28N6006E Three Hymns for Eastertide / arr. Meyer TTBB (SSAA) Three Hymns for Eastertide. arr. Edward H. Meyer TERMS OF USE

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J œ. œ œ. œ œ. œ J œ œ.


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Go Tell Aunt Rhody. & # # 4 4 œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ. & # # œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ. Key of D Major

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Three Hymns for Easttide / arr Mey TTBB (SSAA) Three Hymns for Easttide arr Edard H Mey TERMS OF USE purchas t product pmitted e PDF file t product accord follo restrictions: 1 makes on numb copies he or she purchased via NPH Web site 2 product may be ed on ith choir or pform groups purchas 3 e t product not transfable anor pson, group, or stitution ithout ritt pmsion publh

2 ohn S B Monsell, 1811-5 1!!Chrt 2!!Chrt 3!!Chrt!!Chrt - fast round rio - head! o'; lay thrall; Chrt He In We re - have turns tri -!!!! S Through No Be umphed Chrt Is R! Allelu All All Hce - forth lu - sad - sor - n ness ro has pra - o - found Chrt's, life o - TTBB(SSAA) once - v dead! more; day all es! p a R - Of That Death last or Lt - eve - hell vic - n shall # gates glo - rio for - lu - glad - mor - ness ro Grate - Death See All MORGENLIED Fredick C Mak, 18-192 arr Edard H Mey ful - and hell grave doubt - its Copy t mic prohibited by la 1995 Northstn Publh Hoe, 1250 N 113th St, Milaukee, WI All rights resved Tune: By ctesy Psalms and Hymns Trt

10 # # 3 hearts fore first - and a - fruits de - dore bd - giv - ec -, tion As See Spr - Of light re, up trem - once bl more vic - ho - hearts ap - r have pears; no, ground; ceased; # 13 1 21 Bo - An - He Hail gels as don on dead day but Refra Chrt! S pra - es! # oy fore, steps at - td -, no liv - ; res - ur - rec - tion! lu - # lu - # R - Glo - ry He Let as up round lost, re but and R - vic - Chrt # griefs and ound - ed he keep tears bro found feast - rio head! dead! 1995 Northstn Publh Hoe

aroslav ada Up Through Endless Ranks Angels TTBB(SSAA) ASCENDED TRIUMPH Hry Gike arr Edard H Mey 10 1!!Up through d - 2!!Death de - stroy -!! lu - n Spir - it s ears, need, grace! Hav - As less, ia, van - quhed broth - see ranks life al - re - an - sr - gels,, lu - No heav n - for lu - all - ir t - r s fears, cede; face! Cries Prov - throne fore ia, al - tri - umph e - qual brea as - cd - lu -, r Chrt Flesh looks don that for lu - up - ia, on orld al - faith - as ound - lu - ful, ed, Leav - Liv -, m for feel hap - ound - Son s py ed em - tears plead! brace! Copy t mic prohibited by la 1995 Northstn Publh Hoe, 1250 N 113th St, Milaukee, WI All rights resved Text: Augsburg Publh Hoe Reprted by pmsion Augsburg Fortress Tune: Ascded Triumph Hry Gike Used by pmsion

13 5 3!! lives 16 19 22 25 3!! lives an - n an - d'r an - n an - d r Through lives love a - bide; an - n an - d r, Sd y prom - ed fear and fail - ure ΠΠl - come ΠΠlives Spir - it - guide; With y po'r and ΠΠl - come as you re l - comed an d - less, d - less Eas - t - tide 1995 Northstn Publh Hoe

6 Crear Spirit, Heav Dove TTBB(SSAA) Rhaban Maur, 6-856 1!!Cre - 2!! 5!!Keep!!Prae a - far r scd up - on gift peace y on Ho - Spir - it, man - i - fold re - life, fire pro - tect - Son on sre love, guide, s Spir - it, heav n - Com - fort -, cru - el r and a - bove; God most high, hand s; ith m one; Y No crea - tures as y soul s a - not - e - vil can gifts that dove, cry, foe, Son Komm, Gott Schöpf Klug 1533 arr Edard H Mey De - With grac - es True fount If you be may re fore a - bove steps tide Spir - it flo Copy t mic prohibited by la 1995 Northstn Publh Hoe, 1250 N 113th St, Milaukee, WI All rights resved

11 Ó 1 1 20 3!!In!!Y 6!! light make s sse - im - r ith fold, part, knon; grac - hold heart; on; es ry hold heart; on; s sse While Y - im - r 3!!In!!Y 6!! grac - es s sse - im - r fold, part, knon; We Teach God s shed you on ith ngues un - fail - hose name Œ While Y you on al - y th e - Œ ith un - hose light make ith grac - es Œ Œ fold, part, knon; With might - y love t - nal Œ hand Son We, In fire might pro - sup - God Son claim p bless, ngues fail - name fire might pro - sup - Of Œ all strgth - both Ó orld Spir - - it, Œ ho - fir - mi - con - name ty fess claim p bless, all Spir - - it ho - fir - mi - con - name ty fess 1995 Northstn Publh Hoe