - ried my sins ar a-ay; 40 44 48 52 VERSE 3 J Ris-ing, He us - ti-ied ree-ly or-ev - er: One day He s com - ing- O glo-ri-ous Band - iamonds 9 O glo - ri-ous Ac. and El. - 8ths resume groove 3. One day the grave building Then He El. - 16ths & b b Bb b b m 56 60 could con-ceal no long - er, One day the stone rolled a -ay rom the door; eath could not hold ull groove REVIEW - o Not rint a-rose, o - ver death He had con - quered; No is as-cend - ed, my Lord ev-er-more! ; the grave could not keep. r sus rom ris-ing a-gain! Liv-ing, He loved dy-ing, He saved And bur-ied, He car - ried my sins ar a-ay; Ris-ing, He us-

64 lorious ay (Living He Loved Me) - Lead Sheet - 3 o 3 J - ti-ied ree -ly or -ev - er: One day He s com - ing- O glo-ri-ous O glo-ri-ous KEY: 9. 68 lo - ri-ous 72 75 BRIE trs. - 8ths. J 4. One day the trum -pet ill sound or His com - ing, One day the skies ith His glo -. - ries ill shine; Won -der -ul day, my be -loved One bring - ing; 78 Ac., El. and Synth only My Sav -ior, Je - sus is mine! Liv-ing, He loved dy -ing, He saved 81 84 6. r And bur -ied, He car - ried my sins ar a -ay; Ris-ing, He us - Band in - ull groove REVIEW - o Not rint - ti-ied ree -ly or -ev - er: One day He s com - ing- O glo -ri -ous b J ENIN b. 87 O glo -ri-ous lo -ri-ous 91 b O glo -ri-ous O glo -ri -ous b rit. J U

4 q = 76 Worshipully iano cues, Synth and Lite El. tr. 4 4 7 10 13 16 Lead Sheet apo Version apo 1 J. WILBUR HAMAN Additional ords by MIHAEL BLEEKER - en as illed ith His prais - my Em (no3) es, VERSE 1 One day hen sin as 1. One day hen heav as black as could be, Je - sus came orth to be born o a vir - gin, elt a-mong men, Am Add Bass ex -am-ple is He! The Word be-came lesh, and the Light shined a -mong 2 (no3) Band in Sn. on 2 & 4 us- His glo -ry re-vealed! Liv -ing, He loved dy -ing, He saved. lorious ay (Living He Loved Me) r REVIEW - o Not rint (no3) KEY: MIHAEL BLEEKER And bur-ied, He car - ried my sins ar a-ay; Ris-ing, He us - ti-ied ree-ly or-ev- - 20 24 (no3) Em 9 J - er: One day He s com - ing- O glo -ri -ous O glo -ri-ous Band - iamonds VERSE 2 trs. - 8ths 9 2. One day they led up al -va -ry s moun - tain, One day they nailed 2009 My Reuge Music/lub Zoo Music (admin. by EMI M)/ Be Essential Songs (admin. by Sony/ATV Songs LL)/ Word Music, LL (ASA). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

28 lorious ay (Living He Loved Me) - Lead Sheet - AO VERSION - 2 o 3 KEY: to die on a tree; Su-er-ing an - guish, de-spised and re -ect - ed: Bear-ing our sins, 32 36 Am my Re-deem-er is He! The hands that healed na - tions stretched out on a tree sus me.. r and took the nails or Liv-ing, He loved dy-ing, He saved And bur-ied, He car - ried my sins ar a-ay; 40 44 48 VERSE 3 J Ris-ing, He us - ti-ied ree-ly or-ev - er: One day He s com - ing- O glo-ri -ous 52 O glo - ri -ous Ac. and El. - 8ths resume groove 3. One day the grave building Then He Band - iamonds 9 could con-ceal no long - er, One day the stone rolled a -ay rom the door; a -rose, o - ver death He had con - quered; No is as-cend - ed, my Lord ev-er-more! Am El. - 16ths 56 60 eath could not hold ull groove REVIEW - o Not rint ; the grave could not keep. r sus rom ris-ing a-gain! Liv-ing, He loved dy-ing, He saved And bur-ied, He car - ried my sins ar a-ay; Ris-ing, He us-

64 68 72 BRIE J - ti-ied ree -ly or -ev - er: One day He s com - ing- O glo -ri -ous O glo-ri-ous trs. - 8ths lorious ay (Living He Loved Me) - Lead Sheet - AO VERSION - 3 o 3 9 lo - ri-ous Em 7. 4. One day the trum -pet ill sound or His com - ing, One day the skies ith His glo - KEY: 75 B. - ries ill shine; Won -der -ul day, my be -loved One bring - ing; 78 Ac., El. and Synth only My Sav -ior, Je - sus is mine! Liv -ing, He loved dy -ing, He saved 81 84 87 6. r And bur -ied, He car - ried my sins ar a -ay; Ris-ing, He us - Band in - ull groove J - ti-ied ree -ly or - ev - er: One day He s com - ing- O glo -ri -ous. REVIEW - o Not rint ENIN. O glo -ri-ous lo -ri-ous 91 rit. J U O glo -ri-ous O glo -ri -ous